~sS~ kl- Comrcia flhern uWaukegan are tntereste4 in tb ilsgbibs or't ~Nh OUIES l 1w ih e e èfetiVÏ,July 1 witii regard totii. losed »azasn. Tiiere are other provisions af the ' law whlcii are interesting ta 1iunte%-ftý tells oaIimportant -Clauses ,ln the 1gw:i AsParenfO!OaIYràlationl n g e. 1 e cti ve âf revimi9ti, fo o nilfa" n Tecarpenters' snd contractara' ait- Sines shah b. trou APil 1 ta June natioas in Waukegan remaîns the 1, whicb entende the period fiteen 1m a Itwas yesterday and Oj days. The oMd 1kW ciosed the season aortb.shore was at a stand-stiIl as a The. cost af reident sud noneresi- mule of a inabllity ta adjust the con- dent huutlug, hIcenses. in $1. Traçtpers tmoersy that arase autldld1y Moudlay Of futr be4ring animals muet pay ainl *reIýg viien orders cpme traMi- ~j nurmai license af $1. ho qusil seaszn s ihve ait carpenters her. go on la opnf roui Nbv. 10 ta bec. 10. ln- aste uesday mornini. echiiive, and the siioating ai mourning1 otrs John Sutherand. ()a doves la permitted tram Sept. 1 ta cvr 8$dstrom. Peterson, Jecnsen, and Sept. 30, Inclusive. Visnkg went ta Chicago toady viiere Prafrie chiciieno mai' b. lilied b.- t~i7 vre a ioida cnta-eu. vthtween Ont. 20 aud Oct. 31, inclusive, the, Chicago C',ntratrs ,r ltiO. and pheasants trou Oct. 1 ta Oct. 5. with -iich tncy are afliAtd. ne Thie opea season on aquirrels ia, froin of thise contractai-a said. tîe coeiid ~iJuly i ta De. 1. Te. seasan loi rab- te a he Chicago Association gran bits la front Nov. 1 ta Jan 31. pcrmbmion taimoke si ne arrange ma4witii the Waukegan carpen- GRAPPOJNG HOOKO STOL.EN toi-. rbereby work eau be tontlnuedJ bter." Unles4si du ii auc- lleves are usual' ciedited with VUg onntracto-s who beloug ta ân baving a fairly goad sense of values. Chica AssatiOn musc 1014 U 'Fow butglars wouid Jimmy i-aur kit tare avalug lii. atiatmant 1vtare a bar of aooap. »Aùfo hee awltig th'acUsimeýt'Genedly hey areater jewes r ai- ai th s tOes eitn n hcaro ver or,mr ieclcah I.twq e i.contracterlansd thec*- oe ott&uli, of th casb. f pcatis týorafor<thie Waukegan car-I tcus od era i.tett âeô s.d-wu h the a-Ipantingss, igars, or cau4y and some -a ami .swaiug have tee" knawn ta val ue ii ,go Wuk ucntatis n .girl'. date baock. It Vas thaucht whe«, Whaid mee=ting Stan ar- - brglaig entered a newupaper oMne., r»r ~ ut nothiug came out Iansd It vas the heighth af uhutai perrel-ý theassu arjptera lad tà !!Onbut a naw case of petty thieveri' "St» Pe" aaitnt rdes fonthikw develcipsi! atthe laite front that1 OlIcagon se ta rt tii.>'ma>' dohneeu&I Culd Oc e AdamIcDitiokieguai-d at the Wau- On. Member of the. carpeftei's un- kegan beacii bas a set oi graDpig SU MM% on Tueida>' that the local car- iiooks which i. boldo iii amrgener £.t< 80rvdigle aka cu tb iat If sou.e One dravus il. body 'Podi the psy tia. don-an leebruht mi lW the.mensai tra@t ed*s a îe olara Ie ibooks. bey are large strant steel ýM jeie nId.rtura ta vonk. Hpw ca*Ok ac " to heavi' cord. Tiie W5u~gs cotiaCtrs reotier moruiug when iie came ta wor] IS thi. saine position as tiie union men three of the hooka ad beni remnoved « Vêukqffl uitmaly. thé>' dare fnt tam iist qpca-,to a iev 5aboi tQout e.- Wherdupou Adam n bs oucluded @Io, ;. thm e iiê tmh;Association ~tttsieîie a.t.-sisfain - Cct~Mrs.As o Wukean ar-for sharks or bas a mistaien senne of gent. eau ual go tea van unlesste lue . $»y Ouisud la grauted, noa i îli vl tha~~ratoa.the' us aid ~GERMAN A88EM13LY RATIFIES lb.a~eaia 0 he- pret asoca-TREATY,1 PARIS HEARS Dm 11 . aukegan contractai- said ta- paris France, Juli- 9.-Tii. Germu Eaui Lthet atoit lthe demanda af the 1 M" wt.s vre Justiflad,oaaYing taI nsliIaîtUa seinblylu Weiusr bas t*oI vages bave ual raised pi-opa- t$MS$ during thie paut ton years la s dopted the. rsolutiofl ratif>ing the, oto~cIae f labor. peate treaty, sccarding ta advlees r.- o4~hr cantractar sald tiAt Wau- basécrpeutars, h.]lad been told, ceived hers tadai'. ~b« iSljit ta go on a sýlice'on Tues- Tiie resolutioli rends: "Thie peaci . M7. 4t tbay vere uat autiarze t. d4o l. id thié' mttar wan tae- ay lnda lne2,119, as be e l u i Cicago tada>'. vell se tiie Protocal anaexed and! spe- 80f ln tie meanUme, the cautrae- Sgpmthtat thigo are lu a ser- cial agreements on militai-yoccupa- àiizition lu Waukegan aud tiiet ion of lhe Rineland are iterebi- ra- tllïoer the. maters are 'adjuale d tbe, ttet *-i viii for the. commun- lified. Tiis 1gw becoues effective It~~ Mse-Tlousands af dallà-t ram the. dateit ils protuilgallon."I oetit a 1iding la belug ibeldi up_________ ucrk '& U ready liasi'eau start- s. ni.stl-ke. t la admttsd, bée ~s uber af otiier plans for iii o ualY ou ab.e ld UOpbut a l l 5 . aes ta bave e a da- L MIL ti h*& ii ataka ou. tiii. t d p atithebuilding undet W. 1 tb eit : etiliècarpnýen aab Bd etbersWwilleran e-fhrWeek. 1110 he sloonkeepers mus tarve but à seriamia lie-Uap af building opera- N f esncd as the resul of the mie c n'euersi rreA inta-se- er~a a iMease af $i a day-92% ïuslo E 90 'èntz anitoiur foi aui *lW»baur dai--offred b>' h car- pullr gotracloa' associationl. 19#, 15,000 carpeatere are out i 4" ti. lsauticlpsted vai-kera ln ao trad# vili toilow tiiem. Tite earu5. tors cmnd an iDciaqe of Si "4 Ïi4 cmetrtcors bave decidcd the>' viii bqýelaoIheir affr. Tii. execu- tii-e loarg af lhe building construction *mp5.ýyei- asesociatinali hs aireed le amopkato sud stop allwork if the. troube eau be aettled lu no othier H.J. 'Cohlgraiff.secretary-utanagel et lhe conliaclors' association, aaid: % M pe affer or $i a day increasi lia. ;eq madetie a ratically ail lb, Otli.*raes sud itas been aiccepleti. "1 ls 'iiimean a serloug Lsettack.' oi .5.Craig. secrelar>aI lte Uul&Lu Contruclion Employer' as *eIan i knov af on. 4.000 00ô MbaGt di-opped Ioda>' becauseoaithe 4ncresiag ectosf enotnu WM* BevkIere Me -n% r'No, OPI1GsiTJON SEEPYET.' -Petitiana ha*e been cii-culiteor Elame Clarke ot Wsukegan sud Frank Whitmau atBi-2vern toa solas 4ae-eý gates tr iMutMit tité state conitltntla»Iisel c uti te 'hé il Ibis year.Eonc' sudi4 H ry coun- tien o ogUéý ïaid ée 6dmto1' one delagate betweeu tiiem-and se-9 lected ?ii. whitiiii ,Lake thù ana ai ita ov. Mr-. Clarke. inÉl 1 been suggested b>' t-lends who ara cruiating Ithe petition- sà fai as Ikoi-tlie.lasno op- posltiuta 5Mr. Cuàrke and Mr. Wil mint lsdistrOet Caudidata for delagata ta the con- attititidunal ceanton W inifile thai- petioUi u hei.secretari- ai stateo ln Sbriugfeld 'haalnulug fleït Saturdai't Juli- il, ard, if 'taepaitatiriecorrect,à iIl the. revers vii l , if conitions ln Waukegau ai-e au>'lad icaion aofvitat ln a short tlias viiibe lh. situation ail aver the. United Statés.. "Nemi- beer lai-ci-lied sud inaligned as lacking "kick" sud éthier necessari- tnqMdq ta but neverthelqzs.; ý la be- tmg conâàmued sud lu quanîtttieth&, compare 'lavai-ail>' ithfomner bo D» trelle.  tii. eresel ne irstwo C"~ ek Wéek i ear bserai-e recelv.d ie Waukegan. Most of the saloons tu Wankegau bave nol survlv.d lie tva y.ars drougitlbei-e but tlaoin ol- dication that near bèr ls not belua consumed lu casldrilq quaalitids r foi- nean beer la a sit drink since tise kick la oxtractd -sud titeretoro can r be sold ah auy soda tonnîsin or gio- Cen' store. Either thte peopie' are becoring used e la neai- beer or tlbI. lîatiaon f1àvery gaod for inqWlres t.em ho bear out tie concelusion thit il hii ked vei-y Weil mont aOfte large brewers ai-e - til inla buaMies w, se cicnet i t 0 ldeleise, lkihutz,1Pabst sud éther ef'amillar naules gotag b>'Iliste saine wagons but tii casesantý:Wîadit- ternt bt-evtrain te hisudlii>car »èdtoir :aiquuc4 tat etilons sent l icnIhe, lf eoatien me theai. mes ofi*thie eatd> (itlca vii1 go au lie ballots otoh fe w ho 1>e heldSept. 19, iA * whc hyare ne- Thcra v411 b. no advautage. accord-. tapi tii.he ling ,by tiie soci-tary,' lu Dmi4iag the"petiinE by >y le . Conr-ad sud Weai haae w i the. llyeri-'or lu presentîng tiient lupersan deai for te ie'eUeg ai- tii-ai:' >neettgOi-. f' susmm ei hane anThiid:-Uke "KE fita lii-.. dltianat' e&tafres on É ::pêîi- su ad remadeling 'tic iuild- Jl Inilgesîialrd crected 1%~e simet bo.btâ h aaZs t - '~~ ~Me L héti."0k ofléôdOd toit a de A revolver pirrding ftm S est fAbeautfr ahi' p» i~étic@ viWl drew lic attentaiofpahIç@ogMh gD bei- sud vindiag vallansd th. SachshoI¶auk Gai-dello, 19 3 »F a ~ al m~diuc~vueea Huo Ci,1tîigb, Tueidai'.He acti ie e ltvawnô e15*edi' bis cObsion,. !obLrî lll, 17, 823prol-ti-. utillled iii'sommer resort- N. La $3ýIc St., were taken ta theic Citcag SiCae satin.1'ly CO- JoeOltuski- bas purcitased a lot fessed! bei'We e iertersfirn oreèiiI t idgoiand sud Paliner Place an.i Làkan u btd tsa le ' l -* l plnnng -building a bunglav lu bëd thic nia. market af H. T. M4eier- thie nearî future. porit 84 N i-kSt aen a Ti.Tom IKeafe propei-ty. Utica reprta nu. '1.ubmlussVdersud iioesnetit ha&been pu> baya, vtio wctr8 Il' civillan gai-b*ond evdeesr tui-ýied over tot in' ni pt-avait mi- b> P. W. èîmon ai the.Nav'al shah tr a tu Giest sa._ ________ r Why is, the Essex P-ought By ~ Essex ft is Alt Uèusui lwMort*orf-ce. Men Who Have Nee eenIt? There is a tane and strung ini that and that ii the Essex must terest in the Esex which we have through sheer menit have won the ad- not been- able to fully expIain- iràtidn of thoge who have seen and You hear the most incere endorse 'j'dden iii it. nients for its qualities from men Who Thsu It MMat Qe What have neyer even. seeni the car. We oaor,ànAft ay1n< Mrïbeee that more than haif a million Inerycmunt oeoeca people now do intimately know the - renze omntsreoeca Essex, but th4t dos not account for 'ais gizd as leader. It is not just . es any car of a given make but -an in- what is being said about it in rern6te dividual car that holdo the best ne- communities where no Essex car bas '4 oIlee r celeration or bilh yet appeared. 'coko om a Distributqrs report having receiv*c bingatw. Anou mavt h mrear ed ord~eni by mailfrpm persons Who i týthat ay. «Pdlaint youher say they have heard 80 much about mnx tett xlain te Essexby the Essex that they know it isthe cat comparlsof with thIht cari tbey want.aronwo Thot is the wy ini wlch its rddr .Perapo QU, oo4 as ualitles are described. !ta finish an flot yet seen the Essýex. Yet you <c eutar nkndt s-ia, uai nôdE be a rëâ&er of fhege words and t#es in other cars that people know i4ot have. beard what people on every favorably and. well. han~ç'e sying boutit.In atternpting to explain the rea- 1nýatîesàyof whatbouhave heardsonlfor the way in whieh th'E ssex Otb6rs,,May, you appro#ch the Essex pbenaetdwertrnlwy wihthe most favorable i- 9A5 os. the b ilfeif, It muet 4hsve quali- With so many thousands rnaling ti tesine hve, ed.Itws our im -Essex ý the standard of !tjxeir automo- to meet that dêuiand- We wauted it bule desiresi the re is smrn explana- to' have the advantages ii eenony tion fox, the confidepce evidened o otadoeain tt~lg~cl when mi en Ad their mnoey for'a ca ad. Q _u h-ethe e a a they Lvgn' çr.çnseen,, performnéne aswell as th ap8a 71YI& a Not Because pride wlucb have been eeeluhive to Alltu-àw. ivlfl , cootly c a". Ail l~at have. beard about the[I 4LS7W EssÊX is. wjiat others have said f.i it. Wéhavè made no dlaim for it. We Essex sales have beaèn in excess of have publish0d no descriptions. We deliveries froni thf very day the car have not Éaid It is a 14etten car than was announeed. Thxe pro4uction oW any other- W. have not eveh niat apprôtiinates 100 a day but does not ed thatits performancwe excella the begi to,-meeti,,the needs. Ask any »P perfopwaçe oZ other cars. But on ali sex 'de8aler. Üf wha'others t are éiýg sie'yo erit compaired to M- eàtS ' conviction to you as you know favorably -and in most cas- it doe tO othrs, then you must soon- es to the, advantage of the 'Essex. er or' later want an EMssex. It ïs béât The» ecan be 'lit.bhe explanation for to décide, early. î h~ ~e Thm sste are h odt, ibd pI sO " MlWg, heai (*orn-6ui ÇUoýe ýt Un. h~i),I!Iose now s*re siagtýe perfect et0d ..dwo segt1* bey abtmeid frocabi hroe's Anurie ibI To7 .= *M tht ie ale a erta iue miad pl»vund unaquers hoadapho, klns ai blaSE.diacamm d rbéhltltif. f' you've ue« "Éahe . "Aui'- Bk-u tee ma .te toUr 1. Pbeto, ]pffiia, KY., for ia nMph ,îlýê,. ' iàff pqve tp 34j'ou tit Mwnle" l ,inï lu ii mu gi*c k~ae mi bador orectr.Ifyi-u are amferer, ga te your but drogustMaiMsic $or a ilixty-cens box of "'Anurie" Yon run no ulak fo- r . PerI'. go6dimmarn tam&sbehini tbs vonderfl mev dioWéty m I al hW for padt I9ioeutury for hie *"GoldenMM&i caew cier",h~ mmii. teblood pUré' bw Favomite Preseripum-o for vu vante mmai hié " Plemost 4&4 ~"for UIlei. Dr. Pbmc àcas poasu$" iasdo goad Shet Wu. Theyrqpithei ite . *8 5 voas e qvansd muoval t'; Il; UrIy snd glati, buinlmghy ili Ob Uymcg~ *0 ,soviolné.- byie b'iSiaI Md"t 5151t h~ bcfm lane, sdlt ba UvW pili ci-or bo 0* e Now's the Tim~e --ta look your boilers over and get ready for winter-it cos you less now than liter when the rush la on. The wise man is the one who prêt- pares before the emergency arrives. We wil look your bolier over, tel you what it will cost to get it in shape -AND DO THE WORK SATISFACTORILY, Photàëé: Waukegmn, 835, 1135-M or 1654 PROPRIETORS: Trheo. Babcox Culi Staben "Rubbo ofCOmese ailtr±Imat~o flmete bet iIlte td rt answer, too, pafficu1af1ti whcte .toieagebattura açcpcmd Y1¶&t'* opu iqthe t1hlgthatiw ree yezue cf WI*rdTlirSed4 ubbçr a1"t oe bà Come ln. Let us teli you more qq Threaded Rubber. A8k, 'Whik hqIe, fcý a càé o*b bookiet, -"The MWxk of. thi; Williard." 116-118 MÏdiac>'n St. Electrician Tosift ad eiiiLm r -----77--=i - . qký 0%