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Libertyville Independent, 4 Sep 1919, p. 3

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umko iotth PineAbet-it bila you sofait .Sqa MI,1'. a scuittisfuuof jhzwu pipe aud igarette oe'ssw andi as uatily ing. m it iludeâegtfig evuuy bour of tho twenty-four 1 ir. never too lata to hop into the* PrkWeAlbert plmea- pasturea1F or, P. A. la trigweaay to give you aore tobém ofun than you ever bail tu your smokoecareer. Thar. bcaua. it lhmstdm qualtiy. Q" mk yom ImwRince Albm tyou'1t mite st down that P. A. did not bite ymr inague or parch yoezr ibroat. .a4ft ie vu! flFor, Our ~vptnoip'rocma cu*W otbite antpi pn .Tzy k lix wbaiaa yw. tanguel 2= Md!:-Ujwn d ihm Mdas v * d - eh Rý J. ftquao Toi....CO.MPMuqFWhêa.d N. C. Of ailthetiresthat »adre e fclts-hyeppy many *c-why do you suPpposé e w xlsv ehd prefer to sëBUnUited St"tus iey chsatjig, împrovn Tires? i Because theysme nmade by =!the thisgthà the biggest rubber compmny eDk go tires. in the. world. MidtW yko W. fiid it'good bswst how to build K22S! taaà. » niUiited States Tir* They have choie ci .a- A41IYOUwiil fnd At té buy them. teriaE-thel have immeus e _t~a tire for etoe UntWatte Ie Wé Sw n.ièdStat« BTr.. are todfit&That'.why w d hm Lb" eGamae, IbertyvmILe 11.. Frank Froe Whoeling, 19. D~*(~aae~Deepathfi Ave., Lake -L.OP. Y«94a North Chicago% HL Math. Hoe.chb«Wge1 Praire Vhèw, NU - ,~ C.G.Weub"ii& soi...hI FreLIL momficent f~sP. « R ht hli ilh n m u A OLtempertutlu ê ~I~on plinte onu -j PTi A ÀSOCATIN ýON 19,CAM (Contnuad boi Page O..) lino la thuaiv.Mtrtl it he viii be sence la True, bhe id. aflbved tei 001. here-ad Uncle POUGwlng the. banquet a ban vau BaIn VIjI 3 1tt *51 ho sticks to iield la the.auitorium. tliet lin. ' o p ndjif he doesn't ilatyirday morulag th,. editors vent that ha v41Lbê»dtbock ýhome. The to the. Dklnuer-ilddy ghlp yards vIiere queatodoMWe "al* Wod cover hie Mrn. Hardy, vite oft pres<dent Hardy cOUre M ti ealif let PrOveilto b. or thie editorflaluuoclattôna, acted au au undeslrall4UMS e wouid net sponsor for the blgf steamer "Edtoel be aii'Jn.j nia ',flhlotlate vtth aa e> viose nainewvasianged to Our country-àW 19080ftive locaft i onor the. edltors whoirer. in session 'mTe mayW'* pggo a vas rocelv. liem. Tbe . o.eny vas impreesIve ed, with eoeegiand a migiity cheer vent up vban Among o~ e shk le snid vaS the.10.000 ton hIP sllPPed loto the. th"t if Kérge IM. silo ferve and vater., The.boit cost $1,900,000 and vili-pover 04, N *ý bèelt possessed. -looki nnty lais lu construction. tiiero er« oIwgMabon any Bol- Later the.guesta vere taken oni a abevisin lau MWâ yt tat by the ferry'sud shovu the. sightilta lthe k llllug of ab *xi leaed mon, trou- "port of 5.511e." Tii.7 lnspected bi-mulers, le 4d" lave put dova varions Places 0f Inlereat fand iiad a *biat bu. iaeei ffl taothe world. sevel'al 011e ride'on the locked.ln BouIlle, AnM& u-xeen rîvaîr> ex- cMatons, p»sslng brough the fdue bocks tata betWecuez OOM aud Tacomau snd Imb lie laie viere banners fiev te strangers vhp eça. to the Ivo hî. * eheomo the purty sud viere tie Po- ing cities oS lIe lIA nortiveat mutî Pulace gatiiered to mua ire evelSeon admit thajut â.,av Uve and Pr<,gres a heurt>' one. 4mrived et Leechi alve Plac81. , " eted to play a Park the guesta ver. serve« a lunch bit part lq ti d veîpment of tiilu the park sud laIer returned 10 lie Impotat- grPM f tc ation. cît>' viir, lie>' vere modlliy entir- Tacoma ealertibtd ms 1lendtd- taiicd ln tue evening. 17' the NattPual ltorllAssocation As lie bout Party' neared the park auj Sealt4e 190 ble..dotngthe iesnie. tiey ver. mot b>' a iydro«crplauo Seattle cf oMw" jolamucmh argar dniven b>' Ted itHOU&d. s vonderfu but lic spiritta, t.$ 1si. teiela, .W>'aviator vhO. It l lald, neyer lot ci our OveSoaabecauue h 'did not have a =pat yI4"I'« % college cdncatin,ý' but vilo J ti viieIila heemcafor te*5 ho ie one of the. best avàtorslu thc pective Bfet yS tYH iéf bv h nt tliesefore, liaI vc #.mad ilvea Md turns latlie air sud aloin their the oMto" âl Y fusil>'sopd lovnauasif te haaj cm vie have on liurty4ye lte@tM but tb. diverted huacOMsM effrent sate. pausai janat. 1904 1ave the ligehundr*el eempas nei. ddrca ae m a athihisa ho noeed upva&lSoina, 71illat tbelàs Ow a& s. Th-» tlie I& tomu have leio'<Sav inophlog aMd ugolaltrains, Ie>' éhay* liad'oaravans leaele aho & 'MM ,Va- of aubte ttai e hmugo on og iie ne te tax.eue *ba sslu- 1her bave bem n tei tche i. abqua du4t!lalstuatlion ç$ a » i & 4able sud nov the> layeveou grftt, c0ocinscoffa.g &-fj*rt n.±ure ed ut on. point liy au sirplane. What sluy nd>'aunlvectll - d9. ila ln5staoreeforthie. to mark tuait Pnida>' evenlng the. artY *vere vOuderful Orn>'oY yUime Inseul guesti utthle banquet hied" y shiow. Tu.>'are punilua oRsnob tie ChantIer o oùào soj'at -th " Inuta out ion, for lie mthbtfi laI Boule Temple sud ilt bee da jcet liard te> speculstc as t-vhars coin- latenestlnga ffair. Iln lng neait. Chlu zue Egoue uaM*..eacM4 At the lunciecnu srved lu the Voler uni leetuner guvI" a * park the gusatâ bid eticr ft.taI. vilel tlnred the pataloe a~.aof vice. On Prevlnsdua, fflal of the. banquetons mont uii o iCanada sud tii.. ut Portiani, Ni.>' todof tfhle need of AmM4»ae lping ver. aerved vîith Bufaho meut sand lu tue reconstruction < eur aud lods>' liaittreat vas.ual.. urgod the.importance e r-'oaTbUn, wvîhihein tanteas #ulod vili liat the van has îeft Peeeeebultalo. heur aud vîsie, lier. Wsa and wrecked Ina a y thé$ 0.6le e e e. othlng left to treat them 10 un)ossa do not realize. lHe depioepd-tii igu- iippopotamus an Bo le killed--and Ing orf lie armistice, deilln td n M. - lat la about the only tulng in th@. or siould liaev been slanej, se'glc orld S*,attle folks- coldu't preduce but lu Berlin. Hecll ee ot ift tic>wanted ta do no. lie trageoles ofthe a&"'Uranoos Seattle iha loftiothing undonie te sld tiat tie conspicîino I ýingl make the is>a! li te visitons pie&&- On the amntifU.Ranle,, Washingtme Genmany accordiug t10hiea o 4odue- lions was liat there la an eutir& ab- sence o! rensclouaness tiat oenmn> dld nt wirlthe war. Ton ycer from nov hilsorians vili tic vrltlng liat eGrman>' did DNOT hoge lie areat conlit, for tie people stiIlU-1 alat hie>' neyer suffered-defeal,thfat thiey mercI>' quit when thic>'dajréd and that ther unlarneê eoetry pI-avos tie tact tin t Ie*Ovro -not vauquished. Mn. Banks oald tint even>' reture- lng goldIer deplonea lie tact liati Pcujdîd flot Jet the. tihopuago, uit1 lat Berlin tu, settle =mera. - 1 l&baolute depoleton ai de«trno' tou a! France lu a tertory hagi* limes as large as.>Massau sla 4s trucpo.bln a eW*nton -MaEsiq' ~of ChumcIies when lier. Mua nq"wroru- ion for l, marked the »Rus' , - sut. Tic business men, lie manu- facturcrs and evMryody seema tu an-c jolned iialda lu tnylng t10 maie ,the annual meeting lier. tie 'Most succelstul lhe association bas eyer held. August 20-When lie National ]dI- torllParty neached VancouVer eter a wondenfully fine ride ou the Prin- cerna Charlotte of lie Canadian paej- fie llailroad, the>F vene met b>' nera. bers ofthte Chamber of -Commece members, vilo, vîti scient>' autoi, took the guests about the clty silo-V- ing them, lic qondortully fine drives. residences etc. lu the evenlng lie part>' boanleo lie Canudlan Paclfii train aud strPt, ed an thii bail a# c! the himeu.p blotrilrp turougi tie% CanailuA nookies. A fi"ma speIal train etfs«e- wen diav arraugel for lie partr adnn teshiov their dosire t, 100k ai. ter .the volfare and comfon rt the guesta pMe. alrod lcompazy IMent long rePreseutaUveO ficiais oftbee road viose cOurte8Y and geneYal de- lire te make thettip enloyable vas mninfetted froni the 'start. Fur In- stane.tii. vice-trealdent sentbils Perbousi representaive, P'. E. Traut- man to PersonalY se. tht thinga vent rlgit; then Prak Daily, ira- véluns passenger agent for the divi- MOU vas along te ose. tiatis end of th. trip vas smooth; J. M. Willard, SuPt. of the. dlning car service ac- comined the crovd tW sce that the "eata" ver. or the. best-and, tiiey s9rely ver.. J. Hopgood, tralumaster of the road was as. lu the. oefcifcal paft?.lB, you ose, tuis greatrail- l'ed vien occasion presents 4tuelt, Idaves noting ntonse'fer tie coin- fort oflits gUOflis and piatrons. Theon besides the train vas notable heoame of th». tact tbat the. enigneos- et the. tirottle, bebveen Northl Bmw aad Klailoop, vas Capt. Se4nce, -a IaanvilO, vien ovrmeau "stole a train of the. Germans vilicil vas loaded vlth inuci ummuntlon-and tilereby gain- ed much pralse.. Tid3 trip this mornlng vas slong the North ThonPson nliyer one of thie joet vondenniy scenle course. lu the. viole vorld. The river, dasbius 'aogai a speed whIlch equals Nlag* 'la many places, runs btveen liigii chiffa and mountaina ln sucil a vay tiat oue vieva vlth anlasement 115 beauty and mondera why anYbodY goos abroad to see the slght lu thie nid world before golng to0ses those .iu tits hemisphere. Surely the AIlle aud aller beauty spots or thle vorld cannot surpas, In tact, It doesn't seem tint tiey can eqisal the vondena au aU aides tint are visible train the trains along thle Canadien Pactfle route. Vancouvor. theo City ve left last nlgiit on the firnt Iap of <Our hoinevurd trip Ia called the. "Pacifie Gatevsy of the Nothvett" bclut situuted on the. gui!. Tt la ituated on tie Gultf C<eos'- gla. and on the uorth ena of the F'isser Rlveb4 Vé1ncove pity as luOotporAted ln 1986, lut vus alnost entirely destroYej by Ore lu tie sane Year, go liat the.- City lsactually cuiy tirty-tbuee yeare nid. Do net confuse Vancouver Iaund vith Vancouver City, for tii. City la ou the. malud.Vancouver Proper hm a population of 100,210, tbut greater Vancouver, vlli naturally Ineludes lie suburban %rem, i'ba a population cf 175M0. Tt l tg theourmti itI CanaS da la sia&iMost Imrtant aâII port. t comumade1h" Weeteoa iCanadu . route to il-ui% the Osi"t. Aàfuila aMd xev. ZelmdTt luaaM tbckviii I"iti an Sellce Wt- or. Cmii a. b> ly et uthe1g mna ca"i upsda the. wbormtetéut to marope, bautk ArmeriezaMW KesI ft bis u o! i«the eet matirai ' beurs lu thé. vonld, oculer esahppm aul the. ear round. neh.fii Govarnmmt haa kUdéciaite eVs Million éï invmue aoverment bau reesly solpie ome of thi e «em I iuveson lte Paelfie <lomt and. etnd sa, aost t" M14grali elecat«os o*-ii. lbour troct ort liii cg. ,vaAeoueer -la th,@ eue, canadien N&ttiob aêet i 11b an effrthe«lwn amiNofl*ke cou x8al71, 'Th. e- Xhe aIse oola ty la V en stuamal'p liaes, Md l 11etlkë i3t point for ti. Grand TrounliMnd lsse Valley'RAulliais.R Tiie luduatries oS Vancouver. enu- ploylng inan>' tbciand5 of people, in- clude shlpbuhidIng. Car building. lo- omrotive builing îumbentng foundrifis, augarrfaneres palier aud PUlp mIll. lTisa ntarpsrlslng City, l8a uso giad- ually b.ooilng a meeca for 'touias mhe climat. la vithout extiOXuel 0f ileat or eold, the average temPe5'uture belufl sobut 48 degres. Witu ntwenty-llTe Minutes valk Of thie center ot lie citl . ants>' Park a natulrai park contalflhig inu>'Pointa or interest lucludîna the ZOOloàtl gardens, the Skvasil Rock, Shakos- peune's Gardons, the loren eltOis, and the. grave of ?aulîneOhbnston, the 1ludian Poetess, a descendant O! 7as9 epi nrandt, or .ThelamudagnOeam-A motor rond us nine miles tirough the parit VanlcouvIV eo QE O!thie leuthiest etties Iu îie..worId, oin dZcOlnt Of lits exceptional drainage facihitiCi, the puTlty Or Ils vuler giiPPl>'sud the. tact liatItIlescapes the o*rstau of boat and eold 50 commn n o uOtit parts; of Amerlea. The remankablY 10v average of dealis per tbouaond of the popu'lation for lhe last ton years, namel>', 10.65 la witness 5 o! tis conditionl. Thi, dail>' aUPPIlY Ofthe piir0lt va- ter inth Ie vorld lg obtaluld frontm tiree glacier-ted inonutain strealilS, tfesucao whlil are controliedi I.' velor. f'Uiate a ie ,tic, tia auj -taù d "imefrdb a-UIUV Wpietptae o 8, t Wut atptle »«ï1.vioi,-à train teReford fretai tiieY tCIýaute for thi. t no tirongi the. mountlina ual Crater Lak.GoyernoF Oit Mayon BMker o! Portland a« leotie .Party. The trip wvs. a liarj eue Mountains but lie editor. np rival utt ho lake, ve.end tooki Ilforthie spotlle ts me tIffl imagnable. altmout Wonders or Ithe vothi. frein the crater £ài.om on Itlooki lre*i&a, Tie surrounded vîtil timer f00 and forma a, segga>' sV*0 seven miles te cola eeruplion b. tanrn man>' yeus sas. beautîful, il iop Place et aaeYB* - et V111c m.ac vfeved b>' lie, qe st-ie Tus mten and*M enm0- 1 d-eaevmuoh eOtedfor02 i" autes tb Mîkag. lis d 48' lie laie l I or tb*at tb*l iniigt ses tiie wood«tuiit= theîr nerve 1 tAiettt lal thoir lait. lwe .et painovu«Jilndo tîtp 1I OMArms icaseo-t Dr lu..iv te. 015* W4oiy evenlag alis, cvrico. C. W. I fte. 9.10 m Md cesau. ni te il 12, W.. W.. 'nd le Cot il, Oni> WetiiWhili ess&syqlts ~ egood booas," aitecilen, e% An 'Eugil Rimbat lmaucovuse4 a ah'deinsun dat lei o >'ule.on le pilceashrlnl'ieac emmt ani meti- iit de muedat sows y«o«ouiccf p«au affecte ý e,,gle, i» t ~, pu kn lie lesuteau'prlde lua desoet! of eaî.15pa V oues. Qftiinaffl At lte9 The ludutri. Ctviaaouuu resdy nuInli Mo, .uPho, é 90091., sud tii...arr lefif-' and llongismils - irce.and-ip dri,., vooden auj uceSskSg plants, Si, frut "idy neries, PDpr Auj »W»ulTs CM ameiinred sd M44 viiolesale h'buafle rryag valued ut 21l mim cudollarsel , erlng aul branches or trais u meree, are the.supr dzel71t terrîlce->'that la hiereaalgu vlîh vonderful rapldlty. ITue City, oe Portiln ri Ohe Nûet bai ýF4teJUhbas% veek that the business ie i City are îlutratlve ot the ciâacterlaîk seen ln the Nor*i lIat C 01 oge and puai. The. businefs men. formed vhit Ia cal. tie Progresslive noua MeWs Asn. voks liii vonk vIeù It undet4u a sud tilevisit ofthle 2imnpt the. association o etleitCsWaj deuil>' comthldamdan impos4aà' for thea orgnatiof, oi a"v puttin S ella1 ci te Most empliatte mua»r. When the editorlai pettE' me Ont ls spectal train lest P'i1<p lug, tic>' ver. isiien lInât*. ânue City .park Where nuis, trocs titIOregonoa rô vhici tew otiier state, oaa5 a, dînuel- vau spred for fe»p guesta. And It wue eerved froin lovu, but complue talu d Mayor Baker of Portland et ed a cordial Invitation and a Prograin bf toasts vas glven, In the, .veulng lte inen vern Otsg Party ai lie Pros. Club, "* M'en ad aj almiSm et fmcan*" sircd. belug given auto ZM 1 tovim vih,"iether oprogratk On. Batrda>' oeing the sien or thé, editral Upwl4 94 and sa eiMo ap e un A 4" .b anquet, aa P'rogressiyq ClUb -lua1 an esclleti opifoi*, nut ou Sondery«Ma1 . of the sris, iu v*la ý tftut breiltast erred ati m 'iCoomb"-, ltgbwaY. viien the. SMes«ro". w loeg tailo vw" 1Ms!W ome te al bffli

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