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Libertyville Independent, 27 Mar 1919, p. 4

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je<rtyville IndependentF 'R I C IndQpende"ît * WaMUhgan WeeKly mII om office Toiephone Number i, LlbaftyvilI* Exchange. toi sethte Postofflue at Lbertyvll, III., as Second Class Mail Mater Officiai Publication for The Village of LibertvviIle. - OfIciil PublioatlUifor Laio Comfty BosTd of Sup"eIorW PuO»edlg lesued Uvery Thaday. Advrtioiug :-:atee MadrKown on Appliaton. SUBSRIPTION PRICE. 51.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE «..>. SMITH ...................................................................... Editot' F. 0. SMITH ................................................................... Manager WUN. K. ECICHARDT .................................................... Local Manager Approximnately one out of every nine marriagesin the llnited States is terminated by divorce, according tb fig- ures compiled by the bureau of the monus at Washington. Nfow the.big question which every couple in the country .vinl try to figure out in: "Ane we the ninth couple or one of the eight?" Y'es, whlch ARE OU?y THERE'S A DANGER! Whlle we do not know al the ilf pn.- f~ JLO U I in@ case, Itlel our bellot that the po- lice magisîrate should have stretched 10W SuE liAPPUN 1 a point and svoided the precedent of fann a teacher for saerking chu-. dren who are unruly. if the chilmren E D TO BE lcTIIEREI, are-l u mn 1h.e ciocle. If they feel____ tIsaI à loucher who may spenk therm 1@ ib bu flned for dolng tg, how long Woodstock Woman who Was 041 dIscIplIna sistinluthe ichoola? with Dr. Ross Prior to the. Ma' gIl right to -spr. h. mod and Shooting Incident, Incensed q»dl1th chld," but thc gencral sta- *tle 0f lthe chlld of today es compared SHOCKED BY THE PUBLICITY With the ln achool when the rod_____ W«. used generally apeaka for IsaIt. Tvo Women, both birdeniug on rhe qsmeole : Ma$ not th. abeence hysterla, projected thetuselves miat et thse rod had much lu do with 1he the police Investigation Wednesday Smai't-l« hhvlor of the average lu Chicago of the shaating ef Charles tad of today? We muat ho csreful Miller Sommera, ovuer of time St. net le encourage Bothsvlkism asmong James Grill. severel>' voundemi Tues- th. papila of Our achocia. day niglt hy Dr. Pranci A. Rocs, den- The.war were the déntists THE PROPER TREATMVENT. vile, and lira. Albert J. Oison, vlda'v Mema'e the wuy Wsukegan peopleof i fermer senaior and companlon lu some canes regard the efforts of of Dr. Ross Tuesday itternoon, *ben lthe Andrews &£Co. of ChIcago ta In. s dispute vith a vallon over a dinuer tercet them ln Iheir telephone moihomi chec starled 11e difflculty ,vhicb 0f stock sale* A Waukegan business euded la the aboolug. Mrs. Rosand Mr@. Oison dld net meot. but both mian yoaiorday bromihite the Sun appearemi lu the offie of Capt. Mor- omnie an onvolope containlng a let- gan Coline of th1e Contral police cta- tor. lHe laid ht on lthe edtor's deak. tien. T'h. edîtor found i. Tire envelepe lins. Oison ta Iead of the vhole. had flot been opened. Tire Imprnt sale dairy compin>' esaalhed b>' of Andrews on the oulde hsed prOvcd ber husband. Rie met Ruses Tuesday sufficent for tire recipent ot tu aftennoon, 511e sid, lnuthe caseof ove.conesccd t opn utandireJ. . Murphy. t Cark sud fDiviaion evencondsced toope it-nd e treets. Murphy, aso, la s customer just handed It te tire Sun au a alent efthlie Oison dulry. Sommera Oui of Danger DIW LÀCRIEThue doublis regisberemi relief whou £51 A'i7l4to" p Sommera vas out of danger ai S.Lulc's haspital. BET WEEN 31-45 TO - IraI. She bad taken as early on nIIft('~'IV11R stoc , d.accompaulemi by a in and w oman--2'te proteet ber tram report ers"t-alrly dashed Itb the B E rftui~~un~u police oMil5'soffice. lm Orders Given Out by Adj. Gen'I',r. ioncre ot " aut yau te, Diçkson and Clyne Brinqs ruderstaud I haci nothIng ta do wt -Post-War ShoCk. ibis shoottng. I came ta Chicago «1- yeterdey on busineas sud vent to Bondreds ef mou vho "fargot" b M. Murphy'. saloon hecaugo ho vas r0118er for var duty September 14, an old mli cutomer of mine snd 1918. f8c0 fedemai prosecution. Unît- 0ren f iiy buauci. While wo ed States District Attorney' Charles ver. talking thia Rass persan ap- Y. Chine saiii Thursduy lut Chicago. peared." Zlmor J. Whitty, assistant ta dlyne Door Ciosed, Sut lu Vain "Bu.bM osscld tb Springfield tir Ad- TheImnitervev vas- behind time Jeat Od1rsi Dickson te check up closem daar of 1the captat in'aOfce, e hélb..rgatiuonbut reporttirs vali lugvthout bad 'Evorymin, owver praminent, n difficulty l folloviug the star>'. l siold ave rots ted,, sd Cdimi "Mr. Murphy sald Rocs lcev my lovt, vil b s p rose utt sliglt.huabaud. eh. cotluued. "T thought 6Inrs voltion s bogbth a llgh- t wouîd ho &Il ight ta go ,vltm acceUi o lbons 0f the lv 80vhlm ta lundheon, espocaliy since lbe uromode illotment.teMaiu>' slios St. James Grill, where vo ver. go- vero toimd te b inglo, -BornevIMM- gbym qý OnR Meleved 190 & monbh b>' the faits "Âfter vo liai aten thons vas an àllolnuiut, recelviug sis frot t111eargument about the check. 1 no- MY 0f six soldiera. Min>' recl yd v ed thtat Doctor Rosas u- 1,0 $30. toticated. 1 Insisai ho ta'ee me _____________ say. Wbeu ve loft theo grill 1 bougbt soin. foyers sud vent EH iifNimr traigit te my home lu Woodatock.1 - ]ÏIS AIIL ev notinlg about ties hooting un- SAILOtKIDN PPEDh y talophone about mid- 'MIY A DESI3RT13R? IION WOMa 1S le lanel Tolmnan, apprentics sea- HmR IN CIIIMi IMMnV. . N.. and tlie slf-decisned boir le tb. Tolman millions. a wilful Mises Fy Judmi of Zion Cty vas cut damerai, or lias flurs been foui play by glass Sundar la Chicago vien hie «il la ho beng heid for rausom? Tlh. automobile collided vllmthe cacr cf aa.0ver te the"e questions will corne Wiliaim 1H. Phalman of Des Plines, ai aeca., for Toiman la nov tochincajît Kpdzie Ave. and Irving Park 814V. J. a tdeostoe.Patton, ber chauffeur, ldove Miss Jadd ______________ te lb. homeof.f da sIet8U4 N. Bmw. *@d jui eMm M enosa 'rîm r.yeAve., vier.e ausrebo. VIiil HenmaUn Prince O anst Hobart Chatfield-Taylor bau piacod * ft ba.bond, A"Prince, former vol! hi. Laie Forest mansIon on the mer. »e@@Etesha mu und recontl>' lu bt aud ylmaie hie home in thé 11" titel UWts v>. M. and future ln Pasadena, Cal, vhere hi. Un. PMUvoieMaMrW et aiWuke. vifo 4104 sovoral mentheago. 'Tbé 1~sy111. Mm ÀCbabfleld-Taylor homo, on th,,en Ï, é&igsd ber haihad vftb e«- Bide 0f the tevun eau the laie, aS *'m udWii. lMe loiS i drmatie bae oneo0f lis shov plu acend lthe &Wet m anu$ "Umade upou scene of man>' heetful social affaira EPKER ARRESTED IN WILMETTE~ An Item vhich appeasgeCcgo Tribune tMe morulug etated thât Henry Epker of Libertyvtlle, had heen srreeled lu Wilmette for speediug. lty vay of settli'ig the damages he put up s diamond »id a check. The banker rm fused to cash the check sud a jeveler pisedm the valuation of the iamoumi a& spproxlmsloly ton cents, s0 the lad'@ mother again bhil tucorne tbhi. rmuue sud psy isfine. We are leidto vonder il the machine which h vaa driving vas the one.Wb"ich va aefor by the f00 chech oi douhtful orgin vblch iaffed b appeir lu the list of checke young Epker forged lu this ,icinity. Neiber vas il mentioued lu iselsgued 'confeosloq." GREAT INTEREST IN THE UNION .EVANGELISTIC SERVICES A deep aud growlug lutoresl has heen mauifested lu ail 01 the gEçangelistic services vhicb are beiug held this veek at the Preebyterian church. There has besu s good teudance nt ail of the services, especially the eveuIug services. Tqe rnorniug prayer meetings held lu the-hooiet of the church meumbera lu ditierent parts of thme commuuity. are growlng lu luterest. The siternoon ser- vice@swbhhare largeir for the chrisîlsu people hosu e.peclslly helpfnl. Ali the services for this week viii h. held at the Preshyterian church aud next Sunday bath the mornlug sud ovouiug iservices viii h eid at the M. E. church. LAKE BLUFF NO LONGER A BACK NUMBER The modern spirit, of go alter a thiug If you expecitat get It cernatu, he the vatcb word lu Lake Bluff tbis spring. There le every evideuce that there viii ho somelhIug dolug, @coeseem 10 thinx they have a grevieuce aud aonze thluk It Io a good tbing to bave opposition as a meaus tovard keepug a good heisly public sentiment, suy vy the.spirit le high aud ail the sceuery for thefray i. h4lug put Iu position. By electiondays wbieicouie- ni.A'ill 1tthiere wiIi bý - :Tmg? M U2, b9 Mos TIIOUiIILOVEI Helen Truelson of Highland Pk. Admits Charges Agalnst the Jaokile were False. SAILOR GAINS HIS FREEDOM Hielen Trueion, a Highland Park girl, 94dfllaincounty court Mon- daY siteruoonthat se had oûs.d George B. Eheldon, a esilciet thée Or«t Llbosstation,.and vhos..home la fuia neapolis, tn rema lulnthe Lobe Oouaty Jaai Waubegan three mnonthe Inet because ébe 9Iovea" hlm snd 'hoped ho vould consent tenisrry her. She astonished court oMetcais wben ehe admltted that the charges ahe made; agatuat hlm lu Justice Smtth's court at I-tfghland Park un Ileceanher 15 vere false and vithout foundation. The arrest of Sbeldon lu December on charges preferred by the girl caused quibe a sensation because lb vas cîsimemi that lie was a mgrried uman. Re vas held to the county court by Justice Smith lu bonds of 11,000, aud lu defauît of obtainlug a bondeman, ho veut to jail, vhere ho had renslned up te Monday. A trange foîture of the case, se- cording to, Stateé Attorney Welch. la that Sheldon nover made any stroug protestations of Iunocence. IUnder the statut. vhlch applies lu a case of ibis klnd the young mnu cotild flot have been given a trial util Â9oel. On Monday afternoon the Trrueloon girl vilted States Atorney Welcb ln bis office. "I vish 'to drop prosecutionu lu the case," abe saud. "Wbat'a the reason -bhave you effected a settlement outeideo f court?" the states attorney asked. 'Even If you have made a settiemeut. It vili have to lie approved hy the court."1 accordlng bu aIl -signe sud prediclione 1 "o 1'aé " ae n st tva ticket.. the one the Ciionsi ticket mont," the Young woman repliod,1 vhicm le made np of soine officere vimoce à"mdva't try ta make eue, far Mr.i tormu expire., tley ta succeed themuelves Sholon la innocent ot the charge3 sud lime other the Peuples Ticket backed 1 preferred against hlmi" by the People Whm eein to bc tired of thel The State attorney plainly vas methode ueed bers lu the tast. The pe. . iimazed at the abat. ment, sud lusist- Pie seee nov at Ibis leclion bu ho doter- ed that the yaurag waman arcomPsuy mIned ta elect a huard to roproeut ail hlm to court lrm-'diateiy aud repeat the People and ail thoîr interesta no that ber satbement in the prêseuce of the each eau', righte viii be recognlzed. Itjumge. fa the detormînation on lime part ofrlime W yuu please explalu why o(u Peopeo. Party toa lect a board vimovîllI maile auch a charge agaiuat Mr. Shel- ho interested lu deveiopIugtlie tovu te' don If Ilbwas not rue?' the sates gel people tu came to Lake Bluff and 'attoruey askedc. builci homos ou theo vacant property aud "Beciuse I ioved hlm snd vanteci advance the tovu maklug Il a pleasaut hlm ta mnarry me," vas the simple hospitahie, ueigihory vllagewilh every reply, ase if they ehould explalu every- luducernent te make lies peopie happy thîug. sud not sas ime pasbta ocreste A clouai ugePros andth on Incrpoatin, u i wee, itha cldvoman that il waulf ho possible- th arist-ocratie clammy re-garà for terost rsct e o ojr utc apiit wiulut ud ieaieen lgmnio charge ahe had made, but Sheldon Timey mai aur oasessem valuation urged that no such courseo b taicen. le1 much hîgimr timsn tihe surrauuding Ho appear i ta have noe resenimnent tovuesud heurs %bat vo psy mare than at ail for having been comPeiied ta our proportion aiflthe state, county sud romnain ln jail e long. He vas re- township tsi andi nov vlth time praposed lesseci aud returned te Great La'Xe4 raie. agalu Ibis year It la bholning tu, bit close hame, furtieruorge ie n.l- surance rate. bore lu Lake Bluff vltimlmeALth C U T laie0 ang one ide aiflime village lae imgim- R C-U T lu thîsay onintl part of the CUCL0 O etae, urtermrethe village la bandedaiCL IF O te the extreme lImit aloved hi the tate and t the volces of lb. people 1. Dot C U SISF R E ber ethey visb lb mulgim ho lu s vil- O T SF R E lage hâte tiis vher. aliesalarge resldence coMmnity, that i lal neit tu, Impossible Ed. Sargent is Chôsen Presi- t a ppro.seh thebbasrd or te presnata dent of County-Wide Or- pea lu pereon, furthermore liaI the peo- ple br ire nat Protected Inluthe malter ga nization for Youths. ofpraperiy distruction by lte board' sud Ita Police bntimritie. sud bbat a certain BIG PLANS IN PROSPECT. Indifferencesla shovu hi lie hourd whlc iusgnMrc,2 bascut mnyproeri hldr.dearli There vas a meeting cailed for i 1espsealy nov as h.priee. of giseslbasixo'clock dinner 51 thse Chaniber 1advanced. furîhormore Ihat 1h. manage- of Commerce rnoms Ind"yulngbt tu ment aiof fara bas bn aristocruble air Bnish 11e orglaniation of s local vhlch la not sdmlred bhi lb. outsider vimo mlgbt othervise If dIffer.ntiy re- colved and treatei, duide la ma"e Laies Bluff i. home and, abasmhestlhe case manî lime, lh. muem ogt. Iu bsor. the chlii hrosse its hhnlma.rolctoalI-nl h@ prIvilege tu g.l ont add Sud more sociables and home Hâte place.. torcher- more laI the.tir. protectIon ie abomina- i, that ve havea good corps .1f reumani vlim nothlng btuose lu figibla&bisa. sud s puti vhiebh.b ien chumatemlasd by the smre handicap, ve have vasant property. loti ofît, alowed lu grov np visaIlHkinde f abwnlav esed snunu- prott.d boisementes ait rine a plenty. We have an itermttantr light sesivie vhich glves igt vbon 1h. veather la âine and 1h. moon sud stars are ont but la genealy conspecuoinu h It. ahsesuo vheu timre lasà dan nalgt or the maats f aluna. Well it osesme Ihat ihe are bonnd for a change th"e thisk thoi bavesa esason lime ether party 507 limaI lbey are from Missouri @o. il looisllke tboe.wvasgolng t6 be an luteresig smrp. Strange sud secret meetings do Dot esem tu ho uled out&@ a foui sud mavage 100k. sud gitting teetb e-m tu poise hl lime rsersee counciliof lime Boy Scouts of Ameor- ici. A charter vis adopted. Thie local ouncoil la formnadt tease as an advisoy sud govoratug board bveen the troop end national head- quarters ai Ne o ToiL The luterest la the oy 3'scout m6vement bu sbecomoe ein la the Pt oflteeu ucuthe Dnlony ltu Waub.gmau but bthe vhole country ne veil. Thie NationaI Edu«adon associa- tion recogalsées illa a i g iY sa" et thisu anaIelmeeting ila Oflao threveeke a&M gave It gréit prom- Icoene -ea echeoolpou*milty Thero vee aprusent el th.Chicago meeting Chiet Ocoub Ikocutve Mn. West, tho dosa cfColumbia Univer- .lty. superlubîndent of public achools 0f Nov Yorb City, superintundenb of ochocao f Dyton, Ohio; superin- tndent of acheois of AtIefl io,1 and other speabers of nOte, ait of vhom declared tht lbhe gmiuaaluins la publice chools sluould b. opon tu the Boy scout movemeut aventage. 'himeRotary club s,ôlb.henation aun gettlns behini the move along vith other hig ormuiatona of mon lu différent parlaet the mc *hi> Il le tie latent or the local coun- enl 10 put soutbng on the uap lu Waubkegau and as U00Un sthé char-' ter arméf vstroNew là~kt ta oek ,90 t* 090sd sud the. genil ipub. Ils vil b. giveu a chanceta o a.the 5.04 Md 6- gorcfsomtlug.]EL IL Rompe! vus ilected se acutmmm- misaloner. The follovligofficrs vers usao élected: Presldent-U, T. Sargont. lot Vice-Presldent-.Jou. P. Dsly. 2nd VicePrsidu-Edv. Meade. Srd Vice-Preident-W. H. fSedg- vick. 4th Vice-Preident--D. T. Webb. B.cretry-J. IL Brosi. Treaaurer-Garrett Wilao Ezootiva Oommni$a-P. U Per- sous, L UL«Roger., C. ML Dsi4els, C. A. Worack, N.L3M Gamter. HV13 MemBERS 0f FAMILY iRÀDIAT Louis Blumberg graduated tram tbec inomyi'ride1s ihth ,cto local hîgli echool ln 1912 vibli the houni s s ii mherefe le uecessrv for th or of histerlan. He le manager of hf 0 bwliteeor *n"ar o h father'a large furniture store hère. S A EB N O D eatnn ucrala. t-Jc h th(% local high achool vlth the lianor of - hmuet lie builir aeprovided lu3fthe historlan. She completed the coursir To hegin vitb it nuset h@ borne lui lsw. lu tree ud ee haf yera.mind and thme fact omit lost sight of that luInî,ractlcally every cas. the engineors in tl eelt thndlione-thaiteoleetrout And now aiong cornes H-enry Ilium thege roade wvilI ho halls sud paisi for1 i Plcthobre adag"rue berg vire wlli graduate viti tire claaFe ntlrely hy thesâtate,aud timtpracticaliyl to conètruel, wltl. îsrti.ular attenitioni mone@ omefro Cok Wthe gradling uec.-e,'arv sud the iut of 1919 with the honor of charge of 45% of time mu, c@efrDgtb î~ofmtril I es xea thic undergraduatea. I-e vili havc countY. (if nateoads rJ.wbl 1!dvsI.-fR a .eî,urc campleted the course ln three yeare Tb@heeofnilocation for tbeeese i n t h f uae w su devl-ans fmrrue i,urlo. life plans To attend Harvard Univer h ad lu mnd: of- pi a au threfoe lereliy selton a slty. Flrsi: To locate sud ta couneet county uudouhtedly tbe statmeongineere vili @sansd largo ceutere <of populatiou. hochisea long Mime before o ecloinq any var VUISecond: To make them ystem a mai other route tban that vîmi,i passes artory of tats ruade, wblch ]ate r couid1 ho eitmnded ty fthe counîlles sud local! Autioch sud takeoo the mos)t lic-st sud ON THlE F16IIT >10 1o Irnti, ,makirîg conecIon thre-luepenil ,iuER THE nRESI9Third:.Tu suie.t.mller centers o ni lg circulatemi that I have siwaye TUE opulation wlth eaci, other thue aford- oppoeed the road going any other vay iag direct Iuter-urtîan conntiftons yult except through (Irayplake s my record une anotimer. 1oni the fhuard of Superviçors vilii 55v. North Shore Line Would Have. The iaw provIdes that a bore@lthe routoms Very truîy youro, to Reduce Rates if North are not deinltely dtllued. as' le for'ý A. T. WHIlTE, tiopervricor Avon. Western was Forced toi. instance the Blvidere rond, the exsct!-______ locatIon betveen lthe Points uuentiom.od 'la the law shall, ho deterru'lned by the! DRASTIC PROVLS- INTERESTED IN RESULTS. state flighw6y Departtuent, vblh iimN W BL If time igbt te force the North- ho erine alter careful reconnal"aue of IO S IN NE VUI vestern railroad te reduce lie rite varions possible routes aud comparative' N71. I of fare te tvo cents per mile ase pro-,etlmatee of theo cosse anm dslstgee i! E vlded by the etate lav but wblch liansd doeadvsntages ofsneveral alternative 60 UAITL'HOU ES been tbre. cents per muile under tire route@s made contraI of the governneent, fit viii o At thijs point i wiil quote tihe exac but another stop te force similar ac- vordlug of lime law vith referonce tui~ i o pa pigll tien on the part of the North Shore Route No. 21:IfBl o upa Sriged electric railroimi. This rond le not "BegInling lu a public hiigbwi,.y at Passes, it Means Tenamnent, nov chaigngthree cents Per mile teurbrylmt fteiyofCîaoýBidnswl .Ht but It la not through the wvllllnesasud enrunîng atlo snc lgyohylu a ulig wl eH of officias te have lit sny lover. gn rual ugarvesuly directionteth The North Shore rîilroad fled a eea otwnrldietotuheW UEA IS FEC D-, petition eudeaoring ta increaset Wisconsin Stat. bUe, affording Chicago, W UEA 5 AFCE. their rate offtare but ver.e prev-ent- Lihrtyville, Antlocb and the interven, ed from doing 40 bec-aune Waukegau lug communIties reasonsble connections SPRISO'IELD).kmIotg the drse. it.rposled a eireuuous objecton lu with esch other." tic Provlsiaus <of the Kensington viev of the tact tha1 hore alreadyIn luthe steve vording the "Wisconsin housiug code bill, pouding lu the son- hit been a decided increase lu the State Lins" the "and rond, extendlug aie, are the folloving: Tale..trog Wauconds sued Volo te Foi Na tenement building saol be Tesi teCme thNo thr ghhigimer tIon one andi one-haif timest The uitto cmpe theNorli-Lake sand Antloch could eusiiy have heen the vldtb of the videât etreet vhlcb vestern road to reduce lie raies l rn s ilgth odtonbtf regarded sau atest case aud upon ltconted sflînitecndloobt & buteansd nover higher than St vil dopeami the action lIa vill be guieaon ta mai. "slfording Chicago, feint tiben vith regard te otber rads lu Lihortyvle, Antloch aud the interveanug EverY building aboli have a bac!k lime saite. This îpplieu ta the eîlec. communitiuse ranahi. connections Fard of a sise proportIonat. te lie rioes asWeil s the otesim roa for vih each otimr." Ioigis u@A roadi bave endeavored te churgs Npv If 1h. lovibaad topped vith lime Uvery renoe, lncludiung the hatit s throes cent rite lu lev of th. ffttWord "conuetion," thon s route, for roomn, *salbave at lesât on. ont- that tâte gomusment bau pormitted them itéof Illustration 1 vilii My, peuaidOter are l0nà- nciuded is- Ibis 1offse la M case1ethé B.tea logtlhooubAie ansd up tbrough falloir telie ecapes..garbage dis- »oad. Tio râtes OB the NOrbilibers Mwbumn d Hickory Corners, viii Iii posais, piuusblug and muitition. lino at bbe prssent lime are under 1h. condition, bnese ual voumi ailow 'The moulsure applies ta any ciby the. thréoe cent flamit but lt la toit ail the principal oommanills near tbe of 10,0M, lu. population. Enfinrcement that thon 'vli b.t a petition Be ot *111.4cnncin. u téo h rOiin todrPnt«t vlth the «ittbes commiasion te raine ruereoamocaeîos"bt1.0 h rvsosudrPnlisl thme rate lust ansoon au possible u- li sae y s ui cb other." veadat!lualIme departineitcfrpublie der lime liv. Nov, even lb h.h mont elistic bealtb. BUOLVWURB.--The Blvidore ity couneil bir a vote 0f, s 10 s pasaod a resolulion ualg the alte legill- bure to pu@avithout submlssion to thle people lb. proposod liv empov. exing tlb. eing of clty propent>' te $2 par thousand Inatead oflilmltiug taraUion 10 $1.20 per tiousaud as iJAcle Eb»M -Iv riîth imlm't alias easy te gCUai Fie Eben.«"A minu un =ib suiimîs..ln hait a minute dat tmagflualon. boy could Ilbehocoustruei lia a oud. mnalng trous Hickory corner. te GasCorners and Aria vonld alford Autioch sud Lake Villa roasonabi. connecions vith emachIer, or Laie VilansdGroaelake reasanahie connec- tions viih .ach alber, or even Liberty- villeanad Orayalake reasonahie cone- lions vith each other, Perbape fi la uneceasry ta cal attention ta the lad thul the 1ev pro. vides fors arge number of routes, vbieb vili require thme contruction oi nearly 4800 mile@ 0f roand. Wlimh the amvauce ai coste, lb la going te ho diffenîit to endoraed lie specSc ProvIsions or time Kessinger bilîl no ar ès it lu knovn ho bas nrged tIme necensity 15<, Is bleunil message' sud elgeviuin of a iosiug code te correct 4110g"d building abuse. lu the urger cilles vbere ebaltlnl congetd districts la eudto 4 1 h menaced by adverse con- dItions. Thie bill la expected 10 bave imme. diîte attention by commlttne mou>- bers. Il ig bocked by a large unm. ber of vomon's organisations and la laid 10 ho tavore4 hy lthe.Chicago hoiseing council sud 111e illinolq go- dot>y of enoleu,. 1 T tAI Below womefl I Ubçrtyv A. D. l o Fc Shi Grave rdu Offloe HOME 4 Tho lot ahiy dem' Colon. lu Liber cevening i the corni der lime d dnllliug lIme meu 10 the I Tier. C :se -- - -- -- jWANT ADS I REAL U'P+' *FOR SALE--Six thorougbbred Barred MAL Rock roosters st $800 ewUb J. T. Bills. 129 FOR bALE-Choice meuldonne lot@ on_____________ McKinley Ave. lie. Gimen.. 94 FOR SALE-Two hesvy droit herseS I have son» ver1 -lu upc.aeos . and10 yeare old,tidre. Sophia1 1t prie.nfom *2,50ie0.pt-o-at>bue Townr. Diamoud Lake. 12-8 $4.700. $6,000, 07.500 tef8500. All FOR SALE-Boras, buggy snd horne».. modern nicely located, whieh 1g ilU emonubl if toit! by AprIl lot. 2,14 ho pleased to show yon at *nltime. mile. north of Libertyville on Sol Kelmey Edwin Austin. Phone 16, North Shore farm, Phono 294-J-2., 12-2 Goas Co:.i FOR SALE-i teamn of melon vth don'- TO TRAtE-Three acres, fenced, 1 Ie haras. .1i6(là. p. SObver soline cleard for orange grove in Florida, englue 1 corn planter, 1 eulky cultivator. da, noir main lino for $200 or fo1 l-Cha«. E. Peterson, Lîhertyvîlle, Phono dies. fors or vbat have you te offer? 298.2t2. 184It F. A.. S. Mercor, 2108 Ezekiel avenue, 040 FOR SALUD-House, lot and barn InNGTICE-White sewlng machine. oD village of Wadoworth. Enquire 1. denosiratlonevsry FridaysýtLibutg- O. Wiflham, Wsdavwortb, III. A bar- ville. Aise do repsîriux.O. B.iJaobeon, tain if takon at once. WklY 2t Balseman. 1-p + FOIR SALE + LOST-A gold Il ttIe inger ring, Set with - 00000000ý ----- agate. Reward. Returu tu Lberty- FOR SALE-Cemont stavo silos -. ville Bskery. f cheapest and boat, vindov and CEMENT SILO STAVES-We have@ door scmoens; house moving and the chespeet and boat silo on th. bouse ratslng. Mion Institutions and market. floemiovînR, bouse raislng. Industries. Deparimot No. 4, phone Zion Institutions and Industrie@.. lept. 4 49 or 31. Mion, Me1. (9-tf Zion GtY. III. Phone 49 Zion Cty. 2tf FOR SALE-Diamoudej, vatche.sud FOR RE NT-Fouror five modem moinme.e Jeweiry on credit, 20 per eent down Sariah Coudrey, Area.1. aud 10 per cent a mouth. Rny K. WANTEO)-MUr women tu akeorders Yeoman, 111 North Oeeee et , Wanke. amoîmg frieudo snd UM-ghbrs for the gan. 6tf gpnuine guaranteemi hîîeiry. full lin, for ruen, vomen and rhIldren Eilîminate. FOR SALE-Flue etght-room houe.,on darnlug. We Puy e)Oeanuuroi)aretime Elmu Court,.fBot voter boat, tlilets or $24 a week fur fu tigrie. FÀperience and bath, &Il couvenieuces. liai @tory unueceesary. Write, Interutl(usalttoek- o.k trie throughout; second story white lux Mill, Norrletown, l'a. 8s enamel sbd mabogany brio Everythlmg firet clos@ lu every particular. Large WANTEI) Teanu of young mares baseent sud Isundry, screoned 'pore.« about 2600 poumids.iniuet be sound; andafinue twos@try garage, Lot5OzloO. al[4o a CouPle of gooii brood sove;, Dur- tree. Itesmouable terme. idrs. (George oCs preferred. Addresa M.I-H. Ram. 8. Bond. 12-4 port. R. F. D. 1, UIbertyville. ItL faim ta Mmet nana Titn Sc REIN wITI JONORS, Blumbercq Family of Waukegan Have Established a Most Unusuai Record. ESTABLISHESRECORD HERE The svîrdlng of a high school houa: to Heury Blumberg this yeair bringp to Ilght a most interestIug state of affaire. Tt jevelops that every one of th1e fIve sdue and daughters of J Blumberg graduated fram the Wau kegani township higli echool vlth bou. ors. Tt i. doubtful If sucb a record @ver wRq establishemi before by a Waukegan famlly wheyein 50 man> chilmren are coucerued. Nathan Blumberg graduated froir the local hlgh school lu 1910 vlth the honor of orator. In 1918 ho graduas, emi fram the Northweser U tniversity lav school vith first honors. He vit electomi s menber of Colf honorary legs! frsterulty. He ls nov practie Img lav ln Chicago. Morris lilumberg graduatemi from bhe local 11gb scbool vlth the honor of val- ediciortin. In 1914 he graduated front the Northvestern University law school with second honore and aise vas electemi tg Coif fraterultY. He le, aMi it

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