VOL. XXVII.-NO. il PART TWO LIBERCTYVIj,lLE INDEPENDENTMARC11<'3î:, 1919. POUR PAGES __________________ _____________ I I ___ 19 6;edo, L S. Rule ;.-At tho' r camior- w.s cher, ýtion, ,Ili., 1 Il AZ, WNIH3, ATI3RB3RVSTRA ILT ELISON WINS > g a wuuanvu i'~UW,~O tWU *UUfu.~flBUitkUOFlI IN COW TES1ING IN IST REPORT ALl, IIATIIIWNL, UI<VIS ANDUM'iIRNTT(M rIN NOMINATIONS' FOR COMMISSIONER, Phenominal £howing Made(By *Samuel Schwartz Was Big Surprise of Prnmary. MANAGER ,FORM DEFEATED Seldom hba Waukegan haul a Mure exetting primary ticcîlon than tuai of Tuesday wiî'u J.F' tlidnver rc i epived the -lârgpst nutîolo.r or viii, i for the iiiiayoraity, winnirg lv a pl raliiy ofrîuariy ::;i s<iaov,. i.t-1,'l Bluk i.4 tn narat l4toppent. The utost intérî'sling f,-attrs <if the tIèction wa, tnt te nonsnatlon of Mr.iliitingt'r.for tt u it 4b'.sn toncëdi-ci. &i T t a tlit'pheulnu rnal l'Un Macle I.>Samuel Schwartz lto* Ian Nir. Iuck a nacI and fn-k rat'.' for serond plais- on the ballot. Mr. Schwartz smans f.at.-.t h>,Mr. DBut-l b>, ont>,87 i-at-a. lin r. hwaî-tz' chowng %i. a rtiust unittsai une fur Whila il 1îad'heen roîortad ga-noeraily; Ébat ha would r.-ceiî a a avy *,te lt vac no( <onredad titat he wouid obtain the votlé he did. Defeet Manager Plan A glance aitt e l of the corn-.j MW.qioncer candidates who ianded in the bigh ülght. show, chat oniy lOrs.- of théi- andidate,, aho sanpré ledged to tae matiagAr form .ýuccêFded ini gttlng un thé- ticket. Lao Palu.ika, wae defëatéd. Iti t-, c-ds-d gunraily that ail tha Manager farta c-andiaes, olisi, thfir total vitain olhcr woris tir' exerted thein attire tri-ngth in landtng on the tl;-kat and wll to haP able ta land on élction day wbich i, to te ht'ld thé third Tt'. day In April il ls rcnneded that thîe votes which vent ta the' unsitccésu- fui candidatee wit! ual goltu téMun- I rer fnmcandidates viten Il cntas* *> théorfinal show clown. f- PRIMARY TOTALS TheFgue on NMn's and *omen's Vote, Wau- kegan' OtC Primary March 11, 1919, Those Figures ein Semi-Official, Compiled by The Sun. Men- W. TI. FOR MAYOR- Firit two are'nominees. J. F. Bidinger............. 1001 689 1690 Fred. W. Buck ............. 785 611 1396 I-S:îîîîu'i St,.iw~atz . .. .... .. . f>!D ) 139 19 8 FOR COUMMISIONERS- First eight arejnoniinees. Walter Bilhars ........ William Wandel ...... Carl Âtterbery- ....... Henry Strang... ..... Jullus Balz . .. . .. . .. . S. A. Hathorne ....... E. V. Orvis.. . . . . .. . Peter McDerniott...... Li. 1'<; l>il&ska .- Fl.. S. ... ...... * t t t I tv î h v k i r-1 I v r - ... t'î'..'.. .... 629 600 502 522 391 503 388 344 1896 260) 30!l 244 1 69 158 80 :'I 150.5 1320 1308 1286 1193 1144 1115 1017 275 142 Schwatrz May, Cohtetsl1 Thot Samael Schwartz miglit file a lîo gattlle - han fie rtura- -ai- ln FI AIL iDIAT LNS. canteat o! the atection htcausa tOf . rotui tefirat pri.ctinet Ita rrtr. It th sersu a! lbf.thevole. iigiriugi I j nIcpsn utlI xýnI- tht a racounit migitt show liit t lot h idI fthoexttre::d EXODUS STARTS IN tie tht- ciner aven Buc»k.watt1lite jbiacktug mtrfio a cettain sitétefi. R S T TO report botardtilanoe sources iodaY 1 As ustialthe1wSun presanleti bulit-ins US T S A IN but sas ual gisait mach credletce irai _____ as teé,majarit>, seemedtia10feetltat Ail during the ervennug tht-tcandi- Sprverni itundrati men viii ha senti Mn. Schwartz wouidIate ite Pasi- idate-s andti ptir friands ganc i l) t ~ roain tne real I akea traiunnzstn- tîan tai a rt-munitcouidti topi pr sîh> ide tae Sun office la rcl;ro-urn:(ionlta Cani Harryt'> oda>, for dii overcorne the tend oblainati b>, te bot off te tei"apboie. charge tram the nais-. Otitei ii winaing candidate,. Thousanda or taii-..'Atatna iuqîî -filow omonrow. Thet' ransfer 'o-1 Tite cii>, commission c-ail st-ed-, wena answeretiasudIl vas qite itis.t a rhbymrslt tgntg utati ta itolti an adjournêid m-etitît-prising la note taI tae %vai 11- the-fitnal exodua o! s-alions. according t-bts afiarnoon for te purposeao! bluitsa tein teartu-wtere ju-.1 ha-ta Robertl P. Cat>,. ii iian aid la canvassing tae volt' of thceection' mach Interested ilun estlti-as the"the statioit commandant. Titoi Ain on Ihat te figures cuit t aifii men. Cali, fonratrnts coulînuad l tottys contingent are men under 10 lu lima te ati lite regulat et, c- t coma in Up to a laie lîoîr. Onestmaut training, men witaviatioa ralinga lion for April. as-an caleti froni Chicago la gi the- wvio cao ie raleasat i vttoul relief Vote Selow Normrai relarna. anti omne o!flie mntnclîdcd in ltae Despite tae fact titat tete vare, A comtpletse ual o! the vtnnen., ta- îîaw disicharge quota of 1 Der cent indilcations on Tut-ada>, tht a record gtiter ui tte alhira wit were in a mertit cf ltae personnelt. vota vouitilha poilet te taoasali- lte e"algo rmn' clas.apteurs luna for mayor. -viicit Itdicatea tae ttal aliter colutun, i ohn T. Pirie Asked to vote palle(%. vas 4*.1. ir. tllitugeri __________ badt predîcledti iat teýa Isi tfej Be Mayor of Lake Forest *ald flot lirtex -t-sa or 4.7<. -TIi:" SA MUEL I NSILL WeaIthy and Influenlini citîzaus o!ý ual ne.itlsite.ho;-/ bodliv Lake Forest are trytng ta get Jotn tati analyzadthe lita tuatton.Tit TOpeien f asnPA Thea contentiontaI the- tmanager COMIN6 i D Ik Scttr&iC, irestdeno Cino i/le. fcrm candidates *potldthetite tali i b, UCUI Sct .w a natfo aFoia vote voutti Indicate lbpt Mr. Bucki t D'A i qfff* l b-oaacniaefrmyro viii gel fev ofte notas viticit e-at> isAIIJf OFr S jDIlL 1e ilage. cat a M.Scvat friltealiiMayor Kenna iH. Atdinglon. wba cas eutMr ch wartzse forvatt is 1ort- Ibasitalli the office for two lentas, ba, ednotfavort oe wo lite ortait-Waakegan, Marcit 12.1i ainourcat ieho ilii fot run thistilim.1 latter vora nt n a o o te on he -a l de--"---' cf lte law-1 Mn..Pirle vas mayor of LAke F'oresti -iser or orthe wuldbav v te,]torne farnu scitool, locateti on te> tirealeram, andti i s believedth iera for .%Ir, Burk. slendId astate of Samuel Insulil. riis t Mony Wagers Mode n Supeior scitool wilI taile place to- w11h no opposition candidtel If lia it la known titat mat>, tîtudreda nigitl, wIt Francia t0. Blair, stale consente 10arita, o! iolarecisngei tmisa.aa rsuit iauprntendent o! public Intructiotn, of ollrschagedbads à are andi t. J, Hoffmnn.assist-ant state of Tiiasday'a primar>,. Lange suts superitnentn lit charge of the cere- Mrs. FibnsWil or mone>, bal hoan vageredti hai J. montes. F arnks e Tda V. Data voult iehoamong the four Samnuel IfuaIt as la New YcnoaryBrkr oa li cme%%t jc il>,traneaciing I raitbii, NEW YOK ah 1.Bt aîlghest candidtates. i uieal~-IpratbuIo,~ vuien ha learnedti lt Ithe dedicatonYR. act 11sBt in 83 votes of !ulillltng expectuttOns vwas la taXe place tontgbt. Ha vîte llyau>,ralnks, divoncat i efe of As a malter of record ha landau lutunimedistel>,tat lie veuiti leave New Douglas Fairbanks, lte scneen star. Ilfh lae.Yor'k iu lime a 10iSait te dicatin. anti James Evans, Jr., aformer PiltM- ,!tb place. ~~immadiatet>, aflenvard ha vili returitn liroe.vihamnettu,. >The facIttat Mn, Atterber> d, t<-a New-YuLk ta résumea hia business brI rkr ilb are orr ed In thîrd place vtth 1708 votes ivas affaire. t'0V. ai the Cbarch o! t ý Ascension. no surprise ta histrtiera as ha land Tberet are ont>, ixtean Saparion ltI vas annoancoti todajý. Mre. Fair. eti~~~~~ ~ gascn lc tuapiîn eii hools un tha' claIe of Illinois.'Tis batiks.tiaugliler o! Daniel SuItly, ono ed l secnd lacelit he ;,inarie yil be tae iret 10 ho establiised iti ýtr years aga, is vota aI i tat lime Lake counal ttitaugit promise bas lima kaavn as the «"cotton kitng,-- hW)g 1117. 4been beiti out litaIlai leai4t, one 'r, vsgrontatl iebr divorce Marcit 3. it ThatHenr Stang ouldrun Iiv to more ma>, ha dedîcateti tatae -viil be Mn. Evans' finaIl matrimonial Tht einS-rngwal unitgnlong. venture. q appeanedt iehagenarali>, concaeti. A Sutpiir acitool l i tae itghiest ________ anti aliladmitttat ha vouit tandi type o! country, uchootltai en au e Rock ford-Winnehago ceuni>, vii An te bîgit igitl. foanti an>, piace-tt meanls justat tal ,I ase yvlptr i ils nansa Implies-ý-thaltano bettar a t :orî. >,vlna> ut Sun Pouted Bultetins secllcan aleconducteti, - crpthons. $30,000, viivihwici ta1 Tlhe Sun htall a large camprelan. Tee TaIse, AlI,- Tee True1 soitiers anti saiors lant-be great vn illve ulltinboardi ln front of tthe. af- If you voulti ho ciasseis a goot 1 po enecirc te uld. .»Il onti l.ch waa vatched th onu- feLtov ail you have 1 es1 ppol uigl. c lulorfo fta dla teakW la Eokfni'ê. on a alla aireoti>,se-j ý,#4d@ f popledurng he ours ofjoun&Llecieti MILK MEN WILL BE TRIED APR. 12 IN, COOK OUNTY' Lauke County COW 14'51ing ,-soî*îa. Thte officais 0orte ilî Produc-1 tion numbpr four bas made ji5 firrieo'aqbtii wnweratnceda report showtng the resultsi n îe.tr year ago tast Febritar>, on chtarges cowe of membera and thétitgures of coILupiràwy ta ix the pi-teof miliii. thorafore intereat farmprs 'of Lake wiii go on trial April 21, and they county. The ofiliai t-ster %a, fiiat ill go on trial Iun Cook county. Partrldgp. 1Judge MartIn t7roUey attendedta Thtis ta ithe tirst repo<rt I roinifis thèse details Tuesday. denying a mo- jorganisation. Thore art, 2.'tiird. oni lion made by Attorney Charli-, 9. tew wih toal t ear>, 0' COS.Deneen, for a chango of vouae tram Wa have- manX dtfficiîtes a uit-r- Cook county.* %Ir. Ilineen as'ered Clatie j1iis cliente rould no(lotgi a fair triali A hcut 75 per cent tof lits ie-I rp -ain thi i nty. hf;idl y grade Ires, aud ttii-r.' Sr,, iThe- defendàtnt.a arr ('larl îsIlPt flot morae than 25paure 1hre'd o in 1 fr wlu , -1 ..,,,,,.. ..t IIiE 11E #IIDE That'a what Chief Becker of Zion 4lys th'e ardinance on womena drea is designed for. 'Thîs la thé &atst picture of the chief whose duty it là ta pèse on whether women'a dresses in Zion corne within the l5w or flot. * "~*N5,* v,.' ~ ..~ $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVÀNGE. Casas h Co flisrnuîstl >lack white rown £à1 rVU , TT WPNT LMCE cUNTY IDEPFJqEN'I'Lake CounWi sBig Weehlp VANw'vi " LU CtàfY PEP»)ElT «1 moiwoo dd - AUEAN Ni~ra v EMYSUN J~A alet associatton. We arte îrying ta I'rsnkfil. RPA " . *rIllRI)îhre erogo inW ?i:a, m.ach fierdi b>,a Pure bit l le,1cra M. om::n, Roy Pia¶Z24a <>b . Haverl esrromot in néiw a t ncreaac taie Iit':tton (Cooper. of Any Lake Co. Man. ber o! pttrP- trdad sesWhy a ljit glin 1 proftable grades. Stctîa Attoey, tlay iloyieu Mo i-Rturns WIFE AND SON DIE 0,A if- Brpêt Age ilkMil Tet 1,,ttFd si it.IldIl wilil e a sad home-cominq lor T. Elislon ...Or. Jr. 1 4 h85 CI. 2 5 1614 *_7.3chartes Berrong of Zion City whsc ,i Etlngcrr........ iai u i 1 1145 3.2 4944 l: .92 41.48 he gets the cardera iin France: Pack sidý It.nnett . ...e.r. ai 7 2 i5h5 3. 1 49.11; 17.01 42.27.u n trtfrhm. A. fi. icnnett...Or. liai T 1 1l90 3>8 49.01 1704 37.14 upisin oftaim fo hoe aiiie S. (l. Johnsoun .. r. Sh. 4 I 810 r, 9s 47.7 18.50 2à.87 lie fait h__ iensofm iavhd oure wli 111 Sd lnët ..r liai 4 1 1470 3:.2 47.0t4 17.01 38.G6 the cf.tl. ris md as andy tho o Mr~~~ -lso as- --ll -n - I1LVVtfEU 1 hehome tretch ta Zion aCity. grd .pnsy Tefedwý,us ýiedwé wh ast tnforuicd of tua " mi. sn lahoreschos hl& dUer, ho grade .i~~r.si-y. The fead va-. a. loi0-1 îictory. le belteves the rediliollT. a.awtîfnth huedr. cuo iows' 7<; ili. stiage. 98 l- alaj, enli jndth mqjgyg-.AnreuP ha>,, 7 lhs. cotianseed arIn#.dl1)1. t, ,0n liteprice of miik is dite t.1 theafatt MANII IT VTARE À j itnqulry ho.fl tflnd that hie famliy, Ondînary rars. i tatthis office bas brpa kteajj,17ua t> -loft behind when he woct t.eflght foia .%rtenetbstc mo,îîI)ro'flla-tht' ight. 1BR<IDE UVIERSEAS hie country, ha. bec wipsd sat. 'l41s hie cow. a grade Holstein. il, tedi Thé stateas aîtorney's investig2'ion ' '"wlfe and six year otd son have died as follows: 47 iba. etiaza. 8 lb.i-,loy it-gan wien tiea prisi- of milk eui-durlnghie absence. This item troua i-r ha>. 4 IbS. ground cals. uni! ,tt.P k)adsotyalr h a.TaLusW no akgnAn.- n iypictures oeo ol op tottotiaeed ujeai per day. t .wr hriate h-'a.TaLu W no aknnZo ito.o ascte 23 ater cows gave ovnt 4-- î girand jury atted: lbut tht' tnta:vr- amon asthei tSot f Ih. iîuttarfal for lt.etnonth. lion of federai officiais, who 115cM -I a nucsHsM ri o- war eld _________dpalmtepniea for the salei of iik. i lowing Return Home Huie, hep.riOd: o ?r4.G»ýt IS halird teproseculion. Mn lr loyne }lerrong 0f Zion Cit i>,vii homar. "NEVERAfiM N"lje 'iarted t0 postnie case ta -trtal ii' WEDDED OVER A YEAR prlaed 1 tear of ber suddç udisatl n d aiae y a rlift r tp i n nIng >' t ai and that of h an ton, W ord W ilit l a bi i With lte return ta Watitkgan or veali. CAM4FJELDS IDOPE imtL. ouiiaWvnin. sonor îfMr-. ansd Ma't,. lie 11eIo.wovssx>e ONIVR EI RKItheantlouncement tat rW onnd January 25.tsi talon ,ack *lt1 h usacpen marrled for over a yern. black alpbtberta, Februar> 2Q. ad* ON OVESEA W O KISPEI A L aisubride having been <lie s taude paed avay'Morb 4,a.:ltL iFormer Waukegan Newspaper and.olva Unonier.~g ~ d5o. MBFEb 3. 4t- Man ow i Fr m WrtesW>'nn bai; heen in the aantal laquait- tarda>. »Ilure Slt eleotin a. nM. Kenosia Rtaties. O MUTER or STTER toi serit-nti ngland ave-r since b ha Ty Wovrd baried toetia' ai Onk-i I val -taie. OMSTROT ATRY wtoverseas about two yearaig u o od cmetor>,. j I S PRIN GF'IETLD , Il... M arc h 13.- havi,,1 eniisîed here in thai branch Tb il a u u ual âi a id -»0camileid. formerl iy I>tyeiI-ClnlSeie . npassato f thLe service.lie wtts dola g chtneri Tecs nsulysdtSts Cooe torho o0.ThaWaukegnaGasete.abu vallon work lit London whon ltai .bht humhanti, Charles Berrangf, 1-1 In o t h arporal t aztis e . bal uts iuarterma.ter lenerai of teIlilinuOltsnv au hasiutg IL% ar raIdsl. ' France ant iqtanet expecteti home nu- nov, a croa .t. s urPNational Guard va.4 Ioda>, orderad uyý it vas on lte 251h or Jân ifit- til ~May,. compan>, of the 79thit Fiod Artiller>, Adjîtiant Canerai Dickson ta mii.,terl thé Wallkogau young tian led. tirel Badale tsadset uvv at Camp Mencon. France. il; one of oui of service in tiberîyvîlle 'rues- t Engiish girl ta the altar in tbeEî;ta..f bcin uriv te Kinosha higit scitooi alumni now! day. Mancit 25, Company iB. Sixtlfarethpititttrch ai Lincoin.ihe,[r r. hèétu Pd b>,liter father and Iactiser, Mr. witt te colora. Corporal Camiled. Regtmenî. Ilinuoisi Rtserva lNiilitlu' ltae rertor parformed te cerelgoor and Lie. F. M, Trimbl tieai2%6 GBl. hât 8 maivnf enshasevic mn(apn. Paul Gruay commandlng. T î'a nd white %ir. WYnn sent word bat-ki catiavenue.,ZMon City,. also tlirfe lik 50mntfK sasriemnta has relatives,%titat hea itbeen 'bt' rotesan ae iae seemi 1tahec-.penidng man> momnents (Omiany la m usteted ont beauite'! Irted. lte tact titi net become genèa roteaniIositl, oe imlnigfor "blgshty agia. ntltnc. Ial>, known untIl ha arrivet hane, "I re lntegin e att naSunday on a furiotîgh. , iie surenst a rat a0ilva it a GIRL DIES 0F POISON 0f course, under war trues, MDr tacbvletad fhofme. it b eau a ndt I na M dining 1ediý-Wyna colti flot bring tbis var brideMI IC D IAh j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a aaii id f f Cieha, nt o ri'sAnsiM. Cilnof thd eo-a-.itack with hlm on tit- transport frumll14I STERSILIaJI-PfLU siae hevee ahata I avehee da ai ie u-stiat', o!thaiir. S Englanti. but ho bas a 3l0 dar far. salpeaeepn on vooan oos aed Uld J.Gates, pastir at St. James, churcit lougit and immadtataiy ai lte expira-Da sleepng o wooen foormand lutInl-igitvood, Coroner John L Tay- tionlit' will raturo ta London whitataIN OX .%tiollehar Kntso long nov tisat l'm for announceti Wednesday îîigbtt a ha vili tiake hle plans for thte future. I I afrail a regular lied would bring ont would mae aun inquiry. Tte inqusite a tact ito îre whithar he ahIl.ro-N iun. l an attack of insomnia." Thtis la one i as set îor îod..y aI tht- Pnvu - m 'ain titaee lianenntly or aftee hits IQBL NI of the sentences lit a raceat latter derta'iing roaini. itghlanîd Park. d tactarge binng tais wifa hacwi tu F.URI144 ta bis siater, Nira. Irvîn Weldnsan. Thb youtig wamaut, vio vas vîsiit- Wuh.s1n '120 Prairie avenue. Kanosba, smre-1tac tht' priant wîit iter mthar anl Mr. Wyttn ta val! known In Walt-' SPRINGFIELD, 111., MarcS il.- wha idietie o te pesnceofbersite -.iets fRok Ind1kaganitasiig been borre and reat-ed The "Mlnîstera' boxlng bill,11said te thosa ,home-sic-kne- blues" vie tct 1k a qiiaittity of lyseI MonoÀay Parents and relate, mati> inîartiating haienldorsed it> Chicago miuislors, titmeave ofenafternoon. Dr. A. R. Sitioldon, m-o I xe"rtonces tl l cîowad ittacat l Wo bave iet lite oppoftin taeboî blues ara faslaningthesls are ttleudeti lier, amsta l took lte acîi aan cbaan4erP Intht' seriai serVice ag bille nov btfae lt lëgi,Wa <tuie prsiteni>,.on u Cider b>, mistake. Site vas cons alesciug la London durlng the terniblefinte vi rthyh ftdcdl 5 boys, over titane anti peritaps lot aftan an illneFes. finit cil>, wanî îiroîtgb.W11poal eItdudIn h wittout reasort. Carte. Camlleid says Dr. John P. ONati ef Fort Sherti- Ha is the uni>, Waukeae on O ganarai assenabi>, hforo t-heo vaut la bovever, th% t' bis complan>,ti a expert- dan, mto was4 aise i-aiiad, assertoil j tan wioto ook a bride wite m-et .eî.a as'er. Rapremantat!%,e Ralph Çtturcb lng ta ha movad up ta NMetz ta re- ltaIt e Ca.- tl isseCihson tatiane- fan aia ktown. o! Evanstonm, la preparing it. Join itt division. tha sevant; anti centl>, beet int a itospital.. Ha oullined i t tontitht for Th-"lier- titan homne fronittanre. Effoits1 ta ak ta Falter Gate,, or Avotd ecomlng Naggen. aid and Exanminar, as toilovm: Camted wa uatered theitrelatives. af the'girl ware litt- IfYou tiati youseal! tîtîlitird t0 be- No dacîsions, no panses. nu prises. Corporali amildws urtrd ie. Miss->Gtbsan was 24 yeaare aid. 1coulea n ngge yîiu lad bettar apllg n reguîaîîng commission.,lt-n ounce lut Brest. Ploprmel. Vannets, andi it- - lfor sa1Rille vacationtanti nchange etgloves, ta boutt aven six roundati nd ally in Camp dr Mencon. bis PrEsei scenae. Abseneî train boule and orud rbaloe w a ail>,a lnCapec anat. a retnire for afftUYICag station. whtchta hut on lte ordor ' PEE AflOO WALI I1bateinelis is of, c"ti li at tirfo run.pte 'oervam- aasassLw ~ Ibitte goggied visionî. A111ee otact utes. of hearmecmp inth Fat'. 11No ia-,licensa. no license facn O describing ltse Piencl vAlîage, lie i A ;;ftenitt iiîîîk itîie uefolkeO an>, klnd. sumous ap is impreitalan b>, Snyîug: morect'tsutiis-tilast forn s lIma. For'amateurs ont>,. "We ara in a van>, iistoricai section Frsalterifayh e tlgt Iam rigt ra h ilI of France. andt Ial is ahai ,ao. HOT COUL IN qHA » l retetteht i fleaiticg:"e r riglada iebSl can 3a>,for fil. attoug inlitspots Iti 1ta . . indi>, speech t-veutifIfltiharts you. areetwt henmejfri quîtta piclanosque. The people aralti_______cageo inusîers, Iepretentative nu' ovr aseWattkegan. Marci 12. sieie.Citurch said lait fIIhtl. "Professin- for lte most part if t applover0cate Thcrawas no trial in Zion Cityo ntttng cee lorstvii ilhe ruled cut. No mati vio wbicb o! cour.se'dae t-s y ate nythnlie natt tur rovai, fnot basrie afrabaîsl it cîtten but ltaeCoutntny la Ibid vîit MNirs. Claudia l-amption, fle voman Joadi a rrîîuittiile douter, Itut teyou a srclepafo teisfaaY amati villages made uP o! nat much Wito Sas arreseet on the charge of Slruan , tîticl ti ttec <lused under thevay vit-tIwIo yearo<can parttclmate., more titan seveaa vine Shopa. RI veartng a waiat vhict vas toc muclu majestict! tt e<-itt-e The slittut A amali admission fois, limiteti. por- store, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e atag aioi'ctr2 n >0 he peekabca' stylea. trace, or aven suicion. or doabt viflhtpe ta50 cents, May be ho hrgeti.but cemetelT. on t>a!l o the buildings Site sas ta appoar hefore justice fetie usittt> taitssertion, ilte. tno tickets yl be solti. This la to lite fanda datas carvai lit the atone Dow but did net as a recuit of teiuilnMent unor ioitssfrîîtn ttIttg pi@Maco sod scalilng., bariln bak t das hfor th di- Ifored e "orgt ta na.liaI of titisao!ntiure.,iad aht Fev bore, of course. take tlé. barsin bak h das efoe ltadta lnormd t fogat~~- Uem ail nd' tatte extensive cela. Cburch bill seriausi>,. SI-commit- cover>, o! Amaîlca. The streets are Apparentil taeZion Cil>, autitori. logis.Orf tuatîles.toî!bIthconisnaevi nsrrov like otîr aile>,,anti ltene lata ias fat-ilta>,"put their foul it nt" te o ot om n eae umai>,a iîea vtae îlen>,anti tecîdet rallier tiataelamit; up ~probabl>, gel togeter itis yack tu tiresseti vomen vait cîotîng by woueld lite tera.'Te ~tactVolva chanci as a resuait of thte ac. of ortta gre tpoIit sr heatlag fi:twriti tfiat tîcki." ta, that Mra. Hampson'u father, Pelertou against haestiaugitter. Ha CX. Bbxn Al Hie atits that ha bas bad a good Adamus, cit la agent for the North- plainet iatit lt cii>, ordinaac- haid western at Grea1 La'îas. vOs ;ready I othîng ta do wiitte chtirebi.phi limte in France anti tas me ta1:11,11 f the case vas cailedtiatotale ,sathare vasta resasort for hit e Iww' R obet pmo rhChcg nie people but voicas lme sentiment" chang e o! venuette R mocter cou;rt an>, feelings toward the clinrob *m& 11« aiiveti tome foliowing lits 41w of ttoiuand ofolter Il. S. arnsvIen antiaet nIf taecama vent agaînol the resait o! his daulittelu b#Iste .charge fronit tenov>, a couple cé vhan hoe remanka sonesitat vigorOtta-ber, lie wouiti carry il la a - biier bean nrrcatedl. [le saît idtata. Der- idatea.Heobelli orved l e heU. ]y, 'Titene 18 notiig Rite lte g . court. soit Must expact titertitgsalaAng -6 .Bsu ,a u-edradvi l0-pekn o ie atr In n doit>,lire andti Iat heha otat efet. uhol uitnc a 0W U 8.A. ntiif esar el ackAdams alcaiteintwas acasa of Jealous>, tag viatevar tut Voiisaor an>, o! bel 05orseas for sixteen Menthe. DaimS tSole àgala t vili take sanme per. -a case of a <esita 1t0 execute t-Sein ters.-i bis absenceols roceived tien, Delly saadingt-c malte me beave it for av>,ale tiorht>. inta fct Il vai a case of Accordîngi>,. itlta nov inovas t-bat1 Ilnqulto regtaiarl>,. act, ho saga: great period of lime agaîn." lt-i> iraiol altn ia ltîi uta iicue0 bsen 1 te,1 u1 ttvsitatifor hlit « ImutC Corporal Cansfielde saddtrelsa IR tternatlcr bai beau oertrava satonai cp-qt. viticitfor a lime ou- 1pytatntm greati>, sud adusîtteoti ti e bcd Do eepied lite front pages of th ise ows- _" tba ea SD oiminAssecia. H dq. Co., lots F. A., A. E. tF. Intentions e! vitbdrawtng trottatise paliers. îI<g. it trougitt the vatmb plow trou el18 plete iding te ibis