fOUSE T IIREIARS ESCAPE Wauhegas, June 19. 1919. ltealdentq of the yult aide toal' part Tu.say ulgt lu vbat proîfilsed te be a nial burgiar bout viien port was clrèulated that tbleveq bad entened thie Aido Koepael SU1 Victory street. A cati vas sen' ta the police at 11:30 P.uM. Simni, tasiSoualv tbe word vas aprendt among people living lu tbe uelgbborboôd ssnd a& number of them surroiu.ed tbe bouse sud waited for the. police to arrive. Apparntly tIse burgars bsd made goad tlir eescpe before the hbalse, vas anrrouuded for vhen the loepse' home vas etered and searcbed n trace af the thieves could b. fouud Suspect ia Token A tolored man vIsa gave bis naine ms'Robert Tbompson vas placed un d, ler arreat Tuesdsy nlght xIsen ise à-s T-dU 1. teh- ,. . ncnc..,,..., LeUstauceamuini the xmeaivRe- q serves tram BHatos, Texas and- wvas gaiigfed ta thi.eusbarkatlon port et Newport Nowa. Durlng tIse influeuza epidemlc be *ad, tva attacka of i ii and be vas lu a bosptal for seven- tee5 veekas zof ta bis arrivai home ln Waukegan lait Sunday. Folovlng anattaci af tb. in he bad the paît- Influenza vblch necesltated bis stay-, lag lu the, hospital and belng watoheil cnrefully. Thé experience he passed tbraîîgh veskesed Pdm very maLterlall-Y and b hm ianfot h ad any tbought of revluIg h& practice pending is complets recovery. Dr. Lgnsrd as captain lu the. Medi- cal Renirvez, held a very Important position salong seeclal Unes ta vblcb he vas asigued. t'olowlng is re- cov.ry b., expects, to go back ta Houa- ton ta, renev bis practice. SANIARI BILLS PASS LEOISLATURE; I IMPRTNTLOCALLY~ sud Obum garage on south Genese' According to a wire from proaldent ,@t55,o@M e bad heen drln'ing. Hi.. W. J. Alleu of the ssnitary district, stiipTlous actions caused hlm 'ta b.r sent to0 member Homer Cooke today1 Dlated under arrest. He vas glvev from Springfield. the two sanltary tlilrty days ln the eounty Jail 'wher district bllea before tie legilaturfi arraigned ln Police court this fnorîl passed the. bouse Tliesdiy and the ing.ssuitary board thïinas la tUed that _____________thse leoglaîtlon bas gone tbrougb as the members desired. ANThr'e second billvas. slghtly amend- Taz LEGiNARDIS d b tebouse Tuesday and 1the Uà senate which Iad paqswd bothbeh- 'HO E BUT E iAID fore, concurred in the amended bill hOMEBUThIEthis mornliâg. oth bilsarted l LONIi SICK SPirIl;LL 1 -edIru and several otiier important changea Waukeg5an. June 18 1919.1 léi te haudlu uofthte sanitary mat- Dr. Jobs Lanard. a captais la th#,1ters are embiodieli. LMXdifal aeservez for six monthn Mesars Allen and Cooke 'appeared z4*ir4 'thp var bas qrrived ai the,' before tIse committees tai Springfild *,~Mo of bis mother, 'Mrs. J. B. I.-- reently toaurge the. pasiage of th. lord of North (leneee Str-et and bill#s and tIse one recentiy asnded 'Wal stay boe. ndellnitely in vas anubended witIs their approval. Permit ts'to *Remind Y0U -that REGARDLESS of the make of battery you have,- we can repair it perfectly. .Our parts departmient- is f ully stocked and we have the experienced skill and the equipment necessary for war- ranted, high grade, depend- able service. When your battery lays down" Ming it to us-for our expert service works wonders with defective and abused batteries. Modern charges. Colwell Storage Battery Company ,116-118 Madison St. WAUICEGAN, IlU.. lEWES-OARW TelephcGne 20221 omon &GE, c M OWh0F M ACHINE feosild rsVom rat@ Ou.) owu car on Grand Avenueneear the. lectrictrucis. He recgnized it lmmedlately and stopped it. dolalulsg the twa salaors and thef'r Youg vo man colsOflni via v er. lu Ilvhiite lie sent word'to the police statiou. A policemani vas sent ta the scene sud the. sallors were placed under arrent. Tliè girl vau not detalned. The. satiors vre arraigued tu po lice couft before Police Mdagistrat. Waltr Taylor tbis ioruilug sud ad- mtted tiaving stolen tbe car. The3 ver. bound aven ta tIse grand Jury lu bonds of$11,000. The Po lice predlcted sonie time site that If selr, contluued ta ateal au- tomobiles boe. hat sooner or )atàr.1 tboy would mlle a slip and fait lnfo thse banda of tth. officers. It h ces- vected tllat tiie arreat of theIwotv men Tiu&y nitt wlll makte aýractIceýless poularý in the fuîur. PUBIC NOTICE IIS HERER]) GIVEÎN. Tlwt thé . oarul of Local lui provemqnts -et the."City of North Chi- cuin là» ÇoÙnty. Illnois. ba,; 111.4 lis t» Couu»ty Court of Laie CountY, llUin, e xetllicate tiat the follow-. lng limprovmeiit bas beeu comPlet et! and iat it conforma subetatlalj to tii. roriini rdinauce for the. cou- structloq 0f the saut.. to.vit* That en q41it (8) lecii sever vlthl netiaoSy ~ansd bon»se CM- diamoer b iustmacitltba jiortibui of a publgt gley. Isylu: We*tfly 0fl Bloe~zil 71 d-7g SoutWaukegan ast recordd laflioo "C" of Plats pages do sud 8and block ltg South Wau- kegan dseorder lu Bok "Y" of plats, page 80 lu the. LaIte Cointe Rcotdera oSIc, li Waukgau. :- noae.ait alute Cty of Nortb C'ics-1 go Lake Gounty. lllnote, lhe saome bling Notti Chicaxa Speclal Assena- meut Decket 140. 136. Thei- Uosrd msesocertllied ta tiie cas tiiereof spd theanie estlrnsted thatý lu requ»M 4ta psy secruingIlnterest ot bouda &id Voucerien ssued taaniti- clpte tiie collection o! sidtsasnes- at. "daindapplication ta nidt Cout ta consid«t and determinme vii. tiier or mot the. tacts as stated la sald ec tIel-am to. - A iearing vil b. hait on soI4 *pllactlon on the. th 4ay or joly &. V.. 1919, at thse bour nf Teu oPoIOlu lathe.forenoon of! nid dey, at t» Copaty Court raout 0f. id court la the. Coaty Court Houas et Wa.IMffglalusaud Laks CouftY. > (icetlS My b. 11.4 ta "id sA> Ipiwaîloi di or betor. the. hour af Ton o'claeim'O ii.fonenoon ofs! ddar. Dated t et i rbCiiicago.' Iluais, thgs15IM W eof lune A. D.. 1919. SC. ýMEIAD Qpm PRILLIPB wuqay WINTSRS ft 4nr. TPALBICI )gombo?* W BOSTd of.Locahlum- proveMite of thity CIofa!North Chfi- Mo. Idi Cuntr, Illiois. Wilr June 19-21 r m, Y.lC -ÇOTICE la HulREDli 1I ' @ ioard 0f Local lut- .provffmn .1tic City et Nort Chii- Cage. là&& fgulty.Iluois, bas lilen l , liiiCqty court a! LareCaun- il. Rh1seqi a oertilicate tiiat thé -fol- lo*Ing jUprwenment bus bee om cm pited am#.t»t It conforme subtasz 11511> to pe, original ovd'ane for th*5 e.uu"1le of the saute.. to-vit: Tbat tW iOdaw« faf 5partion o! jus.te gp 1 ~the- Nartlirly se or <V50dshtre cxtend- cd Eatei #mm o i s a te .Street (belng the- Nertb.hy lise af a con- ete pvut sand tiieNortberly lino of Jm«SvwY extended Haterly scrosam catIliste street. at rigit ane. tiior.IM(&*id lin, beiflg the foutberty #F4 of a brick pavement). nid roaaivwmy BLuSte Street ta b. tventy4lgt(28) foot ln vldtii and tbe coffr lino thefcaf to b. coinci- dont wlth ib lin. twentyive O(25' fé«léUcaeni> @f- andppuall i tthi- Westetly 1114 t snd State Street. ail la the Olty u«North Chicago "a, Cot. fueltaebithée ani boint 21osli itciIe.AgoIpoclal Asse68t6#*l' Dociet Nq. 127. The. Bout ase c.rtlfled te tthe cait tiieree ad the saut. .stimsted ttat la retarci t,>par accrng la. terest on bonds spd yonciiers lssod te anticipat. theoclleetion or! nid as- Beaumont asi mai. application 'ta lId Cou t t conalder and ictenutino viictber or q« the i tacs asstated la saii cort"te èrsectnt.. ÀA ilng yull b. bai a snid application ou the Stbidayfy A. Di. 1919. sit tii baur af Ton o'cloqkInluthe. farenoon o! nid lay at the. Coust> Court room of said Court la th. County court - Hou@e nt VW*egau la aait! Lai. .Coaty. b14 asl Objection&may auts edto aid - plicatlan an or before tIse bour of Ten Ail SUitS, Capes apd Dolmeans greatly reduie- cd in price. B»eau tïful Women 's coverall, percale -aproils, 'apecial for Wednesday 95c. INew Womens, end Misses" Sizes -ash Dressés Models foi Stoutý Figurés j I Specially Priced Tou *ouldn't the~T it possible to produce siuch a variety of 'styles ini wash frocks and to have each in- dividual fro'k ais distinctly designed as though it wcrc, the only mode to be had,: but that if; just what wc have accomplishced in this wonderful showing of beau tifuil new dresses made of fine quality voies, organdies and linens ini plain figured and atriped patternîs. AWONDERFULSHOW NG OF NEW G4ýBARDLNE WVASH SKIRTS $3,e98 - $4.*98 - -$5,o98 They are mast âs neat as ean be with their smart belts, pock- ets alla cording.a. Pearl buttons cleverly placed add to their ef- fretiveness. Their chi ef attraction lies in the fact. that tlîey are pî'e-shriînk and can he latindercd easily. AlSO an extensivelUne of extra aie akirta. Spuec-ial Showing of Crisp New Blouses These crisp new blouses inade of fine quailty voiles, organdie and georgette fea- turc aif the newest embroidery and lace trims;. Ail have dainty trimmcd collars and cuffs. There are oval and v neck modela in a large selectiÔn of styles iànd sizes to fit every type of figure. StungBach Apprel -Preseniting Chic Batbing Suits, Caps, 2tprs and capes for, Women, Mise and chlre It's very pîc-asant to dip in the surf if one's suit is as attrac- tive and practical as the many 'colorful and smartly, fashioned modela iyc are now offering vàcationists. But to avoid that slight c hili on leaving the water a cape is really essential and ive have a number of 'very pleasing styles for your selection. The caps and slippers are here in styles too numerous to mention. Býthing suità range in price from $l.98 4Up to $12.50. Spec- ial showing tomorrow at $4.,98 e 7.5O About i d th@e N Mou Park hms vas Mid ft dS abal WeIsaii a Mises at di. Slnsî wd ..orîli mdn spis-, tb. Thse obatet o Sjtb scil wo team S4 tuaItf the 'Wa eàue. T tu are ni M on tîit ý he No Tii. gain w vithis éa Umpli [Wtil#lý I fr( in an -au 0f M'(11 4e a -1 gni