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Libertyville Independent, 1 May 1919, p. 11

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tilt~ fItA y 3N. W, AuxEf3lAX4ILL. mAy 1, 1919. TINII IU3AD, MR. V4RRYWILL SEND MiENTS TO 14ETIN ling of Meting to Proteat again8t Debs' Im)rnonment tnd Deniand Eema of Political Prisoners. Creatu Itenze Situation ln Waukegan-Bat yByaal h MeryCtes are Facing Oritical Siuto8adPo prgtoAct-Developments in Waukegan Uncer- lain. BULLETIN. Mng Chiai Tyrr.i I of the. police deparment titis atternoon admittec hali was decidedly puzzled oer.e.I. Profer course to pursue wilh pef. *,t h eting refornsd to b. 00w. iHO &aY$h. bclleve tat matl WP.uvbee:11: " dto.proges 1 long alrendy ln th. direction of un- hato ard tgonmmtbut ho edded that ho wan't cure whoth- fmeeting should b stopped or lot go on. He conferred wKhi local bemon Io.@gel hidi' opnIon andi aven hhey wers unco.taln whtlw@uld V bet Couse. 4 d thus mater. stand ln an un decidedeti ete nt press tinte andi ne iknews whal me> develci> betwe Bn now and tomorrow; te tacl litai row n1glit, tite nlglal of te mest Ing la tlit ime sel for te noew oouncil !n andt hal heretere titere l aà perlod ef chang'ng golng on in vietoth ie complex situ alle-lte reliring offlcers may feel - t t. b asuming te Intative becaume tey ARE retlring; and Iwofficers cant do anylhlng un tifIafter te> ce Intalied--andthAltI t0 be unîi lté evening, lomor- row. VERNMENT'S POSmlON t THE LOCAL SITUATION edeuartment of JuàtIce or lte Printeti ln a dark reti ctor of I. States wilI have represenla-1lnk. a coler burdering lîelween n-t nd moroon, anti bearing s picture et ýpresent et te meeting sched- Etîgene Deits which measures 13 in. for Worler's FHall. Waukegan1 chan ln beightt by gSi Inchfsix iwidth. Ldes ay enand hillite seiakesscircular ig seen dliplayeti in a tes hem. ay aytltng ahîdi .%0I soltaide plat-es which beara lte MOIo fbe Epioage aw.thefoIiowing defl 1lnte United States nient twill laite sumâma ry action 1 et Amprica. te itv of Waikeg-an andI b tact wax made knowxi te the oemntg.ealy today i %Ir. Barr. acting lit DESS' MESSAGE TO YOU fof NInr ('laliau<it. besd of .'ihm-Hear il et one of 'Impntl n Chicago.I 5.000meeti ngs Sleing iteid front M. Barry twax aaked about thti Coast te CoasIt te mmenla î,eltie l nitisniater, DMN R O fo »es If la% evîdent thte Waukegan DEAOFEEO o igla a part 0f a sne betuut1 plilical prîsonere Placg-Worker's Hall, 619 Helmtc.Iz ild oser te country. Av@. sait: WNe willnont talie step- Date-Ma> Isîf 1919, 8 P. M. reve1 te meettngsg- liatta en 'f niol local aitîorit leus For ini Apperance o ftîbe circuler on Tue.- nt Cary titey have dec(ideti un<Iav preckitlateti a Irig tunere lni 01-1 t0 Parade% andtihie chlef pu. il crce ieauseeIt waàtaken le Ëi eh wudso lt 5f he a throwîng tiowxi of te geunîlet leven if lbe hadt use a mtachin,- on te part nt tne in te city wito wlch lie itas avai1lalule for te would defenti Dette, the man who ha. pe. 1iteen sent le prison hy l'ode Sanie lople mî.i nolt orget liaIt tit-, offiais aI Washngton for violalit%.- Mage law la ln opentton îgit thlie Espienage set during te war. a au efféctireiy as liefore te ar man w'itt baq tetiedth ie tederai gov ce. The oniy way il cao lie ernnitîttand site haî causetiJi muth. ied la by preoiletial iprocla-ý tretibi' bu. theretone People mtit ha nsitTuslt ain temeigt nil as ever wbat tey syalorg proteel agait is Imprisonoîeîît afler Jot incendiantani. n jurv bad fouindi lm guilhy andthIe Isl vlal> Important Io lçî<al ,naionFlîlihetalcourts ati dtiphieî 6unilles i itanilte t, atters ite ationt~, Is telng laken bY local erly ant i vtte tae canno at ficiaiqseasmeaoing wvit a -iallpnre bting le prosectite foîr feleral le lite govemoment. city, stale and 0-m' local aiitorti-escao lai,' national. itage otîte Ir own law-u aovern- b 1'nshort, il appeans as if certain bcl nicetiosu. meo are golng le tri' tri putt oser a tl Chicago ilîitirgg bav e beei lay a meting' in Wanetî'ganoro. ttiaed sîmilar ta Ihe eoen ale Titunaday evening ai whicit lite plait iukegan. 1 amn tld te Chicago n4tieR are n'tto prevent temr im shall base agents,a a-c- 7meeting and!. If any broacit ori aderai laws lam atie, te ofexid-1 1 b t aken 1n hanti laler. l,. o)ur purpose 00W or aI an>i 'tInlerfere wiiit bonafide lalîîrý ngs. Mati> Of tieseoMeettings. et laber meetlng.4 ai ail btî are bd merai> to stir up feelin oud you ativise local1 authoni In Stop lte'Meetintgin Wauk.- ho demanti taI CoeSam.' Our C-nuit Iry, sbaîl tieciare b> nleasing poluh cal prîsonera. lit Ils prevîntsarts ln Jmprisonin tem were tatilîr. Witt lite meeting be aliowed ini Waukegan? Wil the meni anti wa tmen site ar e Naylns taI Wukegan Aitaul b. Rparedi lteexçailetiradilt ismf nf certaini or>on, 6f1iti',,ctmfl tri' show il 'tu lnva4le thlîs city su itci bits remnaineti tree from It se îîany years? iepeat.Il la entirel> pp to ten et as titey doeen be t . in manyl LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE te officera are îîlanniîîg bto r-1 the meetIngs: binotiiers lite> IMoter ot Sevlng Pat cf.One' a Ern- blon 10de e. l ai deent. Sage le Real> Nethitng but Dis. ic'odufftons. At presexlttere i>e legttCeatr boit dozen trepme.'întai%,es frete Toaenmîtri)me> lat asy; le sas. ~. ejgibboring cities 1ini>etm itie>l es, oemf 1 ae lt .1ontrring with me on a mattgr secret. Ti kxow witlyen w@nl and! tro Waukegan's. Meetings are, hlyî liiwxt ia slt ert et! xi mn> clles joutIthe Dont argute wit Yoîîraelf witen y4jy oec a thItlg. ati ated Il?", Tii do Ibilm qa s sre sign tlit ou n axi. Have te treigîi tif teluracter 10 55>, -1 tan ti iti li.ttt I..- î Mant Cite,"ed. Di;tl tny Ite cave mitne yby. Inv est- kteII a , lttle boy came tb the b il ,,Yeur eapt as.Keap a e' Oh- wlntiow aalng for maili.serve lit te hanté. A ltenklng accouaI ilrk .nqulýed blad'O'name tant i f5 àrefterenr'P. il gises >011 a iter %usoeamail. The followlng astnininbitsittegas anti otit ot h ad t as94.n aPPêaaýd asking.,fer leada tue etiter guitt hings, vU ut-otreqo;olzed by.te rlei't engtiq wi youçaelf as le à,who Inquirati, "wbiit-M î .wlether you c-atiattend taeapeculte,. Sare yoîiT' Andi,te boy. Joir.k Yoî cent. If yen have to put that msl8fuilm' Ilt)itnt em tae. eplet!. quaatl'n tri yourslelft. vest lnitead, Tm lthlie saie ii le boy I va. If. 7015 feeal lItIYouu islpt your Oday." mieneyr te sne. use.' Investuent Uteans Incoma; speculatioti mene profil--or loss--oflen te latter. Ayl;4e' p1t lali*y*Our e«#, in oaq tiere PeOtroloum la Plentîtél. basket, ibnotfIte? worsds tA kieep on W -te nativesebtlu a i e- maklng invesîfment tan the urne cont- théieath by dlggng pl@ piuy, thteUmem loelft>, et tesam@e fO tpand dtippng Il ouI t dsîry. WAUKEGAN LOCAL$- ICharles 1uoker la Wamln.' Mr. Lawson now la one o fthebablgeut B. A Dun tody rcelvd a ir.plumbers ln San Françîsco. having hit B. A Dun tdayrecive a irs' -menInhi Bsemploy. from his son -Lt. Milton statlng tihat ha hadl rea.ched Newport NPw8 f ron. Ed Klee returned to Waiakegan to overseas, arrivtng Monday evenlng. day after a year'a service overisea,- Mm.Carence Hicks returned today in the Y. M. c. A. NIr. Klee camne trom New York where site was calleti baclc on te Prince Frederick W il by the severe slcknens of ber brothéri Frank Nottingham. H-e fbas been af- f001041 wltl peluiy, and bis chance. are sliglit for recovery. Mr. Nettl ng- liant formerly llved In Wau'iegan. Circuit clerk Broclway was ati fi, office M1%onday for lte llat limie in two weeks, iiaving been "under lte weaîher" for Ihat tinie. Ralpit Hemmlck. nlght vicemnan et North bCleago for soine lime lm lateti for Chief police of the rlty under te nets admnilnstration, according to re. porte prevaent ln North Chicago Ioday. He wlil succeed Roy Shoup vito ban been chie! for two years %Ir. Sboup wUI restime liis wnrk awltht lte Northt Sbore Eieclrlc rallroai, ln charge of a sub-statlon as lie was prlor to laking a leave of absence to become chIet. Jospt Bruzewlcz. Marlon 'tre.t druggist, m4a araigned before VIl.S CommissIon L.1F. Mamon lni t'blccgo tiIs st'rnor:.. c arged iwt-t dl. tdon of te fls'e mlle dry zonie rîllîng. He was represenleti hy Atty. J.A. %Ijller et Waukegan. Bruewîrc, ex- llîet that the lquor whii'îwatB found ln bis. drugstore endil wluih was confiscated, was utei so*te.y for the purpeAe ai fillilig peciîiit The lquor v.as returned -o lu-tînfl the cae was .lisînliseed. Waukêgan Odd eilows andi Relie. kalis, logether wlth friends, Fridav nlght heid a big open meeting te cont memnomate lte 1001h annIversary oetfite foubding of lte 1. O. O. F. A musi- cal programn waa gîven following wblch golti jeweli. were presentedto eleveit memiters ofthtie local order In bonor o ftîelr ltaving been mem- bers 25 years. Those who received jqs-els 'were: E. S. Hînes. Charles Reynolds. C. T. Heydeckier, . l{athemne. Charlea Lutter.,.James. Ilutchinson. John Sutherland, Joseph Siomer. John Johinson M. WCETA Siomer, John Jiohnsoni. M. W. Mar- vtn andi W. R. White. Speeches wene given hv each of Ihose receiving a jewél. Jîttge Persons prealdeti. R.- freshments were serveti aller wbich there wafi dancing. Joe Dînka, ageti 12, et 118 Eteve4ttlt streel. Northt Chicago, was arrested by te Waukegan police today on the charge tat he hati entereti a Tentit street moving piclure theatre last nightl. Etiward Grimes. aged 7, of 832 Tenth treet. Watikegan andi Frank Suponsek. ageti 8. of 1120 Prescott aft,e North Chicago, tolti the police titey -aw film unlock te door of lte tietsre and enter. Dunka entersaa cemplele denlal. The charge willi be heard laie tihis aflernoon. Mr-. Frances Koprtvec ortmarket street who was commîlteti to îLe coînty jail F'iday on a charge of havlng solti lntoxlcating lquor lni axitl-saioon tlerMqtory was Permitted tri gnotIlier home loda>y wien Jutige Persona wthdrew hia mandate. A physiclan examineti Mrs. Koprivec andi found tat site lagulte serlously 111, sa, 111lxi fact taI ha sait i Ilwap neessary taI site hapermmtted tb go home or bo a itospîlal. Mrs. Kopnlvec ivas repreexted b>y Atty. 3. A. Miller. Site was laken to ber home lI a taxi, Illnry Beekman ha.. moveti ln fronti bis tarm near L.lbertyviile andi now la tsttlp>yiog iis xew bome. te Nlffldy plice, 529! Steele Court. le ls zgob fo hiiilti a new garage. paiitit te houe and mnake alter inprovemterLs~ en the placp, Fiances HaucIl bee Purdy) was gnanted s divorce fron teti itusband L.aurence Hauck, b> Jutige Edwards lxi circuit court loday. The charge was desertion. C. E. !ecke of Jersey cour îy la mpendiîng a tew <aya ln Wautegan stqldtdng memiiers 10 lIte W'no1s AÇriCWtltuml san. t -In lree <laya lie secureti 12.7 membera fromnlte var lotis farming communtlea near Va, ke5san. Mr. Burton JCnsen rettînnet frntm France Thurad y mornlng. Mlrs. jen- sen forinerly>NlIss Margaret Ward bas bepen connected wlth te Norlt Chi. cago echoola for te pat sax years na now itas a po;iion inite Wanlîke gagxs cioolà. Mr.. Conrad Holletelu was ealled toa Toledo today by a mess4age froin iter brother. Edgar Hart ststing taI Mrs. tHart was very 111, ln tact trom meag- er tacts received itlIs feared te form- er Warîkegsn young woman litasit ati a stroke. I*s. Hart was ormerly Miss Emery ot Waukegan andi was wieil known liera prlor 10 iter removal esst afler ber marriaga. Mr. Hart l9 t oreman t a large departmentlIn a tbig brasa works. Herman Lawason, soute ftiwenty years aýo a plumber ilJth 1. Ç. 'Pat. helîn, landixig lnNesw York April -.; lie arrlveti ln Chicago Stnday niglit andi came vn 10 Watulegan Ioda> Ifii l- undeclded about bis future plan,~ Mr. Klee'a dulbes took hlm te t. front Un0e trenches wbere he 5t1w ac tive serviec 4rixig p-aclic'aliy ail the lime ha vas in France. Attorney J. A. Miller has gone to New York on a business trip. The Ladies of the W. R. C. rnie-t with Mrs. Mlary Stewart. 415 Porter St, tomnorrow afternoon. The itealth conmittee was schîtl- uled toitolti a meeting ihis afternoon et twothlrty o'clock. The TraMfi club is toi iold a iee Ing toniorrow nlght at -elght O'etock at te Chamber of Commerce. Mr. andiMrs. Davîi Erwin iof Viý tory street bave received word front teir son Robent that lie bas arrived iafe frO¶n ovenseaq. Suipreme oMlcers vîsit Bfîn lîtir Mrs& John Adams~ andi daught.vr Lodge ThurBday evening. A banquet Joan are spending a week wilh ber la to be served. tollowing work. Theme wili be a meeting tonbawrow nlght at elgbt oclock ai lite Citarn 'lier ot Commerce roomq or lte dl. rectora of the ibuildiîtg antI t.tan aissociation. The Ladies Aid Society of t, Swedish M. E .Churph will meer in lte cburch parlers lîeonorrow atler. noon at 2 oclock. Dr. W. S. Beliows .s i( xpecti Il to. day from. New ,Yrk where lit lot a posl.graduate course in sîrger>,lie baa heen tlucre a moîtlb. Parents Mrand Nlrs. J. Il.Manev in Fou dil Lac, Wlii. The namenetflohn B. Stoicli."It Belvîdere street wais omilteti front the îtîlbuîsiîed litî ef lte ho-,o s. t lite 149th wito bave returnedto thlie stateý.s. Mrs Emma Tryon or Tryon ViIlle. wiîo la vlslling a siek brother in Chicago. came nul 'yeeîerdav andI cal led on ber niece, MrIN MarY ltotchis- love. The board o fdireclors Of te héhn. ber of Comynerce wilt nivî>t tt(tîorrow afternoon. Waukegan's Most Wonderful Sale of Women' s and Misses' Spri*ng Suits OUEREADY TO WEAR BUYER I8 IN NEW YORK SEARCHING THE MA&RKETS FOR THE VERY NEWEST STYLES IN APPAREL FOR WOMIAN AN]D CHILDREN eUD HE RAS ALREADY SENT US A LARGE SHIPMENT 0F THE, VERY NEWEST STYLE SPRING SUITS WHIOH WE ARE PLACING ON SALE AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE DUPLICATED. THE PEOPLE 0F WAU- KEGiAN AND VICINITY ARE FORTUNATE IN HAVING SUCH A WONDERFUL ASSEMBLAGE 0F STYLES AND MATERIALS TO SELECT FROM AT AUCH LOW PRICEB. 4 These, Beautiful, New Stylish Suits are Greatly Underpriced at This îîîî"îassemblage prien('t l fltit.'Very Iîewest svîsin Spî,iîgigîlits Itti' Wiîiil'I1.liit' woiieii iîd miise~as in ail the popular iatetijals s ut-b as impoî'e egIie .vls reîiîs gabardines anîd Vati- lette ini ail the iîîî'w anîd popular shaîles. Thle jackets are made, iiibltotse, box, seii-fitted anîd strietly tailîîrcd styles ini a ranige tof sifzes to fit evt-îv ty'pe'tf' figure. The heautifil liiiiîigs, tte Iii1 grade taiiuîiîîg and the ex- qîlisite sty le: îa kî'tlîis assembîlage vî'tv îîîîîsîai. Speàrcial Showing of Stout Models We s1eialize oni aplj»trel for fulîl fotiti aîd sto ut mtodels so utatutaîly v w'Sllo\\ a large Elle It al tfiies. NNvwiwtlîtiiese îîiew' suits just at'îiviîig, aîided to oui'- aiready -epletî- stuiîk, gives tiiose whuî retîlile extra sîze suifs an extra speeia.I show~ing of the v'eu'y ew est style spriîîg sîits af tlîese sieciai pt*i i PAU T1NER Watch Our Windows for the Very Newest'Styles in Women's, Misses'a~nd Chul- dren's Apparel We Advertise Only What We Can Do and We Do Exactly as We Advertise

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