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Libertyville Independent, 16 Oct 1919, p. 10

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w -_-~ S~ - -~ t~T~r~ ~ ~ k LatIce Sclun&ltiiés Whu al~o la a lot undoelrablel .tart a têvolutiofl ~XSIOS FIRED ÀMbrÀWisMve toE40 AT NI3W OFFICER; e bPI Abound, un Danger. IJNDAUNTED, KEEPS ON. _ ~ i ai j ts no snap the e days ta be tIti tri*, patroliilBiI ho covors the batin tih, en' sothwest part of town. At es bave cone to that conclusion as th, mnuD"iom. t ii0d h reslt of thrtlling experteefads jIOu't he i~ throvgh w htch loehas passed lately ho 4is r e «idw uui lUiiela e t ol nown ln the south g« ther o 4u atm 4 u p,0iart of town and wban lha vent Sta uct ýiUS l'A se oq, tâe o lice force about tbre e es u1City te aSU lie vaBwarnad that lie better 01 4niodrrhs tiv a à«ç' that De become an afficer. arreated Rowviaer, hie wanted to work and JU' <'Koet ie lie tliotiht lha vould hc able ta handia â w w.i &siàslo ieree .th ib ease lha had beau a police , Met ls r ,,ipbefore In Buffalo adsud 50c v âte wThewlt etarted In. But things dld not go= = ,bl a -bear along very anioothly for the net two aveuuih'i t1 biflO i liarm- It develops nov, that whiie making iaLadcaw& ftt 1Vý bis tieat Edward has been ired about i o ebee-84dtloStbouei 01del:- by naome perzon In10hdng and tn ai. CvIIPt igdfo I ier tb" I th, t5intendeil victim. llIX) trt trne tvo ahots vare 'Creil and the _________________________________ inékiturne four. Upon teooso .Otfithe later. Edvard gave clisse,;oT LA E' T ID O BRN t.omenon v a r, R. knto a vOOded N M T L QE T D TO B Nf tradt and hae ]et trace of tham. àN Hovever, the.officer la nndauntie NUF ENARE. COLLISION TO A &Dd ssys lic vilI continua patrollof -hlm boat and nobOdY la gotng to 0"T À IL R CKO OIoR Aaai Army UurltY. ~ Wire'Mifl Officiais say That South Side Striker "lCaiIed" by Amg Uiersity l nlvher19n10y. OnIy Firenma and a Few Asst. Supt. Blaokmer for Ié"gwoid bsben pmd D oh<s 'tay at Mii. Cuipabie Act. »ouei southeat of Paris. 1t elfttepm tousand soldters baV, en- ' ýte1iî fra bre onh' oiwé TaSTRIES S NUMBERED? TWO ACCIDENTS AVOIDED.1 1 iftfy eof000meiabers, chie" O ravI , reuf .tle Amurîcan oxpedIttoIqDa Wauitegaîi, 111, Oct. 13 Waul<egan, 111, Oct. 13. ~toseula h 'b y Cl.lm U el The renort tiat fromn two hundred Assistant Superlfltenueflt 'rank eeoneirly president af Norvcl àlvr lf in Vermont. to three buudiied vire milî workers Biackmer of tha Wtre Mill bas beau g The bildIngs nov aerving aue.tudy have been supplîed vlth quartera In- drtving the big truick out af the Mill ýI W ai>pd dormtoresl Wet&Uuq4 0 aide the ml vwhlch maIres It possible carrylng about forty mon home. On el' eNt" a as an Americanm qi$I 1 ,à tiift * 6f 001abret -là u0mbCrlme fo thiem to ltve ther. iiurng the tvo occasions5 IatIy wvitle the trucki - mIii.ta rlcultfll lege. W aisfor- pen4ency of the trike, la qauled by van malctu lita vay ou the main1 Imrwork shopa ot thé,?opté mp>l eaâa of themili, uhao ay -that ith s treets, aian lu a automobile vho or hig uO. <""mytiot oudti n.Vhy am thtformerly w»risd ln the rod miii made lT~~.nsriit: ~mi~~iv~ity151whuin vsr r a 11e firemon bave geen e<M5ld a branci et Believus. near Ver . çI on oeu ietyars l t~tgjpufor sary 1.00 ti~4nt80f ~sfvn quarfors 14 Ule juillisol that they tapittoctdrclyarfat e15 eau be on Outy *benever'neeCied, tbat front or the. truck in order to invite piel$otiw. -ilis uumr elil'Dot 'ozceed a acore, an accident. -cu" nly Guese . lt . M bcfflw*ia2y one -0f 'the.vorkers «e5 lappened tedru: luito the police $900 *iat-tibe Vebls 09 ma4su % Toquanest 11he b. prmtted station oue evpuing vhan Nr. Backi- .from TouteUse,' whi 1et eliêwe ~ a qaainside the Mill anid these mer vals sttiuig tiare. Tbe super- u"fnainite vtut four il.etu t<i aUrqMeatare grantod. . numli.r of Intendont haut no tiriain calînS bis .Auisit. là lit boule Id tîîèi ýîlw ob cote have #e a provtded fqr the pur- attention to the fact that lie was. "on "luterainfa0Of 0l9~5 pose. lr aeacaadtous for te hlm" 'and that it!lho evar repeated e1ogffln7 etfgueul a un If<ku eVot..e, ýfooe thronged tic galioresu of tht f&-i argo 0I>ber liti case they Preèfer tiý the practiceagii, of cutting-iii lu S Dieus museui'-. Among thoso prient romain insido until the dtfficulty la front of hlm v.litbs automobile in iareoeld$éOrw .nd civglui t pi I q-ye. aM~au, wlio applt.d for vork tie endeay(ir tU stop 1the voriten' Her~gitfrul Mondt7 carrie4 lsîsiit cage vitit spec)OI, tiiotlho, the driver of the. ; oids iiitnotable eI*faii hm. .He sAid ie Inteleli ta remain tdkvoigld 2ot disi>tay such care 0e .iu. ie ltty ioB . C trbouaho.t4 iithe mlii sothât be "OIld flot bave in lapplllg en the braa,,swith ali tfourth çui îr wi.C. vipau eIqid --~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t bbvbei cipu'd arun the. gaultlt of striliers tvtce h8mgtopeetaciiiuv mi-eh$ fû ound by - a fime: -ID ~da Dy. - this suallef car. 1, tisi@ad ë f Mioee eau appal'optiy euvoi, TIie WalikegBii police inelaft that the The auto!àot in question vlil gava tb rtel tIU t- ' , . da-, ot Cthe atrite lu Waukegafl are the name OC Bergstrom, .declared bc *àtral. lié Ke tii ifulidi ý " numberid. -They gay thast a numbet bail nt ntentttipall endo.vored ta liou ai to vhpt ethe -vpa *11-4W$ý f oc mon arai'etirning 10 work daily coUjIde vith 1the truck, but Mr Black- . n& ~ey effpp4 Qt- ee an evon largar'uIàî eted olie cnse vhere es th. car Spge la the Air. number report vîbtîn the next f ev eiood !nu rout.of Qtuoky'i store on Eymerelv uiodWootp wlng curva. - dâ' They sày that the u1umbgof0r a n m i, treet SatUrdaY nigbt- 1 C,!. airétanes of to-day eould lieiade i3trîko PicIets la docreassng con- génie :oàed out Of. tht tsar Of f 1 teRyaI a upead of 250 mle an bour, stantly. tecr * h rc:apocig aec"dinte, a ýrItish cuptain vWho la th % c54gay t e rft aroaCBerg- - -'emàWeCSani roàautiitlautlt". ju in4'ey tb0atr eg tuât IbIs tvould TEVl NO.a run 0 rn o h w~o.,w vold o ialnu Isn. lqu r%1ck né tli t Mr. Blakmer lad al bt Of i Utt ;0 ould do to stop itbefora a col- 1 rsià'%pend «la Ithe Mr- la Bnci ta isL L E ton came.. marlus t bitg lii s~eMÎ !'l u an glving you fair ,varnlng that aI a rat inha. il 1cts.6 Ii 4Ii the futuitê," uaid 1r. Blackmor. . et rat ...........Cite , 4"tf you try t*at kliilof trick tue Preilem et thePutur. t, P r>s are not goini: W be vorikng "The air pullman bu arrlvod." i .P % II. ct 3 ogid. 'rý.trucl i WIs a feiv "Se 1 iear." By a decisfoi reuèdered the Bu-itous and about Il th*t vculd happen ý71iat vll h. tue statuel of the. air preie Catlspm 94Itsa former t0 it voul he tei scratch a lîttIe of Pulimêli or ti Tere wll b. fDo lut decîsion ln tue case o! f 4eugh vs. tue paint-SM d re ha'ýo iplenty of a"i cindars ta brul onf. Wliat îoWiti. the CiY ty n Orth. Chicago, vhereiii pulnt nt the miii thlaIte care of such 1-, ;mate routon vîll ho bave to etrat I imqsdtea . ifo-tea eegny iquwnr or more froin ««ChiaeI àt ims0 i.apa rmtsa mrec. ; 1i gerl"--Birinighuin Age-Hliu. county court o! tiIs tolunty. 90 tisai erhaîfola 1.prpmtafisethat le vould _______________ the euie nov. pendîng inthe-b Circuit flot dû anythtng of the sort again Court. vieroin itoHugh je asUkng fQr ald Insistodl that lie had not dons it or Tnei ï Poë"" s b $5.000 for addIttianal vork. labor. ntentionaily. tI iDSmY 110 ar materlal and money erpended, lu the 1ben theyi p. ar*o$dtlp i se;bmub et so bmm iley 4o fDot ver ibuilding and constructiI0. of tII. ii.ln Memoriaml - 6 Ie é IGOI0 5 n* fi0g PO nt barared1 M.. la sad meonry of our lovlng gran4- il.tO to<Il! eWlsaonpd Jq4gmcnt 0f I#e Coui1ty!son Leoaar4lrgvipsedva CouT. U9 lear 49a te4ay. The ctty of North Chcago 4d"sd Voq are igqne, but net forgotteu. tl n tbe case tui the circuit coud tus ,Nover shahi your memOry fade; Trou Arau uo MV ldgmqit 'o!f'»P County Court au a Our - lonesODi heurts are alwayjs MPI ol - 'b& ~oebar- to. the acti on. Il oksa, hovever. wàderng. queUJL9. t o. cnt r~ mu4le inrw~1qedas Ifopr lte. ci t as lu a lttia < trucli Aroiind tue grave vhere yeu are L For fflend Wmnter we have m wide selectio l l8 4 'over'çoais iii chMeater eit e rý s -eI ee Adt lie woolen, fabrics ihetli ar U t. b k & ii, .mart style wi&~mdr*er j çornfloI insation vas created in ZIan1 toqay vheu It became knoovu ceacon paul ltuetleI lîad heen Jt' e4' on cuitipîitiflî0f Irving . t wiho charges that le.cughît Pr in bis coi n fiel,] plcdug corn 'riday niglit. warrant was svoru out bafore l eicon- f the Volva Cliuch luY-'s pi ths coutry. They slioudb. tas. IL was stâed îitai whlen Xiiat!e ed and sent back to ther ntttyu land ý& contirontdctl t'î i gi I >(13a1*1 lILT u M11 ÇVE ID where they would earn aboutthrtY ald hae waë getting ta f clii-'-' cents a day. The govel001ffAt Jf Be and thrcre vent to Jorisl- lU ilE I1l f& raîlzing the fact, and IoligIdinf a Mta colleague the deiu on, bowev<'i IMtN JOBS BIIÀlf fev allons in Gary, Indiana , .i' b oited cut that If ho had run 0111 sent back. ef hlckenf fed lhe could lîavc borrow- 1 have talked ta several strtý.gtu Id it from so ru g of the ot er d eacous w au ke pftan, 111, O ct . In . W ho sa td tbat'tho y had a g e ta ud - ýthe church. Eito i, Daly Sun:lies a d tbey vould lgne W r0t~1i jo The case bas been contlnned. 1 wlsh to find room lun>'our col- vork, but tht they vers .afrq4i W . m n s tW bBv P*" h t0i lîo vlng tate- go b c k . N o v lellow o 4on l .1i t. 4 lot- Plu. .anti TçQCý r 4'!iu1)ep# regardlns tbe steel ter w1th a coffîn score you, the 014 Thefanos eaifg oVr f 'l JEîI says a "barlng dog nover bite," o roW4lte a "a nrbie liu ffl 4IOqr ~ t< a,010 ak and the Bible says "b. that pro-, &0 ti'e. ftr L *B e t e md to a ' fo 4 rel e 'W àO 04d li0 vas vtdoth fot for ie bou e la vo ras ~ 4~p$I% S p I~Çka ilZre X l.than an infdel." td4 dCÇ 1 servadu it in the United States NavY art Mh C -tü S t , p ti i 0 .'t !d uri 4 vpeguthe var and 1 a m n o w rking vas»~ eiiusJ. J'mi'ealm liirdatthe Wire MIII, 1 am n ot interest- tIS sp~e puktsins aout Iboed 1. th. miii, but 1Iam i ntorouted hîEI c~* ~ lvtag.In the velfare of thts country. ipw aa rInQ . ts pI.I au lOt1B. H. MELVIN. Pieu I Aube.. au Ae#caji çil1Ien and vwien u________ The. lIstor7 f thémi* a w D oem~tsp~ 4rafLýnh mouta to go boa mý.By cetuie, but f1.fl gh h u s p eitn i o~ p~Carll W lse AdvIce& 'tuyoss l m ~i~! a bal*1 B»tn rîpjidBeebrnuw andalvUgi Gt 06 f t b é é ' fd d .. w v hota no Id ie dre dm , but s ma su d seOle n 2de .194 a squrn hevr reoilty based upon .teiity soi 0fr 't âti*paid W4lr bu polty. oeaaned by ettoilty. nad 4out goS? 9W p ~e v~ ~ g~ rovr ý4lere t. uýI ; stand îy ILt he i.niglif cou il ~ pi ~ mdi~aapt.444»& o uroutrY. vliy bY en no ininncao work.-CAr1Ivl. AssocIa 18-1lT. A UV ,pared,t ersm, bu ion* p vOwll ah at the same Pearl1 tendenl ple'isIl linoils Park;j Preabyt cilcaac Antin venton & big a lor pro 7.30- Music Drcbest. .Praye Woukem 9: 00- Green brave, lako gleanci SLake i 8:30- 9:30- I tepor 3H. v

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