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Libertyville Independent, 2 Jan 1919, p. 3

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anY are .jtUd4mnsaet Fort alilovan-me * bornarrIve>! tire - -t two wacks. Many' of -* 4oca>!, others have :4orn#m. Tira> are betng oR of, by - 100 nurses. Thera meu u«nard anA 800 on-. ed st tiré fort ai the - 'ho»ptàl vithi accommoda- AUbeda l la the proces mone men are com- â berld a I ithMine and Mlay'bads and! espty Mta! Bother bs boan plac à» bomptai as thie officiaI rap- Wfta Of the W. C. T. U- Shea W t te varda te cheer an>! t the dlacouraged. write jet W the dimable>!, rea> to thoae Mite n-a>! for ibenelves, co- MU wtl tire comndlng 0111 m the. Médical staff lualal waps Sfer tIr. velfaeaof tIre pa- vear> a the boaphial bas a vie. $ad an adJoWat grecreatilc MMVIdmd wth gamet4fi bocks. "b, mmiek etc. Wherce urope Must Cet Its Food. Pr-oared bv the United liai.. Food Administration. Illinois Educationi Division. ARTHUR DILGIER WRITES 0F Oakland, Camlornie, IN L X ELPING BUILD OCEAN BHIP Dec. 20, 1918. IN PERIOD 0F 23 DAVO My dent folkes: Jusi a ev Unes to cee bow yosr » NTYWHO IVED HAS WORKED ON 14 NEW 8HIPS all ara. I amn ure feeling grant aad ________ ano rklrg aven-y day. an>! titkeeps IN S ÀTE50 EÀR whlleBroherWu&Figme la goc>! shape. IN S ATE50 EARS Whiu Bothe We Fihiing Over-1 steghtfok, the on-lda r 1-il e .Perfon-med important Wl ola ti a aoe u (Continue>! iroin Page Two) Mission Mr. gis>! to say; thai 13 wonled 84 >da" Wblie ,Robert Dilgen-, Bcn 0 Mn. ehip was the Invinchble, e 12,000 ton henr> AustinaMlle, Anea, Fehi. 27,ad Mns. M. P. Dlgen- of waukegaaa boat. it waslaunobd 23 days efter V(187 as helplng te -hammer thé H'an to theeel vas laid, an>!4 la 106 daym af- hil eae. la France, Anthun- Dligor, tan- von-k as starte chie ateame>! X» M17-1S57. - rhOt nohe OD Wneuag' mporant ss ava> vith a cargo cf fleur for France. # =7157treauous, but, qSe >'orat c g ou e ihai vas M aaa*en tu l»oslsa M. Costegrove, AnUicch, Apr. cupation-ibat of helping to bull>! Bn-t.hen- Robertisarncatire pond. I - 186'l-IS57. * shba so ethat troopa, muintions an>!td !-l aos !m etnsta I~au h.On-eaHigtlan! Prk.fao! srfecoi]>!bh rushra>!o-ensean va van-e building a record shilp, and V. 15, 187-1857. te the Amen-ban .Expe>!htonan-y For. we dl>! h, so San Francisco hol the Peal Carne', Russell, 1842-1857. ces.vrdareodl hbukn. un-. lon-. Fx lar, LIe urih, In a ltter recels-adban-e Decainhan You me>' tel Ithie Waukagaa Sua s'l22, 1854'-11111. 12, Robert bol>! cf haviag basa o»en- that 1 recelva>! a letter fn-cm Robi that tailelClp, re.,Aug. 11- 187- tihe top an>! o! havlag beeu on tie airla ara vhat won tire war--4nd 1 VI. lrlng Mna wben the armistice vaut have helpe>! te bulld> 14 sblps laça aIly Baton, Wasrconas, June 10, Intoe ffect. 1 cama han-e, so that lu gohng one. 94-1867. la a latta>' re-els-c>! mme toda> Ar- LovIngI>' your son, CWMre Baten, Ws.uccada, Aug. 29, 1Ihor tells of baslng helpa>! te bul>!ARiT. "la1S?. -14 ships ln a shipbuiîding>yardd in lire. harok Ca"., Wauconds, Jrîne Califoniel, an>! hast o! al dl>! parti Mn-s,'W. M. SBmith of? Woverlri., 105&4158,-of t. c vorn- u hihdfii a 4hp ini lia-mena>! t.. Wn.mkgan a few dlys! ~,Sljae.Wadswartb. Hec. ss-hl411 I trev lais rr. .,-for spe-sut - go mwiîenh(hm' learne>! br son 'aI - - la construction vers .ii.lii.The' Creat Lakuq, vas 111n-i,h lnliliesza% - >'c~yung mai- talla o! tilis i,'it lint th' Tihe sou la ra'cos-ar'ng, but %lro nobli- h!Ide ltçUî- utmeotye!v>. -- er..contracte&!...thle-.4Aee an>!, li' las tter reada as fo liov: dan>!. W'5S UD a, food le th< wubblItI trne"remarked J. IGSu~~r#USdUit4f ,TIflO, A CO.,Chicago. ,It.ght bO mouIeu.osay, ontnud Mr. ArMourï nit. twas the pow- der u*tNOIezONeM throne, for moit assuredy &-#ttead d adequaatq1 01fyafood for aur flghti%n rO@,uP itlh a laok of food In Aoeany,haa mid# it possible fi -estroy prussL" autoc racy., No"that viftory has hem won lfie mtoratinufpet o se0ei ff to bingo on foo<I, for, as Cenienbeau bas polnted out~ hungry men are nef amenabie ta reasonY Mr. Armour sald furfiier: "Cons&vatlan of food, theref ors, la 01 prime importance. A preper definItion of the. word ooneration remias that foaod ls boit aonserved, whien, thebut'possible use Io made of it. For example, if la flot onserv",e t tore up food ln such great quantitie. that muai aofIt spoils bel or, It pan b. uoed. Neither la it conseration ta refrain from eatlng sufficlent quantd- ties. of sustalning focd "The way ta conserve food ln arder ta help restore peaue s ta observe strictly the wishes of the Food Administratlin It ls endeavoring ta make known ta the pubII«Whto ta et and what ta refrain fram eating. If the wwd le ta est vegetables, it la a aigu thaf véeeables are plentiful and thât by ,Qsnê them other foodi which are tess perishable can be saved for the future. When the Food Administration sys eat -fiê if means :that acqulescence on the part aofie public wll resuit ln an Inoreased supply af meat. Blind efforts at conservation, may defeat conservation. i have In mind tie refusai of many people ta cat iamb on the theory tiat they are thereby oonserving the wooi supply. Careful study has proved that tie contrary is triue and that a wider use ai iamb would increase the wool crap. 1,11, smy belief that the. public wiil aid mosf ln the conserva- tion af food If if carefuliy observes the rules and regulations and suggestions af the Food Administration." s' I -i 'f8 4' "nA. lama. tn City. 22; P J A E~t Buatilllon KB« Hafi'g Great* Laikes 7d i 23; Loretta, S. RK¶ilahMnneapoîL,. HeryLa n,: Mtboee.b38&corne a alight limprovernent jMare Kelleri smp. i rakfi.ghy Lk+Cut la the world's fond nituation through Efficient Head ofai led JoseIph aiselifi, Kenoaha, 21; 8ar- 5 %> ...the removal of the subniarine menace., mrcnSte n b #ah Meyer. gangs. 28. bI ' ut it canàot be too oft*n emihaated Ca. Gon Stlan Wi Albe . ý AnaeltSnmerOsTelle-, Wi!§-es but the stornins of the war hbu@ mot C.Gi Chicago 3 41; eul M. !Sidel, sane,32.bronght any more food Into existence 41; 3jÜledg.Blleel, smé 3. nir donse BECOMthESngr f am Stee Rlàbat. ilauke. 2f' OUHT 'MTHEBEOM SUPRNN El Uz~e icter sin.e2._ - - . s, ayiithe U. S. food administra m 4, iinois edticattonal'division. À Sidney A. Gelse. Bruatels, -Wis.ý . JA.Geratbhty orf 1.ke Bluff han doi'en reviped rilteshave just been la- Wl eeFmf;HsBi ' 21; Mary A. Anschutz, Sturgeon Ba>', received another Interestins letter sued for the guidanîce of the public Ass Joi afe mitrowtHa aiff Wis . Hnt 2aue. 34; Elfrom h ift50J PalKorIBlt, ftlà pîigpis,,of the state for thé pur- fo Pan!B. lsan, Mlwauke. 4: M.. ~ îff~Y ~.!i-Jf 1 t .W * Se ~oa.f couserving the suppiy of food .Li May ea. aiB. Walter, Appletonx, fWI., 30. h à"4ergtyI'theld' aboutI'i ibins country in order tiret oiher . BurtonL. Blanchard, Milwaukee, whom the Sun llnted'a stiry as'ta o lrlaui ve r'"n square dent." or Wben John Emil Hall, foreman et 43; LIlIIan 0. Malle', samie, 38. his -de=oatlon on~ b e4q ate o îpoc,1 t the rolii ttheaueatpa Hermaa A. Sobaoller. Milwaukee, In Auguslast w e & h lbgenewtl Crva ai , muaI flot contain more than of the Amoriczan Steel & Wire Ine.. 2;HatteTlrry . em, àgan, 22;. Lt ooe l nteflllc aea 20 pe'r cent of botter fat, and above ail w&l'ed from the plant lent Satud~ Har>'Staea, Wukgan 2: LI-a time wlien th~e lSlst iam brigaded food moust fot ho iurnesl. aste "al! ho hall severd bis connections WUl lian Dolen, smre, 25. wltlf an Xiuzlesb, divisig&n.The latter. . he feil t., aîîinînîior reduefl to- btin acninihw a el1 Kendall 3P. Colline, Chicago,.33;reais _as foflove: fats, of whI,ît herc r,'*i î*. te clieen wt h lire hadbe Oms nhebrner IIalP, 1 connected for ý'7 years, 27 y«= rs Othi scmbrner Mlaue 2. l"ranee, . fundae, Nov. 24",1918. a seikrrity. '..'Xlmu-4. Ant liedis- 1Wirkopnm ii '.9(years at Worceser., senn ILPoe Racine, 26; Dag Dear Dad-- ,pae itefotwfo rso nYye lntameit o sow Mass. Mr. làtil resigned te o ePta Clrrrisatofermn, sie.1.Weil tàd. todai la he .W'for case-l[t sucîn a wil. min9.JO caunselils de- position as su: clo!tendent of the rot Arthur U. hake>', Great Laires, 25i, your letter. ne wil!!seevirat t can do. teriortiion for homme n cihintlo. ml ftettrsàeTo n te Florence G. KoVee. Mlwaukee, 21. Trhe paper says we zMya. wrjte anyý White l.rend ofthei' ..în vari'-iy leis o.f hcg.latdt79bL JaesTa HyseCicgo 3T.setin Rayes, el heewe-av Cmie]îcaw ilce erosu, i3 o.o Ciag.Rosedat7the Weaselboqft smre, 33. tigW îltl hr ehv iile]t w oi- irprooprJohn Hl is a man who won bis ib-ea ~rgoy. acne.22 ~îîabeen and where we are, ad ber'è gos: illeni or. four 'Milces of other irads Way te the top) throug!r sheer pluol. Piin, tGrgoyRain9.2;Mea Jusi six monthe ago Y was on the auch as tuinsna.coi-o brend! nntdWM t0 nereverance and close applIcat"o . Polin, mo, 1. oiean. aboard the Leviathan.1, which brown bren,!. The liitation dÔe4 not te' dut>'. Startlng at thie fontot be Milver 3. Nejdl, Greant .akes, 25; badl 15,000 of us on baard. We appl>' to rye bread continînîg more ladder in tb-, W,9libirn Mn pn & Anna M. igavel, Cedar Rapids, la.. 23. lne iBeto a 0h tydta 0prcn fre rt ad Emil P. Zade, Ienosha, 27; daClan daars nta Ob tye hn5 ir eto yor1 ad iWorcester 37 >ears lige.lhe rapidI>' there four deys and then Ptarted mov- wlches. 'A 5 l3' ~5Io grant- ahowed nakdoiiiaKpl5'ty,.and 27 yeerp Flhoyd ea, s lwauke2. 21; Louise Pimn w a a-tesaes< d10hain n'. Br,'sd or toast agi, was lndlioied tmn becom&e-head o 0 I Wetbloyd ?tera, Mia8. Punglmand. We idln'-thegetathes n e t lie 9servel- as Ir garniture or the Wtbr unplant. Inter thé- ~ WelWal mrn, 8.. otFrench box cars lnsteýd , whIcTr .un,(lc e a noe. hr.eéi mu~ltnith.' Amnerican Ste-el and Wlre Co. et ChsC. Grenleld, NlUw~.%o, ;ilotnd* J eetaletif at lite firet Wuea.Fr nnbro er r EnelHarrie, samne,. a;. nq5 ç-M n re 4".wjqe 9l3 l tis norer t a n akea.Fra ubro es Edw. Giase, Prairie View, 46; Em- ,ndfor>m iapaked In or eight co~I br ami' u ~'~ b. en forenian of this lmporteaf m wnumtmae,2.hormes. Wben we get la one of ti.osede to one cThelurasetbutMiliI ma>' E. iTh ame. 2_ aks,~ cars we generally find that hormes l lntdt necus'bt î osîri n ooftheir mont 'aluable mem Ra .ToaGetLks ,have been the lant Occupante of the la[S -i that this orîbr doe.qnto ' ontr oieteci aR Leona C. Ward, Milwauzkee. 22. peel evlgo ltit ls nhsdi)ru( hl h iyl o RuoîhiA.IfeleMiwake, 1;Icar and we cau generaîlly figure en rve. -a-riamrifh CI.,oa lng a re.pected citizen for Mr. Hall Florence Constaus, saine, 21. ltte lentg ar>'rlhtawy. ,,n n i '..ohr d fen. otîtlgpions te dispose of-his--fina home-at--- Walter- B. Praber. (Great Lakas. 29; Weil we moved un 10 a little town Tlif an miînce 1.flie nioîximni for 736 Grand avenue and move his tam- llabaa ens Clubus O. 6 alled Monch>'* sta>'ed here a few bterndtt'ai,,.fo ner-n te~ Chicago as soon as he gets en. Win. A. Schullen, Kenrosha. 33; Ia days and then 1001< a thlrty mlle hike ees,.tablished there. Atwood, Grand Rapid"ý, Wls.. 26. te Piergot whlch Io near Amtans. We "Ent 1.-sa wnateo îî:tli.g" sl t NfhC r. Hla ha. een ldpntifled ect jas. B. Leech, Zion Cit>', 23; 1 ,l IWrlaotli mlsfrmth r noîî,is fS. , 'it..o %Idi ni ble 0.wt le -t o h u C.Abrnsaeh2.lere. We nrrived here June 21 andi adîleil "othe rîqli worîîî'** local Industr>' but ni-o of the cir. - Hlenr-y Byars, Waukeshn, 5.3; El-IJll!>'3d. We were ai 1-amel gattingi_________HNs record tien-e is a Mont enviable vina -' lae. 4, rends' te go over thé, top. For soma 5jf5' sfaftnaama Herzog, saineI48. For nine xears lie servedo m AnngIreS Smmer 1ake, 32.werA mnve.i ffurtber back. But part 1 echool board, six years on -the City' Âno Enrea lae. 2*of our regIment went over and we WEEK A su CEtS I .chool board an dthrea years on thea fellows btua dld neot get te go over- towns.hip bhghchool board, WU EN I OI'II CTÇ1I were a 'ore bunri 1 tel ou. Some C,, g» T.- fs. col ,r it. Ifîe was a irîmber of the board et IIU1Y14~ UI4L~ILU fellowq even crlcd sand poor Jalca was seek for îb,' u rMre-f j.m-î odo-.- thme Old Y. M. C. A. estahli,3bed her TIIE one f trm. Weil, Iben we camped liiinr.'i, rliii,, e-i amnd 1 .'-ibout ns -or- of -. cr,. ago and h«-, lAfliL~along the Somme river and used te atioî,n on. the- pjéorC.4tIi. -olîle'or h beetn a member o! the buard of dlrw-. $29484.65 IN-TE n go lu mwim-ning eevday. We wers st-t,r -sidlr -m1. Mîiý-el1. . tors ofthie iroseut "Y" stuicslic la- in 'n'ic~ 1DHE rlgaded with the Australlans here i lonitîl ,ire,-îor, Illimiola food, admî,mmIs- mpion ln 1910. RED C OSS DIVEYI and Y wili an>'fthet the>' are a finel trillion. He la a member of the-Waukim bunmeh. A few das inter we went Os--".Tic iro'it oued for siiliî'lu>' zEii Pfark ioîrd anu ha., talipn an ecth '¶ *~Pre> the top for sure, bQing my fln-at roIs' s, tiif;..a l ulcontinu,- for ,...,îîc ntere.ît in the plan te provide tW Report is Made uy Chairman,! tima It wafun for me. îBut teforP tuf,- t..ei' -m, vnim.,îct Nîr. Mt-i.I.cýt9'wi'lni a-.rips of parka. M rs. Persans, Shows Womnen we got ouitb te ines oid Jerry We nii,ît :i m j i ls,.-rt j . .mn,- le "a, the means o! orgudJfl~ M ade Thorough Canvas made os keep oun- bends down and ttlb ..,si-i. "Na Ntii il,.- p. -î.e Swedish NI. E. chiirch la Wom . waa bard for the suppl>' men tb g -,realh,.- t,, r..... t ,,i ,mi-r u kr-gan iand jfol* 4( yaars bas b"e - 1tlow laI gis-en the report of the water and ammunition up te us.1 km, -m iijjýi .mu.. ' .111 ,,ii i,. .to ch(-irmami of the board of stbwar etI RP(l Cross drive for "the Christmas Thia waq ai ('hirtîl>'Ridge. We wPea malst I "t o . p-i! t,- t.. îr.-ven-ur Iis emîl*1, roll cail!memrnnhI l n Waukpgan, n the lina about 15 dayg thls trip, foiT asN-I rn. lifisos ahe fhro in aughts. the csnnas .bcbga made by the wom-hdaot8 auîls i bs en-s commite of whlch Mr.. P. L. Stint. About 12 o'clock the night of F000 SLOGANS. Two of tire son', Albert and, WU- ParSons 19 goneral chaîn-man. She tbe tunt I ran inibo the captain. fe r ntesrie submla th reprt a folows: Wel. Geragbt>'." ,ho satM. "If youu t S-,'fouît for.. dr - ii -f. Elo.lyaaof ltme rmd mîli ere»W. -~i NRHSD.get ont o! ibis alîve >'ou'l have IF'.oii. iii s..in l..-,-- li.s,fo.od,-ii Mn-s. L. F. Mason, CeppUlt. - omethlng to tell about back homeamnnî,iiiîu' .... ýo il,.a-. watch anîd crinl s a boken of th4tr' District Captaifl Ami Colielcted IXelI, 1 got out o! Il nlrigbt and se-v. l-Europe .tc .i, .tir f-w.,ood. resp'ect. l--Mrs. N.T. Stewart ......$ 7s.00cmerl other gtuntq niso and l've bad Couserv-:t t'. i. .mlfiit iif"m!ths orfi 2-Mrs. C. E. Stale>'... 41.00 ail 1 waut sand ihen Omne. We have auj îghi forth i a iatpmsent thiat Zl. 3- mlr. A. C. Goodflow .... 60.00 gesover a lot of uies sinçe, but fit II O E >'~Il iii s stne.sor as foreino 1»t 4-Mrs. John Welch........ 29.00 grew te li an oîd sitry before the CîAf. R 1IITTi ) 3..t tw'en nameti. 5-mrm. J. R. Don-lin ...129.00l end came. There are cal>' a few of thre- 6-Mn-s. A. J. Jeval... 62.00 o!>! fallows lefi In the compan>' now. flqJAPS; fl OW 7-Mrs. C. E. Arnold ... 86.00 We ail thougbt we'd lie borne b>' 6R ; AS rINE 1 KINPSHR W 8-Miss L. Gorbain ........ 31.00 Chrilstmas but 1 gnes it l imposai. nAieimvrurguy' AUGHTER 1$ EIJ 9-r.G. T. Carbert ...... 78.00 hIe before aprlng. We are la Hanan- 'WARI IIi I WOLD, 10-Mrs. Chas. King ........ 110.00 Ille and we are sure tbI4ktg of .e.Waukegan, Dec .... il-Mm. M J. Porter .... 8fs00 home sweat home. -- Cbarged wlth has-lag lidnaped ]bd~ 12-Mrs. W. R. Dagieh ....46.00 Here's- hoping mY, next,latter wll Captain W. A. Mfoffet, former, sx-yen>-old 'daghter, Mm. P"ulln 13-Misa L. Perrin---------693.75 bie from a conît town oc fromn saine commandant of the naval' training Kamper o! North Chicago, waa lpla,> 14-Mrs. Geo. Bairsiow .. .«15 city ln German>'. asslgmred to ses dut>' an>! wbo was' ed undar anrest ioda>' and gi-rena 1 6--Mrm. L. J. Yeoman ..... 8.001 As ever. station et Greait Lakes, but wbc was j hiariag baera Justice Le ac erer 16--Mrs. John. Long ..... i.00 kFrnkl. placed ln command of thre U. S. S. On the abowlng the court hoUai hér I Pennsyls-ania, genemnl>' conceed>!ta to thre grand jury' and fia>!lber bonde 17-Mn-s. J. P. Fifler---------25.00 tb h otfrIal etehpi i$,uO h a nbet bam 18-Mrs. C(. ilodgett .... 83.001le hebflhfomiabe ati/hi i e Se asuEMAaT, btl 19-rs.A. Hahonne . 4.0~ Ut. , ~~ ~IA.ffIi~ the United Batea n&V>' and probabl>' n bondianannd was place>! la *M 20-Mrs. AT . -t. one ... -42.00, R.L W lMA 9 In tirawonld, la hack In Lake Forest Lake Cou:ty lai!. The warrnt for 21-MIn. L. W. Lewis ..... 4.00ni bis home for n few days. Captain bier anrmai waa signed bis ier husband* 22-Mn-s. L. D. Daka .........42.00'Mo THE atar na- Nlin>>' aser II pectedî>' Saborda>' afternoon about Si Kampen- and bis wife are gettlng q - 23--Mn-. L. P. Sîrer......... 31.00 6 T Ele. ioc adi h enie1bý 24-Mrq F. W. runk ...... 16.00 1EC ILA R (Alucok ivnc a h enie~e "IL it seemi, mighty good te hae badle custody cf thein- mx-year-ol daualrter Mabonl' . ai...... C .00borne If cl>' for a few da>-s." Capt. b as.been gis-en tn a North Chicao sho...............00- -Moffeti said. 'f amn more tlsan sants-J manl nanied 'Scliwartz. Peri'ma WEST BDE. .~Graduate of Lake Forest Uni- lied -ith ni>' sa dut>'. î'm In charge wa'r gis-en b>' the court In the arother- Total ............h.....he1881.90of the Thlghtleslt batlashl In aethe toses aerdaughitcn- io heursel emr-' WES SIE.verit; PeacedtheWoi n-Ird au>! It la manned b>'neo Saton-da>' aflarnoon. Accordiag tb Mn-s. J. T. Emmona Captain. l Over Durinn Career the tîneat craw a commander could thtr husban>! bis wife toolltre ttrl 215-Mn-s. W. Sackman ...... s 61.00'______nak. Wlint mon-e la teolha desira>!?" tii. Racine iast Saturda>'land! fable>! ta 26-Mn-. A. H. Bons ...... 37.00 "h"issipiwsoeo h rigle akad ilntnwXe 27-Mn-s. Des-eLux ..........20.00 New Yon-kHi-c. 2t1-Th( Iýes- . - TeMissplva un oftebrîgbr1akndylloao r. 28-rs L Shra........3.00 Wilbun- ilapuran, noied lsam mlghiy dreadungbtR that steaned vent ber vhereabouts. 129--Mn-. A. Morrison ... 23.00 a'angeiist, died ban-e today. He vas bnckInto the North river lat veal, TIre mother bas bast ratured i 30Mn-. Wm Grack..... 3:00operala>! upon 'Monda>'. Thie opera-.n-turnlng fron dty abrond. It vasq was place>! uoden- arn-ast lnme>lae 9310-Mn-s . atr Naam ..... 60.00 1tl-- vw" is tht->! vithîn tiw.years accorde>! the greatesi deinonstratlon Shendi>! net tell ber aiory la éét __ 82-Mn-s. Pe.eriNeana......2.00 for gait stones. es-en-gis-en an>' fleet. nltboitgh selledemanda>! and! insW a82-Mrs. (W. DCsho...... 8.00 nDr. Cjhapuran, nlbbougb bis ean-iy Captais Moffett declded to spend date lraaring.i S34-Mrs. Bi. Wetal..o.......2.00 faine vas acqulrei in te east, la a New Years with bis faml>' an>! speed- 36---Mn-. H.Mat............32.00 western man, anfd a gradmtate of Lake ed te LA(< Forestastns on s e ha ETS LETTER VIA AREO R&09," ____Forest univeeat>' Ifewas bonn lu ouhlexcusaehlugel! froin the vel- B.SLoefNrt e« BIE: ~tcbmond Ind.,ln 1859 and graduate> camilug tbn-ong ai New Yor-k. Ife dhd Toa................ e 'î~ Forest ho 1879, than goirg not know vhen anothen- oppontunîts-Fra" ecels-adtth M. OJ.HKm IDwkCEn. tbLana Theological seminar>' at Clu. of bbc ktnd vould present ibseîf. He e te Waukegagr4*i M. J6~.r. Kohn yaDan--c . n.00cinnail, wben- e hagnasuatad lu 1882. la to ratonnte bis ship Tanna>'>'2. New York-Chicago ni-plane. 3--fs. JE.nBa>!e...........44.00 lb la cxpected thiat bc vill visIt bis &Uncae frainClevelaag C38-Mn-s. WE. Sang ...... 104.00 aniPos> tat ntGreantLakes &efora is buiniess latter ln wblch M6 1 asM". SONSrNORT.... 1 00 Pura. If lic doca lie vilI hie gisen told blm: "I arn endla W.h -ra. Onan.............27.00 S N UF -NOR HnCoIye!lrecehîtlon fo hle ahis- b airplane post between Nor 1 40-Mrs. Wil]!Lhndbe-g .26.00 hIdoize>! by ,.fftcersansd men alike. an>! Chicago."- 42-Mn-. GMorriston...........00 C G NAYU<"Ilias-abeau cruîsîng dos.n the iBut, If the latter ha>! bea 42-Mrs. MrJso .M .... 700.'0amAY R ISucolisttnnd tbc Missssppi uow la ai the Si- route voit>! have 4-mJamas Mon-n-cv.... 44.'15 -- 11--l- __ - __ . . t rous. It- wa.as ribten om

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