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Libertyville Independent, 20 Feb 1919, p. 14

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Lt~étyvtle Lnaeenden t Lofe.Cbuty Independent- Waukegan Weekly Sua The Illinois investigation of Mr. Voliva should at least reveai the fact that he is getting away with the mon- ey. It i.s just possible that the examination of Voliva's methods wifl prove an excellent huncli to a lot of others who have not been nearly so successful.-Kenosha News. an yu no that after May lst you will have to pay an xtr, cnt orevery ten cent soda fountain drink? That's the new revenue law. They had planned making it two cents but the changé was made to one cent. BUT you'Il have to carry pennies as well as dimes when you get adrink after May lst. The war debt ha3~got to bepaid. The step beimg taken by the Lake County Farm Ad- visor along the line of farmers learning how t&-establish farin accounts, in oCher words determine the costs of pro- duction of various thinga on their farm, is an important one. The fariner-who goes ahead without any regard to coat of producing, neyer really knows where he stands with reference to the profit or loss on his property. To make a success of farming lie must know just what he is doing each year and if he does hot, in a systematic way, he toils on and maybe at the end of a few years he has made nothing campared to what the farm should have produced. It is Mr. Watkins' business and hope, at a series of meet- ings to be held in various parta of the county, to help ex- plain to the fariners how they can establish farmn accounts whereby they will be able to deterinine at the end of the year, how much they have made or how much they have lat. Farming business is sirniilar to other lines of bust- ness, in that it is necessary to take inventory at the begin- ning of each year and then carefully determine the ex- penses and receipts during the year. In this way the tanner knows how mudli le is getting for his labor where- as if lie goes about thle matter without any system what- ever neyer, to use a slang expression, knows where he isi at. WAUKEiAN WOMEN MUST COLLECT TAX FROM ALIEN MAI05. Warning is Istued That Alien Women are .Includjed in Ruing Samne as'Men. Andth ie Itîcome tax cothctar wii *gel you if yaî tant walch ont.' *Titis is the warning Issutati today tei Wau'sagan itcusawive.4 wh nia îlot bave it tiieti toiloy asitotîsumidii any allen young wotenî Tht' etut- *ployer In all o! titese Instainces iuîîîst *retain front ite suhary o!ftît',etc *ploya enouglit toey ta puy taxes 001ot.oiy on the cuîrcnt year, butinl te avent tht thlie girl has c'ork,ît !orn several yeans, on hanr Incotue since 1913. "Por insîýtince*' sait ana oft! hi collectons"I't here happons ta obc woMaa la Waukegan wha la emptta: J ng a Sweti.sh malid-ar any oli'ur cien- in lier home site omust pa' coeper cent Lix on tae auges carp. ait ly tha girl in 1911 anti 1914, two per cent on what shc aarnî-ul la 1917 1916,anîd î1t17 anti 8 per cent o! lie, wiîges ini 1918. The amptayu r iiut,-d responsitîte fonrte lax andti nu: t te ff'n il froîitie liteins puy. W ttikeganlitoutuccives who tareinî douist about the' ntionaliîy cf lii i ,aaiits thoul learn iiumdiatlà,Ntit ter any ofrtem arealaiens andtit taey ara ta take IroePr sleps to pa: te lax. The' gaiernmntnblas a lils' cf ail alten.. in te city unit as :oct, us tht' day fer, settienient utrrives citi * "lanta drivu ta round nuîthe- lax. Ilt Lslttrîrested t tat tIihe~,i aay cultcitthe dileii t tsPC.-. su.aule ny alien einpiuycs iutwtt homes tu aeotctziIippýz dong ng a th i BREAK iROUND FOR NEW ADDITION TO TUE HEIN STOREý Wuîiuk. giun. lýý'uts t Grount tva. Irtibîn Nt ict'ri.iîv tir lte nec' udsiti.in tf tht Alex j tj <Co. Thtc in nifoîtîti tiior a,î iin lta graundtI tu lu tlîsv ù te l tandt titis ciii d'l s t1ieIa lasompecxteut tut once t,%>t nýi I',oc t ticfri)tI line. tht' cou , c ut proeae ithlia rush. (lr'at lte o!flbrtcklu îtîimit mnense tt eh gurrsr..li.'atridauu til lte leirus NIMr. Wtiiitriey i rOuIîtý a.s rompietion fsîr tome Ite pin ms:.. Tht' addititon lu ta luae d ltcth et itaclt o! tle storu, buîiiing, 7 5 x-> - feet. Tht' bastîmcnt anti.niain flueý wiij haVýe a coîcret' fluor us miii as te htlcony. Tht' entire catiatrue lion ylite lreproof, cf renei anti steel, citit sire glass. A Iarg'ý rasI room for cooten, 25x1 wili bu provîdeti as an atteti feture. )'-OR SALE-Savarai boats anti saint liai. alraw. six heat cf horsas. on the nortit bank o! Titirit itka. Buen Snith. wkly 114. WOULD WIPE OUT TUBERCULOSIS IN ILLINOIS, IIIRDS State Legisiature Would Erad- icate Scourge from Ail Livestock in State. PAY OWNERS -FOR LOSSES. Ttc speady eratiicatlon a! tutierui losis froo thtiti oclus unit ierds ci Illinois la tueafiln o! a bill witch i te ha Iniroitucedin <otht' le&latureaiu Sprngfieldit ly Rejýre.s;entat h,ý- char les A. flregory o! Mouitnie couîiy ltýwI lite supporît-itby tht' siate J' parîtinnt o! agricultore. The measure cihI provide for ai appropriation frein whicit farnent. anti stock raisers chose cattIA anti hogs hava been slaugitterati b*italc or faderai nîthorîtias wili 'se s)ait iv% reinibttrscd. Tha amottnt taelue u.k- ait anti other tiatails ai tht' bill. %f Gregory aays, hava nat hean entlreli conked out. itl ias bean sugtsted thratitahe late pay onu third c!flte lems sustaineit chan animais reaci- Ing 10 the tuberetîlin les;t are killeit tat ltaefetirral governotent p5e ,*i, thtrd andtI ltIthie oaar îîiu'i final one-third. Proposeti FePtieral Act. A faderaI lac si.,§ v jiettting Ji, nogeuslrojîosing a lare ,iplîopnt ation teo au iailtheitby state futuii tnacritance with lthe imnI t of'It'. bîi RaprasentatîveGregorY c iii In troduce. Other t.tatLe, iltisrouît, hatve iu aPPrcPriutlolýtsii a tîuttter oftit istances ranging front$150,0W) inlaNew Vank to $1,oitun Kenulq. Peaun itylvantu und Oito eccit lti. made ataijuble $luuii,ciisfuir lte pltrpoe. There le ino laion lte stuat' bocks of!Ihlmnis malttng tlita,tu-It lin lest comiýiflsi)i y ti ClnIin sus t- cd case. .Titi. turposes aor the funusi, for rcimbturserî, ot of tariiuer, wuo.e stock is siasîglîtered te te'ncaani'ge lt- ownîers ta have l'iei<allie anit toge exainint- atntd liu B tii' touans <t k haie- t t it Itdo ' iH f-cltid harts uni t titrehyu îittt the souarces o! infection. CIIICA4iO-MILWAU- KEE AIR'SHIPS NO'W BN CONSTUCTED S Cl M s itta ,teial pa.- ang- r serticae i10te beestaittishi iq wlitina fs- w ceke iuy, al'I, Ini.. inin Il. Lipsncr. former stipeninefn. lent o!ftti' aprial niait braneit tf tie Post-citice deliarlmnent. Ç(ui Lipsner ha.- arnangati for the Pui chatte cf caverai seten pasenger soaplarres bhing built in Citicago. Il,, PlrOPO$ed ta matan daity trips e tecn the halte cities. lie witllgu o te Mlwaukep today tii sglttet a >il,-for lthermrianent brun gatr. lI i ii 5lJ ptak t ur- ti,.,M1 catikpca Ar,uixtliaî etof atanuueto andthe lita Nlitkae Aero club. COJ~ >NfTO OiE f bal# of I.and%' nd Lots for State, -$i6 FOR INQUU T Ceuftty, City, élfi n Spodil Taxe&s. 'STATE OP 'IL.LINOIS, IF BILL PASSESCouuty Of LA#e a - rthe unknown on sand oM Bill Has Been lntroduced in pa tiesltprate.d In lte folowii ,descrîheit Landts andI Lots or portions State Legisiature; Dr. Tay- cisane lor at Present Gets $12 'i t TA.KE NOMIE anIlt Icrones fr 1n liiuiservice o ficî for delinquent taes for the year Ineeasti or h rsErirat o <lt' 1916 made hy lte County Treasur-r bill introitîiied litithV Ililinois hou- "andi (oiînty CleiVk la the count., by Repreantativ'e William iR. Nie- Court raoom in th1e Couîrt Houùe in Cýib, o Loc-pot istheCity ofWatkegan, ('ounty o liea l th ~ett'itlt'o! etu a or Lake. andI State of llînol.. accord aller wotd get tinÛpr <lie Xi u Ing to tht'1Uiws of Illinoit.. For oldti.n an Inqe vra >uv Tc(scar V. tlanks andi to Brout For oldng a Inuestove a bdyford E. Sinmmons. ltat on lte 95tlî ini cottins of the fIrsi and second cias9s, $1!; couies of tIrd utait, Day of Jlune, A D.. 1917. W. B. Smithî $.". purchaseti Lots 22, 34), 31 andl the Par sîîmîoning the' jury, $1 in a aî North 2:1 t-3 feet oi Lot 29 qail in count les. This schediile woittd give Dllock 2, Subdivi.sion cf Lot 9l of Wtii- Dr. .1. L. Taylor, Laie coun lys cor- titrop> Harbor, Village cf MWtnthropi noer. sixteea dollars for holding an liarbor, assessin Ctie naine of Os- inqîîest, Inctuding the Jury tee. . car Fianlis and flic lime for rpeunii;. For hurli xpenses In courties tii ion veut -iiirp an lte 251h Day tif first ciass. $15: second clats., $12, lune, A. tD., 1919. andt tîird laisa, $10. W. B. Smtth, Purehaser The fees shal ha paît oui oif the To Faye tte P. Niarsit. C. W. Iley- CO)uty lreasorery, stîbject 10 app 1iiv 1deciter and W. C Poster. flit on titf alIy tîyfli court, tehcn tliey cannot ie 25th Day of!Jitne, A. D., 1917, W. Rl collet fror te estate of ftie do-! Smith purchased Lots 9 and 11, Ploci. reased. 9 of Subiiion o! Lot 6, Wlnthnop Wtenever the coroner shah bc Harbor in thue Village of Winthrcî? forceit to perfori any of the diîtieii Ilarbor, assssd In the name of' pertaining ta the office of shveriff, ac- Vnthrop lianhor and DockitAssa. cording ta 1the McCaîu billlie he I!ti andI the tinte for rederrtion wiUl ex- receive compensation in amount 1k-,pr i h 711Dye ue .I tint o tataliow Pd the âber i ff. 319 At preitant the coroners tfac j, l»akc, cuutnty is $11 for htoding ait lfltltest and. $1 for stinnntonlng i iry Tht' prop)oseti iaw wold ntt, erPase titi tee $4 for catJit nqilPst BUTTER PRICE LEAPS Ater a Baches of gyrations ilit bav. puzzieà te retil rade, butîter bas tai tiuome upaitoots that ciii aiti again ta household expenses. A weck or tua days ago butter was ra- taiting ut 49 andI 50 cents, blotioa y titi pnice i., lated btu akea adecitdd hoost. Picas quolcut this mortiln> c-earaountit59 andI 60 cents. WIait- kaganti eaierss asserteit itiwe% r, tat as soriamtheir present inîted sultpiy la exaustt'd te),cilii-bu otliguit tu charge mort' for blittli> retkiltag ut (;:,cents in salis totis of Chitcago. Sorte o! tl'e factors bianîed for causiîg te upwaîit trendtin lie but- ter pnîce are; Iiit prices for miik. Lifting tooud administration restrtI lions. Indectinion among groeurs as to wlitu lier or ntultlitey îiîgit ttato ( Up cn auttelt. Fiaaliy titi decision of te alle. lu lake 3P ,1tusOo pouads cf Antenîcan butter, altuer a decision not te takirit. Tel le How Prices Gyrated. "In the first -place, te market prît.' fun butte r, witoieaaia. declineit troro G8 talitu cents alter te restriction.. of te tod administration wer-, ifled.' S. Edward Davis, former preiitenî of te Butter anti Egg board tif Chicago sai Wedoesitay nigli. "ihi.i sîimu<ated 1the ise Ô! 'botte', an(t there was mucit ieavier !uyiitg. Tht' grocers stciikedi op andth ie prît. went up te 5:1 cents, If every gi car. al aven thet'tlitiadStates, IX Lidite. buy al uit or lauO! Illttlt' them jircituses ,run imbeorin igures, tlken as a whole. fI'h ttcavy huytng .,ts donc aun lte îîpturn of<lie tmarket, for hi,: seetîts to se tae general.tendec In îay opinion the market contînt u, toc fast. Titan, wen eve-ry ont- w:i 'tacidti îp, a checi wau put on ti,- advance hecausa o!flte tlacktng ut.1 Uji ouyîng. "Causidentng te cc.,l a!betef an i the presicot pnicin. paiti far mllk, il tacots to nue that a witoiesale tint. o! 48 la 72 cents tor butter re.p.-. sentit a gaudit.haallhy market, ,i: the' co.st o! bec! and mîhk are as li. aes tliiy ouglut to go uniter piecrt condtions. l)urng wan limes lie governtant ailowt-d te deaieýr., sut Ccni a potnd profit. Titan when Lu. <strictions wl-ne taken off, tae de,, ers hati to istand a ieavy toss. UtIi se are gtllng straigittpeaiotît amI as tac tacs of supply and îutOtutii conne inta action' cond itions wih cati,' itack 10 normal. Today whole milii Sîxruis 'ahI wiolasale ai 7 -ani.s.a dtrop o! t 1-2 eents froot yeslertjay- Tells of Allie$' beai. "I have just relunneit froîn Wa;îl, ingtan where I veat, togetittr wt'i mnuciotler butter maei, afler liiuc il lies hlltbackeit dawn ociltheiragreP menltatutakle 2(0.0lpounuls o, Arnarican butter. Titis htiter v.u comnandeerit îuy te Unitedt St.tl. governoteni undtiwa.n letl for a Iiiu't limre, uiîiîctgh ce want.edIt iltob, sohit in Vlt s country. Ilu,u .iua, for montits andtI llt w a, tlitrfiit liack on the owner8' hand.s. ' Whcn lte market hautdrrlîel centl, a îound we were flot ieu] i tt Ilils butter watt 10 he t.hrown oit tht' mtarket. Wc went to Wàtshiaglon ani tlie foodadmaitinist.ration ifI1iîaiý worked hardte,0 have ltealles lis.' rUp ta lhiar original crtnact, as tii-y wenî- boundtuit) iibotmorallIy -iiîi hugalhy. 'Tue alites finally agreid tai ta i- ltae butter tlit liaiti prtviottshyb't urrangeti for, ltai tW ,ugsi>spounlp The goteueniltal not now tutittiil qoit any îew orders it l 1oluitatof th-, allies.~ P ~ - I. Il. Smtith, Iliîîrehaver. To George il. lîallershalJ.ltaIt o tae 2til1-i.y tof June. A. t117 W. B. Smith piirchascit, Com 2) ýolký, W of 9 E- Cor. Lot 8 W 82 Iks. N t2W iks EEta point -10 l'is of EFlinaetti'nee to beg ail Itn lAt 8 Block 2, Vilicge of Haine8valli aunitthe time' for ru, damptlon wiil expire on the' 28it Day of lune, A. .1919.j W. B. Smith, Pîrchaser. i To Thea Rarity Cltub anti.%mandta1 B. Damier. that on Uie 2th l)'y of lune, A. D.. 19u17. W. B. Smith pur- citased Lott2u J. 1. Shaw's Suibi %tlon In S-ac 1, Town 47 N it lit. asseaseti 1n th-' lame cf Rarity (lubt andthe 1etinte of tetemptioti uili x pire on th- 2sth Day of Jitnt, 'i) W. B. Smnithi, Purcit.,r-s Ta Thecuiore W.' Smiîth, tat on th,ý 2Stit 1aY. cf Line, A. D.i, 1917, W. iR. Smith punchaseit Lot 188,. . 1,.Sads Subdivision in Sec. 18, Tcwn 47 N r 10 iM assssat I ntenaine c! Onin Billitagur andi that lte tinte t,! Reitamplion wili expire on lteo 28c, Day o? lune. A. D., 1919. 'W. B. Soilit, Pîreta-er. To Loutis fume. C. W. Ileytecketr.. E. J. lleydeclier, M. T. Latney, P'. W' Churchill andi W. C. Posqter, Thpt out te 29111 Day or lime, A Il, 1917. W. B. Smiit purchaseit Lot 5, Bloek, 44 -, &ddta te l.ake Bluff ini the Village o! L.ake Blue, asasetie i nthe namc o! C. W. Ilaydeckar andti .iat t, lime for reitemption wilii e.rpir" on the 211h Day of lune, A. D., 1519) W. B. Smotit, Ptrchaser. To A.CG. Taylor, ltat on 1the 29th day cf lune, A. D. 1917, W'. B. Sitlh parhastt l)t31, Ravine Stope, ilu ISec t19,Town 44, N. R. Il E. ses- lin lte naine of A. G. Taylor andti hat tha lima for rademption will e.xpire on tht' 341h Day cf lune, A. L , 1'19. W. B. Sinitht. Purchager. To Mary iirptly. Dennis Murphy anit Ge-o. W. Spunner 'Pr., thaI on te 241h Day o! lune. A. D., 1917, W. Rt Sinith puncitasad 1the E. 44 fc.ot of <lt . Block ?1, Original Town, un lta Village e! Watîceaia, aiuesi;id la the' name o! Mary Murphy andt ltatte lime o! redempton wiltt ex pre on lte 30111 Day o! lune, A. D, î~ ~ ~~ " *.ï. SI S 8 burnefor redemption wilI expire on th1e aotb Dey of iasn, à- D., 1919. W. B. Smithi, Furobaser. To John Woodbrldge, G race W, Sîsizer and A. F. Beaubîsa. Tit on the M9h Day Of Jttne, A. D-. 1917, W. B. Smtith~ purcitaqed ba)t 18, Block 18, Waaitburn Park bti te City 0 of Zonh Chticago, aasefsed lante naine o! John Woodbrldgre andt that ihe tijno. for the rodentition will expire on lite SOth Day of lune, A. D.. 1919. W. B. Snitth, Purettaser. To C. A. Newcomit, Citarlotte )A. McPlherson andi A. F. iteauiten, ThaI o tIi 2911 Day of Jiine, A. f)., 1917 19 Wasbburn Park,. City cf -Nurtit fiticagO. aseemd ln lte naine of C. A. Newcomb andth 1e Lime for re denzptlon vîli expire on tite 301h DRY of Jlne, A. U., 1919. W. B. Smithi, Ptrebasar. To W. E. Muon andI EdItit J. Ma- son: That on th1e Otit Day of lune. A. D. 1917. W. B. Smith pitretasi *]Aot 30, Addition 10 lthe Nort Wrpl Addition In 1the City o! Waukegan., assessaitlI the naine of W. E. Mason aise, on thte mine date W. B. Smith I>rcbaied 1the abolve lot, for Spertal Assensmet>t Warrant No. 312 and lte tlme for redemption wiii expire un th1e 301h Day of June, A. B., 1919. W. B. Smniit, Purchasger. T'A. F. Beaubien. Paul Soderquist sand T. IL. Durst. Trustee: That on t11e 2ýth Day of June, A. D., 1917. W. B. Smith ptirchaed Lot 69. Coun- ty Ciertîs Plat bln h it (lIvcfWatt kegan, ameesseiln th ie naine o!A& K. Beauhien. an dthe ltte pfir ne- deinption wilt expire on tha 34ilut ay cf June, A. D, 1919. To Emma Lladstrom andt lu ltef Esitate o! George R. iLyon: TuaI (n lte 29111 Day cf lune. A. Il, 1917, W. Bt. Smtit pureltasedti ot 5, Bloak t. F. A. Cummings, andi Co.' Addition la the Cily of NVutregan., asse-eI lan1the naine of Emma iladstroin anti lte tile for redeînploa vl exP!ie on thpt' OttDay ofItîne. A.1D., 1919. W. B. Smith. Purcitasr'. To (lac. R. Lyoa andtI t Ellen Pror tor: That on ltep 29111 lay of lime, A. D., 1917. W. B. Smiili purchaÉeit Lot 104, Geo. R. Lyons TitritSutl, diioln athe City or Waaikegan. as,% sessetpd n te naine of Geo. R LYtîn aidth halime for rpdemption ahileP pire on lte 3011 Day o? lune, A. D_. W. B. Smith, Purciaser. To Ellen Procton. Titat on lt(.2fl1h Day o! lune, A. D. 1917. W B. Smlib purchazeýd Lots 17, IR. 19 andi 20, Blockt 4. Oacland Subdliviuion, City o! Waukegan. Illinis, aqsý"nr-cd ln the nain(- o? E. Proctor andthit lime for lte redemptlon wiii exPIru- on lte 2011 Day o! lune. A.D. 1519. W. B. Sithl, Purchager. Ta W. K. Nixon. W. c. Poster and Fayette Marsit.Titat en thêt' il1h!)a' 0f June. A. B.. 1917, . K. ,iît~ purchasatiLos,22. '24and 2B fic t 4. Oaklandt Subdiv'ision, ln te- City o! Waukegan, andti lita!'tiC e -r I T' lion willl expire an the lt iay uif June, A. D., 1919. W. B. Smitht, Purrhasen. ,ro Wilson K. Nilân, C. W. 'l'y decker anud W. C.Fo ster. Tt utnt:Ci,- 29111 Day cf lune.,&I8.. D]17. W. il Smuiit purcbagcd Lots 1, 2, 3 an] t Block 6, Oakîlandt Subitlviaiîîn fý,r Spaciat Assassinent Warrant 1no 4i:1 and the limp of redetoption u ivi "- pire on th1e 301h D.ty cf tunt' A 1). W. B. Smith, IPurclit:' r. To Charles Mtiller, C. W. I[ay.J'C' -k Pn andi W. C. <Fo3ten, Thai on ltefý .9111 Day of June. A. D., 1917. W ut Smith, punchased Lots andil ,Bbi 6, Oakland Subdivision, <il. of W. B. Sinitit, Purchase-r. Waukegiîn also on lte 3ish ii'y of Ta Franki P. Hawkins, ttoth ~e lune W. If. Smniit punchasadIt.-'t 291h Day o! lana., A. D., 1917, W. B anti 6 Block 6, for Spral Tax Ilar- F mitit purbhaedtheit W. 200 feat of ranI No. 413 and lte tinte o!ftu,.t Eý 350 fêea. (Ex. N. 183 feet anti Ex. lion will expire on thc 201h tPa, of W 25 fef.l o? E 150 feet) Lot 3ci Itine, A. D., 1917. Ihtghwoot. ln lte Dame of F. P. llaw- W. B. Smniit, Purrhitst. kins, andtihie tirje for titi entcnl To E. J. Vatmaa. Antirew Il, lati lion wil lexpire On lte huIt i)3y 0! han, (Gearga t." Sarheltlen andll~la June, A D, 1919. Tiîla anti Trust ('o., Titat on tite' 2,!th W. B. Smtîit, Purcitaý-rr. l>ay of lune, A. D., 1917, WV . L qwîli To lte Isaac Stephenson Co., 'Iaac uturehaseti Lot 1,lock 14, lirsl Adi qtiýphenson anti C. W. leyîiacker, dîlion la Port Claton ln City uf! Hugit titat on t11e 29111Day o! lune, A. B., land Park Thit epeclt Assssnent 1117, W. B. Smith purchagedthlie Warrant No. 130, asecesetinIt lit unlivideti 5-7 1the N 71-4o? Lot 6 141k nainecf 1E. J. Valman anti thl'tits' 17, Pît B of H.ghwood lanlte City o! for lte redemptlon wilI expire' on ltlehwood, asse«sed lan1the naine .1lt. lOtitDay o! lune, A. B., 191t, Isac Stqpitanson Co., andtiheiteimit W. B. Smniit, Ptrcipîvsci for redeînption wiW1 expira on the To Edwin H. Abbiot. Titat on ltae "()h tt ay of lune, A. D.. 1919. 2>111 Day o! lune ,A. B., 1917, W'. Il. W. B. S~milt, Pure<iasi'r. Smith ipourcitasat (excepl S. 175 fi.) To Titressa Stennian. Anuirew P. LoI 85, South HIightlandi Addn.bl te liaiuca anti Chiicago Tifle & Trusut city of HiltandI Park fan special ~oltaI on 1the 2911 day of lime, asseasmenl warrant 'No. 206, asser.seti A. B.. 1917. W. B. Smilth purchaset lntah1e Dame o? E. H. Ahitt andtihit Lutf 2, lllock 14; Port Ctinton la the lime for lte redomplion will expire City of Highland Park, asuesed la on theita 01 Day of lune, A, D.. 1919. te Dame of Tbressa Slenreo. anti W. B. Smilth, Purctatar. lte lime fer redemption will expire To R. Stanbnrg anti Paul Sodar-' ou the. 30th Day o! June, A. B.. 1912. quiet, Thal on thet' Oi Day o! lune. W. B. Smith, Purchaelr. A. D., 1917, W. B. Smith, purchau.ed To C. H. Hlansen anti F. W. Chturch. Lot 7, Block 3, E. A. Ctsmmings &-i ilI, Ibaton lte 29tit Day of lune, A. Co.'s Adddition to City or Waukeugan. Pt., 1917. W. D. Smtiit purcbsiiet Lot Iii., assesset ln tae name o! R. Stan- X7 Bloc)[ S, Wasbbstra Parit. Çitl O? -burg for gpecIal Amesment Warr'ant North Chicago, aasessed ln ltae aame No. 312 andthlitime for Redamption wlU expire,on the 3OtM Day of Jnne* To Michael PII~ll~ A. D., 191f. Wardaw Zolewski sud 1011011 W. . Smith, Purchaser. tJr.. Tibat onhe Sad DaY OtJW To Editit J. Maswon, That on the i). 1917 W. B. Smith Iurcbeled,' 30th I9ay of June, A. D., 1917, Wý B.1 16, Illock 9, Waithhurn Springs, Smith purchaqed Lots ;, nd 6, Coons; 1of aukegafl, Ill., LtC8dIi 9ubdivision. Lily of Waîîk.-giLn, Ill., naine or Nt. Pagink, for speciai assessed in te Dame of Edith ,taon ll smenis "No. 377 andt 458 and tiý for Spi-cial Asiqeseicnt Warrant Noî. tIle tinte for the redt'tUptlOn llW, 413 antd the lime for th. eieî.tit pire on the, Zou Daty cfrlUlYY, A. will expire on the :lotht Day of Julie, 19 119. A. D., 1919. . Smith, Parcbaier. W. B. Smith, Purcha.1el* That on (lite 2nd Day Of lU~ To Elizabeth Mu4salenson. That on.1917. . B.Smith purcho4d the' 3lth bay of June, A. P., ¶ W:. w.1 14, E. XCummings & Co.ti NO B. Sinith purrhatied the' W . :.1't, ti Ave., ,lltdiv., in the iety'7of W, Lotts '2 andI Dînci: f6, FinI Ailn. 1<egan, Ill., for Speclal Assesiszm to Norti sie In the' City of Waiil.u* Witrrantaý No. 201 and 4X, aPgeffl gan, .,i.. 9csect In the tititituof ini the oLite of E A. ('iim:lfga ai ii.izabg-th M u.;stlêqn, ifor speiai A, the înip for thle 1rederlipl ionwidlP sesement Warrant. No. 41?, Iunîjt t;1i.jre o fflh-' 2nd D)ay of Juîy A.1 tinte for the' redemption wili i, Ii1919ý on the .O0th Day <of lune, A. 1).. 191 5W. fi> Silth,PlitrchUPE'. W. i, ' lth, Pî,%,i Wkly Fèb. 6-13 Special Announce- ment to the Public: Geo E,(Cok Coin' v sf s -\% rk, %vishes t<) ultr111(e tlîat theil.i ept'f.ftttfivv, MI.. C( Ies . Ile >111dge, is tuîî'v nta k intga t'a n.ass oftef' i orîînes in Libertyvi11eýnd viejîit it i»- the lietrpose of tak- ing sîtbscriptioi.u<ti ( en 11(- îtlwrîY I Itie IReading Nfî'. I1is a<l~ejati Iiî',e tt'eittv and l iatss 11(1îtie rîuî ,ii oIlî'i î. i1iIfe mffet '<vieiin mîagaîzi* n î,îltuî.. il îte v e\11tf-Y t.îd<t n littii wsill he aippreeiated. Signed L. GOLDBERGER, isîtrict Manager. The Mother's Magazine Home ]Reading Club 30 No. Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. WOOD FOR SALE 100 CORDS 0F WOOD AT $6.00 Per Cord if taken 'Iunie. AIý () a large wa-3ortrnîent of i'ence Iiits, uW B ratzke Bros. ie sui o ae iâ THI UNIVERSAt CAR sThe or Uneî t n il l it . 1 jtk wl \\(,h ewitii toiv l tii« 1. Frd For it ssr1151- lizble ( .ý o coutrol Truck iiilia eyIm . i'l un efi \i i tu 11; . îile jIL e III S tesuiit îîîxie kîîîd of Cill in andllook ît over -WILSON OH1 -YURF0RB DEALERS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1pidwhIIs Truclk Tires Yom uil l Ail Sises of Firestone HF Truck Tires in Stock. IIWES GARAGE, Ince WAIJKEGAN. ILLIN~OIS P4 4 d 4111 l BY WA¶ FARMEI Steps to be 1 to Show F. Establish I OK>NOW Eve'ry ptgi farmi tut i Piy.4tenîiîby wliil for certain tsit of lits farni m then théue wuiîli .X*rdlîig tliii- i A yüaî s .iworrlt kejl, tIli- Ltriii at biandifor ta returti In fateul. thte f.îîîîin 1ai. thînga tl1ýit ra\( Iling and 'uýwii i tarnîira i .aý a pue.tiîîil, t 1- t fiaiile atîi lit11 Ouir fl.iiî,îî',tt Kequinît.-fartai ,Jffair if 014. rit Iîited ]a tiu,îik can buý-ci'îrifit Gih , 1'.rt'.t lo. i'i- C l, 7 gi M , i l ii In' Ti , ' 'i-' :.: ilo O ilt: r'i pl tara 'n.î a a I r' t u L5tttili nu ' iý biiruîg- 'i il 'rd firigj.rsliî toI rav 17 n r-r ttîIý.Ir. "Ir ait- i!() 1 h- t i.t iil, ut 1îîet th ili,eifait anl t.g tit'I t l ti ernolien? n ti flow ît loi crfiaifora1i o! deîit ln 11h1 iferried o alt niitiges lt Atcivetby la tae itraîdif Priai fuuiaof.. tng t a it tap Ileasills have thse in et Iii.

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