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Libertyville Independent, 16 Oct 1919, p. 14

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CANIZTION S4N iU IIIII WED CIIICA4O IJRL DEPUTIES PUT UPI' OOD TUES. EVENIN6* Waukegan, Oct. 15. Wukegun. Oct. 15. 1 The r.irria-n e of athan 9.fBlum, Keen Indignation spread ai-el- the ctty thiq miorntng wben It was leurn-! ei titat two large placards whIch, deeuty rheriffs bad posted near the, Tenth street scene of action, bud been tora down durlng the taigit. These parartis- had been put Up, wlth the hope of encouraging Pearale ta reminber iheir Amprlcslsm. The placard.4 read ai; follows: -This la an Aiferican house. Don't criticiae aur president, e4r allies or, our government. If you dan't like 'Our' Country, go back to your own cou6- try. If you have no country, go ta These placards wri' put up Tues-. day afternoon and when the deputies . returned tIis morning It waa faund they biad beep tam dnwn. One sign waq on a telpgraph polo near Tentb street and the other ucar the sp-j proach of the electrir station. Many of these placards were Putj up about to'wnl n the hope of appeal ___ ing to the Americanisin of resldentsjWa.intnD.CO. -ame oft the city and Impressing on thena W hnti .C« cI-ane that this IS a gaod country sud thst GorPe rs, presadent cf tie Americanj those wbo question Ils menite and ad- hi>dernhion of t.abar, la confineal ta ventages as OUR People run il. ougbt h~hm here ln a state of nervous to go where they came froua. Ac- cdlngîy ln vlew of the destruction exhaustion. His temiterature ti ef the placards. Indignation about thie rorning was 101 degrees and bts city v'as very pronaunced becausel ph:vsician bau ordered hina ta remain people fet that the despollers of the« 1 b d. signa had slapped ln the, face those "IrGops, iseetysad wha. trying ta spread true <meri M.Gmer. i ereayail canisn, flsd bothereil ta post them. I eturned homie tram the conference 1 ast evenluz very greatly exlîausted WAUKEGAN LOC « Alderman Pbiip reported that s -a- would b on hand this week ta Iatal macbinery and test ouit th v weU at the puns»ing station. T'he relit of the machine wauld be $2 per day and the nmn ta do the wark would charge $8 Der day. He thought the test could ha madie ln twa days. Judge Bivards taday denied a mo- ticn te, ilissolve the injunctian in the meuof Roveli F. Krause Ts. W. G. Voliva, et a].- Krause had enjain- e1 VaUva fram sawing bis store boug in bait and moving t --aY.- Tlh. court referred' the uatter ta m.s- ter ln chmicery Deeker with a re- quest ta go lot the Inatter. Walter Recktemîvald of Ok streat, vebose eyea vere burned painfully by bot baibit mnetai at the Narth Chi- casa hardware foundry Wadaesday, la gettlng alang ln good shape and It ilnflot belles e bis alght vili ta afftetai. He was attedeti by Dr. Baud.. Prices on food stuffs. accordlng ta Atty. Genaral Palmera, et Washington, bave dropped 25 Par cent ln ail parts of the caountry. lie predicta a further drop. The genoeshaMeMWbyte Soeccr tpam defeated Zion lace works tea- art Baturd , 9 ta 1, the Lame beiug Great Laites foot ball team pîsys Camp Grant at Great Laites Saturday. The Board of Directors of the Waukegaa Chamber of commerce .{beld a meeting this afteî-noon at three thirty o'clack Ita directors « ttHe Wukbgan Building and loan Association are ta bold a meeting tanlght,. The Jewish Wlfare board ILre ta j old a meeting tanlgbt. Head- quartera ,havè geen establiîp-d ln rOam 7 'af tbe Chamber af Com- merce. H-arry Homstedt, chauffeur for Mrs. aceds a course ln memory training, Philip D. Armour of Lake Forest, thinits Justice Duffy of Highland Park. It seenas ha bas fargotten a nummons ta appear teanasver a charge of drivlug at thlty-eight miles per bour on Oct. 8. A warrant for is arrest was placati in a cou- stables banda TueBday. Mrs. Armour tald hlm ta basten hdme for dinner, wvP, the axplanation wben the ai- legod violation occurred. The boys vant ta know. Troops three and four have chipped ln ta -raet Bd. H. Bean, wha chaperones thse boule ln tbe Milwaukee Zoo ta corne dowva and tell the boy ai about their aliegeti cousins. Mr. Bean ea't brlng the animaIs, but ha w-lll bsiag their picturas. Friday ntght at ':30 b. la going ta lecture and show bis picturos ln the Gym. The treat la usthe boys, and the whle towu ta Invte. Cou,.and final out the rela.. tics betweem 4h. monkey andl vaur amnsS.! Ufl'h slcoreéeived a repart Tues-j d* ilgUt about olgtt 'clack to the «lfe«t tit a Us had been shat in <la $il eefnt Uhttstroot. Offîcers ~w«O burrled to the scole but aIl- e~ I. wq* oNu souirai noj and wün-t tmmediately tui be7'H physictan. Dr. Henry Parker, was calI- cd ta seehin," Later Mi-. Gompers senL v-ara tO members of the labor delegation that he would b. present at the Confer- once tomiorro*. M w ua mas druh out et the au. so bevi.Mme or ilolt mpem hlgby pOMubi, a" iafteward ou er a buîte bm aeSiver bovhs ver cou lntrauco sd about the t»me wbem 4«» mElisbotha sua vas sottlng vo. Wb mai" dt Voeot"sa glafrut mai* thahr awsllme et atate banqueta. Dmo vas uaul carléd from tise «kl lar te tbe table la the e Wigtewtbeu- tmr la laugo latherutankards, cilai 'hlackrjacka," hall witb olives'or lPme ridai witis sailver rte berg to M~irs Lea Lar;nle. lookh place last evening ut, he Hotel Ssa;on. Chicago. The gromo -i s 1h- cilpet son of J tiumb:,rg of Wuîii'ic an and me il known lipe. lie piac:ie.es iaw In Chieagn.. The wedding wns a ai r) litetty onfe. the groDnm bel)-, att.,nded ty hi.s brailler Marris a3 beston The hiidvina li v -,o Mi s' Ai î, a ral.. i s itIýr of i h * l I-' i mfediate relaitiorta wez,, prnse.at. Following the cere.:îàoify tiip'î:I left on a honvyin,-on if)An!aM\ii 11-, N caro:'na. '1h y ai il 13c,,ine aamii l<wo ai eek.s and ailler tl!er r-liin vai a' muke tIiper hlinn n(llna I-l-. liumberg ha03 a fiait aai.îi'-- their orculiancy. s, .~ - -~ ___ - ~ ~.-~r- q'T1TTRR1.1ÂY~ nc1ic~wEI-D t&jffhlD - ~ .~- - - - Clergyman (imtent on adinsteriag a gentle reproot týo bridge-plsylug, Partahtomer)-"I amn afrald much valu- abie tinte la tv8îted on1 playlng cards." Brldge.pluylný, Iulhonl- qulte B*ree with you. The tlime talcen by nonm plnyers i l-uMut)ng, denling or decdlng irliat curd ta -play lasismidyL ke- exaslierutilg." Lake. L.if *just nt l4aed. "The bestt ilnge aile mîcrest, breath. S5 Silk Poplif- lu )-our sostrils, liglit lnu otr eyes, flaovers nt yîaîîr feet, duties ut your hmîîml, thte putt or UMd juat liefore yau K I T Then do not graiejiut he taurs.ut do llfe's 1>*1iiii. ecîumînaon lwork us î il ~ 9 coawse. Certin m ilita t du ly glaiutes and i 2 8 miuly breinl ile qi' w %et-test thinge ut liie."-lIlurc.Us liu'-lius A speclal purebase provkd P, -1 ti.i E"a - ' 1' ' ;l'111 i %"I i:- froni lir -. i -Jh, .1 al-viifor a juin. ....;iil1I li-n. <nl)let vour mor il littie. I - *,- 111I n i l o itco. Candi. Factorlen In Af rlca. 8 lx cîjudie fivh'iles In SîîlbAfri.s have un output aalueil UZ 8.Lb>t,Qai, u YOU cat e nj o y warmd floors for the littie flk- an evcnly heateci home day and night-no fires ta build on cald . mornirigs-recmarkable saving in fuel taoney wth £ol.s Oriiam Due to ita guaranteed air-tight construction, powerful radiat- ing body and Cole's Hot Blat Combustion. A vo id ini-ita- tions. I ook for titis trade nmk on the feed door.W Buy Yours Today E-very Size and Style in Stock ALEXHEINr Stylesj 375 Late Dresses,* a Great Sale -Silks, Serges, Tricolines, Jerseys, V'elvets 3 of the Season's Very Lowest Prices jo76 fl -ail Sizes .f or -Women and MIlles Quit. unexpectedly wp are enabled tao oUer, far below prevaillng pt'ices, dresses ln the hleght Of the Autumili Vogue-the varletîy of styles, fabrlcs and colora broad enough to supply tbe i£lillment of every requireinent as to "occasion'"cor service. The season'a lattermoat style taucbe.e. visible ln ernbroldery and braided effects, beadlnig and draped 1deasz - Among this hll;hly diveraiffl sleetiOlt of uitra-anodlsh dresses are serges, tricotines. poiret twil, wool Panamtas, satins, crepes. vslvOtOelts, wol jerseys and paulettes. qha"ap e iaiiIKÇ ,.l., skata of S'il icopliiii in ail colorr. gvil iiy! t 4. WooI Plaid Skirts to 14.50 -at 10,&50 Ttr.i ' î,tyli-li new v oo Jial s 1< ri lI the MuaIWant"îi col- 01i8, mii i l.0 a ait.~ U Plaid Skirts to $30 -at 19.50 Uanda.ome all-wool Scotch pli îd mi teawuaful nec shidkrts of very api Y t-oto" tuf4. K t9Greatest Store For Wvomen and Children Visit Our Newly Enlarged C2hildr on 's Department les Children's Coats Ver' Specially Priced at Girlst'New-, $7 $1Ot75 $ 14t--$ 5 T A M S - orfla rr r 1 wcoats fo cri run aaaail twii- - i, alan. dailli $1 1 i.699 1.98 pluh. caraculleafu.:: Girl,;"taias ln ttiea'Plush senai Velet' ln -aî,browa anal bl'itek, tasm"l trirîuu"vi. U.,nidreue s Wash Dresses House-Dress-Aprons 1.19, 1.98, 2.48 $1.49 At >112 bei' are' pretv glog- h am des " frin tn6: t ISS Women's bouse-dreas aprons ln many varv eoudloosTtîg coloriage. Ail isizes dresses ram 2 ta 10; at $248 dresses up ta 14. e.LaJiaiauLen a in ian Serge Dusses -41$5 A greut opporiuî..'s Girli' dreis. es of prî'tty plaid:a anal n.iv> serg- as !11 sires to 14 ai t 5.j A Special Suit Selling At Four Advantageo4.~Prices- 24e75 m $35 m-.47.-50 m 69.50 Includad aa or fSerges, Trîcotine4. Velours, Silvertones, etc.. In dozeus io! vonderfua styles. mnty of w-blet are eibrtel>' trimmaed w-th fur. braided an-I e-rubroidem'ad according ta pi:"e. Ttîîeaa stylem are llint' ed abave. $25 Rain Coats $15 Sale of Dresses Ralu and auto coats, mixtures, for women anal MissesSpudciIvalue. at $3 Petticoats 1.79 Wmnacolareti petticoati, fie quaîîty of 1~ 3.50 Petticoats 2.98 Heatberbloam and lux.îry sitk top. taffeta 39.50 Mnk Chokers $25 Best styles: gond liiilas andl colors. Brushed W *ool Shaw1§ Largo, nov, wvlh coller, pocloeta, halte. Coverali Aprons 79c Cbudron's cover-al aprana ln vantual c'ors. Rompers & W-Suits, $1 Bloys' vaah suite anal rampera., Jersey Bloomers- 79c WoSien's anal Misses' flesis, cotans Jersey bttrmers. Sateen »loomers 1.49 Cou. la hIaý04fleas vitis fancy inees. 1.50 Silk -Hoe $ Vor van.ablack. whre gaiéla',,» At $12.76 you mm-ay select train silk naplintéai nd sctg'-4 litigoavl taokln., modeaean:d -t $18F1'l a number of pretty styles ln silits, uerges, wooi Panamna& and Jerseys, than at $29.60O your selectioa l13 simost -unlimited Including the seadon't uuwest ,restions Junios' Dresses 12950 là 19.75 Han la a v'arioty 0f styles for juniOrs laàprtty serge% andl sillis at bath prices whlch are -muet Iesse thau rogular. T

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