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Libertyville Independent, 14 Aug 1919, p. 10

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',* - ~-~' ~s' - ilPromMeinp 8 Aiu' -' Ss.'8m dlfi GIa n the iCourt = S0a a 'i * J~~Waukegan lilUols Jemî3-14* lO Deo %Irifi Waué.'Peelby F klorAQmOM r W %0001M Board flet it the tell 0f the b Du f h udn Wake-Ce-d sTlij b i th the fOlouIS U poUý, geS4qquomUp W"UCtmoOIIMe% NrM prenent: Supervsiot iMý0w.t Evef 'yut taer sut ull 144oulêy Brntale.ron.Clark, f 'Ib fqOlitaL v*ho citb otheve Creva, Dilger, Eger. Ficile, Roldrige. NEAT STM N -DEMISE Wvas vliung away mn bour ilu Uure Rolsiuen, Klrschuer, IMartin, Meyer, IMaWga odie. complained that 1bc ai ionoban. Murphy, NeODulouesi 0'- ofuI -Wsuiagè@4 Aumualt il. op" eqss oepng eU4*telr. 'R 4@qoncor, Maether.,Paddock, Elugilm. I,' of former euty-or . endee7,urne..-, * Abi b ave -beau . meedAntlpcleWebb 0f 1aukeuau,,8. 'AI- M ami brothe of tL A. ?iendee, thle f qfo.Wqj p eetfic., uentufSpervimqr linttow?1. pnseetOuty unr leri, passai away 1'he O tgte do,"1heosai, vis h» Mlies pi pre-edilu etlOpg rest La t1i. los tb»ët Ihi. .om eon Was:bmalle. YQwýud Atac ear a wsn% » aMd upOu motion of Superviser une liq lKthIte.r Wau Sat fIt m~ ~ ther apiroved. . Thc foiovlng approval. Report and gist hugon trel, eaf folownv lli i.iupased tf0 work overtime. 1 renfort Final Resolut ion of th t&J tile. 111bl gu#hug "eus. L«Jriie of 1the beart t îvmnt.qh,.evs omsInvr raue n o la siven Do lie cause ait deith. wyCmiso eepeetdadpi ,eb.out aYsear &go Mr. Rendee va. The$ 5Jeck IguIt. 1 repent it ratier rend hi the Clerk and orderei plie- W.l uO riiciI SItht ixmonha H eowlr ire. heginnina te end nd i80 ai on file. ko gociiayt hthiovaconued i ri aainand again. Te me the litte of Ilinois, ta ils be for &aout sixluvrs oelimennthep.- Heteu f ubi Wra i me isbu treustb siowhr and al-911t019 a it le verdi ciiiaud-th. p e IqmoUte ulc.WraM tbougb 1heva8 ale te be ni> around tdal ta he mngng. uit amreaapm- AIIn=o WAL by tiie Dcgrumt< théc-bouse for th lait month It vas eatlî bgtut ge la llire tn. Iitt..tk sial reaiel LIaI ho vai flot out of dan- gjgj 1 us 'tuta pe tlan- W uub oai. heprovcmBa @f'ut4 te.Roàg e, ic udegud euiWti Th crextreme hbo thfe ltesteek th fe prioét al ahaven and-mi.lsle a t ueWtthe cal.m~e ouriot affected bims ta a marked degreand *lRemi*c ifli the crump&>ed ber,> a. élàîmrvcu.at'c a u becviu blged ta go ta bei tst Fr1- If la tiot long after thaf, befere 1 drap> tjolt, c public hk>*ffl, la a Uaeo day. He had slnklug spbeila frOmn IIbl ',go lt raiuwuo fathMaoti Ian lXtud, disrbel ,u bo Urne e li fme, one occurîni thisa mern- . b kipke aatt os wmkpaedmar he. by ltJe coktu liehgàahp at du propos«AI ui' lug et 2:30 o'clock. 'The physiient- bom obserer o fea. f om"ltuIAàele -vleathebemn" lic40bNb.is'Ob remaif until four 6ocléck ven te~okc l kthe o5U tl~nid yefou gerfr7 reckolng interked t Ute Aid RSa tàLj.6%& u 7 ti. And Franhit'.a Shae . et iualpg l ner. met plfLelmndgf 8640% &ufe condition of the patient apoarci fte 4liebeloredce mie'@ o rd*mr hv 11 araemke. a We uic îeam coeie hoe couiderablyî Improved. Detb wb conceal ata dq Affl -41 & at, r»l. 'D ot mucl Ubamlpet c koà eto CEue@ml occured il 7:15 a. a. 1Mr. Heudee th'ib usoe. evn u "àtî~tc>V~~Ira"ee so.The bodie la e"hmmq 0oWsfn "ù lt& IMS . orni-n utle fovu of Freernont rle11»iy 'ua«g vt qu i wu*vat st la like v. M50 ed oeo Wo a emaa i but vlth the exception of a fev chaîns. The milt id qm -e hgoalb m 1fbpW 6100 elu a reutorletuali ruu h ycam l eu cIlieolbailied mi ipl ae o 1101 ila. 64 th<e dfw. to rua'.ao, or u. Thor Board, datai imptember,- 14, 1917, la ni WaukugaIi. aiurpfflceof biac, chi- n- * .eJ reig. mi êuus.%vc erelir uaiproredL Obhite cth e gelçf. _1adlng or- eglu-» ]50f laiiu imeW.. on Of Abert dileof levol a d Ut eàWwb . buu* tmo..u'te ' ;Pet f. 'I'he' ,aD osurut i p. ih L amène &M IL'di.t. RM-- de L. Hule, ni E.Ariete Roie.,de' ____________y«__del bave te parui .111.lit ,Augtant lt1919, ï- »e'er bis, ihaue. 4 tii .uali. Stref <egpaio ueml bUnl 11.0 a et SI prngfilid. ftla mare 7 te Wankon.MmuaisneS.t tlue of 34 OFFICIAL LIST-0F REAL < P' i SuI. 'eiu' ae f2..99 Fas. 8' MORthaAnd Ildiys. aler ~ î,c ~~cD Attest, S. E. Bruit, Suuerlnteud-la1 am glue a afeu, deys,Ulithoug ihe EtAY T& 'R !WA 1 Idroppoi rigt off te alecl,.eut of 'Hlgbwl. i. bai 2Motbeau voit. for lie puafYsear. -uam#.#»suuaai;.but wv1 -alIévoUp auteo!ofIllinois, am1l lIeva mrneit. Imet Lude *"-iIle 1>.eufor me oe.*a e ecfric 11<111 -At Depirtmeul er Public Warkeis tt Patrick. daugîter of KIrk A. Patric LAKE Co. TI& ^ND TRUST CO. *mb4e fb. bd -tWi f iRBolia.a anmalmnet punch forWbentow. W. M&@M.lo cTemle *1d& P'<'9 4 ' ODI < cl PINAIJiRESOLTJTION of Depart- aa nom, oSepfnmber la, 1915. of ibis Abtrutie ofTile. Titi* Ouirmnted '5ev, thon.' ma*1ya t nusel, TI rnul'OfPublic Warka ani Bulis._ marnas ore 0114 vi bor. Lii- hvte çIanother ai>'for Improvement cf 8Ute Aid Roudi. ma riag .ou i u ar, ,li- ugst 4, 1919 *%et tt vas eaale.r mmii Ibmdoue. , Reuplvsd, thatlie pil4Ot of!r Ne cavas, hideis iiiv ate d P. H. Bartt and mifvitaf0P. I.L ie vArier 1 trIaiedvior %wake Iigiar uLi oRt'luuo ohfld, bis parentsmand one brother. Scbmidt, de" $1497.00, 2a 0 30 sud ~,IgÎi tvslmmî.fu a êîfie stloi el- I&v A.Rne.c Wukgn 03bli 9 :aviua Hihblands Higb. Dbuib. Fi-lUy I got tat fbnkng over ulaset 1 a ot ou theOpubliebi ra _HIo dluhor ke ,ta locPak. my poniaf t.Wel,.probably Ird doue way deslgnated au proposeei tate uM He vaa gradua.e ptomefriat ani Lake Forest Universityita W. W. *orue thielu a r ylite, but wvbi t Aid Rond, a R ount sl eufWest g Md »Umta ma0tune. vasa iUtfle;hual- îo 860apotifWfcm levaier e i5doIed i lo pmdotsinGrillis, deed, $1.00. Part lot 355 Lake UMtmu"'naailimvli tc 'e lwov SertIOn C Route 0, ani extuidtug vif C.'jmSUmdf iuilti. ' Forst.lie a 1.1b B ai tbenlce along saii Route lu a voterly w» C. "PýýivApn» ýdi tbtt"vite pfreAt. CL.,I 'l i ara8Wii t Y Mdirecion for a distance of 5100 test the me v, a ember et Waukegiu Charles Ptkeye andwi t A-prie' fnd the voer UM fdY 1 sOli 00e more or loi., te ho huovu ais lo- I.Cj . r aL zA. M. NO-. . eW Dekazetes. deei, 150; Part Of! MIpat le Ifte ,Cap* GYOnr, ho e bot lion "J" is beraby C1ma isiteraiuad 0-1 iVriOte* J'O ,aaOBiOOr,6-iota 1 and 2 W of R. R. in bleck 44,ie 4»W fite dollarmaind ade fle- *upon ta he lrprovei au a SBute Id Pr' Ain â roriginal Wauikegaui. tfllipg f fat. In tue clreumstaneu IRond in a> dincf theb. urver. lob rnuitm r W IFRE' Mis, ons&andi bushuni f0 Mar- êt f'afA.t veule ne DOMOre lanPlans, sPelficttoffloin<jestImaI.. a! garet Preder.uni huabai W. 1). $300-. tait te .got toelmrs.Wlgglfndaiâ*éiCthe CIlef ligvayOngleer. wluicliare 0O& 12,okI ir aiPovellsail i l. >eMMcut. Bt en are aovcn file luaft.eiom ePofthfe De- Wl..Ihe'wo" OPW M lthe les- Waukosom. Ii etulotsué Illagi9î. Mai prett7 panrinut fPabIf o Wor.anid uld- p~ #@MQUMW, *a Di- Chas. R. Wbitney t aaai Mut-' u 4h ,tb*ek endmai ed. Sie bid :fr.ç and fhe dCounîf Clark et 11<0 «P 70«.ardlchia W. D. $10.00; S( U lot 14, 4t. no4kLtalI ir. d te properya'orer-ald Cony; aid a -ofepoe - ~ , J~ ~i-~ 11o& 8 uderlln's lot Adi. Wazk =tétdtnt epefltlmout or fie f111. iseutiOS be trsutbml ta te leu. r*i1w.T11f > .sec'er 21, Article IV. eict "An%tl il igt. ie. l le alniel. lf Agut Matthevs aid ît. ta W. T. maelg inl5i offllef,. t "Ps 11 ,mvt elUut ait fi. T .rele thullîviiQ. C.4110 otlot 170 Shavla R, h.%Gsndmai rI.14m' .uVPpoye lue l.~ am * ..n lidi Iiv».b on C.z$l e. 119 t IfItlcmed ui iIg fere la the~ ~ ~ il a tsusme Im, ni~ège e'aateate of Mari W. Tac. îeeeUed. àed t leuIf1if baite promise my- t K Md *o,&Abe vh86 Ni* -acommfo. aiHt.- rbr ei 50.0 sl iIf 1 ivei ta gel boume fi got - The DePartt..uf etPublic ter, vie bua a IJmuil.ismotU Wl ol o b.Wugia.t1W aB@è a neuMnet od uafvl' e- rak epnel, 114,èmie pilota YOD aronith1e dîfer- August S', 1919 ýýed mcnuefu t tIs 1>1eclor. ont vard;,ie.diilmen ver notice au Stafe Bank of Mauston t10 floiua - Pl«-$aaeb a goMinh ou-snIhhtug, Datei at Springield, Illnois, tlis (moicn lii.e tik t ftarsg- Daimike, Iota 1, 2, 3, ani 4, block it ,<sR mo t t lvs23i'd day of JuIr, 1513. Sherida Park, ïukemu.Q 0 D.N .M'1. BILADT, Ormmi..,...<..t ' .,. hrla a$,muoan . nuslu mery or fr.'marie lis &#I.sbuilg't fel $ic 200. 'lt<' et Mg w. O. '410lpM t k ag Fred E. Eanansd vite fa NMa- 'Ravurnsatmtfid fbat. Itfasiaer. Departmenî of Public Works ami Wo Un ie . Bakeslee. N Y16lot100*nd,S 15 -Wtpo nMal siesepyr.Doitîî tm semmeidi a t>s reucb min ceffa e la ft. lot 11, Block 10 Fallot Adi. NorantImg'wa vaea lni bbreahfeatitme< DIV or c *Hayris. Sprngfield. aiugn. 8h. seems uatestel at If tm ide eWauegan. W. D. 88000. tb loeerei fé me. Ibaf about .Report cf te 'Çlef!g vaî Eu- bu"OIpo m gttWglcMCeeLa oit y-il ru ante Ceckin and vite te G. Carroluisitem îye&ata i tejm uit th e g rg e~teaI. ljoeut ef Pubic u istmnh'sf uirni.,N, 1eGidle>', lotsand mi 6 bioc;24, Wri-lhti I v.oUais fi el tP works adl lIIlga &«tpe ebutl . ou tuisn Add. Libertyvllle. W. D. $10. -u n ~l. -all n t ~fIea u 'v -PholIppi Y. Lyon et ai -ta .3. W. gOhmî11vué iat ,ol' 6Cu>i < i. '~i'lc leWr out ô61fie cao«ze. of Cook, let 108 Lyemi'm md Bob. otfl'air ff.e$0ni e tl idRs u .l e.ebut îeudiont pt erou'ini(3 rounds, Wmukegami. W. 1). 810. rvuln, e~e'b aui ~ru<binme OLhlte aplgiO J. PA. MKcnone and vite ta P. C. limq a Lqtp a"e 'scidl ot arulcei-bua okmatjetenst jôq jut the«. .MYStihl and vIte, E44 tIL lot 5 blaci îLmg jsal ~uI e e.wimlir 'es b.î'PUlclsc 16 mcKiîy's 2nd Ad. Wiukean. W. tra4,e ft -eThn 1 et Speho t<T ~~ilt .Of emm..v4e io, tf0tef1i~ til D. 110. thisu---i'*new W " vi mgin out: -la poeul, ftiework contemlaem tiestm 1mo .Ibave t. fluiput lu W. E. Donley et al toB. H. Meyen, lz .rpS,.* a pbUl l bwghAy, brIbte ai ee sce tbeiUare, and 01 120-acre. lu W 24 Soc. 19, Fremeni *5êsro, e, v5WodoIfIg h ttorm t ot OJ.ut?uct1ln e em fop-a* -oawy ~M io~lI leuenntdcçtoirm' Towunship. D*ed $1 lie -bourtter mmmuaili fat tome. S O foot I à lels, uem- -iumi ooa 'Izo. ln udpiheoks QP Iai> ta., tholg.- purging ar coudloe e t nSaIUt8864-00, & POint eil weit ai mues. 10ml! ýSWlli.'" 8h.cmson Ta Muid Umbrelas. hal smetblug t. 40 vfil. it "fe ri ol.premt ma oeft. mv.i i-pn bathau &ttioa O-ýbin mai, N. Ei et*. 'Osaeemrbl in mî OuîO amidve ell Unrella bamdies odoires bc- wvelome te lottI0flàaeméOdeise ~c O liat .4U.^'aid-xfnlg walle. 1I ar. "John Smith'." 811.557. coule îoomnei'trom the uMto r 11.Tr. Jenhin." bisded 0a rIth aft d ther ce, alçs'al.guusm vaui 'John Umeethi" 1 ay, "Oui" and ve' eeruulm 's 'm ik licm l-e.r' ' t a~"t0* Ibo ld fitloer tue gai ôr n ouat49*4ejtavoit."-Y-0« -'S Cuuna mioe. (of comm. u trI *ctil i louiblr melted U ien pour l____0___OttahimPfitici O, i t ge ptI bte lie avlly.iu lie bondise aidput A v.ai .w. Th ffffl eý. ppan>oel- a. ,w. a hle steel roi nfo It. 1101i It lrm iun- - Ife wvite-headel ton ee of théflitta ont -nat %f thi report, muapsI>.luEnghim I'.ui. y IRi lie rein ta cli. ma« meeSg.a-cebcpommes-» 'pîme ols X.and ve fair ua. '*M 0tht t oncoZooogI el 2efi. uu«0 m,île. cf ezcavation Sometime w. St a bord.oulii Ji m.i emi.X If lir 5e~ *mU- l f........2,9».00 mEmlum, mni theffvo e er ta, -a Gerald i eu 4ovmtths and co»Mapr Or WbW.Mg\B4u.c"i.b601 sq. yîst eartb mioul- d*ttenry. Whoui yen trr ta talk ai>. WbMever_ laentoa » Mot1 th , I7 vlp5 pemn eof n............414,00 *reba dltlonari -yauneyer jet, pi beng maie. .0noià, 0qu'«b 1 on, ,SB Au, a0 s. of )etPortland Uwvbere if yole take if turs abopt. iPM der. uni- Ocrili. b»09,4Riu14 4É.ice0 ~mtu.ycofCl-----2,440 ,.0u-gmeSt beiloch i ether. ,on îiq i .,motbor asie! té, a* for. ihr' > :à cPebench.40o.te. 990.00m A - -erepnaai mot cusie wrdtbing, saili: "I uuptaf .85k ltfor maor !en.s ,o%*Mi1 ............t00 »oba ver>' smshl .iWlleonmy. Ubettî ug.bt - ou - fie.iuouta ue «'t rili5f- Ihandt r8if.00n pot-*m ar tuni lay sbouier befone mialt doodii" fis e &MBrt eomeelvo nln . if ft1I t..of 6 là. vit. pipe - vsb4çptue lie Ihlri syllalle.. * ~ ,,c a uaimn....- d~ce on!t rcu. where golng te a Uuetoet 4.1 ogpl 0 lî l.c 2isn. Vit. pipe s.déty ie lin f, ........2.0 9*,bm m>gt heeorne a habt?--Csit. WIeu peaM&tha of etlAi theml- 'i m r 'u. mict.bdaiu-------- 009 51f .Wilson lu K. U. rsinate t fowwS& 91- .-v fé-wm ~~~4jet'I 4 2 section amai-kre-----------4 GO flaiaiue. um effreis iso -w*wtlmW hel mml e i. - iboig 5ut a. -2 tue iuloti--------------4.00 weyimt of Aobite maUlve.Wonai itto fI aîaa o'-t.éfe 6<70 lin fl.ot oaucreWtutof- epure Ibooers lliaI t rp . he ores re lfi-ralr -...y ,îe448 ~ <g h oe.»t UBi.mea! uoat momupenut*. dIVe ed obür wosiwfn ls edIuep 11Tu'heeaii' eltota irk ucul - - Il atàoutaliailE Miet 11maha" mutnm . h"tufusraalIooma ulyV (191," Sessioei, Reld, Wbukeganyl1e d t the Crcicfp Bon u requise4 'Toursi trut,.:. ChiefI#gha1 10MLnç 11.c Made y W.n, r M. . uu aYi. ' a 'lc 'Tuued, Frack T. SbeetÎk Bglueer The followins Fluai RemolutiOn of o Couaity Beird vai iiibifitted. vinal Reeclutlon of Counîr Dpar iboved. by the Coeuti nul* of ako C'ouaty. that the section or b- hl bghway. desMrbei au followm: ýnlng e aon olt on the pu thway deslguated ai pro tate Ald Rosi No. sNo. Mat being Uta. Uý00. 4p<Uet, rwtosi c re m Iovu aus ection C- eding theue aliq .x@f -owç Iw 0.0) Tiui -theo ýe aunt. appropriated. f0 'peet the otMoï~t fr 1the 'fincal ym.r begin- ld lmpsovmment, aud the Cwt eth sroutbm. sle q ebm « esttte fila »ue. TMel aclmt fe Ceaty Bout ib. 4 ~comoçdueovltb e lu23 Au l li. idý V os 4 tf Wvfu.hcAb a l latSU t oa a&imu1 'svov" Jun , 7 18 ISvtev ~oelve. fat upsu wecelpt apprvud ethute thei.Dqpar «t, et rli IbloWota mMiduUhlMg * t:uuty Clérki b. âauho t t mvw : Sers. o fhe Couuty Treai. or payable t the omtratma uPar- mn.o';ieCousty'a portia. or am iýpr . t. 099uporor KNirv xpvedthat eli<em iubc amcptei. mid idopt- d. : sesrid Wmhouam. I4l. is uly 34, 1919. AliNe 0 1 m > 1 -i. mga' And when you do necd a new battery let us tell you about the STILL BETTER WILLARD with TLIREkDED 11UB3BER f]NSTION. CoIweII Storage EBaftery -Co. 116 ta iiS~dI~onPhone 2Mf [EMAWIOr-pITEMTSTOUR AUTODBILE 71EPIRE Ori 'MII ý , R z R ' N D i e l ' D f f r . ?HEF YT nations Ný Pijçe$402 1/ î m .ýZ a 0f rthe urpe'f ".boles soem. or Bupervlaore. IL nylardeaflostfe lâà éërcCuaofExhIbitst8 le iW Et-, i wIkrePettbat I1tefui g. Iaw ep1tae tii 4 7t".llg ro f My luttu it. qvIuou te b4 ueskwtwmtatl et a more adequate ctmbloà. Mo1, remageratlon.1I ai expectai 1the The.Cbaruà &0te amUU mater cf inadvins ouib.co-1mi1e, U orYIOs 1>11g. mii%«ee t the June meeting cetfth. Couno, a4 &Pd . i bêê o lu d nfavor butomre aubject .4a eat-thé,eCbIW WIth constant advauclng pricea i -0 ý caàâot lve ce the present ualIM7iyll" mmd'amonut ef work la ceuldered RlnliP~u~lillon by thome lu' touch wththebcpresent 4-5tlD,* bu N*t M-«bcouda. situation aà ver!' inadequate. lId: "Yeuu mnhave .1 Haiel.I Ti.tact liat r have ploneerci ron know bow f0 itel" Tb@% o .ând worei tb aa uccemaflconclu- . o4peuit N Mlon a PolicY fer better renssi.h.wôuld4%vq JýoAme i.~a pddl r«ay f0 the officde ana.leu .e, MAde iake.f Sme 10 watprivýte vrac- -«Do vonurog 1 bad $q.m extmnt. ltui l hortca t lfa Thag teln'@tu.h ClIu lI "z x 1 ap " la zeq u o (C0. Supt. 04ciHghwaym. 7potblius oetbu aaprouaqt4 Supmrvbm rCrapo movol %bat Mr.:'ifte boue habt 8Sole a tenqfl. ~RWI4I1 *fl"deîan addltiqual aua ofewr tmltro ýoft T*o 'Ulired Flfty Do;ars for Uuioha l âWu& m. rào ie heuSi uteam -m u l, % hDec. @le"p mbd optIa.. may uss»Mi

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