Beautiful new camisoles, ne.dc of a good grade of wash- able satin and prettily trim- mcd with ribbon and touches of hand einbroidery; very specially prieed for $1. 98a tomorrow,,each. Your Last 0O'pportunity to Buy-Raster. Apparel -forq W.-omen, Misses, and Children Another Shipment -of New Suits Specially Priced for To-Morrow W.lîavv jîîst mci d lttlr ge su ipiliîiît ofthflic cv ieW(SitY'le siits ftr iW"IIIvii troiiî(elle 4>1 Ille laigest 1i1iaiiiitaettiieis i Ný-%XYork. 1 la\r in... iliha-d l I is eiitiit stoc-k %% c aie iii a ps int oth i <li pa lb1rulis wiî<.1 iSeýleetîoîi of .ail iii',1-1-YIl(,%% e~st lsini llouise, lbox, s lmi itit ii O an st. -etl tfloedstyes Thy re ad oi impor i u>ISerges, triet>tiiîes. duvi .vtns and poiret tw~illIs. E1 r suit iiti sebaegreatly înepivlfo ii q'îorioN,,i lic laîst day bete Easter. New Capes and Dolmans Specially Priced for To-Morrow' thf lit n'eviiwe4st StY~lcevapes andiid dtdiaiîs made nofigood al vool l i titk it i>opilai' lrices. At $9.98aire sliowiîig ii ll-%vool serge caile ett At ~ ~ ~ i '1 "> iiifli SNN.eclîîîîg style anîd icatly tailored. Thlis caple îwas uiade to seli for $l5.(X) ani s very sîîeeialiy priced A.t $1 6.150 W1t"( 1 aiid ini.1as'caduSe ttiiails. If its ai vape Voit wilit, dolit't faîjl to anspect tliese gaît- i t ill". A $2 . 0 w t aile shtî%-iiig an iiiîiîîsmad seîat A t ~~ .00 tftvaipes atiffldolmîanis ini tlicver'>' îiwcst t'it'11lit ii foiiii wooti n terials aînd iîcatly trininicd. Distinguished Millinery Styles O)ur îiilliîery (lisîla *vsliaive neveu' umeut every rcjuiaremettii.ais at Ite pî'escît. tiltIîe. If ;s ai deligit to look tliiiîîghi the i cores tif styles seciig liiri 111)aitiit îeelainigle's, or miîdels ivifli liai î'ioW w iilîs and pi- quant inii fli taîltred siîiîjlivit * . A sîlendid lstlett iîîn ortiîorro>v at $,$6.95 and $ 10 CHILDRE.N'S TRIMMED HATS A rîost rcimjarkable slî8owiîg tof tlitliisliaIs, consistîng of' aIl the lîevoiiig slîapcs iiîclîdiiîg 1.okes, msnî mhoomns, r il!inig 1îilits, triînned 6 in grosgraiî i 'hboîîiia.111flie newesf sliadcs; speeiaîllv 1îî'ittd at $1 .2~5 and Up. Smatest Styles in Euster Footwear Ladies' Boots laies' eliocolate kid boots îvitlî 9 iieli tops iii the very tieNvest lon1g vamp )styles %witlî lauid tlrne(i ani '>elt soles, iigli spool lieds, size-s 2V/L to 8, ini AAA to C widths, regit- lar $12.00 value: vei '>specialli% îîrieed for$85 tomorrl.l.I 85 LADIES' OXFORDS Ladies' liigli grade oxfords inl patenit and diîl leatiier, also tmiî viei kit ini the veu' latest styles. Tliesc tîxftrds lhave haîid welt anti lanud tîîrtied Soles witii îvood aindtIvather liels. îidths A tg)D, si7(s 3 f4 8reglar .$".00 îaluîes: t tvai for $6.85 t0 1 olti ...... '....... LADIES TAN OXFORDS Ladies' tati vici.kid oxfords ii flie vci*v iiewest styles with Cuban hls anîd loiig narrow lasts, sizes 3 1-2 to 8, m-idths B to D, regular $5~.50 values; very sp1eilly piieed for to- i]orwMhile they 1$3059 last, pair............. Main Floor Specia s For Saturday Ladies' Silk Gloves Ladies silk glt>vesli graiy, saiid, Ila'1,îavv, niaise amîi " Iite>, regil- lar $2.()"illi>:spîeiiil for toilîorî'ow . 7 Plaini wlîitt' aid idaek, silk gloves ilii;III sizes: spc pl rived for tt>- uulorromî iper 98 lpair .... .. -- 8 - 'Silk Hose Ladiîes silk liose iu al colors taiti, hrtwn, blaîek w'hite anti gray;: spee- ially priced f$o.2 Ladies Envelope Purses Ladies' n'ai frather puirses ini envelope style very siîcciaîlly p)riced for toînorrow, while tliey laist, 98c caeh ........ ....... Ladies'. fandkerchiefs One lot of- ladies' fanes' h andkerehicfé, rt'gîlar '25v value; very speciall y priecd for to- mnorro> 8 cadi ......... -8 Child's Silk Hose Ilai se, ili ai l sizes ; veci*'v ,sp eviali ' uied foi'.ftoc Par..... ... . 48c Linen Crash -1 iihlinieîi eî'asli. regular 35.c value; sl)(e- jal for. foiîtorrow 2~ vard ............. .2 1 Dreas Ginghama I1retty laiid (lres$ ginghamns iin a goo(l se- lection of colors ~n îîattelîis, very speci allv. row ya tO..........19C lKioster- Threads J(lostcr ecrochet tlîreads in ail sizes from '0 to 100 regular 12e value; spee- ially prieed' bal ...................... c Kioster Satfin gloss eroehct tlireads, eream and al colors. ReguIlarý 8e value; speialy ,, priced bal............5 Beau tiful New Dresses For Every Occasion $14.75$25-00 "îîî>'row wîe au*e offpriiîg heaiititul îîew t i l é itti> <>1'fil iiiilitv% sattiis, (l'ele (le eliiies, tittf(iai, serge' and( j.etrgef te iii all f114 'vanitel spiiîmg e<>I(rs ait ver V s*weîal lprives. iieair>'g\4>1 vefî alies anîd iîîîîst 114 sevii to be ap~prciate. CONFIRMATION AND GRADUATION DRESSES 'I litisv w b>are e ukîang dresses to m (Pla>îîo' gî'adia f iq0i (11> 'aloiUte style.. Easter Apparel for Children Specially Priced for To-Morrow New Spring Coats ( iîdr'i'siew spriîîg vtts nîae f fie wooden i lbrics andtlSilks inil alairge scle(ttion of the ver'v uewest styles .111( ini aiIl t l lo tiîs,it pîi ces rai ng- iuig fro>iîl $4.98 to $19.75 Children's Capes, ('levt.r iiewv iodels in t'aîîts for clîildreîî iiîlI lihepoptîlar uîewumater- iaIs anid iii ai ood range .of sprirîg col - ors aire speecillv prieed here ftr toiîor- 1*oW. $4. 98 to $14.75 Selecting -the New Corset Great taire îîiust be taken ini the selectioni of the îiew cor'st this spriîug, for mîuch depends îqîofi the foîudatioiî over w'lieh you ii "i have yoiu. ne(w suif or gowîî fifted. Okir expert cor- set ierre eari reuider yoîî a service unexcelcd any- wliere lîy helping you to select a niodel best fit- ted for ' tîu figîure. The new> spriîîg styles are liere in GOSSARD, REDFERN, WARNER'B C. B. LéaSIPRITE and NEMO. Prices range from $1 up -to .$11 SI11 ODXNNATIOMS Tomorrow we are offering üonibiiiations made'of leavy weight crepe de chine and bcautiftiliy trininwd with lace and touches of hand embroid- ery;, at the very $29 special price of....... o itil i . fla~ t t kiii,.' %li RESERVIE OF IEI TO wi4l oc c:ii vach 1 gitrln , n 1 da s t(ri III work. Viecsti portation anti mnen tutirîlg il Calut. IIIn<ir Who wii tako luiCamp i.oga north uof'ion, CALUN FOR 1 l'Conrad. W>ut son -livts a ut seîo'î:qi qcali Werp rec'q'ivuut OGrnt'spoc sire>' Cip newrgeorgette blouses in an unusual asâ of exquisite styles in ail the ncw and wanted shades for spring- andsunmer weai, at the spec- l price for $ 7 tornorrow .............$97 The new c overall suit for boys and girls between the ages of 2 and 8 years, made ini a good seletion of light and dark colors; v.ery speeially priced for tomorrow $ 5 i. -- w. MODELA BLJ TO Building to Co. and $5O O OC MODEL IN A mnudoi ta taining ,i ,iv ing abolit Waqipgan, rtuMênl , o more t'olHru'f by 1h> aiivt-ra aJre willing flu Riartqtfnl.a le wiii rent ifo-r Per mnonth. Eauh alun t 91 11m <or alun ulilh a fir. p and m ii to d additioun t r, wM li ttt ' an an,:i qt whiuel 1,d lita lirI til, T finaqi(.l!,a ten inn fi im an ti (iluoqu ai] exPoqI*.dtXt siqoAn 1!.at ' The plians 'r, Iheaittifi'o that ut b'.. i and tfipt. doi..î, mr îj-r t'a, h fiat. EXTENSI BUILI AI