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Libertyville Independent, 27 Feb 1919, p. 7

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i.-'--' e Ths Rusecreis bandi enterlelueti atm Mliturn ri Fiti ' venlug. Ut. Henni 1tu lm ,T " " ve ar a .ag o Ny.ýL ar W as lsely am odt R T-r v i c UnTIS 1 11Wn u w m u L A I îvLIIg ob - Vq»A Mil.EâramtDOO» avea Snis d VU M» o thebilg mon et Chi.- ParatywnthbbishomebIn boin dolnestht Oa LIEN RESIDENTS FIGURE INGOME TAX FENDS MEN AT <iT. mon' ~~~~m u bv Zra . HOUIZION !S booateinsh0I nétdh .fma IuXP lia.dà whMid6 blbrtbday S.turdoi. Corones W ad Pttwo eaO00 fC aos Ur. d Un '.a SevraifTOn BEi PAVUI) attSOONthe r. iâWeromr eMdn. fmes CTIlED SOON Squarely Up to Every Individual, AXES; NO FAVORS *oved te> the. John pub boum and Ur. Amnu isle Monday. Rouy Dietiejer _____ red thiehonne, for the carpet which to Qet Busy by March 15 1 Limerwt îb.'> Mr. Dixon In the store.boiltacwan tesIth iciy ho sold atm froan the' Palmer store' or Suifer Penalty. No Millionaire Club in Exst- Biese Tabor of Columbus, Ohio, bougbth ow n ter Diisvent Zion City Councli has Declded Urt. Lister wau aise sald to bie a per" GovernMent WiIl Check UP Onl-ec tSato ept e oba. e bavn aforaoWgbiaedlut ee 84ho M . J. P. Dawson tiaves titis wek for fo o L av r k n S rec 05 r1004 0f Marhall Feld ad E ey l eandn S e"Don't watt untith t ntl due date. n e, t to e pt e Walvn urebrhm l ie akMt ter oisert Cii, idrTht axisPadMardi lâth, for paying your Tincorne: ports to Contrary. lm7 te bis relative antSIlver Lake. bebosn's asMlb of Good Ra.Wle itr h lewae e a axi Pi.Tex and making your return. Avoîfi P. B. afberWoocdspont Wedesdey and 5yj¶1Tlcousin of Lord LUsier or Ptigland, the the lait mitrtUt lii. Âny persanncari Existence of a "millions~ e de? Tbaradoy luI begll. J DG BAILES IS T START WORK SHORTLY. surgeon Who dlscovered .anehetic,. WILL BE VERY THOROUGH. fiure out bis llabillty today as well as nt Great Lakes Naval Station, » U. metOeadoJohnanTh failly Vas very ________ lyhs.can next week, anid If there la ariy cbttrged Tburaday. vas dened tir Umt s reet ibedo nt, u dycounectedl lu EDS"and aridpVn 00w Point on whIeb he néëeds adIt t.lhe van promînent ILake Fore.st résidents lust K.eetbShe4~n ~ Satrey TOCLE N M lEiKI TÇie t..o-mle trip of rond uhicli the Damie Lister Meana coniaderabte There 19 every Indication thaft i énow get In touvli willi a Ree noue nan." night. Dihi n Snlk .1cez wtbMs.T CLÀNN HE us tbrougb ZIon City, and whfch In the Brlii ta les. ftnme l.9fnot far distant when a round. This word of d c la thiîg gîven The charge quoted "a fedoral q., gbfl oihs lsev8fallJ he ub-wen completed yl connect up the A TOtp vîlI ha made fIn Wauk'egan to out by Internai iBevcîue men. lRe- cdal' t the effet tha. atter jet*" Bouse CO.FLJ1 OfII U rieurfamous ChlchgoMflwaukee coni- vsutusermine how many aiana thc-, r'aeturne snd ptt3tenis itre bnîg tol- the Davy, wealthy ment s siTL9ba R.A.Dogls Potth weken n cee on, s lklyt g troig- NURED 5,IN UT ho have flot paidthpir lncorn' mx tected inIllois bylte folltwilitg Col- "land saJIorn" anid rie\ r wCnt ta seaç home bere shortly. At a recent meeting of the or who hava, flot *aken oumtit-lir Coillectors of InternaiI tevenue. "Ail Keen for Service." .'1 apr NwZIon clty couricIl, a board o! local f RA CE rat naturallzation papers. T'p' te Jullus F. Siiuîjetitka. 'Sa far a% my Px-erlenca g61% mi" marie.ale ot weelk e enew ony ug d ha m W. t wsfrmd lt a-the present lime the govarnment men Edward tD. lM('zi,e. among friand, who have enllstpd Ila cope0 Impts eke h AeY BidPg Ms es n roW.v.aen vas !o rm awltCRAMaiIN FRANCho*have,,bean worktng bore havo,;d - John L. Pickering. thbe navy or elsewhsire, whethtr rilb oue. Bl ntPs" Must Cle.aAlermend chafl linaard h oted the majority of their time te John M. ,Rapp, or neot, maî'id or unrnarried. af ILL. Wad was t Wanke"ofland mMs loe lemen hisbrdnrya.geranPi. à WIIIONE KILLI3D checking Up on aliens who are oui- Every aid of thelr offices and fild eemed lmpelted hi' atriotic motivee rasg, nbenesTedaY te_____ mem erthheIpovrd vas ofaaSher- ployed In the factories-it le -aId forces ta bcbg Igven treely ta the and keen for actle ervice." sald Ur. and Uts. Potter entertlned rois* Judge <C. P. a rnes iiim the yenh idan linail wth a tcotcrete pavement Leu * evn * hat they seaui vili turnthetr ai-publie. AtirT ii.~y finsB tii-e frou' los a aven8u.lay. In the counti' court has declared LWia ohrl~lipoe ents Lesa.trO nii.tito taalns!h reflong BthTine Tai rion wlil floturT. Laes. ho fail te ete lire. Chas. Martin Wu a uKenoshla the titt cHenri' counti' muai elîmin- In the way o! aldewafls. and posibly land Park Suffers Crushed other occupations, pull jour door-bell or your i-ut telle, service were greatty dl-zippolntel." ties hibeseiosae certain .Wet spots, vhere taw the pavlng of other treeta. The heat part of It att t,; that 1h' accordig to the <'ollector's ttflhunUI J. .Ogden Armaursaltd he dldn't pat vssk, clild teeb henlobviolations havesbeen se fréquent as Leg and Fractured Arm. allens hrougbt the conditioni on th.i- nment. Il la squareîy Up 1ta 'eite' nl oy of an instance tI whtch a Ulm"e cf ber alier. Ur@ts.hng UCa&nn. tema.e then noioi'tous and that the vJames J. Craig, an expertencesi sur evs -eIcrn___as_____iultefgr otheow a' o rmie o ýir th Huzriernt IS IN EVACUATION HOSPITAL ta the alana for the lest sevaral yî-arý ta gel huayI' f ho cornes wtltln lie duty eingl' Monday. Pstakee Bay, et Johnsburg, utlygaged ta malte a prelmInari' 5urvey but thai' vire granted thesaluéePx.scorte of lt the o Itevenue lttW. d "MajollnglybteAm. B. A.. WitoatireddamfcetlgOltlis and wherevsr they have been ln oper- antd IfInle eeed that ho vîilbe iu.Lst Lvn1on'fSmelepln ivn Aeia cîz,4Di11 snThsMc?' aj ofetta Inte Aritiy aon lk Prodicpr'sasac n t IElgIn a&tinmust enad. And they muai end able ta furnt"li completed drawlngs LentHILse r jewii on aue le tatt, nmarrladmecn were ou,l Deid Yumarhi aeon sho ret.Mfet' ntg tn Mna.nov. the cenrty court jurttblas saad In twc veake'iie iLein igladmare.weor hhaoha t,]dmrrhame Fra suley nmrredpcieni o egeleuuaoranufitet uaa ee alonday. Eeryhody wilbe glad t héar thatclose cal tedeath lu Fritnre récantly taxed on amounts under $.00pur celed tIncone averglig $192à a waek gns th trhofay Uc whastatmasbui in an automobile In whîch lha wae year and married mien had exepi durrig 11918 anid eseryin rarrleut coupleaais th tnt o! oy uh Cor>. Paul King, eho bas heen lu wilh an .a Pm l ta m ats hua- e rio it y cu l a ta tih-ag ato w c rih ore lemac ve nThe m aorty.'t Francs sDnce August 117, bas returned nae tha Zion Citi'.Co Cubche octenu t $,09).Tun h wr'ii-wh Jita taekl ncmeaergigg h hae e freInteonm. "Everone o thas b ude. 1,in te adtr goTihe ro eut 4 ci . staff, betyeen the iawnq of Djon and atang and thealatens In the mawrîi $3850 a week ehîulîd acoresetonceNo golngt bc te he sadcteosade ."p dwatad1stItèlied I. adtaveracrFru Jun chFr cch rt tyyof o! e aca.tas aeecaptlarst l, tha Il Ameroon.Chiagoat 60u1 Dot la active srvice for@sanie "anid closed tigbt anid *ept dewl 1s2lt soec"'7.on.tntIth ilrs »i fekFr,11( onyadmyro iý o(.t e monube. ftosed. lina Ir esothen o adovtmrned. klt'tng ,an ordacly ot laiming exemption an sreueihuka îakFrti10A ore nimyo !L'- Fr.t e teevenIft Ibs court bas ta aend a cpi- fMan»,tondteaii, r eg f-aso rn ntnl n nuIgohrcu.«oundit e nd yIlnelctien 1 nht eri ta an hîeltt e [le nucd .tecaIeasiiuos A. bome.comcg parti vas hld et tscll heitff ta waîch thea ors O! eaeb ioi.onteWxkaan1"aî o r me-cm- instan he a d étauins oftheaicui- oothe totry. his Ioarlint ti,u Tat fnt cdîta n'î e itln fo ît.iloucd -h hageatrdtgloS ba this veek Wededai evenIitria f0tham and a clmninal lnformati<.n Plete. wl tl e eaxcePtuin cfthe or IfthéLevin. Tii. aedathei or the acor-eo! nht ceunIr'anhiut lalaii te hae ontrsotnrned soldersandeaalors. Parti. yl he fled M5ntit- uaci one o! tliia titrea shrt stripR. The- manv aille- dent have just heen rerelved hi' te hea the tas trwad iagouri orctt rtnie tîil ytaxIta r lar.for the thInge thai' have tiona In t .'ié a ta -l from Churare l ~- Highlan~dPark mai n a letîterfrom ment avdntl i' ac that îtré Thb. iew reqoîras il-ut asu-ry ofmar- If co"ank. os ieto ewaiIhs îî t1bis son whoc le recoraring tram his vas noria son why tîtase men itq atou i ~ wu ti not !LlII ALM Tb# primary deprtimentof the 9unday Pont-itae rond. In fViele hpints iInjuries ln an evacuallon heepîtal lu ha treated wtth consiederation. Sin-- re esnwh i-ý ,ý noeo ebool viii ulve a Moîbet anoée ptay aet 'The occasion thai calleti forth thialiit h oiI in hp lFrance. ihen the tax bas hean lmoio n ,whoroer adeîve nu a 20redpr ub.cburch tlorday eveuîng. Match frd sweeplng déclaration from judge finisieti antwhe i s-s eutar lvet n Uaut. Levln's right lag vas cxunh- lte goverriment aven la golflg .1.7v r <Inedîft intle cas t$f2a0eh0d 0r flnrshns rIfdlali bc a red taaa pleas-upt ovr wtfe adite icîtbngofo! mînor Igvenîugs eratrlialnoIDesid frtbe pefit day of Helnry' Mathîs anti John Zenlt. for tbur- t3. fIlwlll b. remt mbemed ed, bis rlgbt arn vaorrokanaI thndbrthor our yars a caoeft t Oi aseoeetraue tfrtebufto aloorikeepera of Union. , %rho Pi-ailthat the roand ittwet n Ziori and tva- vrtiqtand hie bock waa wrenchad palti fax.ei cltdren, If ans-) iliist moike a ratura2 IJ4 Uni Sunda: ocbuocd. rit'l ltin Iada <plwnosha nsed la ha a razutar quagmîre severely. The flock o! altans la thIba t on or hefore Marcli 151h. Anti this te- .I Ut FedWrcnba . iner o brand vere aeritenced aach tea10 doN,-ianti altedriverý s unt uadodcue thit ooe rtbsfo a lal os1e aeotfri aesst quirament doe nut hînge on wlieîher rigbt band Ltdly nigled lu n an rctrlc In joli and asseqseat fines anti cets msarahte apolor-y for a ruad bv ~ crualied. Thte chauffeur, êtrangeli' how lteanty titey ara feeling the bu-vtse parsotu Owes a tex. amouritirig te $6246.5,and $3123 ,- Wt t10 lie llitwaokee'roati. aougb, db fnt ecelve a~y merlons 1ta t> irpuroe-li fat Il bas aw a Taxable Incone. Published hy :ho wringen Monday..,20 -' nue adwkd thre ie oee he-stc pelt hIr -n An Individuel roiuet include under WAlîKE,:N DAILY SUN J. J. t'rttiîobn ai Washngtotn, D. C., epectively. The court recru cortain- Nev thiîngm. bave ehangeti and t iq lt- he nrest amp valked titre m til tniotm as nu appado1 made a short vtlt vitb ber sJeter, Mruits ea ses-ntsore of pe-ope v.'h huard pleasure te ride Ilîrough tihes- e o, Ia eret, a eridîroîCrauddo ise Income ail gaina, profitsanad In- Jas. Kerrtaitd famly htire int ni he the frank anti canditdéctaration ef anti enjoi' tha mixture o! ,ununira il-ati the accident. An ambulance vas comaeuerîved !ruîtt slariés, wages or Juir- Barrit-t. wbc i-t i cornenqt In tagi- and I-ty Ilfe.1 rushed to the scena andt he Irjurad JA V fiA MA compensaton for tarsonal service o! week 80be as I Chcag ou uolé@gbis desire te brîrtg aboutI a clcan,-i It Is propoued ta hîuitl thée u'cnreie 1men vers removed te hoapîtals. A "NdÀ A htvrkn tdI lnee er i h pca o rc Edgar Kerr surprlad bis nany friands !vta io)a'ae e rai.~ road treugit 7ien I10feuS widu !-.rim- A miacalculation on titi tart o! Iha I pattior fruum çrfutnvorauion%. c b oeIrs labb-ek iy auarouueing hi@ marri- dittorini e ql. rtain porab! cn-v21st nre'-lta th(,- hîsl' -atupaI of chauiffeurt teher wi ' ia tact ltIst ~ÇlASHbusIneçm. saIes or t'-u.lîgs In iriýparti'ac age to lilas Vera Martîr inte uek hifore! county.In tri l angîtageo!fthé- judge toisu and fr-arn hure on tea2ýtl-te driver o! the Frenvh horst-dravrin f Io!ait kiti. teru-si, rant,. dIvIdende at it. Luîui e ite brides@homa e. hyl'titi conditions ara -o blad the).catI aire-el il woulod elue 0feel wuuîe ,,.carl, turned lu the uvrul direcion ta TqIIorAT Prof~:iîtser pqwafromacoms$3rce uil rptsdp ai Ho)ldnldge,Nah ,andtiEdgar tor relia! andth i a IIaw , tbe ,n1 -nier- Tu- -rond suit h-us' - 1 i ad'ta have been re.ponvibIa for tes- A Rvha IUUU iii " "' are exempt. D o-J WIv e ilf s. luS ilion se traveling teaies§-forcd no matt-r wht te nirfc lucelandt -cratieti o - te niii accident. -The automobile vas iray-arexmt t &1 aybc" a gonulev,-i rod nd fofuirev,ncrilueling at a hlgh ratý- cf upeati andi ledutibons tuctoufle orditueriantinec manor_________Spener,____ etasthe -anty,Iis--ln toe, -u nlaýi-fj t it-chauffeur did nut have lime ta Local Man Who Leaves Sa- osar' buinesse.tnas'r-îeiitteret p d W. We .-i,tlconigtulation@s. - t ip îeta le-.p a zccci unît appi'lte braites btfore tae cram'li or accrut-i on Itrfii-tîîipes, taxes o novcpir or th e Ie i lla T rus i IE EA EM N - a giud fhunhationirv o, i place. The car wa-; deimoliishati hara of Waukenan, Gets ail kids xcatl ederitl hIverna iid Size: 3 ft.,8in. by 4ft', 2 in Th- olen Ii-tu' l or take VlaTorsttid ilara Zitn u piluîu:ar. luitr ,,but lte automobile vas hurlta c nnt1 Into Trouble in Kenoshar lxcal hrtuisltt--s auutillilessuns Savtulouki anti V SIk airtire pd, y jýliS ~ riru u iwu1 t1-e, ut-- of a1 sidu anti oserturned. Tlue me-n un-la uNTI TSI~ TH cl l% tifron i,,M e t, ii....u . u Zcd-i - lu-' imachina vara extrîcatati on \M1iXu lazc-sIi, a a Wiîrl-gan mm.i na-I. dbte s -uuîdt(i-lie wott ta gîte ru - Il fin ooltr rases ibe tankii frri - a atrtrci,) je -.0- -ly --I ia h riadrable dllYculty. whoaic t ilied ote pli e ouilhit h taI i tpul -iî~ utî o a ul a-Iu - çi-it . eresiy i-etgsîlttr W îe wti A - i. fl- ius --fia, l . r-n-.V a . About h PI0 -4und&ay mornrîg te KelU ITDerA ES anti %f-r uCr t 1i(i>e urns-i, 1is AI"' a itîttu- henorti i Itutucin T<enolui tlti5ililiSforI- .uul-iin uerirei restaurant ne as-i-i erd tuLo treflcor hi, in ah,-- CAMP LVULIII le)ta thle poli>e' on Salurul-me gi-ur oraill- od.ltuiii -d n andl asmratoaeaoIn lutaebuilding et teé ,Antioch News Gives Namnes of o"r- u '-" iti ('IflCIhtlu-as- t ho laît.neg t-hIees r Il- catIlî.ulI, -puia-', fi-r11 r' I ii' tire n Irip nd n ttmu-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1î-a ul rcd a bez aoa OhrSae ht diihaî'- citarg,, ofet h, 'n, iid CO ED FTERIJ bis- -s-ta hile e lia stan d niînu' o!f- c-liytua -uh iir laîlts to ait Have -ë,i-uc vem -nulie Inssadsawsa -&arllueua o!tlue aîen tflintil 00exi-eeiliut 15 iper cent of it wiu a: uiue-uuureu bi'Mr@.. l4hapI*sIerý - SMi-ar Twn NamO--Tferdac lita .,u,,i.,-5 nas .uaTown, te lii"Tb.E-it iConr- ut ton ft the citat tbis e...- -o t a ictiedth ie li-iurenet uuuuouue as vor..îaotc '- h bii---- . bi - -a thyiltluf tae belltiti"a!thaeaîantr hutIlir ofý'n rIa h d Ce o tat fuît _f___________dtht he supost____,d f t,___Il__on adBJ oer h wtth ul-aeIteUntdSaea n:et doe oaeoan Ilive uppose-l inile!by - el uioetyo ihngodlsLitin. - -- 1roorîti Tte bteet v sdanctngedaetiat tAate j oeyaharges of int-ioeication-.u' rod front lie- i _____ flue-y h-idwedbhfaceuudifficuatipIr buethre sai youhaounvhar0ge woflinloxtridite ace donfforL cbluIn httIllinoi. - tiln fi- attah a tvo weeks &go, aslie Itendeti maovlrlttIyoo rigit In th fla uiniing tlin ay of'v- bail weather ai ttie- îlnistu i ovn ciplion of lte man tuesalti- under uepreaîuî-. t-ebuldig eThabwagrasos îioter aru1.iOtrobitn hriin hehimelwawneaaouaise bthfiu los( anti hm. abaisurbn ndFi lrig te TaxV a uu stoe ht.eping Th vlidws I<- Lakte ceuntyIlItinotS. i ta -tvnd in lattua front, as muni' imoult!i 'PP()- tnSes ls ne f tae best rifle ranc-t one ne.werig lite escriptonallttoicthe st r ho p g end i nr d ore es onrnitd Importance anti tantia ne-s at e If waas iippeti In, aI readi' scr-eeîil. l i tae coiinîra, Camp Logant, whie ' o e ans ein he d sri ton -t dividende are dedlirvici as craulttsfrom ea t of he W n l ud sbew e e b eau o !f Ilie liaI f t her Antloc s are a t efaa r t heo! lia gras-e t froa i t e he oa u t o .- a e e o a tra eh tier $60 or $70 on hi e r-ido n. - K - e i co , to e l r w th ti' p r naa n e r on n t e iid ckl my htIn Calîfomnia. Akansas, Floridi. f'eor m i Ut. Wertdieoti arrbes insurance an hbtsgl, Kitticky. tAulsîuiarui. Ni-imra.ka. 10hacehadthe ercit time Tit' onld feen ti l -tici-inte gantasoataxi odNw.eeptiomeAsIieviomtoli e ara ex i C l--e building. MrK-tIi-r Lad alneady matie 0hio. 'lahoma. Tunusce. T 'ir-ifla ta a p on metintTfor akn cu-1 l, ad tha- h o bs t stded o dmetc orortonTae plans ta nova titthîe Pottertrestaurant and ti elVrgInia. ti ts Thr attalfao! r aya l er-; lPlu aiee*rpt trainnormal lax vlieri reiPvei Uanb lI s Levii Leroay ostIlof !us are anar-e Ilaithe a un folv ofiertTire nurtitacata, rates fu@riclîbzena SHOWSleafthe- it Cleafle Marchlot a liewlillie rady or fo levling oftec amant vas dis- u November. 1917, wben the state o! DUEctlo tzni tclas-ilcen cultomer. e at)a ueSboon. o! *Antiocht!'la tatan ifr- - ta.- hbibte peut-aut niit ndthlie ne-w hl y Il~inoittes tirmeut e-r te lnd near anASTO tiresldaîtta are ac futios: On te1 end vilret-ull tatI tlwauUinth- an -lt-nimssubsîlite. Zo iytlh nv eatmfi DEATII ,, DUE O fî t$4.000 of net Il- tu1e Inaex-oas or' absolutely-it draws cient city ii' Us ranptehaIttier- t iuCl.t housyd rmn e loerUoSltaEL-kL taeptrled eof te ar, bas béon vera TthIe crédtIlalîe rate la 6 par ceteu i out dust and dit-t and 1 eefn ul h nT OS N FA . efficent as a ruviool for tînstrrtor-- y C Ufo ur t wan utuabu cuitei î,ue le Utsm. J. L ileddlig taont 1 Je. ee ee ieck l Btand a greal many o! hein hava beeri Ttîe suAUSEaI r atscpen ntt i particIcs you don't A number attandedthe lits ertalnrnant tiochinl Syrla vas namedI n itoner tunshed to the varioits ra.ngsam !oc nislutI xeso atî2efo u ab Rcscanst at urday nîght. o! lha tyrani king Anticobtuste A Tr515 vyflP long tae Atlantiec casaI. Peter Yuskrevicz' Prominent cerné ,000. h personal Iexetio andhtefrmrus Mie SLIhlr 1 erergia ltaeeet rci-nem' ftiauuacaaa Jwa U ! U l!TheI i Pnaiit-qe et tet ori Resident of South Side Died uthe dividende are net detirrcltlute befors hangings, up1oLtery soill h holbum ac h o uit are t a epresented ta tàc After Two Day Illlness. cmu- forairomh cs o o prograni la beloir prepnrad À TF R U E sae o liiswe ad toms byhuitabarati aLit i , ie. L- fromanything o Ut. . .Nebi s er l i er fljS DIRII trntiOiti--i ttteciatonuo!fte MAMMOTH mmoECAL HE -l u icore uf cai ta crisstireti sperul lire Zerdet f Keoîba te IaL AY - I ~Tretond ba[S Imroetii y lua onpulîng ariy aurtax Ila i uybrngtilagesie mbilelm de of Keabb& CàUwib Jean The and i% IeI b.roi lin e. Porto 1040 stortiite rîseti for jnoc. ber.sss!mm Ii fihdetopq t-tat, as a requit of thé- great dent sînelte navy bas hatzi Thal celer luskravlc , agi-ut:!'1-makini returtas o! nelt Inoat uxnotice- vo lcc as t RusselIbis week 6 F eJ55U5 sINs 'j thIva n Clilcieo last yeala o! Water charge o!ltI, anti17 nov ln varv fine realiig aI 14231 Victoria air-tet, Wat ng *5,000,andt he Instructionîs ,itti coliectlug taxes. ~-s~~ Lister, an Party' Pioneer o! Chicago condition. kegari, titetiof natuirel causse, vea fom ;;vll shiov bow ta figure the sur- i 0551 ou antg ui]te onoe, Harvey Oebotu of Oxford, Whe , le s@rek B~IS I'EF U wba-hobad reacheti bis 9851h year, the Aitltae equipmant of lte range lu te verdict raturnati hi'aacoroner's tmrits bseahotd Insttution witb thLs1"111n1 aiS. B. Home*'@. ' -tva sons a! Arthur K. Baves o! 10 be transferreti te lte 200 yard jury a i te inQueai conducled bhi'Cor Business I-ousRoturuls. Ut.Zads ani hads ellsetwauttegsn wvl probably socorne range near North Chicago. andtill itoer 3. IL Taylor et tbe Joseph Ptra-. Employera andti lhers who patti We sel1 the Urenos a n Snnd et R. L.;Ne.lof.John Walker of Zion City, on 'nie a munIficent Inheritance tram lie usedth lere. smis undartaklig rooms an Tentit of., rges, salaries, renta. Inî.rest or atm- Aes caud @pont Soda8,c entss- H2tBithR.ay, Meets beir gm-ndfatear Paiate. Tva Camp Logan, vhen aI ts bslght o! Suridai marniflg. Informentiteckttu ietermînabis gabin In arnouut ru en wththirpaeneAccident Wnime Trapping lu Enghand anti pnibabli' hi'Ibs tinte 2.000, anti vas on te beat knovo in Oakwood cemteri'. p,«gn iustu Il~leuiformiation neinru r E A Chavile Cob movot iebisfamflz tte have jusi reevai yrd ibat their ranges In the country'. Ties'. ver. The fumrI vas oeaof the largea wM thel.Goveriment. Btanks rny le1 7A'II 'flA5U Raesil ilet veek. Tbsî live la the John A. Walkem, son Of Catit A.. A. grantifaîbar diad antivas buiet Iin seven rangésvitichni e sau foovai: hett Iin a longUne. PTutu 500 friendsafacureti fron tIhe Collertor. CUUX MLL AN~IR Orieboue.Walker, tiopaty sei f a!ZIonCity. Chicago on Tnitiay ltet. Hie hurlit2E.yard anti 50-ard for pistale; 200. héaded bhi'a brasi baud, marchedteI ta very partuerahip muet iea aretirai __________________met wltb vint mai' prove a serionusock Place ai Roseville cs.ttetei7. 200 anti 500iyar-ds, for ridles; 600 yards te esmeteni' antigathereti about sbovlng ls ticorne andi déductions anti on monthly paymente Iaccident Tini-stai' afbernoor ithlo Ur. Lister Wo came te Chicago for machine gona; anti 1,000 yards lte grave. the naineaud adttress cf each partner, MILLB3URtN Coiug te lts traps on the lite arore In 1871. amascati a big fortunet u the for machine guna ant issfes.Yuskrevlcz hati madetiesmbomne Ina iti bis sitars o! the profits or lqssee nartli of Zno. eltiy irough réaleeastate InttV entie B uidings o o CsireteWaeeegan il years. 1Re semploy- durini the pasi jen.Persorial service Mm.ant Ut. J A.Then sentWst- He caffleti a cngîs barT.lleti e ndth@tefamiti' o!fhclite, ho u Thte buitdings, part of vilcit ere ec i, i ra be draver ai tbe AmerIcan croaIn itft iîa nom- P bi Mr. antiUtMm. . 3annon ni Gurrirs, In 8shotint akunks, etc., andtih-e 1lotrestet iun réal estate. Thewvlfe'S count-y eniareti the Var, are Most- belng ane ofithe bighaal salarieti spoat Bandai' yuL utt. home foika. veapon, whtel e spoccet, dis. lanili' farma-rli' cynati hat la nov ly o! concrele. but thase erecteti hi'emplayes. ________________ Un.ani ts E.A.Mall ani on cargreti.Tihe ulaI vwent thiiOng iliRvervîew Park. tees-ay deparîrnent are o! vooti. Hia etalàfolloveti an illlress o!f ___tir____ Wau'iegqufertIre-esac'k-, liats ru--! bPare o! ht. idr-yvi(,t't - 1r (imumstla.ion trev of r 5,,yi the John Er-tesen Langue * * ffiW* i'WWW ru its-ld.t<eitu-ti ornedt teWadsworth. - ti ls Iuir-stlng ho rocaîtllIn con- the halltn lMril o! lest year, of laya. _- I I v vv.neeAev m loin

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