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Libertyville Independent, 19 Dec 1918, p. 5

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A Victory Christmas As Usual, We Are Carrying a Fuit Une of Men's Furnishings Up.to.Date--Up-to-the-Minute Gooda We mention here a few articles that are appropriate fcr this holiday occasion: Our usual LARGE and CONIPLETE uine af Neckveiit luDress Sfits, wc ive soft and biard cuifs; also collar aîtaclied D ress Gloves, line,1 nitlned, dressed and undressed MiLts, lici arjIii n I coumfoita.ble, in finislîed and unfinished stock -Bill Bocksaîîd Coltin Piis. Beltsanard Suspendurs Hlandkerchieýfs. plain and with iltial. IVufflî_rs and Reefers A complete line of Caps, Hats, Umibrellas and Shaes Cigars, Tahacca and Sinokers' Supplies Corne in and See Our Stock-The OId Stand- Enderlin Building "EVERYTHING FOR MEN" PHONE: 14 Je B. MORSE--& CO. MaaeLubei), mitose home mas l0 Bruseels a lt-a te mar begau mas mal, acqaaluted t%%it cndItions lu tbe war zone. luli te c,urse oi ber lecture site happy prîtejeroas coaury. Ever)ous * had pient3 t at sud al mers busy but aller tite lit > actu iegan ail btcame Pau- pers. ev-lt tose mIta potseesed large privai ..fi ltuît>-ýAil mtiter tof lites mcmv. t> cId cita t e icgiant peuple o sud irt>t dl -ltt.,uteU ltted n pou tosejj MIto rt-I ted tote'L. site aie» t>iid0 lit> t1w ii,.i lig the ipeu tie, theîte la. ai loo>>i,it t i taittnelit atnd dtugs fotr lte 1., ,iat ,iuýerdlu 1>1 foui Il( 1>l t .- l i - Ititt i u lot 1 > , r,îitiiigt u 0 'le bttl e t>>, Ltb-tIL titI evcîy mît- t ite, of valut- mi.. ,,.î. ior .,liîjcd lta, Clermtarit . titi tian tlicers tak al lte BVigiaiti iiirt-e >1fs> ieitiie coitltr liad bteu et jraaud iat tthetta luas atsîîîît tu. exteruinate te lit-ed that Belgli u uiglît Dot bave anytblug oi1 whlcb ta be pnaad. Madame Dubeil tlId ai ous Instaure ai1miticlu#hobe pesanaliy knew, miten seven huudred plauae mere, Ihpped nul ai ane tam. "The wonk of', the llelglum relief btw been of v4ot service i ta the cauntr.y but it la nat suffIh.1leu ti * iii ho at leaet two yesrs talons the PHONE 27 ea i ew Qreatlest o(aU li 6.miahuw, Nation k-7om ako r O e Uw*0seu 7lud Libertyvil elws I If you knOw of =n item of 1ooaâ1 interest, kindly telephone NO. 1 Canning Seti isosW. wlseh you a lerry Clhrismas. A aplendid Crihilus entsr»taimi'Pe0PI.OInD.lglSum can hoperto b.eoeil 'Beyerai Membes jýf th, Boy lied r$ttO, ,ltefl RIdlng Rood and *upporting and they muet h. taken cars Kitchen Sets Shears f lyar 11 Wh nlunz.Sue Clus w ho ligiven, neit Tuesday oainlthe meufl trne." lMre. Fers Durand' P«ke Knies Msé Frn Ry @putBaturdai and eveung, Chrstmas Eve t the Id. E. gave severai musical numbers wbicb Knives and Forks Pcke Klve al vIfiend I Cicio. cburch by the boys aud girls of the were greatiy sujoyed. Sundy wth riads D CC~<~ Su day ahool. There wlll be two Meat Cutters Razors Bornu tMlr. and MlI. Cha. Sowatzaki Charltmae irees and someiu for ail Edward Maurtck, 24 of Penscl Cof!.. Mle Skates on Tbnrsday, Deemter 12, a son.uatn. > . asallor train the Great lÀtkes Born, Tbureday, Deceuiber 12, ta Mr. We trust thal aur village ruarsbal des Nh Training Station was serious- aud irs.C. . taruli a aug]y .injurcd Sîînday nlght when hi, wai andUri.. .Barurl.a december ,talr l tve tapick UP 511alore of our lno<ked cdown by an automobllP truc', Bor, SturayDecmbr 14, e Iir.litiz.h&eus ud vsiter@ for druakenes, Bas drîven by John Corniak, 2619 West Aluminum and Enamnemed add M rs,J ab Leter, a daugbter. thiq le a dry town and sbouid bc se RIxteenth street. The sallor was tait- Tea ettls PetolaorsMisse&yrtie Smaie lsa&gain able to ta reepected a@s uch. aowever. f you bave. en to the county hosy.tal, where It TeaKetie Prcoatrsout ailter un Ilinees ,Of everal weeks. ta go where is le wet, you ought ta dtay was fumait bis ight arm and shoul- Spiders Henry bhulilg drave te Chicago, lion. where It 1le wet until YOu dy ntsu er wrebuie adli asbulr Kete ac*Pans day, tu ascure materlai for bis uew auboetiten everybody wil bc satiotied. ltr5l..11 K tisSu e epair *hop. It bas beeu euà,geetsd by certain retire. NOTICIIL Washing Mchines Brry Putman liefltoday for Ulliette, menta&lire citizen@ ai aur muuicipality 1 vilh.aîtheJ. B. Mre& Co.'etore. Wasbing Machines ~~~~~Wyo.. wbsre h.e will look alter bis farin. that Iu the face ai the threatened limat. LbryilIIutlBtjaDc iug luterese. alg itaeecunauy@fd eiemalu e pat1918, ta reelve the Mlburu lueursuce llée d& ichlasbasbee qute ita@ eneiisfor LItartyville sud Shields Sterling Electric and Power Washers Ms d Ica1 a beiqie i itespvoplnarly i-dell aepat i wlt the .lnflueriz, but Waest reparte are a b eoi0esrlymgb ae township aud sel that ailth@basohld tutebe le improvlug. eaiutary effect ou It@ suppression. It iug policiee iu îhincampauy ta prompt lu wauld neot ta mueb of a bardship ta Maiing their paymeuta ta me at thisl Clotes ringrlire. M. A. Protîne returued home rerain from n eterlng crowded traius ou addrems. E. D. ISuflhlAll, Collecta?. Clths rigesTnesday ater speudiug several days lu the: steam aud eietric roade ta go t Chicago vistiug relative$. t ciety every tîmo a persou ueeded a -SCH A CK H R D W A E Tuesday alteriàua, Dec. 24tb, at the article mght h. purchased at homne ata home oi M re. t, E. Churchill. great savli3g ni mauey, as well as nat CO M PA NY ' Franik WbeeiwrIght aiflHarvard, Ili.,:exposing oui'eseilf tà Infection, aId cou. failliw days tbe irbt ai thewatt. tracted chichen pas snd wasi confined ta, Meeting aonIdouday evening etead oi on doing a great dent ai cburcb work snd B st ~j~Tuesday evening wblcb i@ Cristinas Eve. wras compeiied ta bc away from home fliGis~ rx ery and II!aff tIl The W oma'slHomelIiulsoary society aimoot every otber day -for tbree or four As Christmas is but wras heid Thureday ailernoan et the baurs sud the boy tayed alone, the prhssb ofn bains ai lire. Doebier au South Mii e aukte father aisea tiug awray most of the Mirne prhssb ofn avenue. Oue morning the father tyed at haome may have a boy in1 M is 91àa try bistasJohn Zeuner. wbo went ta Bt. Paul aud thinge wret &loug emootbly untIl It want to surprise h Sunday ou business ior the American was lime for bim ta go. Be Bakeîl the cmotbecar boy If be wauid talauesorneaud reclved cmotbecar We also take occasion to state that we have ',l re Fecce C., returned Wednesday îbîu repiy. "No, but Daddy 1 think pecaebyhm a good suppy of Candies, Nuts, Apples and ýmornIng. g lamma tetes impouting ou me a wbale musri leson, a ia. The Earnest Workere s àe af the lot. mailung me stay abu o rn ueb","msclsonap other Fruits. Also CHIRISTMAS TM ES Metbadlst Sunday schooi wlll meet Fr. A beautîtul cantata w1l il@t reudered ber. Or your livin day aiteruaon ab the home ai Mn. by the chorous chair oif te M. E. churcb edn amo Y *' * I * Frances Frp u eitSunday êveutig at 7.30. The ttille eeds gampe or in S . D M ** * * There will be no Suuday scbaal ln auy ai the caulata le "The (hrisiaAk ed e ing S , J e ME IME IW aiofthe churches titis week beeuse ai the> it>.Fred B. ,a!fî"îou , ltsw l uanaprcteby ot Telephonci 3i prevailing epidemie oaInfuluenza. ()ther ato sdcmpsr Tî auaal Milwaukee Ave. South of Electric Line Srgcei, however wîltbc eld as usuali. bsautifuliy and loglcally arranged laIo______________ Cari Johnson, Who bas been lu the brînie out al the btetpfaturse of the> regular army bas@ rectved bls disebarge blrth aud relgu and gloryof the Promi@Ed __________ - - . -and il§ home. He galued about twenty Meseisb. TiEe are tÀeive carniers lu ~sssssuss::u:sZ :SSU 595 US5Z SSS::Us punde duriug bis stay lunte arrny. the catate. ix f ai hl are Lyisbe - F Mlr.sud M rs. ltoy W4hetlertsud fsmuly choir and te llier msît as folowg: rrived ters Mîtuday iront Alberta, Soparatio aul- allo duel,inielle chorus, MAKE THIS CHdRISTMAS A MFRRY ONE Cd.hr:vlIptdhwftfcotattm. c onu hrs Cornidowre Fts u lèid Mri rme !Lia.solotiu di neiaticon ai Ch sF OR THF LITTLE TOTS %Wheeler. duet sud qîtar'e'le. Ti antt-wl Our Toyiand is filled wîth everything that will of i'ort W101lie, Ind., çîhu were e tth help the little tots make merry an attend thte ueraI 1I lite lats Henry it auuld éteerl tat climatie coin(itions - day-the greaest annual event in the life of t.K:re oi)ttgor shom.ethdayee atU oMd >tebat5tdlicclea gîl a ___ hi en. Dolia, echanical toys, musical instruments, iUsl ig u Bri îsg iawe are billd lte taiclly fogliy atmtto1rt or fiytrunks, toy beda, washing outfits, loy pianos, rocking Rbasell l lite d Stu dt t raiig, aler ie rtilil lt aIl l8d hrecoaster sleds, children's book, gaines, and other CopOfIalu alg av sevda France forth ie la@t four years. We things too numerous to mention. Coerdcsrgtepe ailete aer c au more Iutiy appreciste wmitIteRo 1F Ithir dislar àtdrtre d to tbs er uljte a eîhvme just briing the children clown and let thein sec ail the re-pective bomerne aLlirtyvîlie sud soldlers ta' ýltue and wbat ItardeltipçiD RO M F Gra.ý@ake. tley %er b,.îh,rl itaImsîheyore ayoud lovely, interesting and amusîng devices especially con- Mirs J cbu W. Cale and ber sîster, Mlia, ilit uot ire-oteof îatlýy tetnde LIVING ceived and madle for their pleasure. There are doggies, Ràtrdon, ltfe Satarday mrnrnng for a isdl linttrcje mskIa aiwlte iy sheep, ponies, buggies, automobiles, cannan, solciers, tea vidtIl a luit l(relle sou sud dangitte-lu- t' 9 me etti do le ta grin sud bear tbie sets, paint boxes, work boxes and hundreds of other tiny, lam, Mr. aud lîrs. TîtamasCIle lu Joliet dsgeILIeeairsd ehuiu tasteful toys which we want you to see. lirs, taie returned Suaday evelug tatIb e at eaer adb takur whillse dhr eleler remalued for s more soîdler bha rîîw lise, mie sheiter le LES ER' NO ELT ST RE d "'t-protect ite .id wIle you are dolg LES ER' NO ELT ST RE Becsn ai ths nnuiber o a sselit bat, doaitt lrgel Ibatte lRed Cross le 1 --------Iluenza mlîlch have developed smaag piavidiug thte ltere-willt-all ta masle th c l ildreu, pilis of ther@t, te boys cooît!rtaile, Have you ansmer. e icadmiu thîrd grades mbre dlsutlssed ed the lted Crues Chrstmas Roll Csli? Public Sale Notices published in The Incependent are read torîtlte Chrlotmao vacstioon n edueee- A lrsntte > ae îeddlt E by from tbrec to five tintes as rnany responsible buyers as day. Other grade@ mill b. disrnlesed lae nu seîlg.t!liswomeu's Club aItheG E in ay oherweeky nwspper in Lake couuty. . th!@ silernoan ar nt noon tornorram Mtaîs îtritWdedy ieuo _____ansd enloyed lîeairlng Msdame Jean FU RN ' rFI <V& (>l XTl £3ed Ioorr~~ JRN1TURE LROOM FURNITURE )INING ROOM FURNITURE AND KITCHEN FURNITIL STEP IN AND SEE T'HEM AT )e B. ýMASON IITURE, PAINTS, QILS LIBERTYVILLI Ladies' Waists. New Georgette miodels, light and clark shades, heautifully trimInied. no two alike; each.................. $.550 Dressing Sacques. Liglît anc1 cark floral and Persia.n patterns 1af gaad flaniîelettr, trimltrt witi ,iteeni, at ........... ..... $1.00 Georgette Crepe. An\i cx<'ehlvt utrity of (tl~iukxi fbrîc ini mny hîandsoine lai -11)tC u ii, a>. ,xy ai .........$2.0 Ail Silk Dness Satins. Speîiacl .,eU i t'niilla ) a yard clutx1ity, lIn.trci s-tlis tiIi pplacl; .ii . I,31 nwide $1.78 Children's Batl. Robes. Siiiail lut of div fie I.cctvy rntet-,- ial, i pretîy patterns, eachi............ .................. $200 Holly Boxes, Christmnas Ribbons Paper Decorations, Etc BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS., WE SELL TII!M W. W. CARROLL SOSC Phone 29 Nf or the Home Is the, Christmas G if t it a few days away, m ould suggest that your late td to the furnishing of your home. PerhAPa you the service that you expect home soon, then you uim with something useful in bis room. A nice rug, writing desk or apable will surely be greatlY -Or your daughter is old enough now to take &no or a dressing table wYould be just the thing for ng roomn needs something, a comfortable rocker, a magnolia would suit father. Or your dining roomn gtable or new dirting chairs, that would certainly be rier. My stock comprises Al of these useful articles.

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