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Libertyville Independent, 10 Apr 1919, p. 11

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TIBET1 'VvITJýE UILXMPENDENT. MH(YeSI»ÀY, AIRIL 10, 1919. PÀGE ~ v - ýRISK DURII¶e1TIE WEEKJU1A13 K , K . OWB i A at S ecretary S e- Ùncasiaf the Recordera Olhce tor Wek efltlng April 5,.1919. umber of conveyances-Iii. lumber of ehattel mortgages -14. uilber of trust deedas andl morig Mumber of Arnîy and Navy dui rsea-21. 'Olal number of lnsliunîientr flimd otai amount of loans-2-I,40fi. halase hanbeaua brisi, withl anc 0ow theo Savrage. rme follewlng are lbm more lmpol la Woucearnn: Niio 14. Nicluerosn 8 elfe bought tue, Win. J. Stewart uae 'on forth aide Stewart Ave, ot of Blowa home for lndicaîn.l »00 subJeet Lu encumbrauce,. loba J. Conseillbonght aealonu ktb aide Gllette ave., weai of Oak. * ave. forstu e Neleon A, 4teelo tt for *1S&L.. ary La Rose andl Emlly ('onv.'rse Di tt, runder forecoseurm Iotri i juge property on nortit West corner Wker and Wllllamrî t. for $1900. $eorge T. Smith and wfe touglit F tred W. Buck<z 1lo'i on north corner North Avo. and i'jciîi ~for $5000 viîbect tu i .ecumb)raneo" lcbaed F. and Ada V. iu.jsiiinîatî Mqit a 7f) foot lot on eust aide' A..sl l, mt Southcof Massu-ur A v".frîim 0. Taîlior for nominal consirlra M., 4IErLANt 4~LJLV Golf by airpiaue! IMPOUsIOle Not at ait. Arrangemlenit amebetfi M-10 right Dow tu get 'Cblck- Evanus. the chicago Wodr. open and amateur champion. W Play ?zaa- Cis OutiOet. formeCroenttle tioldel' and the boy who bot Var- don and Ray, the redoubiable Engliahmen, la theO muet aMout champlinbip play-off lnihistory. Io bolet. each of the bolea to hO on a different course. 4the plaYers t0 b whiaked from one club tu another b airpiane. Tlhe United StatesiAmateur Golf Associationi hat been aak.d te lay out a cou». drie." Evans. lt ca.ddy. lubs rion. Philadelphie; Cbevy Chas« gasoline wdl b. piioted ln one ma- Washington; Atlanta; Nashville: chimie and Oulmet and his para- Cncinnati; Kan&aà Çity; idîr piernaliaIn te ottier. thian, Chicag;:Shaker 0Go lubm lt le propoaed te drive ofrf ruir Clevelantd; Pittsburg, andetback 1< Garden Clty. The second boit' Garden City. wilbe crou L t IMait Sound .Il la emected that tintanove %, - ý 1 ý- 1 1 à jww. <tîrlAtulituW Eva iiau wiWitt ne WittI»AI 10ff I L P1i m"au ' l-- - rift W.EaqadwieIýii ueeded for the players, Bud theO ai the Blwanoy Country Club. The match wlil taire, hurring --tanl 42. foot lot on out aIde l iico'i Curtias peuple bave eonnted to rest of the bol.. wll b. piayed at Spins" or fatal -1no9e dives..~agi 'nortb ofr anenu Ave. f roni Wui.« pla.ce twv a"a machina.0f the. Brookltite, Mata., Manchester, least two oreeks tW play,.uBt t Wroisfrnmnlcnieai "à.bia "Wc'nt tino dimnocal 0o1 Vt.; PlttfiUeld. Mata.: Sleepy >Hot- course, theo longent fla thre orl6p Waîoir îî nmna cnsdra in "r%* cisein aid Baal Esca- low, N Y.; BattrusotN. J.. M, i sote 3000 milelonl lngui,. è ~Hari'y H. Benab looktiltre fron (. - ______________ SMitchell to a lot un narth ide, WAUKEGAN LOCALS orite ave.'West of MeAlister aviî Animal& and 'Tos. Largeet Volen.f. 5oto a lot on West ale Je.n rt and aiso a lot on "ýast ,1., Anion Caserta wbn cwodci.-it a< NO lvig rure enttive of the an- Trie largeeit volcanoci rater In thé rkè Stjut suthof he lance haitl inWaulcegan for s0iîrîliliali kngdoîuilias mre than rive to., niuirlie lint of Haleakala tu Hawai. ~arkt S îus antb ! ti. îî,rdgits or ctaws 10 ench fout, band or ItI. 2<--nilînie airosa and. in places, 2,' ~r nominal couslderation. hesis as returned f rom oversar. iim. 'rieu horse 14 te type of the tSMî feu-t iep. Nu-w York mty could Maies M. Grahami bougbt a loionhavlnglieu-n away just a ynar. 11v o n-î.M'd vîîtie tire tulof the two' ire îrmIriu o.the crater wttbairl its ta ide M~arker si. juI eiuth if vasatParie, Rheims and miterîorbd. trle rhiloive. rs iftie thruetoed ksl.sriîmr. Intact. und Itîvoutd be ltAt. frottaAga %V.Sawin for ri ,àplaces of inlereit. When nuar Pat i. anmd tr trsi iutiriiuîof the tour-toed. vîintutu-ielv tilluen fronany lierson be- cnnslartlon. lie clîanced to muet Bob Thomlrson and thé, elujehant u.rii ondmreds of oUi' yolé ticrim oftrite .'rnter.-People'B On North Chcago: Ferd4.nail < f Waukegan and tiadi <uit.- a vii mi f animais <f trIi, ie-tiai'L ulue Jouirnal. nke nd wfè buKhtthe itbhlm. Caserta arrlved Lkiii briler -plat'e on wesî élide S park the states on the 15th, hii i ri ~VO. uso utlf ofî7lhi e. for d$25.. andarrlved lunXaii'-an SAETH FTH WERC1.P MNGEMENTCIRCULATION, ad gave back trist deerd for $21. tra.EC. EURDB H ATO OGESOFAGS 4 92 I HihadPr: Florence T. Bernîce, the tan year nId daiîsiitu-r mtiof î ii lnd.ivndOflt, pubIri.hpd ui'kiy a I ,uiijljvijiî'. I., for April 1, lige bugb 14 ILfrontaxe ono. of Mr. aud Mrt. H-erbert rieddips rif dan Road nuar Llnden Ave. 'iti Green Bay road wet of Norhi. li steouInutllinois. ePtb o! 400 fi. ou a ravine, weuh cago died thix morDs g ait1:21 tCu-s f Lma Nîtr lrbumn ni ortbe it'nil ounty aforesaid, Moot stucobouse front Etlu < ýIýoclocitof beart faillira. Trie bomne maNr 11,i nadfrte! a reortd vnaîlertîo'. i < under tquarantlae for (lptlipitan.d îit.rîaltvappeai i.F. G Smthi. seio. fiiving b-ý u-'t. < iii rrn eccording ta y for areoie cnidratruifE ,deopsan aysiialie the lbusiness manamgri if thé, Lhbertyville ln-, 62000 Murray and Tuirry wern Ithe Interment rock place this after'iorn. detreflilnt andiltirai the folowiitg iii, IotItle beirt 'tftris tnowledge and baller, ~kart. î,..nmandu-r FP. ILCouok of ite Ia trop lrtemeni îof te ovnersiiip. mnvîagemeitlinrr if a daily paper. the'- GlUY Huiton botgit thé- A. rVIL9 'Purru ofYardsr andl Docks, M'a.,hing- circuîlaiion), î'îc . oftre afori'iaid puîblication foîr lue Iiabý -own in tbn aboya Jîrnyan pace n noih ade L tdo lotit , <arr.îv'd in Waukegan to.l.uv-icapion. triulîed bythe.-Art of August 24, 1912.onmbortiuil in -section 443, Poil- iilîl 1t..AIaruoniorencu- witli Coui'y lài Laarmni Rugulationi, rntpd on lii. ruvere of thi- forTmn. to-wt: ave.. eaSt of Pore.tave, for $ nstî.r1i l-n, ad(irut i-ro irî j>î mm-rnnfdrîsatm, iw jii,H i i dioi ,managing ed- aubject to 110000 encumIranc. lir,. ,Io ,tain their coup.raiiri 1Iton and iî.ness manager are: *A. Irving Jorda n bought 1; loig in i)if i 11. (Irtllpensatioli btri-o par;d! iirirt ieCoîiniv PutiishiioantiFrit itig I i 'Wmîikegan, 111. Jlisit's ner sbllson trr d o rLhti.-gavenir-,i fotr Fiitol W . Smithî, Waukegau. III. lodbsAv, nd phidn oat i h- a sation. Quesiitiînirrer 'inagrtig Fdiitor 'A' .1. Smith, Wautiegmn. 111, Jodua Ae. nd ebrdanRoa oraiu- beirni. ui-iandl wiit b- ,-tl fitiîinesrq Nanager-F . .Smitht. Watikî'gatafil tbdicat tlouhO and gave bacli trisâl ont Iol %i orse lanîd bas baro ..k- n 1doInidulw- 4eed for $G,000. river. Thus is iiuing douesIn.în - rrt 2TiraI the nwnrs are: (civu- unps ani lir.n oidvdulo- Onatae A. nd Nanett s 10fix li,- fir csh intie 01ht ersir. or, if a corporaion. give is naine and t' nanînes adlns fsok Gusav A.an Nanète . am. l<oplu' Ire fairgcadhtvarolurof the-nd lioldîfrs oîving or holding 1 fier cet'niorniot rtofii, tot ai aîillit of stock). Ocisôn bngt a lttonreeat aIdeltm'tîr posathe- Lalte Cornly Publishtng and Printing ciii Waiilurcin, 1ii. ,Ulô og o n ,s ii o-questioorusirp.4 as sononas P<i, J V 1Snitlh'. Waukegan, 111. , Mt Ave. soutis of Linden Ave. from W.lildeidgn, re 0rn cil rriîv, F .Sih.Wnea,11 UluCIle M. Day for lndtcated $3j.riîllrom an exteuded i ssit in0 lin An;1.i 21,Thiat trie known bcidhodnrs. niortc:g. i..a l îît sevlrily holders Su»d gave back trust deed for $.0 les, Cal. He -hed buen theri, iie c wuiug oniroling 1 lier cent or moeioîf iii i tri t it 1 i.mmtiî,nortgatte-s, [In Libeulyville: Heranm and %ici- iast tait. or otrîlr seilriliei arn:i If thenu- are ponte. i .aiO Peine Schultz bougs hIe ('isyton Cuit Gog Stn.anotcr n . Thoru-are- 0000. Geore Skneun ofice Inilie1'. 4 Tirat thn two paragrapha noxt alio)vi. t. tg 'h-tiiînas oft he ovin- ,Dnlubam property Onusourtb ide Park 3. mprchant marin,.writes irtinîl ers, t ihllrand -<cul iii lotl-r. if tins, i;'ulin n nt nivthe liai nf 'Ave. between second ani talltsts. Hyogo-Kbbe, lapait .is!tli' triwnsj ocýkhoIrt s ani snrrtv hulera as- iiîey apperîr nm i- ît,0wlbooks of the con- for $2,.11 tagood and thea weather i imý ln iti iirny iut aIso. lu cmii...dru-mie Pe ttrmkloliier oru ichibour-tapuenre liOn On Lakte Villa Township: Edwarti it ta not like e ing in trie States té, boka-<f te(- omiany as trustee or In anv tn. itmiiarv relation. the 3. Lebman took titre to the Augusta Judge Edwards and Atty. Beauiitmit inme of the p-rson or corporation for whom stii t rut., is u acting, le; given; i.ubnan estte Secion 12 ol l hve ntured foîna seera ria 1" troibalthebnsaldI wo paragraplir- ontalin talenirot ts imvng afflata fuil 1 ,hav rurnilfro asevra d is knowtetlge andîlihef as Iotritie cirtitnatacdv nil îriinu nader wbich for lndicated $20.500 frore the hei's. visit at Excelslor Springs, Mo. siockboiiierrsolnd evtrils bolIers usho do ont apIrear iton rhe o oks of thie In Avon: Ira L. Colo of Chlicago A telegram recelved thîs norninLl, compauty as trmai00, bod stock and sevuriiy untmu mpavtvý otiier than triai ugt the Mary i1. Raftier 50 acres in infonmed John Sutbnrland triibis, t a fs ma fide tiener; , nd tus affiant basunon ma-on to believo tai any other 25, north wesl of Gages L.ake < son, Henry, bas atirived ut Camperson, a sso ration, or corporation bar anv ininrest rlirivî ni imirect lu the -. i înîp qi srio rk, bond,, or oliir snurîio itan Fis so<t, îit-il l inut >for $7.500.r Grant fron whicb canlonmenl lie la, 5. Tiat trire average numbor of copina orf aehlislie fil hit upubicaion ln Fremont: -Mithapl C. and Idao be mustered out o! the service old or ditribîîted, tîtrotîgh lb-e naits.ou olherwisp o ii ilrvio dur- Wlrtz boughti the eHuty Vanplew 5411 witbln the next fnw days.. Heors<tg tir. six nootîta prevedtng trio ttte r.itrwn ahovt iý acres lu S F 4 Sec. 24 lvanhoe- for Suthîerland enlisted in May,7. Ir ! Tiin tformation r-r retitired front dailV pubictio~tn, ontv. i1,0 F aebcktutde olsevda naitonisrco i . G. SMITH, Businma Manager. $10000.algv ai rs ee otsre sa vito ntuta < Sworn asi ît,i-ribeii before me thua loti, day of 'prii. 1919, -g FM 0 "rne. WAYNE T. STt3PI,' lu £is: George S;poerlein bought Z rday ulght the Waultegafl u- (SEAL) (Mly commission expitl'a Ssept. 15, 1921ý * the John DD. Pahlman anti (aroiine nese and iHgh achool tennis will plaîy ___ gchnelble fa ral.of. 12 acres in Soc. tht eungms il libar 35, ioir nontinal 1csosderftioti antidl Park. 'Thc match 2will be l i gave back trust ded ifor $2.0#10 .Adew Cook Gmnasluto aud vril!A N U CI M N 1---- - 7:. Ti-eai.îis1io'te IlrN O N IN ., Irchlhght Rifle. bf omable lhunIers to accurateiy Mn et game et nlght. an Englishman ha@ laventd a searchilght to be mouted bemth the inuzzie of a ridle. suppllCd witb carrent froni a tomage battery la 111 tock of the weapon. iTckets are nowbeing sold by mie,.1 bers of the teame. It la boîmoî thore wrlîl ie a large attendance. The deatb of Mrs. Erda li-tnsoi. aged 236 took place Tuesday utl lier: home, 709 BFigth street. Siler i caînhel 10 an attack of the Eu. 1tI buaband la AlgoL Hansan.> 1 have taken the agency in, Waukegan terri- tory for the John Deere farrning machinery, including: Plows, -Tractors, Manure Spreaders, C ultivators, Binders, Hay Tools, Etc. 1 arn ready to furnish you prices on any of the line' and will Lyuarantee delivery promptly. Cali me up and let me quote prices, value of our lime, etc. G..tge W.- Pavifil PHONE WAUKEGAN 906-Y3 Six Useful Models i Comprise the Buick line for nineteen-nineteen, eacl powered with the famous six-cylinder Buick Valve-r*n Hed motor. In other words, a single standard of mc'- chanical excellence and reliabilitv is available for ther purchasers of ail Buick cars, supjilemented by three op- en and three closed body types which make it possible to apply that standard to each individual's requirements. Three Paisenger Open Model H-Six-44 ............ .$1595 Five PaM8, ger Open Model H-Six 45 ........... 1595 Four Passenger Closed Model H-Six-46 ... ........ 2125 Five Passenger Closed Model H-Six-47 ......... 2350 Seven Paasenger Open Model H-Six-49 .......... 1895 Seven Passenger Closed Model H-Six 50 ..... ........ 2750 C. G. WILNBNAN £4 SON F. 0. B. Waukegan. Distributors for Lake County. LA2KE FOREST, ILL. Phone 22 for Demontration. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Qee.WbhzI How it HrtS4-ý aIt16O O - The Pain iun-My Foot!1 xaornwag 1 Il 1:'. ail due to aui over-abundance of tint poison calied urie acid. The kidneys are flot abile to get rid of IL. Such codtosyou can edl overcome, and proiong Tb.ît a 7.7 lied hospitai cloin ýi Ill1e by tainai the advice of Dr. Pierce, whicb in "keep siructed at a cost of flot to pxce,-, a2îî.m nod probably for $27,I>iii the kidneys in good order." "Avoid toc, much ment, ie~ than that, was the ,iîatenwiîil ncoliol or tea. Drink pierity of flore water, prefer- niai. -tri dire-i-orq <f the' Miiirril ably hot water befrrc eals, and diive tire oric acid liosplil ias4oe-i'itiof l-y lPr.h to!lesytr y aoli&rnc. litcnb îlOinshYr, fo'rnier clonel in the Ut. s u ftessen b aig hscnb ainiv in charge' of piircha.'ing stili- obtained et alinoît nny drug ctorir, in tablet brui, and Oies'. ut a meeting held Tue'ýday uaigle ulli dissolve Urie acid nusliot coifee drmmsîrvea sugar. ut the ' (haniber of 'omtoye- roomît" You knùw iliat beore an ingorance coirîIasiy will Pru-vioti.<i8 as a tIn . îîimthé, tîke a riaik on yonr Ille the exarninuiicpiysîcînu wl voit 0 f a iopital bavie lipen coniii, .-ratily biglier. test yîîur water, and report wlrettber you aire a good It bas been declded praitica;liv t.r riîk. You elîould send a bottie of water to thre cireih i onsiriltût the bospitiul with nul r i'-11at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Ilotel, Buffalo, N. Y., anid exc.'ed 75 bedsa t the present t iimp i'i y'ou will receive free medical advice as tw uhether the to b ave a building lin cnntrucledi liat Iiuy r afiected. Wiîen your kidneys get eiuggiah <iii t e 5 an diionîmebe ui ndi cog, youn uffer (rom backache, sickbeadacbe, DrIlrsb ots pear wgizty spelle, or twingesanmd pains of lumbago, rhean 8tancé of a large local lndustry wtomadgl, r ]e l i.ubd w r ie iria., to set asile acosdru î, timufi a nigit. Take beed, before top laie. Ont. towarîl the vont of the building ,iit Anurie (arntiuric), for it wili pu& new Ille itcto oui w0ic ie. lsbes firsti b know tht wi! kidiîeya and your entîre syate'nî. You will feel fuil of vitV, vigur and vitéllty, gr t he communlty. Dr. H-ornsto wilil nstead of tired, dragged-out and bine. Anur la in an tin tes more potent tban rîýturo tomorrow tri hegin a . *u v ofrr the city. -Hill report wilil e mjlithiia, dissolves and carrnes away Urie acid aud other poisons from the syai. mlttpd to the beade of the ronnîr: Aak your Ueareat drugglat for Anurie-iu tablet foia. wlcb plan, to ma", the 9Wf, Evot ri- " ir'r- r Fý;ujau sould ne carlul that the livet' ii active and ah . t n poiboîrs are lait aiiowed tu clog tihe lysion - get rid of ttene lpoisonsbhy takînf Da.ly Thouiht. a vertabli laxative occaioally -sucli as Dr. Pit*'a lleasatît Ptlleta. 'lh. ~' Tieré l; a fee'ling of eternit 9ôn o iti. j. sivirr rll oit balait the muet delicate yteni. yoitli%% i lh iii îîiîus nsamenda for ea- - - -- - - -- -- -Il-î - - - - i.. HEWES. GARAGE, mc. - - - - - - - - d, et d ye 1 - 1 booo*4«0"» 1 ce, -4 ý

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