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Libertyville Independent, 23 Oct 1919, p. 12

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lire Landiers, a fo rmer rident *JY L3RiI ~ ~ saMn am ef Norths Chicago, visiteti friands bore '1 DSC"T '4 [Thea danca given t the Auditorium lU iN 4 AII Ne subitîno lent evaning. unda; dia auspices of i h wt Orgmniation A8Ied bY Govom North Chicago business msen, WaaleltlaWle M« tjSs." l Wlurgely lattendai. A sailor lad teda te the Zion actuel 5Ohtl» Tise tctory Unt of tisa Girls' police diat bis v1as Walter Lee. @tà i btise a Ex-eM e «LCommunity dervIca League of tha Maoue, vus tskas tiste ZMon police Mdi Souni. 11 Ex0lVIO jWar Camp Communtty Service vili court lunt nigbt oo.ausitlon. He alai more powertui _______ Ihold ona of its fumonsz "Comrada a hicycle wicishag as offenlng for plaisant proot Satesut) tise Auditorium P riduy suie tn tise netghoitiooi of tieSa Slem by waiking ln MIEEHOSPITAL CARE WMEN cantis"g.Street eleetrlc station, î wus a g00d la thesa epor ,The Library Club vilI isold an lm- viseeluni hehalaiofferea4 it for $15. aunt thtii111i portant meeting ut tha Progresa club Oicer Striai heard of it ani drove te __ rms iis evening.1 the station. He saavtise sailor vîtis ijelta SsioPays CUflpiflSitlSii p w. Cook, Sixteantlé street, vho the viseel uni askai hlm hov much White Tu-saimeite Ae Adminls. as takan 11 i thtie Hardware Foun- he vantad for Ih. Striai vus In plain - turdI n Publie Hiueaft dry Monday, tu gtttng aiong nicely.i clauses. Institustions. Mmes ftePrgel lb t- lIltaire ifteen dollars," suid the - ~~tertanment ut the ProgreaseroomB tiradoIVr!ngI il liseAmeican RedCross las bau Thursiuy avenlng. Don't failtoet- 1-t1t. *ei bV te d ite htiStates govern. tend. -'llftiit ndollars!", sali Stria. hitent ho u»elits-&Tisa Camp Pire Girls mort thissauft- "Wliy fIh ton laiehIn the seasan to puy cieut organisation ernoon witis Misa Anna Cook. 1fîtteen dollars for a bicycle." te seek out die. A numbar of NortisCiicago roc- Weil, visat vill you give me for itq. bled and 91 «_ pie attended tis e eakiy show ut the 1 vep't refuse a reasonable offer."un Naval Station lest evening. l"tnaly five'doliars vas afferdand service mmend -Tisa !adies of Holy Fumlly cisurcl tises&aloer agreei. ho trY te hiduce viii give a chop supper t tise Audit- "Folow me dovn tise roui." sai tham te accpt the orlum Saturduy evaning. Supper willi Striod.-endha drove off ansdtise sai- govrnment'i OW efh servei betwean 6.aui8ioclocir. or folovai obedently on tise vieel. le frea treatment In public Wisen tisey got ta tise police station service hoefptals, uni compensation TÀ 5jWft RESStriai asSa i hm te coue upsl aira. vu%*ithdi treatment la being adminli WA Then fellovei a severe cross3-qUis- STATE RUStloning. It vas learnec that aoe The govenmenPOINTmaIN TRIAL 0Fr stole'the bicycle in front of a banS t wh r nbe e oka o a The ZMon police got in toucis vitha pedty becansaetfvounds or diseuse GrKaV I'&i seut Lates and they orierci tise cntractai Iin the Une ofetny wvise U1« I R S; 5u>saller. turuai over te tIhe Kenocha sbould ho recelvig tdiiitraatment. go olPiIc. far only about 4,000 men bave appliei a4ntificution of tise signaiures fij for sues service.. Char'les FI.t ott-r. chisrnian ont-r GMet~ P A A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~tl sttmn ia rmts i- Producers' Association, sud W tiossl ieiqUartars of dia Rai Cross 1. Kitc 4 cret-ay -as estalisei la Wshiigton ac-shov at a grat mi- Tuasday iefore Judge Fitchs in the u.ppeseaon leiesa mongth dis i. trIio lfaght officiais of tise ameo TO ElU STRIKE ?5âmen regardlogtithe goveSu- clîtion for couspiracy. ~ts ~aIan, - j 'rise state lattemptei for a weu toe E T EIA ~ fis- Ilit-duce tdiii eviieuceaainlst tise - a mrprsîn ausie tva oprincipal lefendants. Tisa lat- -servc e r cteitlsbu rthisnilkstrike "ucleal ~o thdi counntry net ,sowag len 1916.,visan tisa orgueizatian gain- Washisigto . DC, Oct. 21.-Tisa benfis vslh ae til dair."eiMn. Grtce Noe. manage. of tise knocked ont tise-Gompers proposai oternant reed. Rchmond-Smith is li Company. vitis bat1h appoint sIx memisers to ur- 'Uack toe a ospitil' altter ise bu vins tise ii producers formerly. bitrata tise steel strîke. tise strikis.g fosued 'civyles' unie tlO oe ep go-has jn!nt o ces. ida'stMied tise alg- I orkess.meanvisile, to refîrn ho, lng at ivilian occupation la about dia natures. -Shais<e otild of a grcat ln-' work. herdest ender a soldiar vsnts te heur, creusa ln prices ine tise producerf Tisa latlor group votai for arbtt,-- Acepts.nce of thse governmeit effet have isai pricis control. tien. Public- andi capital votai am-not mean a rtura te service. Tise George Fuller. 7 terme band of agrainstit1. To pusIt requirei tise bospitlsarem civillian institutions. Tbey Hartîanni.Ill., toli of violence during votas ut ail thrae groupa. are epaateludutlo& ad ae Dtishe milk strike. Tiis evideuce vus As a curteas rainer tor its refusaI, aresepraa isttutOn, ui re etcorroboratet by W. S. Sinerbox. te Interfere ln tise strika tise confer- eossected hlany vay vidi die army or ,pe--intendent of tise Bowmun Plant. lance kilei off ana by oaa ail tise 2avi uý t Hartiand. who toli of tisreats te pending reaolutlona anti substitute 'Thse Red Cros lauentti, dis, close dowe tise Plant. Tise Plant vas raslutlons on collective iagainîng. ?o~rng men viso. dironghig inorance sisut down until tise ascoctatioi's ocemngrutcsA h ecs or papinlea. are losing tise ativintagas prire.' va -iccepted, h a idi. et Mai vooierful servic e.effctve Heultis Gommlsaltoner Rober taoi ba iis verS become tsthe iagevern- slai eha isturgai Mr. Kitta and Mrir An EgainîlaMukft. mnt basnasai diheBRidCrossho mia Ptter ho rbtrate. but tbey liadinle- Wstei, s Wfk-onstunesi tis a part of isi regular relief verS. sltei on kooping mIlk fnrom th isa c laemm i ihea a vite:; g net a hart &XIl diat la nécessary là for tit es: until tiseir price vas uccapted. fuit ha gqod cook snd ahI. ho taire cur servce mn t appy tetis neueetet home. Bave several bundrei dol- Re dFss ciapter. Arrangampts Mucil Ooid ln Wedding Rings. lira in thée bRnS, a comfortsible cabiai wiii Ille made diare for hlm ho eter More thian 7000 pounds o! pure gold sudn a PrOmIilng- cln. No* pisono- mne eordi... hospitals afisi examina, are reqlured acis ycnr ho supply thse griapi neeai appy-From tise Val" tion by a district publiceieaidi oeer. a-ading rings for Englisis brides. Miner. and fbitrouble la therasit fetv __ _______-______ tee wth the army or navy ho WI b e given transportation and adflttanc la a publie servie bospýfL5l fthe Rad Cross le nov engagei lai milntalning a pregram of reenutlco omcpational tieray, meeting the problemsa rislng ln tise homes of dl"- bled men, ioseholi and lagal dilaeikul tien and affording many miscellaneous services to keep thse men viso are Ln the iosptals contentai with thelr lot." This work ofthtie Red Cros isope of the Important branches outilasi for Iti pot wir vo* anssaiar t t thse fonde ralsi Ithth lri BeAd Croie lot Cal, Novamber 2 to Il. wiii hi devoted te tis purpose LOANB S 060.00 1SOLOIERS Ltotallng appreuhtatal 8 50M0 bave bera advmnei te about 4,000 dlssblei soldiers by t4 Amea liai edCross for persona jWWtlng tiraft uis vitisthe federai bout for vocutie"a ninng. lisese lun are a hino h-se»lo*eiupuas .ahueftbater lu the uNisseor thse 9eM Cross. the ltter cossierlng ibis bit et finincisi asistancea Pml ore Its war obligation,.t "0&eis tth ail tise district offiers of tise vocational boar unidihepublice heAuiti sMvice. Tise.Red Cross men ,&» able te blp the soldiers visan lb.é s«mmatcisecks micarries. iurlng tisa interval betveen- approval for MWOIs AMiplacement isciool. visen uhishicean tranportationi are uselsiby lboseedenid raiDnng, to MÉNr varlous odit conditions. NUR 0VRE#SHSIPMENTS MAOR Dy RED CROSS. 'jTv o million rates, bundils or barl Weiging 21U,80,000 pounde vare shîppai by the *umrtcnRed Cross *0 tvenhy-one couatles from tan ports tu tise Uted States b"teen April 1 1M7 M4 oiy 1. 91. accordlng tw re- pub ea am tlo nal heaiquartersi WO*t*& ..This tremendousvlume .fhuimneu v@Issippai acros theAt- le« lafeuniPaciefteoeans durlng tise watr.i4 ifter dia signing of ditare e OUfrom New York, Balimore. flOu 10% 1otresi. Nevport Nevw@ New 0.4ý Phnddpbâflanu Francico te =iie l ddition tho dii.great sapa e hup he edia dCross pur: 00"d àpplte la dia countries vhen tt» *t e&su ti.btfor te diasll sand MOurtelothU sbuld«tuthe¶ et pem e ais ar. Thésre' m-Sf ser y viSte hi peformei £uîS Ammienoam cam ANE And beginniing October 25th there wiIi be dancing ini the Slovenic National Home Cor. Mc&Itlster and tOtti Strets Waukegan, Illinois Every Saturday and Sunday ig Los A 'lc amival and Damie Osebu 26' Loeof fun. Don't fail to be there! Tako Electric to 1Oth stroot, w'alk 2 blocks wost. STOPLAGEBATTLMN8 P.RLCHA1&Gr.D fnd, BL>»UILT And when you do need a new battery let "us tell you about the STILL SETTER WILLÂRD with THItFADED RUB BER INSULATION. ColweII Storage Battery Co. Ù18 and 118 Nadimo Phqu 02 ==- il 'I. il I EWES GAIW'E, ', t'"puisdg , b itewPhrtvdnti0 MOT E' T » 19- e vzar oe are stl Ai7tng to live vhlch camupun h.vbeau eo'duoct. ithe only homes they know, try- ed, oi It wiil itu if Illintos cagmbaiu. ~I~L J111113lng io hold or to brlng remalntng The Jeva und the non.JSwo have dose fra.gnenti 0f for.jllieâ together and beh- excllnt tonm work ln alil camp&lVi for 1. LOO N I DRVE corne self aupportlng ai they were succesof the var. uni tbey wiiiper-% 0, before the îver Inlured them 50o ter-. orms uit as chearfullY ani luit au In connection wtbtiste A:nerlcan- rby fetvl nti campaigil for thse t evluih Relief Drive hcb runs. fro m i The vit ares. of devastted cou D- succes f p oe tie saving of lives, October ;0 to November 1. a factt try andth ie great number of people uni lb reconstruction of homes ultiehth ubieadshould remember la visn lmmdiat ad& munt b supplid,e prmvtdng:a means of liveliisood. a athotgnlicedunder the auspices 0f visose immediate neeii muet ho snp. Tisere laDo need for the question., t the Anseticuis .Jevlsh Relief Commît- Plii. ,Provides a task visicis makes "Wlll AKerlcafl People respond?" but a tg th disribtio of he up tiste offer of'assistance of non-Jewg thr. ls great con»iiiln and encour- vil be made te the sufferers regard- very acceptable. agin l h tatnt. "The Ameni- Tt ut 99 Oves the Gas Compemy's Business stands an umpn-e whoee right and duty it is te îee that both consumer and company get a "square deai. This the Public Utilitiee Commission. The Consumer Demande Reguation and the Company demande protection for its service and investinent. How are the "decisions" made? The Utilities Counn4sson Fixes Rules in con- formity with which the utility company muet cosiduct its business. These rules specify the manner in which the bookes*hall be kept, com- ýplainte adjusted. charges which may be made te the consumer, the price of gai, the quality of gai, etc. How us the Price of Guo Fixeil? Contrary to popular opinion in some quarters, the Cas Com- pany does not try to charge ail it- possibly, can for gai. There are certain f ixed coite of providing gai service which muet be met and in addition to these only a fair profit je obtainable. What Items Make Up th ii.Pre of Cas? The coite of providing gai service can be iimmarized under five heads: Production, Other Oper- ating Expensea, Taxes, Deprcciation, Return on Investment. The Utilities Commission, and thru the Commission the people's repre;entatives, have accesa to our records. From the actual -. facto these coes are reduced te definite figures anmd thie price of gai is f ixed to cove>- tt'em. For instance, [)epreciation anmd Return on Invest- -- ment are based on the value of the property oui. ploye& To determine this value the North Shore Gai Company has made an appraisal of its prop- erey in minute detail, the regults of which are now Wéfore the Commission in the present bearing te determine the price of gai. Thru Lack-of Informationu many people ieem te feel that *'investment" je apt to include -iwatered items" or -inflated values." We wieh to point eut that in computing a "fair return- tihe rate of esrninge is net figured on a basis of "capitalization"; but on the ACTUAL FAIR VALUE of the PROPERTY devoted te gai ser- vice. In Tbis Statenient We Wish to Make Cer open, that Cai Company affaire are thoroly that gai rates are based on coite of doing .On"lii. osi the Eaanings of the North Shore Gas - Company have not been enough to cover Depreciation and Return on lnvestment since carly 1917. There have been no dividende paid, of course. It bai been necessary to borrow money ta pay the bond intereet. This is due to the great inca-tase in coat of providing-serviee. # IV« Uad Auy Choice in Met"od of meet- ing tihe situation we should choose relief thru lowered production expenses. That would leave the rate te the consumer lower. Lower rates to the consumer mean more general use of'the; ser- vice, hence incteaued production. It i8 by in- creased production and flot by increased rates that we bope to build up the service. But growth must be baoed on f air eai-nings for the actual money invested and cannot continue with in- creasing losses. W. Cannot Cut Cot of Mateia, labor and money lower than they are. The Utilities Comn- mission cannot contraI these coite. Notwith- etanding the fact tIîat coîts of supplying gas are increased-about I100 pet cent over pre-war coite, the selliig price of gas on the North Shore has been increased only 16 per cent -average. Wnt Hve oe Rosson t Rgfl he necee- sit fa inreaed ngai e hecnue ba.To us it means life or death to our business. To the average customeK it means only a few cents each month. A prominent national society hai found after,.thoro investigation that of-the average household expenditures food takes 45 per cent, rent and taxes 16 pet cent, clothing 12 per cent, movies, books, charitiee 14 pet cent, mriecellaneo>us expenditures 7 pGrcent. The re- maining 6 per cent goes to railroad transporta- tion, telephone' water, etreet car service, electric service and gas service. 0f thiuCai.gets ONLY a smali part. This clearly showvs that any in- creaee in gai rates over prezwar rates affecte one of the SMALLEST items of household expense. That our business ie conducted entirely in the checked by the Public Utilities Commission and business.,1 Our next statemnent will appear in this newspaper neit- week. i. picti cn s1tret Co prois Woul tivIti ditio la 1 terra, tisai naili videi by b thse and 1 of g easy gnoui and lsah a A roora pimei Tah, poi0a porise marn bit-s tbdés sers t- Thc tirif rooni sultK-I mina s tise fi est ic Cial <i proî lId ta lahr p Iaraiu boys a ucaiiar a vap A5tati a tisai a-j per-a JUN Thse C. A%. ernloa.. tht Fit 111Y von, TIsc %Wl tise go( Tanikin cd the cnd tt- tisai dli SCavin oley Ir ,h top gainsi ilg in iold 1f lotis gar daying 'eryj tes ,Thse g; rck wi !erves. lieni, ai ed sons Me scor, 1I 1 North Shore Gas Company Offies:Waukegan, Lake Foreat, Highland Park, - 1" - (- -'N ý

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