I NSURANC! IIIII&LI. AtucielI'md H.6SM, Pi.,Ul. a..u- %omoble.and Worklug- ma*'@ compenaIton 3« Hlm flor. Placuig SYour ,Insuranc te184E os..LOuh»vi~,D WELL DRNJLING AIJSKERMAN & DOLAN ZION CITY P. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF Marbie and Granite Monuments G.metery Work of Evert Destription -"42rrcspondence 5oilcItec 1 16 Genesee St DU, 1. 1, TAYLOR fis a imN%"MdsackU. BDildimo »UOuu-l t a-,;30 ad 7 ta 8 P. n. -11à11M uou roadvay, opposite Part, LlàDryvlil, dilai.. DE GOLDINO DENIS IlorSôl 12 m.-l to ôe.M. O, rort National Bank euPhon 19-J. Mà. Phone 157J. Udbertyvlel. Ile CHAS. N. STEPHÈNS, M. D. PEUCAIo aun ndmRGEOit ftWsau MêLentico the dlea,.e.oci un FM gas Noe% 1hret lies ezud 0cfr Olsesu 05 ve au Co, Teit LMIbotynilo. DRL0 . .P.mrrrRPMLD. DR. A. G. CAMPBELL, ladd Uvery Stable Uberiyvffle, 111. WM&Ws. lie Fresi. Atioi. renOU Qum. Wadsucrth. Easeli a&Wohe 4ommaeo Bis DR. J. G..KYNDBERG Oueopathlc Pisuda Phono: Wankegax, 1061 In Ubuityville Tuesday and friday Afternoons. ELHANlAN W. COLDY Attorney-at-Law 0" teo a Hne, Cook Ave. Phono 168-J ~LSERTYVILLE, -ILLINOIS. LYaE l .MORRI Llberty-vill. - lllinois Iauu Boudins. sles. Pi euS-. One.Phonoe1a PAUL MAC GUPPIN AVWOBNBT Av LAW. UbertyvIlI., IllInals HAUtIN . ICICER SAUKUAI. - ILLINOIG Ofamcehoa» 8M RI& Phone 1860-B FOR SALE! cm leo4ot, al-marbie, a1vz, trimmed work board for soda Two 6-fot, asn iom Casm. .0a 64moo top cse àS*'36411beL. manietop table.l, wbh chireattcha lâmai EoofMahogany presnp- thot water umn. soisa " entire auit for $m00if t"ke in 30 day. Coré .a Gllu Sn.e. LOANS TAU à -A PIOP FOR WEi. During Past Week Sixteen Men Reloased from Service File Papers ai Court House. FEW MINOR TRANSACTIONS. A. M. Bovea Asst.Secretjpr Se- elty TtIe & Trust 00. Business of the Recorders 0Office for the veek endlnx March 29, 1919. Sumber of couveyaiices, 94. Number af chattel mortinges. 10, Sumher of trust deeda and morte agis, 21. NUMber of Army aud Navy dia- charges, 1. Total number of Instruments fled, 141. Total iilount of bans, 837ý.525.00. Busin e been hrlsk but leain ver. blov the average. Thé tfp4owliuam r the more Imaport- sut 4el1r jný cWllbur LU Blows ýib Woodward place1 .RavlaaM Ma"Iauil C. B.L1oody aid vie to H. J. Bedle- in, W. D. '855"~. lot 6 block 1. Utei a~i'Folsmbe'ssub.. Wauke- C. S. Roberts andi eta GUY Ru- ted. W. D. $1000, lots 162 aud 188, Ravinia Everts Wree n sd vile to GOo. Greene, W. D. $1000, N. 50 ft, lot 13. Block 4. Wrenn'a add. Highlaidi Park. J. Y. biam and vle to E . 0.But- 1er and vif., W. D. $10.00, lots 42L and 48 and lot 20 li noseub of block 17, Lake Bluff. F. C. Palmer ta Helen Paler. 'J. D. 81.00 urâivldod 1-3 lot 5, block 8U, Highland Park. J. P. Eiantaid vile to E. G. Butler and vile, W. D. 110.00, lots 42aid 43 anid lot 20 lI resub of block 17, lÀb' Bluff. Zuleine B. Armstrong ta C. E. Tim- son and wite, W. D. $1.00. Ba. part lot 11, block< 67, Hghland Park. U PF. Hull ta W. IL Pratt q. c.'$100 tract af land Iu sec 24, Avon Town- ship Samuel Widdecombe and vite to Lee Hook W. D, $10.00, lot 3, block 3, Rlddlecomb's sub. on North et., Waukegan. W B Har-taon and vite ta Oliver on wgèssq1«p Sheridan ktoa. 1051 Hook, W». $12.000 tract of land ln norb~yiI~St. for indlcate-d sec1tlon 22, Avon Township. 85,0ê~IIfif4,00 ecumbnaie. P. H. Barlett and vite to Clara H H rd bought the Ausel -Merkel, deed$l49.00, lot 43, block 1. J. Wlod ionauWest aide Qrand Ravinla Highlands, Highland Park. Ave. vltb 109%, feot frontage. luu.t F. Beaublen sjud vite ta C. A. Kan-. mst f Jcksn S. fo $4400subectnevurf, W. D. 81.00. lot 6. Sa. % lot to encumbrance. 7, block 2. Orvies ub.. Waukegan. Leu. B. aud Janp Z. Amann boughi John Griffith and vite te Thoresa the ftrst house on east ide Hickory J. Y.ONeill,.MI. D. 110.00, lots 45 Bt., north of Conter St. tram Jacob an 6Rs erc uLk mr (loldachmidt for' nominal eonsidera- sd4 oeTraeab *.Pr tion and gave hack trust deed for est $3000. C. E. Anderscon and wiîetu A. M. Leu Hoo'i bought the Wlddeeombe Johanna Petersan, W. D. $10.00, lot bouse ou south ide Fourth St. oast 1, Andorman's sub. ln section 16, Grant of oNth &a.e for incated $4.00 Tovnship. anid gave back trust doed for $1.100. J. J. Plnuctter snd vite tai Bolealmw Barnuel Wlddecoe and mii ie Kac2mary an ad vile, W. D $4,000. bought the T. J. Stahl bouse on lots 21 and 22, hlock 20 Wahburn nOrthweat corner North Ave. aud Park, North Chicaga Second St for #4,000. W. B. Walroth and vfe to Schratt- Bessie Poncher bought a la, on lad. W D. 81.0,loi 263 Shav's ?d. South $ide RidelIand Ave. iu Blod- sub. Fox lýake. gette Sub. tram A. F. Beaublen for Eruest Kaiodel aud vite ta James noaminali canslderRtlo. Bucb, W. D. $1,000, lot 1. hloc< 7, Richard E. Smith hought the De- Leoa sub, North Chicago. haene jV1sce an vesa ide Butrîck St. James morrov and vite tu H. W Just South of Grand Ave, for $2,200. Jobus-Manvillo Co. Deed 11.00. tvc Charles Turk and Marion Zimmer- strips for svltch track lu N. part Sec man bought the Bruhnholz 40 foot 15, Waukegau Tvp. ou vest ide Cheenut St.. 80 foot C. B. Sayler aud vife ta Jan Kas aouth of Seward St. for iudicated parzyk, W D $425. Lots il and 12 121E 00. Block 11, Dreyer'. subdivision, North Laurs G. Hansen bought a lot on Chicago. east aide North Chapel St. tram min- Marie J. Bachman et ai ta Mare nie E. Llchtfeld for nominal can. Ilacbmau Q C $1, several lots an the sideration. Stanton Point, Fox Lake. Erwin A. Clark bought 2 lots on, March 26, 1919. north aide Laurel Ave. vest of!1B1t- W. S. Wstraus to Claude Miller aud rlck St. tramn Charles E. Clark for vite. W D $8860; N 44 foot, S 88 foot nominal conslderatlou. eubiect to lots 19. 20, 21, CumIngs C's North $1,500 encumbrance. Ave. Adi. Waukegau. Cla-ude and Mauie E. Miller bought L. F. Houlta Mary C. Hull Q C 81.00i au 44 foot lot On vest aide Hickory 14 pleces of property lu Waukegan and St., Just uorth of Massena Ave, train at Druce Lake. Wm. S. Watrous for $850.CALabctadvieaHnr In North Chcago: Bolealaw Kacz- .A abr tadwfet er marYn aud wlte bought the piucutter Aulle Jr. sud vIte, W D $10.00; S 601 Property on west sire souti, Victoria acres of E 1-2, N E 1-4, Sec 36, Ir Street, Just uorth of lStb St. for Atloch Township. $4,000. A. F. Beaublen aud vite to BesSie In Hlghwood: Alexanda Robertson PoncherW. D. $1.00; Lot 3 Blodgett'r took title tram Highlanid Park State North Bide Sub. Waukega. Bank ta C7 foot on eaat aide Everts Win. Matz ta Auguat Nerphelm W Plac, huSi South of Higbvaod Ave. D $10.00; blocks 16 sud 33 Chlcage for nominal cousideratton. Hghlands. In Highland Park. Walffld Borge- Frank Panker sud vle tiI Mae E BOn aMd vile hought the Aune E. Doyle, W. D. 8900; lot 68 Wiiaon's 2nd Oison place an South aide Bloom St. Subdivision at Ingleslde. vestofISt. Johns Ave, for Indlcatod P. H. Barltt sud vite tu O. E $4,000 and gave hsc?< trust d"ed for Frled, Deed $10.00: lat 16 and N 1-2 82,000. lot 17, block 3, Ravinla Hghlands In East Antloch: Henry Aulie Jr. Highland Park. anid vite bought the Chas. A. Lun- ModOat Dehaene and vite teRM B brecht 60 acres lu NE sud Soc. 35 Smith, W D $2200, lot 5 bock 1, Te* fen idicated -$5,000) subject ta $2,500 man sud Douglas Sub, Waukegan. Oncumbace. , March 27, 1919. Un Lake Villa Loop: Marie Back. T. J. Stabl and vite ta Samunel Wi Man took title te the Emil Bachman dicombe and vile W D 810.00; B 46 estate propety on Fax Lakte la Sec- fil 8 20test Ut 2,Block 5NMW Ad tiona 1 aMi L.Waukegan. Un Avonu: Oliver Book bought the H. Barlett and vite ta UL1S. o.- Cremin tari of about 96 mres ln ltchek Ded $41900; lot 14, Hock 7 Sec. ?,S tram Walter B. Harrison for Ravinia HI.sllanls, RIShIan Park. $12,00. F. IL Emtlett to Mgary Soblffnder - Deed 8509.00 -ueskN artletYiNO REAL ESTATEjTRNSFERS Dhore acres, Wlantbromp Ht Joba Sharapluaki md vite to Stefait C. A. Sanhoru SMi vite to E. D. AureaffM. W 1) $"ô; .lots19 aiid Cribhs, W D. $10.00. Lat 10, block 3, 80, block 102, North <Iiegl., Exmocir aid. te Higbu paNui. Alred Otsjuclffe andvile ta Ama I& Pott &M1 buband to M. C. Kof- JOlab»ou, W 1>410: 1-4 amreon ME .ll tonD. Q C. $10.00 175 acres ln sections, ofr Mait WraV gy. 17 aid18, FA Township. .Anne E. Oio01%« te frildEergeson B. IL Parmer anvÎte to prrm IL and vlîo, W D$10.00; W 60 t,81100 Graver, W. D. 81.00, go. 68 test (IEx. ftt Ut 3. Btock 89, lablauà Park. W. 93 test) LUt V iOniaitutaWauke- amsA. Dnggtt advife to A. J. gan. Daggtt;Q C0D 1.00; 8 U ftLot a Henma Grbisb Mdai vie to G. A. 8avyea ail Mears ubllulsion. Higlu- Lagoschulte. deei 83.00. part et Iota -vooui &0 N 1-2 lot 38, ock 8 Wruau o ta, 6. block -E4- Barhaigtoe. Âuul Highland Park. G. H. Moiister and vif, tu 0. E. p. W. Petersonaid vite tu Nivle Knuegen, W. D. 81,00, part of lot 4 EL Utehfleld,.W j) Sîo.oo; uot 87 LT- l séec. 16, Grant Tovndip. 0on% SubdiviS09et ir Grounds. Wgu.1 Henny Vouderhld amu i vie ta E. kegan. P. moyera, W. D. 83f 00, lot 0, Cotes March 2% 1010.- ofd., Waulkegan. P. H. Bartett and vile to Charmes Cathonine M. Penn ta W. E. Hol- OieeHa et aI, Deei '$909; block 1111 land and vite. W. JM. 8810.00 E. 50 Ba*tett' North Shore ÂcresWini. ft.. lot 1, block 22, H ighland Park. throp Harbor. Helen E. Kuowles taoD. D. Spear Lake County tui P. il. Graver, Q C Q. c. d. $1.00, lot 3, Nelsons adi ta0 $1.00; lot 2 (ex N 23 fit and S 22 ft) blocà le il OrigaI Waukesfl A. J. Wlodeskianid vile to IL 0 iivarqls, W 1D $4500; West Pat lot 27 Oddltlon to N W addition to Wau. IL H. Albrecit aiid vile ta C. J. Anderson, W D $150; lot la Dlamnd laIe Park. J. W. Cook and vite to John PoUlai W D $M0; lot 8, block 2 Pumt'a South Bile Sunbdivision, Waukogn JobaaumBnuhnhoîz ta Charlea Turlt andi dauchter, W 1D $10.00;. S 40 ft. lot 2. block 6, 0mith anid Adami Add- Mton tu, Wackegam. B. A. Vummningea and vif. to P. B. Kalvarti, W. D. 81.00. Lots 23 tni 24, block 3, LAnox swb.., North Chitago. &1 à- O«Um n ad vile taB. G. Klvits, W. D. $1.00, lots 17 and,18M Lenox suob., North ChieagO. W. M. Brinkunan. and vite to Rosie Chiala. W. D. $87500, a 1-2 lAt 16 and No, 1-2 loti?, frophy's sub., Fox l,ke. J. U. Hoober, e-t al, to Margarote Heoeber, q. c. $1.00 lot 2 block 17, Xe]- logg'a sub., Winthrop Harbor and lot 26. block 5, Ravina Highlands, High- laaid Park. Wm. Vrutzeil to iAndrew F#arg and vite, W. D. $10.00. Lot 7, block 24, Wright'& add., Ibertyville. ENSI N ÏS ELD ' Great Lakes Aviation Office! lB Under 32,000 Bonds After SelIIng Stolen Cars. ASSOCIATES BELIEVE MYTH Ensign W. C. Shilling aboîgneul at Great LaLkes Naval Trainig Station, vus arreéted by Waukogun authai ties Mornday as a '"tence' for automo- bile thneves. Be vas held iu default 0f $2,000 bond@, fixed by Justice of te Peaco Taylor. George Bairstow, sîuperviar, adl- mittei to Btatels Attorniey Welch the purohaseOZoftva machines tlust praved to ho stoien. It vas hig suspicions, aroused followiug the second seso, that led ta the arreest of Ensigai Shilling. Bal-tstav vnt to the Prosecutor and toldlm hov lie miet the dapper Younig naval Ofikeer at Lake Bluff. Automuobles vere uliscussed. Shill- ing 4WcOOrding to Bairstov, salid ho hai a' numben of machines for sale. Wauld Balretov buy one? He vould. Ami ho bought another. In ail the supervisor pald Shilling 11,900. fflllng luasted that If alloved ta get out ou bonds, ho vouli malte amoenda to Mr. Balrmtov. ;'Several efforts Mouday evenlng ita get hall for hlm failed because uobody knovs hlm peraonally but finally William Donne slgued the bondaý and ho vas Shilling dlaims ta have relative@ vho vilI stralghteun matters for hlm. States attorney Welch for a veek pont trled to glev Shilling a chance ta make good but ho failod. Mn. WPlch even ouggestei ta the B" n>auth<ates that ,SN&InILIn Crier ta avoid being placed in lbh classed as a prisoner et largo so jue COUui vork on bis ovu case but the naval tolite came back vith: 'lit la a civil case; If lho ha. coimitteid an Offense, lho ought to ho punished."' And bils an-est tollovod. Stolon Un Chica&go One ofthe cars It vas tound bail been stolen froin Walter Duaas Chicago brôker. Shilling vas gnllod mono than Ilve houra Mouday night tuy Statela Attoraey W".ebMdami llly adiittel purchasing nias car. He celalmed a H&MEvero, vho ho sit! was for-. Marly a acwle et the 5Ltou flbut had recealýr boy Aihcbsged sud ambe to "dA.ees & furnlaheil hlam i oraiuns mukli. Ex&-nintimonfa the recoris at the station lisclosed no snob permon eer havlng been la the sétvlco, It la nid. Xe abo DB~a n MAtbuat SlunPsou. vhoho cilmeu, sliMiSa acar afhe?' 1lklng hm itaMian alêhiaW. Jaak- on a DMyt. Dru lm is nterrOgt. tion the eSlah Mmel.no ettort tM cOnaM tOat Wbollservllgu tse coteU try b.ovW" .uena"in a pif'tue va mturp» ea. admu Wltih the sirest <liswawk«M an D lce reça1ed an attomt MadeO 57 i,$ iaekles to, teamiSoIl ooili ta C. IF. Iila it s u hmfJ muhllg vas fum'55'y aud 10 UOi. phl«IL Wnlgiep, cm trWmlhmnWrlg- l4y Jr., ahi heal of thè MAdilaW mtes- achool at Gret tales iuring the wm. Reostly te h» . è. d instructor la the aipretkce achool fon aviation mebchancani machin- Wa me One ssp.ded Lest summet be MMasauapendoi trom îuty for »sv"tmiweekr by Lient. Leo Hammond, lIen ila charge Of 00e aviation solaolsý bt vasroi&~ a4kbI Ibeat~vster aaseTersn xe t Mai by OaPt. Moffett thesa.oom, &manatLImt month he oorn baaIui the aviaton bsmpiouàlp bs.ketbaflUma on a tour et the 1middle veet aid l sai to have made coaldube mooso' by hetting oS Pthe toa. - e la a graduate et the U. 0. NavYI O..t Engin. achool a1 Columbia u-i verslty, Nowv toit, mand ev.i tout YUL?. as au enhiâted mmii lefore the va. Mie home la ln Ut. Louis, ai. though, bisvire and usother bave. boomnUvlng la IAk.e 1luifduring bis assignaieiit t Great Latke.. One Waùkegan M4an GCets Pat- ent on Auto Road Llght; One on Vaporlzlng Device WAUKEGAN TAKES LEAD. Two Waukogan men. have just Te- celvel vr on tWashington <bat tbey bat. been granted ptente on devices whlch are used on automo- biles. This muids tva more to thp long lst o« patente that bave been lssied to Waukegan men. Joeph H. Taaisch ba& been grant- ed a patent on bis automobile rond lt1gbt. Ilerman tU. Johnison bas been gracted a patent on bis nov vapor- lzlng dev1ce. It la clslmed that botit of those devkeesafe a boon ta automobilsts amu »iubtedly vill enJOY a readY Ialm. The"e are Msur type. of va- poelzlng devices on the market but ,Mr. Johnson dèaims miperlor advant. agis et bis devtce. Friends of both men ted t tat they bave hit upon somethhng vblch wili go a long vay tovard making te lot of the autolat more simple. The 8uii rocently publlmhed a list or nov inventions vhlch have hceu granted to Waukegan men, show- lng eloarly that there are few cittei. of similar ase vhich eau b'lest as many inventive genluses. ,l MAKE MORE MONEY DRlNltMTWET LAND DO rr NOWI cou ARTHUR L. MUBTER WHEATON 8.8111n018s TOBACCO SLAVES AIJII go matteln Whb om Ionu me teham -4oigneuigare, pipe. cIgarettes. obeWlue tobaSco O? fl . No mate, 0w mai00 7 en Trealabetwlflbreak ,où of théhabitltu a à" daire. PlesAsobonne treatusent. no hiOTioueleu. uno nalulng away 'ous worh or buaeel vo icknesa or verrou.- OUI. "Quit Tobac bas freed thoutadIl ttontAi, abit Why Dot ou? If pou reBalsO to inquit the use cf t- bacco. voit. un for partleulare and teetl- Mount". A. r. Hau hO.. 118 N. léitall lit, "lao, lul IMlE WILLSHIOW You I e THIEWAYa hI.. vestments Paylng from 6% to 12% OU£ PARTIAL PATIIJNT 1.qVESTMEN.'T PLAN mnakeS It easy ta save money eystematically and to accumulate high clas. seourities paying good dividend retunes and oapàble of largo increases in value. Let us oxplain tbis plan to you. Tell un hov muob you eau pay <lown snd boy much you eau pay monthly. TAl o vhat securities; you have, if you have auy, sa vo may advise you as ta their present value, stmblity and future. W. vilI make up a special inveotment sugges- tion for yon acconding to vhat you eau afford to invesi. on thi. partial paymeut plan, tither on a 10-payment or 20-payment basiii. Write to our Department A-2 for aur paper, I'Guarnnteod Investmeuîs," giving advice on thei market conditions-It vili intereot you. Secuities Trust Companly 10 South LaSalle Street CHICA GO, ILL. THE GREAT WHIITE WAY The heart of, Milwaukee presents a sight that is worth ueeing. Espec- cially on Saturday and Suriday eveninga. with its rot of electric brilliancy, its theatres, its cafes and restaurants, its fine stores and pleaaure-seeking crowds, the Great W/hite Way affords a varied line of attractions ta occupy a visitor for hours. To reach the heart of Milwaukee, go the electric way. OnIy 1 hour and 44 minutes from Lbertyville,. Modernly-equipped steel trains frtn Lakte Bluff maintain an hourly servie over the North Shore lin. claily, direct ta Milwaukee. On Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Holidays there is a train every 30 minutes. 30- MMinute Express Service A thrty-mmiute service à mamntained on the Ubertyville brandi b&- tween Area and Làe Bluf, ciatiecting, with bath north and south bound local, express and limited trains. Express trains rnaldng one stop in each town between Evanston and Waukegan run every .30 minutes. apply to NOR THf SHORE LUNE fteaq. ffi.rersU74 Oe.P' 9SW AiLe hr Pu& C"sim Mowrko ioouesesUr Pbsa& nL ieun i I M I.] WOU TOI Divoi 1ECAL fer »Te bant la bodmy, bis tivo 10 hlm divomied short]