'tyvIy ~Of li.T.lphn.tumber M4 si ûs .Pautofflo st tibartyl -~~ --u--------------sf i. som Uhayh la Ea an I fficiai Pablication for l'h. village 0f Über-"-Hle * UIU Pulustion !o1 Lakte Cornty Soud et Sdprvlmfe' PReoa Ici ai w~bureda. Aiverlaiug ~tssNad Kuova on plaha *$=FOPTIONPRICE., S1.50PER YEAR STRICTrLY làN DVANCE ................ ............ ...................it .. ......................................................Maae .... .................. .... .Loalmanager ¶ WeO are sied to se. that votera or -ý uegan y.onahlp suppotoq the Isus movemtent for th. con. ýNoerond from the. wet clty limita *'IR Waslnuton treet fa Greon Bay 4~ a.d Oe syrond J'aiteh. .one 4WM tcate nid rode and when con- '01eled vill un leur down fhe fSortie ~imre seul conniot up wth Chicago ~Is5M*o ed. .Therefors .t0.have Ob nu*thflered t 'th. 'Washington »ttIM ins, and loftithe. ct.th of *Wftary red tram Grin Bay rond *a o5 cl imita wauld lnded have "m osapiinbua. The votera bow.v. .ec bave own theur interest ln ronde Iervylne h.e bond isue and thora. te s ituationlc w.ll takren cari .4LOWORN LOOPAS AS POSSIILITY Krom Newc.PreceSt. Joseph, Mis. sui, Idar*l 11, 1919.> la a conierence of RePublican tead. OM intWauhtn vithin the yack = men yen Uaited s "LOOMIng - " la aide 0M f ouufbthtien for ne Repubulca nomnation for preai- *Mt: Senatar Hardlng of Omoa. 00v.' tsor Lovden of Illinos, 'Benator ,ffflpon of Indiens,, sud Seustar Pain. lier of Wuaton. Offiahs,, »biemor Leyrden aSienatar Hard- AWg ver particularly dwelt upan. co WELL KNOWN USERTYVILLE CITIZEN DIES AT HOME HRE Chorle. S. Wolrdgc. s veili maya "eedent of Uberiivils. died ai his home on Tiret trSset a2:80 Wedomeal cter- Doon. Res vaseiglw.thmee isrofi ae and hsd bica111ithe greater part of the timcelocS enat Auguet. Mr. Woolrdg. vas bain lu £»gland, Cousinsg t iis ountry eta u sril me. A gnast usai ycr. ofbis Ile ver. .piat aI Ivauba. la Tremout. tovu.hip, b. Inter noving Io Licîiiyville viee b. ha. imaS raided. Ho leauMavvd bhi hic vif.e sud tva danabter., lMra.Ch"i gÀàlssr sud Mrs Abner TsyIloi, both or Librtiville. .Tb@te arl vili h. b.ld Friday ofla. noon Iiom thc PreebytrIsan church, Intarmcnt ta tai. plans la theic Lkcidci cometemi. lAte returna indicate that Michigar votera hi a majority of 55,000 have r. fused to flft the ba&ban an sd max. ti. mate fret again. 'i Pl Vx * If you -kuof8m item of local inter«% idl eeposNO. 1 I. vol Mnil 1 m àffla' ices Have Den Recluced as far as 'they wil go on WIRE FENCE, STEEL POSTS and GATES. Now is the lime 10 buy. AN9NI9ENCECUIT i phone Lbrtyvle 80 ipring ~i1ur NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION We are now showing a large assortment of the. very newest styles in LADIES' SPRING HATS You will enjoy wearing one of these Hats wIile the styles are new, Au W. LINDROTH LIBERT Y vILLE, ILLINOIS 10h. De sit idà e» the Fa' IILi. Tr sut( that hoel scia Apmi h..' til. Georgs B. Maso.bubuhis drawu ou thc Grand jury. 010100k. Ur~. sud Mie. John BlIni are tic proud parents of sa111110 danghter, bomn on C Jordan bui moved hie @hai repain. lug @bap ta ths Lbortydvie Bakery biliqg. Chai. Bernard arrIveci lui Camp Orant TOWsda ster several months 'af01cr. Sai service. Word isa besu -rqived liai Cuiffrd Foet laudd s tely on 1h11saide @&aur- dey sftéirnoon. Mr@. Erue.t Schrosder sud famlolft Mod"i for £Wu loe.tbey viii me theu future homse. Mise Betty. Jacbsmu la iahtags vsom doan of tour wvac hlesite cla spendlng aI Fart Wayne, Ind. Ilent. Muale. éhelon aI camp âhcrmso, Ohiawvi stlng ULirty- villa frt.nds Bandai. Clarenes Bock hbu srrived berefhox Caoad& t10h. vitiiiels fmli, nmboe of wvIih arrived came manthe &go. TheiSerce as Dstera, of the M. E. sunday achoal ili have a condî sala st il tore cln naturday aft.rncon. Mr. sud Mie. Hemmsu Sciuituansd Mn Norma Groth atisuded 1h. funeral o Henmry Bergiooast Lak. Zuric, ou duy. lire.Ssie Meade of Grayalaku, vialed th. grsmmsr sehool lait Fldey.Ilier daughlam. Mise Mretis le th. fith grade tsacber. C. B. Janes of the LLucoin Uatsuqus wl it k itb the. basin.. mon ai the Commrcisl Club to.mlgbf. A good at- la b Nsmm v. have lie adverllss. 'nM"f.0f Ib»en.ooperative inecist. 0a1 tUbirByviI..-ton i Iido viii l ba 1 hbet ovu asca greutat .ything et unsual voe ls Iltead herein. Tic MP~WQrW ~Lmwuc srvie. 0U1da eveelai, Apnil 18, wM l e lsd by OInu Nui9é*ebo' has lut 'rotureid fros Prainse. H. wil opeai ou "lII. lu ie 4>!ehc. oIf rancs." Bgoipml trou JIî 1 to Ocaher 9; lu ths trenhui, MMo0to-thlieunderflire. On Ocoberi 9, 10 vas laben pripouer by the Germai aad vas held uti the close 61 th. var. 13s nsrved viitii.' Brtish, French. sud Amerlema sxpodiiionary forme.. Evcmy- on. la UrRed ta hear bis Interugtng &tory. Tue meeting .1111 ha eld pramptily5f 7:00 p. M. lu a rec$ entter tlahlb àdpeudnt, S. J. Hlgly of outhyla, ORIa..amye that th@. Ppiesforaà,bamnpercerop la vhcai &Bd o0lie msll ralu.are azeopâmoally gilulitat oautry. AÀamWuageof vlisat vrAs vleed lact fsll sud tii tact liaI one dealer lu taro lmplmnl'Eai alreedY eold thlty-elghl bnders end ordoed more la good foudàtion fan tlie suppoeltonu that the farn.reexp.cl lar mturna. Mm. IRugysiOYastatus thaltich fruIt CrOp, the Aiheris posc luartiM. culer, bide fair ta be an exc"nlc o»0. %ih School Notes Qunite Goffi, Editor Tii Juior. viii bold a candi sale, Ssiurdoy, April 12, et Schauck'a hard- ware @tore, at 2:30 P. tu. Doutfaiout buy rom. oflîhei liîî jca dy. Every. oui la eome. Atiastl It has coà-'The Obstinst. adance la destr.d. nomliy" ÂprEl 11,s L. T. B. S., ta ho A. marriage license waa leasue et givan hi the baiket ball boy@. iay to Ralpb O. Grldiey, sged 20 of CAST OP CIiAIACTERs diord. Imd., snd Miae Lurette, ILMr. Hartford, Bartiord's father.iu.isw- ,fl»on, agcd 17 of Lake Fareui. Otto fisphe. Clyd Brwn f Lbertvile a h m ire. .Bamtford, Bartford'@ mother-in. àa nanti'. Iurlough front Waca, IWMs ohlosy mas Whn h levesho illjain bisl&ienry Rartford-Noel Young. ta..y lhnVb, ins and h. goîîî "se H arfrd, hls wtfac-Ffl Oranaki. ausuy v irina udIs8.golJane. Bsrtford-Pîtui Kohout. acauar, . C.Lucy, s seivant-yvonng pouceire. The St. Lawrence Guadvii give anu nAvlaeS ihod Ifachion May douce sjet hePariah Don'î lau 10 atd Ri ichmon.iss oua., Thurcday evemlug. Mai le. don af the sson. dmision 85c per peaon. Music hy Tbme vamPu lihave boon importadil uarii orch.5lra. The vhole play iili caoe a graal s.o.s. ricre viii h.bu s dugon qu Aprîl 19, tion. Don'& miss Iii l b. Meddoe " oialfor the pumpois of eTii. taibsebsi game of! ti. eond octug oas ociGal dhraclor sud aima ta L, T. B. 8. va. Auflach, viii ho held )t. upon the question ofI-buildig a Aprgl 15. ael àiobouse . Tb@ Senlirsare stili perpicx.d ver l»e Mr. and Mn.. John Suydam sud Mm. Ieslton ai ibeir pi"y. &d Mms John Bordos, Jr., motsrsd ho A prograt hu beau arrangsd for ekiord on luadsy te vide t ein son Aibor day. id brothe, Thoais uadam. Hl .Ou huudred as u esa sanio have peeted la Lboyiis soo. beaa sold. but thire la csii a lwarg o . mrin Mluluerevd hi. edistaar et bar tlaie soid, l ranchi lb.quota. Tie unp Gratti dturusd ta Ltb@'lvlle 51OM 8 obomo and ftma tTsesdsy. On Uuadoavsnlng b.ovaloasese are" bavtngo& 90»m tlIo s hi. Il 01ls xprienisela the vag MMa-svnii seiI48 smals fiset laBfaW laio hieulMe à a prison« of vers, lb.enuhber soid la sscicisosla as 'b. KolIl iht fonor, of lie Preibz. Sophauaree-8a dmn 'elurc vos.» Tory Muessge rs iumsu-1. irmpmeiasowvlWh"lwvapuon ou'I thulora bave dons tioir bit by Liberty Theatre Mosday ivfling. scllin 87. Bai su Acueili and halo us é sal of ho l"@éà aioun»tu 8a 74 ot Moetb. out profitse ou M. Ou. Do auo falta meoun hetl af Demi- CAN tro. wondorfulnatal.al,veldsvop. CHNE IN THEATRE DATES sud lyp" ofaithe brssd et maont lanabui princs. Theis cirroc ant.Ai viii ho ioisd la eb. advsrlosuicu abitter the sskctn. Coder COsai af tie Liberty Ibesre, the regular nd- ri J. K. Dsrtag, Prop.: Lake Vlla4 vici siow, couimeng on Omal 11ue. .(North haore Fox Li..) 12-4 dow cvsnlmg, viU ho gtvin au TUuda&Y rieuds sud reiattyp co!finslut en. latead of Wedu«s.dy veumg oai oci tGuy F. Lawreneae saitinlg yard ve.k, àib.ohasrtnndiaio heoouuiny a. Ou iat dais the Orst .pl.adi of a la vith the 149h Dlvlaonviih loril play, culiiad 6"Tii dan lot tduled to sal sometionme bivio Denioracy," protrayfug the lde af i lo and su0lth. No yard biaahbon Abraiam Lincoln, a patriotte revbw 'af id Irain Lient. Lavrenem.tas the the ,Mlofs ai laIilactrlaioseAnenin, viii »a ofla arrivai bore. 64 gien. Benjamin Ciapin lhasthb. l.d. 0. L Lues, baving reoelvid apeied pal pt' ig noilOlthe melodranis, vhieîuihroagh. mission ron tie vlllaje uthoritiue, cout la repieta vfithiésl faci, -a. be.u king "'uW4uekers"' vhleh basve iii aou.Itnse luIatotto intarec.1 beeu tapplug tie Ire. on hie prémisse, Te*ho w quiocotI nuexpfrinse These bird. are of 1h. vood peckîr family ~~eevevwe, tqut n c.net sud are capabl, oI daing gret damago oflrNsei,,lson, but hi la dciermmim.ta ta~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~r aIrsIfuIelrinl. 'iymIo esais Intermsl la thé productiion are s beatlifubird tolaIokai but Oe01ca eshows, lu addition la the ivo aIma vicions on"e, reis iovua eci yak oaIheliel.ala 8.ed Wesi Canty Aglcultual Ad. proaram ni iiollav, uaklmg SudWhet. ouoy ariultmi d.qui@ a loug mveinge eiitetaliui@nt. vicer reporte th@ ibid 01 Chat au aur The Irai shao i ve.k wilcommence faim anang th. bgh.i epored l"1L0i.eai7 o'cloch cbsrp, lu ordcr thai the Caunly ila 1918. A limised suppiy of second shaw nay bu fiied lunea.om. this seed for saiestai$2.75 per baciel f. a able fiee. b. Lahe Villa, sache cera. Finre oui Da'iMbdla ouoinot nout To»ea trat s.rved. J. K. Dgilig, Prop., Codr*veuiog, Aprlil15. sud èée the traI Cresl Faim, Lake Vns, 11. (Natihchore nunier. It viii h.oaflliit advsmi.o. Tox Lake,) 124 meut for the oirade. foUavwtng There va. a iorge attentisme ofthie menhera and frlends af ihe Ladies' Aid WEIONG dKI5 Ouocey Of the M.-I9. churci ai tiche-t- At th. Naval Training Station, Greai lng held on Tue.day l "min la tic Lake*, au the cvemlng of Apnil Sud, vas oburch parlais. The progran "Earilbt @1ouud th. morriage of fRlpi A. Menors." sud "longs liaI Mouiic m ud Giliy, U. S. N.. sud Mime LoretteaIM. la slng," piaved e.peiiUy attractive Rortan. aud wan very .mach eujaoyed bi al1Il rmi. laniortb, oIf tha Hosteau Bau.. presant. The cummitte. whlcb arvd IY and thîiwles of! lb..Msascted as the daliciaus refresbmeeta er.: Me, osteas.. on ibis brillant acca.ia aud Hoskins, lire. Whitney, UMie. (ibean, threw open the doora ai lh. reption Ier. Maxhan and lira. Liii. moans for the. happy eveut. la filepissese i the brids.reativ oda bit ofifriude, tUVWaPl rit Tboupson, Una tsdSOie. Maary, -Pmr fora" th. e mmony. the lb.voddlngs supper wvar ened tu tb. apacionsditesbail. folovog wble bhappy bride snd groom took Udr departure for a short bave q. ti a 1111 sitoge 01 wb*l promisese lab.a Um i bil lmarrals 1.. The bridiýwtll lh. rememb.red sa e daughter of Mr. sud lMr@. Henry Barton, formerly of Lbertyvîlie. WASUI.nITON NEWS lm11113F] The Tannoea'NýtlonaICouncil la sclively repru.snted la Washngton snd la mlndfui of the country'@ latereste la. gênerai. The organisation lis a speclal union 01 tic l.adlng faro orgsulcatiot a 01 menY State. sud hai a membersbip of 0,cr 750,000. The counettilà w. 1 fiuced sud ha.suauy trou lu theb. S of igovernuens ctivlîle, ail loxkig toward the botteraientofAertesnfarn . lai conditIons. Jp.î uow ikle lu1k'Dt ilrông prolesel t0 te plaf or1he @h.. plait board to turu over tu, prit&ai lutersit.a "Fhe correct vorld mark, t Prias" the chips conotrueted at gr.a.l exposes by the gavrromn udriug th@ var. Theifeamera bellevit that thea@bhi1a blAng tOthelb.Ambircaupeople aud ehonld nol b. torn.d ov«r ta a groaui of *hippleprofiisr.; thal a holding eom- pany ýhould b. authoriaad by Congre. éa aperate the chipa, moaethen psy for thoietIves ad thmn *iumn a profit Itt th. U. 8. Trsaaury. The farie*vau 1' miai. their export chlpmit.a a rascubIe freight rate. Tliey claits Ihat the Morgan sbipplug luteresta have sarid se mach a@ 67 per cent,. showitig wbat goverument haudlin$g cau do ln tiia matter af goverumaui.own.d veftl. ai rate. much Iawer thain thosa of the ahippinR iruot. A huudred thousad schooi baye ai to bauid 30,O00chairsansd 10,000 table@ ID thaîr manual training achoole tbrougli ou& the country. As they arecComlplotea the war deartment promis~e@ ta recelva sud forward thamu, free of &Il expeuae, to 1he.,paople of Northern Fraouna, ta hall; tham refurnih da.olatad homes.. Aille i. ow erena at tha War Rîiai Bureau In Ws.hlngton. SSercarî orth. Trea.ury Olasi bss raccolved a cablei from Prodnt WIli.ou whiah saîhorta.. hlm la draw apon th.e geýrgaucy Fond at the. disposai of th. Preeldet, with which ta pas, clerk hlrcsnd othir expenseu due ta lhe fallurs of tii. test Congreis ta appropriais tanuer forthie pampas.. This mmeactiet soldier., sallors and gheu relatives wlll recoive their altmnt mater &ai nuai, now that ths large clericai for a .rstaln.d. Potomac Part, whlch adjoine W.ch. lugton un the s south, furnlosi a flins driv, far motorlat suad a big playground for the. psople. Ovsr as hhouand acre. la arest, It la ail reellmd làud, helnq a swomp JusI a hkvejaus ago, but nov oeoveed viit rth grae., thrtvlng iree, bukt pallie sud a concroes road extend, tulng lenfi negil, from lb. Lincomn lismoriai Bilding th the famons War Collsg. Tb@ tva liuadred cherry tie. P eld ta Washington City bhl th Empéror of Japon are platid hlien sd mcli apring proest à biaiful oppoe- sac vlien f ey put forth uder plat; bloi.ome. Potomac Park la the. fÏvorttà drive of P réident Wilion, «eclailou. Sundsy afternaons. Thé .tes acrés, ait Beach rerentli ovuci btw Thm aJohnson boau"bera ucl te IEtm Neyer of. Wads. vanS. T. J. litU Co. vere the - - - - - - - - - - - (IcArÀe5ervicesl Presbyterlan. sudi, AprIL 18. Suiddar schooilOa0en. ils, m. Pr.aclng. Topte of sermon. "Vietory ihrough Pain." Ipoêlâtlcoude. Prehng 8.00 p. m. Tapie sermon, "EladlugOuraslvc." Spocisimuolc. Clirtca»Eudcavai 6-45 p. m. Tapi., "Bloy tu Gi,. Gode 0oy ta Gadilhe Dsed." Ex. 20; 8-10. Prayer Meeting, Wsdeday ev.utng. April 16. Tapie. "The Laving kindues. af God la Me." Chair practIce Mondsy eveutmg sud Fidai svaalug: Mr. Msdhon, chartster,1 Bay Scouts et the cborcb; Camp Fie Gis ai the anue,' Frlday aveuingfý April Il. St.' Lawrenc. Epscopai. Tha 1ev. Citfr C. B 11, Prieutilucharge. Palmn Sunday, 7:30 Bohî Communion.1 9:45 Church echool.i 11:00 Biessing a! Pains sud procession.: Choral Euchlt ad sermon. Services durtng Bah Week ai 7:30 s. e. sud p m axcept Mauday, Tueédsp and Saturday. No service Wadnee.do marniug. (Iood Fridi servi... 7:30 a. m. sud p. mnsd the servie a! the Tira. Bour. bsgtfung ab 12 0000. Mothodist-kpiscoool. NuiSouday, Pin Sonday, ai tb. Md. E. church, services. vii b. hedau faliove: Bandal ésboal et 10 a'elock; et il o'clack Boy. Boom viii presci a Palm Sonday sermon. subisct: "Christ ProlditbyPalma sud People." lu lii .,vouing ab S o'elack lb. subjet 0f lie sernian viiibe: "Divine liciter for Trusmgglouis." Tie» rs il buh@Vinia cle for bath the morabt nud aeasing servime. .The public le cordiéàlili uid to attsad. The M. E. lunday sehool viii ulve au "Fm Rll" bogutn«ou Féées.icmSdey for tie beneifi of tlâe Bluff Orphsn- mes sud lb. "Frcs Bid" cause o! Wesley hoipilal. Tiie publiel comdiely Invllsdl ta parliepate. Fmldal utght, April 25, bas be.n, ut &alde hi ail the. ombere and friande of lie Epvomlh Leegue for ciscibon of aftlesresud bolas. me.ting for monti of April. Lot ail Lesgur.rsr. msmicr the. date. There are borgains On The Inde. pendefs advsmtleing oolumnu. SiTuDyAmP 112 DmvDere sin l 1"MN0F MEttiiJ SURDAY, AJIIL 13 Wang"c Raid la Burton fiolme' Travel Iletume TUESDÀY, APEIL 15 Dem" iuChapin i id soN 0[ FiDmORAhY s" u" aPickfsrd in I------------------ -. D«%fou mk0 ae aivaniageof place te base «»d PHOTOGRAPHS Picture rme. Mod teOrder JOHN A. SCRURS PoWvurpbo Stdi OiaTdyaWinsda Tbrdyam sudy --------------------- --------- --------------- Jeveral J pri I 4peeials Unusually good values ofered in differeni ines. Large slip-over sweaters, rrýde of fine zephyr yarns,'in new Spring ahades, knitted in firmn, peety siitch. A gurmnent of beauty ., and real utility, at only .......................... New voile waists, a variety cf styles in good grade of white .2 voile, serviceable blouses Îhat are easily laundered, at ..$12 Special lot cf ladies' stockings, equal to the goode Ihat are sell- ing for 50 cents, W. have secured a Iimnited riumber cf dozens, in black. white and a good shade cf dark brown, and while îhey 1a wiIl sell these ai, per pair............ 38c Fiber suit cases, strong aid well made. These are cf sart appear- a "d are remnarkably lightin weighi, The full size ones ae<%2.25 and the sniall cnes oniy. .......... 90C W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY Phono 29.-111 Your Liberty Bonds Need Better Protect ion thnany otier property you have, etcepting yout nmney, Becase e rmua tiAt udr of people Itave no suitable place te keep ibeir Liberty Bondp, THIS BAgiK4A ORGANIED A SAPE KÊEPMDEPARTMENT just for Liberty Bonds. This sevice is open to ail holders of Liberty* Bonds and We cordially invite You to take advantage of ils protection. The First. National Bank REBOVBCES 0F àMORE TRA1N HALF 4, MILLION DOLLARS ýL. Ree' :City Jai Face OELD IN Sn luthe Kaitei Bel. dere tiat y t oy uight c ple man 1 John lem 5ettlnga w ~eevas va B up suppl sr oid h Itreet. clai eceves abc Lamovie bis truuk te car loads to arrive *bout au hc liaiy retu, forced ope: The Paji julth tbhl cid dese 0e hcd sec pat. chic et hast, b 'Savered womaid a1 loci ta Re co the pm Tuesday i filera so t com&net f rom work -Reevês court thif. cautinued bands af kuowiedge tbreateneî 'bave bro 'in. -To iisbd viLit( ..pr.vious vont furi ,'aid that ha purcha tua tvcnl Ha adn. Sunday a ~,oanothe ot fort ha nets blamea Ui meut. Âccordl 114, byIl -eutered 1. get lu t tbraugh i farced tii fata the ditian au The fa, whlppoor * forant, or vbere tii found at filfilet, 1 and Suif soinatima * The uigh * to alou( the eveni The Pi or"nae the de l'Opei lie Orai m uscoual 1uned ar me malt su:mms:----------- ------------ssm pp pp :p p- - 1 xý hi L : 000000» 1