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Libertyville Independent, 19 Dec 1918, p. 12

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STORE TIIEFI oMe rs ai ofS. Meyer'Family arm otive Moore Is Man Who Held Up Store DISPELS SUICIDE THEORY' Authorities Renew Search for Moore Who le Wanted for Having Deserted Auj 'ingeiii fiiabt ebat, "~tt haie remained as to the. dentity Of the bluejacket ivia nabbed the S. Moiyer store et the point -tsf a revol- ver lait satur'day night. CetUung avaY vlth a compleot ot <civil- lin clothing, va., dispelled today viiben the. memsbers.of thie Meyen-fata- uy vere sliovu a picture of 41. H. Moore a salron-vadesWred froin -be Great Laites station on the uighit of Novenab, r-29. -All mënsierls of UeMeyer famlly pos!tively identify tihe sailor u-s the 'orignal of the. pie- turc. 1 Thie positive identification 1Il'.- vise dispels the possibility (bat Moore nfigit bave committed suicide by drowning, iu thi e et Waeke- gin as b. sougit tomk ose * liai autiiorities believe wben hbe wrote a note saying lie intended "à deavu lîlmgelt fand tiien icthi1e c1, * and au ncid bottle on ithe end of the pier. The police ail but captured Moore1 llondiy ni.-bi when hewvent to the Collins, -home on Sheirdan road bti lie made bis escape. Severai eol bave ueen cireulated tilat Moore lia' been seen wiich would lndicate tith. be sail L l.s overing in this vicInity. Waukegan Locals Corpral Thiomas E. McCaun, t- tee-b.d to the bospital corps et Fort' ilnelling, lilun.. bas been '-romoteà 1 ta sengeant. Uis belng the ii!ghest1 ruje tiat eu besUsiain n Clu le bn-sncb of tb service une.. on. la gradoate nurse or physicien. Chief Yeoman James M. Mccanii vbo arrived lu Nev Yark àManday tram Frannce, made the trip tu tuls coutry on tii. Levatiien, fonmerly tiie Vaterlend. the. largest ship afloat.j It la 910 t..t long. On the. came boat wua Ty Cobb o fille Detroit Amer-- caau, ofcdthe.biggest stars ln lssseball. Cobb, ln a speechi deliv- ered an the boat et the ernest sai- cttiUon of allier men lu thé, servicp stated tlsat ho vauld give e frec 5icket to everyone ou boad vin at. tended the. lint gae.of ball h. plays on hie ratunn regiardlees of vb.t park the. gaine may b. played, *Harold Onin, mechanicien ai hie fatiier's garage. had thii. o f one of hie fingers tom off Tuesday wviii reiîilng anuautomobie. Hie finger vas ceAgh't between the. wieel and istake. Justice t'armer todav bound to tii. grand Jury lu $500 bonda, Chaerles Prankakunois vho was ciierged vltb lavlng taken mouey and clothes be- llsnglng ta the, laie Bdward Marks. lie ct first claimed b. vas Marks' lettull and$.benfl 'aer .vhen be found Marks laf t nuts ette. deuied reiatlonsbïp but ,.eit the mauey.. Judge Edvands this afteruoon re- fuaed ta grant a uev triailunthe. ça". vieref thnu. lty af AnUtocb iras ordored ta pay damages of 8171& for Injuries reoeived by a smael boy -vison hb. caugiit hie iiand ln the, eflet an englue vii!ch hlid bgen lenIthe tistreet. A nev trial vaa acked an the. grouud tiiet the. verdict 'vas4 excessive and aIa liatI h must 'bave been a compromise. Notice af =n epal ta the appellate court vas IW.and Mrs. George Itenehen left taday far Flarida to speud tie vin- ter., Tbey planued going before, but Mr. RoueRIa vas taken sick and vas fon.ed ta paatpone thse trip. The. four chlren of Mr. and Trs. 1, J. Wilhlol aIl are fil of the, 'fie." trne chiid becae 11ilu et Satun-day. l'h. otiier tbree iecame 111 laet nigit. Au ordinance irovlding for the re- mmillering of bouses an aven-y treet te Wiukegau vas pased by tise clty emèlait the regular meeting Mon- *e ni«Iht.The. varking out of tuie renumbering plan bac required machi thnean sd effort, aiunuder tiie ucv SIca thons la a number for every 23, 1est of eti'et frantage lu the. city. MlcMary Hotchins bas gon. to 'tlsd, Californle. to spend the, vin. ,Word bas tseen r.ceivd iiere Usai Clgrence Tonnuiat and Major Thiom. eumaeeted vitii an ammUnitioui train la l.* U. 9. army, expect te leave Fant %esA*y , LR.1..ln a fev udays and vll w~al .mustered out et Camp s OrnI. Tieelocal youug men yene av tâtlir vay ta a sesport ta embeni wisq th"beyvnre aalled. X»%.'. Jamés M. McCann rece!-.i Word today tisat her b',abatsd, Câief YOOOMnMcC«n wvio iias been ln ta sunation postoffie e t Pauillac, fto« ~~jsince lune 5-, bas anrived ln 4- h .tChiot Yeoman MeCann vii of etir <TiiaasMeCan vai lthe Weukegan postof f lE $50mas e .ntened Great Lakeà Mm ittiest he vas trans 0<Tecumseh, Ne-lt *o.q4ed U3. a. soldici; Wf* as woundei -"a- 5~5 ' MAise Ruths Beslpy and her fiancee, Lieut. Hmrer Dahringer, mîslng aviator v.hons Red Cross worker ncw sye s stsfe. tPhoto, curtesy lier- aid-Examiner). in tlic hp with a miachine giin b'"0 lot anid 'n the knee hy shrapnel Harry Brown, a plumber employed bY the L.. H. Prenticc cnmpsn«.Il> drepped Coead todny nt GrentLa when working on a job for Pas2ben Bros. Heart fi'ouble was givoe it s> the cause. A jury was impanneie'l and the body wag releaged to 'ie ship 4, lied baek tn Chicago. Brtskfln as at wor', et the tijne hie keeled ci er but,.by the timie a doctor was called, lied disd. furnished by seven jackles troni The eouservIsors leriday noon en sreet Laiea-,Jas. G. Welch acted as joyed a venison and duck dinner '! toastmaster and called upon nearly guests uf the Wau'<egan supervisors, overy supervisor for remarke. Af- served by Mna. David Gibson at ber ter the feast the supervisors return- hoise on ',%IAion street. About 40 cd to the court bouse to finish their ver, preseut. Entertainmient was ses'sion. COUPARATI19 PIRICES ON FOODS AS PAXD BY RETAILERS AND CHAROID TO CUSTOMERS I'ailowing are fain pnices forlfoc4; tn 1*ke county for the. cunrent week, as deterinedby the. food ad ministration. Naines of aIl dealer@ seIling et pnices outaido of this rang e eiiafld bc neportmd tu G. C.. Gridley feAerzi1 food -adminhstrator far Leke c ounty. or to tovu'leip admlniatrators *à, vill tak. the. proper action: (PYrpaned bY th* Waukecen food ad nlnhstrdtion. lif.oivvee»l begi ni-ng Decein ter 20, 1919. Rtalit one. cuctomer alsouxa pay fur lhe atapien naan.d miouid no« Meei the toUewvin. lThe tutanthe retller of eacb article aloo la glYsu Cool ta Retisler Pries te Consumer Grmnulited BSar ( In buik) ........Per 100 Ies-Io 10 lu Il lok.?> Wrjipred Bread ............Fer lb.- Ioi2-41%10 White Flour ................er 1-8 barrel]l4..~ $.51G White Fleur (dii buils)............. 4 Ibo. -24ë 28c tRye*Flour (ini baga).............. 5 1>1-2330fill rRt Fleur ....................... Per 1-8 barrel-$l.3-.&c, $1.50-1.60 WhoI. Wheat Fleur ...............Ib' bag-32 14Se 87c t rcam-Fieur,.................. .5-lb. bag-Sk. 37C Baeiey Floure...................... Per bbl.-$.50 6c l b. Rye Flour........................Per bbl.-$10 7c lb. -Rico Flour ........................ 100 Ib.-$9 lc lb. 1(Voinier the. Pr.eident'a proclamnation retpilers must oeil and consum.j ors Must boy vitb oeach four pounde 0of v'îlte flou'x a pound of sane oui)- stitaite. Consumiers bave choice of c,.rnméaI, coin igour. barley fleuric gour, oat gour, buckviieetgour and potata Gour. Rye gour, grm tSaur, viiole weheat gour and cake, gaour nay bec oud vittbout substtuie. Cern Meai (white bulk)-----------.Per- 100, lbo.-$5 Cen Mcci (YOIIOW bulk) .......... Pen 100 Ib.-$6 ma" (uhele> ..................Fper Wb-340 Baco. <h@emgrades) ...... ........'en-b-51c bac» îm.dlum grades) ..........Pan-b-45c. B8acon Squà-0s (wisolé.*..........l'on- hb.--47 LinJ (béat grades, carton)>........l' en- lb-31c Lîr4 (bulle)....o.................FPer lb.-30 Lar,. COtpOund.................FPer lb.- -25e Clibos. (fieli cream cut te arder)- . l'en lb.--40c. Clissas (fui raftà, brick) ........ l' en-lb.. -40c 'rufles(00 te 100);..............Par b-lle deminy ..........................lPen 10f. lb.-4$7.Z Rîce (Fancy) ......... en- 100 b-1150 Ries (blue me)..........Per 100 lbs.-49.0O Sean. (Lima)-----------Per 100 lb#.-$15 lisana <Nevy, hand p i ...--------Per 100 lbs-$12 1411k <hioheet grades) ............. lie sOulk (medium grades............ 17o Miik e(vaPorated. fnot sweetened) -...l1c ce -<Ont oMos iglisiIl, eartosnmthait la tubs) SI utterine (Stahndard graces, cartons). Par ib.-35c Sutterin. <tandard grades. .Olls> ... Per- 1.-Sic b Sutt*runo (medium) relie lard huik. . er lb.-Sfc Egme OO(strlctiy feesh, candisd)-...Dozen-72e ltEgge (cold storaee ............----Dozou--Sic tu Potatoet .........-...- ...........Pur 10 ie PO.titnte(Wectcnn)....... .-...Par 10toLs-8U0 sc lb. Se lb. Isec 67e COLUBIAGIAFNO FOR -CHRISTMAS Our Special--Grafoniola like etit in oak, m-ahogany or' walîîut with texi selectioi., otf volir ehoiee (tive 1<) inehl dlouble dise s-eoî t1s for 9 <lilv ................ .............. - 9 Grafonolà price, $47.50. Oak or Mihogany. F 2, Price $95 Our Harmony Special Lir11ge <iCtfonoia inIi Mi- Iîîîgaîîy i il.v. itli six tùîîîs (thrlie 11 nt-h doublhe dise reciords for 74 (<17.45 Grafonola B-ak 25 or Mahogany.... 325 210212-214 S. *ENEBSEE ST. £X-CROWN PRINCE DISPLAYS lis R ., t- cr ovu "ce et Fu ,-i.4 ltàdlêt viti tie puidI th itlist thaevord. 1He did mol àoWe rvnt *Dy hie «v Sie __ a6c 29c N'eanly 2%0 -people set'dovu to the 48c bountlf o] sopper given by the ladiex af the. Presbyterian clamurch Wednes- 49 day evçning. The. sale 0f supper 15r tickets tagethen- vith the. proceeds 1 - romn tiie bazar netted à neat suin 'Ac lb. ta the society. 13a lb ReT. J. C. MCOY came out from liée lb. McCornalck Seininary ta attend the If piPron0f the Presbyterlsn ciiurch. .Tii. Modem Woodmen iiold their reguier electlan of officers Wednes. 80< day evening at their hall lni the.audi. isc toriumn. Tiiq im. afficers vere ne- 77c eiected for another yoe.. On. of the Most pleacant social sents of the season vas the. New 40e Eugland suppen- and bazaaj given by 380 the ladlee--of the. Prembyterian churcb i<~IWednesday eveang. There iwas a large cravd In attendanoe and a Most ?cbountitul suppen- vazs tlI'?Ed Tii ose ladisca iiad collected £ arge Db. of 1-7) lbi 40c, number of linen and fa ncY artritee Px. 0f lb.. 4M ilat mmet vith W s-iedj amie, Our Special No. 2---Grafono'Ia like', mit, but aIs(i e<1iipped with patent re-ý -îîî' (jC('tll, inî.111 flnishies with 12 Oeie <îs<f vi îî hoiîî (s~ix 10 îneh dliif disr o Grafonola Price, $60. Golden Oa.k, Fumed Oak or Mahogany. H 2, Price $120 WAUKEGAN, ILL. A MUSICAL GlIVI- -is a 'Uf Gift In our list of Musicý Instruments you'w:- find many -gifts to eýý tertain both family an" friends. 1 Victrolas a'nd Récords O,'Shea & Bidinger Evervthinz in music BANJOS VIOLINS BANJO UKULELES MANDOLINS GUITARS PIANOS GlYITAR MANDOLINS PIANO PLAYERS loi

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