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Libertyville Independent, 19 Dec 1918, p. 15

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L1BME!ÏtV1LLE INDEPENDENT, TIITRSI)AY, DECEMBER 19,'1918 "dâi. Â âà" 1 mmnr on account of la.ck of mater- FW E0~ SS _ 3 -, !Ch c g 0 lt. lie contracture however, plant 10 U ýw_ Lake the work up as soon ast good w,'athéer opens up In the 8pring. ýÀ » ST J N# M he infant cbld of Mr. Edward The North Chicago llbrary wlli ha \1a.k passed eway Jeate Monday nîght open ln the' etternoon at well as the, a te aiopertioneseting hareatter. Nliss S-giId Nel 0FfLESTER BABYperform- ::sn ha.- planned te nkete>irr Il)(opeattn. he cildki othl.,plan itll b,'of gi-cal bensfit te the oedr of the Sun in Indignant j ! Va uil ftt'shol o nwte Communication Côvering a week ago wlth Influenza, wliich can go tote lbrary after scliool i iakes the case avery aione,.%Ji.,hours. ~. Surrender of Balle Vlack and famlly have thbe sympathy Matile and lrene Cook were Chîca- -t iOf the enUir, comrnunlty. 9o visitor,, Saturday. Mr. J. C. McLkarn leaves tbis week i.adM.To Klln.r.id T1HOUGHT IT A 'STUNT9 to lit bis boyhood home ln sastero Mr. Dîand Dr . m Ian Mr. aond> - iCanadt. Ths wllI be hlg firot visit were ln Chicago Sunday. ,Cou1dn't Belleve that it Was ïnc,- l10 left 26 years ajgo. l1H11T hi-néw offilcera 0for teMdr flot scen hlm mother for that length Womno o-hCiaoaea e1 sbeCIs Paet fUn utwflaedClreia lhfollrws. Cuuncil. H. Ô. Thomplion; Real Wax Figures lier this year. Advisor, George Philip; Banker, Chas - - - he cil>' treasurer là snding out C;artiey, clark. William Waters; 1Because the gr.vlng awa>' of thbe hie statements for the firsi Instab'. watchîman, Gus Schunmann; entry. ~AÀÈr baby ea¶sed sucb wide atten- ments on th,'big paving job t-at wi4 Robai-son; manager, Walte.r Mead: ~~nîe oirnnly.ai dtslsof cornpletedl la..t Awmar. Thèse are, physîcian. Dr L, B. JolieY. Wl, W-0 *1 hae iamunpe ail d e ail>' due te Si-st of Januar>'. The coOl the exception of Mr. Pililp tbees are îq.k Sn he compear i etlon elowlnpleting of ibis job was stopped ltst the mane officers as lIsa. ve&r. ma remiter who portrays the par- _________________________ ~Ias rcal wax figures and "unreal" lbrnalas the finale te the unusual 1~ein Waukt-gan diir!ng derate M R C N . O1IE %ieral dayt - OUT boys ".overthere" are bemed 'with riecembaer 14,9. go leianiii.Wokeptemsp 4IItor Dail> 'Sun- gOplied OrlCLfl m nit ed okp tm sup 1 £mot ions beyond my conti-ol force .pldwt am adkitdsco-ntig bl open my indignation againstPt knitting, knitting the livelong daYe knitting t4i, finue ppearing sallor who offer , until thi hor rible war je ended 1 The women t# Site bIc very own biood away, but of AMnerlca belong to that arMy of mercY 'Jitb the dectitlon on lis ife -las houl- tbat la backing Up our boys at the front to t&». What a man lie la! teM n. Btum mrcnwmr la this morme iid of a st-unt or lanh eyed u hm aeia oe it the ttuthUIt in laurely unbelleve- who have experienced the backache, the dizzy, ~Sble Snbluduroux feattiem t'0te headachy,» or drauging-down feelings which '"Mes. fine treppng fall-w !ni th, er accomay the weaknessem and illm of wonan- vies of LIncle Sam; Profeelsoii. Pos- kind-aU Ceat flid orne neighbor, nmre friend, là&g ab a -wer-tocfcrp-: other witlh a wohsbe eeie yt Fvrt -heart that lia% gone back on litr. woha rn eeied b im ha Favortea ,»Ugt ie up bai,( so ah.- van help Prescription" of Dr. Pierce's, which was premcle yhm it er fathr mlta . ig psîngas axego, and whieh hait donc so'much for wDrnankind, a tonic which con- 4pirc. S ,et- , ay stunh for îhOe- tains no alcohol nor narcotic. Faded, jddtrdoverwokdwre epltoposie a.i wax fgr'-'b~'at -Weak, nervous. delicate and aufferng oflag. These are the vomen îý-* thsy be iiia'Il, of? Som,- man hecho are hielped to bolt-h and strength by Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Pro- ý,lUàt lie, if bLî wl!e w-l give up the tq9lgtMt eoieta orcsadcrs oi 4aesie noiglit into the world ln ecTiptiOn. t eiiaemdcn -a orcaadcra oi korder te ltag hlm aroun dt.- w-a-d. t-bt invigorates and builds up; a nervine that soothes and stréngthens. ý,ad keep hi bInis sor t Job! idast druglta Bell it in tablots or liquid. Send 10 cents t-o Doctor iri lba l no niaiitehob. in tha gar- piere'sg Invalida Rotel, at BUffalo, N. Y.. for trial Package Of TabIs flecf uncae Sam. if he s's mch a __________________________________ ~or tebi~ ow cffmp4Just -bat'clo<-aori-tuiat's thbe wi.y your wbole binant cani ;cor OId Uncle Sam~ ~ ¶ «»«ct at bis lbands? There I.q w-ni-, mtem nioves along, when Doc ttor eyreM odean ~ahsgood old Isîla of ours for men " Pellets have put itini order. Ta' btte'emd WIocars 1o -vi t haîr littia famllileo-t euaktesstma el séeas n Îýethpr. jL'.t 'îiil; saOIir ti-Y P0,4111 0.tfort egltc -osse swela las a nafor alîl. Parbai thel -5.1 renovate it.i r etb wou l b-betiai- off If tale-These are thbe original tiny, smugoata.atib aWay front aueh unnatui,4 par-1 ous granuels; niild and gentle ln thefr action, but 'Ip. ore "r'-op.-d agilng Up ht-hi! 111 thorough and effective-no pain, no griPing. One ont-s anbut thcy s anhasn gta A Sick Headache, Bilijous Headache, Constipation, mdi- llny . -t M blitare N toi-n wl,[ gestion. Bilions Attaclca. and nany derangenents Of t-he 1l think of a ii,,her who could do' liver, stoinac, and boWelg are promptly relkeved and tble. MoUler, 1-rt alone wIIh i tile arrsnaently bure& Send 10 cetnta fr trial package as aove. cehIldran Aoi-k tt-i- fingýs t'-a le __________________________________ bons, bFtg.tarve balai-e th,'y w-i give themn up. bit no real mothar. un- &dr II the .-xltiig cîrcuinstancas as 1%tforti w-ould do what t-is mot-her -b colilemlpating 'doing. Flalie for -tkebr oim~ sakes tht-y will haveaa change of heart. or rather Iliat tha>' qitil dîscover that thevy havo liaritis O ne W eek hetore lt lis ton latte.y Respectrully. A NIOTIIER. Do WON DERS 0F MODERN jS e il S l SCIENCE; TEETH REPLANTED oi,.ni1u-i 1w..,emn,... ian secold clm, f is tha Signal Mhool, st Great Laken. who couldn' 044w a steak, ff Oiecooks a !iiof- Oud ai one. For Sam woic,'iij »e night on bis face, wlt-h1w-o front, e completoel>'gone andI is bain- i bok ln lis proper place. six feat Santbcugbt that- nothing couId b' i m@* about t, so b,' wnt on a lirht, ot W#andcarriad the molars t-bat had Wu tdetachemi trom aot-ive daty i bond ln is PockaI. But ha reck- mr ,ithout the wonders of moderin 1a surger>', as practbced in the: b Rd-planlation" was unknow- b W-bIle go but science bas made' i 0,Bt sîrides sInce then. .*ben lie w-nt to Dental Ileaiquar- 30x ait. ndwin Q. last>', Dental Corps, 30x mtîbat ha Could replace the ,inss- 'teeth. Surel>' Luther Burbank 32x pttake a back seat for Lieut w- = y>' 1i.4 31. 'f Ibe societs in the gums wera fllld fl gutha percha. to reopen tham 1to 32. St-he test-h. A waek 15er Uic w-se remnovad and the cavitesm 33x ed. Banda of Chinase slvar at-1 cd -the base testh 10 t-be adjacent: 34x one. ad the entire devIce put place mani supported by i llnsual ' 35x L d, cemented 10 the (test ' Xow. smre four weeks later, t-he ~de have been removcd and 3am llen bu t-w-o more perfect teetli babatbougbt bc bad, wèich have, Aý Èan ot as If t-bey bad neyer left N FFORMER PASTOR HAS A TR-RILL!NG ESCAPEI uenant John M. Dandy, grand- o Dr. W. C. Dandy, who at one w-as pastor of thse FI-at- M. E. of this cit>, bas,.lad a re- esccape as a membar of. the - a ir- fo r c e o f G r e a t B r ita n . c . to word reacbing bers. 1 # f attacked by four PtOkkers, let-dow-n on. Germiaisoit, ai>' &minjured. Ha bas him motiter, w-ho la now »Yv tlMOVU, Md., fro inthe Ger- --t Réétatt. t-lat be -1 i ires 411U ,i unes fleceniber 14 until December 22. We have Lt purchased an enormous stock of Automobile ires an.; Tubes, at a'Tremiendeus Saving. This Sk consista of al ises of Standard makes: GUARAWTERD >11W RESH STOCK [es )X3 x 31/, !x3Y., lx4 !x4 ýx4 [x4 ix4/. $9.50 and $10.00 14.75 dé 15.75 16.50 b.00 18.00 24.00 26.00O 27.50 66 17.00 64 22.50 Tubes Reduced Wo Bargain -Prices Ly SizO ini Second Rand Casinga and -Tubes at Very LoWe Prices Also Purchasers of Used Automobiles .8",& serlin '7" 'Âté -o Sapp Iy 1.4 Water St. Waukegan, Ili. 'Phone 1678 "q M6.Gîft, Suggestions Fro*m t--h'e Christmas, Store Oifts for Men Dress Shirts,,$1.25 te $7. Bath Robes $5.50 to $12.50 Suspender Sets, 50e to $2 Fur Caps, $5 to $10 Nlght iShirts $1.50 to $2.75 Pajamas, $2 tW $5.00 Sweaters, $3 te $1250 Neckties, 50c to $2.50 Handkerchlef s, 10e tW75c Initial Eufiderchief s, 6 in a box, per box, $1 te $1.50 811k Mufflers, 75ce W $5 fl rnks, 25c tW $1.75 511k Hose, 65e te $1.50 Lisle Hose, 25c, 35c,,SOc Dreas Gloves, $2 te $3.50 811k Hdkfs, wlth fancy borders, 25e Wo $1. Bil Books, $1.25 te $6. FftaUl Cases, $1.50 te $6 suit cases, $1.39 te $3.OO Tie Pins, 25ec W $1.50 811k, Shirts, $3 Wo $7 Blippers, ,85c te $3 $6ayBuhe,$.5t Umbrellas, $1.25 and up PUr colla s *10te $18 Beits, .5C Oc W150 Garter and Arm 'Band Sets, 75c Dress Shirts, Collars At- tached, $1.25 tW $3.50 Kats, $2 t.ol$6.50. Traveling Baga, U*2.50 ta $25.00 o its for Womnen Crep Kionos, $1.48 to Blouses, $1 to $16.50 Silk -petticeats, $1.198 t $5.75 511k and'Wool SOweteru, -$3.98 tW 17.50 Bath Robes $4.98 W $ISjO Onl menas, $3.98 W 9.0 siIk camisoles, $1.25 tb $2.98 811k Combinations, $2.48 t $598 Huglme-Tlghts, $1.25 OU1kDresses. $9.98 anu p F«ancy Aprons, 25e ta $1 Rid Gloves, 12. 10 30 Umbreflas, $1.65 le $9 Box Station"r, 25e to *6 Serge Dressés, $9.98 up 811k Hose, $1.50 W $8 Boudoir Caps, 25e to $2.50 Ehnbroidered Kdkfs. Sc t( Box Hdks. 5k W *1L60 Velvet Rand Baga, $6 to $12 Ivory Toilet Sets, $135 tle $25 Failcy Collai% Sc 1013.00 Perfuanes, bMtIed 5o le $8 Ivory -Picture Prame 25e te $5.0 Slippers, 8W 11.25 P'ur 1carfs, * t8é1<i*10 pur MuRs,$498 tW$75 Bath ]Bob.e-Iaûett,,$5 Pancy Tôwels 2ne t $1.25 TOYLAN D -in Our Basement-1 E etest ay of Toys ever shown ugnder -T Ronéroof viU b.-f ounid-in Our ,1oyland. Ther, are gifts and Woys both educationÈand entertainlng for children of a&l ages..- The litho folks simply go wlld wlth dellght while they are viewlng this wondrous display ....... Hlundreds of Dolis to Select From We have the finest selection of Dî'esscd, Undressed and Character Dolls ever shown in Waukegan.- Prices range fromi 39c to $1.2 Sleds For Boys and girls. Prices range a from 1.25 to 2 .98- Games of Ail Kinds Wc have ail kmnds of gaines and gineî b)oardIsfor your ueIct-tion.- Prices range froin f 10c to $7 Wagons for Boys Ini a large range of sizes. Priced from 25e to $10. ~ Toy Trains Trains that run on tracks, $1.50, and up. Doil Beda..... .......... (Ac to $2.50 DOIt Trunsi.*............... 59C to su.e Tbol Çhests ...........1.39 to-25.60 Blickboards ...................25c toi'$CIO Books .......... >. ........ c up to 49C

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