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Libertyville Independent, 12 Jun 1919, p. 10

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- L1B~RTYfLLE, E~I%~NT, HRSfÂ~r~JUNZE 12, 1919. .~ !5AGS, TWO BOARD WONDERS iconttnupd Ph-opire o(bu usiug the Itevidere route 'o Wauke- gan rather tan continuiflg norLn to Gr.nd Aveuue. Springfield, June 11.-From Infor.1 mation iLvàaibe hero t epePara tuaI roue seven couid ha utiliied equnlY as weil an route six for entrance into Wsukemsn, thun saving the milea90. Advse if nny objection. started a fe wyeireago;wlitl09 emw- bers. Today it han 760. Thse alia is aboit 100.1 Ile said the purpose ot the bureau iý flot ta ncrease production ot solit but tn enabie cheaper production of food-stifs by showing cots ta far-ý usr, of is varions products. He snud there now are 1800 cows under test ili Laike County. The bureau seeks to Increa4e work le boys' and girls' clubs in thé couinty; and to, have fariners more generaliy keelp cent %y- stems. 1 'et . March, of Vernon tcdwn- The rond comeitte was authori 1hed 1 lýn iica asistance for ta go to Springfield and expiain lihe the bureau. ttc sald ln argument that situation. ther coulties contrihile b thefir bur- enus as follows: N.lcleflry, $4800; 114 County Cléik i-endee this morning pige, $4.200: Kano $r800; DeKali recelved tise report f ranithe state 1ilf Mr. Miarelî sald tise bureau hop- highway comission in which the final cd the 'boaird woîîl< grant from W2500 decision of the state hoard on tihe ne~w ela$3000 luis ycar as againast $1000 state road north from Cooas County last year. ta Waukegan and wisen he 1usdfInisbi- Eger movcd the requets be referred ed lie tld the board tisat the countyl sm bel.n rheated out1 of about 114 l County. fte je h' iimuete c@aiittie to reper~ a back t .mo.rrOlW. 1Road conimittee ordered ta loves- Li igute cost of new grader for road 1outfi. f The reqUest of the Farnîur's Imati- tute for $300 ald as ast ycar was re' Bferred tu thse flnance commlttee t<ý rreport. St 'CouIdt S e Dons. Tiser. cris a bard bkIld sergeaut wbo dellghted la "îiec-iigngî" the men rJuRt from civilian Ilie. One day l twus'giiing thse comnîïuu "Rlght dreM,ý* and oneet fthse feltnwvs wsis naig, sud 010 fDot do ,as eunimîînded, atter' thse sergeant issd calied Ut oeuseveral times. Tisen the serges ut uns furlous and ehouted tu the felilow; "Hey,.you, 1 dress riglit 1" Apil noinebo<ty elqe hot- iered: "How Cao you drPss rlght on, $30 a usoltM" lues of concrete rond as a reniait of the decision. Th rue s etlnd hosthtThe IVorkman Be" Ûwl heSword! t prsetroute along Greenbay - Iloed cornes north only to Belvidere It takes okift ais! trength ILo wrk Rond, thencI, west bta te west Wau- all day in a Ïoporfactory. ManY kegan lhniils-tbe understanding had a mn la fighting just aM bard. been ail aiorig that the rond would behlnd ýtbh is as did the boys nt" run clean through north to Grand the fronts, ht when a mam (or Avenue. Thus, liy elirinating the womsan) las to meet the attack of Ptrotch from el'idere to Graud Av@. a badhsection 1s not cared for and als the influenza bacilli-ten to one hie local plans arc îîpset. The town o! will have a close shave if is kidneys' WauI<egan bas even roted $40.000 to are not right. Influenza and Grippe! Improve Washington strept west ta often cause an inflàmfmation of -the Greenbay road to meet the uew rond kidneya--elther t ime of attack or as It liad heen prnmised and $1,000 fewr,'tldu tonuis ha., been paid for land to wden theatrad tl u ontr' turu at Greenbay and Was~hington effort to throw off et poisons. itrnt. -Wben you are trouble# wth ba-w* The board as a wholp was lncpnsed ache, or beadache-wlian your i at the misfake or wilfill charge made neys geL luggish ad elog, Wu hy the hichwav comm iss ion t Sprng.sma elv hsa ei yu fild which dsarrangé.4 the whoie mustaievewrn offs els troule local schem'-. Tiiere la no plan afoot oes Wadffernstubs In Ovpe Belvidere street wthln jhse at once by obtaining et the drug cfty and, under the route as announC- stgre an anti-urlc-acld tablet, first (Id bY thse state commission, it would discovered bybr. Pierce, and cailed leave thec tate rond net Colnected Up IlAnurie..I This wili fluash the wth a lard .treet In Wai<egan city. bladder and kldneya, and it la well Thc board adopted a motion to for- odikpet o o ae.o ward a vigoreus Proteat tn the state drn plty fbowae.r board snd Insfit that the original better itili, hot lemonade. route Iliroueli to Grand Ave be adlier. Take occaional doses of castor ed to.- oil or a naturel purgative- Seek Ad for Fermer o made ni) of Mlay-epple, leaves of W. M. Watking, facto afviger ofaojlpan olditatiy Lakce County salît the !arm bureau aualoe, jalapl, tdoibbadilto &tHy - drug stores, as Dr. Plerce's Pleasant Pellet&. Often this treatment *111 ward off the influenza. AlLer the Grippe, when 'tbe mans or womnan DR. J. G. wulIi liam app or er.ergy, la pale and weak, hie or ahe sbould take a good lhon tonie for thse blood, such as "Irontle" Tableta, made by Dr. Pierce, Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat ýr bis herbai tonie se long and favorably'known as Golden Medicai Speialist. Dlscovery. Next to going to the woods to bojild up your healtit ia this FmteeO 5.11. to 12 neose lo Noth diseovery of Doctor Pierce'., made from wild roots and barcs from ' G06esea Street, Woukegan. America forest trocs, and wthout a partîcle of aleobol lu ts malte-up. CipaOO Office: 4770 Lincoln Ave. We're ptoud xi "I SecialSe -of Women's $6 Brown Caif and Blck Kid,ýMc'3ilry Heel Ox,:ifords' (C Widths Only-Sizes 3,to 8) We will have these oxfords only at this price Friday and Saturday. Waukegan, 111. i1 Shue Repairiiig a Specialty AW NI N6GS -of ail kinds Window Shàides 'Draperies. 'DecorÈtive Novelties We -gu.ramtee- &il Our work andt material. -Ciii ma Or- drop a curd and we witI have Ouiir epre- sttive ciion you. 224 Wlauhigug.on St. Phone 2087 Wauktegan, Ii. Carlton BIdg. ' Phone 1125 winnetka, 111. I lemltin eattie îueaîisi moreînoncv to you. Kccp) (iisesf'(S .aayf10111thte orses, liogs, sheep, eOws, goats anîd eaIves hy using "Federal Ntoek ('on- ditioiier."l it purifies the blood and tones up the s vsteiii. Yo> in Itiiprove oirstock 11>0 per cent willi lout lit tice ost to peu. Fairîuei- and stoek raisers ini otiir coIîlîtieýS ari.gettiîîg wiî'îhlresîlts. U'se."I'<1rl toek Coindit joner" and<1kiet i siekîîess awaY fruîiîî oi r stovik* "edî'ral Stovk C ~,îî itone"is sold in '25, 50> or I (K011) savks. E xcl usive C. i. 4;57 Bel'idere St. agenît for Latke ('outty CIESLABK Phiono Watîkegaiîx'2211 The Lux Auto'Sales - Co. N. Genesee St., Wauikegan, 111. of what you acco mp- lished OViER tfl-ÉE? And wýsh tô have you feel that you are indeed. WELCOMe HOME We will be especiallypead to show you men in olive drab through OUJR SALESROOM. 14EW MOIYELS IN Chandler, Hupmobile, Dodge, Oakland and Lexington Cars in Dis'ly Also Dealérs for Diamond Trûcks. WB For the Ji Ve riing a g W*4proi ~dbatiste krting at. u~q~ Cliii t. rifatîts' wlt s in a goodI f styles ai is, nea'tly Rih pretty rnhroidery, o .9 years; , rite Sale 981 Infant Infants' onnets, liet %e and .peciallyi P 11hi±ue Sale XTENDS its greetings to -the boyýý oof Lake, unef ats is the ONN11iniiiM hon-e of thi 'le huitsilu 11ribbii -h, li, Oil t tIiis se fke thl UNE Ski $29 For thet le w( 'are ptt nial bite W 'tsi, e iryne thtie sper .98. Other goo IUNE

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