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Libertyville Independent, 12 Dec 1918, p. 13

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PAR~'ÔflR - -- WARREN FOR EATS Man Who for Many Nights Es-:1 caped Efforts ta Capture Himm, Stili Dining VISITS FOUR PLACES in One He Helped Self 10 But- ter, Crackers and Mutton -Modest at Others Grsyliake, Dac. 6-3 P. M-Whofl wookimCn were dlmging m lb.the ho ett h. Wlcks P&"e mur a0e'S Car. Rar mersibs aflorneon ta ihrow hay to te horms, tey 31m-1 mbbsd te* wort 1.110 'tiéebody of a men Who wMa »Jieep, hiddn 1 nthe hsy. Hec was iImmdiately plsced ln de- etitot mnd ton taketi te te Grays- * laite lockup where ha a boiIl held on suspicont of beng âine Of the mon é y7o hba .broakina mInto h houae cm in Warren during the past seycral night. iHoeslaa tl, fairly ucli dressod man' but e1ttis ime he ham not been que&. tioflCd much by the police. * il la reported thal two placea were brokon into near Warrenton Gravc mtrng Thuredoy night. bolli wilhki an hoau! although tbough fiyo mlci- sport, indtcating the thoyes ethc. Jtad an auto or that te thefis wer,- made by two parties. Shor fi Green was netîtod and w?ý1! out t0 Graytake late this aternoon. 1The mini captured loday lsa .c.i or#d mani, about 35 yeus acid. The cozttY authoritiee certail arc pr-manteS vit a dîflicul probl, ln trying ta apprebend the mura' mn uwba la prowllng around bort lu Warren township alglitq whoseeoe objeot t emata o la, omethin: ta eat. Farinera anS cconny authorities trylag ta locate the fellowv matas aïs ppesranca easci nîgbt Wakrren aiS vi$staon Uie aveare tan or Iliree homes viiore lie & lms maleset anythln.g excepting fo staffs. Ftrthermore. in the total mamts ta te enougit merely tu ah oX « ud the perpeiug pari ILithUat s0 far. uobody bas been a té round lm up andi place hlm Jut at ilu«k Thuratiay niglt 1 MS0k of <lurne". saw a man corna -X« à aloft, sldlng dovu te ay r, en Caries Edick's place. Thisa eàcrricil 4 hag over bis shoulder. caetstof t bich of cour3 ild enuld et ms". , Word vas sent a]ong th*l Belvt< Xg»d tC Éat the suspect vas moi lovaiS thte veAt but people vho w M te lok aithe man vhenhe p! ed sai- b. vax not th,- une t vare lookinlg for. The man ausp eS of golng into te bousee la a to have voeu a pair of olue over vherças the man Ihook saw voro beaty overccac, vas a olg, strarg feflrad aparently vas not caine man tha farinais baS doseri The &rsIplae vr hero i annger made bis apoarauce Thursday aiglt was at "Oradmua" Cbard's home near Gages L.k. 'cburch. - There he an- tel',thUi basemant and made bis vag to the rooma on the flrst Ilor * NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICE la hereby gîvonm *5k the SBoardCofLocal ingme-,e l *na et ithe Cty of Northi chca lmgo Lakte Couty.tIlinois, bl i led f~la the Connty Court of Lako County. plino01,-d certlllcate that the foloe%- t m provemenl bas been complct- nad, anS that il conforma substantil- * ly te the requiraments of the cris- bliOrdîntanca for the canntructon et * the saine, to-vît: Contructhng catch basinsm' man- -boes andl curbinut. gradlng, Sralnlng, adjnstmng men manholas and par. lai waivtb brick a portion of State treat altanteS bàetveen Mue aout. lina of Sixteent h treet extended Scro e efd tatprtondof hen Me iS Softhat portnfSe th t-oemth atreet, ece., al ln the Cty ci - !rt Cheti cago, CoUnty of lAke and Btaet Illinois, the saine being Nort Chicago speclal Asesmant eot - sNCourt Docitet No. 128, Trhq Board aiso certIieS tevite cont M- thorcof Md theo s1nme ailmated that Km reuiréd te puy accruing luteilebt M~ obonds andvouclers Issued teoan- titolpte the collection of aald assesa- 7 met admaSe applicaton te saiS CoMrtte couslder aldtermînf v1otter or net the facto as stated @gM, certificata are truc. 'A - @ bsO lvil ho baS on the saIS ap- 0 lIlton on th 3Mtbdiy of Decen,- ber, A. D, 1918. ai the bour of ton - gOel Uin heforenco of saiS day at -thé Cdituty Court roamu of salS 4' Daqn tla tha Counîf Court lieuse at - * ~~teguIn saiS Laite County. bJclà.s may ho fileS teatS ap~ *IW&lmtimon o or batore the bour of itelocdSkith e ferenoon of sald Pv.1 lDateS at Nortb Chîcaga. Illinois, 1i»lti day ot Decemitet. A. t., - .rr r - ~- t 'r * n.n'.,.M nn~nn - - - r 5~t5MZI~t4UtIR~Ui15> 'i-'tttiMevi>ai. ~LF~UiSijLI5~it< 12. 1918 New Commandant' Tihis sa the mam *h. oos COPi. W. A. M~e ata moe Lake& Tii. ptut blow e the, « .t h "W pbià Avl 11 r wtbm omng te reai LaItuele a uttb of imprtsoce teaait iVo. Cap L4 W Sca les Capt. Arcbîbald W. Scales, new commuandant at tc, Great Laites nav- ai training statCon, today took over the management of the institution deve'.zlcd by Capt. Wl!iam A. MIoTe:t Io thc largeet of tA klyrd in 1th, coIlId. Vatrt. Scaies a'.iid a, tie clatioziWedr.esday and r.gular k- y rl'vlew wa£ mde a a 3pErlaI crr- moen n>'bails Ikonor. ,Cap. Scaeâ w:.raduatctd tro.n the' naval scadempy ln 1aS7. A.% à luttenant lie 100k part in th.e Straa- - h2uAmerican w ar. hecarne a lieutÉe- niant. senior grade, In 1899, a lieu tenantrummnander lu 1903 andi a cap- tain in 1914. Wbý'en orderad ta Great Laiees hvas. in - rntnand of the U S. S. Delaware- Hip norne is in Nor- fo1uIt.Va. are Who 1 i where hoe a P orne cake, cracke-s eof and butter and la the pantry ha foundj ISb a mutton roast vb'ch lheeut gene.- (),d- ously and L-atimiled bis appetite afttr h. a'hlh ha quetly took bis departure. gct He then volted Chet Aines and1 t of Evan ]Lawrence I*aces where bis able tracks wve adsooered but In nr.ri 1 iner of tiiese places did he taka any, thlng.1 Roi Noat ho e vat to Gardner Faulkner'm ou, Place where it vas tater found litu ropc trled Into gI m the bouse by the1 man back door. Instead of gettlng inu.bc i ùw tÉtned te bay which wax on thec go outalde ef the door and lrieked t Ib1 fawliy ln. The. tact that he did not .ae Iman.dateiy enter te bouse wttcn1 vin theo 'ey vas ou the autaide Indeat,-s1 VAn. that no doubt that hp lo not I.n hie )agr- riglit mind and merely ia looking for1 acet Hils perationa te"m to bave bee:1 aid iestricted entlrely 10 Warren stown mll slip, once lu a wbllaeztending over re a. tito Avon.1 Yowuagsie sBOGmIy Do. martley vas vsloting bis anal for a lev dais. A friand asked hlm if ho leut tenebool. He admtted tat ho bad not been jet, but votunteered to tell bier vartous thlngs whieb mamma. b.d tanglit hlm. Than wlth a sudden briglit aiprematon ha added: "And 1 'iiio me thinga I've nover boss rechea !- NOTICS.. PIJBUC hI0I'MM te Hlerby Givan tlat theBoard 01 Local Improvameutz of lb. City of North Chicago, Laite County. Illinois, basnfIleS ln the Ceunty Court-.of Laite County. Ili- nois, a certificate tht the fellowlng lmprovamont liasbeau comploteS, aud that il conforme suhatantially te tle requirements ot the original or- Éinance fer tle construction et the smre, tovwlt: The pavlng and othervise Ipoe ing taeroadvay et a portion <ofSMate Sitreet f rom tbe SouthsfUe of 'lenh StMot extendeti Vesl serons maiS State Street and the North lIneo f Slxteantl. Streat exteudati across saId State Street, etc., ali In the City of North Chicago, Laite Coint>', Illnola. the Saine hng North Chicago Spe liaI Asseusment of malS Court Dockt- et Ne. 129. The Board alto cortified ta lteO coaI thereof aOÙ theo&Moesetimated that il; required ta 'pay accrulag lu' tereut on the bonds anS voucîhers Ie- sueS teanatlcîpate the collection of salS asgesamout anS madle applIca- lito ta lScourt 10 coumider snd Se. termine wlellier or flot ile factiasa stated lu malS certificats arc trUm. 'A bearing vîll ho bad On the nid application on Uice0$M day et De- cemÉlel' A. tD-, 19.18. jet theo bur '0f tan o'clock bu the tfrueen tk s aIS day et lte Count>' Court rom Of. malS Court ln the Couuty Court Hiouse ai Wauitcgan, l in aIS Laite CeuntY O)bjectafl m a>a e llaSte mgald mp- plliou ou onor before the leur cf tan o'clock lu tha ferenoon ef maiS "aY. Dateè at, North Chicago, Illinois, Ibis 12th day cf DocaMbor, A. D>.. iM8. r~rm CHla1 ~ P, MERT CIIaISTENSEN jSEff C. MLKARNOSEPFI C. MeLIIARN'- - STAJILETPALBICKI SALYPLIK z .1UDMembers o h or. f.cll * t t BordemSetofaLoai - ftiBor.oLcaln etth uye. Nor4bCi-Iprovemeptu of the City' o, No4rth îniaoîc. ! CbicaEe. Lakte Cout)', flnôlg. - ' 'Witiywo . 21 Wiy Deu. 12-19 -- I CAPT. MOFFETT'S ARIÊWEL1 December 7, 1918. fTo the Officers a.n4 Men at Great.like .1 In re1inqi'shini the comniand, of Great Lakes and the Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Naval Districts and in turning the comimand over to my successor, CKptain A. H. Sceles, Il. S. Navy, 1 wish to, take ad- vantage of this opportunity to extpress mxy keen ap- preciation to a]iithe officers and men under my coin- mnand for their devotion, loyalty, patriotism. and ser- vice. Our success is due to co-operation, teain-work7 and devotion to our ideals. We have thought con- stantly of the sucess of Great Làakes and thè Navy. Eaeh one of us bas kept steadily in mmmd everything that would be for the good of-the ship. fGreat- Lâkes and the Naval Districts have sent out oneinmtdred thousand men in the service of their country, and the forty thousand remaining behind have also served and done their part. During my. service of over thirty. years in the Navy 1 have neyer served with men who were more devoted and unsel- llsh and had a higher spirit. 1 goj froin you with a (leeper and stronger love of coiýntryý, iuspired hy thù hig'h spirit of patriotisi of the offieers afld nien 1 have hnd the honor to eommand here. W. A. MOFFETT, Captain, U7. S. Navy. 00mitev's Day Noyer Lo.iê Thére la a certain clamae o people 'Itb vbom the guthlng person viii cet ý bering, but titis loi mereij e- mause that particular cin enjoju Sattery. un art in whleh the' guaher la paRrtlcularly akiful. But. taken on the whole. lunnn nature appreci- atea frantkoos a net ieerty. And theqe two qualitieg rive to the' eje »n emprreîMon ilrih lq not to be over- looked ln the' ee.k- i frer renufy. AIR NiVISATO Ensign R. Whitrnani Expert In- strtîctor of Aerial Navigation at, the Aviation Depàrtment, Great Lakes Pomar rom Prison If men are the helieas crentures of tlheir envlronment, how then do you nr'count forltefart Éthtitn Éble prigon there.are tlirr'e eparat.' and distinct gradem? Slnce the environruui l pre. rigaly tenme. hou' do you explain the itegregation of lthe Innactes into thrte whoiiy dlrmalItr c!nss'illcatons? --Letvenwortb New Eri. ..iOYLAND With ail its Christinas thrilis is sinply 1b lixîg over with joyful Gifts and Tovs foi' the Kiddics. Eaeli season br-ings, forth hutndreds ot îww ideas i nu-seful gifts andtîy thatwili amusie and instru<'t <hildçeîî, blit t his vear t he toymakers seeni to have sîîl overdemp thernseives, as there never wvere so inan-r thin gs for' the kiddie4 hefore. Bring thieînin, mdý let thern enjoy the wondroîîs si*ghjts. '-t 'r -il Character DoIls The Axueriean maîde Character DoIls -are ereating more intea'est than anv doli ee'(r placed on the inax'ket before & eveî'v child wîil want one or înorîe of thein. Prices ranîge f rom 39c up te $12.00 Tinker Toys T4e wondrous in- sti'uctive toy, cornes in round cartons f or miailing. There are many novel Ahne that can be buit with this popular toy,. Book of directions in, each carton. Priees range fyoni WiC up to $100 Erectors Buildero' This is one of the Most instructive. toYs any boy ean -have. It tAaches humI mecha-n- irai building anf . thesaine turne !É very entertaining. Direct- ions 'for -building',iiil eae.h' 'box. Priceè< S p to $2500 Ablackboard is a ver y 'instructive gift 'f'or boys or girlsand we have ail sizes and kinds froin the, imail- est to ime. large r ones, inedu4ing 't»e wall chr8 Prices range Uc up te $400 Building Blocks Oi' line of Ihiîildiîîg, bîloeks is the Iisst i bill pl't c <ver sh(îu-îliii WVatîkegii. Tîî'î. ail kindLs of sulid anîd hiollow- blîîî'ks iii a lar'ge ranîge of sizes and sh.rt1ws.P'î', range frein 15c up te $2.59 Kiddy Cars For' ehildî'en of al ages, and everv one of thein lik'es to ride on this popu<iar three- wheeled horse. The steering w'heel1 that: turns, enables them to go) -wherever they like Pricesrlanige. from *.9upcte $4.50 Friction Toys Clever littie automo- biles, boats, hook and làdder wagons and. iiumerouLs other fric-- tion toys in, a large range. of' styIýes and sizes a'wait youl' se- lection for the bo>ys gift., Prices range froin 50C U to $1.85 Canntons. With the war ended, evcry boy is1inter2r, ested in tnnon-q., Our fine covers ail the new models that are used in modern war- fare. and will please a boy oif any age. Prices range front 25c up to$2.0 Miniature Pianos Ev'eîy littie girlI likes .1tian lît îi w'e have endeavored te hs livr'e hy seleeting .1 size Pianos. Ail are well inaie and sweet toned. Prices range f rom 59c up to $7.50~ Drums 'What eould be more patriotie than'a dx'um n w that the war is over, and every boy likes to beat a drumn and make lots of noise 'W' hiave ail sizes and kinids. Prices range fromu 59C up t $450, Children's Sleds A large selection of sleds for boys and- girls, including the "Flexible Flyer" and comstes, ale moder- atelyý priced here, al ere well made to stand real service. Priees .xange froin $1»25"up.te $2.98 Tool Chests Boys like tools and a chest of toolsa such as you will.find here will - ti very entertainiilg & instructive to boys of ail ages.-. We have ail qize chéits filled with go od too1s-Prices range trom $39up te $1500 al] l'ai ii kil Pr Doit Beds 1(1 t'o4ps iii a large. ige of sizes-soîîie q iati-esses anîd jllomws -SouIîef fi .hiung leds, faet alîîîost aiiv .nd yeun may desiî'c. rices range fî'onî < 69C Up ta $2m5 DolilTrunks l-,4 AIl ehildreîî are anx- ious to have a trunk in which te keep dol- ly's elothes. It also teaches thein to be ti- dy about the honse and during their play. Bach trunik has a lock and ke. Prices l'ange0 froin 1 59C up te $4.50 ' Wagons q We have evýrything that children ývant in wagons fî'om, ther very smallest to thhe . large coasters. Ever'y wagon i n this large assemblage is w cli made and very ser.- viceable. Prices range f rom 5up to $10.00 ' 'free Ornaments 'What would Christ- mas be without a Christmnas Tree?. aud you will want it nicely ,decorated. We have a fine selection of orna- mental fruit and tin- sel ornaments. Priees range from 5c up te15c - I Al il , imew Âb sat11 ei Raving finlgbed blis tunltbe dîner ealied for his eltacit. "Ltet'm sec," maid the waiter. ,what' dld you baver' -Cmn't tell for the lite of me," w»m Uic roply; "but int 1 ordored wam mnineS ehJeken."-BOtofl Transr -r' AA. S, . dalms that o am s ait the. posinge $temps ho soe*M xaoekdomu à alexasin *dobi -ffl te o&* the. como*:W, The Most Up to Date and Only Mahogany Jewelr y Store iWaukegan with a large stock-of the latest Jewelry. Look for tho Name in the.lrid!walk 'Wamlbgan. lis. CAMP LOW iA1 FAT"I6 RE. LIE VEI 0F MEN' There are aniy 1.09 men at Camrp Logan at the présent tîme. Last wln- ter there were 2200 men, whlcb vas the blgheat numbas. there bas evrr been aIt the, camp. Sînce the armîs Ùca bas heen sIgneS thero bas been a conâtant tream of men train tic eamp unili the number baa dwindled dow nto 309 and it la stateti thal iu a short tUme there vIl!l be oniy 1100 men there and Ibese viii probabiy re- main ail the minier. Enaîgu S. M. Abraims Il, stillint charge of the camp and he la dong aIl inbislmpower t0 see that the, men ara comfortabie. It bard on the a.lora as accommo- ditbon there vas llmtted. Soins had to taite rfugeý-ln UieZmon Home ai Mona City. where there vas plenty ef steam heat. Many a nîglit vhen the weather vas below zeoethe ai- ors vol'. obligeS o, talopIn latath', Homo o nUttir vay to thie c&mp. The 'oadm vers almoast impassible' for weeks. andi detachmeuts of men lad to ho ent teStar tha hlghwaY. As a resultof Uic large number of men detached qrom the cam-p the band at Camp YOogsu bas heen broc- orn up. Mont, ofthtcMelk vere Sent ta roat L.aitoe verè no doulit they becoma a part of the vorîd'a urgesI band. Wity Creset l sIuricih Symbot. When"Constautlopie was a BYzaft- tUno cty. hi'bp. tae faiher of Atai- der the (IrealtrIeS te reduce it byj stage. Ha as nrucati by day. by surpriseoln the tlaritthe craeai moon and stars appeared and eaupasei biS vaniers ta the citizana la bolot et ber protection of the clty te By- santians hblit a statue to Diu,'a and mode thoe reffent the symbol ofthlie Cty. Autmdbay COMs Wi.'1 A devise SW& mm b eisi by la-, bousokcpmemm aausellei vludov clouer. t la maipulate4by a rlp ef bletting paper vhich bolSa la place a rod gr lover conocted vith the. sab. A drop eoftain ottons the paper. reicasse i.lover anS dosm Oi-ngl itmoIays, la the lisIot aISd Eglîis oidays1 Canulomswvnm Tbruary Zhie Sale 'on vblcb ve nov look for thec greuS.i hog te foremat Uic veatbor. and 015 Ca"demas, February 14, wblch Io nov oliServed t st. vste,,ineà dar. Neyer. We'vo noflee euething. ISpontane. eus combustion neyer starts a airo la the kîtchen slove.-Brewnlng'm Maga- ine. *riefy Anmosewd. Thea 1IngUsb mauper of toduy, of vlitlare Mcellelseiaéit. Isthe Crovtb of ouiy a century or se, Johin w8lsvrtihy vios lalt tYale U&e <ew. Thore*vas probably notbltg fnt 'Ui liii. lbla o s <s eofElizabethi Or veea of mehal. LThe Englismon- ner wam sill racy. vhon te inhbhiaflto j f Vrtinlu, ne ve are toiS, sent over lo ne btat th.er elble dîlf.bed 10 tbcrn mone blemrbleal assitnce for the goog of ther mouie, and veto quavwered "D-u jour $eUlI, grovto' Optlmi&Uo Theugitt The offcndor fodreti reMrbuto,h.t te Innocent tsarth tartinse. Wity OUsd"Clove." Ie verS «elove" bau oe »dean f râi5 te Fruich voril "clou," vitici moa is Mil,because- ofthUce omm- be-.portiy recia" mdpettI, fancIui, -sNb the Sule-ekqve bueu luàa aL, au e,

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