.L~.L LU.L.j IULU.PAGE FIVi MODEL APATMNTý BIJ)To GQUP;FLATS.1 AT" FROM $60 T0 $15:1 Building to be Bu'it bv Stock Co. and wilI Cost About $5,OO-Plans Drawn. wash- trim- ouches very .el CALUNDI3RTA.KI3R FOR GEO. JACKSON T~lfilt , itis ell jangl"d. - l'Conraud. WPtzel anti Pterson'?"' V-m v';what la it?" Il.uur tant an unlcrtitker Ia ,;,o up mnd>l ttr aie of George J-tick- son -it's -itu-tt<I oný"" Sevcrm, i;iil,;of thtetsainme nature vere refî,-i. 'Te.uslay nlgist ylis'te (lenesco .sîneol nIrta'îing lira. MEA¶R3 <e NORTI a IN MAYORALTY One cf the cleanesi d'fy clections fr. bis neigihors tiitIle third warui ever helti ln Norths (bicago ended! >esterda.y. .* 'ewon thse ward hy Tuesay wth awhirwindcamp ig 27 votes over botis his rivals M'-ad Tuedayviis aurllndcape.nand Joliey who received 69 votes te get orut thse vote le spite of id eacisb- Some race betwoen Joliey aund and raie. Tise Republican tic tet vitli Meadi ln thse third. the exceptioîn of alderman fraom lhé Alderman eiect ltury eX-nr,.i ri andtI tsrd vards; vent tbroiigii thanks to the citizens ofr1h,' tur-d vils a dean lato vitis EdiniMeadi sand for thior confidence ln bini yu's. their candidate for mayor etedi Ler'day. according to tise reviaed necturni, ,, Waiczak madie a great ruîî for ai. a manity or six votes. Thlis lit i dernian ln the second yard mis tt, amaîl plurailty 'but Norths Chlc4i.g latter ticket witis 17.J votes ,unlv ' la noteti for close eloctIons andi>beindti he winnér. thls..j.e lice that of tvo years a&o Joe Jadrlc-k matde som,'r.uro ail The ticket eiected yesterday are alaoeysedy Att o srr good dlean business men anti withoutt wa., a vote for Jadrick anti no onec n dlzparaging Word againat olluet, tIse. goad candidates, Northb Chicago Is The Ropubicaes helul a irilification aasaured a gooti dean Iuiua admin-1 imeeting ln thse city balilafer th,. isitration. The defeated candidate's ciection. ver. ail gooti losers anti there are' Tom McKinney furnilleti the po'. no sore spots in Norths Chicago titis litical dope t. tise wa-flng erowds last morning. nlght ln front of bis store. 'MODEL IN EVERY RESPECT.1 A iné)del airar tenlt Iilil<iiag eau. taliig 1IaIr 'a lneand cosl. lng abouit $'.0010f ., t ri c rtc d lit W a,îlcgan, it 1; fi), ]wput ap for r edenl m of I 1>4 -ilty w tu <einitnd< more canvi'nil.nr-'(' I ba s,,' îpblied bhelise éu>rag.' i> t10 n .ui'u'hý are 'willing ila pay rr.r tv!ane. Ti., aart reiti n utbe proît,,'ti bui ldi ng will nînt I rrfront $5r) t>,;7. i'art per montb. Eac-h apaittînent wi<l hall. a ý,. arluîm «r sun jan-r, til hoerix, ,ei wilh fP'a nd %élls e itr ul r'- imodern andtiili tri laI, té. Et' o Y .i(,pjl In addition t, i .,ittil>,hé- uilding PJînutiftnd p>i au>uférthe propo l ; , Ir é,rt f,.rirt ' hating bve t'e-n r r'>> " t>', 'il r. h of l'omîni'r -r% a r' , b' r> 'tliîon ln whiclu t> r t. r i l. .' ruj. t tr Dis lrtrilr '«! *,,r ,r J.tî , , le)t,, ho finaitic'. 'l a ' , Il,, r k < ruf a tut -ten inn It t, rut- n tirailte pan 11. !t'rr'r tir>u- >i > trri i , -mpnt I. le an triil ., Iln >... ' rien foIt-jyti n C ities ail] o I'r <t.> ,> ntry ind t it s Pf" eXpr-d 0ttl,, r i 'irnila'- îrrre;eutlu a Ile ;1, > srt.'. 'ima a lit il shout n Iýf u t'.t t i rtnmrîciaî ,ucve-n, -The plans s.'. t . trtliteg tai) e a beautfi lît> ., t tr -i-r n 8s -gestVd that it I- i ,,i t G's rand Avenue. Trioii,' ;, o rqr.îr"îno fine andtit. c al ).TIj doi.î,ri(t i '!e ln paori n n Pa, h i t EXTENSIVE ROAD BUILDING PLANS ARE APPROVED l'Un> t'u i f jIl t,'rInrra.rt 'lhé. for i e," tý t 'l"urr'.. bigh r i tan e of in t' r ' tit lpcn e <t s't" .t ai t r'r t ..... Il i a *~ ~ ~~~~ý, kgnur > .,t"rondl extpteni ion t> , i'-t . 'r " r e . t'05 9.. <'t f r>..t'd <' r "Xtpnding ntff- ir. . >r',> tr a i . <utance 0of kESERVE MILITIA 0F JIRE IS TO 60O TO CAMP LOMAN or f1w Ilri s t. l-v u i rla ' il:t'I rît tr it macrtri t>. at le rà.lîîrtriI..il alrp ,rrr,, Iiluy 2. a>, <(Ir1liné <r uînn()Par>>itm ualleth. Thw'ilgIlli'oir'aer itililiunder ('tpi. ti'n<r e 'tin.itdt'. t eward.lo viah nl takfr' i tu u<utng fod r igain et Cm .oghe ti" %il praed tré porth f ion.dmiti h iia Joe lPrybon-'ti vlghge to thiank bis many frientis for wihat they diti for bim yesterday. Bohus RouBe, .1. C. MeI.earn andt Martin Docker are ihanking their many frientis today. St.anley Pailiki in ont t'anklng is many friends today. Tise couecl'will now lie a tie witiî tbree Republfcan anti three Citizen givlng thse Mayor the deciding vote. The mon vho drove atobs yester- day liat a fine ime in tise muti. The central pavet i lstric't vas a popular place for thona ln the second ward. Tise elty llbrary vill ho closeti al day today. NIrs. M. P. Raxter of Rock, Rapîis la vislting ber brother F. F. Deyoc of lStb street. Tise Tiffiey famllis'bavo renti the Stronk bouse on Park Ave, nov oc- cupieti by Henry Braase'h end family Anna Cook lil entertaie Tîirsdas evenieg ln honor of ber cousip Arth ur eBIntley vho la vigiting there lhi' Arthuîr Bcntley romerly of thsI city but who now Ives ln Te'xas Is visiting lte F. W. C-bok family. ýIr F F. P DeYoe ubo bas bei-n spending a fes- days le Kalamazoo, Micb arritout home todsv le va. accomiuaniî-d li is sister Mn.. M. E.t Baxter a'ho wlll stop over a day lufore reirninu bo ber home in Rock Rtapidis, Iowa. Tis" <tlelrb fainiiy enjoye.i a re union Sunday tt tise home of Mrke Welch, Sr. The' occasion was tiae retirn or Irving Welch f rom overseas. Thl.'y- Iwo imemt.ers of the faeily wer e present ta celebra te ie ome com ing andi to enJny tbo ebhorte din ner wbich was soy'ledln tis eovening. M. C' Decker ;is making improre. lient, «n li.ý retentis' îurcbascti pro- perty n sruth Victoria prmparatary ta mavlng in. l)r. Brown of theo Chicaýiir Preslay. iery meet viti tise loal session Sa,.- urdasy evening ta discuas Ways and laeans of ;Aîprovlng tise chîîrch. Dîr. Brown bellevpq and ihis opinion isý shareti ly tlîe offilcers of the cisunci that tise churci sahoulti become self sepporting. Dr. Brwyes preseuce bore- aroused a great deal of cntbu- siasmnaandtII.itnlbelioveti that the cisrchIs l about to enter upon a "us. son of greet prosperity. Tise following are t'he officers for tbe coieg yoar for tise Ladies Aid soclety of the Preshyterlan cliorcli. Presitiont, Mrs. M. C. Docker; Vice- president. 'Nrs. Tom McKinney; sec. retary, Mrs. Herbent MéLearn, anti treasurer, Mrs. ýH. 0. Thompaon. The!n rogular meeting was holti Tburaday nt the home of Mrs. Johsn Gartley. LIBRARV REPORT, MARCH Aduit callors.................. 525 Chiltiren caler, ............... 1511i Total no. of callors .........,2K: Bocks No. uf chiltdree's non-fiction dir- Na. of children'a fiction crcinlsted 632u Total no. of ciildren'a boots dcr- <diluated ..,,.;,.........115 Adult bocks clrculatod, non-fic- tioli........................ ý Adat books, ciroulaesd, -'fiction.,.62' i~ .:i ~NORTHÇHI-CAGCD etims ww rle.-fffl wn U. MP O.Wo.i I ~ ~ ~ ~ a On"L . - 1 now. Pbu l i'm. wvu lu Pmi^- - m'e* ".savior," Maj. E. W. Ryerson. tbitu bas openateti on bis neck anti ha, oiti hi. that ho wiII ire tmp anti at-ouiîd Intwo veeka and i 'ontetrin Oconto Falls, Wisla ina hb tnt LElTER TO TUE PASTO F CIIURCII PRECEDES SAILORS Every sallon viso la discisarget from Great Lakos roceives a1 kintily rpat on tise back and a !tier unes home aheati of hlm, Chaplain Frank Thomp8ou see-i In it tisat* nomari baves Lise station vîtsout a friontily goodhye As is, Vesses thse motserInq oMeser ho ia gît. en 1« card aiLS a Iclfdly Word from tise Chaplain andtihie person to vlîom otisslat ttours witis canap it entrît <t. eti iN Ceorge, c. Murdncb Brotscrooi of St. Antirea' Secretary. Tisa leter tîmat goes to tise silorsi homo us.at- dressetiLa, tbe pastan of tise Chuncis f.o viicis he belonu', or bans t.ated a preference. So suceosfil hbastbeen liahis (Great 4 Lakes Plan anti so vido apreati bas 8been tise Commentiation of il, that other discbaruing campa anti stations nare putting it into pffeet. Tise Iciter whiitl rocs from sec. m-tans M urdloch t., 11wu.hante lowri xasin ipart: chaegeti. evingetir'uI. transthurnd Irpinituallu Neither. ive tisink ail! you bled hin lm, <easoeulantidetcr'ri a teul. lie s ji,lth t<e rame m4d fel low, bui ho is p;utr tîrîlrlt' ready non fsince es'erylîlmîg lu lits life la lis s more rce 1088ItUmid utateý. ta resPoati l0 tacttrt I ti,out tsi.- e 'ride nde rc-!Ig lously. W(. knta that heotvill recels.' thha frona you.- Tise real %ortu of the' ;mJan 1>4 'hlîaviîin lb- lutters a li> 1, contîe a-k tu, Secretary Mttrdloci andti nîtise Brotiscrioot ser<-arteb ln othe, camps. Tise hetters are froni pa.ý tors of ail domoninat ions. frona actire isYmon vbo bave t'ar'-icd out tise suggestions matie in the letter ta tise boy's home Circisanti tare cii-en hlina aoi vecomte on bis feturo A<s a prliminars' in the tuan', orf show mu bhina tiat "ho neetis tise Cisurcis andtihie Chancis neetis lima." Total no. adult book., ciruisteti 6110 Total no. books circulat-i..talas Misa Frances Allen lias reslgned 1hon position as tcar'lier lit tht, aet'oni grade at the' ('enritîs elool amîdi ili ho niarriei sorin tori.iiFran'i Noam 0f Waukegan. Site- ys gîven a 1shos-en on Fnidai' hr her f-I loy teacis ero et tise cenitral ucisol 4 Miss Katherinem-.îilrut is ..able ta ise out after a litg stlei itistypisoit Word bas heenri ru-eiu t-t roni bina. John Kehoe thit ilot bas arniveti safely in Seattle, Waslt. wheî'c ase viii make an exleîidcd t isît upon ber sister, Mrs. Kent MeKinnes' -Mriss WlnlFned 'îat.'., uas mîuiolyE imarrioti en Wededay to Mi. Fred Grots of Chicago. it vîli lie rmscal-E led tbst tise 'edding ahics vas toE bave takqn place last Sattmrday waa E post-poned on accatint of thée su.tdea doats cf Mm. Gi'oib, St..wole corne on bere for the utetdink. 'hîè young couple'-vîli lIre ln Ciiçnsoe Tlaomnpson. Harold Rockwell, nea' polit-e oîsu Poor (Blance of Count>,î--Crapo, Lsratej «ddfeated 5,ktuepb lMpsonirk. Clark, Dilger. the Northwestern Rallroad agent in Printlng-Murpla', ýlrldridge, Ring ateFret dahl. 0 a Dîlring the perioti of the war.ili Purchaing-Xirgehner, Ringdalsb,!Mayer proved hlmself a versatile andu Murphy. 1 an untiring citizen. Ile vas iliuii Public Buildings and Gýrountis-l wood's Mayôr, only policeman, entirc- Webb tWaukegan), Holîstein. O'Con.' lire tiepartment, janitar of tise ti!:' nor. H lall and strpet ligisler. Public Building$ anti Ground. Atiti Josephs Seversoii appeareti as an oip- itlng-Tbbompson, Web f Antiocs). position attorney candidate. Tiey R sol ut!ion q Hu fton, Martin. Me~ Cullough. Roads and B3rldge-Bairslow. Eger,' Kirschner, Ringdabl. State Charitie.u Hue-r, 1,g"a lutton. 1 SwamP tai Monha , Ercli ner, Stratton. Seltlement %itît County Clrk- Ringdabl, Stratton, Kirschner. Setîlenient with Couftv Treasurer -NIonahan, Meyer, Bairstow. i Settlément 'with Sherif!f lrowni l'sddoek, lIollstcin J Selîlement with Cirrcuit <lerk Thiiîpon, l)ilger, tloldridge. -1îiI Conmtte St raton, l;;t,,i table, trapu. lct,'ntion Home DIigr.srur , of r.ger. Maetber, MeCtllougli. Detention homne Auditing -1in u proi statîle, Maethor, Webls lAnfiorli, vali STARTS F16UT ON 3 CENT RAIL RATE'P Springlirl, Il]. Aprit Il- Xpplî a. lion for a writ of msandamuu "aa ntlcd ln the Supreine Couit Satilrdniy ly Meyer J. Stin of Olak Pa"k to cornh pel the Public 'ýllls('r'rito' tu proceed against the Clan& Northwestern Raliroatl Company fori Increasing its passenger farffl to cents, a mile ln violationit or the flj i nf()l t .citt rare law.1 Optimistic Thought. I'ery.easily tcstruuyed. on the Theocratic ticket by, 990 ma- Jority. He received 1,260 vote4, anl bis independent opponent. Walter A Simmons. received 2.0 votes. The five Tbeocratic Aldermnen eleet- ed Tuesday were as follows: Emil S. Sebleter, elected for 7Ir,4t ward, Arthur Snelling, Second ward. Clyde H. Stewart, reeIected Thirdl w ard, Ralph R. Pihi, reelected. Fourth ward. Albert F. Hueneryager, reelected Flftb ward. Sewing MàvtachlIne Ba rqains Edwvin Mead,. North Chicagasea' maYor ls one of tise forornen ai tlie Chicago Foundry andi bas matie a fine record as alderman of tise third yard for tise point two yeera. Hoie. a littie mns but tisai cuts lio figure le Waîîkegan or North Ciicago tfitia year. Bois;Rotîsereelete ty lîy ink wies vth the biggest piuraiity rtf Ze;nomari a ntie tieki t, 2e99rot, i e . monide tise best cily rlerk Nertît Chicago ha., iver tad. JoneIs Przyb)orki warm rnsrifl.cti treasurer la a nov mans to Norths (i raga Politien but lias matie a hon I of frientis and a fine record la the shorI lme leb,'oas been here. le carricil krery yard andi bats ail cantîluat".. j wîtis a grand total of 5$2 votes. M. C. Docker. city attorne-yast; for goiten le counting tise Iotos iarrtj nigbî. lie w'as tise nly nctrt for tise orils and na ane coîlît' i tI fis vole this morning. lin bas field lise office before anti Northi fChico is a.,sureti o!fiaving its huoai .tffairi wetI loaked after fon tise caîîing terni. In lbhe final yard allpieran Pl bici lwas reelectet i ty a -'mlna. îîîajanrity 01er Simnions <n t,' le PUbican ticket. lii' bas matie a gooelrecord. J. VC Meearn avaî-ectri l sIf-tr man of the' ,econ<i yard b' d pl<r- alils' of ,2! rotes urer ibis nearüst rural. Joc le c-ail-llue "Oid War- herse' af tise secondl wardl 'lhLsi.. the fotîrtis lime he lhas relr,'entr.u te second yard on tise rity roti.i This la a record tisut fea' tan cast ln Nontis Chicagno, Frank Htmny a citizen vae'lcmit derman of tise thirti sard. le i s Young mac, an empioyee of Lb" fouetiry andti issilafiss firrtt attelipi le politice bore.le von 0ove .lJohn Nelson by seven votes winchtîi, tgo Ing somne for John la an olti t limer in tise poitical field ortishe S,tb al-. iteDublican Citizen Lalior Socialirl Mayor Mead 476 Jolloy 470 flan. 291 lialike 5 Clerfc Rougse 570 Muert. 2ga2 Neai 271 Treasurer. Przy. 58Z Puctin lIt Puck 111 Walti 2, t Cty Attorney Decker, no opposition. Aldermen, lot Werd. Simon& 194 Paie. 215 Pitkus 39 Dhl. Z' 2ad Ward. Mci.eamn 194 Nos. 129 -Wal. 1721'Pami. 3rd Ward. Nelson 75 Bury 83 Eagan 68 Joo Jadrick Indopeneont candidate for iCty Treasurer got 256 votes. Side Ligite on tise Election The Chicago foundry hiase a iood n'. presentatlon in tise City Goverum-iuL new. Mayor Mead. îlty dlent Roisso, Alderman Pbilip of second yard, Al- derman Winters of Tiird ward anti Aldereman Bmîry of thse Thtrd. Mayor elect Meadtibaes ta thisnk ail thie citizens of North Chicago for tlîelr tribute tolmn yesterday. lie allures Nortà -Chicago a god hui. cnsgadministration. Mr. Hiansen neceive ainfine *ti-iute- 11 Wh ite t Rti1 ililtýs lit bar 1 i i dhtie ý21 Singp i Pi1,$-4 I 1 Whte, huttIî $S, 1Ne la 1 a ivi s pwornî $40) 1 M' te siiitt Ia td uiit . a 11111.. $19. 0 t Ith tirthe White Ss'wing machine Company 1la E Wasingtonl StWatîkegai. Big Sale (' tm) t 11Ig' .Ctioîî of depends viii have pert cor- Iled any- best fit- tyles ai-e IR'B ANNOUNCEMEN T iave taken the agçnçy in Waukegan terri- tory for the John Deere farminpg machinery, including: Plows, Tractôrs,. Manure S P readers, C u 1 tivators, Binders, Hay Tools, Etc. 1 arn ready to furnish you prices on any the line and wiIl guarantee delj9very )mptly. Cali me up and let me quote prices, lue of our line, etc. George W. Pavliki PHONE WAU KEGAN '906-Y4 An Sx«Ou f Fr"toe» ?ruck Thirn la t IEWES GARAG-E, 'Oc. W*UKU4IMUJNOIS di ý a »et c- - wceeogh and b, 'c recds bina- ýWITI'NECKER EN SUPEItISRS' CON- MORSE WINS IN LIB welToma Welrh and Albert " tipd for alderînanic ollice. WINS FRENCIIWAR MITTEES FOR YEAR ERTYVILLE, HAST- 0"r il i Jtolhort Votner was one- aldermjan CROSS AT R . SHER.' 'rlhebar o 7sper :siiuunN(S N I( I' IpeÎruavi. ador. - -6ae (hsiori,,BARRINGTON Col. W. N. Bispban crnmr:,in(ling and echairinan Emil Ficke annotnc. l Resuits in the Cities and Vil- A 1V. NMyer, pr"sident, Frank H. ofIcer of ;goneral bospital No _- at ithe nflcW(omlntees whirtu util bae. Pt'gg,'. (;orgp, J. tîsuer and Ucirgo Fort Sheridan stood ail y lnr charge of varions dPparluten>,ý duirin' lages of Lake County Fol, P. Stiefenhoefer, trustPes. hie band he helli a Croix ihPe.glerre. the ensuîng year. I owing Heated Fights.- Before hlm on the bompital ritiv y It in notied tîjat Kirchincr e«t(uS W. H. Clendinen, Mayor of Zlcn <'orora Frnk lai 0fIhe122h ua drew th' Purcha'.iîg romij , Jy rse, pregidont of Lieî i.City. lnfantry, Prairie division. herfe of a cbairmianshIP, one of the big cornmit. sas agaîn reelected ta thal ut u.n Mr. Clendinen waa first elected trustrated Ceman assauît .uprin i,( tee..; Bairstow, Waikegan. drr a Lite featlng Charles P. Smalr, uta Mayor in 1903, during Dr. Dowic's French lines. reged hrjdge; ililderidge is, ttairmnan 188. Morse got 466 men crid 1in administration. 'Coporal Plain," Raid lIt1w lr Ol f the hOspital committe' women; Smale got 1,72 men and il; He bas heid office as Mayor of "for commanding a trench nurrtai 'lhe committecu tfollow. women.1 Zion for flve terms. hatt,'ry witlch, with yoir ie,-ciir:> ,%,ft djl'lie trustces wc r, ;fpîui,11,1 ni The ci rîtnat 'Z .it i t.v %wctu lire, checked an enerny rail on Ilp." 'Min C mmittees are: J.'W. Hart, T.. .Gnld!ing. (;,es off quietly Tupsday. There was urne French Unes, May 8, 1918.9, ou ,. for 1919 L îange.j ofthte di..ttîrbancu'a i fhue yosr. aL',, decorated with thîs crogs, ai tbhe. A- HGHLAND PARK when the lndependcrits r .rein pouqueat of Gen. Pei.ain, commandecr or <tottntY Farnb-Wetîb Antuuch t!J aM P, H. Duffy was elected polie Pr and nien were thrown hillv ont 1lbhe 'French armies." Tbomimon, Paddc,1ç1 inagittrate over John E. Conrad A 'i oftbe Poils, anti' the rig ' t tri%91-- r The voung hero took the ci,. and ('ountv Parni Audltinr Mc('.l- ProPosed tait for the erection of a was denied many a citizen, even i' 1pinned Iltet bis pille%, and YaM . iimrp lougb, Burgess, Martin, municipal collaeum was defeated, hp were willing In sign ant affida0 t. qly, 'Yen. sir." Erroneouq Assesgments-Blurro>. I Mayor Samuel M. Hastings was re- The mnajority rules ln Zion, and the 1 Euery man In the hospit.ui warrl Vercoe, Webb (Antioch). elected mayor withouî opposition, ausnajorlty by nearly seventy-ire lper who was able to leave his bel '.tooçt Election8--.9îartin, lîrcen. îîlaiton.j ere the fnllowing commissioners' cent are Theocrals. ai attpntion durlng durinc <trisimpie Educ-ation--Clsr-kMcCuloigil, n.'r Fritz Bahr, Frank L. Cheiey, Ed. W. lurd Clendinen, Tboratic 1ce-remony. "Gosh!' whisppecd .u nc sus. yard G. Huber antd Ward W. M'il- candidate. was electet I hp 915 major- soldier, 'a .eilow with a brou,",. npek Pinance-Vercoe, O'C'onnorNIrPer. lams. 0i1ty. île polilti1,2fi voler, J. il. who 1.9 jouîy In apite of lwirg able Feem and Salaries-Paddock, ('rtpo I LAKE BLUFF Sayrs, lndeppeiident, only r(celvcd in0 mole only a hand deservpý a rio,s W~ephlu tWaukegan). 1 The election fight Itere us, ia. 269. li be had donc notbing Pise.' It(diriary-Mfy(,r, Huepr, Maell.'-r, tween thse 'silk stockinge" and t, l'or Ctyt Attoirney, Th,'odoré,l"orbMy ('orporal Plains neck wâý ,r,ken îIc,jrve-13rown, Murphy, Barn-i "common people." William .1. %'a e tvs;reelccied hy !hP2 înajorhty. V. when a truck driving along ati iit stable.1 der'ilott, one of tbe wealtbv eutV. tiarnes only recei'.erl'27( lItd- 1niglit on a rond near, the, ronît tut Lakte Courir tGênerai îHospital dents, was k'eelected village pro..> pendent totes. into a sheli isole and overturnfed, '1, 'loldridge, Stratton, Clark dent. defeattng Horace Whu'iv 1" For C'iy 'lerk, Alvin Marsha!i w.us pIuû'ty corporel vas put ln iu pla..t 'J La'ie County General Hospital Aud candidae oftise 'people'- elccted hy 949 majurity. F. E. WFl' of paris cent and shipped front hrp Iting-Maetler. Brown, \'ercoe'Only one "silk stocklng' was elect- on. lndepend"ýnt. received 271.lJohn pila! to bospîtal across France anr(t tIisceIfaneüun Claim4-Hoilstiýn, ed to tise board of trrtstees le fiD. Thomas ws the former City Clerk flnally acroisstthe ocean and then 'lonaban, M.%urphy. iWilliamn Colgîssure. The "Plain pro-sand he bas retired in favor of Alvin snother tliousand miles ta the Fort Poor lWaukegan, Shsields and fee) pis"e" lected Antirew,' $chaffer and Marshall. Sheridan bospital, visere lbe four(] bis filed-O'Connor, Webbh aukg i Warren Miller. .w noî ra l,'eiTre,,iur,! LIBERT VUM -APRIL 17 101(à