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Libertyville Independent, 10 Jul 1919, p. 9

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L. XXVII.-NO. 28. = ?Ae TWO TYVILLE INDýEPEN,*ýDENT TY INDEPENDENT Lake Counys Big Weekly _uÇAs uio- emvwumon -gCorum C. UJ3ER1'YVILE INDEPENIDENT, JULY 10, 1919. pOUlicPÂGE83 ~--i Il.- - * e I ;1.50 PER YEÀR IN ADVANOE. NIIIUNSTO CàTWOSV Weweetaafer WkBIssue 0ftbe $un a = snt ndmre kindly a away. Our El Six Miaain to ITe Abeda s dpvethea mor l'y iiutter, si, Isn n tended notice ln your vauabte papers Dense Forest Near Fox If y- il] but aiiow ues apace. Làke; Mother Frantlc. Jut>' Srat was an IdeaT day. but il was neter a hoiy day nor a oliday and etili Father FoieY and bis peuple ta Lake .July 10-WhIIe two blod rarried through one of the mort site. d@ hàve b@en used for two day.@ cesaful Picnles, socllty financilty le t. trace the. boy, they have and inteilecttaiiýy that Only they could IIN. Prolrals a nd th* cficluslon have don@ i. MtCartby's wooda are la that the. boy wandered to the Idéal fr a'jilcnic. Amorican glags, th and ssnk n the. wtr. ." Irlsb Repubiic Ileso' WW4I pI and de folowed several acents which church service flaga and star euntang Mt seemed Possible of rCrut- together wltli the deleciate varicolor they encded et the waters .edge. ed dresses of the larke crowd of fine looking women who belong to et. Pat- the' dense mile-wide woods ai .,frk's and other frienda reiieved lly the Iwood, two mile,,frrnm Foi Lake more gober coj» ofilr odt e Y f 6l ban been loat for two days made the pieute grounds a beautiful a searching Party o! 10<> farmers panorama. The dinner vs dhicken hdy niebt grive up hoités of find- and coid ham-sPrAng at that-and t hun alive. was apPreciaied by every nerson. le lad le ltnnry N utter, sonof WhMat &hat 1 say of the intellectual Irene t.ewiton, 45 N. , Csley meat? The strlng band front Great Chicago. Tuesda, night bis Laks as immense and made ihese 3J. W. Nuttpr 123j :3. Fairfield OM w--de rcsound witb their strainn Chicago, withl who.ii îtenry ha, and bearts oid and young vibrate 5bis home since his mother mar. quAer and warmcr for thic sallor the, second tAme, wired to Rock- Ladies. Theàà boys were fine artias kennels for biooodbunds to takefad genitlemen. We of St. Patrickem e &cent this morning, tee mont grateful to Admirai 1astt s. Lewiton, fier husband, Fred who honorod this parish Or mayhe i e- iwitnn., Henry and hie brother, warded At ofr going over the top n et. 7 *ent tu Wilwood .îuîy 3 every departm. ni of service in war «nd the week end at the aummer work. a f Erneat raxsaw, which skirts Among the s5peakers weru ir. wooods.Phibe who sçpokpelcoqu'niiy on fp.' *da nihi iat ad Ms. ewioncause of Ireland and bis aiudipnc' or *d nto 1%".. and.Mrs. ewîton every shadê of Opinion went av, y Med o Chrago Mrs Lewtonwih.a betier undcrstanding (fe*,,- piOyed n the waii paper dépsart- Aain" or irelands %spiratl,)wn.i ati 1 f Sears-ftoe-buck. They left Pleoi~y nlit itrdu,,iî g Sunatur SivAff Iidren wlth the Bra;s»àwo. About paid htgh i ribut.ý to :lis wortiî an,; 15 ock S'înday evening thé Nîtter 1rdhn ' *.*.,A 'r'A accompanied by a group of other was heid 'iuma t-r ii: i aicu 's av Sboys, starîed lu iiick bernies n pýtyabotut biin *' Th- Senator, aîaI- vOO48. wtvs. sPo1c < n e-nte i, ; ood ter Boy Missed; Alèrm Sounded -J the fariner .and commeiilec!W.îs- wol on llb v.enndî'l work d.ring the Ïtne was flot mitsscd until 9 arCoi . Sniî spolce on "the Aiiî.-ri- k, %hlen ail thle children were (an Soidiey-" [lin wa, litn.-d [lnsvih 0 ta bed. An aiarm .waq soundf, ej.de, ibough !,-),Amsad ut neru-t. M of nuidhbors summoned and a.muidescrIbr-d tnhaýi sspieu ili Rftl began that lasted ail night. cf aur bovs who grave up tb-nAr lves Ock are the brambles and bushes "over there-." Geratd GriMln andi itany tinies the searehera were Moter Clifford Sullivan, both of Chi-. W tu crawl for yards. cago. though Cifford's foik.s are n Wly Monday moraing the bunt 'Wadsworib. sang beautifully somte of resumed. In th- party were rite beautifuil gongs of treland tiratienu Kartis, tihe mayor of Spring bring a liii of taugiter and agu a lear 0. the village marqhati and a h ýi n the eye. God hIe.', old Ireland and otheraî. Mrs. Lewiton and ber Bave t ibough Engand's btoody bav- Rer were notifiid and hurried tu onetleAset ber breaet. tf ste waa notI lene. Alil day Monday, 'Monday liere ai ailiaie the laughs and al tand Tueaday the searcis was Baile woutd lbu gane f rom the world. mued tbe mther ieading anceaû*- George Siephensq who wtt z, Denis roups. Riordan was cliairman of ihe Liber- 9 oclock Tu.'sday night the sear- ty Loan Drives n tId townshîip ~-7-' s nnouinc-d tiret they were forced tast. lie gave testimony tilihu gond Iva up. woî-k of Wadworîh in tlie war andj t a trace of the mising lad had hi-« Teitation of "Jean Mcflea" was; Obtained. A neighbor',, son re j vury mucb apprudiaîed. ol tisai as ie was comine down Failler Fntey whie introdticing the oad illat akirts tAie wood8 about speakers Paid tribut, to the American Stlork Swnday night he saw tue FIag that he and ail vrnsprnt wure siPoke t0 hium and wenî on. ready to die for and secondly te tht' Kidnaping je Feursd Irishs Fag.le paid hiAs respects lu mstory le tla a sardis of Uic squeeEngtiis hencbmen, ber, n Lake î>ic cavercd diiche thtisa ne Co.. targe iandowners. visa during the aides a! the road and are fiued war bad a staff of .tien caterjng ti vater. lier jaded testes: Potiser theoA'y advanced by rets- l as ilit the boy basniseen kid- . LNIr. Nutter said Tueaday nigbî ~dgiven up hope .of finding tihe 4Ive. ~e underbrilkb las nothick and1 are an mauy treacherous svampB nie vaods tha a Iinclined ta 'e lthe littie fellow As last. We ake tise bloodhounds io tiesce ybecause tise motiser le oging n. w e fear,' be said. "I betieve tsy unbled nto a swamp sud ~md." of cfHenry's companions aua -any llght on is disappearance. - tber Ernest saw hlm tast as were about Oifty rada nta tise ~Thought He Had Returned became sepsrat-ýd sud Henry n8ot-missed by.ebîa campaulona tey said, they tisaugist le rned ta the bouse. *boy wore a kbaki suAt, jumper -black sboeg sud stookings, a bliguse and ne bat. Hle las jet hair a. round full face and n - bng scars.t farrnçr withAn ton miles isa --I5ted Iiy tise franttc rmauAves uebl le migît lave leen pick- exlauated and unable to tell bis Ys, BREAKS LEO 1 Enmark of Lake Forest vast vush bis famlly ai Lake Zu-t 1atdays aMo. Jussi beforei -a ritng home be,vas pla- -*tth tise chisidren an_ it u A -:a7 tisai le broke bs lio* -iagd up-at bis home andz lied for sometime. ,.,tMr.c a Weil. nkva no"d s RACS ATTRACT GOB-SRIGGED Litres ofthtie big city; bang tails lrancing ai Lbertyvile; coollue laite breezes waXting tise fragrance of tise tItace and violets; mernaaids bAllise on lise sandy beach. Result-371i Great L-akes "goba" lu tise brie an charges of desertion sud A. W. O. LU Spring fever isa grpped aur dry ]and sailara. lb bas made As appear- ance leind schedule, but nevethels tise efects bave been desdly. - Thure are more men avattlng court miartial thanat any tiMae An tieseation's bis- tory-aud tise maJority o! thiem are yeomen. "We can't blame Uic boys mudi.' Provost Marsisat MacDuffle aaid Wed- nesday. "Tise vsr'sa ver snd the camp routine as geiting an tiseir1 nerves. I'a all rigist ta go aut and have a good tAme, but tley aisauldn'l shlow tisemsetves ho b, carried away isy natuîre. A large number of tisase in the brie are men vIa have been ou the station sAce tiseir euliatunent.' NORTI4SHORE MEN DIVIDED The vorkmcn an the electrlc hunes are divided on tise question of JoAn- lug witb the elevated varknîen of! Chicago accordine toa sstatement miade oday. A vote wAtt be taken ou tise question Monday at Hgland Park sud t la said that the ballot9 vîlI le very close.1 Ait tise eiectnic men betong ta the1 brotiserlaod sud tise elemtad vork- mets of Chicago n addition belang ta,1 1h, Amnaigamî4d uion. Tise ques-1 tion before tie7irtis Share -etectrie workmeis la vh4tor they vAs ta Join the Amàaiganated union. Ih las underotoad tIsai If tise North 1 Sisore ekeetrie mess tod out thae mar be trouble about tiiesarunnîng eale lta < Alosg. Tise older men op1 !1bç gad i ep rued t. e b. Malit WAUUENWMNSUPREMEI-JENCII? BUSINESS RKEN 0F CAUSE OF WRECK Repredthatudge Welsh of LBRYVLEI KILN4 9 PERSONS 1 lvated to High Position. ÀDT LAY H. K. Baldwin, Employe of thi Dow Company, $aid to have Been Responsible, HAVÇ NO WORD FROM HIM. A bobo. dentifliO today as beingl I.K. Badwin fariner employe o' j WH. Dow manufactù'i'ing campany et Waulcegan Ais tbought fü -be retapon- sble for the train wreck near Dun- kirk, N. Y. on tise New York Centrai July 1 n vbich nine people ver, kil. led sud forhy-six Injured The wreck vas a rear-end collision and after thle debrIs vas cieared up a man viso iad been bummine bis way vas found between the engine and, lb, Oirs coaschs vbere lbe had!broken the air braire coupling making Ai m- possible te sto: the train before Ih tilt thse onen front of A. A des- criptiio! ofitheman was pui.lishedi n the paperg and thie description and cr- cumostances comnbine 10 iead tot' ho conclusion that the 'bo- was the uni ployee of the local saab and door compuuy wbo tcft for the east on Mon day. The mati wlo gave bis namn,-.bere as H. K. Badwin workcd for W. Il. Dow sud (nmpany since Aprit 10. TFie descrIpîion n -New York and Chicagi, papier» ndicated that the man avas 3ý5 ye-ara oid. 5 fePt Il luches tlu o! sltgllt buiid and had sandy bair. Figer; were miseine on one bandl Tisslits Baiduin exactly,' euH an einployreeOf i)ows r,,anb todav. anid bie tltd us butore bie lut t tijat bue waa going to bum bis way t0 New York" Offiialis of tic conîpany sdid today' tisat Baldwin wil5 10 bave telepragbed ihem from New York as to whetisprl lie intended to ruturo 10 Waukegan but no word bas buen received froni bim sAuce bue went on June 30. Baldwin waaa vurv î.ecutîar man aecox>ding 10 tise employees of W. H. Do0w snd coînpany. lie neyer nied vtiî tie olber nmen and would ngver enter a bank. Wlien lie recelved hi4 psy check fronithle companyýe1 bsd someone elise cash t for hlm. Wisetber bie bad a past te conceail 1. flot lnown but another emptoyee who became sc<tlaiuiud ylhminan a faclory at Orange, N. J. -aid be seidom stayed on a job more tban a few weeks and that bis actions ai bbc Orange N. J. factory wcre also s.-ry pecuiisr. Insestigators atter the accident de- 'cided that the duad *'ho" bptween the engin, and thee rat coacb bad piaced hi,, foot on the bose that connecta tise air brakes to thu eneine and bad brok- un 'the conueccion. For thia reasoný whnteengineer observed the train n front of hlm and put on the brakes bis train refuAud 10 stop. Train 41 aas travtline 1n New York n two sectilon% and No. 7 which was thu trai ouwhich the htîntînwas foundti elesco-cd tie reach coaches «- the second section o! train 41 neai Nunkirlu, N. Y.' The Anmpact of the collision vas terrifie. Tbe two tutescoPed stepeurs wcre of the solid stel type sud the envetopment of the second by tise Olral was almoat coniptete. Three o! tise lnjured persans were seaserlous-, iy burt Aat t vas expected they woutd die. DEADY LV;FOR AXI jWaukegan mnen who bave neglected te Psy their persona! tax this yesr; and who bave leard notbiug more about the matier. bave no, cause ta cisuckie taeillernselvus about hoy ttîey got out of payine t, for ibey are flot yet out of the waods. Iu faci lisçy viii learn vithin tise next fev dsys tisaitbey are nlot ta escape after aIl. Tise delinqiient tax sale and atteud- sut matters bave occupied the atten- lion cf tise couxty treaslrer durlue the asat few weeks and tise delAquent per- sonsi tax maltera bave been uegtected for tise tAm, beine. Cotinly Ineasurer Bradher no las prepared ta gve tIens bis attention and lise assertion las msade 15htno dellnquents arc ta es- cave. The county tressurer las taken the malter up vAl States Atétrney James G. Welcb wbo viii bave cbiérge o!flise Prosecutions n cach case. Il la as- serted Ibat vithin tise next fev day,, constables wilt be sent ouIta make levies on persoual praperty wbere the lax bas flot been psAd. lu eacis case wlere a levy lasmade au additionai1 cash o! $4 ta tle delluquent yull be made. TAie matter tisen vit! le pIs- ced n tise banda cf tise &tares attor- been levled wAtt be sold ai puble auc- ney and tise personst effects tisat hasve been levied wAtt be oud ai publie suc- tion ta tise bighest bidder. Iuntisîs ýway the amnount of lise personsi tax ..Il#hh '- '- n -a<i. ti,'nIe cr tain, according ta tise con*g res- surers oflici att Personal taxes are going ta be coltleeted aud it Aipassi- lie tbat tle dozen or more men visa atil are dehNnn, coud get tise Ires- suies ho adcett tise tax nov and svoid taxim Ulti and -extra exense f Want the Racés Held W~t Without Betting and Pro- moter Agrees to Plan. Ilacked by the busines men of Lib- ertyvilie, .lAm O'Leary wAi make an- ther tart toward staging a twenty- day running race meeting aithtie wiflPsixraes dtion, sd t teting-3 Whd e lthe posipofedtheoyads" 10 muter nadhieIntltartd nt l41a bayk 10 '01 Keintuck. Te w ln use lsoedwhen tdhe atiAtr netyvilierawetd Ime ninanti jhre- vaiid non hlm b coantnu einig inîrfu ees on nsthe peaysmu tn mhachies sur.'tedAn tvidenc. l i3ulidce tat udg J. . (ar'rgt gliswn fthu posnsilen sîofn-i As b reAgn frm tise uDreme Oîîr enua d A ade t cutdwn th ben<h ad wil tc scceded ly ud a exensuo id rcon tiueir ire r or os urrto ae île ste-cndstrehandicap dait~but200hunova vas Bl Judge thW uisdat. H. kord ru- liuowitbof'the possbl uQtp admi- m o resigAtfthathe wAtt emcur! mtsen teand0i ordwlt etswrt. uR K . W M R f hclhow forme Wi of fr- tln ler ue l it orl, ivitisi bago county JiuAge, or Coi. A. E. Pah- nn orgarized hultting ring. Accord- er one' uf Rockford'q beat known at îî q' îo (P'Leary atrnev inîiividuatj torocy.s. Ill Asaio reorted iliar sagurg do not v)tte e-tal et- Judee Cartwrighst may serve the Whlut uns laweý. Sin,'- Ihp last tisys ra- nebago-Ogle district as on, of Iheý cing. Saturday. c-r eiîî< of delegates to the constitutionai cou- Wrts b aie(- .rived at qh'e Iracit. vention. nîany of ihein 'vel knnw i., Chiicago -~ri.ec follawers. iXLING OF 8 REEÎI'PLEASES 0 HORSE THROWS DRIVER M.%ucis favorable comment ta ibing heard over the work tisaI ia beine Charles Mutîtux, a jockey employed doue on the strecis by tise.city orfe thIll berlyvitte race lrsck on Wed- Waukegan. Hales in macadam streevs iiesday rnorniaig waa exerclsing bis are being Ouled witil cruslsed atone heorse when tise animai reansd sud as fakst as possible, thereby makine made a dasil for the fence. 'lhe rider tbcm more passa.le. Thero vaa mucb 1vas Ibroavu over lb, fencq *niieut- mont for improvement atone tissline tained Injuries vvhicb may prcva 54w< for sanie nt the Ftreets, for examplel ious. i-e waq 'iurrAed tu tbe Lauke North eGnesee sîreet, llad become et, Couniy bospital at Waukegan, a badly fuAl o! botes tbat automotîfle Iraf- bruisud man.Ir if bi injuries do tnot Oic was airtos i ipossible. Prot e internai lie wiil coric aiang al Tbe oliug of macadam streels .4 igilt. The fart cannot be determiid anoîher inîprovemnent being carried untili s ftw days elaPse. ing bas hadt the effeet .f laying tle dust doring tic hot aeaiber tisat bas prcvalcd and îîot only lte people liv-1 ing on tics, streets. but thase viso drive over lbem, are moatt hiankul. 1 I oiling the strets the city ltgd- mtiAug a policy o! oiling but one p:r- lion ai a lime. t'iiing iis a chancel la soak lu. and lijun niine tie re-1 maiuing tection. Thîts tîakls t 1pop- sble bti se lie streets îvwo. tIner ruAtion whituellte-raise il nikht bu, ueceasary to close the streets off u- til thc oit ilsd becomu dry. Aluisougi the ciîy appropriated mon- ey whicb couid bave buen used for aiing lasi year the siloniage o! oi1 dornn e bearansd tle recommenda- tAon a! tise war deparîment tisat mieli work ble deferred bostilities. caed noue oaIti to be don,. Til year tIc city s ahi, ta se the money wisAcis vas aPPropriated and lesied lasIt year. JUDÇE SUSPENDS,TWO JOCKIEI Oral bettlng sîpPia'nted the mutuels ah Libertyvilie Wednesday, vlsh the resutt tiasaisx races were run off vih oui nterference trouat1.ake County autisorAtAes, lteaagering syshem be- iug a cross betwcen that îîsed n H-ot SPrAuga and ounlise New York lracks, Tise style of vagering made littliAt. ference for tise Jtibtic was in for a lsd aflernoon, only tavo o!flise six favorites geting down lu front Oirst, witie tise runulue or a biird chsoie brougist forth n0 mucli tnfavorabte comment tisaI Judge T. S. Wallace cailed ail -b ta off. Tise anoicemnt tronttihle judgj came sfter tic running ai tie tisird race wben Ataton, an averwhelmed favorite, fOnised tInnleugths behAnd Alter the race Jtudge Wsllace called J. Majestic, - visa as on AlsIon, and J. Hupel, vho bad s tug aver Rey El Pleasanton, up ta tic stands. Neitiser coutd gîve a gond excuse for t4eir poor rdes, so tise presiding affical'suspend. ed bath jockeys sud announced sny hein made'an tie resuto f the race ver, off. Thsis brougist a cheer froza sonne 500 fans a-ho avene ahringng angwvAlsthie favorite. Andre, Gulgon Dennis, a! Chicago, niakes govus for Highland Park va. igm o aiealtis. Now AndreeIAs ait fusuied up aven baving reccived lkv6 polaon-jen letters fram unkuovob wrltera. Tbey bave attaciced ise character-.and ehe bas appealed ta thivl Cihicago postal authanîhles ta fiud tse! miscreants. The tetter 0 vere male»d Missu Grace Bici-her and Frank ÎBut- rertild both of Area t11L. avre mar- red la t WeduAava vning by Dr. il. C.Wilson, pas-tor et lite Finit Prea- hyturlan ctîuut-b, ut the, lhome af Mr. and Mrs. Adaiti'. l'il Calumet avenue, n the prusuncue ofili- utimudiale rel- atives. They wil r i-on sfarta ucar Area. Th., 2cein lias recenty reiurnud fIm.st-"rtet --sa.A- rora licacon News.j The Dauyton polo tea,î wtîlcb de-. feated tbe Onwentsia forli a ser'i of tour contesis ah iiayton lu Jue yull begin a serles ai Lake Fpreei nexl Saturday. Your Su mmer Furniture gghuldCorné from Blumberg's Now that summer is here you will spend more time on your porch, and you will want it furohshed with smart look-, ing furniture-some reed rockers, a caxn- vas cQuch hammock, grass rugsansd. porch sb.ades. PORCH SHADES-We have an'uniloua1- ly large selection sud at prices fat'. lowver than you can, buy them for elsewhere. Don't fait to visit Lake County5e largest, oldest RudW moost reliable store before buying. You are sure to save money. CANVAS COUCH HAMMOCK-Full six feet, guaranteed spring constr'uction, at only PORCH SHADES-The famous 'Aerolùx, brand, wili lait ai1;etime. AU i ibo o carried i stock, from $3.15 to $7.50 GkASS RUGS-An ideal porch or sua parlor covermu. . Have one delivered to-mrrow AlIizes carried in stock. Up from- Do you need a, rug? Now is your chance, for flot onl«y wiil you find the largeatiassortment, hbtt you will be able to save considerable. «MONK dei...- .- ~ ~ -- IJ 'i To ail women, and girls who have applied- for position and to those wishing to file their applications with M. Aishuler -Co., Lîbertyville, IllfiOs. The factory begins operating 'Mon- day nmorig, July l4th at 7:30. It is loca"ted" ove r Shanks Haàrdware' Store. M. Aish uler Compàny, Libertyville, - I N E Fl b S Il S N SE p 'i Es *i É FI ý WAUKEGAMWEEKLY SUN

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