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Libertyville Independent, 9 Jan 1919, p. 2

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ýS1RA N CE ab% h. AbleuIaa mft, Pim eo Is.teu oMode aUWerklmg. me.. ooupmmeim. Hlm Bof ore Plicing Yotur Inoance OvS rDeé esDm#NgSe. WELL cDRILUNG WMHERMAN -& DOLAN ZION CITY ewm blse 373-W -f BAIRSTOW. Ilarbie and Gr"anite Monumenig Çegnetery Work of1 Description Everi1 A!ssponidencc Solicitec 216 -Genesee St M 1. L.TAYLOR hYba Netnsi awBuldme te &NaM 7toIl P. e. Broadway, opposite Pars Ub ï1dJeuio. D. GOLDING Bour 8 o 12 .m-î teôp.m. Over FirmI National Bank Usptome 19..au. Phone 157-.. &E5IIM S URGON a ~ui asuon sivato et dwummuaof the ro% sLie, . Noue, limai Xvsm ssmrnedfor OIaS ce u O.Telu esUbertyylie. r @AK *UANTATZ M]5rILi r Lbertyvllle. Illinois. SDR. A. 0. CAMPBELL tm Law"cr Stable Ubetyvoll l. I adjacet town. ELHANAN W. COLBY 64HOIe, Cook Ave. Phone 168&J RETYVILLE. . ILLINOIS. LYELLIL MORRIS t Llbertyvillo - Illinos 116,.. «Oce rbane 1b -V .1303161 UTrFw & Puw.co. mon- Md aS»novwlivinget 1448 u4"i place. Mr. BIte,. ,Wm«u à& 4amZia.Cty. lau. protst agannitIhe Ilmmer lu vhicb the state MWcominlalon liarais- 14 otbervimo aided the util- sago public bai been flJed tien against the lnterfflt' immission by the Austin Modlfied Muriage Law In Wlsooosin boing ýSougît ICI Keep Couple; from Heme B10 MAJORITY ELOPE HERE The clty ao flankuedoenot tae kinily te the tact that a lg mae jarlty of the couples there scekli matrimon Yalowe ta Waukegu Mai bave the knet spllcei. As a reault a dcermlaed Ufigla . eint made te have the Wlnmn l glalature PaM a lav vblcb viII make It casier ami more pleasant for couples te gel; mai' riefi lu that state.. The. marIageIl- ceuse records la Weukegafl ahow that Milwaukee suppliés mre marriage. eeklg mg cplea Ibm a ur-otut du clty-4t la almost soie te.aY Iliat a majorltyaofIlcons sismued boe are te Milwaukee couples: Fr that ressom the lollovlug tram the Milvaulma Sentinel wvOl bc rea4 RL . F. rueger,Milwvaukee couny marriage clerk, mays that the lcaIsiU îture yupans ameudmeut stothe presentmarnI. glava vbicb vil I b* te ncreane the number o! marriagua performedIn uthe statu. Aercoring te Mr. Krueger. heeanse of the prenant marriage laws, thosik sanclq ot couples have lett Wiscouip ta bce marriei ln other States. Ha de- claves that durlus the. lut year locit the number 0f. mariage lu NMiln kes bas iecreased 'mcre than 32 par cent. Pointt out Objection«s. Tbe marrlage lav pe.sed lu 1918, accorilng ta, Mr. Kmeqer, requirmu that the names of theu eP~iats bu pasted fove daysae"erelb.liMentu utaryla lssuei. Itl aso vauirm that the-parties set a certain date cos whieb the marriffg e 1.te bu Perfre& by vbous ani et wtiat place. NOueeoe tlteme tacts. alemea, Itle e tawe, macir couples laitthesatate taohabu analtu uearby states vhere tberestrlctiomi vers flot s0 sevete, Another Important question that must lie anqwered ln olitaining the pre-ent licpnqê le the date partiee vers dlvorced. liy vbam ani vhere. Mr. Krueger sali that mauy couples leave his' o. .ce vhenu aked this ques- tien. "*They do net viali ta give tbese facts." he said. "Ail that they deie Is ta state that they ver. divorcei more than a year ag* accordlng to 1ev. They abject ta having their recarda show that they vers dlvorced tramn such and sncb a perty ou a cer- tain date by a certain court. lu tlie majority of cases couples asked these questions have not ouly shoved a lies- ltency ln anseeing. but bave left for Waukegan. 1DI., taelbe MarrIed vbere the laws ver. net sa strict" Wants Certificats Prom Woman l'Among the proposed changes wili lie one providing for the Immedlate la- suant,. of a lîcense and the right te lie marriedIimmedlately. At preseut the man la the.only persan of the two requlred ta bave a doctorsa certificats. The leglalature viiili e asked ta re- quire the, voman te sigu an a. .davlt that ehe le troc tram disease. A pen. alty vilIliea imposed ahouli alie avear ta this statement talsely.1" Mr. Krueger belle,., that the pres. ent eugeulc marriage 1ev shouli lie repealci mani thatllis Stadthe man and voman shonli lbe required to pr. sent an a.. davit thet tliey are of sauud mini andIn good.phyertal cou. dition. "MauY men et prenant," hie aiia "although lu tond physîcal condition do Dat vlsh ta bc requirei te hav, a medical certificate as ta their cou& tiOn." IJUVENATION 0Ft1 iJISTRICAL SMCR. TV I UN iUROED Golden OPPortunity is Pre. sented for Collectiort of War Relias anId Data ISOCIETY LONG DORMANT Recause gouiuany Weinkegau sud 1ake county youug mail bave taken Part lu the vorid var, ami because iliere are onmauY trophies sud re. lie whlch ahouli hc pr.served for future generatlous there le a grov. lIn sentiment bere. foer the rejuvene. flonou f tbe Lake ouayntaltmimce Society. 'MIS organiation once vas lu flaur- lshLiug condition andi vas the memnu. Of cOllecliug mucl i hlalrical data mnd ruia whieb bave been stored et the Waukegau Ilbrary. Dorlng re-nt y.ers, liovever the latsMest sels tc bave lagged amd there abisearstela u evwbo aie vill. b loig ta go alseai anM ke" p nthe goodM vark which wvmsatartai. Fe That It vouli lie e big mîstake ta overlook 'the present opportunlty la the Opinion ot many. Sa many Watt- -e kega-n Young mnmae returnlng tram DESATISUU thlova et Russl ln Nortbvupteru L*e eSmat, cmi a wyo kaom tafum. er et O iia tly,. 3riday eve- 14 it IkWomm affer an ais. of long duràm o.Deceesei vas bds, Mmreb 2_1359 la inIois. FirWmmy yeuraho va. a grain dealer aMithie operstor of a milIlu RusseI, but la mSceatyem >ebd retire traom active operatIl andmi ai rueiei on hlm tra uezRfussell. IMe va. e momm'bel bf Ibe Modtera Woodunes. He ti ur. vivei by Ma viiow sud flve chiliren; fou, omh, Thom=,S.Eobert, Fred and Arol Osilqia m ancnedaughter, vise 7mth'tterton îi = - m - MR ai.ateraoom tram taqomm w3IiImirmetsi thû.IAke Mounit qmu8muer ?;I«. Loans On the, Average With Nmw*eo~s MknorDeaIa Hav- Buiy A. teSecetary0Se Bumîlanees af, the recorder. offce for the vge'c enilmg Jaméury 4, 1919. Nernbcr et ouuvmaoe fliei. 5i. Nuimber of oliattel mortgages, 9. 8llpxber oftrust destinanamimort- Sam, 19.> Total number of Instruments, lIed, 86. Total amount of lMans, 869.442.33. BusInes, lias heen a litaie quiet 1witb lams about the average. The lollovlung are the more Iumport- eut deala: la Waukegan: Samnuel Schwartz houglit the old Barrison theatre ta.o- perty vlth 44 fi. Iroutage on eat aide Shieridan Rond meit te the Li- hrary trom Eivard J. Werner for lu- icated couge&ration of 89.000andi gave lied trust deed for 88,000. John Griffith ibouglit 2 lots au uortb aide Rldgeland Ave. from George J. Rog- ers for nominal cousideration. Char- les Jacoba houglit the Brogien place on uorth aide Grand Ave. just east af the Congregatlaual churcli for ln- dicated cansîderation of $6.000. lu Highland Park: Baliette Man- del, Rase I. Louer andiEdin P. Mandel bouglit the Chas. A- Wight- man property on northv.sl corner Moraine Ruai and St. Johin» Ave, for $15.000, and 2 lots ou esaise Sheri dan Roai, north of Beecl St., for $15,000. Trustees of schlof0 Deer- field township for ýschool district Na. 108 bouglit 2 lots on uortheast corner Dean Ave. and Itogel' William. Ave. from Josephi L. Fearing for $10,000. FilsIe R. Pheipa liauglit the Jane G. Sith place an uorth aide Pros- pect Ave..,eat of Llnden Ave, for $3.500. lu Deerfleli Tovnship: Louis F. Swift houglit 35.60 acres lu SE M. Sec. tram. Gao. Doyle for $17,800; aise 18.69 acres saut of road ln NE 1-4 Sec. 8 from John W. Doyle for 16,000; aise 20 acre. lu SE 1-4 Bec. 5 tram OGeo. Doyle for $10,070; also 2 acres lu 0W 1-4 Sec. 5 tram state of Patrick Doyle sautb 1-2 for $10,000. Charles A. Wightmsn bought the Fagan 40 acres lu NW 1-4 Sec. 21 tram Guy Huston for Indicaici $10,000. lu Shields Township: Mary R. Vin- cent liouglt the Chas, W. Glllett 7.11 acres lu NW 1-4 «W 1-4 Sec. 82 for $8,400. lu L4hcrtyville TovusblP: George T. Rogers houglit the J. H. Urnmbcrr 40 acres lu 5W 1-4 Baec. U8 from 301oba Griffith for nominal odnsicretlon, subject te encumibrance. lu LàberlyvIlle Villge:Annab Da- by bouglit the Vovler estate proPct. au nortliveet orner BraInmn Opurt ani Church street for S3,45.* Alfred K. Jargeusen bougbt t l002 ou north aie eBroadmy eaàt OÔ Third street tram H. 13. 1iMfflutt ion Ellianan W. COlbY baUbl ti James Jellr 8.57 acres lu NE 1-4 S0c. 17 for 01,000. lnaNcvport: Jsu 000.1dul haught the John J. fl £Me M 0.0,U iacres lu Sec. 4 ad0pl lt.~ 1nasha county for tndlcate qopaI&ei. tien of $15,0ffi. '4 , -, lu Grant: Jean D. Jemecl boiU a lot south of Tved i Ppap 1Suli. tram Sarahi A. Mead te; rREAL, ESTATE IA 8E >Dc, 21, 1918.' e J. D. 1%erdbat ami -Wé teu R. R. .Mradley, E. 1-2 lot« 1 and 8 (ex a. i.1 roda of lot 2) bilock 6, lu MeZayra addition ta Weukegau, W» 8,L J. W. Sturtevant ta, A. U. Rardin, part lots 24 euh 2F, block 81, Hli.- tland Park, Ill., WD. $10. Dec. 23, 1918. IJ. 0. Boston ta W. J. Coulon, lots 12 ai i !', Snw s ub, o ox t«Aes, k ~~w* ~i. 'te lai . e bw U fla 4 e"b ~~ Oev em u MryA. oevaloe,, to uru ta ameS&8,W~OerMMTI*% . U. Chevalier te Mar à. OMeV&. il. ttIL0. lotg 4. Ilok 1, Park Adi., Waukegan X.. BL Diget aMd vif. te A. P.1 BeauiLn1, lt 8. 4.,-S9aMd 10. Bled. 5gW. Sub., WukMm4 W». $1. Ch". Wbite and vule, te JeBoee viceS «d fO lMt 24, 1Bk 80, North Ohicago, W», 810. Dmo.MW, 1,10. Mary Thomm ute C. LouluaThomn. iou, lot 14. block< 3, Olmyahai, IIL, ýWD, 8$4,000. W. J. Schreck and vite ta Thomas "aP. lot 5. block 2, Kuebkers 43ul., IAbertyville, Ili., QV. $1. M. J. King and vite to Wmliçor Gren, 8. Dant lot 'C" block 8, Win- thrap Harbor, W-1, 1900. P. N. TomMUOI onl Tha,. Morrissey lot 10, blok 10, Bord-du-Lae, Lake Bluff, North u ONlo.eWD, 8250. P. I. Bartlettaid vile te Mary Jacolison, lot «0" Bartlett's Nortb Ohr. Acre,, winthrop Harbor, fleed $1099. B. J. Dr ev te Margaret 1). Krause, part lot 8. NlPPerluk Club Sub., Fox Lake, QC. $1. B. A. Cunaningg and witel ta W. o. Austin, lot 68 Oumminge & CO.'& North ave.4 !Add., Waukegan; ID, i.A. eCummlugs and vife to RIL P. Austin, lot 09, CumMings & Co.,& NQrt ave. 44di., Waukeaau, WD, $loi, - Der. 27, 1918. V. A. Newoomb. Jr.. ta John Ani. kolati., lot 11 block 71, North Clica. 0%8o, Ill., Demi, $1200. 'Bertba J.' Pead ani buaband to Pftri- Thestre Vi.. lot 5, 1>100k 3, Highland Par'e. W. 810. Thom" as ugtag and vIte to John Grillith, purt lot.1mAd 2, Sub. of Lot 40. le Forest. WD. 810. Ai-e.B. Donkur ani bu*d ito R- P. Viant, lot 8 ami pant lots -. ami 9, Beacih Orove Ouli. on Lake Marie, W», 84000. A- A. Cemuat, et al te Cliacanil MarIno, loto 17 ami 19, block 21, Wright'a Aid. toLibertyvllle, WD), o350., 0. A.-Kiugmley ani vite ta W. R. and Jouepblue Burns, lots 3 a"i S, BUrn Grand ave. Suli., Wankegan, WD, 810. W. R. Burns ani vite to C. A. Kingsley and vile, lots 30. 31 and 33 and soutb 1-2 lot 33, block 51, North Chicago, W». $10. Fortune Bras. Brg. Co., ta j. L For- tune, fi ve Pieces of praperty in Wau- kegan and Northi Chicago, Deedg, $11,000. Fortune Bras. Brg. Co., ta Anuta- sa Fortune, lats 8 and 9, block 7 af Lenox Suli., North Chicago. Ded4. 83500. E. A. Rogers, et al, to Ethel G. P.- terson, lot 1, Rogers Sub. at Fox Lake, WD, 810. Frred Kemann and vite ta, Antan Christensen and vite, lot 47. Tweeds Pistakee Lake Suli. at Fox Lake, WD $2,000. C. A. Nevcomb, Jr., ta Wm. Krage, lots 19 a.nd 20, block 15, North Clhi. caga, Deei, $250. Decomber 30, 191I. John Narva & wl to, A. R. Soier. man lot 15, Blk 1, Cumnisi & Vo.s Aid to Waukegan, W. 1). 81500. Sarahi A. Meade & hua to Jean D. Jensen &'bue, lot in village of Fox làe, W. D. 8100. A. I. Scoville & vifétetaMoicat Dehaeue lot 5, B1k 1, Yoemau &Mi Douglas Bub, Waukegaa, W. D. $M0 Jane G. Smilth & but taNIâle Il Phelps lot 11, B1k 52, Highland Park<, W. D. $10. Eugene Herman & vft t Cbhrsto- plier Lou, lorttlu Section 24. W. Ng-, tMechTvp.. W. D. U100. E"tte0f Mary W. ITo. te Mathv Buirnas. lots 1389aMd,141, W.ds- wortk Subdiviaion, Waukoa, ÙDemi. $1000. Water e UMMNme HF. ;v BSma osb. e^ at, ure$0. .11 ter Gu.her,,,Gent ».eu PereyG. Peb on Clin 24; Wi Wler A ro. Ume.s 2 Ci2,. 8 JiV. CerStrwýGeatt, aune, 0 21 141w. Dohldit.melva0., 4 lIMPe NuW., n, WO. msi 21'. X-q . oeAer, héoye, 0., tan1; ither Guamihur,.Ae, . John A. Bubt, icagkoi, 27; Bye- lys i rùa, "ale, 6. Purcy . Uotlo, 1lin Ott, &0, Berthe Brome, 0630. Cart.rP. Bevp Chicao 2;Wis,21 Ursitioa Vtîelng. leIo. -0. Uqnley Wé . alieI, . «tGrayl W,21, Emuse C Wcgaerk a me, 19,. ;Mry~ eher ia 9 Wona.rodrdk, CMilweg, 2; Vitoa ide, hme, . -LueisJno, i Cane., 10; Al, fre Llmeure, t 0. ,26 Wmhoi. .1 Clzekachicago,21;4.la J osan a«Una, Milauke, di May ol J. Mllbuue, at.Wahgt, vilWin., 21; Norma M.tederk mae, Wan lte Jscui, Mil auke 2;Paie Vicstoria. MIle, an, LoturIL Bey,, Zon rCtites.0 T2l; Joha c. sabb. n«a,23 CalreiV. MBennt, Grogeat te., 22; Matruee M me, N"l. 4., e JovinQMBltony. Milvauke. 21 Mary eFOU, vakmare, 89. Ry . ter hmoan, Milaukee,~ 27ille. Wl.. , nlia . u ,mre Meroe A.ci, atrue, il;aueev7a Agosa"A.Sarnke. sm, 0 Albrt Ju. Hamne, MGlauke, 2S, Cain. . ksnnctt. Gmtladu, 26; MlaguriL. llier Fora Met,418. Ele Zer, Milwuke, Ml30.e,2 VAnC. Aneson,Rainev;ke31 Trglank Effumbrer Mlvsa.,24 JeaattJ. Mil, matrne, M.18. 8 JraeF oe. MilaukeeMwakse778 Moetl firet and aeand.cjfbfes bg lines to Pontiac Corndyke, King ,of tie King Segîs. HaIk-daoen dauhbters 1(4i H !erd Sire, YClNG SEMB GOLDEN BELL, a 3-yeSr-old fine bred grandoon and perbapa td» living exponent of King Segi..l Juniou, Ird Sire. a yeorling son of ti.,iuighty Corndyloe Sajie Vale. the. only forty-pound "ire forty.pouad daughter ini the world, whos.fre six cal! dau*he, e"! and every one made ««w pounda of butter i one wock, averaging nu*rl pouncis.T!>. dire. nesreat <lani of dit.yomsg dama average appronmahl thirty.dire. pouncla, dten being under diry poundeé. 100 RIAUBoUILLET EWES, bred te pedigreed Cotswold rama to comm~ence lamb ing ti6. poat of &£,ebay. An id..! combination. 60Ofeeders fromlat junes crop. 890889 VOOEL, Acimr Sale Wdk on the. old Burton or Tiffany foin>, on thi emat aide of Fox river, imniediately weat cf Slocum Iakepabo. 2 milea aouth of Burton bridge and 11 rmilea nori oUt Rawson bridge.! EDWARD C. WALLERi, J SPEEDY SERVICE TO CHICAGO via the NORTN SSHORE UNE Travel over the Nord> -Shore Line wherî you have occasion ta go to Chicago. You can reacli the heart of Chicago'& business and shopping diatrict i plenty o! tme for a full dWys activity and get bock to Liber- tyville in good time the smm emenin«. Limited trains connect with the. "Le' express at Central Street, Evanston. which. makea only two stops te the loop. Running time to Chicago only 1 heur, 43 minutes. DecembRmw8s, 1loi: Y. IL Baniloit & -gt te 1%ho lier, er & Wl. lot 26,1k3, Wit AUi De". $435, Guy Huston & wl le C.A.Wui man, loe in, Sa 8uiIlstftw~ Lake, W.1. :s C. A. Wightapma & Wl te <no u? to% lots 17,and, J& m 70.'m Pat W. eP. 1.. G. T., Rouer et ai to loua 0a 1tb.ý lot S.,xx i1g wt I&1. l logera Ad teWlm*uai.p ei Joba Grifih à W teoG T. J. W4,l tolql- W 108 .U~eIl4 8 wt 2 Sacre.lu sectica 8 ý qp,1'~; W D.8$00.- J_ &A w o . 0e la Guy H.MoÙ4nsea, tXmosba. 24. mailine Roby. *m*n, 21. Irving S. HRan, ,Waukegan, 23, Cordelle stadig meut, 81 FrdinaudBuettner, Milwaukee, 21; Susan Janke, saine, 18. 6tanIA~v'Wa1kelm. North -Ql- LIfM! TRAINS FOR CHICAGO Trains leave Libertyvilie every heur heom 6x30 a. to 11:30Op. mi., making close connections at Lake Bluff Junction widi Milwau- km. Lirmted trains and Evanston Expresé trains. On Saturday af- teroosSun&a"s md holkays thee wà a train evem 30 minutes LBIfTE SERVICE TO LIBERT" VLL Trains leave Çvanstp a 6:19 a. mi., and evexy houf tlereftoir natil 11: 19 P. mi, niaking close ooi- nectiona at Lake Bluff junction widi the LubeWtyile as, On auwrdiY sfternoons. Sundaya and holidays diere 'lsa atrahi *cvery 30 minute&, F or furtlier information apply te die neareat .Ticket Office O! die NOR TiK StfORI3LINL, oe~qo M vue Aimas Strul M. a.. CsmumlUN Liberifle Pies. . ui5eme74 Nolwa"io 1wuem4le,.g flua.. Grssd lin 'it- R, ljý 't. -, pýý 1 ki

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