INSURANCE Mu.Lt. Accident end *leuih.Piète Glass lu- tomobile and Worktng- man's Coinpenestton. S.« Him Before PIachag .1Your Inmuranco WELL DRILLING a vUpw' ,t ie e .B. MMStERMAN & DOLAN MION CITY SM" h..178-W f. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF MarW~e and Granite Monuments temetery Work of Ever- Description torr.spondence Solicite, 16Genesee St DY. 1. L TAYLOR aoum :3 :0 and 7 t 8 P. M. Uiu.On Broadvay. oppoata.Part DL GOLING DENTIS Bonn8 e 12oi&ar-1i b SP.u. Ont firet National liait 0"n lhomo 1". £..Phono 157J. Ubertiffle. Iflet MIA. N. STEPIIENS, M. D, PEYSICIAII &"SURGEON Omadi um-!- git0,tmedlea.eoofMe F4% LAr. Naae. Tiiemb Be. examdomi for lamas 01111100mr Us C. TeL 180 iibeusyiJe. EU O. F. BIJTrBRFELD, VftgalU'ÀBY SBBN &153 TATI EEIAIA Ubertyvtfla. ilnola. OR. A. 0. CAMPBELL 1vteinarDe"ua Lai" Useiy Subit Libetyviiies. l. Wmakasm. Lake For«.t Atno. Kugiomb Gam.Wàd.worh. RusUfI &WCter adjacnt iOwns ELHANAiN W. COIJ3Y Attornay-at-Law QOM .ab Borne, Cook Ave. Phone 168-J 0L113RTYVILL(E. ILLINOIS. LYELL FL MORRI ATTOJiLtz-AT-LAW TWO WILLBIDE- IÀRRD fRi«CIT- IZENSIfIP FORE VI1 Government Files Petitions in Local Court to Cancel Nat- uralization Papers. "MEN WITHOIJT COUJNTRY". To be «Men Wlthout 'a Country" le the fate awalttng two realdants of LaIte coumty, protviing Juige »t varda grants the petition, of W. H.L Waner, chief naturaismation exem- touer ettheUenited Statom, to caneel the tiut uaandseon papera thea. mm have lakenon ut. The. fderaI petitibns, the tirat of the kind ta b. filai! here, ver. filed lu circuit court today. A benrIng of thern 'l talc. place betore judge Edwarde next Monday. The two men uamed as defendantu are: MARTIN LEONARD BECKMAN . Highwood, a native of Sweden, who tok out hie tiret usturallzatlon papera lni Wa-kecau, Feb. 28, 1914. rVÂR 4L-E L.LISON of lÀke For- est, aino a native of Sweden, who toux out hie fir8t papers at Wauke- gau. Nov. 24, 1914. 1The federal petilions set forth that although thèse men were natives of a country ^wth whlch the Unied States vas flot at ar, that they signet! affidavits lu whlch they agred la relinqulah their cittzenshlp papere aller it had been explained ta them that Ibis course forever harred theiu trom hecamlug ecimlens. This vas done ai a lime when te Lited States vas at war, their sole purpose being ta escape the draft. They suc- ceeded, for they were exetuptei. Na'w, havever, the government is goiug ta laire them at Iheir word and make lt impossible for ibasu ever ta become cilizeus. The situation of theme men vill not be enviable, for wmhen they took OutJ their first cltlzeumhip papers lu this country they foreswore tbeir alegI. ance la fiveden. They nov hecome meu wlthout a country. lFu-ter. more, ley arc ob'ig-d to pay i!ai Income. and there chances are u'roug that they vill ho deported, for such a course la being conatderad. it 19 asserted taI several more petitions of thé saine kind viii be Eusd in circuit court here before long, as il laeituown that a numuber of allens vho had taken outfIrst papers agreed ta, relîuqulsh them if they could obtain exemption. MID-WINTER FLY- l"M'iTO0MUKNEW I3RA AT NAVa STA. On Feb. 22 One of Lakes Fly- ers will Make Trip by Air to Milwaukee. HAVE GREAT PLANES THERE Le vila liale Ehsn P. Applegate. the nOv fiy- aie hb wa. BuildInt . er ai Greant LaItes, gave a fine exhi- USB.Floe 13M. ffic PS,,, billon ftlghl at Great LaItes Wedues- day atternoon. The caslign, who bas PAUL MAC GUFMI, Just came tram Pen&,wola, FIra.. hasj ÀVVOBBT AVLAW. beau aPPoluted olficer of fllght nctivi- AI'?rr i I lliAnoisAWfiems u a d the hangar equpme nt I- ~-... Ubrbyrllelilliolacludlutg flYlug mahines tg ail under maoumm U bis care. Ho searna ta have perfect ___________________________cSol of bishImachine whlle lu the NL M C DM air sud yesternday aflernoon, accai.n- MAB" -TIN DRKDR pamiai hy F. R. Whtmore, ha dld 8 07 ubngtnt reet- 1 loPS, Immelman tmml, aide slips, 807 Waalnglon irma nlg ln, flipper apirala, auap VAUUGA, - ILLINOIBstmalla. sud aide slip Inudings. Office Phone M4 On SMtrdaY. Feb. 22ud, Enaigu AÇ.- fla. Phone 1860-BRlgt iifyt ivue u give su exhibition flight. Thore Io ON IUERT MNKN STRUTIIERSIo be an exhibit oIflying machines and motora ai the auditorium, Mil. PHYSICIAN ANI) SURGEON veukea for the purpose of recrultlng ph..92 mon for the aviation devertment at Great][Ares, ani varions types of OS4YSLICE ILINOI8 mtotuasd achinea viii hdie. PiaYed su thaI lIhe publie sy baveasu ls cfO lte vouderful aivauce made FO R A L 1 b yng "upmsnt-Theewüllibe FOR ALE!Piscaion exhibitimu the ELH. 2 U ~OnelOjotalimarbe, livr- h. la 48feat long and 123Saahall hai t- toma. S ite akas miles an ~GUfl*Sfl. lo-, basuoeeUberty motor, bas a qs four blaied Proifller and in et tha "T» 6-foot, glana, floor casest. paertp.ismchncrue ~Èa6-foottop cane, s bornh iropplng device,s avis ouian -~~ B aDavis machine Mu. a sgical flie 3- nmarble-top tables, b m Wlng ice, Mdsud ag emi atmd $j ik,- oane for ael irifL .This a nme 4w c o01 tYlng machine vas used la mii- 12fo nhogany prescnp.. marina pâtrol wovc aua Il, lesali oea c . theY Proved te be ane of tie mcm watr 0 effiientt moase tho navy uaei durlng ~ 11111. ub-rarle arfure. frbBasides thb.Orint plane they viii un th<e entire outfit fo ave on exhtbîlbe lu Milwaukee, . $50if takS n m30 daya tri-Pisus Of vary nwsmldesign. It 'ý'Ow S ffw lRue o uta matoai-, u ealy et the rata mm mOEE AND OrUS aif100 milles ansu ur. This type of Tii.R.zII Sou , machine vas uaed for pout vont. Cie.Ub Mi"u amiGeaam e 8b. There wviiiaimo e nu aIlIda of là- WAUEC-X 1L.Lberty sud Curtis inotora. gmeoin f WAWCEGMS EL, vbch yl show crossedtionai vieva of. lb. englue. ýM r ftN, oume a lmlis. "AÀmon vbo enisln uthe avia- PLi hes Oe mi b S1h. ion dePartmueut ai Greant Laites gela -4 tug.1 nps uî n uADVImegate. - ¶'ey are goîug 10 pick omicerm§ oui et tnsu mesna&M make marrant off. ur MWi sagna out of them. Be- aies this. tluey viii vestualiy cet su. cries M a» a achance te become pilota. RI3ALTYl'VUSINS DURINEiTHE WEEK REORED AS FAIR Loans for the Week Wero $36.' 140 Whloh 18 Rogarded as About Normal. NO BIG DEALS .RECORDED. DY A. E n-, asitatsecretary SecurltyTii TrsC. Business of the Recordera cipde te ithe weak eudlng February 15, 1919. Number of convcyances, 74. Number of trust demis sud mort- gages, 13. Number ot chattel mortgages, 5. Total number'éf Instruments fled. 92. Total ainount ut loams. $36,140. Busineshbu heau fair wtth tonna normal. The tollovtng are the more Important deais. la North Chicago: Harvey M. and NsucY M. Hyde bought the Chsas *. Craford propeity at uorthwest cor- ner 22nd et. sud BIe t. for $6,000. Cyrenfua A. Newcomb Jr., truste. bought tva tva-fiat bluldings on eans aide South Lincolu si., eouth of 151h et. hrot- Cashua A. Kingley for- $2500 eaci', sublect ta encumbrance. Frsuk M. DeYoe oit titi. under fareclosuire ta th. SaYlor property on nortit aide i8tb etreet.mat t alof South Linconnfit., for $213o.13. Iu lhbertyvMle: ulla E. Rde bought lyse Iots lu Apple's Subdlv., ror Edin F. APiey. et al. for nominal canslderation. In Rondout: Augusta Cross hougbt the Enfl . Sawusch place lu Sec. 24, fer 83500. lu Deerfieid Village: James M. Galloway hought the Mathias Horan- berger estate place on nortit aide Deerfield ave, vweut of Lincoln ave., la Beuton: Sylvester B. and Janie S. Hill hought 27 acrea in 48. W. 1.4 Sec. 1'. aud 3 acres lu Sec. 18, tram WilIur Glenn Voiva for $3300 sud $1 a yeai lu Warren: John F. and Elale L. %leYer bought the Lewis H. Miller farm of 91.37 acres lu secs. l6 sud 17, for iudicated $8,000, suhject ta $10,000. trust deed. Debert N. Faulknuer hought the Willils S. Webb 20 acres lu Secs. 3 sud 4 for ludlcnled $2500. lu Ela: William and Mary S. Buit hought the Louis H. Pepper 40 aces inl N. E. 1-4, Sec. 25, for nomiln- ai consIderatIon. Iu Vernon: Heury H. Schraeder bought the Henry Schroeder tartu 0f 76 1-2 acres lu 5W 1-4 snd S E 1-i Sec. 15. for lndlcated 812,000. Ernest sud Heurletta Schroeder bought 3-4 o! an acre lu S E 1-4 Sec 15 at Hlai Day tram Henry Schroeder for ludtcnted $2,000. Erneat Schraeder aloc boitait 10 acres lunM. W. 1-4, Sec. 14 sud 16 acrs lu E3 E 1-4. Sec. 15. for mndct- ai $2,000. John J. Gossw 111r oit titi. train the beira ta the John Goanilier farmn Ot 89172 acres lu S3ec. 6, for nomInal consideration. lu Cuba: Wm. H. F. Schmidt of Palatine bought lt.ePfrnesl E. Gotaid 13 acres lu N. F. 1-4, Sec. 12, for 83600. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Feb. 8, 1919. 01e Johasen to an Hans amen, lot 44. Shaw's Subdiv., Long Leke, Wl), $125. Oie Jobasen to, Abert Tolilon, lot 43, Sahv's subdiv., Long lAIte, Wl). 1100. G. B. Kerr aidvite tu Margaret N. Vail, lot 12, block 73. Hlghlnni Park, ýWl, $12600. Rose. L Kessier and hesbani, to p. W. Suttn, SEat 264 fi. S.. 844,8fI. lot 33, School Sec. Robin., WafkseM Wl). $10. jospiin seadmibusbamd te christ Nieimen snd vule, lot 6, blouet 1. Howard Park, Fox Ldate, W», léb. 10, l1919. M . 1.Clemson t g INi dGlean, 4 1-2 aces on woot aie U Miuke Rosi. N and adj. HallDay .Deei, 12100. L. A. Stewart &a m ntg .G Taylor, lot et.,Watwutq. PUIÉ Waniegn WD, 81 Hnruy Ucroier l0elresat Scion der, traet iwa Msdia&. Villag of Hait Day. fledi, on. Menry Séreeler <o £lisae m Heneett ditasislmD 10. Henry Ecbroder te H.M. ebtoeer 76 1-2 acres S8amidago. Hall Day, Wl $10. E, KF. Appiay et aM, leJUlAInL lde Wm. -KBà. omut . a 4v- f H.L.- t. RasIanWflàIIlIIds, idland Park.1 Deai. 88$M 0. W. Crawlord and vife ta H. M. ffle nd mivite, lots 5 ad S.block US0. North <Ilago. Deeds, $20. le. E. Goïulia vif*e bW. N. y. Uchit, U "seaslunSec. 13, 0tde Twp., W», $3300. a. . Paper a i Wr. Mary 0. »Uit, veut40 acres et bail aortheant quarter Bec. 25, Mla TwD-, wix 810. a. D. Palmer sud Witeto Ward and Gertrode Minora, lota 27 and 28 block 07,.ZMon Cty, Sec. 17, WD, $1. Feb. 12, 1919. Caroline Baser et al. to . 3 . Go..- ur,, hat of land lun.M E. 14 Sec. 8. Vernon Tvp.. QOD. 8IL Etule Noreuberger, to J. M. Gallo- vau. qurt <ofLotsansd 32, block 3. Original Deereli. Wl. 810. IL G. ftivnach and vite te, AMU- ta Grans, art a. W. 1-4 of N E 1-4 Sec. Z4. Libertyville Twp.. Wl). $MO0. G. W. Blakamau ta lMns L, Phelpe, lot 17, block 33. Bord-du-Lac Bluffa. North Chicago. QCD l). 1 Eat, of Christian Selter to W. A. Taylor. North 20 acres of 8. B. 1-4 0. E. 1-4 Sec. 7, Waukagan Twx., Deeds. $1. W. S. Webb, sud vite to D. N. Faulkner, 34 acres In north Part Osecs. 3 and 4, Warren TwP., QOl), $1. F.b. la, 1919. W. K. Nixon sud vife ta r. D.'n121 tot, Lote 1 to 4, Block 6, Okland Bah. Waukegau, QCD. $35. T. W. Smilth and vife ta lirs. Mar- garet Jensen. lot 5, Shaw's Subdiv. on Long Lakte, QCD, $1. John Ans olatls to C. A. Novcomb Jr., Tr.. QCD, $1. C. ýA. Kingsley and vîfe to C. A. Newcomb. Jr.4 T., lots 30, 31. 32 ad part lot 33, block 51, North Chi. cao, Deeda. 85.000. Mauter l hCacery to F.M IeToe. Deed, 2130.13, West 45 ft. East 180 fI. lots 6 10 10. bloc< 22, W&Oalmr Park. North Chicago, Deed, $2130.13. Muter ln Chancery to Lake Co. State Bank, lotas6 and 6, block 49, Waabburn Park. North Chicago, Ded $956.69. MARRIAGELICENSES Roy E. Willilams, Riverside, Waah., 95; Normae<lueltzow, Mlwaukee, 20. Geo. W. Baber. Chicago, 21; Alma Wlms, same, 22. Ilarl MacDonald, Camp Logan, fil., 21; Helen C. Stocker, Zion City, 19. Raymnond 31. Dionne, Sheboygan, Win., 26; Villie Hafer, same, 25. Roy Borkenbagen, Renosba, 2-'1; Idinnie Bail, mare. 18. Bernhard Ewald, Gravslake, legaI age; Lucy E. Hertci, sme, legai age Oustai H. Gundcrson, Chcago, 28; Mabel S. Koch, camp. 20. Dewey W. Baker, Great Latins; 20: Erma Zabn, Waukegan, 18. Oea. H. Nttz, 'li1waukee, 33; Eli M. Devis, Rand'lIph, Wln., 28. Loo J. Dieringer, Mlwau'kee, 22;' Mabel M,%eggsou, smre, 22. Oea. Bowman, Waukegan, 48; Han- fn Schalk, Chicago, 44. John H. Swindale, Milwaukee, 39; lia Braby, marne, 36. Gustav Dac'tus, Mlwaukee, 32, Getrty Wendt, Mame, 22. Della Boehni, Chicago, 21; M1ke Georgelan. samne, 33. Paul S. Schoppe, Chicago, 21; Noma Anderson, 5ame, 19. GotUlob lircisch, Milwaukee, 31; Mary Geitz, same, 33. Stanley Grahowsky, Milwaukee, 31; Helen Libccecka, anme, 21. Ehner J. F. Sc-bth, Great Lakes, 21; Florence Wood, Evanaton, 18. Bernard liensiaIt, Mlvankea, 23; Mayane Radke, anme, 27. Erland B3org, Lake Ffrait, 25; Al. mn S. Alson, same. 27. LaRoy Rafle, Ares, 21; Besale M. Mle, s.anme, 20. Alvin La Vake, Manlatee. lich., Si: HanilHudson, Wbitehnll. Micb.. 29. Hnr"yKuoti, Mlwaukea, 33; Clia Rogne, smrn, 36. Harold Stranamn, Milwaukee, 22, Elmie R.etzlaff, sarne, 21. BenJ. IL Adamn, Great lakea. 30: Florence M. Scbaatar, Mlgland Psi*t 25. Kentpthorne Sctt, Great Lakea, 32, Eliun i..HaraiMln a.orte, lad., Louis J. Buttner. Fou du 1*e, Wls, 27; Agnea A. KilSmm, 2 0.. ZEsr A. Str*a&,Waukesa,. 31; Mabel Chope, MtUuM,24. Ciao. A. BiaIser, Griat 2e, 1; Edytlhe sohoix, aUgO 1.' Jo. Ajdlsek, MIleakee, 25; Marie Iurailch, auna, 19. Ami 0. Peterson, Orvet IAkes, U; àAna Paalk, MRuuuhaliý'2N luya Phillân Ozfi, Wle., 21; ima Obomn, ana.lie. Freuk "bu& Cia*$e, 83; Pea 1Teaa, same, SIL. 1 Ch«. Poulimna.Mtwmâe*a,-- Flots Lorette, amm, 31. Max Golialdu, Uwaukea le; On. Mens Net mam*, M38. Walter W. MHnuecrut Ointe. 32; Elae J. PCT" at SkU, 8Il1- PFle Glen, Cam# Que 24; ZAWI. la Abel, WsterforiWl114 19. Zida CLToodresu, e, v% 5. lZéa 1 uaI mmois8. i Win. 44. 1 3 9; <lois ven Asmen. smre, M88. JtaYmomd W. Spencer, Mllwaakee, Huert Beaun. Miluukee, 21; Hat- U; lima Schweitzer. marne, 25. jti@ itruti, Mmei. l. Hamry 8Waa Greant Lakea, 4; Benj. P. Broemikaup, Barnonm Ethl S aOrnia,,wau kumu, 4. , 1$ . Lm"haIL Kauem. aaie. Il. Bu" Vy . Levwi Récie. 8; si-,PA .ilWWu e g; Wm"kai 3; as.4 ne UM Mmeh0 , à& d.N. ,it Trmxer. Meunlnee, Wl'., IL IPM" Wlloo. Enfila. NCUoeuu I. P arkerw. î34IM ld. 1l il1' Freu«cePisasina.,NI3UUMil. Louis 0. Clare, moine.là; Lsla Lueife, omrne, 1 lita CL Weuit, Mluk«es33 BelleNodkoàramaS, 812. Fn NWIie y"l Frfe" &a. ; ~ aechic"%o, 2& Osm.IL For&. Waiworth. 3M; lm IL E Btm"4, 0@R&3l - ____________ I TIME-SAVINO SE3RVICE For the convenience of its patrons the North Shore line maintains Splen- did service between Ch icago and Milwaukee. Fast, speecly, modernly- equipped limniteci trains run hourly between Chicago, Kenoaha, Racine and Milwaukee, whIle local and express trains for iniermediate pointe are operateci ut frequent intervals. Use the North Shore Lne. Get the utmost in1 time-saving and convenience. LINITED SER VICE TO CEICAIIO ANI LIMITEDSER VICE TO LIDEITY VILLE NILWAIJKEE Trai.nm s a. ,.e ase . 6-1 a..î Trains leave Libertyville every hour from 6:25 a m <o 11:25 p. mn., making close connections at Lake Bluff Junction with the north r bound Milwaukee limited trains Eand every hour from 6-,55 a. m. to 11,55 p. m. connecting with nordi-bound trains. On Saturday aftemoons, .Sundays and Hofidais P ther ia trinevery 30 minutes. DRNINGCARS--leaveLke Bluff for CËica t 1-:14P. m. and 7:14 p. m. Leve for Milwaukee at 12:53 p. m. and 5:53 p. m. m. and every hour thereafter un- tii 11: 19 P. .-_ Trains leave Milwaukee daily at 5:.45 a, . .and every hour there- after until 9:45 p. m.; then 11: 15 P. lm. On Saturday aftenoons, Sundayu and Holii4yo,. <hae is a train every 30 mixutes. PARLOR - CARS-leave Lake Bluff for Chicago aI 11: 14 à.mr. and 4:14 p, m. Leave for Milwau- kee at 9-.53 a. ra. and 2:53 p. ro.., A 30 minute service ia maintained on the Ubertyvile Braiich between Area and Lake Bluif, nling connections with both north and eouth bound local andepres trains. For further information apply to the. nesrest Office of the. NOR 1TIISHfORE LJNI chiffl M WM Ais..Sireet loîtrali Phm...buotvili.74 mllwakee Ws 1ee siras Plame GsadIL16 Fali Fi ti NI ýb tf t à, &t q 10,1,4