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Libertyville Independent, 3 Apr 1919, p. 16

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TgvfW~Y Mbvad n, Ocasion for WWch AI WaukeganWomen Have Wated- Great Aprl - aiet! AýL HI l Northera Illiniois Greatest Distributars of Women ',g and Cii i!ilrtr7n's Apparel The Opening Sale ol- Corsets! In Both Front and Back Lace Styles at- 150,$3,$5' This is anexcptionaliy good corýee t $1 '50 and Ilmay bho had in both front and hack lace styles,. At $3 and $5 -.ou -a eet from tu e new spring styles ini erolosèî *Amerieain 1idv. Niadam L[rra etc. in front and barli lared !styles infIIesii or white. Special Sale of- - Skirts! In New Spring Styles $5,q798,9.75 1259916.50 Probably tbère neyer was a lime when met sklrts were more popular than awcertainly Ibère neyer vas a lime vhe Or sssortments vere so large YOU'l filnd many wonderful new things- in stirts of voolen fabrice as weil as in the stylleh flew siik crepes. euhk failles etc. And the most beautiful colore îm aginable are available In plaids, large rhecke, strlpes or plain colore. -Others to $35 OU R GREAT REBUILDING SALE CONTINUES TO 0F- FER BARGAINS by Hundreds -4' Rebujilding Sale nj - House Dress Apron s Up ta 1.50 -at9Sc A spécial meprchandi-ing tranr, action a ffords tIIe-e V.. "n ed bouse dr8ss aprons at thîs rery low price of 95E-. House Dress Aprons î<' $1.69 -at 1.39 L Prettv sît s in nost al rze in light, mnediumn and dailc (01 ors in a gond oualit' ff mïter la]. Moire Silk Hand Bags 1.98, 2.98, 3.50, 4.98 A varety of cItrer 0E-W stNlfs are tef fpred iln black and colora wiiîh mirror and coin purs-. -, nidî-. Over700New Spring Dresses in a Great Sale! -at Reductions oJ 25 - Per Cen t. or More on aDrers. 9.759 .00 iS7 22509 $25, 27-.0 $30 and $35 Beautîful styles, perfeet fit, in lîvidu'il- îty and vI-cx low prives are inth resting tentures possei.sed lîy these street, after- noon and evei nt- dresses aînong whîeh YOU w il fiîîd iool serges, jersey ssatins, taffetas, georgi tte tri pes, silk urepe de chines and îwîîmî il borate 'ad charm- îîîig coUIîbînat*îOns- There arc literaiiy hundreds of styles In suis dresses with vaitees, dresses wlt elaborale embroidery, sashes, beIts brocaded georgtte crêpe,,pannél éffects- ,unie and ruffled affaira In ail colore and I1 Ghildren's New- Dresses! In the Sale at-- 97c, ..82.9822 .9,3.98 9 Ai 97e you can buy gingharm n drs"e! w oth $1.50 and theni t $1.58 hp to $?298 thepre are dozen.4 of otl'sr fine ltl dres- es in sizes 10 14 of fine ginghaiav, pAr- caePoplins. etc. Children's Spring Coats & Capes 5.989 9.759 12.50 Spriag and Easter is "Dress Up" time for thé littIe folks as wéll as their eIderv. and ibis gréaI array ofr specialli priced coats and capes wiil prove thtat we are especially veli prepar.'d 10 take care of t1w1 wante of our little friEnds. Double Tipped- Silk Gloves -at $1,00 AUl colore and sizes in a double tipped silk giove for women and misses, wortb $1.39. Double Silk Gloves 1.50 The famous Mohawk double silk gloye throughout. Cornes in ail size4 and E olors. -an Event of Supreme Importance IeI ri2îîîi-, rontîîî t Il e Il l a ro i EEI iii titia i EEI fi l-I' lii i-ui i lg S i, p i1 . 1 il il El 'Ill1 lE . ill i lI O I li%% 1 #f(i. i' I fit. v liiiîa 1 il i i lai ilit iRi O laiii il 111 , corrctl' Il- uiI'utliIr. 1111 Iilis'i Il iîs c\i ll v i er 1 i i bEtiiiiI Cleverest New- - Spring Suitsl Interestingly Priced in tf Opening Sale at- 19.759 27.509 $3 $45 and $75 Here are Scores or some Spring Ha nd Coats! -for Women- - Misses -and Junior -nt special iale prices 10.75 - 14.50 19.75,9$25,929.50 $35, 37.50, $50 VVud mean anything to ou to know Lliait wp. have over 2,0100 n,-w spring coatm 7 WeIli. ilats exactiy the case, .,Ind t Iiere arg- styles for er-ery woman à4mali or t ail and siender or stout. ('oats<of vel tae oirru, silvertones, serges, poinýt twills morne with loose backm, belte, pannelý and cape effecte. Many of the coats bave decldediy new ideas ln coilars and pock et-i wlile others have button Iiiiir.rng. anid stitchiog for cmbeilshme ni. sp Thé suit on tiere k-fin thlie picturE' te prrced at S19.75, thé one on the rigît lW murked $3.750 and then cornes bundreds of others in serges, cbecked velours, tri cotines and poiret twills li black. navy rookle. black-and-white ckeck, etc. Many liave irandeonré vestees and are elabor- ateiy ernbroidered with braid. There are short or mediu jacket:; and narrow EJE r.ibedEiiiiiidili sklrts. Child's 59c Hose 32c pro A very qpecial purcbame bringF il sizes Up to 9 1-2 in black oiily Wonien's 75c SiIk Boot Hose 49c pr. Ail1 Colors and sizes in a goud qui iiy fibre silk. Women's 1.25 Alil Silk Hose 98c pro Women'e fne sllk hose in ail colora and sîzes. A wonderful Value. GUARANTEED -ALL SILK HOSE -at 1.50 Il they saren't matigfactory yoU get a new pair. Black, brown bronze. More of Thosie $1 Gingham Pe tticoats! -at 46c Exactly 8 dozen of these Ibo glibuhan petticoats were al vs couid get and whlle they last you can take your ichoice aI only 46c. Capes - Capes Capes -.lCape at iGio.-d EIlit tIjr,-i -'%aIs useilln bk aiong rer y lrEtty 1lii-, itnray hé bad ,,nitvs wi l 'Ir or (Efl :ýI -lng col- ùrtinunting. Other Handsorne Capes and Dolmans Ver.V Special at $15,) 19.75,) $25 $35,) 47 ,50 " There are capes with surplice ef- fiets. situulated jacirE-I, helts, saoheg and buttoir trltnming, thén there are capes wlth brsided yokes or pannelis. and Dolmans ln beautiiui styles of silvertonés, %'('Jours, serges, tricotla%~ etc. with Jersey siik coilars a>6 tbrows. $2 -Gowns, -Chemise and Corset Covers -at 1.49 Thé corset cevers are of seuh crepe de chine and washable satin, the gowns andi chemise are of muei.. Our Opening Sale oj-- Silk Petticoats SpecialIl Priced at 3.48 e& .2 At $3.45 are petticoats wlth sllkoline .oDe and taffeta flounces and aI $526 thère gre fine silk Jersey petticoatis with 4esv lffeta or accordian pleated jersey Sounces. ,,12.50 Values 8.98 The baonmet a i net qmailty ex. Ira bevy *0k jersey petticoata ve've oie se... DesaIutlrlch nov colore and A Spring Opening Sale o- Georgette Waists to $8 A very se îa uîulame nmade with our Opeîîing Sale in view. Prety ew tyk ingeogete mlkcrepes ivith fetching em- hI>)ileriY of silk, beads anîd braid. Ail colora. Si ik Waists to $5 at 3.49 B11k crepe de chines, strpd tub silike and. pretty georgette silk crêpes ini white and &il colore and In many wanted styles. Other Handsome SiIk Waists at L9.75,912.50,1$15916.509 18.50,22.50 The n0o0it cxqui4ite blouse creations of tbe season In over-blouse, peplum and Russian blouse styles vlth beautiful hand-rnade embellishméflts £04é colorifae beYond description. cabi 1491 hom 00l part tilloî Mion vhis rai tur audi TbI Meti para liver reïr pcin tery kega mintt Pr -VI oea -sape t". a~u1 have tu» ke tbae su-ù s hi -Vley Woo Tl t!,. in«u mnuai blot f a "tel cc Fort Up à aboi wità 1.. si *1'1 1518 Infb and gad, infa heai béaI e Appa'rel

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