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Libertyville Independent, 19 Dec 1918, p. 6

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7 si lavue. to wMmeJi44, >.. h.anzue.br luOie ho T Mrs. O nStanley PoWim fi e d h se wt te.rstkta WhichBatUsh Maga1118 ne Gurakia sald today that ho l" 20"" ýc___ UP MAN Reprinted Whl1o Son WaS ati ltenoof jumpinghblé bond U Sea _______ ve t b ý. y aes even wsa"U word woold coena rornjmoisez ts a wlao accospwled Vabine.'Wua deFuilJ rmie.Shows In- Builit Îs~b be< re. OrnuStanley of Waulkegan,___________~M UT ÀLa now al right and that we w111gèt John, Ccvart of 1Rouiton, Tema. Feeling 0f Par- Station, Holds Up, Store 0of "ne ise rglnian," the, little japer LhUI wrd fron hm any day now," sald The Cowarts, like the Dàbingers ente Towars Tiny Child -. prlnted on the battleship Virginia ounlII!UU Mis Besley. bave beard no word f rourtbeir son blh e on, Lewis bus heen serv- [L I i tt 0 8rair Nobdy ut Is eley and no- ail- these rmeekissuad fi fear that no SHOS AT PORITR îg. For, the curretIsecoan body but Mrs. Dabringer and ber tan- iord had beon sent to tiran lately 11DUd you (know that there was a little poem wbich she wrote "To -0 F- é-blàEvelyn Allen, Waukegan àU nwtedy n ek d n-Ms 3ee hl onn owre Sonz n Waukegan recentuy akes Esoape With Civilian my boy.- lidCosW re nPrslety tbrough wicb tbey bave p.ased. a special delivery letter to thera tell- who . a*siorandhi@wif put Attire; Name, Steneiled in Lewis le now back at Great LaItes PinuI and bas a sixi menthe' servic ad FRd rssW rkr nPasThe tears of worr ytoday gave way ing or tbe rep'ort on Horner of whicl hei e.a.odbbtneeu. SlorCohn, eCe ubI teebsoigb a r»d ~Sends the Cheering News to tears of bappinesand joy sud Miss Allen liatsent front Parlsa hi e-*-l ay nàbr alrCôhng sCe n&sev. es l fr-LAKE COUNT i a. ~Xand ihus Relieves Anxiety tbere w,--much fxetement anog Accordingly wthln a few bours eau drawir in a hotel and went ig service six menthe. m onwTb now o familles as one would ex- the parents ln Houston,. who have ta a movie picture show. eaving A young man wearing the uniform lu tie Publie Works depeatmeflt. Puhisbaed by the oo.b cf WaukeganRelatives, orryîng 50much about their t ln the drawar for the st.eningr' o alreieedteS e'rgo The poegrn 'bis inth.r penned and WAIJKE. AN DAILY'SUN br1 AryofOcuaio nson will get the good npws wîîlcb Thisa ueton waa put to %%e Dally cery and clothîng store at 707, Markcet whlcb was printed ln thé lIttIe pa- 61 Walukegan looked forward eso expeet- atreet Saturday nigbt about ten per, folows: MISSn antly and wblch arrived Thursday. Sun te .ty and mmediately an nvem-occsadate iigto bt OM O Waukegan, D o.9 L . cver that Leut. Homer balringsr tht th faco were true te a large ed the side of -.Meyer'a fade, made And it filled Our bearta itb iÔ 3yl ci 0 olydi MmaEvly Aie U.' ig1119asmmc. Utwa fun f Om wt a rvv.oplote f Ittit OfWe arlewi wd e sho t yosr pctrde a he pcil1wW, 1B ieut. U4mer Dahringer la mate. was safe and with the Amrica" arrny exte-. bI saewt omlt itl fW repodh hwtoe otad aht' r.seema te b. ne question ef occupation n Grmsny, but, tI sa Tie baby WAS îeft in th bueu cîviltan attire, lncludlng a suit of Adt a M aorby w iýbott. HM~ AII4E now revenied, ahe was also the dl* drraîver Wbile the parents went clothea., a mackinaw, a shIrt, coibir, j.o. Thei word came today. a a rect meana et determUlnn that ha' &- ay 'fromnt terrommln the hotel necktîe, bat. etc. li. enllated in the navy, $,.5 Pbrthsrsfore, Ochringer now Ua on . uneUe, Irving Weich et Nerth hcg -dwr on o bu nhu. In makîng a rapîd getaway the " asnot sent off by a band, 0 Mel way nto Grmany wlth the it was Becas IMceyo j U lgt te U rltvshdThe cries of the baby attracted tethlef dropped a bundle whlcb con- But we kow hell do hl$sdutY- P.U,*1lcSfl army oetoccupaton.asedI Hcer ofw.rried for weeks as te hUe safety. attention of 'the Otber guests and ta.lned bis enie stiore. l'ch.Id n tese ronteIad Mra. Allen et Second âtreet th& Waukegan se HrAi It was before the armistice was she wu a filly ta<en ln hand îy tbe hadworn loote tr.Th dn Moiengn recolved a etter frem her gnd Mrs. Allen, Welcl's ister, oe fola and cared for 'intîl the tfcto tag bcd been cit froin Vu Though many miles away my xc>'.;; Si=e 3 t., 8in. bïy4ft., 2 u. 4.. 0f Sh Sh G, Ol wthBu revelyf PUsolarsRedd i a id. hed ohng rdhm. vor- .parent s etxrned. whereupon thy lio rllwas stenciled Don t:. I 1hope that 'you'il returf toenme, o U0« wr n France. being sthatoShevrsotrBusycwithgiBu- oslgned. hoteliulug of the tblou, s bTthe tn-une " Yuaevr ernybai Paiahedustea raursad is-re. a she olere abyhe ddn'tnoteeracmoare gtee parntertanv ei lt the Pre Mqures er ingAngst write f atewfi ell. thrat tey Inuet move :rom the bote l o!teto r. tre ;i.le'. ee mr o at #,utter, dated Nevember 22nd pontain. Ad8 eewot ovln saylflg lmmediatelly. P. Oliver" was steniclled ohire :.-W4 îi hi oyu nw wih oayM CKYS ETESUfe a oentblng as afron t ne Te Inerestng taî, îowever, l ng of the bat. Wen thée vnlng qun s ettng leL ruhtli efuU n uews wite adyM CE' ETR N- ersnehn ashpee:cnt tbat the'baby's temporary crib wa.i The finding of tlw nrime In thre My thouglits îîy (ar froni ne L b r y i fitativea et Dahriager :SOUGTAD o et bisy tbough the Red Cro.4 los t hMthe bureau li theilime. l11 trouser% served liq i v0i,r¶ in""S '17o the t'. S. S. Vîrginla. AUweharnw sabu teand trace ih!?" - other words the draiver was talcen the police for a lt ti.r 1 IT 1. An,1 my boy far out 1 trise. ue bAyling her oe Isackutey Mackey's Acquaintance With1 And, as he did in the case of Ot f the bureau, ptaced on tbe Mooreu I11 belng souglit . a di,çt r' Motber. I n endt yJ boy ginghoeAI aceyDabringerMiss jEve1yn sent out the j fior, the baby put ln t and l1t froni the Naval l!tIon ait ,eî tells nme that lie heard that Ms leldDhigroffital tracera <messehigers) te trace teealn o oeMnbor aes h ol Mrd1cii~d1 o Proves to Be Essential Fac- , ber uncle-and sbe gaI word that lie And tbis Incident develops another Ilieie ithat w!ien lîbeY caMet- Ill RRESTED ______________for_____ i their regiment-the officers-- tri nathn eso was aIl right. Suie aç-ordingly 80 m demaît Ie 'tr&Fedy,, wbleh ha-s. man who held uD the 'lleyer store t were t be set hom shorty Aintor nfomd lher mother and the iter coule with G;reat LaItes naval sta- the point of a cran that thli %i'l A. nd we got a reoi o oe arrivedl Wedneday-and the Dabrîn- Themarlag recorda show the 'nected wilh Vie mysstriaits disappar-i- Darngrt 1-e01etthti- o idi ape ha ie v-ger Information came the next day, ceuptl' namtes te be: once of Moore troim the stationl on Th4ND kairgt H'i VlhhS0I-lyn Allen of Waukegaa, got the irai Thursday. HUBERT THOMAS TORNY-22. the nOlght ot Navetii'ier 2S, 191s-5 Af ÀB N o ou oaosOt a wordof ieu.ForerDyh-urer d-otasthéeffrtsofaheaaukgaa isai rgh U sw~h iso l- or et i reu . HmrD1l rbe hsteefrs fteWueai MARGARET ARLENE NORTH^. Moore* Disapearace. and other oait lgrain, fit and is golr iti GernianyiastenFrc. Red Cross worker brouglit cheer ME1.O h o fn1~a Noverober 29th oae nMoi h Miss Allenrns entitiupà to!the di re tiSa days ln successon. They show furtiier that they were the iaaîtstan± llghthotase teeper et Jh ueiI.a MisAlnl-nite etedrc married by Mr. Chîdlester. Wauk,0an toutid a salors bat at the Theater ln Waukegan, Ater W welS1S eitlýS'i iP cerdit cf getting trace et Lieut. Dah- 1ês1 l<e oe --rne ui eeoeas htaTheir place et residencltiUs with end cfthie govenment pler. LYInF erhF R AL E Y EL he1lýI ligt1il by The Sun for obvious ceamena> teide, tbe bat was an ieiiipty botte SaI ofSek OMLTION lW. .~shne î î WgtI ager but oun9nmari h:cia certanA- wbîch ccntained a label IndicattîngiS L TO dt Sartln wceke thagouh-aeirounn-Somomnthat l bcd conta!ned a vPrv tltadiv I .ln Gîres.aged 41, resldlag it ___________Ui o Ie 'tshle -eIS formation._____ edrivioayug rmn- 43Vct part la getiltling the mch.desed n and ber tather came ta Waukegan actid. 'Thicbat waasnakêd wttn the (fer3 Victoria Sîreet, wa% plîcCed un- i4 urhr oor.Il e,ýllm th.t -n îak g Miss Evelyn Alnof Wauke- front Virgîxi. Tbey stayed eathIe acid. The.*pItureo! a ralor md dem rretoSnday night a O * .65 cents a Pint. r- Mother Gets News la Depot. oVer to Frante Iii wrttCa 'ilolirer tetteWrd ~lclbtli ueto n so cn ca wr iao tound be- O'clock white atteadlng s mo',ng pic- M . a n d d M m 1. . W . D a r n e r b fl ! - t e r s t o i . e u t . I. 1 1 0 1 1 r D a ?i r 1 l i i a i t e e t t e o " i l c a m o t a p p a n q t i o n a d i t w a s a s î d e t b e a t . A Ie e a m e t i eu r e s h o w o n . e i z h t h t r e M r . H eI.T b atIdlh e p e tJ t mouete burago bismorilanv. Divîl tiadtben atact l t o isluarb Gig raetfhteDa-,aler at Great Laie. s-ho was tbe sailor at the naval sdat4o ece dbond. Girakîs occupies a ccll iabthAn-S uontemr ~weuMm. .Ale gS icr eSerti-y jrtitstu lc- rta le va l tre 'er attraction for lhe Yaulng woman. Stie c lether TrainiC. H. Mcr:woenat' A lSm o th ar vers ou the train. Relatives ai on,, ani, country wlth Dalrloger lie rîîî b began staying out late nights and lier narrie was stenciled fingide the bat cetral police station. -Beoitt ~ a uWt a wlre te tbe Northw'trn (le. 110rîsweïz. to hilt- httiers. tather womried consîderably about Ibat had tiien foati tthe latte. The lb appearq tbst GureIis lq antpdec 'Peot Chicago and lbadit em parod is \ i~ygot lu liurIiîg rrtuid and MWaiitegan peorrle reac wib grat lier. iesedl.k'em ahei ot ad tatby tbe lime the note Iby lte authoritles of Cicero. lits, * O ey entered thie station. wrnîg \tiy lie r-cc-ii iit eu Interest the newe conreruing LIeut i d man and mucb concernied ln bis was recieved rtores 1,bod! writîd be hiere be reFlded formierly. Iiilt.RCEL;4LAD $47C llgbt away thpy fcItel was, goo.iadilie ItitaIt> weîii îtî lic It'il-tCross' ae arîgra rîtdbte agîe.in the flle. Into sente sart of troiilp there ai ROC.ue = hw wlcb as--alteci tiem anrd wrrIs tnî îîr.ct - ingOf or VAtie cl pprTusayeeie lotever, ane day the young wctm- Naval station authoritles toundtuit bromotscandwspa-TeRxlSor ~etdescribe tlrier feelings is-î. : irrîie îevS a1 tIku rtie Iflst question wbîeb people g#nerall> f ibteaio en b-Ir haontengtpeiu are lbait dudrbnso 150 i.ini Cor. Madisonan~d Geeesa.. Ste. M - .,àa -vntta ht'phne ur!Si-rr I iritiis- airîW.r 5~-t1.r> - josked was: "H-ow entld t happen byeriln rarsonage. where Rer - \îr alkM Onton the ler î i i .-§c. fFurenbtte-t '- !t the above mes-ýarc rtad ta t'lenti. lie told Miss Atî,ri t1h51lhe had thtat wordcenlté bbtheDabrîngers rCd-,ter rînîteil tben iln niarrilge, -ien l)avidson wha resîdes u ecrO, signed bis bonds.-W -. 'Piea J5naoleltîn boî Iretîî- h ~rtluiciihiîith 1lieut. tbroîîgh Miss Evelyn Allen iefore Il That acemeil ta be the conruniinAbutru s-est o! Waukeran. ki, iiis. DasîtisOti'M - uthenticltv a tfiprewordtrerm îMisrrt-iluirbut le r b-n i rCHînabie la rould corne ttapthem ram the Rcd f tercutsi.lml trwn i to ytery - Cîcero trrtdriniy lritbout apprislng -s-e,.1 Allen. In the frtiratce, Daliritirer do 80. ! Croqss.frtmnthe an> officiais, tramn Imagine, liowper. witbin atwehrba asSl htsb llt Rny onte oftlts Intentions. As a mat ima ureporteil mîssing lnactioan Sept. Acodrt iaAlnrfered te the many sourlles wbîch sougbt in-i dl y3wlîc-îîtlhte btel people di'cov- lMoore ah ilie North Wessrii dépatt ft b acen livigeretevWesnan XbM ad nword bas camte tottr e e d fIi cdCosi e omtofothe young WýauItegan erd lte cîuig waman verv sick ln and lbe liadtbal lier lbe wlt5goîogte bo @Tbe ten ifn or e apea re. aiI becrser h-ledCos i ri8omaio40pr tem on; efforts to gel word lbase otlî<e te sec twhether lucre we eany aviator?" 1 re hem roon anilupoforestînIng pr Chcago.StaiIn autorhle dîci'imai tiale utfrfcstétl - pr' wftrial came andl pa"ed and heb. ddnal ,lglt bave fallen frontillts alrpSane 110L. naw, drng war-tîînes. Officiailaceas coverel that osie vas about l er rte bded tram ie imaIhatappear at Cicero. Tbe court lîttormmi RAY N. SMITH ledie et nteGr ianfns- Flade Report He Us Missing. "'s-a" oly Teyare rneth- cm yhtcneddfo h ls hti rutsi,1ltsbn00ud ae om tbe German ~~oW~>', -' coitte a toter. Arcordiný,Iy site Moore bsa adopteil tb. suicide mtse alataliabnwuîbvea but thon It vas feil sure thé Ocrmasns To bir anazement andc t ha ie odical and usualîy ver soecurtte. vas huriel ta the hospital andl ga-e as a mens or tltrowlng pursuers off iea olfot b. lohatlepoid ____________ - Ul vo -oulI have toîdte Aniries-nq o! 15 amazemrenî of Markey ahe ond dth hrfr h oennn ae leai ol e elct r Thws eor a e reoe i gvmnet ate î ibrtb lea achIld. lb. chlds arrivaI ite Iracek sa bat lbe couldma' I is A few daym ago Mma. Pauils came Therefere the hope belnli taI bie hald Lieut. Diabingrwsr otc sb-andl ao dnes the Rail Cross,. beng about tour or five days tnntîow- escape. te Waukegan te> visit bier daughtar, ftlenbobai b ha GrmonfnesantineaoGerhmmisng olSpn.17sItsoolperiltght MseAllnong ietue mis.TH HOslP.igs Wonim Sept.à o Miwake Tus h toWa0ga poheaase ployenilthat Moirshalln lghmnaraa H aOU.Ms Ila uot~ fMlake-J Ibat lhé vas taken Mrsrtr The letter fromt Miss Allen thus lu- mtavb concemniel and alarmeci over ers o! the lRed Cross in Pallisa5.11 bsbandlaIter sali that hali-aeeel eMyer shte al itelen-e brn.e eek stean ou li ng . ownd Iceasuch was the tact-tbal be the tact Ihat lna turtirer word bail no doitbt, bpcause wlth lber aNittaît- Jaae afn iIM îe wi eea rilso lting. HNe ai vha s ob ofielanlsacdbrr rio - a prbsiouaer, Ibat ha, since hais been ecevel of Lieut. Dabringer. tance titb the Dabringars ln Wauke- about ta become a mother. le made iteen in lte store lb. previotisnI ngbt ag e ub f o uel ad abeanblîer bo relmeanda that lie now la in conferreil together as la vit was gan, she bail bearil ruch about tbe teé otalemeent lalte ebotal folks titat lusking over the stock. After actir- aye ubn old eoldt viththearm a!occpa-tebs oso i bl cre lapurtue lu t effot heogainifeort t hlm be asuct the ftîer of the chilI îng a compote outtlt he aniionticel I<uboiis volunteemed te uiaîp and . s 00 UlmRut Bele. fance o el scotrace o!Misshlolen w lmng ta Secap pott. a7. hebut at atîy ate teis crédit ttc ilil Ibhat uc oul change bis lotbiiig ai started out taernake a search for t toa W r lhte"ueuo rsresadnetdflr teyung bride, but af- once, Ha d ic.e wrapbed up fbs sait- Gurkis. He went te Kenaha culndsv lutHwM , aid today prisoners aîîdlteI centerel lier S t,"W ae lt te bueu ! a ray is Aleter she biaitlofet the hoaplta.l, wîthin or unîtorm ln a paper. He. Iben gba-t- other places ald vas able ta obtain nieaa trlieveil. aur loy le unbound- missing" aldone o! tite officiais o!fjattention ou the reports that camne ten days. hae ok hem back te thetee- el te walk out cf the store vîthout no trace fbmtVi Tise word ftram Miss Alen m«sitaI bureau immelîaieiy sent out a lu eoncerning the misslng cîrmen tlweese oftyltotir> avn aIaytlgaotpaig Sna ith nlbi.i.vr diite. Homer probably tracer ta gain tract o! Lieut. I)atring- and others ced being ln tihe heailquar- benlteesaîor.bgan te ileire e-horwlteniothne.île as ntereptI - £ pisoer nd heavhe re er I erso! he IedCros se vs cose lese ramlui uay.by J. Meyer,, a son cf bbc proprietor. tslde virée Mrs. Kuboitis sav Gursis ;larenewe bis dutles.. The The conclusion now Iheefore Is ly in toucb with cl these tblngs. Baby Heard orying. T eider MAîYer aigsa approached istîîug lu tuhé rear part of the. tseaer. -#r i rhltter from Miss Allen came tbougb Ibal thia txacer rvas-sled tInt' tact Themefore ILvas es" ta see -boy 0One evenlng a K. a! C. secrelary trom, thc other direction. - picler t alouterfrn Homer flinst Itahringer was a prisoner and shé, voul gel tefmtwr eb- ioblarc doning tlittccu- Qukasafahtealo hi-- ~Oll bvecone orth suler' lita ehasubsequefltly lia ibe eIlgs tei neeti a tcs;pied bv titat ofte saillr and litîs p etcrvvandcul tre Iwo vie -V14 trvela more aly itaon that et leasel cîud was wlSb tue artu y of or- 1Ing tlatlber hmessage-wil rvlwf n bb em h aycyn stLOî'etrI1.fiiar white pi .ivihiana.We have yabcbel Ibis ln cupallan wlîtchlîis now tunking ils' faster thon the officiai message, abe' considersb-itt-for c long tume. Final-th. other vhilld point the béait ofà *t&cae aditl tetat a> titraugis Gerlnany.t Test no limte tlasendlng ivomi la ber Iv 1t got an bis nerves" andl ha nott- tb. senior 3îeyer,,passîig tbmoaîi ne tfeact further is Ibat Miss Alle" In oblier siord, th(r melie! nais is miler svich brooght bae'c ebeer ta fiel lte botel-keeper who vitit hlm trangera andilnto tbbc elitg. Ms-verà net have sent baci the vomI lu lu Waukegan that il s-as te repoirlt ivsadrid oDhinerom Te. yngn ,-4 o a he diIIutileas ah. bitait 'ovng the tracer statIng b! te -Thursilay eeilg, - the bureau Imavar wbicb ail bec- oi ylr. ce allhevas tal-ilng about; ehe bureau a! reraa! îissing titat Il tg quile a commentary on Misas ullfrn iebureau Iay btceuIle Oni1. cofusinelhlb esite tht net bave sent word ta the bogthIe oal neya ta Miss Allen Allen te thlelc Ibat she vas ftle'Dancln -day-aIfubaoy, ail alone, ore )- 1 - -n frvý,a*ded it te rein- who tter o ma y perons a d go 10-da -osaliorall aerpedsaalrsiy.peb vty, bal lait ppppe Miobr ules ltve r ie. anil site in tbre ow e ll aawote 0miyprosai The seretary andl tb. bote! ian tebnlecitlln tsuiotl Uba as uhPosiion th sud Titstv Bu 'ue .-mw fiii otes0 rîgt alted patieittly for lte etttmn of The police were notifier! but lte tlregi v rin el l.heal- Thl. tracer w ssent ot on -Us'w r of Datrieger t b ha et t h a Ie couple anlit was oî'em an to elîow lbaitmalt' gond bis escape. I e u t o i L e e h n of -the RIed Cross t0eshOM Alen's request an Nas'eîber 8, su seultite word bacie borne. Wast't li eoettycie ac.Ta 't SLEEU OR.* A oer lkely fia-t vet She no filta sery apparent Ibal tht' depart-fie'lna akgngr aabepandte.yiitenouteaaw ThplcerIcie tblev hb lcoualcblng for neya of ment loin lime lu getîîug busy on fie gtthe Wbign gifrl vas aegainelte atgnet10alw 'ieplc reicîlbble- hud ee.gel il. dispach- fi. l e b l ev o atea er 10 have the paliers dravu twhleh that tire sallar wils morir,, I sIllti n ha ge suad gel lbIbraugis so quickl y afttai -oulî raes-se the gaffer froni service, tbougbt lbe ms-y have remaîneil lni ~ Iâ eter te lier aother, raaflzing Mackey's home on Second street is having eceivel te flst neya thal Wben lhey ere cllel te tak b> h' Waukegan', bllevirg liraItatehae tht' The atention f the public is titn to the vf e hoi quicier ltea Iflirectly aceos lte street tramnt te Datringer vas ase? erar clth hsa an tesarcusenîlacuil iIt vaibel t heur fron i hm via the Allen home cul tbe young officer Relatives ot Lieut, Daitringer no- wîfe paxîsiel th4t a RIed Cross gond bis escape as ha kuewi thftal al$Pies;îîlvtePsrase kn-uc malroute. persoualîy itnew Mise Evalyn vemyar lookiug for a letar ou every nurse bll Ibeni It volil be cl ight evanues of escape woull be vatchel tile service coniiection charges eifl)lo(;eiinif doubt }nmar lias wrtten but veil. Tutretore ha vas le position mail cul îhey teod confident tIble frtent ev h ayaet n oecoeyfloigbsdsrln u re o 91 ae uut2 98 .- ann lariett erl git;brer-moald usee ngw tisno tume lu vrilieg te thamrn forée tes t'nd it e b n e ts-emore tctseiraloi s heca e tion. nsodrN.13,dae uui2,1)8 .EPamakems mercent lteln o higradshe yas only too cul posslbly pcv a letter In oun h casinaae hasceaytu nlhe ae f'Olvr"ft i fecise )ccemltber 1, 1918, the lrrsnlasularielf0asoir bnt I i er iide hsenntos vsn vrth h tc ta becphaId cn .idicat.. thé delay a-mcotrtl-wllllng tbdo il.tyhr. the bobe ao havsereblr nitiaine eunea lver ftit a --srlin oncto cags oeral1.sc aniier' mil.(ýPecall whnIThe good news abicir vas brogib Te wvontelenérl15 vbyfo thDaaitringirnchagesid ~~u eoidicrs' mail. tî-Thtpeciallya wy 'wbe%'y tbamnselves, etlàined tbe barbariby h aIo is lrcoanelbsov f telephlone service, and apîîlv te bath ncw- -- a. pisoeraot lte lun, t Wahiegn l Mis Aeu'sleler et rIt betre.Ho aillico mis- f scb proeltre ul mmel4tey nineculIlhvuilhav benanex-hesallminîrs nd iiaes ronianeatsrcs --

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