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Libertyville Independent, 26 Jun 1919, p. 10

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* FAGE TW6 UB~RTVVU~L~. U~DE?~NDE1ÇT. THUU8I)A'Y. TtJNE 26, 1919. / - - - '-I~ t. - a _____ -> W ~7 " 'Sale"o jndi Fu t-mn.tuc"n Men s -4 e ~. a. Clo t, e28 AUl men lu Waukegfl, adufitLieOM ,u»be #M4wutqd la thi notable evot, ifhieh offera them tb. best c1otetuç sup WNile -the. coat to 2nuf&Oâ~rtea0dilylà "Ou-, W prieu la " pthis ~atc o* Nowle your. prices wM ib. muÎch bheertUds fi hnt'M W bplig. 'if- <ou' n a 3utbe fore the fail it in to your Interest te attend saIs. W. bhave S6 Md iost prosperoUS sprlng busines uand now ve are going to cloM & tha e spring sutéJft in our, entire stock '~i sa Won Oppa"ortunîtLY fo Yéun en W »>are ReturuiWi ffuW ar Aedondu yping0 I Reduced *For Su*M.et SeIlI for $25 --Poeitivély the best suit values we have ever offered at Ibisnoncy. The' range of new pla.ids, stri£es and plain coloring in light and dar* le reaily im- mense, aloo a good lin. of bine serges. Ail sizes for men and youini men. Thse suite are made in the popular new styles and were orioinally Made ,tp aell for,$2g.50. Very specially price d ini this Gigantie ,S#le -at the low price of $13.50. Most .men will sec th~e logic of spending a few dollars above the aver- ag wben they see this haideome lot of spring sùuits a 1.~ 1m o* Mwuhip will stand the moaet critical s erutiny and the styles p 'tbp -vgry newest. There are waisqtline--and cons e matiye models iu a Latge Él tioà of colore , plain and fancy mixtures, suit s that were niade to eu for $30-00; 4pecially prlced for this Gtgantiý e aet *18.75. MTe flnest of fabries in the 14test w eayes, and patterns ae shown in tMe Nea's POPt For this giprntic sale we are offérnng a large selection of .good qual- Ity pante, for working men, ' i a large range of iXaterial *uLd sizes. Pants that were mnade to >seli-for $3. tht Wil lterest $1 .25 Union Suits 79c Men 's Athietie Union Suite, made of good quality madras, ail sizes, regular $L25 value; very speciafly priced for thie gigantic sale at 79c. -Men's night gowns, nmade of good quality muslin and neatly trin-ined; reg- ular $L~50 value; very specially priccd for this Gigantie Sale, 98c. Men's fliýe quality pajanias in a good selection of colora and patterns, trinuned with silk frogs; speciaily priced for this Gigantic Sale, $1.98. 25c Coon tipse M en's fine cot3Ž1seiall siescol- ors, c, blue, brown endgray; regular 25evales;very apeciaily rcdfrthie GigantiC Sale 121/LC. For thie sale *we are offering a gogd aelection of patÛ~rns eand colora in silk sahirts al sizes; regular $.00 values, at the very. special price: $4.$5. 20ç *ex C 1ars Ail linen 4 ply çqllars "ITýriangle"> brand in a good seléetion of styles aud siU,, regular 20e' values; very- speeially prieefo r-this GigaÉtie Sale eaeh 10c. Iuyers $1.25 Wr1 Shiirts 79C ,&fen's chambray work shirts in al zizes, regular $1.25 values; very special- ly priccd'for this Gigantie Sale 79c. $27z00 Dress Shirts $1e29 Men's drcss shirts wvîth collars attach- ed, in a good selection of neat patterns. Regular $2.00 values; very speciaily prieed for this Gigantic Sale, $1.29. $2,00 Union SUits $1035 Men's fine quahity balbriggan union suits for sunrimer wcar; regular $2.00 value; specially priced for this.Gigantic Salq $1.35. $1J050 Caps this sale we are offéring a good selection of. men's and boys caps; regulAi, $1.50 values, at the very,,epecial price of 9se. - P40$treil W' Men 's straw hats in a good selection of styles and sizes; regular $2.50- values; very speciaily priced for this Gigautic, sale, $1.00. Gigantic For$ut5Made to Seil for $i~,P ho.at G '101Gageu Whon appi, *kbut la hl@ roi n'sa tatemne, taOgtaloi, atput up wil -h»i nover i lh e lp Ahtlhelpet Maal(ed me peand Wlin [.M domnè this Phfeet tnat et :hd then a hyOwn seif for .1tI$er hourd fg lh. mot ln tc Moith -"cme ~a aded m ail, thon 1 . as only, bot islp. 1 have n ibid flot g.to" o e ake* I h . w si . god eat Scmnofortble 21*t aay th. Sled for a pe andaseemed itfut aell osi pt liv. with hi. Il8ewa Wavery o!, Ilbse tiresshal ". ihan threadi !t. But 15he w r n tact, as mi îted t9ates Ei, es, 116 North 6- go Wednesda &wanted a jo flytbing that'l 1my board-e, lron and moi 9 the>. lcarned Ive worked si.i IL *latk in Mu u ote, we ý-re lke my fi l',idlie ail r Inottier." Waahed 01, tr naine i. tir h as been living te. 81w'hridht- Job uhbe held r, rsat'a the one Mkd at the, Sel Women. rbat'aeat 12 E ýy l te me, but tbeie wamthie ë as mile told ftfty persons e, 'en éhe wasaa sestlon her se Me. Gages Co c helped ber mo lust each of Gra Nio, it's not r11 MIY." she Iflsist 1nmueb. No, 1 ild b.' expected She Hâtes th, be rest le bSncf. William lFdwthi i died jus't fer )rced hier î,ext Kin 189>2. Si] We. 'a jmat the Poo] kbut ie sali t MOrn firigers a mag the aplsi4a me fifth clinic ltontile Paraly" b&46Jhmber of FA3 beglantng 1 0>1 *épt bu Severe le'lt la ahditoc ~ 'a~ beegi Ilibuffi. Mark, ï ta, practicE bM, uo.lfmkcal tal apItancee ý* Parents wbo Fcaaeé wbere ilttee le drawn lu and more' j itd le belng Mr.yai rit Lino obt go a stren, ao Dlnebool 1c -Int *ater.' b~ of me's ann essu4itb at $27.50. They are exc2ptional- SwU made and lined with the finest mohair. The styles aàre ail poptea ~~,el, sn~e and double breasted, also waistlinc cffects. Those suite' were j p W sdifor $37.50;, very speciaily p oed for this Gigantie Sa t the a- UTWO

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