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Libertyville Independent, 2 Oct 1919, p. 10

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--~ ~ LiBETy-ý u.ixiWÉNiElT. URSDAY, OCTOBER,2.1919. ÀVOIU RED TAPE, LSsomS' w SUYS WASIiNITON; TROOS AVMILABIE Washlinuton Authoutieà Say Cômtüiindanti of Posté Can' Act With Speed. UNDER STATE REOUESTS la coenfleCtiOn wth the anflOUnie- n*nt made that In case 'an er-r gecv arase in Waukegan. It wald be possible ta senti the marines frram Great Lakes ta brior order about the W4rp Miii, Chicago papers this m- ing cerried an announcerneDflt tra Watihingto tot iis effe.t. That in case a strike Crisi-4 arises. the com mondant of armvy post, navy yards. etc. shalh have the authorly of or derlng troops ta the nearby scene upon proper reiuest ram proper stat glaigi wiUiout sendlug a requ t Washngton, in short the order tram Washington being that imnmed- iaie actian cen be secured by the governor appealing to tihe command- ant directiy rather tban haVing ta go tbroutgh Washington tend encounter eil the rod tape tisat ardinarly camnes when a cal l a made for troops. This of especlal Interest just now in view af the pasibility 01 having ta uai for the marines at Oreat lAkeà n case 0f an emergeflcy. AUl that would be neCesary then wanld be for Lak Cauity iliciAL. toaol G«vernùr Lowdeli on the pbone sud prowuidng the governar gave assent, aà. imm@diate detachmeflt af marines frM thtei station could be sent ta Wfdkegan.i the paft t has ai- ways bean necessary ta work thru Washingtonl. FOR Oriel rIWa.of OrLI tot. lie dotra la 1991, Lady setAy vSwu telMOI 10. O& nir dabgbW re mrcI's mrcIm IflhU4ft fl rvwri' a. IvStJiA IMR3MY 60 TO 30-ENTS, I 4 1Eu WaNS Nation Must Restrict Its Use,' Ecpeclally ii Manu- facture. SUGAR BOWLS' ISAPPEAR The price of eugar lasdestined to go ta 25 or 20 cents a Paaind dnrAng te next year and ta become mi.lty scarce at that, unless the goverfimelit speediiy assumes contrai of Its dis- tribution saays eWashington dispatris toay. Even under most favorable circuns- stances the price lAs oufld ta go up, and may toucis 15 cents during the %vInter. This ila1the opinion ai (lie sugar bureau of the department af justice, which Ao endeavarlng ta stamp out speculatian n the coin- madity and lceeP retail prices within reasonable bounds. May Limit Cindy, Sot Drinks The de-parîment is urging the pre- aident ta establish government con- trai of distribution under which th1e su ppiy of sugar for the production of candy, sor t drinks, and atiser luxur- tes WOUId be strictly imited and the price of augar ta the houseblder reguiated. Then under the amended faod conirol act sugar profiteers wonid be prosectteil. Cblcag's loop restaurants and ho- tels, started on a sugar ration Tnesday anld sugar bowla began dlsappearing fram tables srtly before noan. foi- lowlng thse request of District Attor- ney Clyne that conservation be prac tlced ta forestall a oîtage. Most af the big restaurant keepers assui- ed Mr. Clyne that they would ca-up- erate. RUNAWAY Boy'S iiAmrican Ace gave a Bune ô à W 1<1'lWO ezetyA the Central echool Tuesday NUa'1fl I>PC EI PIE I evnn.Teclub lasnow thse larg- a. aEu¶wUPx>uin est sooiai club Au thse city. ML& SÀFAIL LE IK ru ,mBurton Jensen le still conflssed BY THE POLICE te berborne on account of ilîne. chrch replninudinr1s a:~s i FoiT, RO G L KE< Wankegan, September 30. Lake for,.next Sunday. The girls . Two boys were picked Up n Wati-- vere te have made thse trip lst Sun- teDiesc uoTuk ea yts uhrte usa f fty but vere dlaappoimted on account Ifth DrvrofAt r kS egnbteauotsTedya- of ls. rm. Wth "*~ ~ p~, ternoon and upon heing questianed If you were a bride boy wouid iou DI'uu Vuu.* yteplceamte tht1evmd like te talai yeuxr wedding jouroey Towns it Would be 0. K. run way from tiseir homes a, Calu- witisout yeux weddlflg inmerY. Sucit met, Midi. They gave tiseir Dlams vng ese predicament of Mns Thoma as follove: Butier ai thse suit cases eit ta brldsiae OR IF THEY KNEW ROADS NEWMAN HEITALA, agefi IF. pair were neyer sean atter they vere WIA.BElT'l KARIM.AN, agefi 15. put on thse train gt North Chicago. Ifmin who r sugîn ee fThe boys weesplcl<ed Up' by isher- Tbey hope ta recover tisem Bormeaesugi brIf Greens visn ha tlsougbt they we-e tin. as they vere nsured but t.bey tram Mlwaukee te Chicago anly had atIng ouspilously and wheai they ver. disnppointed Anneflt nevins wlngs for the automobiles just for conil flt gve, a good explanattan of tbeQ on thse trip, a short distance, they could set by thein presence bere. Tise boys ver. Dr. anil wrs. Thonaas Buten are wth tbem or if the drivers of tise turned aven t ABsat. CioAt Tyrrel ad, not at Kari Nelsons as reporte41 lasitnucks were only more famllar with admitted that tisey had skipped avay evenlng but went dlnectiy Am4to -theln tise ronds tisrougb Lake County. again from tisir homes and had beaten nov home lu Waukegmfl after thein they could set by with t and make tLheir lway bore on 1ifrMlght trais roturn tram tiseir weddl-ng trip. thse trip ta Chcagoaliq safety. their denination being Chicago The bouse waa completely furntised Tua whole trouble As tisat these whera they isoped ta find wonk. and ail eady for tisem an their re- drivers who camne f ram Wisconsin te Tise Waukegan police have com- turfi. Chicagi are abliged ta pass tlsrough municatedI vithi the auiisanttiea ai certain dry towns n Lake Cauniy. Cauimet and are holding the boys, VOIT gnatifytng reports are comlng If he could pass ibraugis ail wet pending instructions. n la regard ta the sale af tickets tawnfs. the rafide At As stated, could Speeders Are Taken for' the grand banquet ta be given nt take place becausa the violation Twa yaung men wvis gave their Octoben 16 n tise basement o! tise charged against iboenIlatisat theY eddress as Great Lates wana taken cisUMIÉ I t 1look as tisaugis nuv that are -transporting beer through pro- uto custogy by the Wauhegan police the. ladies wouid raise their one thous hibition terrtory." These are tise 'uesday night on a charge o.7 P"cd. and dolans ln leas tisan a thousand charges which the canetables have lng. Tisay were andered to appear yeaî. _nmade the arrest near Zion. Tisat lAsaitihe police station on October -s at Mn. 'Gertrude Scisuiens Smitis la isow the constables have arrested 9 a. m. Tisy gave tiseir names as reponte<i a littie better taday. driversaIn MWarren Township. BoUs followa: John Bucken and Thomas North Chicago bas ain enougis Dow Benlon and Warren are dry. J. Carroll. ta lut frn sevenai days. Paor instance Antiocis townsthip be- Dr. and Mns. Butler returned from fore the nation went dry was wet cannoi Photograph In colore. thir boneymooli trip n Canada and terrilory. eov t Ae pointed out lisat otiier eastern points -Monday anid are If 1the drivera n coming tram Wis- It @se".i a reinarkable thIng. consii- nov staying vitis-Mr. and Mns. consîn sklpped over inta Antiochis 1118tii. 1pro"55of thsse iilCO et Cari Nelson of 111h Street. township, wet, then made Grant pistograPisyand cinemnatograpiby, that tMiss Geraidine Jolley bas realgned township, aisa wet, and knaw the Colr',photograpisy I tIl. an midis. h"n postion ne presidemt 0r the Amen nmade veil enougis ta skip aven ta covered secret.Tier. are proceese by cain Aee Club and a new presidant wîli Fremnint township, aso val. wilhout wisigh a very naturel camouflage of be eiected at their regular meeting, toucbing dry territory, and Ihen were Niture cau b.ojproduçed1. but tise pinte this evenlng. Atter the buiness able te ail paver iloto Ela Townsip, As jet te >o- made w)icis viii praduce meeting the remiinder of the evening tley could then -gel aven toe11e Cook a laýpdaqffe Aq autuma An all s won- vl ha spent n piuylng hunco. Caunty uine and al tisetlime vouid drous uto aeaprri fald Miss Ethel Gartiey t aIn receipi have been In vet territany. That la, ito as prri faid of a card tramn Dora DUMIOin sayîng territory whicb never bas voted dry: vus lise inaurel coloring of 1te bat?, tisa -she andi ber sister are teaching It vas pointed ot thal a man whns eyez, and complexion. vils 1the vmrons In te Hwa" Islnds.TheDU knev thse roads very well cauid make coloraeta ber coptusne "An 1the manner Anivs r theHavlanonsluaNd othCh lisacirculions route and ail 1the lme au mAe lives."1 coiaa regelkov.miNrtsCh enan n territtry wviichlsad neyer _________ C500. NYoed dry befare tise nation vent The North Chicago acisools col,. dry. But the men are unfamilian wlthh pOmous Applail W&Y. lected the follawing amosints fa&tiie the noads, eapecially n night-drivlpg Tii. Apilan ay vas thse firet great SAIValmon Army NortisScisool J8.1!and therefore th«eYare aeized len ]Roman N804.rOl0a.,DndeIc.lkeYA iUr Central Sehool $16.34; Soutis Scisoal îbay are gaîng îîroug isînyns vwcih bi icI il A a'i. It vwusbo- $~020.Tis Comomveatisacholhave declaned thensselvea prhi- enta s12 ILoCLtY Apias Olanilu baifnt repoted n f ull yet. lion terrllany. Toatiepit WyfiD 1ev. Mitchell of tise local Methodist ________the___________orm cisurcis bas reslgned is pastorAle 0en@ of the mout notable uemorlls cf bore and accePted a pobition as pas- entiquity. an or newr thse Utarial CtY., ter of an Iowa church. He and i Female Exteutioner. bordermi by tombe and tisereins «. famiiy lat Iis week for hie new. Pl Àccordig tae1the London Sund" nmo i.lt buggipgs. Long .ttrec.ie$, poinmenl. Times of Fehnuary 15, 182, tihe bang. et th gefftremain peÎfeet. Tii Word lias jual been rpecei'ed the* mon visa el5futed Burkeaboid a vite vidOlAif tut eApptan vay vas hrm 'A. and Mitr. Arthsur- Rasmussen of vison h. lied InstruceaIniitise art and 14 te la fet. Chicago bave Just purchaaed a fine mystery of ianging. DreBssadIn miWna_________ nehv home n Irving Park. Mrs. Ras attire, wiAi.ha won execting cri.. mussan vas farmenly Misa Margaret IMels ii' on. pnrt of tise eonitry, hie Whin- Vîrginha Seoeded. Word a teicher of tise Norths Sebool lady vas givlng affect te tise mAwn On April 17 la 1861 tise state con- another. Burke, t mey be necaiied, ventioju. composedl of tise, members of Gai iwston a an Irisman, wbo won n thse his the legiiolature ot VirgAnia. passed tise, irouire s c.e -o b«VY cuvsnaItof aufacating lhi@ victime and seillng "erdinance'of seçession" bi' 5 vote et, 4",,4p bt 84 li requiel space; tisein bodies ta tise anatomists. He 88 ta 5&. Vinginia, 11 days prier to, sp- .mobac* tu oac-corner. place vas banged et Ediniturgis on Januany tis, bad refuseA ta joAn tise states of tby erwre es on eacis aide of tise 2&. Aierica; but tise decision of tisa Con, héllone s near tise floor as possible, ________ federateleRders ta fire upon Sumter tto «tber In thse vidIA of tise cauva amd Limcoln'a eau Ion r75,000 Vôlun- hms lover one. Tii. censas.ta rosai- teena on April 15 turned ties cale and w7bû-.jp inii placeo sege Tnavel le Expensive. VIrginia tisew In ber lot vltiste ~o00 th.ucu eto. w "De Bibi. say dat de poor you bab Soutb. ~~Amip bIsto piegala wiv yon always." rumnfited Sisinhone. eut ut Aieva~~is~ ~ -n*I1reckon dot'@ lisse dey ls îoo iii~ re tapon ter break away.'-Ioston Trans. UnItad Ottes of lthe Worid. -.cripî. Thse dey viii corne isen v. casU g.alize net onu' tise brotiserisood o! In- 5 dividuals but lbe essentiai unily of- ail APmeetnn. iankind. AUJ are brotiesna ail cuil- tbe am TMrneLaberer and 1is mire. eq ofthte saine father. , Tise boarde'ms BÉIba been running errande f«, wvisid tlie nations ane artificial. .1. bb UkOntie, and te siiow ber apr.1beliPVÇ the time la et baud vien Umbeo taOW4-,GÊre4 iiim a penny. ami bq ~ir# wvAlfli.hIke tise.vallao isgusWâtei aud, glaaing ié rj%-,oi, bé*e ok ve's trPinum Msuul omBo'S SU rD oARIftuIPxIOD17wAUGNITNIN s.. -~ C0L1VMfVS--1ive timon thse preuid*nU&l lightning bu strueiu n Ohia. Tihe Buckeye gtate bas tnrnisbed more preutdents tbsO auj ailer siate, wiI1 thse exceptlaor fVir&4ila.Perbape thatVn vil a Im dosen pwooesetWiaA AgthWIg rois ame up ta Obio. no. TbW Wlliam H. Tatn, Jama M. CmgObAose eoutive (et 1ite, opof lie H),Sentor Ale. PoMelene bov; ,Bram !W»ttlee. leoe Dm:, BAIMPAn liam sonni0, a&W senor wartrea O Haibg "The Trouble S hootert" is the nane the complaint man of the gas company has given himeelf. Strtictly speaking, it is the duty of these men to respond promptly to ail cals from con- suiners for attention to service or appliance troubles. But'in a broader sense al the employees of the gas coinpany are "trouble shootera." EVIRY COMPLAINT LODGED'WITH THE COMPÀNY is a favor. It is the am~bition of the No rth Shore Gus Comnpany to render ser- vice that is as nearly perfect a s kill and constant attention caumake it. OCOAIONALLY TEMRARY DEPEOTS in service occur, and the most careful employees somiettimes make mistakes. but we are constantly striving Wo reduce the defects and the mistakes to a minimum. COURTESY 18 OXE 0F THE WATOHWORDS- of this company. Our employees are expected tW be courteous and polite in al their dealings with our customers and with each other. WHMEN A OOMPLAINT I8 OUT OF THE ORDINARY or if the employee workig on the complaint fails te satisfy the consumer. the manager at any of- our five offices ia always ready and glad Wo give the matter his attention. But we are glad to say that complainta of this nature are rare. WB- AM CONSTANTLY ON TU HWl»f for the CAUSES of complaints. Our limes are regularlyp~atrôiled. The opera- tion of the plant is carefully watched. Our employees are inztructedto report daily any complaints against the gas service, no matter how trifling'. We neyer knowingly seli appliances Wo our customers Whicb wi'll *e unsatisfactory ser- vice. And above ail .we neyer treat any complaint lightly.. CONIRY TO POPU LAR BELIEF fIN 8011 quarters the Oas Co>mpany 18 human. X# ~hiumeabecause-it m imade Up entire-1 ly of human beïngs. And being human, w. canhqt be perfect,-the beat we eau, do ia te put forth all our effort te keep our serviceclose te perfection. "Trouble shooting' is a big part o! our'effort in that direction. OUR CIISTOÉÉER'S »A1! BE SURE that it is our purpose to give theni good r eason te wear the broad amile o!ý GoOd Will tovward us- After ail, most compla iits are di t i 4Iunderstaiidings. Help us avoid mlsunderstandings. If you have a complaint that isn't taken care of Wo your satisfaction. we don't know it. Tel us. The next statement of this series will appear in -this newspaper tbis, week .. North Sho re 1Gùs-Cfflnp'ny Offices: -.-Waukegan, Lake Forest, Hîgbland Park,- Wlinnetka, idbertyrlle. 'A llu11 W PAGE TWU. - -ýrm

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