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Libertyville Independent, 13 Feb 1919, p. 10

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gn nia e Lndinig Feb. Final Clearance of- LO Nlevi i's ad I'4 i nviihiis sitits. imade of go4Jd quality- iaterials, îul v fiîm.' v mîi xtur'es? suits tîjat original- 1Y sid fieS"'0.0.llv Yprived a ý9..- LOT, 2-$22.50 SUITS *69 andl ' Yoiu l >iig ilili1s siuits, madi<e u of iid )(qualit.v faluc'v îiixtutres aîîd bline serges, ail sies, good sele» tien et io'iiuî', values tii $22.501, ve.ry speeially priceýd .............................. 2.69 LOT 3-$25.00 SUITS and OVERCOATS $14,o75 Nein's anid youing 111('11'S Silits anîd <iverei'<ts, miadec 0f good qi<l i aty iia- tenaIs. ini plaini and fane , %7mixturces. Nallies 111)to $25.00. "vi eî 1.7 Sleicccll ' iv& <îat . 14.. 75.... LOT 5-$37.50 SUITS and OVERCOATS $23*75 Nîî'sanid yotung Inien 's hîli ggade sitits anid oveî'eîats ini idîte serges anîd fane' mîixtuîres, ail sies. N'alites t<i prve t . .. ......... 23.75 Final goli'iî's I au mu iai] Nlerî's s, r'ange <of v' ;ît ayirda aillas. \I;li LOT 4--$27.50. SUITS and OVERCOATS ci'sand yîmuîîg imeî's sitits ini the îcvv î i tles,imacle of fatiey imix- tuires andI plain rin1 uateiials. Values ti) to $27.50, vix speeial 18.4 1Y Iire(l it ...............18 4 MEN'S $3.50 PANTS $ 1,98 Meii 's lîaiv mvih -ork pnuits iii a go4îd range oîf patterns, fanrv mixtures, 1*111I ii oe<f sies, valties 111)to I$3.50; atey speci...........1.98 Clearçince Sale oî- Men's Furnishings EN'S SWEATERS SHIRT rspEiCIALS Iva vv we 511 NI cur M li l's dî8s sirts il, a good range of ,vif, sie îid<os:vl . Iatterus, ""so't and stiff cuis, valueqs up tu $'2..'iO îci'v special IV~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 54cai185 ih.I*ititi<li......... .69 e<mliiir slliirts, v alues rvitiie-iilai r i<vailles, iit>*~î <..seiîv 1 1 ii <4bli(i5: i 4'i VI mired at ....... pi'eiS at FLANNEL E T T Ë ..8.HIÏ.R TS iii ~ ~ ~ i ilI 444 1 <it's iiia ît Ici' flaia lette s v t,~ aliles u si/es, v'illes uî1t1) tg) 14) >, rY slecially I *, 1-Y pr Ieed 6 .9 8 ecml t _.- ..i ..... _ ....t.. ._ I. .6 9 fiiiiieleteshirts, values uji to SU&PEIXDERS l . 'iv scilvpi<d 18 usiiic<'s rgîl WORK SHIRTS 39I )l w îkslîirts ii gî d i bI NIGHT SHIRTS vailles 111) te $1.00, vciy 69c: lea~~v flaî ilelette Iiglit sliii t s Sleiala Y l)ie4l at ...... $1.1 1 "seca- .8HOSE SPECIALS i it1.48l i v' vool nîaxed lurse, ~!EN'S AJAMAS i4es 111) toi 7e',vrv speeialiY 39 ivalv xweîglît laiiltt' îaj,- Miis mttmîîi ose i al c<lors, reg- ijm111 tm o 00 . 5 111.11-v v'aluecs. vî-iY spee-19 allv.\ privi-ilai 1.9 5 iiii n'<lt a t. ........... 9 BATH ROBES \'îsbath irobles ini aî goî<d assoiîîtxent of lnittcii5.vahues iip to $50-98 0F D1EI'ENDABLE New spring goods are arriving season in t bis final Clearance Sale. listed, then corne and. examine the Men's Cloth'ng )T 1-$20.00 SUITS $975 daily and to make room to -lundi AUl winter merchandise bas bee merchandise. You'1 be agr ea' Wo men's and Misses'. at R( LOT 1-SiIk, . Jersey Diý, DuI)î ng ti s alC.e e ut liti fuîul 11<w ires$ ilualîty sîlks, jersey s large range otfeilors. tlîis assemblage S cr j«Ify r>' ved at- LOT 2 - SergI Dressi iiI alivs ofiit lif. Seai5<î inug ;îiîl i li If)%%, Ï'O<' 1 bis let s>eilyjic ~.......... Main Floor Specials! Face Powder Thi Cc Fluwcrs face pow-; dlei-, egular 50v>evalue, ver% speciallv l>:icec per box ............ 9 Fancy Silks One lot of fauiey silks, stripes anid <ieeks, values to $2.50, vei"Y specially priced at per 1&50 yard1.... .......... 5 Fancy Gmngham One lot of fancy ginghans for dresses, regitiar 35e val- lies, verY spia(vllv pricccl at lier25 yard .....................2 5 Spring Percales 3~6 imili percales iri a gooc rlige loi iattertis, regular :3v, vallus-, Sp evially îîî'îced, at per 5 Brown Mailin lini, 36(> iilies Nw ah, X( sl)eeiaIl 1'v îîieed, 19 vard ............. 19 Ladies' Vests Olîve1lut of ladies' vests, leng siceves, hiiglu neek stv-- les, very spcci.îlly 19 J >r<<d e ca.........l_ 4 Children's Bloomers Oliv lot of ('1iîhl Us blakî Iiloiiei's, regular 50vc values veY sjîeviallY oo f Children's Vests fîlrushîi îbbc'd vii 1ml vests, loill sl<'eves.vcv ca<'il c Children's Waists \\' til Su~ppor'ter's aid bltims Ladies' Hose l.a i('5 fie )1 k ott nl ' rsî iegillaii 15v 'li S. voiv Speeially 29c Terry Cloth fil faney*\1patterrmfl6 loi drapeiesl(i,m iii(juchs m vei'v speeiallly 95C Cretones Olle lot of vi'etoilin il gueil seiletiflfl of- patterns, VQ*V51ecially 39c îu edGergtte Crepe 410 inch gc'orgette erepe in ail tl-w îant<'d colors, ver\i sî,ccliaily prieed l'10 y a rd ........ ...............z Laces and Embroidery 0110 lot ()f laces arnd emn- l)rO!i(lel'v insertions~ and ed- for this sale 2c vard . .. . . .......: Schl H afldkerchiefs Onle lot. ofhadkrifs «1fmîq 5<cii0l IISV, I " Si)eeially prioecd 3C eavh . .................... ..... Final Clearance Sale of- Girl's Winter Coats Oîîe lot or girls îiiîteli coats iin «I 44< sel- et ion of plain anîd f'aiicy nat('îials, sizes 1) t6( yc'ars, vci'y spcc wl ly prnived 49 at.................. ..................... . 9 8 $9.98 Coats $6.75 iIs'liglb grade îviîtm"<<as ii ali lii' wantvd colox's. Tht iic iiî s t 1Sim 6to14 veais, values 6.7 $9.98, speeial it .............-- .-67 011(. 14, fl<'at lit "ih tideé FIa tiv'(ats, tliiiiî'hîl(l Chil ers, ail 4' vî'ry spcrq prîipecl at, ('aps ini a at.......... Fancy T ami. mîiss styýles nam peÈciat I Well, i means of youu tion i [O mi 10c Men' 15c Men' 25c Men' 25c Cottc 50c Men' 1.00 Meni 2.50 Mer 3.00 Mer 3.50 Mer 4.00 Mer 5.00 Mer 6.00 Met To Las Somep *bided t their e, We ha: ~troyed nition; of cost 22 Final Clearance Sale of,- Women 's Sweaters Values to 1 I& $7.50, at %IP.75. I .alie ii4'~ ltv a 4 iiti Islilo-tmiî St1Ilm s ina large 1v'11119g 01,t tli' qtîa . i zi a i l<<eil gi4aýtiv '41i4"( l'r tliis sl ' IbLis ' pormîtîîtt'v <ot thîe svason i l ' Iligli gr':di sweaters al a limî 1'i aliestrioj7.ei< Final Clearance Sale of- '~ Winter Millinery 0>11v lot iii ' iIlreis na gmo e I (t1 otf , <m îîr . a l me s t o ; .0 ; .(><:, f at .98C One4'lot <(if* liildr<'îi's ats, lasitcfiîll 'v tiiiiiîl, 1 tolulu i.71), vev sievially pried at ..................... ....................... 9 011v lot <of, ladies, velveth its iii Iiigf. îîid sIl silapos. )0 t> iselect fi ni xii 1.9 ~~eil 'pi'ive<lfor' this sale19

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