r*t>ft wN mu.LbertyvUl Luohagè tot?'e Mtt.e~tLà lu ,, set4Soud i tIsMaul Ma1*. Lè eubliu'tow for Tii. V444P gs et UbmIvvlle. m 1«r Lake Cotmty 5caoi et'tupervicouuWPromadlns ti. 1gv r .i" gRate. Unde bowiaon Appib atioti lIC. CSCP8U Y-ýAU STRtOTLY INADVANCE .... ... ........ ... ...... .......... ................Editor ......... ................ .............Mange .*............l........ 10 WOW TEE VIE? âcw uÊv.l.wr spué aS eusts u *m tbe tact in Iba tlb. AUIWl u sAMi.,dur- iukwsraa menoo f lbe s bum absaculule lfrsoh< le offim s ai lhe Ailles. Nv U»tma kàid XI ie ff fer 5t» yoMAnd -I~~pL b. la t btesmem ato 111e If ~ ~ ~ ntn lbyba otbrn IWgllierv er ad m -Vo qatsbout Il but *9 Iauerca's en- lie ýoe *s vh roaRy decdffl 111 b9tle sud - ~ ~ h li hmlla maria va be. E . H m lbesgb nibom4dWWAsui mke mcli a cor- e atblah ta %*W eo! lb. flOt ble 8luitm ht~.Uke auxsb..i.a IMMnat ay im- wasa~togmtflte4 p and hlahape mm#&S mSS *eu.a e ba iy bU&OMg - »"- rn a malter of "Wbo via Ilie Wau?" lb&atàt mrslythe uWtafaigonof knovig liai a j"nmmtaite.mryh tlnimsbomodla J>0I u- 1 et *0reb t"k..by l . VaukepupobSc ' utte db er cortu&lwumànly MOf o!lb. cim I lliM bomes*&tuela 11.1dcoasU. AowrdhWgy Mut baue goS 0e Bq=orm- plac. Nov lion ff vs~ l p"um l ii eon mtty vho bavé violalol w tvSley olgh to b e ptu.ocod Th"y oughta 'tet01 businescomtletely sud one "y tbdo Il b.,t hM 1.4laiM *0. mm. vo pgoSruk unthlsucli là" hoevol nymme111. m of 1 b. purcldM. ne at.&rrefuss do o, f1 evwOe,. kein jal »»#g lb. chuan holi fftly vould mm tu «rd«rbo am.blUnel 'Mitb nslobe abou I vy t stop av y viato f m Ibisno&dy 1* 4 POrUDahY bave alva»s laS *M enaIuglum Mm -b*lg glv* *9 la~at b11flsb d&Preol ~Yahs~, la Iis oe m nt ust a lUtes.t».of. oemipseme v*um, VI*ssai? T 15o ofbytoin hm e ovbots ~eaIe of si'*%u>va sort or a nto oi we Ms sylbus la face of a firm bello in Ire- damli forfooo. bo ciùcagoDetotive Buu bu inataIW da youn ILwao = Slb Iiminebb tI. asvercab ila sfo0 9Unt* . baidoue se ».I" ma about ta. obango sov lien m-i., or aI lS pB ot b p 0bicpost" Onska 2te .y cm as lb. vomm if tbey w~S.The *a asbyd oS cars lobsmmlumm t Mdaaftraonai vunagvu, gl s#i~~aizm d"eounsy. Il afins. bad r«Oaveoint e S.q. l ~ua mot wfebn cived witk aï* Soi.of 111e ing ubdkot1 sure,* tbe zry tw vUasU btitl u mia o4w à terme etbuigae7»M mm tod elqM ~aoIpeet s dit lbudaèfléoami be Ibo siemeaot ma1 p ai v~sinn'a..lu lb vapOi mmi 01 ai e busiete 01l e.hm 1 l va voila ».d lilas ers è66 ijCop on &"Mt o saof mis osisa..iT Prensan is mor lb aaunîwy oscas v.mot bulle for the purpet s aimu 7di Se ii om'mt,~5l vUmg&aà" le »I éïqdppo wla. t purpaa.avs e lm b %W pUetank lue511 liii starsm »d drainage garer. Ih b#Iev ltii. eproper diepoet$fo Ibo iseuge. Tb@somysfestars saee proposai ta ba pot la covers practlamlly lb samm tsnttony evemi by lbopeaîmt r sen er temm, &Mi gva. &Gpeelerk o'.uo meti n th*. dhe.viet served by tha pruue.ed aima ucer n'jeun m iuabs ta draësatlb atorm4rliioS adovelow waterskmra 11.1,properq lata lb stars ser. Tis reeolton pamesi providisfor m outis on tlb výlla. proerly la lb DeMOspae Ivr., Asetimm»dio. ieb lpeili thei beard Ltq ppas tubrinsolationst aisI lias httb I& ile bundoutool liaI lb State wOl. saz er~ar, baU lb bord rond op NIlcasis.avemiue tlroogl ris vTUiaQ%5Uiatyvs.meMm s l 51*5. clU litU"IbS s, udeq»Ua pveisioamm e mde by t"e la~ Wi lb$ dramm ofaI mulcauamvenue mai finr puoiale s a miMsmalahs for the emylag acaY, 0ai nfais ami drala5, alerc..1 Thlismuot b. dame for Micuanse sommeadaom. cilout provldtag ior tme.deamas. of lb vtsr Wa.r~ *dayl*gt meV- i arthas meuý on r.* MMtIllu propow-- umw mM OWNER ASSOCATION Vice Psedllet-a. OT. Webb HOLOS ANNUAL SLEOTION Treaur-asarlsa Obseur ameee1y-affleeBmetw Waukegan,. uly Il The WaUk«MaaHerOM WnoeVPilo The specWalcommissIn, wheb in teetIVa Amociaflhm. bek coeu nnu ihearing the etlmony lun1the akhmg inactiag aMd lesM ta.0f<OSSULt over of land ut the. naval station vau the Waakegaa ChaUmer ci CUio e nmo nal day Simday In thé. et- i W athiI.afteeax. Tb@ folloctU frttag the woke oumpetei. At, cimse s abutai: toesu atdresaed tiihenmlaseu prslletat-Nari lm asfor haute la behajf t o ouei land 'Alice niAungýiei-nd#". SemUieTe Mll* Opes Donemfesep.,.os joie . PeofumseeeUsaS .ut.DemOpea1lW .e . 09 SM Au bmw h$BgmhW. WAUD(~NJULY 318t. o~4~DAYONLY- wis la cf »U*s'evm,, ta u ié fai tbe o muIoUMica IW aO# 4" e~d là e-mtaa-e .0ls " -s cq *el nbl, a poliS lis cAl l e ~ . * s i . tula o t e le m u 41 bofîm, nipepl ag 111busai"i, "W 550is taon oletxi M Mieiab. .sU metbq s tmte rnnb taetim oo tet"alafur eem 01,00 00.cI.w «U b. about 01.8 a hé 1ev mel propsrty ownr. lOn"Ii Ieam. ap1 - ebowing a flily tout lot cos bae a total aa'ssmusulofi476, ti luliit t tenty Istlmemts WeauldM&4 aoul8.75 a yeanlr'oi 51 Wob a01 a M . de@.lbu" lis hntrsis.Tho boasi tlouglî liaI by apresdaug I Iosimeal aven a perlod of tcoely 70aisl. Il cbld os mal.ie lU prove. meutl a bauisbp ta usny propevly owuer. The 891.000.00 oropooed cool je ooly a esliinata maie un the hulesf thel prisent prime.f aIbor and malerlalsma il lIe coet 0i thees bould comadocu by tii, lilm, lIe cotraet le let, the. praperti ovaisr vuOWu"Y psy the . c thel comltrmct pelas md fould recelvo a relte ou Oie debreneb.twsan the conrasct Prims &Bd lthesmted cost. Thi e, ers opinioe la the viDon @Se ze t a l vo e l Il p ov saiet et1111 progmes. miiigrowth olshbvillla"ssud It lu not tiiousghtbtat tiers clwu[b.a "y îerlous objection ounlthe part ai tb. peoPeti owneru. ne It le tfettheltIs IuProvemaul fi] sbances ticvalue of lbe propoer more thon the inprovemura If i M ocs. Thbo bard bassSb@ Situs for. lb leasing on this lmprpvoniemt for Prida Joli 2SiI ut 2 o'cloek p. W. &ai lb'- VileBall, at chk Ics limavypenfu or per"oge bavlvg uer ubleetisnu, aboculd uppemiadmi rss.ulsamt b bourd. S* - mu iaaul ai Omit '~Lake,$eve. C' WES UFE'TO NID FRIENOS :nhre as ur drwnlng ut lre four o'lock when Prani .KeWlahe -« osuge- - Mm Aived ntyU ys satui cItlcrams wh«ven slsmmn 18 IT A JOKE- OR WHAT?2 selerai lyam as pa fla veles.er tha teiepbo4 s elai Ie. am IAag- wut eoCromo.lia hW bIçther la Obtenue ai"e..or *beqs ttlý a bundre l lar bequeat k a mai» msd ahmu ibo 11.1la wmxke- sas. isrxW 4se*tm tately 11010110eb«rothaeu.lV Who ivas tu mNadia. Wlsosua e t tl tise TIsMIntow âIl.&U t 11 la the Peauw HosPtulC& s a 10w lNP M dit ofta. a * brt4 doT Uit.ne neuvg *0lettee loa« »etis but «sas te Wauhi.u î»i. 5nsw5 tu mime te qUoy Abou the WeistoolMr. 8*11t;I*» »à hln.a loet . nie VM«sIt IeoOusW Ours eUE the @Mievw te MW ~'tactset«Mr. S#mUt qw the bequem'he b lts; bIfsi. Ute vas uable te ad nitasnt& toen W"o g"va hlm a«Y enourae. 1 lewever, Brie remeiniieru thepasi tlcular Mr. cI"mit wbo wceas sp.- tient i la te Pmols .Hospital Chteago four. years ago. Haesaib.ocwu al. liatoi wlth delirium fomeramai ha bumght ita:Lthe mai, voud neyer thtl kautblmg about hlmm Îter he loft the. boepital becau»eha. ca very strict wlth hlm ad other patients Mud he made fIas tow the. .511.80 ha fait whcit theii. fsarge cme Bhat ,would eoduisirelationjultI Schmdt 1 Hfovyer, fric la aDow tiflnU w find out vho Il vais that cailsiup hW. tiater-ln-Iwan Bd laid hlm to com@ &M Waultegau to daim hie share fa .tho Schmidtesatàte. ,Nov 'the question Itgvau Schmidt: trylng ta get back at Langheck fat his aeverlty vîtIthlm vien lhe va_ belng treattd ut the hompital and wcou tt ho himseif cho calledl up and told l*ngheck té coin. to Waukegan for hie bequest? 1 At any rate Erie could Dire ta know wherç Schmidt la andi h.'d 1k. to know who han the few hundrei dollars wfiach lie la eçpected too bave' leftihm. FA U- ASALES F" Wbh o Fmey' Wr sl heaply oow Bilng a ood iS. REAI, ESTATE IS THE SAME la contormlty vIth thle general relne la wag., und the, incresc ceut of living, the. price per acrm for fars lands and allier pr«Lerty bs alao started to soar., Not many. yearsa go farn land sold et befteeon $10 ani $80 un acr. Toiay mnmerona sasare being reeordei ut $200. cii!. aoveral hava becii reported albove $300 murk. The. generaI consenaus of opiniqla among roai estate dealeire glvlng tis. reason for the unpreoendented pielce' praetlcally tiie aame. More For His Predue 11arma pm more In the ptboeot day ani uge for tiie oer«gyexPonie&, tban ever bofore tu hlstory The .&W, ntculturist gete md. forisVril& pt!oductsandaithe stota valuer goû.. more for bis stock thaï ever befori Ha tiiereforovaues. isholding» at a higiior Usure. In addition, b. bas, the. lnmeeaoiceoternfimbandasi dalermine the Plçe wiiliinlm pet ou bis ocuings vii..ho lu r"à* teaoMU, A"dbahohas tat ol-À;à abso, tho K. C. of U tu couatir.f bra ia sou la th s yoar's goue bIN.1U dits la a conestant variant wbieh mu5* LÔotb.. Affects Pal.. Thea uie holus irie of goner4 resi cutat. Propertiu's for vraectlcal ths sanie rossons. ýir>aaulcof et 110 cltivP imlia Ia ure2s. factor Ip sett- 1-.c thi e. aI ofprofflPt vison f1'lu Otirced 'ip forsale. eut building waau ealer largol) tata sal res. ýn.L1 about tvaIbu&"i yard.sn'en sore. imather more it came near belag a triple drovmlng, for vien tva Monda of MaWlseitmsntahie aid ho selzei boti by tic ae&k lu sucis a way that aIl tire. veut dava tvlco. Il vas ouly by & aupreme effort of the tva frlenis, oe0 f chas mally adm là atihbe -McWiuhomla tiie baad hlm- golf that thse Incident di ual mai tiS- The tva friand. aeoing liaI Mo WIssm vus fa a bai WaY P putusa vatlsttfight tc, 'aye . ii "tii ânlffre be. 10ta giel ld et him tu sub a ay Ia ta o iomei but riei.qikly le Ibei ambIia uni puiled.-lIeualar.. lie tmme esqnd usi Ut@ a gond doal o! emcllementtaI"lIelas e for vheo bundreda of Pon" am tise -faî cha e Ibs sels If la a cortinty tisatiai fie t"a friids not Put U~P a hard fgI ho vouli have irovami. Ho lins Qos jus leté oe iiperalateace la m. laglis vlea ho cvosaually net. lag them la the »vter. £ - plemeU ta Ste a bIsaim i Md, 0 =no%. w*d, 100mm, un SUAtm Mary.Wl. lr asi 1 lii he. "N agtrla takla fn *Rob k. dlu n yotiuaouhi 500 hoet 6éee feit. "Thnt't nothinlg. Ted *0.5e nn. nuni i-n la- sUt4' î -A I -a--------- .frmbossé 11% Aioelm..f»s rwi ride. 8ala»ov éU.. 10 ouml.PIM. Hrlg r..24jMVg Wc,îI. 1-2 POU~~~~~~~O SAE-aiy5410sxio O At.-rwo yoeug etitateu 0we ouSbl tb@ihgvid. Ms tly rtbilt. treâb 11M 4Holmla. bpliersmai Cooad spiec. Dodrableie "IM. nPuMl os.U6 Ïu81bu1. job@ Elusafu'.Phase bIo *« a 0".a aie. M Eilg.,g. 09 £Ns.fOB,144. OR sis-À puase b.xd Uoitds bl POU ~ ~ 11 00IE..Gol suasaloi ouh wMt. Prom a meEsl a. M'e.0,<Mse 9 .4 j O.o._WbuAu. 'A' ~OS SALE&veoq~Uod., bosi 100 tgi à Ntrui &*oli i,0. a ".a h uuU. *bou s" -t'U. « teflm O. W. Mart tlpaeU l<awga ISui ma "*teiarg u WANTU T fNT 708.dg E1V.sur uymu WANTEO-V. us Mdai M a"bnamma 44 su itIlP»M . « M. . a..,Stady, cor. Assoda.. Wb* BUsis em MM*0. wU ta %SuI l à11 0du aIsloSeaire," .pli iPmU MAL£ oRt EJWNANO-l à@#& ta soW mYdl. lUdela Ati.Pbo..- àeg ortàwdh, flar 16, Nmon uowsn Us. mse esIos. *W yinf el FOR SajulE-t pq g . arMoe li. lEnl. 2s 19hpie, EWAo. ePIçus UU. 10.1 11.2 Whena sring!!~you wiff remenb-tr that we ame Audioeizea As for Temm GuarutedSpig For AIl CMr Save time and momey by cafing on us for Springs The Taber Combined CUTOUTand..MUFFLER For Ford Cam Ou& co -mple.consista of PatnedCut-out m Mufflai er-proof Pedal, Stvap lion Support. Trail iipe, 51 in. Coil Spruig, Wire Lmder and FuIlDirections for installation. PRICE, $4.85 b4"e Piston Rings Look Lià. New No 36"8in- No Wearing TEXACO MOTOR OIL Stops Ml That R.pars of Ai Kinds. Telephone No. 202 whem in trouble on the road W. hande al tadard nia e of Tfes, Tubes, Ca"Si Batteries, Lightig Supplies, Etc.' A;UTO LIVERY MYW Prompt qtS-ritm».anablé Rates Storaxe, Gas,' Air, Water and Information Confcmitio Roads and their Condition ibertyV&leGaag JOUN XN. RD, PMdato cm.]