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Libertyville Independent, 20 Feb 1919, p. 9

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Un.COUtWy NDEpENDENT Lake Couuyj ig WeeklY, WAUUCtAN WEEKLY SUN 'OL. XXVII-NO. 8 PÀRT TWO LIBERTYVILLE INDEP ENT)ENT. 'THUR.-I)AY, FEBIRUýAR Y20,1I91iu. EIGHT PAGES. si.~iO PER YEAR IN ÂDVANON. W KEITli'S UNE (iOES TO AVIATOR NEPIIEW Incenf irmed Report That the grother, Henry Keith, wfll Nt Get the Fortune. IEPHEW FAVORITE 0F W. S. >With the passingof William Scot KeIiia cornestise natural quesilon: MWho vîli tnlierit lts millions!" ,Mr. Kei ti reportedti 0b.' rorlis upwartis o! thre.' million dol' Tise genoral preaumption liai bee,i» bat thebulk of htus brItn.' vOuld go Io is brother, Jllînry Keofti aC(hi- l- ut according t, a statoment mail. b'afriand of the.' antil>'. visamas rr ma>' ot ksow vîtereaf ah.' speaks, the bulk oi thte fortune goes 10 a ýjZphev ratisor lian tise brother. Tise nepbev 1l4tise namesake af Sha uncie: William Scot Keitis. lie bis l neasa b sri-en forla. l0. la Franc. .rriteofaitise tcie. W. S. K'.-tb, UC- ordng 10 lise ttemeut made,.lite b.ad been picketi out long ago as th Oa 10 lencarry on lb.' de"tines of lise fortune creati:d b>' the WaukigaO luaberman. Tise brother lil-or>' of Chicago, le a man0 o! years anti therefore the îcnclusIon lias, been that tise Wau<e- ,aa man, feeling tisaI an ordinar>' aouot given 10 lMs brother voult] -suffice for lis lfetirne and tlint tise fortune sisoulti go ta a younger mail visose Intèrest In veil i reservlng il andit slog il judiciouslY would Le apparent. Io other vords, lie vouiti "bave'aslongi-r tinteto maie uF'i-Of tha lingefortune rallier than te ebrother viso. t Ilie besI cen live'but a decade or Ivo longer. Tise nepisew Lu. salul 10 Le abolit 21 years olil, unmarried and a llicelY - >ouug man wvisa bd roe<iveil ana, favors f rom tise Waukegan man andi vise had atwaye been most conider- ate f bis anche. Of course,util teli.'vli is flieti far probat.'. notlulng -viii ho teflnllelY kuovnabaoiut lise nature Of Mr. ret's plans. Wlut for the Church? boisre seemns aIse 10 oe a general !feeling that Mr. Keitb no dota pro- videti In a .9uiessantial va>' for Christ Episcopal cliurcli of visicli lie val -Senior varden. Frientis cannot heli but sp.'dilate ase as 10 the fact filal ho probabi>' personal>' rernembered thé redlor. htoward E. Ganster, vlic vsas sucli a close frienti for these isoveral pers. If Mr. Kili bit Mr - Oaster an independent fortune it voulti fat surprise people generslv for ho vas exce.edingis' fond of the pastor-ln act tise>' ver.' 111<'taller and son. ROUND-UP 0F ALIENS COMINO Tiser.' ls ever>' indication tisat Il.' time la ual far distant when a round tep yl b.'made In Wati'egan ta ile termine boy man>' allons tîter.' art visa have ual paid liseir lucarne te> *or who bave not 'aken out tieil firt nalurajzation papers9. 1UP t the' present ime tle goveromrent nmer vlio bave been varking lie. have (le voted tise majarît>' of thir tlita.' cisecklig up on allons vito are -lu loyed in tise factoie-It is sale gtat Il.'>'soon vilibra lhier a( ~ntion toa aiiune 'vi are fullvin! celiser occupations. The best part of it al la mtisaI thi allons brougist tise condition on tii' n selves. The incorne tax lias ap.lie, ta lise alîcuas for tise last si'voral yParý but thes' ver.' grantedthéis sane ex ernptions given Amrîcan ctizen- Iliat la, unmarried men ver.' ut taxoti on arnounts undor $1.000 pe yeat anti marrietimnibiai exerni tian up la, $2.000. Thon the var Cam, along andthle'allons in tisemajori t>' of cases accePteil h.'prerogatîs of claiming exemption on fht grounteis Ilithe>' ver.' ual citizen of Use countîry'.Thisafl; saidt 10 av been lb.' last trav andl h.'goveirt suent evideol> dedidedti iat tiser vas no reason vis> thete imen sisouýt hoe treateti vils consderation. Sine thon tisetaia: bas be.'n imposeti un lise govemfirent oveunil; golng liaie lite.' or four.years to collect fl t paid flax. 1Tise flock of allens btisehé cou] bouse ta take oul final papers shsow boy keeni>' se>' are feeling tise blo, St-othelr purse-in fact il bas ava ei thons as fia appeal 1tiseir P triolîsncoulti do. Mrs. Matide Seelbac' aif Waucond today Ifed a bill for divorce again, ber isuobandt, Etivard J. Beelisac cbarging hlm vIlla desertion. Si gays.tise>' reemarrieti .lnno17, 190 andt ta ho lefttlber Sud thelr fi chiltiron In May', 1916. iSie ,ayss1 Siarns $125 a month anti la able1 Support her a" t Ie. ciusitn, ITIS SILLY PIECE OF BUSINESS, ÇAYS MRS. CLAR.K -It la a 5111>' and nonsensîcal action. 1 cannot understaod why hoe did anY- thing or this sort." This liq the answer whlch Nirs. Mia- bel Clark, vwife of ntynaond Clark of Druee's Lake and t3raysla'ie tah<i' la answer ta the $20u,000î suit whi.'lî ber husband filet against Wilimer firewer orf Druce's Lake. Mrs. Clark was fround at the Brox- Pr home wliere she bas been emPIC>'- edara ai frmav onhs I, WAKEGAN TO VOTE UPON RISKS LIFE IN EF-uthe ag bl FORMAL MEALTH DISTRICT t k ito his residence. IK F N f MFXICÀN KIDNAPS MOTRSL EATUCLTECTMENCEAU NtI.Cf e a. au ha an, u epaý,pn léYEROL iIL- I CR ol. E. M. IHougseof the Amer-iFSAEI p6rÀR O D I L oneofit:! Most Important fa uS E .LEM S M <cai deea u hnadan10 ago w nt F RT k SAV BY USINQ À TAXI ctuing:îîi lct l April i tie lE WILL RECO VER' King Sends Message of SympoLhy. OFC3RO estblslang a ieaîî -lAndon, Fi-. 1.---Jrerniër (eni- Chicago Police and Neighbor- District in the town of Waiiki-.gdn. Bullets Take Effeot in Back' and was wounded in bolithe îrrnioseph P. Anderson of Wi ing~o CteadSttsAkdAptevteaof 'theainlng is ve 'ii utand Shoulders But Condi- 1and bau kaccordlng to information gan UP to Year Ago, I of teCvterc0ftCeouple. cbgreceivil f rotParis today.gExein u cirultedhèe t te rIsen tmp tion is not Serious. 1 Ada Ices to the Frenchi embagsy ThrillingEprecs to ath oule. cicuatd hreatth prset im 'aid that the oremiers éoeyi 'own ('1-r« terequis- 'ATTACKED LEAVtNG AUTO.j )0. cil 'f f New York, Feb. 1.-Premier Clema~ eath Survî'ys enceau recolved tbree wo'indsaf'c- Paii ma, i tuutu.'ole, rmnîruera.u. i<'u't-:,- by thse Prend Itgis commission jîtt lefore noon. on., aiaundl j.as In tise armas.vottir in the' hack, outi tli' tiiird. the 01051teri (J I.f lie tiire, vas m i. wcliesl. Paris, Fi- . ). Ais attempt aias made Ioda>' uion tise ii. of Iîrî.uîiir C eorge, ('lemenceatu, vaild fanous .atasan, Snd one of tise domniiug figurs b [li te Iiace confércnx,. j Five rovolser sboIs vire tiri'itas lic Irielr vas l-aving lit oüflica;t r-sidfiace in 1h.- fRue t'ranklin i'î gn ta tise var office shliy tiifore :1 o'c.Ioçlk . .11 tiu. i-a-as waulku ut , jiit w ili rtu-oi. r, it w a., s tati.. At IlIituk Pari, illuip, it cas uit iu<tn,-' li taitti pri-utuiî'r swiiii, i Teii.- anuîînc. t]ait rtliy ,ft'-r thie ai tac thtia an assassýin tat]ii" r'stý-d. The urisot.-r is su ordin- arv lookiiîg unan, dri-.su'd ln Vie.'g;trb of a workmsan. vas told about tlie suit wbich beradwI . ie ib' busbaod liai Ilei against Broyer 1FACED MANN ACT CHARGE. Charlea Jack as Seul as whereln h.' aska $20,000 damages on le number of signature.- the dlaim that Brewer alienated lier North ShBore and Chcago police and obtalned. Paul L. 51<0. affections~~~~. police o! cties within 100 miles rad- h iiin0 ulcH "Clark left me and I at fno time re- Jus of Chicago were asked Tuiesdav of the ntats board of lie fused ta ive with hil."aid NIrc. night toa vatch ail trains. stpana and Waukegan Wednesdayr Clark wlien askcd about tue. situa-, electric, from Watikegan, follovin.- ssary arrangements. 1 lon. She added further. that '-lie tise escapieorflilanna, Marie NcGinley' %Ir. Skoog »alidtliat W&as .nployed on fih. Brewer place as 16. from an industrlal school for girls ion wiii lie voted un in maid iii.iil the lieuse. vhill Clark In Waukegan. kegan and tisat of Nel lwas enîi.loyed as farta iband in lth->Ciraid Luis, salod tai b.'a wvealili>'orth aif igliteenth s tt fields. 1iNMexîcan, i.'.belleved toab'lit i h h-contprisemt h.' lava of V She 'explaiii'd furtiser that ah.' 15 girl. the Proposition le carrle, 0o ai t.'elresor borne because Accordlng to Miss Abbie of tise of lialîli vlichl a <coml tbat la vliere lher hu Sbatudlook hr Waukegao Prolective l#éague. ili',supervisor, the assessor wlien lie made arrangements for li- Ivo uerp In trouble with the feder- towo elerk of Waukegan si-If and lir ta lake employaient 01, ai aucliorities. for violation of tih. meeting within two v.'.' the lrewer place. Mann act and are attpmptlng ta evade election to organi.' ad SPe dentela vils a mosI nt tai prosecuq~on b>' gc'tiaig married !).'- The law whicb Provi terni the slateincrits that hlier but- fore the charge against theta la establlu.bment by vote band mnade lut lus bill1 vierein h.' said h esard.-ditrict provides Iliat sh.' had hein holding clandestine Ti. case lis an ununual one' and te four nille ma>' Ibn' le meetings wils Broyer. Sh.' aduled .s'r of the girl aise vas fenalttreul purpoeto defraying ex furthp lir lat llrP-wir iut na tlhIail 1b>' sensational fi-atiirea<. urin>' on tbhe baste ofrI tIel1< taiun lie-r agaiflat lier liv..-1 AU 9 'cIock Tuea,.day nîglit, the valiuation of the lawna loud. girl sli*'î'.-d away fromi the 'Illinisi this vould mena. that 'hfisat thal lark lias fileil a iuitt cotta&ce' on Lliîrty Street, maiîîtai:î- $1,, iuîi-ould ble ralsed sgsinst Iýrewer ah.- dî< lareý,. v.iid et] iy the'If-aguî', and,. il, latr de- viding that taudi s - flot alter lier titan,;for rrniinfg .t' elopi.d. sIte li-tth1h. M-ican. npecesbar- th lrewer honte as hoskuî. The. man filin came ii) tou*n andl'il1nd' the healtis di,i Bre-we.r la a baclielor abolit ,q.ngagld taxi-river Qoode 'c, drive meýnts cao b.' madle ta years of age snd lias lived ai the ta Chitîcago. lie thouglit notis- j issionor of iteaith 'vI, Druces Lake practically ail lits tifi- ing of lit and drove tii. couple taj lisa ntîre tinte ta the lie itas.If bail notbtng ta àsay ' vinil.]-.von AMenui' and Sheridan lloaj. ,board of bealtis seléect li e liling oflt.' suit eýxepting that Clilcago wl-r.' hc- ift theon after' commssiony.r froxu a l.'4 lie wa.% niocent nifany wrong-dliiig gg"tîiig ii., i a>. Thoy tlId hini tlb' Y he' tat. board of bealt and at nf i tn aît indeavori-d ta would take the rit car loto the, Is ile up of those Whc catis.' Mrsý Clark ta les-ueo lier a.'. cil>. I potte exartinationJ fectioi furliter ltui.and. Had a "Sick Friend." state. The minimum 1 Mirs. Clar'i said tisaItîCuark so far It aias 8:45 wben loui.s engagi-d11liealth comimssioiier la fas bhe kni-wvae. now in (ry.ia 1h.' eider <Sole ta drive hlm and 81 Next 9linday bas lie mhbite li weît ater le concltîd-tul.i t>frienul. just wl-r.' lie as ta tll iini :n Haltli Slnday andt retire frointhue Bnf-ver jlace as1 Inter. The jas aias tirneul over ta, ci alil churches In Wai a farna hanl. .-Art Goode and, taking Luis lie drovp been requeuted 1a pro; _____________- t10 lelviî]irp and Utica Street viscre o the subjeet of bealth SU T OR$18,OU girl andtank01<be nde the car. Thev ditri f aaiad ater ' Art *Goôddo ag hiretib? par cent cf Ithe mou U NMAUS IS FIR DI Miss A'bbpY ta-driYe lber about town, îcren otrAt&-gan eau la searcis cf-tle girl. An bour late.r by on cnfore.emiet0f r the circumalancer, of Ibe-previous en, James Peterso and Wfe Sued gagp.ment of thse taxi apealed te ('.oode and ieh'.akal It Abbey if for $1 0,000 for Boys shie vas looking for a coloreilan Broken Afl'f, 5h. explained the Mexicans çPart linlbhe affair and lb.'>'then concluded MERCHANTha thal ailloier Goode taxi vas tise MECHN iSKS $1,0ilIone vhiclh.'>' were tu.arching for. Thus word vas pnoned ta ChicaZa. gfeorge H. Lagerschulk and A. li. lut th.' pair liad, In the meantime. PWad.', weil knevn farinera t Bar- been droivèed ut Devon avenue. rîngton wore masde defendantît In a Goode explained that when luig suit for $118.000) damages Illlcd in iirei 1h.' taxi lie sald ho vas golng circuit court Ioda>' b> Frack C. Duto- ta îick up a sick frienti on the Le nlng, a 'wealthy stock denier at El- south ide. lie bail tva Suiteases rgin. Ho le represontet b>' Attornsey'snd this it le fel the couple are It 0. M. Congdon of Elgin. Merci>'tise w.'li oni tieir wvay eat or west. or. ý 0 i.preerçie of tbe bll vas ileti sa il i.. poasibl>' toward Mexico. enot knavn what charges will be madel. Enticed the Girl Away rIn lie declaratton. It la heîîeved ta Miss Alibe>' saldl of the case: "Thet' invl some business transaction Pair were arrested and taken loto between tise mon. fedoral court four we.",s ago. U. S. Petorsons Are Sueti. Commissianor Masan dismisseti Ibein Mr. andi Nrs. James Pet."rson of for vant of evidence on the Mann Southi Sheridan roati, vere mtade 'k. Adt charge. Then lbh' girl came Inte se fendant.. in a suit for $1),000 latin our cure visen she became a volun- - als fled ln circuit court toda>' Lv tar>' charge. She vas villing tisat eJohn Grana, ageti 13, by blis, fatiier, vo should look aiter ber and in tise -e Nck Grana. The Granas are . ie-neantirne %eweve. loaklng up lier ax ented b>' Attorney J. A. Mile r. Gra -record in Clev7elanti. We liai secur- ir na charges that Pterson Illegali>'1 ed liles information about lier. ýO emplayeti bis rinor soun1taVwoilt loir 'turiog tac.' ime se vas with u.i, an blin andltaI a few v.'is agoalie gau ise ielped about th.' place and e 1h.' boy ta lielp binaim nve a lla s eetueilto like il. It now ta evi O l'ise instrumnent wa.t dropped. il 13 dent tbat sh" was meeting 1h.' Mcxl- i-cliarged, faling on 1h.' boy in suris can but w.' lepe ta apprehlend tIent i a v-a>' tIat il frictur'd hi,.slhootldi-r soon for everv police officer lu th.' 0 (- andar and lie liasiî-î'n laid il-1 vicinit>' of Chicago le watchtng for 19 ever Sirice. tle itair and w.' are sure ta gel lhi.t Railroad se Sued. soai'r or later. Tise Mexican la 35. le J. C. andi A. J. Nercliatt. dolug i te girl lais 1 andi bcaw of lier tl- business as Moichant Itrotîte rs. li-a-ige aie are able ta extradite hlm an t] dos'. througli Attorney J, A. Nlill, r. îîîaîer wîtere tise>' tay b.' locaiet]." i s tarted suit for $1,000 damagesi. Miss Alîbey admitteil thal for nI x- agaunsl the Northi Western raiirold urne. the Mexican ap,:arentl>' did flot s. A defective shipinot of vegetaliles knov visere tise girl vas becausel it 1s cisargeti. The vegetables. ili aI e bail no communication with 1dlm. r cbarged. vwer.'net1lice proporl>'. ant i laover. ho finali>' tracet iber anti P- spoiled en route. accordlng te Information secureti 2p Sues For Divorce, nov. spont the entire day' la Waîîke- r- Holen A. Benjamin taday flîcil sui' gan Tuesia>'. i. for divorce against ber iusband. - l.' Henry Benjamin. visonaBisee sys ahe S'g e Vo .13 sy iedsrtdbrApril. STATION NEWS S r e a-l 1, 1918. Extrerno al repeateti cruel- '.' t>' asoare chargeti. SpeclfiC. instait Walter R. Blason succeede M. H. r ýdces are relatti wbon he la s aidta10Bckbai as camp genei'al secretal>' 'ce bave beaten ber. of the Y. Mi. C. A. ut Great Lates, if Save nl Seeks te Forecloso. tvast annoaneti Tuestia>'aithtie meot- k Dr'. R. K. Davis. a local dentiet ta- ing of al station "Y" men at isîdluc in' day filel suit againsl Elizabeth Ilag- Mr. Bickharn annoilcei hbi eau ta ermano and others. seoiing te fore- dut>' in France. M r. Bitnason former. rclSe on a trust deed for $750. secur- b'vscm xcty ertr'ai .'2 ed by lots lociiteji on thse vest aide. 511> bas heen In charge of tihe "Y" )W w'- " ork la tise Nineteenth and Tven- Lk- Capt. John C. medisei of laie For- ti ets regirnenîs. ýa est, bas just conme back ra over-. LIeut. C. S. neve>', fo-mari>' s'a- seas, vearing tse Italiail var cross for alid ta Capt. W. A.. Moffett. for-1 for dîstînguisheti service. Hie vas at- mer commandant, vas a visiter at la, tacheil to-tho staff of Gon. Diaz, cern- Great Laies Tuesday. and ëafled up- lt manding thse Italiean armies. anti on the officers la tise Admnstration These Drg h. went througis tise latties on the building, as veil as othaers about tise, cent extend, se Pave. station. Ho vas saccompanied b>', 2, Thse interior of tise count jatl bis, ville. Lient. Deves' haa bien gaini ut the o.' presets a splendid appearantd(i.huv- releatei front active dut>' and came j soitacli brai l'a lng been neviy palntod tbrolighotit. te <thicago raie tise U. S. S. Mssei- oran e lu Tise vork vas doneb>' tise prls00enut. Isippl, tevhlci h ilihe vont vît osa e Tb@ improvement la markod. 1 CalaI Moctl. OAT fauke- rias expected. Kinug George sent the following RAS CLOSE CALL TO- DEATH. message inumediately upon rec.'ipt of the Information at Buckingham 1{Ow a former Waulcegan yonng Palace: man rlsked bis Ilile by' e.iMng over. .i amn shocked ta hear of thé dits. board te save the Ile of an officer tardly attw*k up<mn yau this inn- lng. 1 .'arnestly trutst that yoir in- on th.' hoat on whlcli lie was sta- irlîýs are flot serious, and that, tlOned isq told ln a dlspatch reeveit thantis ta your splendid energy and front New London, Conn. Tbe coutrage, yott iii sooti b.' r.stored tri 'oung nman's am Iafi lJosephi P. An- licalth ta continue' your. great and deriion, enaployed by the Publie Ser- '.alwd i efforts for France' and the' al- vice coxupan>' bere nip te a year aga lji-s' V'len lie .ntered the service. 0f hbàs exploit the Niéw London dil§- Cupid Too Much for paîcli va>,: The bravery or a salior name'd j<.q Lake Forest Faoulty eýphi P. Anderson, on Sîîb Clisser 2r; L iie orst ollgecamus LSlast Monda>' afternoon when he ni. k. Pîîrst cofltegenapus rri JumPed into the water ln the. Race aiitiJ.' esda>- of 1h.a' î'niogandmfl f 1isber's Island to gave au ensign .ls if aMrleR XlcXhly. a Snior aud named Regan. bas JusIt ome taeilitt ThI- ithe'alric orthc..otham.nuill".The ebaser was plowing tbrougb tmne ed i., the. seonero l aniie-of the heavlest seaa encountered ln etu-ocid h. iilriivîn. Thef lier vati-weeks and listed badi>' tirosaglithp t'îîîi tl1'.natîu Ioljne itend a action of the water in the race. Sud- tL orraine NIdard.Ja 'O n \ivd'.nly listing te an angle ofaimnat 17, LOprne t nec nn'lay.ï o "degrees the chaser gave a 'plonge ouir north shore item beagle cuiid- i gnied suocent>'. (il "anddin lie meantîme thc facul-' Enxign Regan. wbo was on deck. ty are gnashuig their teetli.- was tossedl across the deck and land- ________ed againgt tbe rstling, wblcb broke -' and hoisud off ino the sea. Ander. $60,000,000 Road Bond son saw bina go and jumped afMr Issue WiIl Be Tested. blm althougli lotber ln regulatyon wlnter qeafarirW< ciothes, ilkcludlng Springfield, Il., Iteh l9.-Suit ta a beavy peajazket. wind-proof clor'h. test the constitutionalit>' of the $4WI0.ng, ulster and heavy> boot%. lie IMil0(îtt liard roads bond isque. voied baail li e coutld do ta keep blasaiT at te general ejectionts Isat Noacm- aflau and therefore could flot belp ber was lléd din the Sangamon Cir- Regan at ail. cuit Court licretoday . The action la The clisser was stopped wlien'.about for the pirpose of obtaining an opin-.1200 foot t eny, and tiie onglaqs r.- ion froua the Illinois Suprome Court versed. Both men were takon Juto on the validity cf the issue. n sunali bout andi sent b.lowh iie Iwamm drink.s were adminlatered 4*u According to the mornlng papers warm clotbing supplet. Thoyf are the casualt>' list, Private N. A.inetariu inhoue the worâe fer their 4osig'I.ce Powers -0f -aïe Foreet. ' Who WaIt'bte t vas a alp *aG tqek race -ta preolvly Sported ulsalng inSt]- gt1st nOt b ~ u4t tion bas hein oilttally reportod er onta tii he eýw ûls e F e 'vai. ne 9wunded degree tindet.ernuined. itlig. and te. sea go blah. LALEX HEIN Goj LLake Caunty's Greatest Store for Women £ Childr-en SNew Dresses in a. Great' Salle,,!' fundreds of handsome advance spring creationsI s- velours - satins - jerseys- tafetas -crepes' es for street, aiternoon and evening wear, aul sizes,9 4 5 to $15 on single dresses at these low prices. esses were seeured in several very advantageotis transactions negotiated by Mr. Hlein on his i'- .ed buyiug trp. Enchi drcss represents an extreme f-ue, is a new style and a really great'bar- price. Six styles arc pivtured al)ove, then %vc have hundrcds of othér with rippled tunics 1 iding, littie jacket tvff(ects, ernbroidery and btitton trimining, as well as cross pin-tucks. AilUl 6vplaidsand foulards. 1 sbuaicilthi-indornitalile spirit vîticli lias mur ted hi.- wholn lii.' accord- lng t.. Polilcemnan ou.;art. himicî-f isatundeil in the.'riglîl -y.' b>'ou(- nf the assassins huIits. l' h.' agi-t slal'sian.-taidt]hl-e olcinngrap- pied vitis hi-tassailant. il 'wu.,- said tisat tise as.ut-ant it v e Iiisrue as EBinli.' tootin, 25, anti sald hle Va..- a native of ri Otiser reports taulb.' police aiero that tise assailant vas a Russiau. The.'premier vas on hlis a>' t as valtiug rnotorcar visen lievas t- tacked. On.' bIbI slrucM. <Clemenceau is th i. shoultier. aiter passing tbrough vart cf the framework of tise auto- moblIc. P'ersona ran te tise .tstttstance of *1.50 PER YYAR IN ADVAN(M

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