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Libertyville Independent, 27 Feb 1919, p. 2

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OLSSD.PROCTOR' INSIJRANCE lUm. LLit. Ac-cident and iIe#th. Plat-. bu. n. tomoblie and Worklng. Se. Hiu Before Placimg Your Insurance Phome 154R ti-: Ubestyvfle, IIL 0OmrDoeer'sDeug Sore WELL DRILLING a WB PBI youte ie t.u0. MJMIERMAN & DOLAN ZION CITY ehPoe173-W rBNRSTOW MANUPACTURER OP Marble and Granite Monuments Cemetery Wor k of Ever, Description qorrepondence SolÈcltc. 116 Genesee SI a Tot I 'HI corp rear tat seul abe aI pose cor taxe $1,1 611A Tl ty f to1 pl for and ýlmBERTYVlIDlfl4»N1m4. ~IOtMDÂy. MRTRY . wi Wauikezan. Lake Forest and ghland Park, both for tiIs year i last year: 1-915 1917 %Vaukegan-...-$3,717.015 .1.4 Lake Parat .. 3355,391 3,39,335 Highliand Park 2.584.411 2455,722 Followlng la the total tate, cr-i- ty and county bond tax for this year ,a Tatie IIELD FOR EVAD- hJNEj DRAFT; ALSO UNDER MANN ACT DR. 1. L TAYLOR 1918 1917 Samuel Brodstack, his WIfe State tax ..$ 191,49E.63 $226,538 r, OffSin hFrt Nalionm a" Bé uildins )Oaunty tax 183.84668 17997:93 Says, Llved in Waukegaw-, aovuus-l tO 8:30 sud 7 10 8 P. M. Co. bond tax 51.007.56 4q.935.-.ý with "Girl in the Case." *addocsun Boaday, ppoite aru The total lova taxes lu Lake coun-___ Unetyia. iluais, ty this year r 1.188.Téta- FACTS ARE SENSATIONAL. __________________________tai rosd snd bridge tax lu the coun- DR.GOLINGlais$136.804.06. The total high Saînuel Broadttack, aged 33, utnd DE GOLDING se~aluaol tlinluthé county ta $270.92b, Nl.- -y ge 3,hvebe DENTIST q2. Of this arnount $15,493.86 ta lu Mi'sNeeCuy gd2.hvbtn goures8 &0 12 a.M-1 tu 5 Pi. thé non-bigh achool district lae ud- rMa t aurns, cta Over FIrot National Bauk Thé total gruvel taxes lu Lake coun- éd %wth a violation et the anA O0es Phone 19-J, fiesé. Phone 157-J. ty are $68.768.63. disotrictctof hédrat lTh Ulbertyvlle. Illinois Thé total city and ditic chool, couplé are ailegéd ta have lived l - t., !;n the caunty amotilts 10 42- Waukegan at one time.1 CHS.N.STPIEN, . . 164.78S. Thé twa vent- arrested followiug a C HAS N. N STEd SOM. TD. . s-. ,, tional expcose on thé part of 1;:, d--ta i11 avSla $912 - - .nte th dise- i. the.1. i in.F-ritl., stere. Eyu, Est, N.îm, Tht-ot i 9.2as compared Lu $ la li e sk re Iiy hlm lu forierII * he-r xv.. exameies for Gia"s. year. -wr ib.aetpeciLcra!frbs ou elb eor estCo el. -10D s Ube-,trrmfe. The w o! éf xténding thé taxe,-, chîld. __________________________has bteu completed sud thé book-' 1. Its alleged by thé vife lu th-t-c hase been t.îrned over to CotUlitNs- couplé 1.fi, for Wauki.gan, whére DR. O. F. BUTTERFIELD. Treaçurec Roy lracher who I turn- theY lv-i for ýcnie time. later n - VETELUAI SUREON d nuspeclve town books over t0 ing to Kenosha, Minneapolis. SLt Paut. hi dfiretdeuterthochiu Lr Elgin and Aurora. oui>- ia..t nmoth asuaTau sTvi arsisÂisé- (i ruiff. nt dès (if th- pi mn .t I a baby 'sas born. LlATbTAE VyUs.[hInAiMS. coin La * r i,-es o f he 1.11.,1 lu inAurura tée -lusband clainied ____________collet ting to-t-s î aready tù start lIxempltion and Nliss ,CurY la said-Lo 1 -.*d: o Mah j' iè; ,îned au afiav it ctaimingiiat DR. A. G. CAMPBELL è - e-,lj s.- hic %çaî 10 lconne a mollier. A Vcteinar Detîsid'fe nîpt--. . f tto eart 't1- i suit lrodta, k 'sas placoil iun(tas LdU Llsery Stble LiIqt>slk,1I. covn t f the- taxpaYtrý. to r. The arrest of thé couple at _______________ Auroris caused a sensation. vantersa. Lake Fre-; Antiiocé Kenoha T ihe arr,c t la0f tspécial luteresl t ane. SPIT AI. I ad thr ltLili,, ni-btcause of Ltue avowtd adlseeOSPITAL À MOST lntîention'of th,- governealto fercet ELHANAN W. COLBY C FR IL P C.A Ipunish the violators accordiugly. Attonney-at-Law 0mS teab Eume, Cook Ave. phone 168-j LIBERTYVILLE. -ILLINOIS. LYELLIL MORRI ATTOREv-AT-LAW Libertyville . Illinoig Luce.SuUdiai. am. taa55-. Omee Ph 'bue 1, PAUJL MAC GLIFFIN. ATT!ORNEY At LAW. ,l.bertyvlle, Illinois naowmse8 MARTINC. DECKER ê,T-roavaY-AT-LAW 807 Wahington Street VAUKEGAN., - ILLINOIS Offi.. Phone 84S ame Phone 1860-R Dt HIERBERT RANKIN STRUTIIERS PtIYSICIAN AND SURGEON Pho U8 ORAYSLAKE UIIOS FOR SALEI OCm lO-foo, all-marble. silver. trimmed work board for soda fountain. Two 6-foot, glass, floor Ca$es. Orne 6-foot top case. Vive 3O4inch. nmrble-top tables, wirh chairs attached. One I 2.foot maliogany prescrip- tion Cas". Orne Fhotwater u. Wil feil the entire outfit for $500 if taken in 30 days ittIC'CLyELAND INue Co. Thle Rexa2 Store Cor. Mdim&" dGe..aeeSu W,%UKEGAX L. Wmt ,fre Iwo. eM 0% la the ilbm UUMNDENT rush lemS prs.. - - M- -1 1 i, éxp-cted tiaIt edrai offIcare il ore to Waukegan to Investigate SUE IDÀ G RRION t'he charge Lirai, l<rodstack and the wonan réside-s litre for a timne a- this doubtlssa wil prove an important A Visit to Fort Sheridan Shows link int thé chain of évidence. Victims Dont Notice Brodstack. Lthe Waukégan policé The Wounds. ,,ay, conducted a jitney busInWu kégan aI the lime hé lived hum. Hé -WILL HOUSE 4400 MEN. vas arrested on a chargé ot havlog - - itoit-n a j-et of ires tramt a sialled 'Ahoasptl.' said the- doctor. "I-i, autamobile (belonging tô Dénver one- of thé most cheerful pflaces on Coursen. Brod&tack could not he estt." couuec ted up vzth thé robbery sud The doctor wvsshowing v 1 rwas disctiarged. about Base Ho"Ital N-o. 28 at Fortý A report tram Arora today vasi Siheridan, trampng what seetueti t that thé Miss Nelle Curry lu the case le mlles of covect-d passage was S la a former Wauikegap young voman. connecting the vantous bulldIng- mess houses. supply stations, oilice buildings. gymnasioma, vorli shope. LARdVL A WAS choola. Tht-me vas thé ocinud of A EVL hammeing wtere earprnters ver.- M N C D YFR puttlng thé asét boards an uew istruc- M N D Y E Ltut-es. Thé creani-colored brick of the oId buldings 'when Fort Sir-ri- dan vas a garison post uhawed hère U D Y A IM and thére among thé multitudinow. nev haspitai buildinga of wr-ad vith thir coating o! slate-coored ire- Hooper Building, a Two Store pt-ont peint.. ffiBrst oudI It dld appt-ar a cijeerful place,' tor AfaBuet rudn- L fthé 2.300 vounded men belng "e Spite of Firemnen. ca.nslructed" théné ail are given cotrs- es lu morale, and morale IncludesVOUTESF HT EL cheerfulot-ss. If tht- visitor dop.a not OUTESFC W L -penetrale too tam into thé varda bu nalght gain the- Impression thal t I Thé 1111e village of Laie Villa vas v as ual a baspital at ail. Théeina- araused to keen seule of excitemcist jorlty of vanEs are covéere by uni- early Suuday moruing vbéu thé ire foratm. and for thé moet part thé Va béll aroused prscülcally every villIag- tient. mot-e hriskly snd tali cbeerfly, er and called out thé voluteer are and are as caretul ef théir attire as departmnenî. A store bulding mméd tht-y were bitons lhey bcd expérience by Bort ilooper. one of tisé principal of Boche hulais sud gas. But thé buildings lu the village wvu'a mags 14 vounds are tht-ré. uevertheless. of fiamt-s when thé vounuteét- lire This vas na oméor apparent than ighters, hauling thé oIE tovu baud théevtitiug ciasa, viacre théecrs epuinp, arrivéE! an the seme. > nov sixty members. Nol eue appear- Thé Charles Kefler- restaurant vas ed ta hé vaundéd, yet Inquiry dis- loratéd ou thé gruud floor of 1'hé closéd that lu eacb case tbe vrltiug framé building. Thre alarin vas tur- at-m vas useléss for practically so. éd lu at 31A, M. Théelit-meu at-ny-. sud they vêeeIearnlug ta write with td véry shartly aftterard but thé tthe aternaIt- nimber. On a nearliy lire had obtaIned mch a statt y that bulletin huard vers pasted spécimens ime that ail efforts to, ave thé hluld- of their vurk, somte ot I excellent. Ing wvee i valu. Thé building but-fl aud al prrféctly légîbie. Il tas adiEéd in thé gouzd. tbat in such cases thé nev penman- The finsmen dinected considérable sbip fir fi-quentjy béter than the oaid attention ta nving an adjainlug huilE. lu another mt-nomvauded men Iug and sunceedéd deepité thé tact véré iear-ning commercial art. Tht-me that the intense béat caums etai vere many postors ou thé vals that of the windows-'ta crack. Déépité wovuid do crédit toas poter ex'subi- the éxtr-cie est-hue-usof the boum a tIon. Ont- of tht-m remtudud the be- big uhare of the village population 'lioldér Ibit -(Onee-C-ted;AlwaYs ,turné oustta tt-és thé ilite. Thé 3 lléPü-cued - At a lt-n.- la',, it- tLd a';fe oftht- marei-bas not yul hi-(nu vlth tclezraph ln-trimentg eag- discov'-med. BUNLARS 'JIMIIY' I TfY fiA $000 phbt hOeauistYetr nUrg raslllg a dozen lads. von lnvecting 901M TO D F AY thé internai ecouomy 0of a diamant- led motot-cycle. There vareana RUNIfiEXPENSES hn-dd antdbynmesl -dier ftutiot and lIsolée Jula ai Tax of $1 l2,73V85 to cThpehie th fend:et F&wu7b be Collected Here; to Start with4,400 beds. ît la commnded by Collections at Once. CoL W. N. Bispam, me mdical corps ________of the regular army, vhile recon- strution wark la directed by Mal. I.UATION IS HIGlIER. Fred P. Reagle, of the sanltary corps ________ ho was tormerly assistant superlu- b. city of wau;e;;.n this year tendent of schools at Motelair, N. Il bave 330,000 more te apend for J. seine 6o subjectsamar taught, lu- *porate purposes than Il did last cluding poultry raising, ineohaiiic*. r, owIng to thé tact that thé lty agriculture, eléctt-ical engineeriflgta- t e nov la $2 on the $100 as- day making pt-lting, tailoring. ciao med valuation isutesd of $120 ". repairin%, automobile diving phq. retotore. The total amount s'rail- tography, aiun painting, inovie oPer- se ths year for corporate put-poses atleu, drating, ,éiov card writing and $7440 as compared to $$4,50 art metai vork. yeayee Thé total tax for city Pur, The hospital work la divided ltt seà Waukegan this year la $112.-tirée grand divslona-surgical, medi- .85. The total tex for ail pur- cal and laboratory. E1ch la ln 5eu ln Waulcegan isa3$U052215 as charge of an expert. *ith a staff of rpared te $348,702.41. The total seciallts. Co. Bispham alnd that ces for Lakce contt this year are the buildings were practically fire- 755,699.66 as com2pareti ta $1,7.M1,- px-oof anti bult like ail other base .96. horitalis constructed since thé var. 'hé total valuation for lcke court Thé inténior walls are ail of lire- for 191R la $25704.516 as compared proof board, vhlch 11. la sald wouldý $24,967,458 ln 1917. not disintégrate even If placed ln a Pollowing are the total valuations turnaee. Thé Rubîn Robbcry. Nîr. and Mra. Rubin dlscovered their robbéry when tht-y t-tturued home aftr having takén dinnér at thre boini.-o! rieuds. Tht-y found a wlndav lJimrnléd" sud thé rt-ar door open. Ht-rt-, a'ý ai théeMendee home, Plat- éd vare . a,, discardéd. Thé fallow- ing aitieI, vêt-e ta*st-u: One di zen teaspoons. Two t3ti> necllaces. One baby bracelet. Pair gctd cuff links. SreéArticle@ Overfooked. Iu botir home thé thleveu ov6rlO3k- 0e inany articles of value. A gold vatch and s pair or gold cuff lina vert- Ieft lu a dravwer at thé Héndeé haine althaug it wuvaseasy to hé set-n that thé thiévés bcd bt-en there. 'Ibère vas an Indication that Pur- lisps théy mlght have been frighteu- cd avay béfore they lad oomplétely ovét-hauled everythlua. To Make it Unawful To Have Boeze at Home Meentatluve amet Oftbýi Thlrty-lftth Distict intraduced a hlMý at lapzlugeld, Mklng il a miade-ý meanor 10 have MM tr ua bouse i ani-aloon tetrltoB'7. The bill provMdue Ibt authoritiés' villi neces" ry pr m ar c*aae~ hornes suspectéor xkeeipingliquor. Thé penalty -la 350 te $500 Sas sMd 30 dayé ta JaS. TWO LAIELAIE FOREST DEAS MK TuE WEEKS SALES' As a Whole Business WaS Rather Olulet TlWughout CO. In RealtyMOVeMnts LOANS TOTAL BUT 52,OOG. Dy A.Ir. Beves. assistanst s-le- tary oecurity Title & Tract CO. Business 01théeRét-erd'c offic for théevési sefflm FebrUSrY 22. 1919. Nimber of coyave#.oé, 77. Number of ébattél motg-gaé, 15. Number or trust dedia-d mort- Total numbet- or instruments *éd, TRA VL TO0HICAO ORILAUR mia the NORIN SHIORE LUNE Use the North Shore lîne on your trips fromn Libesiyvillcta Chicago or Milwaukee. It is the speedy, safe and economnical way. Modernly equipped, fast. limited trains take yoês there quickly. You reach the heart of Ch-icago on Milwaukee in plenty of time for a f ull days activity and get back toLibertyville in good time the sarne evening. LIIITED SERVICE TO CHICÀ60O AND L11M1TEDSERVICETO LIBERTY VILLE IILWAUKEE Trains leave Evanston at 6:19 a. Trains leave Libentyville eveny m. and every hour thereafter un- hour froan 6:25 a. m to 11:25 p. tii 11:19 P. M. m., making close connections at Tan ev iWue al i Lake Bluff junction witli the flotti Tan e Mlakedya bound Milwaukee limiter! tran 5:45 a. m. an-d every hour there- and every bout- froin 6;5a. mn. after until 9.45 p. mn.; then 11: 15 ho 1 1;55 p. mn. connecting with P. am. On Saturday afternoons, south-bound trains. On Saturday Sundays and Holiclays there is a afrernoons, Sundays and Hoidays train every 30 minutes. there is a train every 30 minutes. DIN!G CARS-leav*Lake Bluff PRO ASlaeLk for Chicgô ait 1: 14p. m.and 7:14 Bluff for Chicago ai J1: 14 a. m p. mn. Leave for Milwaukee ah and 4:14 p. an. Leave for Milwau- 12:53 p. m. and 5:53 p. an. kee at 9:53 a. m. and 2:53 p. m. A 30 minute seieim naintained on the Libertyville Brandi between Are& and Lake Bluff, anaking connections with both north and south bound local and express trains. For further information apply té thé, negrest Office of the NoRýhISHIORE ULNE3 66 v.. Admu Seîtc tissu Cumulsi M Libertyvile rus.e«« siies lisse. iberyrvils 74 Milwaukee lW Sued St-et Phce% Ct-sudIL46 ~ANCEINTO 2 NOM flsu-E IMES Muoh Lbot la Obtained at the Home 01 Co. Clerk Rende; A. M. Rubin Home Robbed PROFESSIONAI. POLICE SAY. ReliSons showlng s decidedly dis- crmlInating taste for sterng, clIver. varésud 1011E gold jéelry , but OP111'iig plateci varé, entered tva Waukegaa omes éarly Uuuday, ove- ni«g. Bath rablieries yen, t-éported to thé VOIS«é uhotlty aifer 9 oclock. The homeé, entened êt-e: U A. IENIDEE, 632 North County stnjet. A; M. ]KUBIN4, 132 Gillette avenue. Thse Mendese Robber. Couuty Cleni and Mits. Hénde vent te Chicago Saturday evening Sud upent the niglit with triends. When tbey art-fred home early Sunday éve- *Iu gtlsey found thé front door stand- ing aba. ' This arouaed theit- suspi- cions. Thése vert- conflmmed a mo- meut latér wben tht-y ilashed on the lîgiat in thé dlning roani and suiv évI- dences of thé robbe-y. Dravers vêt-e piléE about on thé looer whéré the rohhers had lef t them after goins through them very caretully. No plated vare bad bt-en taken. Thé fallovlng articles of sterling ilver vêt-e taken: Bélveen six aud- séven dozen tes- spoons. Oue dozen for-. Elght ualad fort- Tva dozen odd piégea. Six ovstert- Ions. Thé follovlng articles 0f jévelry vêt-e takén: Gué gold bracelet. String of gold beads. Strng of coral beada. Thnee rIngs-One with tva mlbles. One vîta amethyst snd pearl, anc oue blgh schoal ring. Tva wedding cit-s brlongiug ta Mrs. Heudeé's mother. One coaaI campo. Taree tickpn.s rab c.ameoe and a lion'. head. One pearl ht-aoch. One gald locliet. A large part of thpi-lvetr vas coin- prlsed of wedding presente recéived by Mr. sud Mm. FHend,P Thème also vas a large nuni!---r of souvenir spoons vhic hthe lenilees have heen collecting for se- r;--iýara. Sanie of the jp-welry vas ru'id, as heirloonis. Mr. Ileudee toda, *xpressed thé opiti- ion that tht- robbry must have bt-en comni'tted a t ime bt-fore he ar- rived honme forchi says thé bou.ce ws varin aud héfIgures8 this would utt bave 1.-in f' e ta e with the-d- open unie.-ý *. ro.uhc-.rs had Ieft but a short ;.r-bt-fore. Trhé f.,ct 'batthé rohbers i "Jni miéd' tI e rirlor window and thén unlock(d both the front aud rear dooro convrr.'s the police that tht- thît-ses w-r.- professionals. The police have béen supplied vlth a list of thp stolen articles and have %skéd thé co-opt-ration of the police ot Cblcî.mn and the north shore. Total amonat of loans. $61,100>. Business has bedu rallier quiet, witi> bas about th. average. Thse folovin gare-the more Im- parlat dm1l.. la Wankegan:- Ida Petenson bought a lot on south ades Rldgeland ave., ,go@& ofCoaty et,. for Indieated 11000,.4180 tvo lots onu$stIqaie North ave., north of Ridgeland avé.. for indleated $1500, troin A. Ir. Beau- bien. luLake Forest- John J. MItchell, Augustine L. Humes and Charles 9. leraas»joint tenants 1.00k titi.- to théeFlnley Barréll éstate o about 16 acres on saut aidé Sherida Road sud Rozemary ave., for considératin of $179,000. rit la uudét-atood the pro- perty la botight hy Dlore Angol. 'fathon 0f Deflora Augoîl héireas ta thé greater part of thé 838.000,000 es- taté of Mrs. DeUot-a R. Gaie«. Masos Phelpe, prosident of the Phec U Mg.Co.. bough the Wmn. C NiihLack property on Deerpath avre., hait a mile veut of Lake Fat-ent, coin-, prlaing 5 acres amd s ton rom buse for Indicated consideration of 145,- 000. Rosalind M. Pincofs hought the Elisa J. <ould lot on- sorti> %Ide Sheridan Road. seat- IMinois ave. for lndlcsted $5,000, subject bteucu- br-u«. Ralph R. Bradley bought thé Quayle place ou loi 35, R»ee Terrace froin John Griflith for- indicated $3040. in Highland Park: Fpred 1). and Flora M. Porter bought 32 ft. on eoutb side Cary are.. bast veut of Sheridan Road, tram Chatles J. Blocki for $1500. inu Libprtyvlll Village: Mande E. "mdy bonglit the S. 8. WIhéelér lot et northveat corner Broad-way snd 6tli att-set, for nominal oansidetatiou. _Wm. H. Pet@rsen teck tItle tramn John G. PetaM$sa te 100 fI. ow-90eb aide Uncol nave.. veut of Stewart ave. sud 100 MI. on nortia idé Lincoln av@. émit of Stewart are, for nominal coný sideration. lu Lfbetyville Tovushllp: Maudo B. Pt-udy bought thé S. 8. Wheeier estat. tarin of 118 11acres. south ut road lu Sec. 20. for Indicated 17500. Budolpi> P. Sciatec ois tletra thé hein, ta thé Schreck estats fat-n of go acres lu S. W. 1-4 Sec. il, for Iudicated $10.00. in Lake Villa Tovnshilp: Otto W. Lehmann bonght thé Henry Eleinc property lu Etigovater Park otnd. lands la seca. 1 and Se for lndicatd $10,000. In Laie Villa: Raymond Il.Sioýr vood bought a piece of land ln N. W 1-4. Sec. 4, froin thé Lehmann estéLte for $2700. la East Antiocb: Josephine Har den hougbt a lot 180 by 200 fi. In N.E 1-4. Sec là, on Fox Lake Rond froin0$M. 1'red lirden and others for nominal Cathierine Gibbons and husWad t* constderation. l.0f« Evert, 1 acre la N. W. 1-2. Sac. lu West Autioch: Fred J. Witt 34, LlbertgvIl. QO», 3IL baugbt a plue of land on uorth aidé AUttutâ Spltchs& snd hubà go Fox River rosE and veet of Undes A. Ir. gBesite.lobs il and 14. b»l& Rond ant<lhanneli Laltebridge fron 10. Wankefaa Righblands, North 01Cli- Josepha gavage for nominal consider. cago, QCD, $10. &tien à ~ . .Deasblern and wvîet. tIdaPo - la Warè»4 Edwad DVrIs t on, lot 10, Dlfsttsa Subdlv. and bougiat the Mary McCullough fat-m of Lots 5 and 8, Pearson. Utile and"d 125 acres lu Secs. 13 aud 14, at Our- rogals lub.. Waukegan. WD, $1. 1. née, froin the hêtre for $18975. J. C. Peterson sud vite te W. H. Petersoin, lot Il. block 1, Kuebker'I REA Tr RA#FERU s" " otlnConty Caren Suli., Peb. 14, 1919. John Griffth sud vite te R. R. Grame B. Luudstrom sud buaband Bradl »elt . UW», 38 rae ta Augusta 11. Matthovs, lot ai Drucé He For me s d vf t . .lA sudkef.to HeA.ma y, line andb.,W Sithc. 3,W. lAn- Carl Thorkison ad*rll e hocA enKline,* su faln setad ,. eAt- iondahl, lit 3. block 1, Saylea Sub. Wl), 310.an a g.e egt st Fox TAke, QC $10. W,$0 I. Il. Mller and vite te J. F. Mer, Hart-y Bot-ns-teoO. W. Lehmann, or ndwie,91.-.acesln ec. lily 8. block 6. line& Sub, lu Sec. and 17, Warren Twp. , 10. 8$I . S'W.* Autiocia Tvp., WV. $1600.* 1 Peb. le, 1919. C. J. Stock anid vite te P. D. r W. F. Hagan ta e wIs and Emilo ter aud vif., part lot 75, Raviela Ont. Part of lot 32, Hlgbvood . W WD 10 J. B. Léeh andvte te J. F. Over MARRIAGE LICENSES sud vite, lot 15, Coleu Subdivision, Zion Cty, IQCD, 1si . Herbert Joués, Monu City, 20;, hue > Pcb. 17, 1919. A. McDavéIL mamn, 1à. G. S. Parmer sud vite ta Ellen G. Béni. Erobîn, Milwaukee, 22; Hel1- Hanks, lot 42 and N. 9 1-8 ft. lot 41. en Schvabé, saine, 18. blàc<i 4, Wiuthrop Harbor, W», 310. iTbos. Bunte, Shobygau, 24; Th- 1 Clara H. Bértram n sd busband te t-ren lernberger. taine, 24. John Griffith, lots 17 and 18. block; Charle Psah. Milwaukee, 26; Ruase 9, Bartlett's Sub., Lake Forest, NVD, Oswald, acmé. 24. î310. nart-y Rernié, Great Lakes, 22; 1 Bertha Bur-ns and huaband, et .I. Sadie Shorris, Chicago, 20. te R. P. Schneck. notth80 acres 9. Jas. Untervegér. Milvauke. 6; W. 1-4 Sec. 11, Lîbértyvillé Twp..,l>l Marie Pranzél, arne, 21. il. 1 Arthur- G.. Feidkmp, liden. Wis.. t Ellen J. Gould and hushand te o;- vi 22; Ruth llartrwél., sains, 24. slind M. Pinoéffs. part of Lot 23, Lake Emi l Arsen. Keainea, 23; Marian Forest. WD, $10. 1Merrltield, amé. 23. Ethel H. Whéelér and hushaud te Joseph J. Mday. RarinP, 37; Louiaé Mande E. Frudy. lot 1, block 2q), Helm, i.mme, 40. Wright's sdd. toeI..ibertyrille aud iEdw Fuchs. Itipon., 28: En- tract of land Ili Sec. 20, Libérty'-llle, telîs Stellinacher. lame. 20ý TvP, IDeéds. $20. Carl Brink. Camp Grant. -7: Rag- C. A. Newoomb, Jr.. ta John And-.nma A. lagnuson. lIghland P5ar,,2,. kolatis. lot 10, block 71. North hCh- Wm. A. Mfeyers, Milwaukee. 36. cage. Dééd. #1200. C'atherine Sweeeny. same. 26. Pcb. 18, 1919. Aanilcare Arcuri. Raciné. 25; Elisa Jeanne, Johnson ta Grace W. Bar- IRlcchio, same. 18. L-mil. lot 220, Léke Forent, QCD, $1. Frederick Dfi mît-m, Town Froent iDt. of E. J. Lhnut uaFab-o; Christena M. Bêhmn. Waukégan. er. lots 16 and 17, block "A" Lake 21. Vla, WD. $400. Chas. .Wlo.Fepn.3;Mr L. J. Osmnd and vite ta M. D. llisr adison. Wlsq. 39. ICampbell and vite, lot 1. block 2, Na- KarI A. Hoppél. Milwaukee, ID; bers Bub., Autioch, WD. 3Un. Marlan tC. Milites. saine, 18. 1 G. H. Burnett. et ai. te J. M Phil- Clustay Elsvarth. Milwauke, 23; Iliîî, Iota 16 and 17 and 19. block 2.1EtpCok,&e2. Burntt'aAdd te 4LkeVila. W, jdw. J. Ryan. Chic-ago 4,;. Matîl- $450. da.G..Itorgeean. sari-. 40. Feb. 19, 1919. Pro 13. WaIent'-r. North.Chîcago, W. C. Foate-r and vite te Enmms 20; Clara Wingl'-r. -anl(, . M. Surnerlski, E. 1.1 bloec 18. Me- Sherinan E. Wickwie, Great Lalios iKay's lxîd Add., Wauk.-gan. QCI3. 21; Lucille Oldhami, By>ron, Ili., 19. Detaili DEDIC Détal terdell seats, hs ter'.NIT gyle ÊtI ftom th divi-lonr young 1 met dei 'iliat 419FOI.laI eatl ng Quoi G'-ori talion, divistin gonnle thé Isec and-adi Uon of ater ai bour, w deadly Ver ot tory of 'duty ot lhues (j vauce f1 Totté-r taehmez Brigade vlth ti of olir vari îî fir i2" ni.. %i 2728 '

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