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Libertyville Independent, 27 Mar 1919, p. 8

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LTBWR~~YVILLE INDRI MAROH 276g199.______________ ______ Mrea ancd Vieinit< -- - - - - - ----------::m am :--a as AREA BREVITIES UmIs.Ruth 3baddle, wbo expocte tu qget a traintua course ai tb. Preshy. *«Ma. bouptai thet, mk, as thm gnu et honor at a parti giron by a mamber %of y«nag people at MeBrlde'e bal lfaut IWdy .v.ni. A largo number o!Miss S0hidile'a Mronde vere proet and ail «joyed th.e venIng o! gameo and dancing. Lighttresbmentm er.eerved eti ýste hour. Iis. Rael Hmkitswoiler entertaiued ib bomber of girls ab dincier Tuesdsy *vmslag coiuplirnenting àMima Ruth Uladdle. Rurnors af a "Sprlug Fashbion Show" vhicix have beaun doatIog about are nov becorng more thau ru more. Wateb for 2orther annuncemen te. InJloor bamebali teame viilbgiu work -U garneet next Tuesday eveing. The girls are holding out a challenge to the 11marrled women team" sud this le jour chance to 'begin practice. Everyone intteresed la lnvited b0 ho proet. À numbor of studentm vho are attend. tng Lakre Forent Cliege are ejoylug a ton deys vacation at their various homes Ïbore. .The. commtte, lu charge of the corn. snnity veifare work bave arrauged for a eveulug'm entertalumeut lu the Smrmunlty boume, Saturday ovenlng, April 5tb. The program vwiii couiet of ags, reading, dance@ aud vili cunclude wlth an amusiug one set play ail of qVhlcb viliiho given by the Coiumla lntert'aluere, of Cbicago, a company of mres young ladieo, eaeb an artlst lu ber giacilar line. Thus the people attend. ha aore smeured o an eveulng of fun sud amnumement eldor n ejoyed lu towne the dau o! Ares. LZIVTAOE Fred Grabbe sud Orvilie Srnitb gavesa bard party at the Woodman hall Frlday *venlng. Ther@ vere about elxty people tbore sud ail epeat ,of enjeylug a grand "no. A bountiful lunch ws. erved âs 1pual. Mlo@E,1lzabeth sud George Wrtz epent Pendsy sud Muuday lu Rogers Park and J. L. Chamberlin recelved s telegrarn lb. 1laet o! the veek aekine hlm to corne te Bethol. Vermout, et once as hi@ brtrl.Iw vas Mi. H@eloft for there fiW F[OR ALt POSSIESSION IN TIME FOR <THtIS YEAR'S CROP 20 ACRES-vel locatmd; hlghiy tapa'ovmd; stock, faed and lmn. plemust.de.Il urod. Ovuer vante e"Umaift bnlidlps lu Chicago. 44~ .ARE-toad land; êtlose tua I~;good-buildg; 7 Iacie. t aseMay ho had vltb tbe place. Wil Vllmpt boums and lot lu towa e at of tret pujuasut. 800 ACRES-2 mls. fron tovu; 85 .1e frons Chicago; bhoro blsck lordeliand; nov buidings: 2 o- stock and Implernento If do arS Loy prise sud easy terne.. tothtconsidr'some 1usd.. 90 ACRE-4 umiles frais lova; 80 rud tu scbooi, good, 10,01 I»»O8acresrail plaved! 7 acres ellilfs;goodbuildings,asilo, etc. VUe $y sterme ACRES-gaond averaore land; location; 8 miles frais lova; MOU . rots Chiaga; fair bulld- 481.oresbard sud amail fruit. Wii Sumddor soms. tradte. 48 ACRES-uuuuaily Weil lu. 1 «118d; oxcePtlonaliy gond land; ln bm*,fldlugm; stock sud Impie. muta. WIi conaldor mone trade. SSonie Oood Bargains in Town Prop.rty à nov elght.room modern houses ln Grayslak; garage, gardon, fruit; Weili oeoied. Attractive price.sud 4 easy terme. A olz.roorn modern bouse lau Ubortyvlillo, one of the boat loca- tiom n lowu, oceupled hy owner; 1 Pssesson any time. A good lu. A good @il ro,)m foume lu A res; ,450 eseh, $10 per ujonth untii giald for. Llhaerougblv mcodemr, up-to-date dsgbt-roornlàbouêe lu Libertyvîlle; offiS aeëeept ounie trarie as part àfirt paymeuc; eaey tarine on À uew, thoroughiy modem anine- .gWID bouqe lu Ares; bard wood -gÎb; newiy pspered; oceupled Ly ,Càer; psesson auj liane. i f-4 ,..i a -tracts in Ares et monm-sl"gpriees suaday attemnoon. Um Olive Nelson of Woukegan, spent luse vsaitbe Augfuet Wlrts borne. Mrs. H. G. Payne sud lkrand.daugbter speut Thureday sud Frldmy lu Oicago ai the Preshyterlan hospItal i vtb lra. (luilidge, vbo had s galter rernoved ilut Taosdsy. Sbe le reported te ho gettlug aiong as veil as eh. eau. Frei Grahho vwas a Chicago vîsitor Mondaj. Little Derrick Breveter o! Wfauktegau @peut thbwek-end et tb. Wm. Kuehker borne. Georgie Vickery i. under the doctors cars ln Chicago. Hie mother le staying with hem. Mre. iFrank Dolph vieited Mre. Martin Docker o! North Chicago, sud lr@, B. C. Lumik o! Waukegau, Wednesday sud Thursdsy o! ami vek. Shesioattend. od a malinOeslu Chicago ou Weduesday. Little Jeanette Rtta boasheen ou the elck flt hut le reported ta hbe lmprovlug. 11. C. Payne epent fluuday lu Chicago. Auguet Wlrta erved ou jury lu Wauke. Kan lat veek. AIl wve.gisd ta ses Mir. Moore at îchurch fluuday, ater au absence of msuy mauthe psrtiy cauesd by alkuees. Mr.ansd Mrs, C. -L. Dolph sud Infant sou vilied lir@. Dobuer near Waucouds, flundaj. Herbert Chambemlu i fChicago, @pent tbe week-eud vlth hie brother sud INy. sud Mr. Frank Onrfil fi Ifrving Park, were receut viestors at tbe Cham. hrilusud L. 9.lutta bornes. Mrs. Fred Delélelu epeut everai daye the patvesk witb ber father, Fâauk Behai of Waukegau. lire George Hertel sud Mas. John Fredeaiek vllted relative, lu the lty Weduesday sud Thuneday. - Mm. Audrew Amnansd on, Edward calied on relatives St Waukegan the hasgt o! the veet. J. S. Delulelu has purcbamed the old Hertel houme near St. Mary'@ church vhere ho sud hie daughter, Mim@e lOza. betb, wlll make their future home. Mir. Delulelu vii retire from active farrnlng sud hl@ sou, Fred wili take possession of hie large farm. Frank Erbart attended the funeral o! bis uephew, John Krlmtlan St Sb. joseph,@ chnreh St Waukegau lit T hureday mornlng. Mr. Krltlau bas heen a long sufferer wlîb diahitemsudonu aceunut of bis poor health morpa to Monroe, %Wls, about three jeare ago where he pamed away lasi Moudsy morniug. He bes a wl!. sud two sanail chldreu. lMr. lurletian vas veil kuovu hore baviug viled hlm uncle sud obher frleuds qulte froqueuily. Mis. Nettle Murray speut Saturday sud flunday at ber homne, bore. Leon Mllerof ai Meumy,. @peut tbé week-end at tb. bome of hie grand. isoîber, Mr@. Ale eary. Paul Harri.s peut flunday ai the home 0f bis parente, bore. Mr. a&al Mr@. Joa.,Toriky and daugb. ter, Mies Lucilo, of Cryntal Lako, @peut flaturday sud fluuday Stheb.horne a1 li.ansd Mr@. C. L. Pratt, tir. and Me. Harrj rsuthain enter- t*inod several frlouds froin Crjetat Lako, Missei Grace sud Helen Murphy éent flunday ai thoîrborne, bore. Mr@. C. L. Pratt sud graud.daugbter, Um Mary Murphy returned homo Mou. day alter a wesk's vîsît vlth relatives lu Mr@. Wm. Staucliffe o! Prairie Vlew, spout tbe vesk end att h. home o!flir. sud Mm. W. J. 8auer. Mrs. D. H. Murphy .outertaiued rela- tives tram Highland Park, flunday. The Wauconda Trust & flainge Bank la now open ou Mouday ,morulugze sud lu the future the. houas vilii e tram 9 ta, 12 a. ms. end 1 ta 4 p. in. sud fltumday evonluge 7 ta 8:30. The extra sesrvice wlili ho a great couveuloume ta the corn- rnulty aud Cashior Storker le ta ho eornmendod for ible etra service. Henry Maman, Jr., ent the iret ai the week vlih relatives at McHeury. Mmr. Emmtt Geary épeut the iret of the wesk vlîbrelatives ai Grayolako. Dont& forget liarcb 29,1hhelbg Baskt mocalitaho gîven lu the gymnuasîni. Au entlrtalumeut viii hogiron sud foliov lng th. saie of the baskets, there viliiho other amusements,. namoly, 'daucing. Everybody luvlted. Emili Franik mpet Fbday IudIcago Mrd. ~Wm.Hartmian d eblîdren &pont s l fw days ut 'A i ngtou Helghts vlmtlug reistia e,,. Ire. iS. iljrrmeuvislted lu Chicago Tiuuîeday. E. Butchîneon va. home s few day. alter a trip to C'auada lu the, mploy o! tue goverument. lIre. Maucb iite) iienîsl u iaYvood Aud.e Fnday. F. M. H A RDING J. Flanîgan @peut Friday lu Chieigo. Ber. BE Buer attended the uerai ai ~ma, ~ Rer. B BlIum ut Itarritngton, Tiiesda>'. B ieeI. Koffen, L. Geary, W. C. Blekossesud Wrn. lBarspont Wsdnue.. day lu Chicago. .Mre, W. O. flebumaker vjeltod l t bebo daughter ai Palatine, Wedouday., Pblilp sebsefor le vlaltlug bI pitrente atiproseut. H. G. Hlîman vent ta Chcago Thurs. daî on businesa. àMre.'P. fleballonkamer @pent Tumday lu Chicago. Mrse H. Steilisud daugbiters, CiarS sud Liilîl, @peut Wedueoday lu Chcago. Mr. sud êMrs. Ed Yaung o! Kaukqkee, vielteil tb reatIies unday sud Une~ day. Mr. sud Mas. A Dovutan, daugbter Jane sudIfu Kathorlée Broyer of Chicago, callod a lb.hlm baishoe Sun. day. mise H. M. Schah spnd GLas, fichais sud farnlly of Chiosgo, vlslted vltb Mir. sud lirs. Frauk fichatz, Sudayý Rev. Kebri vas a gilesat Stihe DiJehI home Suuday. Mism Mrle Kuebker of Waucouda, vleited Suudsy vlth Mm. sud Mr@. F. Popper. Mrs. E. Sodeuberg sud chliduen of Lihertyvllie, vlmted a ew daym ai tho flhesfer homo. The mern hors of tho Evaugelical chnrcb hold sarmeting fluuday afternoon la dioeua, plans for building s bamomeut under the church. The catraci le ta ho let @oon sud vork vlii begé as soon s paemlbio. There vore thlrty mnembers present, vbo vaiuutarlly suberlhod ovor $500 amoug themmelvea. lins. J. A. Riechli, fir., atteuded the funeral of a hrother-lu.iav, fiugo Art: oi Fart Madîson, Iowa, an Tbursday. Mise Isabelle Bioderehadt of Highland Park, @pent the veek-end at ber fatbor'a, F. C. Bederatadt. Mrs. Ale% Willimsn le speudiug severai daye wlth Mr@. Ed Biugbam aof Irviug Park. miss Clama Beekinan sud Elaner stahl lot Prairie Vev, Worm manried liarch 18. Mrs. Becker atteuded tb. uerai o! Mr@s. hcheck of Shermervlle, Tueeday. Mimmeltuth Eree vaas tbe gnest of Mmm. Almon Paones on liunday. lM@. F. H. Meyer vas tb. gueet of Mir@. H. P. Thomasofa!Forest Gieu, on Tburaday. Mr@. 'Lincoln Poulis ontentahned the Five Huudred club on Wedueeidaýv. J. A. Itiechelt, Sr., haviug eold hlm beautiful country home, bas moved tuta Cen. Staugora fiat. Mir. sud lMr@. H. licOowoîl vere the guemt o!f Me@. L. C Hale ou Friday. Mn. Wrn. Scblnleber vas th. guesi of ber brother, tIr. Arnold af Chicago, ou Frldsy. Jamese Curran o! Grayelabo, vas the guesl o! 0. I1ltockeuhach on Suudsy. Alman FrosttoftChcago,speuîlMon daj vît hlbis on, Arthur. The memberu of L. A. Kelys claes gave bIta aareveli paty ah the Com- munity Boueou Tu.sday er.ging. Mn. sud UMm m asSali, vbo bave speni tb. wînter lu Keutucky bave rturued homeo. Mr@. Ed BelmebI @pont Tbumdsy ai the. home of lier . otor Mm- M P- Hluteblm ne o neraieu, m,.. . i on 0f Irving Park. tan Sherman speut seversl days FRALIB VIEW IKIME)K TMl. o liniae is t iita (RAIROAD PRO&- W. fsuer vas a suuiday attemuocn caller. tah. m 1 . Ga sdMie LE14 IS PRESENTED Woodcack, flur.day vîth relatives luathe Cty. Shahl State Break Pledge to the M. sud lMre. A. G Richarde caloed ai lb. Pèdeme home Mouda sltron. Voters to Select Rdige Road M. W. Kuodler sud Ted vîltod vlth is Pertinent Question. tb. W. Bay fsmily Suadsay lArma, Mm. W. Bianeiif @pent Batnrday at HEARING HELD ON MONDAY Wauconda. BlShalthe courues of thc ucvet aie flou Deucbock lae quite Ill wiîb pneu ra rn hcg aMlak.h mania. odro ChcgtuMlakeb Mr. sud Mm 0 . Long ai Chicago, over tb. ridg. road vest o!f1High- vislted at lbe L. Mastbor home. land Park, Fort Sheridan, ec., or Dr. Buismere sud tsmlly aud Mm. Kolloy aver lte telegrapi rosi, wvh litlal sud taainly ar Chicago, vieied vltb Mm. argued la thi.ebahrler sud straîghtcr aud Mr@. J. gerberé., route9 Mn. sud Mm. W. Eddy otertalued Thi!s vse the quetion whicb ves Company frais the City Eunday. presented ai a meeting beld Iu tbe C. Eaansdlir@. Miller vlelted thoîr IA Salloeboltlun Cicago, Mouday, ulaten Sunday at Elgin. of the supporters of tho tva routeis. Mmeo. auptubrer vas a etty vîiotur The meeting vu *veelded over bY Mobday. Mm. Bennett, director of the hoard Tho miction vhich vas held Suuday of public vori. .8. B. Bradt. state re.ulted lu Mise liAiîie flodgkinm holng superintendeut or bigbvaye, and lected Supertudent of the fludayChare tuseIl, eounty snperlutcud- @choc[ sud B. A. Kuopi asletaut. eut of blghvasmlu Lakte couuty, aiea The pruiddlg eider yull preach st bmhee. present. firmce churcb April 4, et 7:45 p. an. Wieu lb.e ouuty bond Issue o!ý Communion service A prhtl6, S. S. ei 10, $500.000 vu paso d, the people ln servIe. st 11, Y. P. A 7:15, preachlug-jthe 'viciuîty of ÎTliland Park vere L...DJAMOND LK John Barteti bas returued home. LIttho Margarel Anderson la vlsltlug ber grandisother, Ms0hOtoiolm. M. sud Idm. Ed Goaevlllen sud cblldreu speut Suuday attemuoonu lth vlhh Mr. sud Mr*. John Glamavilior. Mm. Loroy Kane sud Mrs. Robert Boue speut Wednosday lu Llherty ille. Mmme. Auulm Rouse eud. Mr@. Arthur assured that the rldge road voitld ho accepted, Ihis heiug very arrept- able ta Highlaud Par'i aud Fort Sh'ý Idan people because It Is more i1t cessible to thern. Nov (the questione that presents itself ta the state de- Jpartiseut la vbetber they shauld kêeela baitb vltb tiese pseople or wh.-tler tioy mhould select the telega,%'s mon.d tvhich many assent le the more logiral 1route. No decisian vas reacbed Main- Hollanddar. A @utisil vasn as. ted iat aal Hoilad vee Ar. viîtor Wedosda. nome vll ho sent avor at roie Mmàd. sud Mins. J. W. Cocpr r oe Chics. go vîSitame lasi week. The Ladies' Aid aht Mmm Wm. Elus-. mans vas veil attended. Walter Loinker bas aecepteS a position as foreaunsul a fac tory et Caiedonia, 111. lins. Leanker aud cildreu exp)eci to mare there on. Mr. sud lire. Mame-haîl Hutchingo returnod home Suaday evenlag !rom Alabama. Mn. Hutchings bas receleved bis diacharge froantbe army. Frank Stoemp sud '.1 ie-Cvnliae Towuer epeut Suuday at Roudout. Mr. sud lmes. Benry Kaue sud Gene- vieve spont Satnrdsy vitb Mn. sud Mrm. Leroy Kane la honor o! Lemay'm blth- day. Qutesa number attended the surprise psnty Friday aiternoon a# Mm. jack Thatchers@ Iu hanar of bertweucy.seeond birtbday. Walter Kane epont the weeok-end vlhb bIs folk@ataila. Mir. sud Mr@. Leroy Kau,, M ises. Bos sud Lbihe Mill@ spent Sumday vltb lMr. sud Um. Robent Rouée. BenjainiéDnobek laili i tb pueumniue,. guet.té tiMra. Sophia Towur's, Son. day vere: Mn.. sud Mre. Win. Stoerp sud mon, Mmr. sud Mmm. Cîsyton Hutchînga aud dauabter sud Bev. Slckttî. lire. Rohort LIiasd lMre. B. fehneldor vitb ber @futur, Mr@. Lavrence of vere Waukegau viiîtome flaturday. Chicago. Rami Ksug epput Mouday et Elgin. flrgt. Lester ftauge, vbo bas been Mr. sud IMn. Green sud Mis. Vees servlug bis country for the pai elgbteon Meconnell tram South Dakota are viol rnhm, bas recived hlm houorable dis lng Mr. sud lire. J. W, Hutchinga. charge, sud relurned home Mouday. U.sud Mn@. Wmn. Stoorp sud soa Mr.insd lir@.Christ Seul sud Mm. put Wednesday eveunug viib Mm. sud Eggers vere the guet of 0. Horenho rger, Mr@. F. Lubkemauu. Bunday. Mmmu. Cutter, vbo la Ili bas go o, theb RM Prebyterlan bompital. . noie RUIJ311.1 flîxteen memrniroftheb Prebyterisuanj Msauaryàmtucey fris Demrlld sud 8M0 M ES 15 four former netahore tromis blap at- tendeS the Marcb meeting bodet51Ibthe(l3 boas. o!Mmme. S. P. Hutchimon af Irving V O A T PDIAI Park, ou Tbursday. Mr@. J. A. lechet, Jr., att*ndeS lbe 200 Mayors and Aldermen De- North Shore Chapter, Daugbters of Ibm Amreian Revolutioé, beîd et tb. borne mand Legisiature Give o! lira. Wsîklue o! Hghland Park, ou Themn Utilities Controi, Thurmday alernoon. Rer. Stelervald le atteudiug the cou- SPR[NGP[EI4D, Marci 18.-IlIînoai fermuce ai the U. E. chumh&tflarriagton. mufllcipajities, mare tia 800 of li. nsd)Ir@. Hemman Prout are vîmtt. lthr, Includiag Chicago, tii. a!tec- Iug relatives lu the central part o!fithenoon demandeS "home ml," iilnt @bats. mator o! bandltug th elr public util- Wrn. Seblie o! Chicago,. vas thbe geset Perbape no anr. cmpbaîic pIes bas ai F. H. lieyer on Mouday. ever beon proceuici ta an Illinois lMe@. Alanra Roekeubacb of Cbsdwlcb, gensmal assembly. IWwvvlcod by lm spendîna lb. vesk St ber fti±er's, O. s delegation o! $00 mab, majors aut 1. itockoubach. aldermen o! munWcpaltfes.. Mr.insdlins. Honbort Bart vere the Tboy urged tie passage of!Metl gueetsa oftirs. Barret's parents, lMr. sud bil 201, glYlug ightl tu, ntunipalîtles 'Mn,@. John Carallu, Saturday. tu0 ihbdraw, lie reitulatlon of publie lire. ligdaliuo Autos, vba led Friday utilîtios front tic stale commemion ulght, vaas uleb riste t ansd plâclug themunder direct cou- urie frm th St Peus abi of tb. municiplty. church ou Monday. lir@. Antes, vho The Chicago deletattou van au- vam eigbty-threo Jean, aid Febuary 28, oibcr vietary, thie sonate committes bad @pont nearly ber wboiolifelnluthlm oun muultfpalios reporting cul vith vlclalty. .$ha baS a beautlliful rtiau a recaimoundalian ltati;ilpeausIbe character sud'lbaves a hast ai trieuSe Glacin "aone" bill, permitting citiez sud relatives, bWsdes tva #ane, Jacoh ho reaulalP the groupiug of reaiden- ai Seattle, Waeh.; George o! Northfleld, Ulansd manutacturing districts. aud six daughâterm, %Ir@. Mars Pàmter o! Elghlaud Park, Mme. $&rab flchepp a1 Da!Iy Thought. Glencoe, lins. Aunoe Lange o! Deerield, Tee sn rn da c nmpc withwhomshe ade erecometry wthinus cia hbould bave vla vhm ee mde oreboieMm. ta be t4keo loto uccount lulin n Carnie Leesen o! !ortbtield. sud Mme. planurliof otur glacis and stuumns- Emma R. B. lileb o! Chcago. The George IclantL fanerai services veme couductod by 1ev. ___________ F. BasaiS 0i Maubein, Bro. F. Buecber, pastar sud lier. Hoîbe of Hghland Park, Difterenccs ln Famiaicu. alter whlcb see vsm laid ta rosI baside In Japon the profeemional bcauly loves to upiîear witi golden tocila1 hem bumbaud lu ith. Derôied ceistery. ludia site lrefers thens stne-d e, For ALL. the faeliy, The ludepen. far-,.i, xi. ý roi1.1 fîl' dont. n1ly , Iale'e revfrou't ,eetuu ra id L la or ýr- ,la 'y id te la1. M 12. ti- m ýh Le ýs ti- IL 1 again. MRS JOLLINRAE DIESÀ AGE bF 78; OLD RESIDENT Had Been Aiing Slightly But, Her Death Corne Very Sud- denly Waukegan, 'Marche. 2? Mmm. Ellen Hollumuke, 167 Northî Butrick street, died titis mornlng s! 1 o'lock very euddenly. Af thougli MUn. Hofinrake wau 78 years aid, she bad been lu gond heithe untîl re- coutly. vbep aibe legan 10 compiain a tri llevth pains ln hem aido. They did nat seesu of mmci coneequence, bowever. snd ahe did not eall a physi- clan. This momning &bout 4 se awakcned vltb a severe pain lu ber aide sud calie thie Jenkinson famlly ho ber bedide. A doctor wuasesnt for, but by tie lirno be srrived Mm. Holllnrake bac! paseod vay. Mrs. Holnrske vawu oneo the voli fcnown vest i mde resideuts of Local Furniture Man Shows Confidence ln Waukegan by $35,000_Purchase. MAKES FOURLAIE DEALS. Jacob Blumiorg, lte South G-- esee streot furuturo Soaler, bas goad faith lu Wau'cegau rosI estale, havIng JusI purebamed bIs fouirthe plceof o!business pmoperty, thé, Pabst -building, corner Gense sud Wïiem iatrmee. improveil wilh a ibree star>' buainess blocit. Specimen Ballot (Mon%. and Wemen'a) Annual Town Elsion, Vernon Preainct, Lake County,' Illinois, Tuesday, April1,'A. D. 1919. Town Cierk. 71,cr. art bargaina ln Th. Inde. pendent* advertlaing columne. FOR SALE! PURE RRED STALLIONS AND MARES DANIELI HERSCHBERGER I3RKEDEk O? Delgin and Percheron Draft Iforses 0P[OPI['S PARTI For School Trustees. (Vote for Twoi FPur PulaTra. Tare. Tour,. DM. W. KNEDL ER T o .11, Vatace. To e n e ALBERT J. STAHL Fou NDIED 186s. MICIIGN MUUA LIFE INSURANCE LOMPANY DE fROIT JOHN HODGE, District Manager, Area, 111. Dcar Sir:-- -During the last flfteen years yeur Jife-work lias been shaped and determined, If you have prepared well,, y.;ur future holds many gciod things ln store. The matter of insuring your life la ali-iniportant This you know. When you acquire the property which you feel will De sufficient, you will go to an attorney, BA~ down, and quietly and deliberately make your will, But your Life Insurance la of more importance; your wiIl simply distributes, but yoift Policy provides. You rnay make your will atany time duûring yi.ur natural life, but the time to take Life Insurauce is whegn you can get it. Impaired risks are not wanted. Let your Life lnsurance Salesman quietly sit down with you and tel l ii what yuu want the insurance to accomplish. Let hlm be your insurance attorney and advisor. He lias made a study of the buësines3s and can explain how insurance wilI serve you best, No higher compliment can lie paid you than bis desire to interview you, for ytou are supposed to be of sound hoalth, with a good family record, and of godd standing among your fellow mnen. Your Life insurance should not be neglected. If you are in the market for more insurance, please let im'. hear from you. Yours truly, JOHN HOD(4E, District Manager. jPUNTY M The PieS Pipe farmeresviti'. %w Irlth the cai-ng u Sono right vII egluto promisrd W the flouise e "~Be il enace( art "that, any MY' sucluh ounnI lis or the genus IlY deom resao The bîilliSetau rbich te lîofi St kilior ehail c( P Fli,, e shall P097""'1siug an: ibe. ho shahi Shall take t 4 ti the tout mca! Pl killng leri uis certicato sta qunty sud saiS 90 icads o! suc] 1 lot ho the Ina: dlent. Waukegan, iiavilu ilodho rnay frefn publication but the vatiue il yeqrs and beîng the daugbter of thé the pmoperty ta mald t0 be $35,0W0. tais Mmm. Ellen Jeukinson, vhoaia With Ibis lest purchaso Mr. Blum- lb. linàe of boa doalhbheld the record I>org bun acqulmed vithin the Pont for lbeug Waukegqnls oldest rus). ltmity days about ane bundred thu-ns dent, thmough bavilag passed i the g mouad dollars vorthof Waukegan bu». of 105 yeare. lu... proi>erty. Robert J. Brelkine Mir@. Hollinrake vas horn lu ire- egtited tb.deal. land 78 Yeu@s aco, sud carne villa M ber parents ho Wsulaegan vhen ohe Mr. Burberg's Jaeit aogsiWu vas but a c li .& l M a Ilved a,# 1 ,in ocsted at tbe o utbvout corner ot trois Waukegan atter ber marmiase, Genoee sud Waten mreot sud vU but sam in.tre uaoetuned to make bulit yearm ago by Josie Dîstcneyer, ber borne vith herMamiter, Mmm. Ellen the old tb Samuel Schwartz, thon Jonkinsou. lier otber mstere that 10 Uic Pabat people sud nov Mr. survive arc: Mmm. John Pililfaut sud fliumberg boea aQutred IL. Il le 66 Mitr. William Wright of Wau*iegau, test on elîher etreel. a framse grue. Mrm. William Fulton of Kansas City, turo vbieh la unequalied lu oize by Mo., sud Mme. Harnor teven of 8Ex- auj trame strucîlire lu lb. City. celalor, Mina. IHem busband, James IStore. Oeeupy the lover tiaar and HoIllurake, dîi thmee yeans aMo. lbth Camrneon roomlng bouge la 04~ The sîmbore bave heen naltiod, aînd the 010cr doori. funeal aranemens 1 Tbeother tbroe buildings whleh faneai rragemntsare penidlug M r. Bluntberg reeently acqulmed are- word tram thern, probably ou Thiame. Blehop property viieme Day. Webb day. sud the foed sMores are iocated on North Geuesoee treet; the Drev building wheme Thom. licCaun n l 10 -BLUM ER BUYS ated on South Gýenef;ft street; sud BLUMBER(i BUYSAT <'ne-hat of the lmegWte building on AT Washtneret n VOL. SUIl MAI Capt. Basse lation Cul stripe BRIG FbR Jackict; aie training mii;, theoîa<-lv ci.u Who have ci, n ber shapm In lasve thcir hiar bemeaning (lie tbe neovraie R tu ectfe<t Ilia i the station, cal eonfereiic tIndtilauei li- fuilime lnu<-ul Pumpisdourei1 -Thi,, le anc o ,je mdlai-n.d ta. ofclitting thîî * -On the sides Jeaseiang il long The liait-on la #bhan 9tva iu< lie> b ides aud arejui o-ut with No. la ilI yèiiii, partifl on [lie, Il Thereiiitl ipý - iustachce.. 'Tii Viil be caitorci '0thems Ca1>!. esu-tt -gobe t ram rom go lieir hamir LInothlng l,11 1 -1Ilgo. Thre, ad and val lation. *'C,old Stripe-ri bd offIcer,,. ilwâ ed fronm mIl-s a -f!heur. Tliai longer. Ilarwi repaîtf ail it s Ctrlpers*' refir The enrupinan 'oter li11,,îl. -i ta lh.ine-uc i huit irSai it 'h b a î ý piTl i auiig an(a thelil- liifli raie tior i- l , ail muisenn a a ae thli oil 1, Whilitca if iuo r rallier than t mîghf no' Ilie ut.

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