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Libertyville Independent, 20 Feb 1919, p. 5

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TBReRTYVILLI n-D-PENDENT, THUR8lDÂY, FEBRUTARY 20.,1919 othî bay, 8M0 «.i &bout a car birson. Liberty-. ic. 7-9 bsalvy @pima- te 265.M.1. 6.6 î 220 Oskwood Wkly Es-W, bave 8110l on the. bonse raising. auties, I>ept. 4 Mion City. 21f Ill Camp Peu7y. ..11, 4 feet ta P. Apply to faim, Evort, 7-2 . ili rdere eand ipaint. Addrsss The, O)hht. 8.1 libore for tii. Y, fulli ne for àioure.Iltre time ,vi loi o Îi. il ' wo den lé~. lPark v aé,r t13. 8.1 ry DUNTY-.The I' t't..on un. ttiando s t-ýre was reok ýithe tthoM, Pr(os ,n a case~ ao i fsct "r Ever ctii'efy e- i-law in con. ho tcrminal. lidedl at the. rth Sheridan nl hai bpen )r22 years. be t'hipped the funeral morning at éd that the v.hîchl MT. Al for yeSas e;r% iceM. OUND 1. JURY ieS Tbeft nity Jail n. BOOZE. LibertyvilIle NewsI pI you oof an ite:sm.ofZlocal::sws:S:sstknl eehon No.u:1 The Felix Elfering family aie aIl Ili witb the. Influena. New stylés, beet American shuIting pilule, 12%e et Carrol's. Borni, tuMr. end Mms. larry Robert@, February 1a, a daughter. Franklin (Iould bas iétîîinsd from France and has repoived his diecharge. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Colett have ret%\ifed from a two weékd vIsit Ini Floride. Tii. Miss.. Eanar Bmth and Rosei Noel weie week-end gneets at the C. F. Charles RerrIngton ia 111 wità the Influ- enza. Miss Ruthb MytIior ha. recovéred from ber recent Illneos. Lyle SmIth ha. been on the sick lilt for bhé lasi lews day.. Win. È. Decker %sln Chifago on buLsiness Tuesdai. Mre-Heniy Boise of Weukepran, @pent1 Thuzsday ID Libertfvilé. W, F. Fmann. P., i. on thé ick lMet, being conflnsd to bls home with a severe Wod.1 Smale homne. Everett Cieviots. béét foira-ork shirts Miss At& Neville and Miss Katheiine and chiidrens' wear, 35 -nus per yard at Sheidon of Girayelako, @pent thé week-end Carroll's. with Mdiss Fern Ray. Thé old reliabis Lorraine Egyptian Fred Ciékér énteiéd a huspItai iln tiesue gingharns. handeome new styles, Chicego, Wedneeday moîning, where he r,( cents, W. VV. Carroll & Sono Co. wIll undergo an opération. 0. A. Newsom and hi i tIle daughte.ér Mis. (Clarence Bock and é.hildren iîom Mary Elinoré have béén viing thé for- Hiverhrbit. Saak., Canada, have moved mer'. iamily at Marion, Ind. for thé past loto thé Scott placé. wéék. Mir. and Mis. Ralph Coté and son. Thé W C. T. U. will hold Ihli regulari Ralph of Miwaukee, epeut the week end uteeting at the home 0f11149 Jënnié Just, a iti Mis.tlé brother, Claudé MiiKenzlé Tuésday altténoon, FebruarY 251h. aDdiw île. Sui joct, 'Missions and Tpmppiance," MIes li.owéua .taude Smale entertiled Leader, Nise. Cheever. a iumuber i tiLédm. Includlng several Mjiwsukéé avenue a.,, eeti yeocr- fromi hicago, at a V alentine îpartyi day and it would have ais,, leen a gqod Saâtuiday evénug. plan to have fliéd np morne- oi thé holes Mimes Helen Carroll reporté that a ln thé s3tiéet s théy are gtttiig deep anti îubin ha. appeared aiuund her home mey cause some trouble thie spring. sevérai urnes. i ls probable that this Thé îédnctIou salé nt r..Ili orgé & Co. bird Im thé camé une whléh i. being ieéd le now neurlng ite whirlcînd finish and l'y Tht,.. Corlett. yuu only have a few more- de) s tu aveul C'harles Gagilardi anj Mré. C. Gottil oursei of this opporiuîîlîy to suppliy and thé iatter'a danghtéi, Mies Ida, re- your aante at thèse réduc-d prIces. surned a iew days ego frumu tfckiord, ta fia@s lever occnred to v"n thée nuoy- c ich place they Lad ht-en celléd tu at- 1 au-e that your chiekerté are caneiug your tena thé lunérai ai a couf-in. u.-ghbui. if you own èlî.Lené'ué vntght Lest 1I Lureday aftm-riuuu Mis. W. A tu try and keep them Muthome and not Nicholas gave a Vai.-ntlmîe pariy lu bonur lei them scratch and fpii lIti your neigh. Horiace Bulkley im a Chicago"visitor today. Um Rose Gagliaidi wae a Rockfoîd visiter iast weék. Miss Auna WInkler of Fox Like, visit- ed thé Jochheim famihi over the week-end. isls Rilla Dunlap ni Chicago, speut thé pasi week vilitng the Jochheim famiiy bore. Roth banks will be ciosed througiiout the day Saturday and aiso Saturday evening. Rev. Frank A. FItt wiII hé the speaker for the evening lu charge of thé Men's Brothéîhood at thé Presbytéiian church néat Sunday evening. A gang of "bill raisers"l operating eastward franc St Louis, passing "raioed" 1-1 !ederal seserve bank notes, was broken up by secret ser vice agents yesterday hy arrests made here at Pittaburg, and at Quin. cy. Thé mémbers of thé gang ore Négroes. Tire colored wnmen were raid teo be leaders of the gang. Great Lakes will continue to be the largest naval training station in the world. The projected spending of $750,000,00 upon titi' United Stat,.- nar y, makIng It a toreunost naval 1power of thé world, wiit enthuse Great iLaites men for thet- wi'.l realize thp 1Important part wîiich t.113 training station will play in fitting men for titis bigger navy.-Great lM*es Btul- letin. Wartitne re-trictioie on railroaod dlning car service will he modifl,-d Mêarch 1, »Iliector General Hines Thuraday authorized federal manag- ers of ail lices te résume a la carte' service wherever It could be donc wlthout causing congestion. Ou trains where table d'hote service is continéd flot more than five couries TIitan 10-20m-The Redl Kerosene.Tractor - R EMMBER ehis» Titan 10-M0 wa» deived and biut rM grordup tUtum keroene into rShab" Lanapow 119mtan1020 ta ight ad "4sy 16w yod-and it -r"itan1020 a roe teIf<o",M oi rm. D~tr ot merely a gamoine tmctos with kcrooeoe auwac- mu.YouU lbc wiae <o keep dta mmin " Titan 1020 rma on kerosn uncler a loada, cauting yowr fuel bih in haIL. Titn M020 records proe <hW.You wa a roiW , Hl iti -TumIOan1020. SC HANCK HARDWARE COMPANY Owiîîg to t le fact tlîat 1 arn sting 80 acres of my farmi, 1 ai,, vompelledj to reduce p'art of nîy select stock of Pure Bred- Chester White Bred Sows unj thfe farru of W. .1. AmIann. -îtîîateîl ouh tle Liberty- vil le anîd Nvlenry rtîad. 3 miîles sout h of Rtounid Lake Iîl (l îijls e f4i ,*tyville, s . miles eaýt of --,lle i lt- . i iortliea.t <'I fý auîcond<a, (,il Monday, February 24, 1919 at 12 o'clock sharp (-tt4.tigof 8 lit-ad of trie<l i.orý. 2 fult yvailiuig sows. I h1 oar aloi :~ei-. piîîggi lts. 'The - ,ow,-are great, gooti st-lecte< 4l t,.soîie if thle ts p'i îg gilts VHi weigli 300 pa Iinîds by sale day, inot of t lieui are due to fa r- row t-ily iii Marîli or April. TI lîir breetiiig is silîte Fo<r fturtIieýr informîationî and] fuli tarticuflan, -iiiîreard to h)rt-ed titîg irite for catalogue. AWo abouit 1,2 fteediîig tslîoat and<labloiut 1-- Pure lirtd Barreil Rock B4ooterst. Witl Ialso stI30 hlea(t of ini kinrg hort iortcatt le. 4 buli of ser\ iceable age anid îî'oved t aeeî1ers, t-xce'eliut i udi i id ual -., 211 h eaîlof co ws. lci fers aitîlbut I and timifer catves. A nimber of cow4 are due to caif by sale day and sorie lavei receîîtty freehenied. Soiiie of tlierse tows milk as tîiglî as fifty Itoutirîs or more with wo mitkiîgs per ay, witî au average list of 4 per cent. 100 buî,îhils bartey, about 2if0 bushiets of Swt-di.,lî -etect oats, and - busliels of yellow Murdovk seed corni. M O NEY'"TO LO'A'N ON IMPROVED LAKE COLJNTY FARMS AND ON A(ECEPTABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY We invite the inquiry of those desiring to Goroow money for contemplated purchases of new properties, for the improvement or stocking up of present holdings, or for the renewal of loans falling due. Prompt Service at Reasonable Ternis The Firâct National Bank Libertyville, III. Capital. Surplus and Profits ............... $68,000.00 Ch urch Jrîe Methodisi-Elpuscoval. Service" u et Suriday et tiré M. E. churciî wlii hé held a. i,iiawe: Suridey ms-hol et 10 o&clock; Morning preching Pervice et Il Wel'ctk, ermou by 1ev. 111,arn, thé Ita@tor. lu the événnug aet 7:30 îhéîé wIl hé a Sor: service given 'y thé choir. Thîis serviaiwili cooss aitogether of Sacred xuueh', severai meietions %%i111hé giveit by a argé Choir. tagetîter with quartette, duettand solo séi,ctlu'ns. Théepublie Id curdialiy in- vied. "Théeliebuiiding of Europe" wlll hé thée éult,.ct of thé Epc-orth Lwegue meeting uext Suudey evening et 6:30. Glenn lltstiits aill et]tiré meeting. NOTICE' 1 wil hé at the Lake Cnttpti 'National Bank bî'giuulnpg Monday, untit furtiier notice to 'uilect taxés in tte toc uship. 8-2 H. I.Blira, crhputy Collectai AUCTION SALE. 50 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS-Aicady North Faim daiig hord wlili hé held ab publie- auction sale, coxnntencing et 1 o dlock p ut. on Satuîday, Féhinary 2Z. Faite l@ locatéd on Green iay' ioad 13i miles north of Lake Bluff aud 1 mg&. wéét af Naval Station. Entire herd or 50 cuws, Including 20 iiééh cows -wtt caives iy tuieir mide and 15 elose iqpringêrs AIl tuberculiné tésted and octit of thé heét dalîy herds Iu thé. conntr.. Wili elt'o et-il farm machineîyý Ultetrmo of 8saX. 3 draf liores au I drviîîghonte i ba gv-lîîug. thet au upeîation woulti ho neceosary, Co. Théellolu l ,tficeeîswere lected': treRers of heait8 anti cuplie. Haroldi Tuifte iri.-nts andtti righlurtt cho HS m ~S wuiglit abouît 1630() bs ,age, 9 ',' -u-s: t grey gel<liiig but jîhybsialnéeay that Le wli recovér G. 14. lBergeron, preldent; C. WlIiox, ilagerty crteinly cul au unique figuré kIindly rérîderei aid antI txlendoéd eyi weighit about 1500 lbs , age. 6 y.-ar' i1bay tnar-a. withuuteourlgal tréataiént. Scrter); tantêli'nba,tieasuréi ton- hîtth asea magicien an usien. Ater patîy aoi lire oc.'aiouoai unr receni linia lnn weiglit abo)ut 1200 tbs., age 63 years, bl; k h'. iug ýkIn a ltter detti January 29ih, J. N ce "'Ing the mtarkting company, It ap- thé grr&nd maîèh, iéti hy Russell Fiegg héreavémnént, we tiécire ta redorat ur aUIW UI honr,.-, weiglit about 1I O) 14s., age. S yeai-s. Throgmoit,-n wrltés uhat hé bas lieau lu peais thet théeutiaority of the local ulît anti Helen llulkley, thé rernainder of théeincère tîtanké lint u' fi frvl f cne e ~~~~~~~pruducers havéart-adi signeti contracts evening des epent lu dtaî.lng. Adl en. lohLtîawiénct-, utnIoip'Tae[ltm TERNthtOFhSALp.tai etu)r 1Ja)uar !) thoa victimnto seilitheir matît îhrongh ibis cornpany. joyei>tésiiué watt eharëd hv ail i11.v Iac remîé -_________________ TERMS 0F pSAL-,eà iACtarh ng' 7 <t ori int i ii qrost o)liniluenze. Hetatethatfoithesizty Ou Friduîy, 'i[iuary 28th, anolléer Tue LItcraiy sooletiEs have séleetèteltureLattENSAY ERAY2 bauabe a~'u.'ve îî~ts eaing~'i~'cet nteert. dayé Itret tons tathé date ai thé lttér. Ituéetîr sý,i!I belitelti aiwhlch sevérai narnem. sfu EDNr'é ea'léîy i. nw6 JOHN WEDDEL, Franklin, Imd. sneivduymiféith t i ent raluc i-o t-.t.r.wili hé présent tb known ausMe "SaganîmîSae"aniNOTICE.i Mary Pickford in tirineté wnt-f"nr l, ur. pamien i-ltheiarkt . se acompaany "l'ilý1gs 11 FRED GRABBE, Aiea, Ill. l, Auctioneers Hoiel' ttattouée rsnaICat in Ut is. ulfi- d 'rdétt-îe . Ieuu"Thé .Thé, Ccxi rt'gutir Itttéifig f Llberu)- GEO. VOGEL, Snlon Milih. 111. itoi.,nr tiii ise rIi fst. Nnatir't-t i t.ttii-ated tis me . .mt,îî Sîc8"0lémc orktug bard on ville t tt'ge St, 492 A iV.& A, M. cî ç011II GEORGE BRAINARD, Clerk, Round Lake, AIl, i"'l roit- lO l Iéng ptéhpiert,. 'lu'î,,o,, havé licu katldt-,l -tuary .t lt.Oîh t , .i,>,,. - ~ UII~Il by hépu;lst'fth bg tbou atIt ,l - ' e ,l'uhlic Llbraiy: "Tiit- ont t orgi t1 th ll, it tî'4à, ~ utr t i e i épreséuîvl 'd Naie) t ,ior ,byl'y leer K) né; Fldaà ,'lt.Arnsdol5ce1-c.J ,c,à i WV. J. L b M i1 -' 1P ro psr'q L 'a,- .., Il. îsnuMIicýs tilthé Parenté and . u-. i,. a I llrO lm," h3Iring' .c Se iCi-' iiserl Note: FREE LUNC11 WILL BE SERVED AT NOON t fi. i-tertailaeult cIli héae a ue(oTt e U litàt auin hkt * . . f bgît n -ee 'ltheliîérarysuclieé an',ruuns ti, leîtiruîncipt bèlnh t i ed _____________ -- ________ ....- - of hî bglit ,ceba. A sutaladmissionirtriaatîngou 0it Fiitct-. ThéelLibertyi Ivitlle .RUtEAL CARRIER EXAMINATION Lw he clîtargèti. Lt iclaion Il Thé Unitedi States Civil Service Coin. "o m IO G E VIEteri) vIie iierrubérs of thé ciaoe of splendid liét of rtew anti woîth w iii mission bas eninoutueti an examInellon 1918 ofahe.lite rtyville Toa'nship Higit boots anti mire people ehoul t te fo h Cut o ae I oto ohoC OR i ,.,entetraineti thé out ur town atdvautage ai the upportunity to reati fo het CounrtyvohLan a uké, n o n héLARGiE CIIO RIr at dîrutr Saturtiay evcning aet hein. Ttîeré shaidd hé et leat ont, ey' have,, at <bis time, somne very special values <o offer in Sbeeta. Maîch 8, 1919, ta 611 thé position 0 - ~ the bains utf Miss Drothy Hardiug, aine nénrbersitplu e'.t-i family. Carde May rural cairisk et Round Lake and oh thé ten original membere being prosent. hé ahtailti grauting the ose of thée vacancies thet may later ocur ou rural Néat Sundey svoning eit 7:80 as thé Cia.. color@, browc anti golti, weenééti librery une )t-ar for 01.00 or for six ioutes traim othér postoffic.é le thé Libertyvilé M. E. churoh the sevice wlil luntiecorehirg. liter dîrmtuér e business monlthe fui 50 cents. Good quality bleached sheets, 8lx9O inch, at-........17 alhovs.naetioicôunty. Thé examine- consat o aered Sang serice given himeeting wae helli anti thé organizattp IClaolmîiyhodtNtimilfFn uht hewd em à9 nh t------- 21 lion wiIl ha open only ta iRule <Itl:wns thé choir lu anthems, quartette, duet ai an Alumni Ascoclation wascomnpléted. Guard régiment, a reglmenr of coldretiOrds li emdset,8 9 nh t------20 wbo are étualytiomîilétdinluthé terri- anti solo sections. Thé -public le corii A caustitution c-as adopteti anti the traops, wéré wetcornéd bornéfront ovýr ur etain e uit s bet, 81x90 inch, at ..............1.0 tory of a postoffice lu thé county anti aitY invitedtl attend thie Insplretioneli olaowlng ufilcéis éléctedtu t replace thocé seas by the nér. anti white civillian, hessaieq ltysabv,6x9nr it. ...... 1 0 who meet the. othér requiréments @et service. Thé progiem iollows: who déré lernpctaffly electeti 'M.t anti they wcré trpatéti royally, which 0 Hemstitched sheets, very best sheetin-g and work 8 1 x99 inch, ait 2.25 forth tu Forum No. 1977, This faim anti Organ Prologue-...ieNr. Loiu Matlock Anguet: Dorothy Harding, Ipreident; tiiétiiictkuc thy ertativ déserved fai application hienks may héobtainéti hum Hymu-.........Choir anti Congrégation Cetis tyere, vice presidéntaq Aile Neville, théy woee tétroope wîo fotàght esa 42-inch pillctw cases, 50 cent value, special ait, each...... ...3 théue ofie etaéiaboyé or iruru thé l'rayer, hy Rét', Reaur, chant «"Lord'.oecietary anti trbasurer. Atidttional gletlty and a-tr,' lu somns oh théfilercot Evtra good bargains in shecting, 9-4 width, bleached c.r un- Unitedi States Civil Service Commission Prayer--------------------...........-Choir mnénbere ai thé executive boarti aie: fightiug anti sufféreti thé heaviéat casuel. bece t e ad............. atl Washington, D. C. Applications Anthém---------------------.............Choir Etith Stanley, Idae Gotti anti Katherine hIse, écén tht-h htbnnd bing réducetic tahd t eryr ................. shoulti b. Iorwarded ta thé Commission Duet-....Misses Et-e anti fuby Willamei Shéition. A committée consistIng of hall their Luihber. ie on@ aiie nunité Finme grade whte nainsook, suitable for underwear and gowns, at Washington et tbeearliestpraetlcablé Anthém---------------------............Choir Bêlée Spale, Edith Stanley anti Cletîs wae a negru %ebu hall thé task ai pnillg sper-ially priced at---------------------------------... date. Quartette........Mis, Davis, Mies Zaok, Myer. was appointédti t draw up by- thé trIggér on one of thé 75'o and every28 Admissilon of women toii hh examina- -Mr. Oridley, Mr. Bradford. iewe for thé organization. Thé ré- time hé titi eohé waesemen to be saying lion willh i hntedtu, tooe wha are Offortory anti Announcémsnts. meiLder of the evening Was epont in. eomethlng, an oficér curians to know numariéti nd tothé wves 0 ........olo---------------Mr. Bradifordiorrnaily. Thoeé who wers présent w.re: wîiat hé was .iylng etooti close to bim anti sailors srvlng iln thé prsent dar. Antee..................................Choir Alla Neville, oai Urayahake;Katrilue andi board thîs: '"Corné on, Mr. Kaiser, W Duét---------......Miss Zook, Mr. Bradford Sheldan, ai Round Lake; Ediîh Steniéy. count your men." Thii. contingent of W.W. C A R O LL & S N ST £'dN ArN&ýr ' WWftt. Ferl"le, ou Mi ln 1. AMM leIN-----------........hoi.....a..ale,.Ce..........o......e.;....réChatorpHaiies al aowthéiéening W . rs, of 4DChiesv rii.iC rush ISNT 0" r»» HymRu-........Choir andi Congrégation Féru 'Rai, Ida Gottl ,Fiances Biehop oh Iramerad, or they wer. ton busi tpa Phono 29 Beuedileion,... ............... Rf. Resauanti Dorothî Harding; tae.prlsouters as they 106k no».. -- - - - - -ss:pp i.è Jack Pickfrnd in, P&Me Pl"e lo-ir ec, fltili crer i e eLru, LUhekLlé,.teu un* .... -0 e----.M.-. lm0è8e a!téri,uiI was éjieut ln gaule. laialty Mr.Iând ,Mrs. John Itrnard and Mi. anti the meal to "hé madie wortiît!, The- Vivliory Teavh1,r,' 'Training Clees; AItCADY FAR. rlrett-tswerc eservedi Ail report andi Mrs. Jlm Brown atr-nided e béneit price.Y will mutet néaxt %iuuday evening, et thé Arthur 5iéeker, Prop. harluîg a filéetîme. performnce at thé Il. linah Temple, hoinetéou Mrs. léssi. havie et 8 u'eloek. J H Lov'e.. ,iuctlîneei. 'ilti' ,uItn'st firthday P'arty git-en hi Chicago, givén lInor of the 122 Fit-id John Saunders, Chicago, releast I EvérymIntler le urired to attenî. 1 tb.-M .E. ultiay é but %li bt Il.-Id 113 Artllliaiy Monday ulitt t.Misé Peltyé naval aviator, vwho serveti ln attiç'l choir rebéarsal ulli meett hué seek NOTICE liég~tîceiittuithéchrc o Fidy ohheliîanti sevérai ithers from bis air paîrol over English Channel-, an-uilT Tiîstiay ev,-inug fet 7.30. Speiltl Publie uttitc lé lérehy given that thb. vlèluiti isfln ofttténdéd.onFrIaynouceàet Great Lakes tic will i tr c 01k Ouun an Rster Clintateac l ii hétatéen ith iittailtut, nit Speii.i Afeeeeemént t-, n',... o! 0yl, ut-, t.viciaut% y 21 Hottie for Chicago-St. Louis non stop igitt p ut thie réhérarea. No. 3 for a sste~ltulu Ille village of tau tta airtttteut kllunért-re-- lMriar l liaesochheirn entertalited a i ecord. ual pybeb néttis and làa Social guud lime vcltb! e nuIIt,1ofAfrit-nde andi rplattvpeq lrtt____________I-Lbrt , . i deanpybe guaranteél t'u ail. SNoirt(liegaw ad Watîkégan Ilit liitur,- ____________________ IPresbyterian. the office ofaile V ilage C',llector. The S-tert ,ulî -e grl hae orét hi- brother. Robert, wha le homne Oun aItv, Februéiv 23, oo ii hé <lot-éd îîromptly on msei a fur The artywaé aso fl heSunday il'houl 10 ani tut-tel baill tan, andiare uuw çractiéirg rî, hoolThéNaotesae ae', itIi pr'trrae iylua achcaewlh hrnin ltutanoncant matgchholNoe um &tahg opeeferan yélilli.ri'.Vheic oleio hli ,'do gils @ýAsnotéofaithé mern éngUtiuutuOf NMI@@ Cura Lindaimtar, Queuta Goiti, Edutur Lýù by thé Spirit." in. 6tuMarch 2 gi~M j'étiug73 u.1 FatA iers Of thé toc n tenaibave uhlot layed téttn itan, HghScitci, lglt7;30dP air tev.pear, OA . ..,....e ...o fur lau or[noe.yéars, se fore-eau '1'uésda vt-t t-ing e friéndiesewa&dr,î A progrim was given lest Wédneday P*'c'nîrg. stri ,e ic harge o-f the \h.a's vicitry la r the h glt echouol, nea uledt , N rlulILméryfra nIl 1 orning tri honîr uf A brahamn Lincot ln rthr- t I~ D V ' 1 dgrt.Hé c us of foreign hirth asud litss hihda FHepkte rndéicdti lauexcellenl ht, i inEndéet ir 6:45 1).m lunltéOLILIe Last vrék vce irinléti a letter hom u , that fl-ai wseont ai émployntéttt viollin soIt, ,accomauled l'y Misé Meyme 1uri , 1iut3H William Sagél flt chich an error w,,1vrécm a 'îg o mîes H u'iapé hélerétTrlul"h Mr îi mt.Irtyeel matée. Thé let-ler as it alppeared taistale careéo ai utd directed tu chéré hée Shipruan Adeswsra yýla o cusadCii ieGrsme that the ruei lad. haéClins atembent ,-wijdgmornlltvig.Thtti e almé t tt nras,,.et h is Willint nt am ie ilsm STR am EHRart in trtfl rtradDl olsba!beie deOmtttefoi liun. Thé progranu cas cujtyéd by Friday 7.0 p. ni- 3 Willi fmoHr toutéthave bin ade Tht.seéétiugmrît hhmaehil ash al.Mld-wéek Praer Meeting, Wedneédy TnrL n' shntihvébenmti ha he er hié waé thé ilié-t tramp that bas appiieti le thé basket bailiganiéhttween Gurnee éenîug, i TIiP2(, api-mîîîîsli togétitér ou thé PhilIipine Islande. B ég for iadglug ,l riilg the w n tr , hu týv en antî rt ý ll H en yE gp rh t wlîru ry 26, tupie: 'C huoe ng *oeo IW W Pardon! *titisiay nul,, a cign of anearI3 spring.sitghtly injured. Wc are giedti tarepart Ne%, It ummtté eéts cith session, Mutt anti Jef-oeV aHenry Engletireclt, wluo vas hart le Thé Lihert %..-Local Milk Piaducers that hlimî,)roving îepid ltyaniththdTtéte a ï'Vrkers at thée!Manse: batketh alldin ak eta let ht-id a mnecting ut thé Mystic Workéré wll ctutn le beektola chotul M ' Ur.d.y éveunl- 4 .0pr UDY ERAY FrlIday évéing adtkn ttehlt, Tuae trémtng for thé purpoeé of Thé Senior phlrty lest W'étnéstiay uIlght _______________2- MAlloter hosnItatas a ros, lla -reredl, clcting otirer-. and discussioe gthé aild. w.. a Th..,.. .. n,7' n. . di w'lt't bey. letit, Frank was placéd tMt mora. gé until af. >the grand rhn<sngh as t he voflU piosecUtioa i ual seem h.u Maesuils 'sge gau« 0 dent te irket ettéet >ther man Id he drow bat he had nue of the gulis 1» "i mocey ant ) retumi l, a varrant mornina. t umtil be vttncé, ta éd liat ho Wankegau ýré vas 50 Ho dénied but t1ts le -"4- A Mau iwavw les - -------- ------- 1 as a (leelcie(l suceess. 'l'ho auditorium 1 F

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