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Libertyville Independent, 20 Nov 1919, p. 9

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VOL. XXVII.-NO. 47. ÈRTYVI'ý-LL~E -I.NDEPENDENT LAK-EOUNTY iNDEPENDENT PART TWO -LIBERTYVILLF Did Y(ou.Know That BLUMBERO'S GRAFONOLA SHOP Is the only exclusive Talklng Machine Shop ln Lake CôUnty? Diii you know that he carries, the COLUMBIA and the FULTONI-WA U- KEGAN Phonograph, re- cognized l)y ail to be two of the hest nakes. Special Thanksglvlng Offor This beautIfut-genuine Columbia, case cd hghIy polished mahuganv &nd golden oak., perfect motor wth itix selections of your own eboice for ebIy HAViE YOU HEARD THE NEW DECEMBSER RECORDS? O'VE GOT MY CAPTAfN WORKING FOR ME NOW (Berlin) Al Jolmofl, comedian. Orchestra accompeniment WAIT TiLL VOU GET TMEM Up IN 'THE AIR BOYS (A. Von Tilzer) BiIiy Mu rray. Tenor 8olo. Orchestra accompanlment. A2794 1O-nch 8c CLEO Fox test. (WIII. Callahan and Robertà) Yentes JazarImbo Orchestra. TAXI One tep. <Kçufman> Waldorf-Astoria Danc'! Orchestra Joseph Knecht, director. A2799 lainch 8C VOU DOIT WANT ME WHEN VOU HAO ME 80 WHY DO VOU WANT ME- NOW. (ennett.. Irving Kaufmanij. Tenor solo. Orchestra accompaniment. THAT'S WORTH WMILE WAITING FOR (Rui Irving Kaulnan. Tenor solo. ,OrchetIra acrompanivient A279 1O-nch 85c Did you know we cary over 10M00 Records in soc. -.Recoyrdsin aul Forei auguageu. Lake Conà:.y'j Big Weekly ,W TEA 'EL U CbeaMGrss uloeUKeE Vuiis hCoustSM E LNDEPENI)E'N'i'NOVEIMER ýi21), I~)E-IGIIT PAGES- P~-u -ER YEAI< LN ALJVÂ.NO 1 -t...Lake Co's. Greatesf Store For Women 4P' Children - Announcing a Sensational, Special Purchase- Sale of Velvet, 811lkand Wool Dresses, THE A LC AZARt is the< sinpflest tg) o)îerate oif ail Combiîîationî Ranges.- ' v.l11110 pull tsh a lever to btilu 1gas, . se saiie ovcîî for coal anud tnî1. Witlîotî thanging amy parts. Separate Boiler Ili;i tiisîot reqîlire ailî ' \ toopiilg or bll(- îliîg. Larg.e '21 - ilit'li Full White poivehîiî sîlash hbait-k ttîat w~ill îiot elip iantd îvill last a liteý-tiiiie. = COMPARE TRIS STOVE WITH AXY. OTHER MAXEà CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF. A Cole's Hot Blaat Cole's Radiant wvi1l give you ulore Hard' Coal Burner heat for- Iess futel tha ii wîtilî magazihne feeder. Guaranteed to le iti fire froîîi Saturdal* v night until 1îiI- niorning. Double fire p)ot andit labsoltitely :ir-tiglit. AND THEN body. Eaisy to elvali Nvît1î sîulootlî parts. plain nicitkel Now showiîîg al sizes. LET 'US 8OLVE YOUR RICATING PROBLEMS Corne in and Learu of Our Itecial Proposition on Codnplete Outfit. HAVE YOU HEARD THE FULTON WAUKEGAN PHONOGRAPH?? Free Auto Truck Delivery Anywhere. JTwenty Years ln the Furnituire Business in Waukegan, and Here to Stay. tU ý 1 I IfN Leglon's standon the 'redagtio'T U twenty-one defendants ha leaded iMRI N LMlV question and clear up any mis TO POUR u17 guiity te ena epune..Thèse',W 1A E E D N staningthatexl§to, delare on. ofmenailwvre fined $100 and costs by APPROVES M4AYOR'S GiALLONS 0F BEER cos ut enteeia any rights te the bei-r IN RIOT CASE IS and had c.,tdt f belngde 616R SEW troyd. O Tuedayafteraoon thbe node povdigforý IS FOUND 6UILTY ________the destruction of ail the beer confIs catud vhen the trucks belongîng to Adopt a Resolution Approving 80,000 Botties, Kegs and tity lte police.TksJrbu 15Mntso 'the Proclamation and Elect Barrels of Real Beer. are Citief Beckcer estlmatesthat thvre Reach Verdict i Mrs. Coare 8',.u iiil botules condemned for lm- Col. Smith Commander. XV.S. ook assistant main.îen znfd Condemned by Court. meit etruiction. ln addition, there Brodnik Case. -suîierinteîxdent of!Itu.e Chicragî'.! _______de_ North Shore Flectrfý, had Iii:, 1">; are a large anubér of barreis, kegs. ARE READY TO LEND AID eut off this morning ln an accident FRIDAY AT 9 A. M. IS DATE1 etc., making up the estimaled total of ANOTHER CASE l'S STARTED -.at Hlghwood wvIile t vork. -11 3,0011 gallons. .1 B"Iese elechigoffcers fir teé In Efforts ta crroborai. a report that Seventeen thousand gallons of realv The beer vili be carted ta the large Il took a jury in circuit court Tues- calbradi ! lte mencanLegon carlstts nthe part of Ile mntbeer la ta bc dumped Into. the sewer vacanit lot On the soult ideefo! ho Iday afternoon but fifteen minutes ta uesdy eeain Co. A.V. rnit beworking wlth Cok proired unavali-laI Zion City. starllng Frlday mornlng Administration building. hr h1rtr edc !git a(i aeo lIn honored by ltelag citesen corn In& as tixe naintance departn'ent a' at cine oclock, as a resuit o! the ordeiti(rougepitabelgig made. Chie! lBecker Mrs. l"rances Brodnik, charged výith mander of the post, 200 tuembers of the. iitthwood office twice hung Il entered la circuit Court laie Tuesd* aapitn o-ne o! bis trty as- dson rde conduct la connection wlth thbc Ameian arruy, navy, and mai-. te recelver on the Sun and refused aftrnoon by Circuit, Judge Edwat'l siatants la oficiate s the "openiri" the vire miii riol cases. The verdict ,Des. reProsenting te liotmenfDai, at raltae ven gtr, Cooka fIrt iaasmuch as the Zion City sever i, siiuad. At a gieut word. titese men vas returned about four. o'ciock. inEr Post Of the American Legion. mame. They would gîve absolut cl but tweive incites lu diameter. resi- vili begin lte work of removing the Wllaesses had lestlfled .that Mra. unaaimous.ly adopted this resolut ion no facta about the occident and - h e a dents o! that city wtii be requeated te melal caps f rom te baIllesad the flrodnlk hadl aougbl.te pronote a riul pnoferrnag their aid la en[orcing 1lam if vas expainet-c t the Sun lpiîrefrain fro toverburdeniag Il unnec aibr fluid vili Motntrtickling imOby hyer about% of "kih (hhe poile!"'and and order and te niavon proclama. ed te print (hem as tbey were ratite , saril y viile tbe pouring o! beer la the sewèr. ihe use o! epîthets wbich cannot ho tions in (bis commuaity. thon pria 1dle rumors,. thé e lne r greas. The bot les, cases and Ieg willi be be printed. Wh.eas ti. ayn c l. ctyf vs:"Weil, that'. the plan of tlitc Witcn Ciief o! Police Becker final saved and are lobe soid to a Wauke- The défense sought ta pravOIli"t Wauk.gan, Hom. J. F. Bîdingen, ha newspapera anyway. te print un- learned of the court order, he announe inmnvt ascnrce a u r.joni a o b e(oîdt Irud rolmainthat opretuh anyway,' ad aMain tlt- n e djhiat (the destruction o! the beer thera stand the Engiisb ianguage,UJ41~ @halusaprca maInthCito t chhae esn celver was bangeA u" vý ouid stant titis morning, but viten ________ _site teatified (bat site bad liy.d la shaioffipiakin he ct, whl uch Sehe i5 ude onaj,ý called on the long distiance phone titis Waukegaa and Nortb Chicago tvelve 1h.offiia &&,ad W.o is plclSRe novelate wt ftîxusadenrg f. wiPs-t mornlng itesaald it bad been found nec,ljs 5~S s~~ll years. kona n..Wosocaîîd Rdgle lte fâtRif er(b s ctargi v.de-essar% toe ostponp lte celebratlon un WI8IIHull Ni GJUÀf I) >Attorney John Melzen pleaded villa or Radial. Fie he nRmoIla t l FYday mornlng In, order tt a ,gI5Iî1dlte jury to disregard thete letimotiy Arnd w tnon l. eran p ed p n ed upna nd he acn 'or ios arge trougix can-he made. Thisisyl f To!ail vitnesses for the atate, charglig Amt ianInstitutin eed pnaeass' houtIng t)tat rurijner imale il possible le pour ln six cases Ifj~ltaItbey verseJuWie a a ms (ha courage of publie officiais. go it unrellabie. atsalimeand ul INodNORmTHer0 Reaoied, tat ths Poa 0< (ie Amr. - nNvl"v of (the facl (bat 80,000 hotties t r~ Èr eriy closing address ta tbe jury, poinlt- jean Leglon aPProvea tthe action of the 1 , D£M ii ave t be opec¶d. -Jl~ t~pj~.U. ed out tbat if Mra. Bradnik were te be Mayor and endors.. hie proclamation. fRETiIRES J I4 SHO E RE- EN acquitted after baving uttered sucb The endorsenuent o!ftite proclama- FTIi. work of makiag liIs trotîgi vas vil! etmns a et!e ~b tion means tbe tendorsement of thte tanted titis morntdtg and vas expected - - - voetsnieta ette gb mao'ssan2f0 tura hs ha eoli tke te greater part of te day.11 lte it.neses. (bat It mîghtt have tbe iaorastndaOStrdy st bt ie IVJU xecR Cie2ece The Nortit Shore burgiars conlinne effect o! causing more trouble; ho forbid future meetings beid lante citîy i xc t that Cif-Bce and ta speciaitze ia the lanceny of liquor. said (bat the nexItîme the jurera vOIW t ereat radical taîks wouid take place VV ED,,rCntabie Earl Casperson, together Tite Sahtara Ibievea eatered (ho bone' caiied it might be te try a monder casO ont] that meetings o lta ctanctr SE1JRV ICE ivttJaieBsto !Lo iibv f R. H. McElve. a retired capitaliat' iticit tnight hbclite outgrowtb o! au muai firt hae the prmi alonof pf ite laI circuit court tomorrow l" tes- of LaIke Forest Tueaday and nansacked, acquittai. Ho urged (bat tlhe vomaà maI final bve theopd ermsino! pfi. ___tifs in more beer prosecutions. se lte itouse.Titeir searcit vas la vain.' be convicted.. in.order (bat lav anld TaIs, or else as tey wo id w stoe Neai Shu*.tis, for 20 ypans ak.le count. _as found necessary taejiefer lthe er- Th.efaclthat lhey declined te steal order might prevatIl and justice miglat Tiorte eila s nov smaid vi t t litendly salesman for Steele Weddle-. of pournag eveat uçtîl Friday norning. an' oter ciallels. te police believe. be served. mhaotilthya uaI blte farr ndt isChieco. itas purchaaed aliat! int e rpst "Yeu may istate that speclators fnon ni-e i>vr n oeto iur meitl fe h as td goDes titat~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i tbhaeeed u ar uibsl fi -illdbrnd pMore at Antiocit Waukekgan Seul ho veicofae," Chief , tits a jual oero eInes fl o! sui t te jryiate case o! Mthe cerelh a ordera. Anstcsyclba nd titis veek moyes bis !amlly frnt Beekèr rsid today. 'We proýabI ly ý bunsrisla aIte o asr ibe shteth r y theis agsedofla conBetha -. Reports e ro sieDaclér-Wkeg (oteAntiocitl at iei rc oebrrcds( ep a. ar ees InOakeoFosid t hebuldgat it lite vlin esilI in s, vas trted lion were made and an enlertaintrienl t t eganirý(c oe arcdsteke pc, ssatd com-nitîpee nîiorted on future set]i brn tors back out Of tc 'danger.mone.' for s suit for bhis private stock, vitile an- Thte vont of getting a jury vas helcuni liés. It'. Messick te forntugie lubvofJ Mn. Siullim la succeedetl ty a Mr. , tould not lie fair te place tem lanother ha&- retained (vo valchtten- and continued up bte h bhur of clos- te mpmeres, snd Mr. Needîca t(offrr Cordz on tbe local route. - jeopardy." one fon dýanî ad the othen for (hoeli court. The case vas resumcd (bis a band. Membernse5 inciined are (o The fin o! Hillehraad and Situltîs I1p te Tuesday aflernSon a total or niglit sift. morillag. rciptnt te te aboie. 1iilhe a general mercbiizdisinz finm. Titi folowing officens wvee cecteil: and blx-ause o!f3fr. Situltis vwide ac________ Post ommandr' A. V. Smuit. qusiatance. It Os fiait be viindo el_____'CFF_______ Post Adutanl-M. Talcott. inl bis ventlureC. X vas bora and er- < Poî.l Treasurer-H. ifurst. il inl Lakte coua IT. Post Sgt. ai Ans-Il. Wail. L.adies vito are Interested In sca Popl CitaplaIn itatiter Lauënmaf. Inla for te poor faille% of Wattkegan ZL The next ju0ettlug vif Ibe heîd 'De- 1are orgod Inlbe prfflal at îh-aihome-g~u .mà~mm ceaubor 111h aI (lie A. S. & W. club, lo! Misa Ida Him.r £Anvdv IiD III 5 wbero ý?st evexng's session 100k frntomnese (o vA. Bo fan as Ipossibli ,.T IIý! II able ecause il vas the fist officieais illi hem. IIUUII lUonIlRhIý setion (akea alongItits Une by te _________ local poal.tu i .. i DI w- A Titi-ne vene about 293 mnmes eCa-1,OST- Tite prng portion of!sa Fonýd & 'ilyjjisSt e tt r if Coolie uînan .tm :azar tered as charter membens and many M ok borber. Finder plesen nov members cameInatesat nîgbtî.. lurno l Sun office; itsls a spolIa en- *'The resotiea oughtî ta alate te tire set o! sitockers, d&w t!"" - O 'ver 300 Satisfied U.sers

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