eeenebeles ------- >4 rea and VieinitqI ----------.-----a ^RE^ BREVITIES Bue It ever occu es!ta >0e fiat the poomtoffice al pse rather awkvard andi t- Othte ilgit la tbat particular spot Ie vpI or?~n@ eveulng luit vek. a vaman wua to the office ater lolng houes ta ImO a ltter. As thsre vas no light la the buildting the top@, were ueuanaliy deak anti the lady fel, hrulslng herself quit. palntnlly. Weile Ibis apparentiy le a miner accident, Is shoniti h. a varu- »S thit tis Ia a dangerons spot anti Butier lgbt faclilties ehonîti b. pravIdeti. Reapry Kane bas purchaeti the Be.,.l liomgoanMapie avenue anti wlil take posesson April lot. Anvery lpierestlnu letier lecture Is te h. SIveu aitii. Methodiiet churcb t Liberty- vile neit Wedneiday eventng on "Wo. ma Story ai the War." Aiea people âme nili!danti urges! ta attend. b'tiî torgt the comniuniby meeting lPrldy evsnlng. It ls desîredt tat a large amumber attend 1h18 meeting for there are Miles Elizabeth iWrts spont a ev days vlth Chicago rlatives anti irlentis recently. Carl DarDier vas taken to the licAlister hoopital Saturda> for an Oôperatian on hie foot,.fHe l e portedt o b. ing welilinsr. Darfler bas aIea been on the sick lot furosaUnitne. Choir practîce le ta h. helti at the Wm. Duane home gatunday evelng. Mdisses Avis Payne anti Ada Kuebker spent the week-end ab their respective homnes lis,. EmmaOGrabhe vlslteti Libertyvilie f ined- iraiFrliayntif Tneesy. Wor,ý lias been recelved froni 4Jarlle Chambenlln tha ie hasl been chase for the an> aif occupation @o the tinte ai hie rtura le uncenlaîn. Mr. anti Mrs. D. S. Doipb ai Aiea, visitedt he latter's parents anti attendeti church ber@ Sueday. . liro. Everst Wells ai Area, spent the But of the veek wvltblber mother,lMr@. C. DarDier. Mr. anti Mrs. (leorge Brainerd visiteti at tbe H. C. W. Mieyer home at Area Sundaiy. Misas. Mazie uiLlzzie Rosîne ai Round Lake, villes! relatives antiai- tendeti the Waodmani dance bGe lasi week. Miss Dora Darfler lias giveun upber position lu the Area paistaffic anti le home carlug for ber parents. DIAMOND LAKM Mr@. Sophia 0st returnetihaome Thurs- day front Chicaga. The Boy fcouts will meet Saturd.y liéht.i la thie report of the. annual business meetIng bld recently tihe name QI the church clsrk waa omitteti. lire. Mande Knol waa re.cted tt ibilSs. The hour for Bnndal sebool bus been changeti tram Il a. mn. to 10:80 a. m. Charch service at 8 p. m. Next Sunday evening Mr. Warren will preach on "Bible Propheoy."1 LZUWNZA RECEIVED TOO LATE POU LÂ5T WEEK. 0. D. Stroker and 9. H. Meyer attended the raliroati directors meeting ilu hIcago Monday. Mir. andi Mr@. John Brown and tamlly, who have been 111ot ofInenza for tbe past twa vteks bave recovereti. Barry Kirwau returneti home Satur. day eveuing bavlng receiveti hi. honar. able dlnecarge froni the navy. Barry la the picture af health and @&ys ho le glati ta b. home agaienow thet the war sa aver. The new DeSinet factary completeti mest&llatian of their new drain anti sever dile nihnery an Wednesday andi teeteti out the wbale aystem Thnrsday andi founti everythlng 0. K. They have bulit a large addition ta the plant 40 hy 70 lest for a tdry llg rooni anti expect ta put on a worklng farce neit lionday mornlng. WAUCONDA TONVNSHIP flOU 5CH J'OL tiOTES Frlday eveieg. Jaeuary 17, our dini and second basket hall tearn playeti the McHlenry high echool the reture game ln their gyme. The firet ganebelveen the second teanis vas exclting and weli played. Oui teani showed good teani work whlch coulti fot be overcometi hy the opposlug tenam, although It waî broken several times Wauconda took the leati by a few polinte unlil cear the las%, the final score vas Wauconda 15, McHeery -7. l.J . oprandi trs. itî", The irel team shoveti their excellent Tavuer acreLiL rtyvllle callers FrIdaý. tsam vork. vhIeb kept ans cioeeiy lins. . W. Huteingq igave a pnrtl ii, lllwlng the qulck paësing of the bail. honor 0l1tirs. Miarsîtal Huteuing«, Tii-l'ibe cheers front aur peuple vers as d ay. Sbe lt Wîd fue r tnMur-h. mncb ae McHeury, for anc repreëeeta. Shoanle, lt,ta loin ber itustanti, wn l in vas about eighty. The firet hait ai le lu camp there. Itbe score McHenny stoat 0, but lu the Guets ut lin. aito i %re. .%r6lur second bal sncceetied lu gettiug but twa Hollandes, Sunday vere: %Ir. ant ll . lpoints. The final score vas Wauconda Frnîîk Hollauiti andi Wmu. Frazer. 36t. McHenry 0. N188ise iotltY StaerP and Mlre lu,r 011i yau Mdlenry, yon vantedte t ciited wlth nI. anti Mrs, U'm Stoerîr a knov il vs braunt Mande along wlth couple ofîltys the paet cceek. us, novwe ditinbbbnng Maude, but me Miss El-le V, lskopt spent Suiîriay braugbt lths spirit whlicb otade Mande alternoon viiih11,smie Mille, possible anti van aut. Ouets eut Jý W Cî,aîîere. Suoide3 ivere Be sure@sai attend 'Klcked Ont of Mir. aiSi lIre James Tîîwusr anîtion College" the big higb seboal play, to be Mr. anti lire. F. Lnhkeuînnn antiMn. givî-n lit the gym Februnry 15. antd Mrc. Eîîteman. Lont mis-s ihe big Hligh scbool play J E. Hutchuîggeofai Ml watikP-, visited given by the pupîls ofi Wnucoîtda love- vith bils hiather, J. W. Hnteliî.!gs, ehlp High schoo], Saturdny evenlng, Sutdsy. Februery 15, lu tbn gymnasinu Kieketi M'm. Panitaît returneti Tbur.cday frt Uni ut Cailegp," a comedy in thnee acte Jnîî.-seille, WlIN. ith pleuty ti fuit ail tbe way tbraugb. Th.-pr,111yat lîr. anti Mrs, Rani Kitîr.-Cote au ntijtoy It. llantay evediing labonaor ai Mr. ad Ce fCaatr dIe andaun i tî,v vas u -l atime. Buoties lieubav, a Papniar Senior, det nîtiailenj3 ti gotitine. James Young. F~j~'g~ 'IEWTati Che4eldine. The Coliege Cnt-up, SJohn Brandi. tir, anti tre Il Pedergesuai h-f a LevitIciese The Ace af Spades, Robert Sunda> cd et the A C. Richards bai. Blackbunu A.C. Pe-ter. le eble ta le arounti tovu &cb M ýcAlltter, A flard Stutieni, alter a bard cols!. M..rltn Hugtesq. Viliet Y iruegcsiSaturdn n-&e .Shîrîày Long, On the OiesClub, Engene Sunda> n itlier par.-nt* et 1LIhrti cillle Stroken. C. Gilmiand aiti aiîîy acre %% 1;- lhing Silvere Mages, A4 Happy, Junior. Eti- wlitarFaunay. yard Murphy. P. Pegeiow anti lanjily andi1'. iteuclff Be-niamin J. Bnlov. Booties Fathler, vershuedinese îi-itore et Liberi> ville ClarencesJenke. jSaturday. Sautiy MeCann, coach ai the Dreail Mies Senels, m bo bas beenn mIltirs. Club, Haroldi Hapte. ILock.hcad the peet tour maonthe., returueti> oficer Rule> rmi. the Emeraiti Isle, ta tbe -'lty lqut Ttinrmday. 1 Raiîib Whitmn. Vîirwgliia Wbn.-berg, cihu, lansbeen tir. jeans (Aithe Speeti Mtor Car énfleniing wtb an ab4eeuc on lt-r tace, le mparty. Arthur Stroker. getting aluni; rtluly ant il iiin Le Joauquil Gray tbe Chanffeur, Marlon ahi.- &a lx, out. 1 Hughes ~lCham. Han.nî-n. furmeriy ai tble niatce Betty lenbov. ilootles Smter. Wlma H3. @&asduliai vek. nus W&Bspné tii..Week-end ae ber ye. anti Mr$. Biser @pent Mondsy lu Chicago.B m tn Chas. Patten of Palatine, callot! bers Mouday. MIss Lura Wille vilteti viii ber 51.1er, Mr@..B. Anderson, Sund"a. C. Ernst @peut Frliay lu Chicago. W. Launisaable taeoout eagain alter havlug been on the. slck Hlot. iése Bertha Graber epent Friday aiter> Doon ut Palatine Ernit Brandfug .a a Palatine calier Bunday. Mr@. E. Frank anti Mr@. P. Schallen kamer vieltei lilas Anna Frank ai the M ey hospîtal last veei. 'IMise Mabel Reifer epeut Sunday at ber home. MIes Rd.. Ernst va. a gneet at the C. Ernst home recently. lire R Buetier and chiltiren of Rayons- wbod, vlelled i vth relative@ anti triende durlng the veek. lisse Esther and Ellaeliauch spent Sunday ait home. Mie Margaret Young vlslied friende berst Bunea. %Nedunsday evenlng of luit veek John Gehrk., and lla Bertha wsre Mrs. Frank Petereon @pent several daye the peist veek le Rockforti vlth Mr. Peterson'a father, J..B. Peterson. Mis Myrtie Clapper wae the week-end guesi ait ber onucle, Geo. Goodmnan . Miese Lois and lludreti GlyncIt a Chicago, vere the week-enti gueste at F. floreuberger's. Mrs. Mary Banselman ofChîcaga, speet several daye wlth lire. Christ Antes. Emîl Frednlck anti sou, liarehal of Arliugton Helghts. vers the Suntiay guese0a C. W. Pettie. Mrs. Bartzler oi Richmiond, loi., le vleltleg ber danghtser, %Ir@. Otto Knaak. ise.Carl Rommel, wba ba@ been vlist- Ing at Phîli p Rommel@ lef t for ber home le Buffalo, N. Y., an Frîday. Rev. Chrouey of Chicago, prsached le St. Panul'@e urcb la a large audience on Suuday afternoon. le wilill 1the pulpit' agate ou the afternaun oif -ebrary 2. Eti Eaetan @peut several tnYse t il. Drby'@aif(irnysiaL-ý. Miss Isabelle i-rerstadt t asthe gneiit at ber fatherem, F.. tBliertadt aven the week-end. The C. E. eaciety of the l'resbyterlae churcli viii observe Christinit lay, with a prograin couelstluiz of solo. reailng, short taikç andti spe rlî itîe Misti Irene Mlacaeli, of Ciiîago, was tbe week-end guct ft F. Petersouso. A nunîben of tb. Odd Fellowve anti Rebekabs attendedth- .. uneral ai Wesley Frltseh of llîtrhlaîîd P'ark, wha tiieti ut ;înlenmifriaa nt SuioL ty- Dir. firowti of Ch caio, çqbhobas charge of the ehurch Ftenglou aifCChicago Pnesbytery willl sîî.airlulite Presby.ý terlan c!tUreb -<Urday rntorulng ai 10:45.1 Many Important questions ta h. discuos. Clajion Dean, vha le engageti le a munition latory at Hamniond, Inediana, *pent Snnday wlth ig mother. The Ladies Aid ueet Weduosday ater. moon at the home of Mir@. Rueseeli ant elactei the followlug offieers for the e- aningysar: lire Geo. Roue,preelIdent, lire. John Rouge, vcepretient, lir@. A. JL Roder, secretary aud lire T. L. Rue geI, treasurer. This seenie to be a case o!. not three 'e, but four. anti t leu'i Esadin', Rifl' and 'Rfthmetlc, lther, but Rose, Rouge, Roder anti Russll. le the. future the Aid wviii niet every twa wseks rather than monthly as they have qdurlng the past few monthe. The Congregational church helti their ..nnual business meeting at the commun. li,: bouse. Rev. Mitchell vas elect*d ubarman for the eveuîng. The regular »eporte fur the yea? vere given and tie lollovlng oficers verù elected. 'i:s Cors Bull, cierk, lire. Auna Latbra, treurer, Blanche Shatie, plafimt, R uth Warti, chorleter. E. B. Bluhm was w-eleteti truetee. A finance W«ap tpolntfd conslsting of Geo.IBo"a, F I. Hardinga andi Johni Ronce. Alter the. business session the ladies.of tl.e cbureh oervedti lght refreshipeels and a socliaour wai enjoyed. MIss Dorothy Holeomb leIolu Lberty. ville asslstlng ta cane a pueumoula Lake County Farms Safest and Beat Investment For Sbey are iue-reasiug le value and they produee bg returus. Soil Excellent Orlglnaliy gooti andi neetifor dairy par pase le contaùtly madie better. Location Unexcelled 1 Eien Farm vîthin 50nies of Chicago I T'he greateet pradtine market lu tihe voniti Pfrea Still Low Improvetifarme, 8125 t, e175 landi thât wilill id Î25r 50 per acre. Fret Payment Smal Onethlrd ta '>neforth the prie-alace Stu 10f>yeans. Low Rate of Interest Four, Byve andti cx per cent. A Fighly Improv. .d Farm 0f elxty arres. vlth afitret pMinentai #2,00. one eau- nat aBford ta refit. Improvenients Worth on 160-acre farm. 9),ný.r vîli carry iack *1 ,o,) for tee years. Attractive Bargains là Area Seins-b oniels, Modern uUn.-, anetlots, iactony elfes, acre tracte. Sanall Tracts -; for sbdîIiletru-kie.i denepuntr., fîù,-rllw Are. Has City vater, bîer e> ,t,nga' I * .el.ctrietty. ~Transportiton Bet inie ~neio Ar.Wil Off er Ares, Illinois lire. A- C.let.-rP, n Afj s cery liii1lîtrorutetithe cerenion>. abs té-r..inailti unt Ibr detb vqtbit nlitiso lre ai ta. euitItre evar lu I 85< MýI W. Kn.-ri-r anti snon cieik-d 1altb 'ialà" lIrîghyber niother, a sufira- Mirn&I mrer J.- rl t fi .t. g.tte, Harriet J,,hrs.CADO TAIL r n.ani ir JI.Iltz-ntbaier epsttirs tit-itabel ScCne10, aan vte W n D tri thankarreaiesat Stuitiat erurin lr it-r rn nID&rnaJone fmI-nefolri-ir akinOur re tring aur tanli S 1 Fg ,rv.l, a licCan, age t tlrteen, eeisreent '-r.aî.-rîsut esduIg u jL W. îlutcilngi§nasciButatuat M.-itr cc raitrîeRte niFniy las to a iifourcIwtsp llt-ri hy cîranv.- Mies ullet e Fullerb.aCdiege Steno Dortb per niett tjepa- w. rsàlber, idlties! Uot.-nood.LO A l>oruble ri s aet . et sk 1 MI! llnF. Curette, a French Casl',D ED be na pecn.,Mn nul,]lie.turner, Orace mueiier. LOCA NITJ RAT A lleh...gnt .i-îtvtîe raaniespeçfe, a black wash ladty, ~ lÇ Au, flc t-g lin nt-tli.g ."Itih ue r 1lilla Fiile. ' as a r ie Co.- liS the main bum;nese le F-.te f-r irtenterlaitteila frises!trotei5u~f Wtsa, bedon.- a 11th tt.eathe hti rey Tbnnsdày aid'rlday. FRIERS I thetrtacr5 Mii,*reiles. lme!Tht-e t1cittiut- le aale gîieg dove an>l taIt hle. výr, an>,,,,beitga iI e-uulas-n.s hsen FaeOtîi RiS ho e IVenta . E ~1'M"-îîrc-rttît fsutý etaiti. tir,,,, it lare: (t e ani 11sl i n de4lir, Wa iur tvl luaî get or a,base -lurtn, vitît as reiotanetia aat 'flhlane Nrg Iaot ontitrt118the nîtle! tai sDe Itrit 9 t'-I. W ll i a xt rea rahYug irl îr-pus- i rtae, tnîba Itusseli anti Iillt perterit i Agiculture viii511a cii lan!ialîe liîi, eti et- lerilco-t Il cnîP,1y of nitrate ai oda to ti,IA iuenj'îyaiic sveinrg vas sîterti farrf-rm inu iCi<Y, connty. ' l" , 1,' i îîà t r aii;îtri tf ti-1,g 'iii yb the e-lttiii Tire uIlvii,. yul ho iOId unden ihe Illt'r ffrda îit .1- , uiu-.ata i--v1viituns. Tuel auihority o)' the fati contraI net anti ai ii .et,- s ilnti<tarer> iif e rt lrtb i îet aitt i oii galie u eh- iii .gisation riatirg tiienu- f rt-t i ril u i Ci c il nîO rat 11 il11>. i!v tr la i ,w iiifoî,r.ny vas t. Iii rI e vIlibc $81.00 a ton, aNl isntel:Mfrtitiy Y,-lidbieth, n hîlîî or , Imatttnlcars t laadlng point t. ~ ~ n in tv,,, r t ri i liiitua nl ltof Lit I I tttestl~rigi r n tri fi-ht t uor p Ingd - -- A il , ls u ht e sthw -eril itte HAM DAY ihll ________'y_____fll!) W. 1 i.î,- ri i ni i ie ig A~ihn rcfor a part of the ni- _______--____W______ ruitlit t- hthe governm-nt v11 'ir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LK tuu îtrr1 ,i , giCsiîîa b. ei--eeonîy !rom act,îal fata- il,,,~~~~ - _r -i - - ..1t ,îr ürî,î r nown--vs or btliors of farine aliur.LA $rtt_____ fl Clicw tonrie'- o-c 'perin md anti mey 1d nI i ul i III i.-rr t 'ii ciii- l.eIî.- vî lM. aenîl -l . B. lraî me . l r hriiiit Counly Agent Viatklui. S i n1t.~ I ri Inî,,l,.î.9 No lîtilev iii i . n réquirei wfttîi, pr .îrn . nlii .insiirErl iii Nitriie WvN l'l- t .t niî,. li.' uiit M s i îii I..r , M ,at Itr Rh'f Itii 1 ,l , t, 'rini's r t .m i glit îîvaft r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l" , iM i n dil>Lltryll. vs. iî i nI r ' v 1,j j ,IIr td!ng attache(f]. 'tîrm.' ors ini par drafts sa"dtake up thep bille of ladic. Arranfements "av bOee MUAS to seouro a large quanti- tY Of nitrate and tit lebelleveti thai ail reasonable requîrements can b.e met. LOANS BICYCLE TO SAIt- OR; LATTER STILL GOING Wankegan, Jan. 2S. Tva complaInsbave been latigeti with tbe police that bicycles have been stolen. Elbritise Freemen of 727 South 11t14a etreet, talti the po- lice lie lett bis bicycle ln front of a store on West Washington etreet Bt B p. ni. Wlien lie retureti ah an liaur later the bicycle was gane. A man namnet Haga, living at 118 Ca tCapa avenue leaiti b. loaneti bis hi. cycle ta a sallor et 9 oclock Mautiay mornlng, the sallor telllng hlm lie woulti le back presently. Hogan voltes! until 4 oclock ln flic atter- noon anti then reportedtheii mattc-r ta the police. & MURDER mys-ERV CLEARED 'l'h. mystery of the murtier of Har- ry Auster. vealthy anti promineut. Kcnoeba real estate man, vho vas abat to d.ath la the home of bis vile, lire. Auna Auster.let Thurs-, daynlgt..vai eleareti Montiay n1ght., Mrs. Auiter deciareti e h ot ber, bushanti lecause lie hati abuqi-tilier., Her confession va@ put In wrlting iiicl sIte signes! it ln flieprescuce of vit. nesses.- BIG AUCTION SALE!. John Schoenbeck, having rented hies farm for a term of years, will soi, at public auction, on hie place on the State road, 2 miles forth of Arlington Heights, 6 miles southwest of. Wheellng, 3 miles, euat of Palatine and i mile from Rand concrete road, sale commenclng at 10 o'clock a. m. ou FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1919.' AUl hie ftock, farmi tools, etc., including,14 good co,o 2 fresh wlth calvea bytheir side, 4 springers the bal- ance îiilkers; stock bull coming 2 years old, yearling heifer; good Collie dog. Four horses, bay geldlng, 5 years, 1500 ýlbs.; bay mare, 10 years, 1400 Ibo,; sorrel mare, 4 years, 1300 Ibo.; black colt coming 3 years. Grain-,000 bu. white oato, 1010 bu. Yellow Dent corn, 8 bu. YeIIow Dent seed corn, 6 tons timothy liay in barn, 3'tons mixd hay ini barn, 2 etacks feed corn and stack corn staiks. 10 bags seed potatoos, '4 baga eating potatos. Farm maehinery, implements, toole, vthjcles, harness, etc., such as necessary to equip a flrst-class farm. Some household goods, Term: <ider 810, cash, over 810. six moathe' crodit at 6 poercm*t. JOHN SCHOENBECK, Proprietor JOHN WICK. Auctlom.oe i A 8HmuiC, Chsk ladependeot Clossified Ads Peu. ^Mk a., user of them TRUCK BODIES AND TRUCK CABS closed or open, for Ford Trucks, with drop and slide windows. Fordson Tractor service bodies and ail kinds of bodies and cabs made ta order. Give us- your order Satisfaction Guaranteed G. T. STIEFEN-HOFER MANUFACTURER BARRINGTON, - - - - ILLINOIS *telephan luj Wsu i~Lython part -wot tiret le bot tha. ewiled *1115< 'a-etedilln »r aud te Bclty. vi Me5L Wi Lakee la uaifport i) Mare TM iber Ore i) muarr Rba PIkfion w7 Jane 311 fr> Oortte ,Md a oev ia Oiso* * mass Crsgrs The Prevailing Epid.emic with its sad list of qiîick fatalities impresenee on ail tlîoughtful p)erklolint the' duty of îrîakiîîg one's will while good health anid norinal conditions permit the best thouglit and most careftil Judgîneut. Tho ewa repgrts, in respect to the' average estat*is, show that in the' înajority of cases life insurance ensttitutes a large part of the noîey left. If wealthy aînd far-seeing men adopt titis plaîn of providîîîg for theîr dtpeîîdeuts, it 15 becatîse their .wisdoin and expericince prove th is course to be the safest an~d best. Why shouId itot the faînily of the inan of moderate means enjoy the advantage and protection afForded by this service? Life Insurance Is the, Best Thing JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. tom vas ta SSheritian 1 but there ethei voue te vfithtes oean mli seorna that lily Issues! Ms at the f iti n lehi coldiers h. ît andi nv Mers anltL El leldent WiI K mSeive a ont& ant i t p, »sking îbe suppor e , pL thai "king It Il wa dei ruey Levin* w< Levinsar ;te ,peake * t soniS g Leagu WAi rpastor. 1 at the J. 'iMount 1 'ive a ch ea t tbe evi to et of ée oait Bt Lii week. Ladies' t*, on i ti yra ýmmlâmmwmmmmmmw% OBITUARY Margzaret Vr lIer tues! le Mobile, Ala, lannnry -20, bird as burletifront ber aid b)rie lii l'.-erfll on ýJnnnary 24. She vas ail io rest la the aid farnlly lot lu i.teny. k onre-vent,, tiv.-yeargseebas Ilved Inl the aid boue riberfaflier, Pbillp Vetider. She vas tio n June 8, 1838, lu Denmark, iewis Co., N. Y. Bath ai ber parente ver- inn anti grev up lu Gran- ville, S. Y l'bey vers marries! thers wb.-n b-r îurther, Margaret Haverly vas iîîly firtnu. The lbree aidest ehiltinen uer.- larulibers. lun1844 under the leederehLI, (if Altredi Parsan, thein eidest dnîigw'.r, Sussne husbant, the> came ta Il1irs, Aimon their yaung son oi filteen, eî,d six, year aid Margaret, mati.-up ilh- teîîîiy. Bo le the aId home eotablîshei in 1844, anti acrois the nati froin ber sîctît, Susan'a home, Margar t Výetder grev tn vomauboati. Sje vas milsînese uofth-lhomne hen very vouM. r il