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Libertyville Independent, 30 Jan 1919, p. 11

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<Cupyright I)y Chicago Dai!y Neyai The Daly News Peaee Confereuce Bureau, Paris, France, Jan. 29-The folioving agreement lias; beet reach- ed on thee subjet off the former Ger- Mai colonies: 1. Noue of these colonies ofili ho l'eturned 10 Gerniany. 2. They will lie taken aver by the ieague off nations, but as International aaiminlalr-ation off errttor>' hitherto bas bev'n somewhat off a failurelb.>'Y yull be î.iaceit under the truitêfthiP Off varjous allied .tatea. Brtain Aska for Exceptions itla unterrtoot that Britain and aven Framnce are asking for somte ex ceptioin,, o the t econd ule, assertiug tisai iý-najin colonies should hliec torth lie iniegail parts off thesir tanin ions. The (;'-rnan colonies aud their claimanîs oniay b'-liat itahn: 1., West Arrica to go to the French. - . î. i off i i -IKa n -u O 1 th.- Freneii it iî-itiI aaIrip to Nigeria. b. Gi i î..îî ri oiiliiwest Afri-a te the Ahi. iii tonfferedation, but a ,ert, i, I.jijI îî-îî.i y I'rtuelguese An golaý 4.;ariii<:. lat Africa ha Britain, but a mit p is claimed bly the B3el- China to Recover Kiachow. KiiI- b-i .to igo l.ack t-,(Cbia, hît cn -.oare claimeuî hY the fi. ThoIil i.-" r %WIiheim anîd Bis' miarck an huîiagn to Autralia. -. , T1.- i, a I i n.Isiland, Lc nit la. lev :'îa:rp 5eelairnelit iy botte Ja putaie îî ;,Il(! .i. ilî- NiarI;tna or laîdroei ind, bl ly JaPan, ftue Solo- ---il fv'r i le.- Mar '-hall I . ,- i.aiai n itnd %ustrliîa and 1i .. ...i d, b.- N-a Zea DipiomscY Wtell nu.. lit i I 'f fr'1r;:!--. :11,11 fî- îtu i, t" tI-iiili.i te i it u itl' 1 .-î,. s' i'vffUe i. I nliturî-itgis-euso'Iiylesc ins lli ii 3 i e,ii.l ui -ii-Ii r neu th liidî'ii lariei at riî'ead. <- T1w S~li ai iue i *l;îus tiuu ulsu. lilit S h.iii î, , ssih)afi mate l-- o hiiiiht --rii, l'ra,l Iini t l .-lr ie it l' to IIv I'P t) l hti-t e Ii:mi l oue aistetef j.aiil.jî -iti olbo n rU otend tent, un ara loket gaînt eilfi w Cedt Gcab ennsylvar mnt h Bo ,Iil.'-.<-. h4 f grie -nr jlvo>"vi.,- auin<heot Ie ilisof <-cde î.î coniî-ll-. k eerli>' gee for. t(fî.,r lis ofir t lUntasa fel.()3 Tlînaing bof cuot le lnothert marîit<Gesîterei a fneart, but th i<irn. Iîîe [loe t i-.the disv tinit it, l)- lilln t. iv e laerla madoe tir liiifr. Int mrdsciona a purel.e a- linsi.xpertoCads M kmere unThte i s.of1hanlsecre nredi t relîrl c ,Iiriiliaisine atrtchbas she itii. iî,have mraelit filT hemîdas. i-aiîliv in rIo- ilinterial'are pueles-r waxtadiyriiim Is up shoants off vax fn t Inie i seret ngdieny retant inustry. andTh bids are v votlil, i tetedns etrichau'fent cnalotslieare thIe eLargeuono tarae pineialy frholingbrkensouesxt gThe bc g moclIntimerYdi01 ~eian cAlgut, llga "oi xtmsi ve 00e nreat nsoftrinThebasmoeae II intili nd tveîtnmibeians e bIs colarne too dtigt hpae t hlm 1 t row thmur ta4ein atu, sif'r fr1t- Galvteti nIoi IT? Ea"ISTALLE» MODEEl I IRE PIGHTING APPARAT- US AND 19RENADY VOIR ALL EXIGENCIES. The rity coinci at ZVon City has A O T TRS TI laken a ýtep torward Wn e1iciency in the way 1of "ombating ires.'fi.'- haie just înstalied a finle tire tiucl. with a speed of about 40 xui.-s an heur and wth fui] equipmcent il) the way off adders. base and chemical., for fighting snch tires as mtght take place inI a efty wnere there arene- skyscrapers. The truck ls a .Y-,h0rse power Reo, with a speed ot aboîi, 4(j i miles an hcur. If la equiped wilh J four 3-gallon chemicai tanks lsnd to t 45-gallon tanks. It han a 20-fot ex-t tension 1,4<er. one satsleladder, iwo d axes, en extra charge of acid and se- da and capacity for about 1,010 feet ce.j^Cic. * off hose. -etffowc Aready the city authorile. la%- LilloustNL. 'Y3 had Instances where Pfficieticy pr<'ttNZe>^q ed 10 i." the salvation off at lea t'Io bouses. There is no question bu! ' what the iwo off theMi wouid have burned 10 the %round had it fol b'în for the- spe.-d by wbich the fleo finý truck< %asaable to get tb the ice off the ire. One off these ires occurred 8 at the Oberdorf bouse, 26(10 Elzabrhi avenue. Desk S.ergt. J: W. Sto<-,4 I received the rail at the ir" station, He iinnediately put in the signai foi1 the chiot and the volunteer irpnieWi i ,and jumping up on the tirr truck.- off lie went. Ift 1001 Fireman tok' 1,g> , " jusa five minutes to gel t. t'he ,- " of the lire and 10 gel-t he chemicali. trained on the- blaze. A liol. .shout three feet square was blurned in lhe roof, but )romptnessa saved the hou.ie ffrim destruction. CITY M(iR. PROMOT- Another tase where fi(-na-w fire truck pr6lýed lm -tlciency was a lire R A AIM IMC which occurred ai the Frank ii,eil ERSMAYÀNN UJ1C reaidence. luù09 Glboa avenue, ssl, tant ChîUf Brune &t the t'al! a",' SLATE TIS WEEK while he sent in thetire a-rn, 10 th. other i-m. ýn. lieut. Siric-d prang - 0010 the liretiîuck, starled 'le cein gie ndîna easeî,d- ti" wreReporied That One of Three i tu thî'- liv.. ît tookiabout i:î-e Men May be Selected to utea to make lerun said througlq Head te icet being able te carry two tanks an 121 ,teTik. extingîîisher,, whlch they w0lîld nol have i.een able t10 doif they had no1 EXPECT FEW CANDIDATES. bail the riew auto ire trucl. 1 ie) were ahile1 6t o lilet.- contri i<l Promotpr.. offthe iect% manager plan file ire I>efore il .ould nialç i"('Iîli !n W'aukegan annoltireit today flit headway. lhey unitoub t dly wili lie a!)i. o an The tire trucki.(an al-o trâ'-îI <î - lOlnceteir siate of f ive candiidi-l before Iir endi or the week. Wîlh roads, on wliieh If w<uld ti lîmpo -i Ili, aiiouincemenl off the 81ale thcrr bie te, use the old àstYl-- heOrSe w<gn will lie an appeal te the voters 10 It pulls îhrough mail and anQs wiih spottes eIh il aebc a far grealer a munt off case tan Ipjýe th e menIv ahoin ae bee Ibasescudpsil o n od ary i order ihat a chîy manager mati t asIobe- adI i igli tmpas..abhe iil'or I lieempleveit. der techersik il1 .ist liai mien awill lie selecled to1 The ire staff eîin>its (If i ieff nake lup Ille laie has not heen gi. Théodore Becier, As-il. hîcf t' A enout . nt tunofficlally iiý yci, liIi Brune. Lieuit. Ceorge Stried, (artrpot lias 1it aione of tilree men liuth, Austin MeKerlie,.1i. W. tocker, probahly will lie selecteit. The.se Charles Reliman, Joseph i ishiil J. Il.mon, accoiriing 10 reports, are r. E. Thomas andt Water Forliy. ireinen. Morris, strperintendent off the Nation- NMost off tbe-e nmen are volunteer ir.- al Envelope company, T. J. Statll.a men, but ttiey have a lire aldam sv's local real estate broker anxd Fred terri i use ai Zion City whercby tic W. Buck, a former mayor. ewatchman etfilie ire station can One off the promiaters orf the move. -. rtng up the varlous firemien lîy meafle ment sali! teday tai lie thoehi thie eoff certain teleione rinigs. spearahîce off the slate would have 5- iie effecI off reiticing the number off d brillent Puoiic Librery. candidates wlîo desire t0 mal<e the ýo Whet ia perlbaps ftle îîorldmis îiti' race without the endorsement. a, st publie IIIrary Il iilmeit ly n vil- The primaras occur the second ie lage nol fnr front ILondlon. rthe vil- Ticsday in March and thil p lection loge Itself la very sinil. l'flic lihrnr%1 tal<cs place the third Tuesday in2 mercI>' n ne-wspnu)crfIle tiîra ilimgs P April. The commission law prIvidea -eon a Wal Inthie village etret, ut the that candidates may net file t1eir comm unit>' la gràteftml. This wtint n-ipetitions mortotaon 3(p iays,norls teated to n tranger tiy atni-ccident. A thtan 15. days helore the priniaries. a-hiie-hisred vilinger who, pointing te hi meansq that the iraI petitions the "ilibrary" wiiiî bis stick. sit: prolially wîll h i. lied îiout FP'îrtiary .."Wondeprful usefiful int hlié hesp îiîys 1 r) îvhe tfoks rni et the pnpprs as Ibey - - e- dld."U. S. COURT CANNOT aESTRAIN Faos ae <im 11b NEW PHONE RATES, RUL.ING A collection d-îonliing rof the auto- :Indianapolis, Imd., Jan. 29. The Sgraphe off Lord Nelqon andl the cap- U'nited States Distrit cousti las 110 Stains who .Pought undpr hlm In the bat. juriàsiçtion te grant an îîjuuetlon ie of Traflgar vas recently sli at against collection off thé new long auction for $M5. 1. - distance tolephone rates ordered. tn- ets _______ ta affect by Postmaster-Gencral Bîîr- le Tmo Kinde of Taik lesoli. Judge A. B. Anderson dIt.Ided go Tallt in abuandant and cheap, but tie liera today. The temporary restrain- on h idof akl rr le-Ing order againat the rate In Indiana Ight Ind f tak Iorareand epe live. iwaii diasolved. MW F YWAR Lieut. Phinney, Who Had jCharge of Mail for 50,000 iackies, to Study Law. IHAD RAPID ADVANCEMENT. Thte GreatlLAkos nov vili have to resignation off Uet. Morris Phinney, la ho was given the tank off reorgan- iv7ing the postal sysien aitIthe great- est naval training school ln the world lest summer kid .;Ince then lias bail charge off the maIl service for 23,000 10 50,00)0 jackiem. Lieut. Pliinney bas quit the navy to tîîdy laîv. At the time holie .nted on hiesZlat birtliday shortly alter the vas i-as declaret 1ln Apil. 1917. lie was ln bis second yesr ai Harvard, where lie bat von succasa as an ath- lete, -playing ou has freshman hockey and football teamsando on the 'Iar- ait>' hockey team of 19161917 andt the Harvard football elevan off 1916. Ai- ler seevral montits off ci-uising on a submarine chaser "Goig Ptilnney passed an examinatIon for en.lign and was aoeof 85 sailors to lie sent tram the renta ho the naval academy ai îAnnapolis for a Iliree monîIms %pecil j aar course, alter vbicîî lie ias com- inisaonet ln the regular navy and m ent ta sea an -board the .cruiser jNew Orleans. IMe aerved a trick off hait a year'asaeduty and vas - transferred tai the Great Lakes %ta- tion lant summer. I Keepinq Up the White Houa.. Presidont Wilson ha. been extrema- 1>' conservative la ailowing expendi- tores for the Whiute Htuse mince he tins ocpupied Il, snd not a dollar bas been expended. partlcuiariy aine. the iteclaration off var, that could ppns- sitil> be nvoided. Lent yenr, however, ~ - the a-alla ln the state parloirs vere re- papered. bUt the saine design of weil paper was kept ln al of tlie roomm.8 71he handsonie patriolie design off tue /,. '~ bIne fieldistsars. whIch was re- atoreit ln19M. mnd ahi-h tisabeen 8an - - popuar, s5h11 grav-es the a-alla offthec Multe cbîîmbera. Tii.' mga ivere te- placed b>' new oncs. aMille dnlnty new curtains off lace were liîîng Ioiter tiie e- boavy draperies. AIl the furnitre has been reuphostered la the sanie pattern. These smîiil renovailons haveb giien 10o the irsi fluor ai the White House a sery attractive aipenrane. 'Mo.pitalized" a New Word. A~a.A new war a-or.) lins ahpenrea t ahich. unbappi!y. wie are llkely iiihenr1a ver>' oflen lu the future. The word le "hosptallzet,'* say thie Manchiester jGuardian. Il la apple.] 10 soidierg s. ' up' am bave been a long trme ln boa. pi lai, a hose minits have loin falltoi mnd bave loat mental itier. So far littl ba been <on en anorgainl7epd SEN EN ED O T. cames young officers m'ho have t.een1 seriously ivounteitd i hait n long con- Avalescence liav-e fourni,. wen they i MARTIAL AT SEA aent bonck ta the nrt.îy or ivere inva-i lIed oui and retîîrne'il lu Ielr pro- fession or business. tVit tiey ivere for1 'rîiroe g-neral couirt martial decis- 1front uaatihiey were liefore. thier1 iiiný a'-re atniiiii-i ai Great Lakesi mentall energy liaî'ing Nveakeneit, asot Tuesîia%. Tlý io- lî-cse vas tat o liewaere ularmie tn grasp affaIrs. lohert E. Nîciiot.-. ceaman secondj cIas. 1 USN. roinîl guîiity off "scan da-' Shop et Home, euy Downtown. jii-oui nduIîiiitping 10thie dest.iac Tuewasr modei- a ewv tint off tionooff goiîl iinr;ii- -,Nichol,; wasChristamas huyer" thie ilerk n n, im off theipion tores saidthIe nîlier emti.,I-il10iln.'.ais 1in the Natil tdey."Tue>' aren a ait llike the un- prisona -1Piîy. %Îîiî . H., aud ic iteeldeil. unplessa nt i .ngers'.in orfffor- i; dii nrln, ,iîh 1ari. get nier3eu rs, the ivomen it()i r4iorneto ait. 1 fi 1hi i-as. iîof lb. lmil K. ('iilts. 110.. ny ad afiny o>ifîre lui-y firially boy~. IteaI aplirenii. secondiî class. USNIt Now ttîcy are tirisk and Ialerl. The>' t, lie.' as ffîî liiguilil off belog "ah, ny abat ihey alsh afn ulî b>Il ahi-n --nt front s tatimhi. îîîi dnty withtlii hie> se Il, sîiholit the usual quib- on to cargs. ad "reaingblinanu intec1sion of nilier years. 1 lea e' onIanchages an "beakngthink a a-omnn iescribed It best when arest. andivas . .-îîiiicei tu 0 ham- aellesaid the other day: , îri',oneili n Puii-ttîîutii for eigbteen *%Iat year 1 came tuîsntown and lî.nm.i li>. and! lien ti.. i4 honorably shoppet haIt a ilozen ideys tiefore 1 di îi,.î-argedI an>' tuyimig. Thils Yen: 1 shop nit home l'aiil A. 'i. îî--aman5i, second andtbten when 1 get downtown.I bol.- lass. USN. i'.îiMentenced ho two -Indianapolis Newe, i>vari . , ontienîientii-n Poîtafoulh, at ter iîing touani! guiiy af "abuonse PROCI.AIM DRY UNITED ftrîîîstation andî(it> iw itholit leave' STATES JANUARV 16, 1920 on hi-o chariges-, and! "lreaking arresi. -jieva alo snteerd o b ditio. 'Washinugton, D. C.. Jan. 19 - ltati1 orabIý (isChar('ýd î1etIon qt Itîheprohibition ami-aid- orallt iisi-argiîl.ment to the federal c-onstitution, ef- - - fective Jan. 16. 1920),'-as proclaimed Habite of Crayrd*. todsY in a proclamuation sititei by invn a A. .ILmb..je-ili Acing Secretary off BSai- Poflkai, 1 h f .S a erh vater labster, ani p,=Y lvp a onw i, nu t if. kee aa th e î the tate dapartient ut, Il: 20 tilu. moran. 1 ,lveoe ed. Bouseff11eCej p lu Antusal. ovover, 1vieî th. vater .-tt excavas bIlu O a - lu1 dmzp .0<. The tunnel 1-ieai ~tq atIo Man>' Uses for Kapok hefri off th. bul'row lafree fgowm wm4Knpîît isIlhe' raii- tîppibei totahtI but voter lsalavs spréeqatlua.*0 siît>' ter fouitî iitrîiul tlîcsecit off ebamberssai th. end vbare M e ay. lte alî-catton tree (1;rliheatnron an- ft Uv... The>' do muna ss Sn g afraclnoauoi). Thîis ire lat forîniln ail Waifdai vatercoursos lu tIse uSuiag ropili counitrles Pittiilm'.er>' abuu- difftritIs b>' nldtling tbe banke and iantl n Java.,sviiclu furribshemt a largo dain. part off tIh' commeiuarciaul amppl>'. Ka- pok la li ulîsrleîl lito uthe 'Uni ted States Iu large qrinntilles. irlncliai!>' tram BShe Knew Hlm. Java. so ud ausuuî ra iîîîîg for mal- "Tetlswonh olien f I go'- ou wllbtresses. piloses.titlliiht5 Piti llife pro- mîy tmitting %V11.lti'- ii ait. vili >'ou. servers off vaniaîts kîit.. itui as an up- Mir. Bitreli'igh? 1 salwYs tink thal bolater>' materiml. one siionlîl te.-p niondoccupied." _______ ShipluluthoBurdul.Say MOtI Shiplhgthe urdot.you make a iiizen iistakes a taey, ¶l'ubtub's vite is blaping hlm tu o îet youl But tînt ioean't teep you write bis uoseis noiî.'"He alwffl ro xpclng yonr vite 10 be par- vas las>'. Ater he >!ta ber ralliOd. 1 tact. does îî '-Cunclnnati Kuquirar. 1 s'pose bell let her do Il aUi." i r ~~~1 Thià à 1c .Sarandi. one et flic Pî'ndiPal arectî - IBuenos Aur' ,I.erc Boishevik agents provo&ed r iota rvhicl' resulied i ores sidr end huridreds o! injuries,. beudes hein'> proporly lots. flue..s Aire s Oaa- o i (le moti modern and beauti ful i dis in thc e nd. b. -i eailh meres iL i.rget for reiîolutonataes. Waukean Loals IAt an informai meeting offlthe clity Waukean Lcais council, helli t the cil>' baillbs ase ternoon It vas tecidedtot re-isave a Relatives af Ben oWertz off 10t liceuse ta lbe Waodrow tance bail. South Uncoln street, were lieginnin:gj pros iding the manager of the balil ta worry over bis saffety as titey had flimais ban expert faonr mani. The i- not heard tran hm ln Il veek,ý. cerise was taken avay soute tisse Therefore t!îey were deIi*hted 10 r.'silo, because of violaÏton off the city ceive word that hoe vas suie ordînance. lio toIt of one Instance vhen t!:e [Police tiers took a iump l ods>'. bugle ahi-h lbe vas preparlng ta* Not ane arreat vas mate Tuesda>' blow i-as struck b) a sheil 10li the iîgiit. Argonune ai-char and vas bîmrled fr,îîo E. Dugan returuedt ii mornulU lts liant. Amither bugler standing from Milaukee, vhere hoe spant>a but 10 iet away, vas maogled b I tva days' visit.* the saine ahi-il. The White SewIag- Machine Cols& Lawretn-e toolittle has been laid pany nor ia loi-Ste a1t 115 r-. ;t 1Wasb. up 'a 1111the fia for severai daya. jIngton atr!et Chailes Thayer tota>' vas obllgedj The. <vo fiat builing e!s'.OS) lÇorr ta go home ani take ta hlit ed-ami ave., ibas been aold 1n Leslie Artiýd. attac« of lthe fla. T. J. Stahi & Col maie the deai The parents off Engeno lamaker Mrs. -Chinles Morslait. 216 !fonlmi raicilvet a i-art front hlm zta>'tat- SI. James lit., bas 11-0<1 ln Wau4k.gsn". Ing that he la in Vichy, France, andt67 years. She came to Illinois îu expets t beon lts wy hme sno.1853. expets 0 le o bi va hoe son. Oane local graver predicîcdiIoder. He la the Young local man vito wi5 that If foot pricos continue la drop kept ln a Germait prison camp for a tbal Ibe>' soon will-be .back ou a pre- unber oif ilontha. Hia release lot vwar basis. place oui>' recently. Fred Sage, iteat machanic af the 011e Hocn, Waa'iegan auto saies- Lewis Garage ani AI Gutllie, wers man, vito vas abatlift' the rigbt ýhoid. -aoitrs . at the automobile show lu der bi- s machine gan ln France ant Chicago toda>'. wba lias been at Camp Grant for Mrs. Thomas HigUlnbotýwm- r.- treatiiîent, came back home for a turned yestertay tramMauttab.an., short sta)-, arriving Suniay. lits @here ah. baa been vsia ber ailF- sitonlier Isn't batly burt. Me expecis 1er for the past twa veeta ta lie ont soon for gond. Glait to gel Thero mas a meeting un tihe copu- home? Quite su. ,Nover got liaiuicil charnIers Ibisatatemnoosnt tla a for fire months and va actuall>' bai t ite malter'of restortag the li&onse ta ateut ffot--and 1 don't care ov bo to bbc Woadrov tance, hall. kuova 1ht," salit 011e as lieteplareil Siapervlsor George Bairstow fpent the conditions hi' andl others faceit totay ln Stilvau'ee on business.s ln Euope.Harry tev lu off Lake Forestlllairis- tn uroe. ltimg lu Waukfgau. Lua G. tarte lias gone - B llcton The Woman's.> Homo and Farelgu Harbor to tae. ti-heuthas for ruari- Mission s4oclat>'offbte Swedib Luth. atisin. cran cintra-h ili meet ut 1ihe home .West. aider. .asirt thait n%. r i ofMiss Mildren Bvanberg, 502 Southi weuther lias canai-t tulips 10 cpiiîmg Sheridan Roid, Thursda>' after.noon up. lue bisies buttei svasri ai st2:810 o'clock. iays ago. The tir-e deipartinent vas cai'od to One local store lsa aiterti.siîig creant- box No. 26 ai 10 oi-lock Tuesday ory butter ah 58 cents per ponnd. unightbî b>the burang ont of a obus. Tîmat ta some change river 7U tents ey nteb!dn cuid h par ponteprc htpevielu alman cindy htor?. No damage vas ta a weck ago. oe p~arents orf Freti Kapheimt of North oe e Chicago received a latter fruni tire Traap 4, Boy Scouts, tefeatedthlb Young man, the firat tht-y liav. re- North School Alumni afler a baril clein seren veeka. lie is at (ot- fought cOilest, score 10 ta 8. PintaI- 1 lenz, Germaoy. atelu andt'Smih were stars for the Anotiter large î-onsigniiiW~t î,î gov- Alumni wbite fSayle and Skene pla>- erniment truck., troîi liiie Nasht Nliîrr et eqiiatiy ai-IL Worksi <isseilthhrougli Waîukî-gatî tu- On iscant off repaira tuaI w«e day. helug mate iu the electria lin. tracka Robert KapIîinîi vlîo ii..liebcnavy antbthe corner off Genesa. sud Willil- ut Puiilttelphiui. is u-xpelwclioi. ingion sîrects, cars voe startci trf Suîiday. lie- s ho roilcehis (li.Geneace atreet being trouble ta gel i-barge, ilus salit. as far as the Wasblnglpp astreet A corps o .-ii-rk-. Ili tIi.., coanty .qwltcb. clerka aoiiu-are builly engagot lu White flour, ltae tirat Iaice th& Unit- extending the ltixes t5 tirat the- work ed States culered tb. var, bas beffl rtf colicctlig tiie' ta% <-ami h.-siarlet racelved by local grocera »d la le un sch-iuia- unie iug gobblet up eau.rly by.- hol*- Toitay vas thet- 3h uîinsIvrsary off vives wbo bave been gçtttu iu 1 bhe birth o<f lthe lIne William McKin. ou flour -wbich oti.cndl- ley, nmiartyruid president. If Wanke- île quaiititieu off abtitatesl. «guI. recailedthie tact limey did not J. Oltuat>', 129 South eCues et I, imîîicate It lot iew, If any ermiatinavas aeriously lirirsot about 1h. about. wera- worm. der@anmd rigbt knee tibIs suoriU 1. .1.Wiltiîuît. iepaty ln il(-i <r- vhen lie as atruck b>' aul eeclOC (,ait ii erk's office, ncillIIspeakthotulgitcar nrieuichstation aI Lake ValUt. on "Naturaliuion" ut the 'irai lMr. Oltusky attemptin laboard the Congregational cburcb. Beiaase o01 car aller il vas In motion-. lits Ian gexperience with work off tilla A speci rebearsal of Ce k tnit hi, ls an aathorlty onttii5th uChurch choir will be bell ibis ,vè ject. uing at 7:30 'a'cork sharp Ila>~tw Framk W. Swcîtis, saget72, amni Pansu iIlouso bu prep&antl0-forl», Nirs. Sopuila SwellIow, aget 5-4. bath celebration off Candiema Deyaillait off Miaukee, vere uniteit Iin 15' Suotay. Flfty of lte chidran etff l rlage tbis afternoon b>' Justice icO pansu vwilI aisisI th the v.apr uS,. Fainmer. frhp couple vere dîvorce i vce ou Sunta>' evenini asil lght Ihuai. at ront ,.eh.,ohtr about bhre o ea rs and they uarekaated 10 meet M~, aga, -bat tecited t mate another try evenlng vltb thecholiir for ltheU off It. barsal. 1l attojn )f Dru a 8,

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