-amrn::::i::S.~S~ >4rea, and VieinfitqI murnau a SU0- 000-00- 0 Mm oltPorteana @peut Mouds>' n Mime h bWbIunei oi Lait Bluff, Uge e i.week-end wltb ber aiter, Mrp. Wr. 1. rowder. 1George McDanald là conflned ta his bas. b>'a uevere attack ofI nfluenza. Mir@. DwigbS Doipb las quite Ili witb . influent&. Iermiother, lre.BI. C. PabYn Su aaialog to care for ber. lire. Auna Lathrop, werbasa been OWlo ber daughter lu ChCaba for the ist iew weeke returred ta ber haine bore last week. W hile lu Chicago she contracted a severe cape 0i Influenza aud ip now quite fil, Mise Thlrza Avenul bas returned ta ALresataterapendi)g a week wibb relatives Net Suda>' niorniug Rev. MNitchell vII take for ies ubject, "A rmniulu and 'Syplan Atrociles."1 lir. -andlira. J. C. Dardler entertained a number of irende Wedne@'day evenlug ln bonar aif1Mr. Dorfler'@ bftthday. Ail »eport a splendid eveuing. -Thirty frienda gatbered at the H. C. W. Meyer borne Wedneeday eveniug for a part>' lu the nature ai a surprise an OeErge Neyer. Progressive "50" iun. tilabed Ihe amusement for the eveuiug, lira. Hermau Broehman sud non, Arthur, and lira. Marehall Butchinge spent Tuesday at Palatine. Mira. W m. Einimnan l.aon the iick it. Wm. ftoerp la iuffering witb the influenza. MissEvoline Towner ha@ accepted a position ut Highland Park. Mir. and Mr@. Fred Lubkerman@pent Sunday wltb lMr. and liré. Oea. Oebrke and famlly. lir. and M rs. Rabert [Couseeand daugb. rer and Lero>' and Geneyieve Kane spent Bundb3 with Mr. and lira. Henry Mille and fu.ily. liMr. trid lire. James Towner and ion @peut Sunda>' at the home af the latter'@ parents, Mr. and lira. J. W. Cooper. Mir&. J. W. Hutchinga ipent lioùday ut waukegac. Mr. and lire. H. Brockmau visited et Prairie Vlew, Wedneeday aternoon. liev. l.ickett ipent Sunday with lMr. and lira. R. 8ehneider. tire. Win. Wbeeler and Mis@ Evoline Towuer tranaacted buinesjeat lghland Park Friday. lira. Marshall Huteliingii epeut Wed-' nesday ith lira. Hutchings. Mr.and Mr@. Walter Lernleraud family Lester Regnd@,bhm gie..up achool and italieu a pouition ia the. Contluentel baut ln Oicago. MWr. É. Oarrity attaded a convention of the telephone operatara lu Waukegaa TuMSad>.1 Mine Mamie Vaumt ofi LbertyvIlle, wàa iii. weekend gOusa i ida Boreuberger. iMra. Narman iProst, ubo bas be.m@lot witb the *,du" ab the Highlaud Park hatopitai for lhrse waeka, came hLome Friday. tira. An Shberman reiurned Monda>' from a mnath'î viil wihbber aon, Carence Sherman ai Chicago. F. A. Landwier, of the Dîvera.> Ave. U. E. churcb, priached ta a large audi- ence lu the United Evangelcai church Sunday aveniug. SIdlas lnle tryker ai Chicago, la vlitlug ber brother, John Stryker. Wrn. Clark wa. called taoicago Suday bb>'theuserionus Illrusaonisu father, W. W. Clark. The 0. E. eaciety ai the U E. churcb beld a. sacial and businesa meeting et the home of M. A. Frantz, Frida>' eve4inig. fük iejoint intallationoaiShberidan Lodge 1. 0. t0. F. and Sheridan R,,bekah Lodge ai Highland Park a»l Tueeday nlgbt wasa ateuded by aver thirty me in bers and fiîcdei rom Deerfleld. Ralph Elorenherger aifiGreat Laite@, opent Sunda>' at hie homne. A&ustin Sherman aif(Chicago, Ie viltlng hie mothêr, Mr. Anu Sherman. lir. Edwin Johnson te vilting at S. Jabson's ai HalflDa>'. lir. Fred Beckrnu ppnt the week. end ut her siater'@,. lr.F. Herbet oai SPAULIM IS flPh V. OPauIIu eau of Edwin P. 9pauîsi4g, of Bpauldlngs' ronerg,' l'as b4dsoins luterstilng experlencea as radio olierator on thie If. 8. S. Quine>' and 'who. lu ibat caxieci bas just ruade hie thîrd trip over- suas. H-e naw lg ai Geneva. Ital>'. Hia ather twa trip* iook hlm ta aor- deaux, France. He bas a brother, Charlie, statloned ai Norfolk, Va. Extracte trra a few af hie laie letiers caniatu lnterestlug tacts as fallQwB: Dec. 1, 1918. This Is sorna .urg I guosa you knaw wbicb anaeit i); al wauld up lu the rocks ai the base of the Appenhnes aud the situation paces lamne peaple betweeu the clavîl and the deep blua sea If the>' can't ellinb. 'But the people bave the -idea of an old eldebilî barn and eau scatier thamselves ail aver the maun- tain aides to perfection. This la aIl long-dletance stuif because va bave not shoved off an>' 1ery par- ties yýet. Just gettlng oettled after sôme naagh 'weather wbich stanted ceverythlng upeide dosen. Yesterda>', with my friend Po'e for ballast, I paced the' hills amaug the chlmlïsg cathedrale, thru the narrow iseelve-foot streei.5, chasms betwe'eu Ulma Elizabeth Wirtz "d J. L. Irving apeut nuada>' wîratMr. and Mres. George ~dh tr'bidns 'wntung the irst prises. lire. Frank Dre@don.Chcg.ehtsüYbidn. Vieker>' sud R. H. Luabbe received can- M. and lira. Ed Gosewiiler and famll Jý E Endier, who ie at the Columbia We badl a pretty goad opini solatlan prises. Sipper was oerved utainsd M8 leia ee aaenntSua'Mémorliai hospitalinluChit-ago, laeleowly formuil afier we bad 'tond arau amudnlgbt sud evervane beïd a flne lime. wîth Mir. and lMre. John Ooeewillier. Iiuproving. chapae steIatwth Mrs@. .I. Rockenbaeh did the Install- the' klds and people as a - few Laut Fnîda>' eveufug about (seeni> fyIAI A1Inq for the R. N. A'e meaët Thurada>' theuf 1 danced for a baud argan. wh jouug people seere tbe guesite oi Misees mx LJtLS- 1 eveing lu a ver>' creditable mnner. we aie sud gave away ciiestnuts -But S Saddie, Mlarché 1Sbaddle sud on accoui ai the death ai Rev. lMr. sud lire. Jacob Wolf ai Aptakiale, the ' tdd. ecbel Hecketmwellerat aelelghingparty Warrene e@iter.lulaw, there seam no @pent the week.end scth thelr eau, The main thorougbr art' via Gi «lyuu In banor ai Marris Willoi aud cburch eervice belidtlest Suuîday aitteCiieter Wolf. gaudi 1 bellet-e, is cortain!>' pIr William Brawder. sWho have itecentI>' Cogrgatiouai chu rli,. Tutuelectian aiflMre. Jamues Fritsch euitertainred the with Its modernsirop, on F-uci si bann ischarged inarm the armny. Ater aiicere for the. churceh sud Suada>' schoal Woiat,an' lissioitry Sotiety' ai the U. wlth vide anosale >itlcwalki Ça tbe ileigb ride the gueste seere tukien to hae been po tponprd until îîext Sunduv Le uiurvhlast Tuee'Iuy. pied b>' blgh sioneý arcttes. tis meoraMisse Hecketsweilun wbere aiternoon ut 2 a'cloek. Al are l>iî. inj re Adis ndalLois retturuedTueaday' The buildings are v-pry thick lis4 ejoyd a hor i gmesand1,,hepreSeut ta heur the annunsi relta alîîg sent tea weeks with ber sou, though tram the bay ih'y tout ses, dancing aud refreehmeu.is serue ervi'd. sd dcti aliers ifor the' comfug yeur. E, 8 Adains at Waaukegari and daughter. placed like staîrs eue abovi- the' c The Rev. a. H. Mitchell gave a ver>' S;tndu ' vseall n11a ni. lire. F. Kitubari,. ai ltivenowood. er ta the ver>' taopof the' inounrt, iereatlug diecoursqe iqsSunda> moru- i'iurciî service ut 8 p runt.lMr. asudM r. .Carl iioriuuel are visiting Toda>' fi we lim>e ,anieariy liber tug, taking for hie subject. Thettdure ar- ____ - telr îareuîei, Mr. anmd %ire. Phiilipfi la my plan ta go ta the top tl Roasevet, in wiîich lie ne> i ..ed, lu W'AUCONJDA iianîciil. tarI recvci dhe discliarge tîack juta thcp siihurhbe h!nd1 generl wa thecarer of hid n lslM18oMarguerlte Boehmer sud lues fitora ttireari>'two weeks agi, andd seul mauntaînis which ar,, reacted by el luteremting insu. At (bu close ai the Eîîîlly tIntes seere Chcago visittîre Tues- go ta lIuffula, N. Y., n herhle l'as taken trie cars thru tunnel", It 113s mrim %g u anar of ad u ex- prei.Al >' a pasition. mmil>'an udd plan for a cli>' and( omtngluhoni o or x-reldnt A Gliî Kirk let for tienevu, Tueedsy 1aonders where peopmi gel thei mmimittee couiposed aif Frank Shaddle,' wbere hie sili wark for hie brother for a SA.UGATUC hi ýh ta cape wîti sîch obstacles. JE. B. Biobrn, George Rase sud F. M. fe weseke..Toa n all oue o W erl rz atn o glarding wasaappaluled ta completsi.Ton ui«an> utrd a Wenal'frz utn o ,*rts*rnsnt for thile meeting. H. E. Maînîsn attend,.d the conuventionî Liertyville Satunday afterritiou. lbrunceh, btut about 12:00 a bumi of thu National Setail Cothlens'at tire Mn. Pantegys euteriaiued his brother, puiled us back sud though isi Botel k3herman, Chicago au Tueda>' Johnr, aven lie week-end. raw Wîth tie Apualues' breati aud Weduusday. Misesileckwith dld n'mi go home fan the could parti>' imagine a sommerE lau. CounyFameThe wneçk ou tire P. L. Z. & W. aset week-end. ' ing wih a ligit skid, anrsehate 'W es and rms Tueday lied up tiraille t 0 Palatine util Misei Heywad, sho seunka lu t eir tby use e ber, an tallan*s lnowle à otan etSuda>' aterujon altbough ireight sur- Chicago office, vliied] he Training Farm of a gultar sud pure hls. But si Invetent vice wss resomed ta Lake Z urich ou for a few daya sud tenir hack a quuntit>' ara. beyand us for h tla cabd now g For"y re arrssig I vaue Thuradayad no no serins us e WasI ni gee Sabe old ai 90ea dazen. Milsé gettlng colder. Fo hearlnraaugnale caumedon gettingithe mllk out, arrange'.Eloy ard wa. ona ai the firat girl. ta Dec. and tise>' produce hig ratura. îýenia being made vluh the C. M. & St. caou es ea(udwrko)le We bail a couple of vîsitana So EceletP. ta haouie the mI lb In cojuniciion latin Iset nlgbi acquîred a dag wiis vih ith E. J. & 0. and thla arrangemnent Miss Etier Weat la vitinig ber @inter, seagolng attractions of suffie of Onigpal> good and uaed for wîîî be effet for future emergericlea 10 lMr@. F. McConmack. dog Iovhng crev. Oun attractions dais>' purpossla contautii ave do't anticipate au>' moremnau Na ekfiisdSilyadBu'tkigt o o nv pado botter. r elu isBewt n hre n ob aigt o o nw Location Unexceiled a ie iupu ou accounl ai emerpene> trouble. Thorna. vlslted ai Mn. Portegy's Sun- Tis evanlng an Italian a"d L_ LAM Zj< fH, day. chance acqualutanca cof .b<> af Ever>' Farm wilhin 50 miles of,......MJlr. and lira. JamesCaliabarn are bath boys, came aboard. Ra talked i je.Mies Anna Frank epen Suda>' at her ver>' st>k. lira. Callaban le luin th us for sorte tme nelating experlen ~.EICUgOhome. hoapitai. .et the front. The greaiesi prodoce market Phulip Young atieuded the uerai ofi C sav Es The la.t f ew day. have beau libmthe and. hie grandehild at Chicago HelgbiA Tbe rupper grades are huerviîb v' eathar and I Wonder ai tua w 1 s tJII.o uesday. examinatiausf thia weeb. Chicago la catching te as rîeStlL wErnest Tonne, wbo ha. been houoratily The fo n eusi>' ebudren were absent I. V.E lrnproveiarme, $125 ta $175 disrchanged i rorn camp dues, bas been ali lâat wPek. Parents ebold avold Visite Oid Ruina. racre; land that wili yild homne 'Isitîng with hie morther. beeplng the chilidren aut, even lu cold Ohrtcnaa ueetvr 25t 80pe cr.t ube i augp6peaiede eather. te hnsoItrs we $5r a ce lme 1 on @peatne Audrese VanHaecke aud Margaret ruina of the' castlé. *hovling thsi the danceutaiLang Graove, Satunda>' Mtorrnack wure perfect iu apeing ion geane that wana the old prisons. 0 FiaN tetSmalI ight. the week. tht' doars lu sanne cases, are thec Oue-third ta aue-ionrth the Aug. Fraellch shipped s load ai cattie o! armeansd faml>' nama but prlce-balance, 5 tu, 10 years. aud hage (hie week. ~j~ .nnh( "Greek' toa Yankee. Low Rate o Interestient Seip mspent a fese dsys ut Palatine G NSmFORh aius hYu I.owRae f ntret lasi week.U I thrL~)Bey 0f lthra dnmyala tano Four, ldre sud six per cent. Mn. sudlire. (G. Kirchbaum @peut the geM u r>u n à r th' als tiepardo>'-reu A Higly Im rov.week-end ut the Schneider home. I W U9 HIU ur grthOaFhprddg Ad FihyImpro- Wn. artman epent Tueda>' uiNnU Tht' most important event ta TREÀTN ~ ED boyse seerus ta be thse caauIng.o ed annChiago TR ATIQ IJUR D 1mail bag, especiail>' vien the>' I ofaieity acres, with Oa ti«, H. G.Ililisu seas a flarrington taller had n newa frani home for il paymeut ai 52,000. O t an- Thorels>.Ths sLaet Pn ta B ats nàot afford ta ri. E. A. Flcke cuent Manda>' iii Wauke -Ths_________Pan_________ths $ f iechi a te caguiaitloh Adopted ta Cure Physical' Improvements Worth rienchoirlaof tide vnelli iu St tue efeots of Inlured CVLCt1G S0 an 6-ace aru. seer bolhane 01 MIsses elsa sud Rase Kntmpip. fleng the' grea-test naval fraining OR on 6-aretain.0 ne wll" ta> iontIn hube world Itlalegetting ta O R carry iack elb,Oeu for ten Tht. auna' uaeetilrg oaire Ela Fie naiural for Great Lakes ta stan EiERY; NÀ Y N yeara. Instîrace Ca , w-se iîeld Tuedu>' aller. lig. Tht' latet. le a gymna.tic i CA O SD S R noonri l s r, ported thut the wt' cmpun>' oppital, recenil>' emtablîehedpb>' the CIA E D SF TI Attractive a.argains le lu gooud staninig. Orgnuiictiuu ait Y. M. C. A., fon correctfn1. uii>'lcftl la> Areaaier tottk place Suturdu>' ufternoun. dff<-cis of patients ha tht' liospîtal, i5uureliiîsgj -Thteis lasaid ta ha tht' ouI>'unit o! 1Thai Frank B. aButle>' ts vanteý Mud~u au',., vanutlot, Eaaguicl Curc Noes, ils kiud lu tht' contry. The Idea a! tic goverument an the' changeah laiton> aies, acre tracte. ognzn uiauntollae liserted l9 lia repot o! the chiel Thl'l-atitgelîtcul c-iurcb bLis cbauxedDr flnHarrv Miler and Dr. Ftrank M. oi, ii uunin.vs a .Snall Tracts tire finie afi ioiiy Nciî(and sud aoniiig Millpr, -sha ara directing the wonlt o! ese-ulvîetht' nese activit>', wblc-i is expected ta Raceine Wednesday vush a rai fon snb-diviiiam, ru, i gui. e, tha tIse leoît, dvlop into oof !the mostI mpur. fthat the Racine anthtionlîe% dýeMe,pou tn.î lunjs, enînil irtît I cuutrY iuî'aple n ili have sificlent tiare tant fanions lu reconstruction wark. Ileutia>' aven ta hlm for the' puni I a sîtd 5t ths nle,. Oi nge. l çva's whii o Dr. Miller veas visitlng of talking bu tota he Great La4 lraH siit t;io n. in Sund. 'lu la. Toronto, Ont.. shrionhl>'befona bifgen. Naval Training station. ulLywaster eeWd t-.3dtemi, g", lia iourof the' tnivereli>' there, tha inl.'Wi rrse h ie t smtriiy.fervices.. * it s qw tudents orgaulard Into a ph>'- oi tht' wc-tk ou the charge 'orf rg Ti-ti7 :tb t1. .Sunda> scir i t>vni !! alhhpraved suci a great lie wwsssent t a>uni h Transpoirtation Iu TvF..wý -, t itt-. twitfh thn, patieuts taden sur- , ut Nw-h tlime the trIal le set. Elecîi- nlîn' id. -'u a iri, t le 7.:;,k I.,t h - e lieneutl. 'i n.lie hpthAliglit a e1llar unit., ii .cui BAt Lime b~~ut on a largcr srale. could ha wonked Rt- i ont ficials do Bli Lue '- iinc-,-fa..iilts tri the ITIted Bltas gmil- knos- shrn tic desertlon tuaIt pl Area WiF.ER.FIeLD - il '-amv slic, madeb is report ta eBlrvît>'was due Sncb ai itie. G AreNIiIr.Ofer l ujiiI r'it1,011-. , ere thot.e lttcd oft' he "Y" camnîitru lu Chi- 1 Lat's Training Station on TlUt'.1 encouragementîil, a ntitr ~us it rof 1 -f i il - tWltltiiigi-t-e'nant!n-a told ta "go ahead." mrii u ntJdWt nJnh t'go-. ', As a nesult 25 men are îrealed dlly Itmrniie bt isa asl aY oi and bifone long 1001 or morte lu ai a a it atni> rut Àddr.aa t lits-lt.t i -.4" l'h-,kn Ctîro nt etnh da>' attht' Great the' desentian mentlaned sud SA-A--l, -1t1, tt.l' "s'ue.5aI cîeitg a I'lkes'-ttion. Thînt>' cippled mar- v.hlctili te, revard la affervii.1 F . .HARDING ca~ .t .î,~girlsIti'e îtaî-ns o! tht' main hosptnan sd Ttn rattch!ý,-!dld not got fnu i i t,.i .. t . t, ', iti t ti nt :~,te it f p.ierît ,treatedia tb alter velli alho ttt. in ,ud hing îjile J. o ett. sur. oth taln. nry. and the' let- cer- ane ani. aur iba t was thI1 ave- Lver uldge ,uch and LTUS OR IN CON6RATULATIONS .AI Rendee of Waukegan, wh, act- ed as foreman of thse jury whlch con. victed Berger and other socliste of beiug dWaoyal to thse aovernment la beiug I#oodod wvus latera of <con- glatulation bclier--he-liad tse non'. tO Inaibt on the verdict Of guilli>'.and accordingi>' the defendants face a term Of from tan to 20 years ln pria- on aud a fne ai 810.000. Mrt. -Hendee admit. tisat aS least 102 Mon 'congratUlated hlm beoeuse bie saw fit to proieci tise flag tise way lie dîi by holding these men gulity. Ilere Is a samPle of a latter r.- celved ;by Mlr. Handee fromn a liront- Iuent Chicago physician: "I Want ta, add my feeble applause and oongratulations for the splendid reaâsauance YOu have given me and thesleb warld af Aiuerteals fine, trUe and -Inequaled manhoocl. "Sncb proud, ünflincblng actsasa Ynura of Yeiterday pante aur glar- loue flag on a maunitalu io higlb that It .dwarfa all ait-mountain,9 <'f ather nations of the world taday anud ,a.t tham seem but maie hlls--such Main ly' acte of yourî assure a goriol, future ta aur chiidrpn for al i ttm* F'RANK iltAI, J> fl r). This letier shows~ the .'t:'u Pressed lu other similar letters and naturally Mr. Hendeid l~is îuinR thein aï- interesting souys-nir. a! the' the sengatianal trial. li aPeakinit of the trial snd the, outcoe oe f tihe jurys dellber»tion. MIr Hendeae aygi'that (lipre wa> eeman ln particular who wantpd to h,31l out sud hold the defeudants not guilty. MIr. Ilndee as foreman had watctîed this mlan ail during the trial and wheflever the sociallsts winesses were testifying, a nod af a"sent whieh (bis man assumed Indlcated bis feel- ings, aud visen the federal witnesc.- were testifylng I s head shoon-i. <OdIW& Publicaston Report of thu:condltlos of Stat Da 1 oEuae ZMM. Located at Lake Zurich, $tata of lilinol@, st th@ lu f elu 8iat dajy of Deeember 1918, as made to the. Audltor cflPuofblie « State ofIlilinoisa, pursuant ta Law.of.Pbi eM4- RESOURCES 1. Lomana u Diaconute......... ........... 2. Overdrujla......................... ..... ........ 4. nvat4uu...............t.> ........... Funîur adOz~r... . . . . ......... 6. UmI an d Due fro.i Banksa................................ 7. Other reboursu ........................................... Total Regure«............................................... LIABILITIEli 1: Cqpil stock PaId lau....................... 2. n uruaFunda...................t a. UnUdlvIdad Profite (net)................................................. . 4. Depomita: Ail otburdepo@itA ........... ....1..........................J4 6. Rauarved for Taxe. and lu teri*et.'**'*....*'.. , ............ 8... Bille Payable and Rodlacounta................. .....3 Total Liablilties .................................. 1, Walter A. LauD, Cashier of th@ State Bank of Lýake Zurich do aol.moiy tbat the aboya atallemeut li (rue ta the beet of my kaowledge and billet. Walter A. "ou',Cale STArE 0F ILLINOI S, COUNT Y 0F LA KS, sa. Subecribed and eworn ta belore me .hilsIlth day af Jauuary, 1919. Herman L. Prebro, Justice of the Pe«ssa. (Officiai Publication) Report of the conidition of Cak Ulla Cruu am'd $alnos Bank' Located at Lake Villa, litae.ofI lilinola, before at the cloue of b ou the 81@t day ni December 1918, a. made tu the Auditur of Public Aeoute the State of Illinois, pursuant tu law. RESOURCES. 1. Loans and Discounut@s................................................. -8s5.446m 2. 0Ovrdrafta .......................................................... 4. Libety Loan Bandse....................................................... 2.W&0 5i. Certificatea ai ludebtedues....................... .......................1,00 I.. fi. War Saringi Stalupe ............... .........................8 8. Bankiug Roue, Furniture and Saiture, .............................. 10,889. 10 . Due tram Banksa........................................... ..... ......... 1,700 il. Ca.h ........... .................... 12i. Ezebaugea.Cecaad olctos.... .......... .... ......... 14844l Total Reourcea ............................................7.4 i LIABILITIES 1. Capital stock Pai lu ....................................................$025.000 ce 2. Surpjlus Func'................................................................ 8118?n' 4. Depuaita .................................................. .................. 40.78 8 9. Bille Payable and liediscounts .. .................... ..........__ 10.000 00 Total Liabilitien ................................................. #760471 1. A. L D)ewar, ('asiIer oi the e Lake Villa Trust and Savinge Bank, do sclpmnly ewear that the ab,îve statewc.ujt le true ta the, beet ofi my knowV sUe i beljpfýA. L. De var, Cea lac. STATE (OF I LLINOIS, COi NTY OF"LA'iK E. mm. Subscribed ansu woru to, h.fore nîu.ti,4 Vttiday of Jauuary 1919. F.rn.et L. Wald, Natar>' Public. dlcating that he waFnt ln tyni--____ pati>'. (O(lii i Publlic'atio~n) Accordingi>' when Ibh' jury -1lber- Raport of the condiion af ated, tii. partihular man va', the' oue Ie llow seho exprassed disseution o! is ti an tR u dc k tht' majorit>'. Sane of tIhe junists cal I., taiR,iiiitf l ,1ke. ?;tfit. <f lilim-tie. ii li tIfeaibuaincia an tbhal niade at hlm and coma af them ttsed day ai i)eceniier, lils, 4. siial tIbm, heAu.hî'îînutiPublie Accoonte of the State lIrat>'strong langmaga.ofaI lîlinis, purîoanî ta ian. Mn. Ilaudee admits, bawever, tliai ýResources la bis ca-se the>' took hlm asîde antI 1. Lcseant isicouits .......... ........................................ $ 81.1u8 72 Ird ta show hlm Ibat (bis lime dur- 4. iuvmstmeuim, ...... .... ................................................. 37 795 21 .a)ay on'fa . hlauking ltu.s......... ..... ...... .................................is f 010 o lng vear Usere ao flonefag Frnlmune ant izitjre-.......... .._ .................................0i-4 85 vehicli vas ta he respacted sud there o(,. Cash sud iue irmniî iîki ....------------------------------.............41,840> 81 v-as nplace 1 uthe veonîd fon anoth- 7. 0f ber Iteaource--------------------------------------------.................. 74 00 ar n lu iis cauntry'. It va. ibrough Totalfliesoonces ............................................ ................ i176.9u185g. Mrn. Hendees perstînan sd argu Liabilities meutst, (liai bs falov ftuafly saw the 1. Capital Stock Paid la.......-........-.......-------------------.... $ .... 25.000 00 ligisi. 2. Surplus Fond-------------------------------------------.................... 2,500 00 Mia va. a pacullar Case fanrvehîla 4, Depoahi.: be seme to eantovard lhe saocial- Alil otier depoeita-------------------------------------...................147.508 72 5e semdt euDividende unpaid--------------------"*' .. *»' » *---------------------..... . 5w00 jtst ln question sud vantad ta return 6. Reserved for Taxe.sud Iniereat.................__..................4W9 87 a verdict o! not gulut>'. Yei lu the Total LIabllitim ............................................................$F7111151 eveniug tIhe Jury va. realluz. ha 1, E. C. Weiber, Caahier oi the Finit State Bank ai Round Lake Daab, de vould be roading his Bibleo vIsîotisa aolqumuiy swear that the aboie ,tatemeni i lrata totihe hat tfm y buomadua sd tesi pi tisejury vTjuM Se plaYing Pok- beliet. R. C. Webb.r, Cabltr. STATE 0F fILLINOIS, COUNTY 0F LAKE, me. an or snime cuber lnterattng gaine Subucribed sud avaru ta hefore nie tue 91bh day ai Jaur>, 1919. vîtIs the carda.% Lv.ll B. Mori.NvteNaw. Puhle. fJile _ _ _ _ _M JU ml£uu7riu The Prevailing Epidemic witIÊ its sad lils- of quick fatalities impresses on ail tlioughtful persons the dîîty of îîaking one's will wlsile good health and normal conîliti us permit the best thought and most caref ai judguieit. 'l hW4îîews reports, in respect to the averae e4atiis, show that in the inajority of cases ),,ife isîsurance censtitutes a Iarge'part of the nloîîey left. L7 wealthy asid far-seeing men adopt this 1 lasii of providing for their dependents, it is 1 ýcaise their wisdoîn and exl)erieuce prove Uis courrse to be the safest and bekst- 1"hy should not the family of the mai of 4o)derate mEans enjoy the advantage and jîotection afforded by this service? Life 19surance Is the Best Thing JOHN' HODGE, District Manager ~AREA, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. place rcat ida>' here ttute for Thod n tIc*N Who Co. Contrac -SEK TO' th, Og bu l tbo la0 ",meaeci iat. lcarne panir, he 14etor mefaci W- wai*egan. - u Muilj'oti it vas figurn 8be dlate of lis t th"aiUim..1 other concerui ýet ihe laud th Ponder at i ter record. >ua«da cf the. 00 (bat epode auy arr lu looldng MUve tue clou effl tisotact A sentenceata b. survait vi cSile vbile lil Thse inciden "dm Peupletil - ÎWabout r not 1 wJle niocai vluced that i ser inise. la order tbat boat& for ésdi CO«T 0F EX cbarges for PUlic utîliti. and Itlah c; liad requirein ~t. make et charge. T at s tu1 luffect smer muai Daur'the Sa elbarge niuet meut. up ta i sowever. -kealtea an vIcia tht. g lanait but t the dimlcat> Paluted oui Maitsmade t«m thse extei Jatboy Mmle. Ueefoi for nsakIug Wb e (ltu eut Mlie on loi IREPORTgo Ofia z eot, vis