-IASDPROCTOR INSURANCE Rouill, Plate «lau &àu- tomoble end Working- man,@ comipenston s.. Hlm Before Placmng Your Insurance D eé w eD r us WELL DRILUING AUSIIERMAN & DOLAN MION CliTY »oAm plue 178-W E. BNRSTOW MANUF'ACTURNER OF Marbie and Granite Monuments Cometery Work of Everý *Description Georretpondence solicItec 1-16,Genegee Si DR, 1. L TAYLOR OQfim b in Ft Nade" eamiSmlBuilding *OUMe-1 tO 3.80 sud 7 to 8 P. M. Iedeae on Broadway. opposite part *ê DR. GOLDING DENTIBT gours 8 412 &M.-1 to a p. Over FIret National Bank Ohe Phone 19-J. Ras. Phono 167-J. UAbert"illle. Illinola CHAS. N. STEPtIENS, M. D. PHYSICIAN Bad SURGEON BPeelaltffl grieveu te .dIeàs..ofthee E794 Ear, Ne,% Thnrot ts«e ezmated for Mases Olbeover tosGD. Tel.100 Ubertyville. DR. O. P. BUTTERFIELD. VETERINÂKT SURGEON. &UUTA NT TÀTX VETEEINAEUiA. lbertyrillie. Illinois. DR. A. G. CAMPBELL Vettrinary Dentist1 1 Ldd Lvery Stable Lbrtyvile. 111. Wanken. Lake Foret Antlocb. Kenoolua Ouxue.. Wadiworth. IRohsel) sud otur adjacent towne DR. J. G. KYNDBERG Oteopatic Pitysicoan PboDe. Wàukeg.r. l0t1 n Ubertyville Tuesdy and Friday Alternoons. EIJJANAN W. COLEY Attorney-at-Law IBRTYVILLE, - ILLI4Oî5 LYELL H. MORRi Uibertyville - Illinois Lue Bfuilding. au1pon H&. Offie. Pbone lé PAUL MAC GUFFIN. AÀT0RNuY AV LAW. MARTIN C. DECKER 807 Washngton atfet TAUKEGAN, - - ILLINOIS OmketPhone 848 am .Phone 1"004 FO0R SALE! -Ïànimmdwork board for Scl Two6.fotglas, loar Came. 011.6-f" top case. Fnip 34=h. ,MArbletop table., wý,k d6iairsataed. Omo 1 24oot maliogay prescnip- isGIILAnD mil C calfbmmd ii-tà LIPRecRTYVILLE NDEPEUDmlNT. TIDYMARCK 27, 1 PLANS MI>E BY , £ FOR THE IPESSIMIST 'REALTI-BUSINESS EMPOYRS ON01 , th eh M a>u lWAS BRISK DURIN(i PIELE1ETIBOSS TUE PAST WEE «À tisig tilificuit et undSetaadlUlA . I.Eoyeeassistent seorestay, Instance Revealed in Restaur- se the rrtctoaary apirit vhlch. lutu 1SOCUrhYly »I l u Trust Ca. bauness1 ant Prosecutions Showing atr.qet obvemlle e niOlthéfMaril 88, 1919. te wek how Helpess Employer 1. h17 or the Trmual. «lau, lauI 0f dagM veh 2. 91.8 Centintrvie onthecornlugVlctomy me fcovyne .... 4t CO-WORKERS 16FIX n.iit ,aalfai -- tela lu Numsaer cilattle mortgagea ...17 Ji _______ alomand iteeumlatm bviumeoeTtstdtdhsu la vew r th réentarrm et10-ftur. lu n w8y imutieby coadi- N fTutdsi n lu' vle lion& rceprésent orb ~, ~ disaeuteà a»ila a Morgag .. .. .. .. .... ..23 ca trstauatpole visoentPloy disposition vn 8» 0 « M. N"rndor Army and Navy von, il hai luletillgnam ilnpot- seadturcte 1egoverumeatlib unier theo ieharem.... .... .......82a sut for einployera aetvanten ta mencfy of maklug lu eider to 110* Total auu*or af Instruments *auov that the lav goveruiug vont- date the war......................... M en's hours la veu-y drastie *" close «ise oari o vs g aol t ?lona .4.1560E observation muet ho maie for pros- resum vbatever for du*frbcg senti- a re hable to dovelap ail>'Dn thedInîl- h. vas wu-fim la the lho- n os« aibeenocuqute briokansd dey. lef that tiiem.eauld ho das etre- 011,1118abave thle average. The drastlc feuture of the law là jolclug, of confidence and blgh resolve. The fOlltovlg are the mores Impact- that er#poyers are entircly respon- -Aiuerica la the lemiat injureao&ir nyst deals: sible for the numbner of hoursete'- af the nations vblcla tacl active part U mlea-osldodTo ploes ut n venthogh h.em- I lache eatb grappie vltb autacrscy £&tQulPmen Co. tonk the Willams ployers know nothing of their cm-i on the sailiof France aud Flandie"Mta .pntnCluRkAv ployés' pans t» change their bours lho continue&i, EXcept for thle 60.0W00 - eipat nGenRckAe 10 suit tilmesltlves. vbo gave up thoir livec sud the taeii- snd Salem Ave. for nominal couelder- l À forcetui Illustration Of 1the iode- sansiwbo are cturnîng. mslmed Stor M fenaible position of employera vas vouaded. the. Unted Statue bas made Wm, W. Mitchell bougbtth. Oreig brought out iu the case of o ne res- no rosl sacrifice, place on nortil aide DIrgelanti Ave. il taurant where the proprietor vas "là the Ainerican ipilt lu0001- for ludlcatei 8H00 oandi gave back caUled into court ta expIai» vby one ageoni than the spirit of the IMe-ce t-etde or$200 girl employe worked more thonu ten or the. Belgians? France,. arralug tru J. Becfor u b2u50.00h hours iu succession. The intereatlug, but undauntcd, hme set about tuon. eryJ jcmn ogh h leatuce of 1the case vas that toto of' pair tihe vreck the ritillesai Invaer Moody place on the uorthvest corner the % omen emifloyes thenascives lid vrought, and raeîises te vîev thé fu. Steele Court and l.acon Coulrt foc i arrauged matters unbeknootn ta the ture darkly. Belgum, strlpped cf a&l $5500.00. employer whereby the sifOt of one savo honor, looka forvani to the day Ibri il. 'Meyer.- bought th1e Henry L of the girls rau over te» boucs. But viien a greaiter nation viii alie on the Vonderbl place on nocth ide Conter the proprictor vas saved vwhcu at the ruina of the old. Shall Ameotton, trsetetu Ia oroi v, 200 ,hcarlng, the girl in question teatîfied band and groin under the. imagwo othAe or$5 L she laid down during the nult and o udewihItsol énr h.subJect to encumbrance.& alept toto hours, thus off-sttiug hi a ly, if faio t li?II, rank IL «rover hought thc bar-nd bal! bouc, the Urne ahe put in work- uThO comiig laue of govecureno lu réer of thé Carter place on toast si Iug for thenot011r girl aud vhich or- bouds bas been desîgnatei tilé VlctorY aide of N. -County sireet. near Clay- dinarily woulti have violatedthe la 1w. Liberty Les». It seernu te mo tiat Ul ton from Gîtes 9. F'ormer for nominal Rl lu this particular case, th. ces- mlght vetI bu terrned aima the Tilsuke. conalderatlon. The cQunty clerk lied taurant runs aIl nigit.Wheu 1the day glvlng Lo&u. for if people bai caum a plat of the property onuthic enttasde girl came on lun1the mocnlug, shte ex- for Thsnksgivlng, vo are that people.N er plalned ta thc night girl lIaI site j "lhoce Americans vho Iodyart N.Sherdan ftrnt lest nortb of Clay- planned galng out shopping foc 10 anong the carpersansd guibblers an tan street, north to a point opposite was "dollar day," as tebc as auit- net worthyl of the Dnisecf Amrcang, the Warren EtIs place and sent ofE toum for thc propriotor toarsurive so They arm uat vorthy 1115 boys the,1 the C. & N. W. Ry. 2 ai w Int 84 lots. that sihe could gct an hour or se off. aent fartil to make. if need bc, the m. In Highland Park - Guy Huston Thé night girl quili'ly came bac l eroo scrifice that liberty rlght Ilve. bbugbt Uie Chas. S. Roberts place wltb with the suggestion that she vas "Nov hat the comlut Of puace- b 170 fi. frontage at southotest corner E willing tn slay on a little longer and rerto,'ed their mono ta thetik, viii they permit her fr1 nU1 to do her sho2- tigtttpn or 011,-lt puresestrngs andi Roger Williams Av. and Jiison Ave.,91 piilK. Xcrding:y the aT.nil.n 111Lit itillie wlich sceins t t o nilcateti $80, ubject to di betwee -tu ¶e Iwo were moude andth le -Thé. ar la over; 1 dirny part vhile 8 6500.00 encuinherance. « girl 000k an bour and a liait off. lte figbtlng otas lu pcogreui, sud now Chartes E. and Marjorie 1- lmsonV Thu., at 8:30 Uic tate inepector lot thé goyes'umeut go bang.' 1 do not bougbt the Z. B. Armelrnng place on eb bappeued ta drop lutaOh. restaurantjit lua o. I belleve that vbcu the next euat aide Forrest Ave., ltO north of! It aud asked the girl at Uic deala 10w lan la offered they vIll nnderstiundi ~shrtsRodfrniced40 00u long &lhe lad been on duty. She lu- nccesalty and iltl gadly meet lils r n. ia Ra o niatd40 0 differently ropliei,thé1eda tieon on qulcreîe." aud gave bacla a trust deed for 5500. i eince 8 oactock the nigt betare and HtiFNSHTEJS" William E. Ho;:. oti and otite hought I accordîngly hoe maie a notation of tE. FNS IiJ5 he Penn place on south sîde af Park IL. Ho calledti h. proprietar mI LT USDnOR SHR Ave., lusi catit of Shecidan Roasi for court Tuosday. Hovover, vben lt LT U O ORS10nmnlcnierto n aebc came la a sbow-dovu the girl Inoinlcnsdr onsdgaebc question admîttod thnt business bail Put Mle Fnlhing Teuches ta the Ger. a trust de. ti for 4,000. been stack during thee ulght sud hI man Dremof World Conquet-It Daveiti D. Spear hought 38 acres In bai gone to a louulglng roor n sd Takes Money to Hald the Ob- N. B. 1-4 Sý_c .36. Deecfleld adJionlng laid dovu for avec tva bourg. Thu. senqules of Kaiuerbam. Ravina Park on tbe nortil from Helen the toto heurs sibcbai off lunCMat Hr aago se o h o-E.Knowliî for nominal considération. time, conteructed l te bour sud a 1ev otho snym: "I bougbt the bonds 0f In Lake Bluff-Eugen, D. Butter andi bal! sitebadl apent over lime vork- the prévions bans, but vI3f shoulti 1 bought th', J. FrankEMain place on lug for lier- compaulon.. Hovever, lave and boy more" uorth aide Rainle Ave., catit of Shei- hai il nat been for thie tact that on The autoter la concernai wUi siOla- dan Road 'or $2,000, subject 10 $$2750 thîs particulier ulghl. she hai a noésanti deatis. Fortunrtety, Uieis- eucumbralce. chance ta lie tiovu, th proprietar e uice heGermonn ream of vorîtl n r woud bvebee fiedbecuspofconquosi. and the.fanerai la that of n rat Townihp-ltoht. Toettcher tthc giloarrangement wvttbber co- Ucklb' abtos ougbt a lotInluDevl ut. dIv. 'on worktr îberaby theh ai orke.d a hékitraamiins u k..kenoar InglesiefrmJh tcDL azd a bat over the tr-n houri Nov, lu he average American holme, DcLaad1 rmJh 1 wbore clanes, sud deilla betal. tiýStratton ecraîo for -$2650. :â .nL" ..taotnýctn-r lu ques- beau! of the family tu-et pays for pby- Gos. E.i-Žuegor bought th1e Hotuis- . ýÂ' i aoîVýet 'M W-exy have eili, mediclues sud nurses. But ter proPortv lun.S W. 1-4 Sec. lii ou s w-.aa lâm- eA9i4 re 7-pi, an b u le lias gane thus fer, lbe doe iPistd{cc Lrake foc $1,M0. 1 kI r uti. -t .-. tot stop. ie caunot. ie mut 50 au IluWarreu..Theo. H. Ducat bouglit u.*n, irm.i-,ut V' t ,andtical lu the undectaker. tHc muao01 col- ar i8 ce uN "-c - uL,,U A !, finish th, matibusiness. .W.î 1-4 4 19-from Elmer S. Faulkner '-e l it. ~ ~ And so it la In the famllty of nations. -ntiulcnlirtoSbetl eay. -Wr. IMIu ; I.ui-r .., . Wo have been smicice l wft r-si fo exf w(tuli tî»<-unùec :ut-, . ami:nov vo must psy for IL, HappUy. Use 887.0,ffliL'mbrances. iiLi..ivi arlinavuat auo e t, rv o.- epse, as bas bocu sid.la the Ger- Elmec S. Faulkner hought 20 acres moreth& tea gurg n &rzU- nmena mbition. The. United Statue sud In. E. 1-4 Sec. 19 fromt T. H. Durst other vet-di yM vouui btSied ev'-n our alliesmuet paly for the *sneaL for indicatpti $2,000. Subjecota 8, 3.000 tboasgh iou kskev bsnaWlaWy âtbhizn 1 Tb@e lu-semcondi sud &Wilr Lbetl encumbrance. about viat mhe migt bava doné af Sone brasuglattogether sud tIDai lh n Fremot-Hurbert E. Davin ter lcsvIug your oDace or store. Tui, army et physîlansansd nurmes bat buh 1eP-naDvstrnu 2 toeemsa amighty drastic întprprýIeI a s u o icombaettheicdiusas. Tb* fourti ogtteFak ai amo 2 tion of the tav and o-ti ac- i -ru iot, wgir spsted hr- otheihonte or acres lu Sections 5 anti6. for $1,600. ployer Intoa apricament anti'sut. sldknes aud carrliedtileintilrouugIll toIn Elil-Herman C. Koffhuan boitgbt liUton vblch lhocanant himmelirem- th tieathbed of Prussen amiooray. théc Ut Interat 0f Ia PoU In iicJoua ody no mattor boy bard ie mîglit But ve sf111 have ta psy the l bisKoffen farm or 180 sers@ lu Sec, 18 t viaa te tu-y ta, observe thse provisions Of Inipertammo Pa&00& nLsd the tar- Lae. Zulcla for 83f00. ot Uic lav. Ing svsy of thaï;iu-e..d corpe. has In Cubs--Goo, A. lageechult 100k beau sun unuuoîiable expesi tille toi the Ilerman Garbimit praperty SÀVIP BÀBE RO#l The _'n vhe mse: "' boOSt lbeait h suit corner Washlington sud S vidéo E RO ohabodbut rt e oraurrm u William street. Barrhtgto Madpro- poliow aboymoJ* ela lugb llaAreU S-aR RALESTTE TMSFERS - the bue aej~t Imb MW -ef un «a Jeeii latL oëwl,5d buS 1MW. at Young Son of DMention Camp sake. icheu W D i l ot 4 blook àS Ea. HedReu. rm -"iuLP -FINISH THE OI__ ua &«ta W u.IIIIII Head éseuI fre mmuA. 11110M Sd vifsu, clam B. SuuO. le 0 etHEN A DOUInTIN IOMASI , " D$10Mt 1go4 lckl 6 -horaMW 45bloeU1 0. tYM& fl maiIIots 1144 l John *13ni" Shaffo. tho tires and bW fl afre.tr ve lbco te.lr WWbtm d Ono.551 Ysesr id n-n0f Usut. JohnuilMoe anine vIe tee,. lity ai on UleeiiE oirg U J. Sb&Mrpe ommsmitng ocer of thse ame pt busmoney b&eXI lmu KIroakiD$M ilot 15 110* 2 detuation campa, Great 14kS, 5Uc ftIrasmh@e de1l 0WOSMO mlNvli Mee If tbA.l le. sa ami. ertîta à. 1011' a a 1-i sec JO Warrentvs. I. a. Faulneur Mamm taT. If. hueWU4 w *10 otramt .oflu aN W 1-4 M ngW'arrem tvp. Katil.A. Tbwnem M d m tu WamksSam WO1) lt Il bbek48 WaahlburmPar* Nom ChOlomme CL 5 a espierau m icvils Le P. mannaW DI)O$Io eslobla Nor&O. i MARCK 18, lois astat fe abdiAmUSa. b 04- lUm Anderso. D $mm80lmb a m" la lck 8 e Umueilal lot a4< ta W. a. Wbbffl Mdaiete IL . A .esas4 vifsW Du t 6 au M8 laah malssdou en Us . "ma* Boosm* setai 40 um~ IstleW MiWW lot 4Sleuit DevUws u u"Me X-. &L é<t Md Villa b AMY E. lîveat D 85ft lot et Ijosila8Ravin la lblands~rIalbu PA&i MARRIAGE LICIENSILS E1v. L. Uorrc'4 , onha, 50; thelyn 31. Thomas, Elvanston, 39. 'H" ysoblffmau. Wankegan, 24; Marlowe I, Kahn,, Chicago, 23. Walace C. Mueiler, Sileboygan, WUl . ;Amanda Voight meme, 28. Carl e.ZAnderson, Racine, 82; AS- nes Nelson, sain, 88. Stephen Siunos. Fou du Lac, Vàa. 47, Olga Stanchfield, sme. 39. Juse. U Moulton, Chicago, 21-, Mary à- Travers. sanie, 83. MMs C. lHannon, Chicago, 84; Âme- Ua Franka,sine, 28. Ohas. Kressin, Jr.,.Waukegan, 22; Lucy Brown, sme, 22. John P. Gannon, Rock làland, 34; *ydia Klatt CumIberlandais l., 32. Pai Allen. Racine, 2l; Jua 1Lon-, den. sme, 8& Chez. Eranue, Milwaukee, 228, El- ie Sohifer, mare. 24. Bernard Melflnger, Mlwaukee, 21; Rozalla Zole<deviezsme, 83. Walter A. Craue. Milwaukee, 28; rtnlrd fHuber, Oxford. Win., 25. Eiv. C. Tetalaff, Milvake, 86; 0.0. IL «renia. suais.. ýWin., 22; Otsa M. Brown, Temjaleton, Wla., 19. Leeling Ahéad. À baby boy arrlved one momng. Ruter, three years old, lied beum gven two bWly goats for bis lait bLrtl- day. That mornlng bis tataer muidi «Nov Hunter, you don't need two goats suPPoOO 1011 give your littie brOther one. Wbmt do you say?" Ilunt- er dldn't My anythlng for a minute, theu he said: "Father, I'y. been thînk- Ig It over, and rve declded muaybe rd better ave that goat for my owu [titi boy.» &UIANUI vu ba mmrgepaveSpib. RECALLSiii~rn lbwsbave Ubm 4Iu Sma JUY O fROBE U1kgd4 là" h4 b GuesM& Ole* SAYLUR CASRvel.k .. FormerF'~l~tResidet bMgo i d ot u ppear ta bave Premir t.ho* d of m m erw ldo tueS CtY Brouot Hue Under aViys lAtlnteltny a t a -Ma mon .t Uu m - a r u n t b t b a n I d EMBEZZLEMENT IS HINTED. ::Ivmwg= la s m. eW CariILE.ft"«r, «8af1"r Mad huai tS17lca Pb-m b>11 hol l Md tg i the cmi Nosmqm~ inImIS duew NO' omc-esh a.saultla, huai o02th@e OhU iller I& 5IP proepfo0s-Iiamd JUry baul At NethChtelo au Mnia one e , *wbls 15,deltom t'o regtlag 0» ess tho promi- ieU mm a" à U1,er Wl.-0 meut cltlmeuaOf WukegantsudNo. readY 40 Admit Wtoda.y t iI yler la Chicago, vas hroughjta oWaukesan I*IOS 40 mueol ferfoBlseIndus- Triday tilght front Ottawa, 111.. on a'a Urhg gt l 0f et N otU lCoa Md echwarrant lasued by JU«e Md. WaIXO e r or ieVU.IMmunta *"ari-.RIS fumieota tbondj f $1- lu brlnglng a umberor cfamaltao- 000 for bu. appearance lu circuit torlfl to this vlcluty At a time court titis morulng. ulster tb* er. mooiod baily. laOui 0ltAi" mOrnIAugJudgo V& Th* fSayr Ifatte? h la Bote aelyi vards dlreoted ttea Â&ttormey o0.wlaiob vOl las pruemtedbofeur Welch ta rocaIl th*, fauch grand the smuai Juy nTe etawsea tt.rm- Jury on April 7 AU 40 bring ta the 07 admilttei tg tMecourt t"dy th&t attention 0f Iausorganistnvart- t0erewes I0» or tinse otilermat- ou$ North Chicago anduLdemie vithlla OUsâilo adeuflrgita brtng betarg Wih taylOr 18lMid ta bave been t ho grand lmryet thii.tih». connoctedirectly. *'This looki 1k. OliiOISlODlOt.Poor suidyl Judge Edwardis la quoted villa hsv- Carroil bad two opet cubbltg cfuld iug stated lu openl CouLEtWe-as fond, gno when onp of Ot The llct intimation Of poasîbl$e fld by oanelghhorm ring heitI wrong dolng came ta the Attention WBeed. Not long aflîrp thiKthebo of Jiaige 8ewards on March 7 vben i buOny , rpy aind l gcl.Wb au action va& atarted ta fot-ecloee1 Carroll otlrî-d rlîîît th. rhhtva -n s mortgage alined by M"-. Frank &A 51 unnalà"h..w-.'îît,)tbism moh A. Pictel of Northiflcao. Iu the lMid. "I tlitk 1110 bunny han.] temtmmony It vu&as îad tistai"M. Itieli gIcla." -PWcel bai mu'chated a houa. ar Bay-_____________ 1er a number of yoars. ago Aud gave - & mortgage bao'e on theo Propertr.. Payments vere mtde from Umne to MAKEMO E N Y tinte untirtheile a DAIN ORE ONE madeie 90 tte dvlpd cocdtng ta eviience -bremae& t.i iat DRI THAT WET LAND while 13AFer bai acceptoi thepSY- OITNW menti, ho bad solo th. mortaffoto D TNW a Waukegan a nuta vison ho cou- tinumi toarsythe Intorestan eItit nCati due. Tisava. hille Sayter vas head of the -Northl Chicago banký ARTHUR L. WEBSTER Thus whlle Mrs.Inctol bai peli f OSL I the note i lui! ilbe u nabi. t MIIAL ANDE Obtain the rnortgage whicb malii as DÀNG NIE laeli by the mnu ho purchased It I PIOONE-Re.ldc..ce 2s3 of Sayler. Omnce M3 On the etrongth -of this showlng WHEATON - ILLINOLS .ludge jEdwarda s Wed th. boucla warrant aud SileriffGreen vent tn Sayler lett Waukegan for Ottawa M ILS O O o Wr ear&»andlasai ta bel ~ A en ed ln "me big PromotionTH A soiseme lu that CltY lu connertlon _______________ THE GREAT WHIITE WAY Within 1 houir and 44 minutes' ride f rom Làbertyville there ie the thriv- ing metropolis of Wisconsin, with its hall-million saule. Its beautilul theatres, cales and restaurants; its fine stores, its clean and brilliantly lighted streetes ad its pleasure-seeking crowds compare favorably with the world-famed thoroughfares of New Yorkc. The heart of Milwaukee on Saturday and Sunclay evening presents a eight that ie worth Peeing. Take a trip ta Milwaukee next Saturday or Sunday evening. but be sure to travel via the North Shore line- THIE CONVENIENT AND ECONOMICAL WAY Speedy, steel limiter! trains take you direct ta the center of Milwaukee. Cars leave Libetyvife every 30 minute. for Lake Bluiff where connec- tions are nmce with Iimited tmn for Milwaukee. ' Express Service TI..North Shore lin. je thi; rad of service to points along the north shore Express trains making one stop in each town beween Eviinston and Waukffan rmn every .30 midnutes. NOR TI StIORI3 LNE ~Moep avue uuuelssso Pbm~ CeSul - u-nfe Pume. le*wu ft.me aumwms 4 MIwuko fmma i- lI .5/ 2 t es noe, agent b 1 *ftulkmr w D 110 20 mm la m 1-2. M "tut lulveumm la tbe woom ' l ý -M -ow«wwe. 1