- i iPthEÉ~i~. !Liflhll#flflÂY. ZÀIITTÂUVM. 1010 El*oertyvil1e Independentou-umi " m"m pombU»o <~ ~ nd ene -WauwfgnWeekly& Su. b e ,itrmawr by .zlah 'q Eximbalblng la the case.The potuar u. pofi tt. lb.efume.at Office Talephone Number . LiberllO Exchange. Irtyrille Tiiesdy cr ** "i Isudn lb.0bead» c ha i',%otsoi' t it'I ll, &I. A Second lIas.mail lmitter b.11temoaivrseudecleb.cy-a Otflcial Publica.ion for The Village of Libertvvile. au 10 Ie rea ba t m uroud lb. a&m a e l lb. ofe ýnC41. - ICal é a Làst (-a--à, Ofa d aiOpaVIsorW P"rooeiis mlksuid ot.b.r fImproduols. Uaualy anl tb. clly-ma îevsry ikhureday. Adver .i: techI ade Known on Aplcation. 0180RIPTION PRICE, 0.50 P_-R V AR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE knowsula that the priée las hoveti up aud n xlnl 10sgivenlu delallaao 1v such la tbecma. Acaretufly ..SMITH ............................................... . 5..." planuei vrla gcmpaigm, accordlng 10 1h.professr, M,.EKART ........... .................................... Local Managenrhl rlg bout a readJustment otfsentiment along thle. unmes. - PUBLIC ALO dAN BE HEEDLESS Anews item in a Kenosba paper says: "1 The suit of1 ]%ope E. Mifls, widow of the late Frank E. Milis, against, lb. (3icaoNorth Shore and Milwaukee Electric Railwayi Smipany, li which she claimed àasnages to the amount of ten thoiusand dollars for the death of her husband, killed a grade crossing accident, at the McKeon Road in Oc0tober of last year, came to a sudden termination in, the ehcuit Court Tuesday afternoon when Judge Fairchili' ibok the case from thse jury and on the motion of the at- ~toineys for the defendant cornpany, directed that an order for a non-suitbe entered. "lI bis opinion Judge Fairchild declared that the cvi. dence i the case clearly showed contributory negligenV dn. the part of Mins and that this negligence was the al) p.rozimate cause of the accident which caused bis death AUl of whlch goos b s how that the courts hav-' ,10 e b 1h.hebeliot that th. public must pay heed tb streci ,mr ta as ai ell as th. Street Car crews paying heed *t 1 W ublic. In shiort., there ARE limes when the public i - 4*W Mdtala 10 observe th. rlghls oft he trais as we1' te limes hen tbhe wB are not as observing as they *I-M9%14b. However, the taCt la apparent 10 al that:IT? tà NAIER fort a porson to look out when crosing a Shwek car crosng than it la for a motorman to hait hb Igaint as ho suddenly sees semebody on the track in front â« dt It'u apparent that no motorman reliahes running ~yboy don-ad naturally nobody relishes GETTING MUTE WÂY of a car. Thus, il rsles lseit10t the PelaI Us 10'Who, the public or the street car crew, can IVOID CRASHERS th.e esiost. A"D TREEXUN "SNICKEES" I GLEE. (from a nows dispatch). Untouched by the ravages of war, the German "MMe stand intact, their ordered life goos on in meaaured uIrÙles. The German soldier, demoblllzed, cornes back to * 1cm., a roof abovo bis head. Rgiswife and cbildren wel.. aune him t10 the fireside, ho reft when ho started amuck in -Aàgust, 1914. Anti wbat of the French soldier who left bis homo in 8ol1sons b o sdefbis own from the Hun? lThe poilu goes hcbt there la no homo. Its roof la crumbled slate and =i vi are Piles Of Stone. His wife andi cbildren, if alive, are tfar away; and I can see hlm, as 1 bave seen oChers, le .-upon1h. Spot with feelings no words can portray. adperbapu 1he Hun who belpe dbo do it went 10 the ýqetre 10 see the musical comedy lu Trêves touigbt. Regarding Millard Outier, the Chicagoan who con- 4 hofrged notes, mortgages, etc to the value of _ M3OOO, a news item in Chicago papers Baya: "At the end bf e-yen months. according to Deputy Warden W. 0. Eogon, bis case wil aiutomatieallv corne before thie p"=sn authorities or state's attorie'sfic bjth aybe paroled àt the end, of a year. " Now, thon, except- the man who places honesty above wealth andi ail that, would<Jj'1 be wllling 10 spenti a year in prison (even if2 ~ELY paroleti thon) and from thon on leati au ex- p la 1f.? He can afford to. Heys getting well paid.t 98s Making a big lot of talk now as 10 how heys golng 10 nsd o t ay in eleven m onth s, that's 331 dayp-and, di- 1 p~Jg 1h.sum ho obtaineti fraudulontly by the number of i dy il teTaeo 232prda l gt avefgured be'Illbe lu Prison, wo finti he wil be gel.b leMifle ho did when ho started for prison. Ho bad tno 0do no. Weo are frank 10, admit that vo cannol, see the justice b. nov ruling on railroati tares. Jusl becAaiathe oea IEictri n in aunable t10 mal. money off Its lu- $emi lt's no reascu that the wholi populace of the ouban terrltory shoulti be matie b, sufer, or shoulti b. bàiotered punlabmeut. If Uncle Sam starts thia bual. et «helplng losing enlerprises lift theuselves, fluano r md make them able ob compote vllh more enter- mgconcerna, be'll bave au entileas job on bis banda. 1W Io ne Dim11t t the posslbillles Ibal contront hlm. If *M cra Eierh as not been able to make auy money, lia.uld 1he neidents oftheb North Shore have 10, pay OnaM1roati tares tb enable the Aurora lUne o 1get on N»Fmak" baosa?" Wheu our ovu leclrlc lins bore b.skrpt, ucbody expectoti, nobody asled the sdaté é1d lse to, raiso the railroati rates to Aurora just1 slelocal onterprise bati faileti, duc! tbey? Il looks îM ro#eu isalatoentcase. Pvm the tarmers who gathereti aI Libentyville bac! it emdupen tbem boy vory important it la that farm- OMadvertlslng space lu newspepers in onder t6 ex- l The suggestion tbat stops b. bakeq t arrange a big reunlon fo r ail olti setlers ot Lake Couaty wbo have liveti bere over 50 Years, la one wblch shoulti b. acteti upon by those having sncb maltera lu charge. It really la some- tblng vblch the Waukogan Obasuber of Commerce coulti baudie3 conistuy anti it seemsaua though il ought to bo doue. Wouldntil be groal 10 got ail th. resideuts of Lake CouuitY together lu Waukegan, vho bave liveti here more than hait a century? Could there b. any fluor or more meomorable gatheriug lu the Couuty? The uew Obamber of Commerce viii do wel 10 consitier 11. The vay to Male il a succest ila b begin 1(0W t make plans for this summor, have lbings lu shape Bo vheu they are sprung,- they viii go lbrough lu a rush. Fate alvays carnies a cert ain amount of lrony. In lb. cas Of thal 90-Year-old mother vho vas taken 10 the Llb- ertyville poor farm lb. othor nighb-fate 80 managoti bblugs that the auto vhlcb bore ber Ibithor froun Wauiko- gan passeti directiy by tho tvo tarna cwued by ber son, vbo la saldt 1 be vorth $75,000. No, the route didn't car- ry theM avay from lb. souls home: lhoy bad tb go nlgbl Pa# IL, And, th. sou, no tioubt, Sitting lu comtorl anti ease vithin Isa arm home, poasbly*ddntî know that lb. thug of thie car vbicb paased vas that of lb. machine M.r rying bis mother tolth poor faim, The Zion Eiders roeutly gob a lob of free advertisiug vbeu bbey prayeti over a sick cov and cureti ber se that she gave mil lu abundance thereater-but bhey arou't saylng mucb vhoen their next effort at prayr-over a mnOther Of fo»r ammii boys-dlMd not brlng as gooti rogulla as vbou appliedt bthe. ccv. Their appeals vers heard lu behalf of the cov but not in behalf of the mnother-BAHi! MOO 1 How can bhey say lbey belleve it? Thinga are certalnly lu a protty mess lu Europe. on the oue baud lu Germany anti Ruasia: they are murdening anti pllvering lu 1h. endeavor to get thelr monarcbs off their Ibrone anti rlghb close by lu Portugal, lbey are figbt- ing bo pub the king Emanuel back ou the tbrone again atter they bave bati a Republic. lb just looks as thougb the, people Oft tdaY Vaut the opposite of what tbey have, no malter vbat the opposite may b.. Aurora bas a nov American La France fine engin. of 750-gaL Per minute capacltY* vbich at the officiai test vas reporledti have pumpeti uearly 1,000 gais. per minute. This confirm Obief O'Farroll's idea that our 1,000-gai. Per minute machine of the same make, sboulti, when test- oti, do botter than Itg capacity. By the Aurora test il voulti seem ours ougbt b ltonup to 1500o gala. per minute If Il la gooti for 1000 gala. utsady. In a vile-up Of the Illinois Legialure, the Elgin Courier saiti: "Edward Sbuirtleff is the whole thing in thse Republiran side ofttie house, HRe is the rccognized leader of both the wet and dry menibers of lin party." Weil. vbo more tbau Mnf. Shurtief bhas tione things for Illinois? Whab man isla hero wbo kuovs more of the neetis oftÈ&b StateAa IBd t. Shurtlef-so, why shoul"n'î he b. the vhole lblng? Senator Lewis, says a dlspatch, in a bill *i11 ropose full governmenb ovnershlp of ail raloads. As bbis Son- ator la the offcia Democralic party vhlp, il may be fairly presumeti thia la th. administration policy. lb gives color to le. bolief this bas been the intention ail along. It la nov bold us Ibat the consing income tai blauks vii be easler tb MIlOut than those that have preoedt, but it wilnot be soeeay tpaybthe tax. The incom tabas beon greatlY lucreasot, with ail profils above a certain Point talon bo the exteûl cf about 80 per coul. So bbab 90yoar.old mother ila b have ber cbildren pay for'ber keep-but sbe'fl ontinue b livo aI 1h. 0cor farm, Andi onoeson vort $75,0001- alitY thus hecamee an academie Queg- N riw«i znwi's tion. Court dId not taie any motiOn on menlti or cee.uniBasal o!r sha- IN~ TO B ALLOIV ver caue bas no boarw ng alOtisOr -ED UNDER FI3ED LAW NeIcn-efjis..ry MILLIONARE LLOYD Rfcent dispatche. from, W*eting- FINED FOR RED PLAU tan anaouacîng tbsat the Sisauver Chicago, sJn. 23.Wilim Brase case, QuestiOnlug thse ce*ftutionAl- Lloyd, capitalst and soclaiit, Vls bty of theolnI odera.i migratory bird fined fitoday for usvtng a red fag law, was dbsmbaeed on motimo f th~e in thé e bp, distrlbuthtlng'ited Pro- governinent bas led norne bjtors tu tests againui thse g.c«entevated fta beliove tbat sprntg eboof iagll and aocording tn tho ordinames, in. 110w ho penmittod. duWlgInai l erly couduat" 000. Sucis la not thsecase. The o f010- Koop, a sacialist vithout capital, es- lng telegnsius from tise vlologlca.I sur- caped witb a $1 fine for' partldPatliO rey Oxplains tise action o! the govy-lu .Me sos diatarlmnc. L»uis ernment: Wade wSa wae thore, too.VMIS not 'Sbaver case, iavolving canstitu- fmoi at ail. tlonaîity of migratory btrd Iaw et Thse Unes werms assed la Judge 1913, was dismlssed aon motion o! Graham% court,.viser. a seaied ver- Sooremrnent because that 1" wvas te- dict vau apenod this MOMIES. pekled hy enactmnent af mlgratory "Wbat a terrible Uino!' hae abd In bird treetir act and Ifs constitution. mcci borror. "'Terrtblel" i FoR SBAL-Dimmde. watobo MW i Jewlry on credit, 20 por omn down a" 10pet cent a month. Ucv I. Toean, Ili North Geneeeeet,i Waukegsa. Wky-Ui GREAT LAKES ZO00IISERNATES1 Tho larg o in tahe 'IMstRogiment ons of tit. main attractions ot1W ------- vInett.a Par%, at Great Laies, during FOR SALE-A 40 am and an 80 acre 15 thse puateamer,.bas beeâ putDu- don wrintor rogimo. AU ithenniatos fam, 1 Mile front Laie.Ville. Good - woe mofeu Into wintor qnartorsosli and good buildings. La, prie and F shoarttine pror . hecold 5Lsp aay t4rM&I. mmediats poseseIon. 1 Thse winton quartera are ,Q be. Stock, food and Impiements il de.ired. on ded wlth satraw and tise wafsls ined F. M. Harding, Ane, 11. 42t witb telt, farnishins ample Protection t hiT' &gainât thse inleneent weathoe, The FOR SA^LE--Cboie. reidones lot, on Sa, birds nd bouts are In a âne, healthy McKinley Ave. lUns. Grime.. .42 condition andfrom pr«ent Indica-2- 2 bions ait wiU weeaier thse oid i hve some veny fine lup.io-dmtehbouses mentis wlithout trouble. At plce mf rom *2,,500, '$8,00o. $4,000. ' Sean. fiusrnato. I$4.-7uu, $6,000, *7.500 ta 88.500, Au W, The four boers at thse zoo bae oemn[nuIctdwlb bl started on tiseir annaI two mantos bem pleae te soaew 1051*t aie l sleep, and have flot heon outalde of!i lae ueo o tayle s tisel cave. la a perl0d of two weeks. luwi Austin. Phone 16, North Shore aB' "Jo," a large greeni parrot. which 0asCo., i bas tise honor of heing the Pioncer ofICE the zoo, ia now wvept Iu a cage in TO TRD momeare., tenced, t 1Irst Rogimont beadquartors,' and là' cieared for orange grave lu Florida, [na said! t a honou.Ptfthe Most valuable de, ueaF mai" Une for $200 or for la- zic mombers of the office force, "Jo" db.$. fur@ or'iwhat bave 'ou tu offert Zic long &go telIlato the. habit of whist- P. A.. S. Mercer, 2108 Ezekiel avenue. - iing reveille every mornbng and lie ZiOl City. 12-t j rarely misttes iendlng 4is dally assis.i tance hi the bugler. 4 OIR BAUE + -. The bird bas a'wde and Interestlng to vocaiary, but '«Ppe Down" and 'FOR SALE-Holstein spnlnger alec a, "No Soaa" are ha lavante remarkp. yearling botter. two milos nortis Th Under the pereonal drecton Of -Spaulding Corners an Milwaukee road tiî Lieutenant Schory the Zoo bas Ium.l Phone 945-Y-3, Fred Docker. Roist 1, II ing, the proportions and aspects cf Waaogan. wiiy-2b Ca Borne cf the iargest cnes ln thse coun -________________ try. The wbole personnel of tse Zoo FRSL-0 uhlc aly consista cf specimens presented byFO SAE40boeorBly.BF satiors In the regiment acting "For Vcelker,'L..ibert ville, Phone 276-J-2. 1 the oGod of the Sbtp,' It oniy re- 152 Ap mains for somne geob--haling trou-tset tiopie te preent an elephant or aF lion and Usen thse Zoo wil rtankiiwith thse animal shows of Rtngling tIres OOLISli yUESTU D and Barnum & Bsley. arT' au l¶I Mach credIt le due ta Y. B. Merrlib. trainer and keepen of theo animais.E ED A complote record o ofichalnimai te TIUE14 VLRYDAY! they are sici proper troatment la glv- en. Just befare they htbenuated, a Etiquette, War, History, Geo- Itght occurred In tise Bruin famliy graphy and What Not An- th wIth disastrous reacita ta the Clu- an namon bear. Ilospital appreatîces swered by Newspaper. loi were caiiedl and a surgIcal aperatim &fi performed and Bruin sean recovere,1. QUERIES ARE 0F INTERESI . bh At preaent the personnel cf tîie mi Zoo consiste of thse followbng: Tb Two gound ogs."If You want ta inaw anythbng aqt of Seven guinue pige. the ne.wspaper." ha Pour lligaors.This lis a quotation from a receot nci Pouenralbacros. motion pîcture. rTe mivîce w»e un- Seveabaccoonas. necessarY. As an Information bureaub One owlcibears. and source argeneraliInformation ci One brewamoh ear. thse newapnper 1.9 calied upon con- wi Que Colnenscagea. stantly. I T-ouc geoekeslfiFnom rpecpes tu qusestions of poili-c For eaoca.tics and huck again tinflquettr the $ Twu ed foi.ha ,daly newspaper le aeked tu spapsk Two ad ox.wth-authorlty, and even family trou-.<OP Two Zaglisis for, bIes and perplexittes bornes over thepa Oue pair of skunaks. wire to thse girl at the telephone.F Three prairie -ucîves. The. queres mun from ricuîsuthéieR. On. pair badgers. his One Vair oilver pheasants. Patbette, and the queer tblng ls tbat OepigodnPheasants. the Confidence 3h<îwn hy Vie que e Quepai godentione-rs tiat they wil! be givea Ch One Lady Amherst pheasant iIie'0wrl i sy renwarde-W Oue Japanese pheasant. i- work Li -wer îrie ha t usueadd it One riagneck plimasaut. Tf ol is ar,,ta sal One floclu trabned hcming pbgeen9e. there is someone In the office wlie Ot Eleven varieties of fancy pigeoiis,'can hot) olît .'1 Sxpair Bantams, "Rcad Me Draft Numbers.11 !Io Sn ir x .T e climax bn agkbng tise Impissi- ter Que black Europeaa deer. bIe. probabti was a request cf a woin- w& Thitypai fac nabis. ruo:.J, ai51the lime the draft numbei Dr. Thity airfany rbbis, run!ngwere ceming In wten the lrst lot -Nps on1 Elh qirl rnigloose'). gîven oui. The telephiene bell tir- f55 Ebgh aqinrls runinglooe). gîed and a sweet voice asl<ed "lia% e utg you auy cf the draft nurnhersT* Thr the CHILD DIES IN CHICAGO' an.,ver was "We have about 1,010 î,o a1 far" and the woman immediately Fla The Infant @snoufetMn. ndhlrs. Sadek ak "el,-a hm c e 0i Chicago, Pa-sied awray Monday mcm-. please." vor lng, the chIld being nins weeki of uge. 5cm. cf the qupstions asked fr'ont Içir The body was brouglit te Libensyville day to day follow: Wednesda.v morning aud lmueraI services"Wîîî you please tell me the differ- were conducted froni the beome of Ed ence lu sea levei of the twc eceans Appbey, father (if Mr@. Sadek. = at the Panama eaual?' Burlel took place et the Lakeside "Please give me a liat cf the b',t E cegetery, 1ev. T. E iieam officiating. hotels la Cincinnati, and what are lira. Sadek. wbo was tonmerly Mi@s their rates?" Orae. Appiey, lias @Ince ber marîne -What Le tise given name of Secrp- tueyeas uo, ee ma iug br hmetary of War. Baker?" two ear ag, ben mkin be hoe "Will yeu give me tise recipe for lu Chicage, macaroni aud tornatcee. you prittd asat week?" "Wttwag the date ot the Corbett- L MONTIJS SERVICE Sullian flaishe population cf Cedarov IN FORE16iN LANDS " id' elm hiaon:wapa fan on Etiquette end Wàr. Evidently fnot bovin« SPont mauy- bourg ar ber yautk portng over 0 ine SM gold bad booi o! eti- quette one voman saked, julat boy se sbould address a card, destined ta go toana unrnarried man and un ssamarried wvamn.hisefaund out When dbd Dawle locate ZMon CltY? Whou dîd ho die? Who is b een Wauiegaà'o bost mayor? Can't yoell u a s Y Waukegam doeonut lavo niltration ettor theneWe heen go mach talk about It? ",How long vli thse tax on varions articles ho conitinueS?' ,'Wiat Ver. thse dates o! the ISU- tMi o! tiseLiberty Loan bonds r -ha Woodrov Wilson acting legslY lu leasing 11>0 United Sgtates 7" "Did Abrahame Lincln ever visit Aunora, and If h. did, visonvms ItCI -When le tise îlOthPRegiatent cana- lut home?" *'Were we an alIy ar an asmoeulte cf tbe Europeais countriesbulntise var ?' .q, (icu. John J. Pershiug a Repub- lbcaa or a D>emOCiatl" ",Why don't persona rernee sow and Ice troat thelr sidewalks?" Cari Mumre Homo en a Fur- louh-Peter Cook'Home, to be Discharged at Grant. Carl Marrie, viso has heea seryng on thse gunoat Wiseeîer te home on & ftroligis aflr 17 ananthe lu forefn semvie. He lsqvitttng bIs parent;;, Mlr. madlir. Hon Marrie af WliI Itenis treet Murie bas bad some wondorf i experbence. snd la tnterestlag friends and relatIves by telDing of thons. Ho vil recain bore a ohot it Unmd tcson retuan tu overuservceagain --a$hem tva 7«»smore ta serve. Peter Cook Usck.* Pete. Cooi.mmsofoPeter Cook, of thse west sàdo. bsmreteruod ta Camp Grant attai heing tn service.abroad. Nie vas lu a Waukegaa draft, went ta Camp Grant, thon veut abroad and now bas been ent haci home te he mustered ont. He called bis 10h.e up ftaday aud talied ta tisent. ira J. Mix, prosident of tise Ira 3. Mi. Datry eompany, died Thureday mcruiug ut bis home, 4751 Drexel boulevard, Chteago, ater an Illaess ot tbree menthe. - - - - - - - - - - - --0 C- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OR SALE--&t ol double baie., Ruait Ir new. At fsanonle pries. Leonai Isner, The Rawl.lgh Alan.. Phome M.R. tu rOR BALU--One cutter, buggya"C haase..grindor, feed outtet, oatoll Mrn baote, grouad feed. OhoU. lioye. wazhor 8au lionr m&H »W. rvo oEce dailit, Uovig uschiniqa»4 wu@ taraitum M11i. J. il. Coa& MB North Uheridan Rami. Phono 140 or 774. lit TA"4-= iddle Bled von= tu a famllY of tbre. Phone lake VPb> But Mt, or cali or write 220 Oalcwood av. Lolke rorest, ll. Wkly EMENT SILO STAVES-We baye the chespeot end hast'siloe on the market. ons. MInoln, honse raisin. Mon Institution@ and Industrise. lept. 4 ou City. lit. Phone 49 Mion City. UtI MANTED-ïemale hslp ai Camp Penny. Apply et camp office.21 The Independent'a tw.cOlor auo. on poster la thé. moat attractive aie bill. Togbther wlth an ad in The Independent it le the most als. ve met'iOd of adevrtising and brig. ng buyers to à sals. Prompt an* crefui service la Our alm. FOR RENT -- Six routabrirk cottage. Electnie llght, gas and eity watar. ppiy J. L. i'riçe, Spragus St. t .What tima whll the lecture ;;;i? Do Yeu th[L 1 . Iahould go early to get IL eat!" '*la the tee on the river ln condS- on for good skati7ng?" "Who wan mayor of Auror lit 1681e "WVhat year was the big flood?*, The Detroit Board of Commerce. irougb the commandant, bas teuol an apDehi1 to Great Laies sallons who, Intsnded making their homee tien. Iter the war te change their plans because of the tact that an Influx of mon would moa etbiouaands. joblesa. b.e statement adda that the retarD :fDetroit industries to a peace baste au already t.hrown scores of mon >t of wori. An lnopiralllnal colnferonS e Uf se held et St. James' Epiacopal iurch; Chicago, toulght la a nationt ode program of the Ilatbonal Inter- ,hircb emergency coinmlnttep to raies i10,000,000 for &afier war npeds. Bisi. )p william A. Quai le, St l.,oula: Bbsh- >p C. P. Anderson, Chicago IEpisco- al dlocese: Dr. John Tlmothy Stone. ;',urth Prfflbytertan church; the Iglt 11ev. W. T. Stearly. EpWaopal ahop coadJutor. Newark, N, J.; and he 11ey. Dr. H. U. Willett, preAldent, ,hicago Church Vederation Counill vill spea. John Henry Steosnider, "'lflg nf onmen,' among whose pupils waa 'ellow KId" Weil, wae released rom Joliet penltentiary, frîday af- r serving a six years' scftenc-. 1He vas convlcted of swindling the Rate, rWilliam T. Klrby out of $20,000 ,a fakfe horse race. The master windier dropped off lu Chicago test ight te spend a few Idle houri wltb e "Kid" betore set tllng dowa for long rest in his palatial home ln atbush. I4..1. Judge Edward., today grnntedl a di- orce decree ln the case of Mary B.. -g vs. Jacob King. botb of AntiOcli. VERY FRUER 15 OWN BARTENDER IF 1DE lAS A SILO Las Crosse, Wls.,jan. 27-Every tmer la bts own bartender, for very silo ls a sUI: This Io the way la wets will win over the drya. Dabry *mners in western Wisconsin have oovered that the thlck, syruPY Il- dd that Ooses from the hottom Of silo, the concentrated extract Of ta corn stofed tbere, basIa MOBt ondersl ic. *Il it neods la a imer, for tho silo fermenta tlta Ider cet for eIRage. FIRS1 IN LAKE bOUNn'-ih MERCJIAtDISE SALE .lobn Mdeer. bvIng dscided ta quit businee, wlllsie ulcac ion t bis store a a D y "IIsle coinmencIns ai 9 oklock a. M. on TIJESDAY AND TIIURSOAY, rEB. RIJAY Il AND 13,.1919 hi@enstire stock 01 geDeraI morcban. dIse, conistlnit of groeonlos, crackery, dry goode, notions, boots and shoos, hardware, ete ; also complots outfit @tors fiztnrus, coultlngatap.to.4ate grocery ceunten., show Casm, Angli Dial computlngscwale, comblnallon sais, stove, ssveralothorcounters etc. Termé, Cash. Lunch sesved nt noos. JONN MEYER, Prop. JOHN WIOKr. Auct. i - A. SOscaINKE. ci. ab thi fto f04 F I WAN4T ADS 3AE-0 b ýChamUabE assI. FI I-L E3S 1 i J, MAT. ZAWÀUI&lm