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Libertyville Independent, 19 Jun 1919, p. 13

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i ',............................. T T~'~~q'v'~?TT W W T ri~' 'n, .-f-r52'nrkn¶ ts~vtu~-w~rivs s 's-? -.-~ -- . - - -- ~ ..'~ W~*A~A. .1. V .LLALLEj Il UJ!.1NIJ.fl.j~I. J fi I J Ii~U I.x, JUNiE 19, 1919. ..-PG.IXV Orowded grd"Y P Sc ,blly chUAit Ares 8iMU41OY. lM'*V$ral ty applauae. The vitale V . w u~~ u' u took 'uortlo Ihth,. usa ao boàll bve Ihe 1atisb ab'& ceived hlgh comnnendai fIve Innrings would hi' played but It a ii'oop drilîl and the South Sebool County Supt. Simipson. M~ ti n ftue Mth lnning the score gave the dramatý"tion -of "Snow preitented t te diploitias About four hundred pilpils &tei waiq a tico 5 and 5. fitwaas ln the. White" and ln addition ta thîs l had t h;jt .îwo of the graduates d th@. North h .b.cl pkente heîl àt sIxth Inning that Lakce Bluff teat'o two of the 1v honor pupîlé oft tii Richter and Ellazbetti D MO PSrk Tharsda mont dellghtfuî wea'iened snd the, Norti aide boy.4 connty. Jahanna Rlchtei. Of ttV- smong the firai lve of th hm~ IVas had, by ail. Rac« ea e got a lead of te rune Intheut opentiux Southt sehool and Elizabeth Deyoe of The follcrwlng la te Pr *Id ft svery grade and the boys of the sixth. fLake Bluff then went ta the Central sehool. The ramin nter. C'rr: d.a ball gante. bat still full of confidence but John ferred wth thecompletion of te pro- îin ooMra j t'rk the star pitcher streck out the, graintln thei atternoon. - ilno sol cor........ aa Ltwo first umen Up and got the third A girls pbag Party vas given sat- Uso hrstb. unea '~ORTH SCHOOt CHAMPIONS man on a scratchbfrit, sud the'gane .....th.. ge6tlu bus <i hru-h and C1 Tite North Sciiooi of N'Sîh ('hi war over with the. sectre 10 taO6. honor of Mis1" iorenee Prown ofo igo,won the cmîtY ctsmpýinhlp in This closes the <sentine of the loc'al W5iikffln ho Io te be 'narried sooi; Recitatlo*n-*"DraMftod" %"hiall ut me mnit graduating ex- t<'am which bas been wthout dotibt The. partY cas itheut.n ure of . Ciodagh De NMur, 90 rdt.em nf Arnes Salurday. ('ounIv the tieat teamn turned ont by the rhower for ber aud ail the girls HOOP Drill.second grai 4ti. Simeon -'lue.l lithe LAke Blufif North s.'hool. They have lippu oit. dresaser! up a,; bnye for te occasi or. "If"--Rudyard Kiplng... id -NOrI-l Scho<îi leanis berntise of classed ln size and weiglît hy very, The girl-s rport a i.ioi; deligiti 'il................... Johaui Mdr splendid rerordtî b play for tut, teami thpy have played but iiy con tinte. Piano solo ............. f t1lt. The 'L.akce Biiluftam bd tben sisient playing and flelding they have . inow White. .... .l'oiiftb lg? obatet only once and that by the' won their gamesq. Jina essect lite Programe D0mw Large Crowde iano solo ....Oàe k0'th si-hool iî'ýiîn. The NortutCiii' caîoligr of the teani ha.' been the Wand DrillI.. Tlrd gr. Wo Mte ai h met only one defeat admiration of everyonp who brias een The Central and South scutool gra- Narcissus Drilli...... bd that iii.'Strong McAlster team hlm play. lie lan dnuý) he ii'mal- duation exercîses drev on. of the........... Secenii'g the 'Waikuýgn North Chicago city lesit snd beat littl.' hall player lu iargest crowds that ever assembleS Violin solo .......... ArthS eàuo. The ' <iy school.. of Watike. Lake C(ounty. Th@ following rIîny'. lu the auditorium. The prograni clas8 Boug-'Aak rt tu arc ni undi r <'oînty upt. Sint i. î'lny(d Saturday' John Cerk, Jop Mes- gîven was a mont excellent onue. TWi. Pritientatlon 1 f Dtpîninas M O titis iaivë,3 hé, undLputf.l titi.' sec, liferluan Latz. loule ZYPanlc, drills sud @onzs ver. ail vieil r'-.......... ..*'* . . r he North S'hool team. Geor;: e l4rwlez. <Charles Verk, celved. The dramatisation of "Sitow Piano solo ..... .......Hel The gamne 't'rteil alit mu 2 10salur- Vli'r Kairps, Raty Evanis nd Stan- White". by tbe puPlîs of thei fourth .7~~~ WlhM.N.ni. !1wWaukegan 6îey W<c1-4~grade of the soutut scutool was a cî'v.ýr hegautnemrle .i umpire and i rnci,,ai iltîSo, f i ThéeNorth(Chicago acbonîs fur- plece of acting and th'. NartýigsssthewpuPils Of thi. North [ertYilîle as offleiali score-. Mr. ulshed %evpral numbers on the pro drill gIvon iîy the seventh grad1ý gî-la day evenlug drev a targe a~ii.iittI tha lti <wiiîg ta 1h" grain of the <'ounty graduatUug exer- (1theti Cetrarochool drew forth htar- the Siayoutan hail on t t The question vas Skcussed by 'the inembeN sud it vas roteS te 2,o ahi-ail wiîh the plan . %rs. Roy SI, e per ,o , feredti tagîve two loisonu Souimîth Prk A% ce. on xhlch te huila 11w toanse. Several commnittees vere aiîpo3int.d and the meeting adjoltrned If) Sîînîay î-venlng whon the commit. Progrant ne- ion fron andi stated s. Johanna Deyoe were le ('otinty. 'ogram gir- 'et Davisoiî ay .... S1h grades Muth sc.hool lée. C'entrai uns Riclîtir fielen liaie aS.'. Soutih tte Winier rde. Souult, l.Cnral mcr Tonyon, sel' A.Simipson elen }'înkel es gittit by achool F-1- ýcrnwd nt Lenth ;treet. The program conalsted ni drillsand miarches. Thé ltir pnpi recelvink the higiiest averages were given Parts on the progrs, The 8pecini feabures o! the e- 'oing wasthe vocal soio giveri by '.lrs. Dickersou o! Wau- kegan aud tuet, raduatlng addreau gir- su by Juilge Persoasof Waukegan. Judge Peraons emphasized lu stroug- est terme the needs of a hlgh scitool educaion sud spoke of hmv much Il wotîid mean tn lhe future 0!t North C'hicago to bave ail th;» boys sud girls glyan 1h..advantagu-s of s 11h- eral educatiris Ma wcool ! iaik was utoat lutlî,ing and hiq'lîîfil <o tie Youug peopile preseut. After the aS- dreýs 'Max Przyborski lu most fittIng words preseutedl the dipl,.mas to tic t-iafs.The 'foliowlîîg l; the Iist <of Povlikgramiuates- George Eiaenberg, John Pavik, Auna Brager, Mary Bru- net. John Kavenik. ('harles ('erk, Wal- ter XaIn.., Stauley Wiechieki. George tiacklevlcx. Nearly every member nf lhe clasa are planning to continue theur vork lu the higi achool ibis fa il. %frs. Hauna Galiseher spent the day Tueedny lu Chicago. Robert BelauS broke a boue lu hi3 foot and WIU bc ujaahle to walk on il for a couple of veeks. Tii. Business men gave ose 0f their PoPular Sauces iast evening ai te Auditorium. Thetqe Sances are un- der the direct managemeont of t1h.- Business men sind are Proving to1),h very attractive social gaiheritg. Rer. Mahsoîf tien teck îiarge of the meeting anS took up te litn of ciîurch improveent anti the hijilti ing of a mane.'. 11e feit liat the tine was IPe for the thiug 10 lie done. Lxkide Battery Service Station We Charge and Repair any make of Battery. Also Electric Starting, Light- ing and Ignition Sstems Installed and Repaired. Ail work gauranteed. 106 Counýty st. Phone 22441 WauIIegan, 111. *1, ZION INSTItÉUTIO ,A ND INDjUS'tRIEs [WILBUR GL NiVOLIVAI I - flic Corne and, get your share of these bargains. Take a trip. to Zion Dept. Store. We'l allow your car fare from your bill if it cornes fo $10 or over. You'll see the biggest and begt Cash and Carry Grocery Store in Lake County and yo«fll worhder why you've been paàying so much for many articles. It, will pay to corne and you wil enjoy the visit, Take lunch in, our Stare -Restaurant. Headquarters for "Hart Schaffnier -and Marx" and "Stylepluss" Clothing, "Munsing, Wear," "Eastm'an"~ Kodaks and ail popular, unes of merchandise. in Dry Goo0"ds bépi. Saturday, June 213t to à4th Inclusive A table of Dresa Voiles ail colors and pilain, both dark -mild iglît, ttcre- 59-,69e and 75e yard; 39C ua t Illi.....' .. .......... ... ... ..... . ...... . - ......... ..... 3 Piec es of Fine White Namszook, 21 C Nve - :)!(- a , at pcer yard .......... ... .... .. ............. 9Pieces of 32 inch Benfrçw Zephyr GiDghams39 fas~t c.iia 50e nuîîber; at »pçz yard . ..............39 4 Pieces of 36 iach hé ererised Poplins, in 49 gi'cen. Alit'<' l11, lavender and grüy, 75e i'aliies at yard49 I Lot of Venetian lâieÉMr trimaning; 10e 12 1-2e 71c a1 )(- v,'~anes; white' and cream, at the yard.............. I lot of Venetian Lace wider widths; . 19C %vcî'e 25e anî<l 35e yard; at the yard ......................... .6 Pieces of A MÉ 811k Mons ini plaids aud . 39c anid stripes; were 59(- yard- at the yard ..... -..... ... .... 12 'ieces of, AU 8Silbbki;9 35e anîd 50c values, to go at the-y.ard ..............................25c 20 dosen Hair Nets, non elastie;i Filet Lace Collars; new designs,;$10 50v valuîes 35e cach, 3 for ......................10 AU of our 60c os. Perfumes;39 oife i-d ut Pei' oz. (bottle free) 1 ................. .-. ............ 9 Our Cloverland Dorothy Vernon Perfumefre 65 anoz qiulity, sl)eeial tffer per oz. (bottiefre ;Pebeco and Pepsodent Tooth Paste39 regular à54- tubes, foi-.. ............ .......... ........- 9 10 dos. Dixie Land Ladies' Black~ Lisl, Houe, 25 ail sizes, siit impler-fections, 45e values at only pair25 (3 Pair only to one customer.) EiffOeI Tower Darning Cttoi in Afî'iran brown, 1 Oc white and hlsiek, regidar 4-e gonds. 3 for.............. Crown gSna#s.'black or white, 5 a 10e' seller, at cadi....... . ...........5 4eaMôbawk Brais Pins. always 5e, lO paper, 3 for ............. o Ladies' gSWlus Itbbed'OIee*elpss Vests,25 a go4 0 23e villin for 15e. ? for ............m......................2 5 3 doxen Bott1es of Wftch Èaze1 lRerllorrofeaeh .*,lOc Bewing Needles. in assôrted numbers' 1eeards now3ge eae4ý2fo.r....................-- ........ 5C~ The Great, ý,Lse 'Co. Cash an GrOceryj Ihave von seen it? It's the busy spot in Lake County al riglit. You should sec the automobiles, buggies, boys' wag-' ons, etc, the entire lengtli of the big store. There's a Reason. The reason is you .get vour goods so rnuch eheaper-- and there's no time for thiuîgs to get old. They're always fresh and niee. The prices are al marked plainly, we seil eheap, and unake a quick turnover. We buy in large quantities, often by the earload, and if, is to the people's benefit. BU* rYo-ur Flour Now Others are as"king au 4e as $379 for flour no botter. Re- membeÏ you manot malte as good bread from new wheat flour. Lord's Best-49 lb sack .. ............... ... ............ ...3.o9 Lord 's Best-24 lb sack .......-......................... ........$1 .55 40ec lb Baking Chocolate, 1)11k, '- Ibs ...................................3' .Tîffy Jell, new stock, auîv flavoî',2 packages ........ ........214' Romted Peauts ini sheli, 2 Ibs ....................................2<'e Shiredded Whýeat, 2 packages ............................... ............21! Grape Nults, 2 packages ................................................. 24e 25e bottle Monar-el Catsup ..-........................................21(- Holland Rusk, full package, new goods, 2 boxes ..........214e Kellogs Toasted Corn Flakes, newt stock, 2 boxés ..........24e 15c- ean best Standard Peas. several brands, 2 cans...... "Où, eau Mâixed Vegetables, ecih.........................................13)e (lood Old Potatoes, while the * ' Iast, per peck ............38e 40e pint ean Douglas Corn Oi-------------------........................36e 75e quart Can Douglas Corn Oil-...................................72c $1.40 hall gallon can Douglas C'orn Oit ..........................$.25 Best Brand Borden's Evaporated Milk, 3 cans-------- ..........4le B~iM Nw &nd$a8 15e pa4kag jar rubbers, the cold pack -Usco beat, 3 pkgs 25e 35c Masoi jar Caps, new bî'ighit goods, per dozen-----........24e 10 bars Gai-veule soap ..................................... ... ... .............49e oap ................ ....... ....... 91 TOeIe- "Iemli lot et extra good broômi4 'Wpth 60c-39e Exce ploUË,l Offrr 1h Ladl es tlô&It-hft. DoImans atid Capes MALF PRICE Choice of an%,I)Dolman or cape in (Wr store, i'egular prices $15.() to,$47.50, ail shades and rnany fine tjuality poiret twill, trieotine, gabardine, poplini, serge and other materials; wvhile about 100 garmients last theyiv ili go at Hall Price. Sprinq toats Ol' third Off Pleasing seleetion coats in fine quality wool niaterials, they mirne in the late style features, soîne fuit Iined, soine haif lined w ithi faney silks. Take your cijoiee while lot lasts at 1-31 off regular price. Spring Suits 33' to 50 % Off We have arranged balance of oui- stock of sui'ts into two lots. These lots are exeeptional valnes at regular prices, but for this sale we offer thene to close ut 1-3t and 50 per cent dis- eounts. .Middéies $1,00 Special table niddy blouses; elhoice %viiile $10 lot Iasts _..... .......................7 ",«*" ................................ House Dresses $1.25 Special raek of bouse dr-esses in chamibras and $1.25 percales;, choice of about 100 dr-esses..................... ChIldren's Spring Coats Special euit on Children's Spring Coats. Rain'Coaits Special Lot to Close, Haif Price, Choice Selection New'est Summer Gàrtnènts purchase. frorn the'Ieadnîtg New York auftues il au&dcotton dresses, silk eoats, silk suits, silk and wool kts silk and. crepe kimonas. silk and eottoni pettieouts, îîînshl and silk underwear children's silk coats and dresses, etc. ;m màý 91, STý

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