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Libertyville Independent, 4 Dec 1919, p. 5

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LIBETYVLLEINDE.'PENDENT, THU ISDÂY, DECEMBElI 4, 1919. Libertyville Nei Mis E lyn Hulli en Saturday vi' Ernest Davis spen Th, I ting with friendsin Ares n Waukcgan with r( ati & ~~ Mr. and MsT. A.Simpson visted Mrs. Leslie Warrcl *relatives here Tuesday. spent Thursds tth M rs.a. ba. Ward and daugirter, Eve, hoîme. spent Thanksgiving day in Chicago. i Dr. and Mrs. F. H. _______ Noel E. Durand started Monday for j trnr i, o a(u).c FotWoth, Texas nabuinest fl). 1 B Coons r Sunday wthMr. and Mca. Wil] Ray, of Irneurnonia and has a tra Area. 1attendance. Mr. and MNrs. W. ICüllins and daigh -1 Mrs. Flora E. Duranij DUd You Ever Sharpen a5Ç, ?e1? Syapentthe Ilek-ndt oel E. Durn Noteryftehveuu- Ter- ar b franvotertlla, j-entat Will Protine and daughter ofrf s Mca. Leslie E. Warren you baver geît t ouhaver> t tîrii oco ,1 takke tao long. Grove, apent Thanksgîving wîth bara, of Waukegan, Butwbe y u hven Lthrr lurnnc 'icoiShapcie1 mother, Mca. M. A. Protine. with M rs. Warren's ;pare Bu we Yu ae .gsc AIunnE takasuch -bttie tirne an('or thaî rl.,t..îUftiengesl M r. and Mrs. George Small enterprttoafftnnfcî shap atth trie.N'e tiet C~ j;i 'i ~i-rt recollections of ed Mr. and Mrs. George Smith a sat sijydTrn ltoolsharpenlng -.d, r~W. I. -iu1rcý,nii --"'stooI in the new Nellje Sih of Area, (in Sunday. ad home of Mr. and Mr.. ( wy-the way M t li t iLà iaciaine alr3p., fas:tureâ, srrlyyards, etc.Mc.mth Mr. and Mrs. F. Bl,,P t'a elmachine wfth bal beorng,;, worm gear drive and al-aIeeacn akirtdwihhrganprns een visiting their cwi gh struction. Youit on itandpca.NoLnedttrtoro.lt 1MCuf, f Sda felwcn edigsomething else. 1- is equipped witir DAma-Grit wireels Mr. and Mra. E. W. Parkhurst on crletSidi Iand t will saatpen allyaur tm tùals, ni,"wer ackles, too. A special attacir- *Wudnesday. Po.rtland, Oregon. 5ment boldo the ickle san tht thre bever of escir section fit$ against tie flat* M Misses ooh lii s ide of tire wheel. You simply movir .î alan g from section to section and *.0 la i.. abelle tacîson ru-.tund tu ber s Dlyworohyve lîridi keep pedaiing. I'. alot esiýr thantire old.fahijoned way. And the ceai O buiiol duie, ai Batavia, Sunday aftec'Bllywobvel-r *secret ol t ais is in thre f.rmous Dimo-C.it wbeels. :1 lg t-ildlbi 0! apenoling a few daya artb ber Iparens,leea.Hldae Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Carlson bore. Tbanksgiving hulidpv arîr I1I1O('ardu v'ere-ived last, week an- ' hanksgiving gue if Wea:y' mr,)4it 'E ld U' 1 ile ta try a Humilier nîîuncintolMr. ,and M..Wilim , 1 ad .au iuL Grti al n(rti-volcario lik, ah ru ic.irqualities of tire faunnu e ,r of Waukegan. irirnirAiesig'd!r1 ngu ý r.ý.Llo"J D. Bait, nohn i iý tbas euvr reur, *n ue ot ut r di amn 'sn ,fghf,,nSa d-in"o " ,rwy I ire b. culi.rire h.;[lit-,anrd te bow a*1wboro ho bru sb,-en rin he lii [ital. le i evrCC ti'cenitdicv re ]r the u1;satnd f 'iCy tire 1-immerw ý,,beon i,, tr,,g in t].. arr.i ,b r]ea.days at tbe John Baliar., whl rigt aeartifir i i v- nult', u, ehttirg edge o tD and George B. Fuîîit mod.Adaio( r.r . sj À- 'i .i 71rnVOU sec a Hmmr On 1i -a . dir eserg Mc.. X. K lBailey îa agrandson uf tin< e to sbarpeniîng Lt.Ad-.. i ,ou r, ,.c.r.vînced. *Deckî,r r-rtertained sevien lad,,innd[r îlr A De onsrato e.Çrom ark.ga.rnenbesof noJnr, Frank Rose, wbî, ha.. From the Manufacturing Company wil be ait our ou ïh l'i..lrii xrc(',rmpany ,f N r ib ayer, itbis siaer, io Store the Week of I>ecemnbev lst. 6 eri 1llinoi, bas r'saued lra:ýtic ,,rders n board for tire wintec ih, I *cowrîi- 'ilgbts. No show wr%-nçlrw or Jamres Madden. ore n. Brn srte oo ua ncd hoý.-,.er i Ights \w r]] bi.1) -rrnrtted. Vio 13i. m n nSaturday, Ni Come n. Bing ortietoolthatneee Iati. n f this 'ri, r a;i n-an dîrîconue- Mrr. and Mrs. Lionel Buý sharpening aind see jr in operation C* g uf t-ru ie.LinladAbe. r Schanc H ardw reiCO t s r.ico Smith, %%ho hasloen form..rly Miss Mary Amai 0 tiipeing h r 'vacation at the hume cIf of Mr. ard W& Lawrence ýDfe ndl.,1'r. E. Il. Smithr, loft Satur- nuaiteAsnbo day e'.enurg for Wasbington, D. C., weeks. a~~~% ere sire rs in tire employ cf tire_____ ____________g". ernmenit. __________ -. - ______ -~ - - -The Ladies Eucbre Club met at thre HGHS OO I ~ Ihbome (of Mrs. Leonard Disney on ~ IWednesday. Winners ot the prîzea were: Mrs. Clair Smart, first; Mr$. Spanisir Clut M .0 R mSwE Grace Whitney, second, and Mrs. Dia- "El Circula Espanol," ney. consolation, club camposed af menfi ST O R ESpani'sb Il tiasentertaini T H E E M S T O R EMrs. G. Oscar Jobnson entertained during general assembly Miss Carlson froni Boston, Mass., Mr. morning. Tbey gave a Swanaon, cf Illirnois, Mrs. George Wag- taken frorm a ator>' whAch DO YOUR X-MAS SHOPPING JEA.RLY ner, frorn Fremnont, and Miss Alvine read in tbe cas h Boysen, o Libertyvîlle, on Sunday at written andispoken in Spi WEA ER A Y R O ?teRodney Farm. persons not taking Spani WE A E RE DY. ARE OUThe Libertyville cirapter o! O. E. S. dîfficulty understanding th is invited by tire Campbell Chapter ta Tire title of the . sketr We age pleased to state that we have the Largeat lune Highland Park Satýrday, December 6 ' Espantajo" wbjcb means of neckwear that we have ever carried and that il sy g The meeting will continue tirrougir the crw" Pi SOMETHING. Also Mufflers, Dres Gloves and Mittens, Hats, Caps, Dresa Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Sus- penders, Socks, Pipes and Smokers' Supplies. la tact, "Everything for Men." Corne and SEE. -J. B.- MORSE &Cc) PHONE 14 - - - LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. MEN WANTED! Steady work afilwinter and year 'round , for good men. Good wages to start and chances for advancement and to share in bo- nuses paid twice a month. Good working conditions.@ AMERICAN WIRE-FENCE CO.. -~ LIBERTYVILLE ALEX FELDMAN TELEPHONE 307.j LIBERTYVILLE, ILL 1 Psy the'Higheat Prives for Junk and Old Autos J Automobili Pautsfoi Sale Building. 'Our lîves are lîke buldIngs goîng up. end every oneWho coffiYto us. whatb. er for a Pr-longed stsy or only for a few moment., puis sometlîlng luto the walls or Into the adorument.* Our frîends, If tira> are Worthy, exert'.a nreasurelasa Influence avar na., Paws Mort for RefecIen. ftid tire facetious fetter, "Tire main ifereuce between valuable City prop- Ort>' and valuable doge Ili tirt the y. C. p. la sold b> tire front foot. wbilI the dot la jeit, charntd tàt ailover.* afternoon and evening. Refreshments will be served at 6 o'clock. The Libertyville and Area union of the W. C. T. U. will hold an institute at the Presbyterian churcb on Tuesday, December 9th, beginning at 10, o'clock. Mrs. Tibbetta, the ourmty president wlifÎ take charge and there will be other good speakers. A box lunch at noon and the Libertyville union wili furnish coffee. Alil nembers are urged ta at- tend this institute. William Ede, who a cew montbs ago closed bis dairy business n this cty, will depart Saturdsy. first for a brief visit in Chicago, then ta Amarillo, n the panhandie of Texas, where he has accepted a position installing a man of that place in thei dairy business. Ha axpects to return ta Libertyville in the springr, probably making a visit witb friends in' Alabama and other places in the South on bis way. Liberty Theatre SATURDAY, DEC., 6 ETHEL CLAYTON in "Maggie Pepper" SUNAY, DEC. 7 LINA CAVAUERI in "Two Brides" WEDNESDAY, DEC. 10 EfAîD BENNETT i. "Partners Three" esc. I i--rrr,-ncuar: ,î iiit. it 'Iti. Itîtiti.rî ieeii.g art iirît .1 uriior-1liurtliy -r[ r ý'.1.r t0-.ureeM, i idie tire Is pia g nti...- uf tatil bail, SiII. i're Ir Wr a il havee letter tceaus tirir.Y.-ar t ra W.. un ad &teac. Ch durch Jer-viceç Report Carda11 Tire second six weeks have passed and report carda were issued Tuesday. As trals, there were failures but not as many sanlent time. This report is the first report miade b>' tire student council concerning Our deportmnent. Tire were fewer bigir grades and many more lower anas. Tire system iAswarking weil ard. we ail feeý t will be a auccess. Tardinegs On accaunt of tomay tardinessesa new' plan went itota ffect after tire Thanksgiving vacation. Any atudent being tard>' must bring a written excusa from iAs-parente aither on tire day a! tire tardinesa or tire faUlowing day. If ire does bot bring an excuse an tire following day ira will bave ta stay one irai!f our after scirool aithar that nigirt or anie nigirt during aire week. A teacirer wiU ire n charge o! tire assembl>' and sire will see tiraItirat irai! haur s spent n atudying sanie lesson for tire naxt day. In Ibis way we hope ta decrease tire number of tardinesses. Viola Wells Boysl-Noticel-Boyoin Tire Senior basket bail aquad hereby challenges an>' team fromn this scirool at any tume after tire seasa is As flcal> opened. Tire lina up ln as foilows: Center-Edward Casa>'. Forward-Henry Casa>'. r Forward Elwyn Wigitmani. Guard-James McMillan-Cýa5n. Guard- Erford Barnes. ... The "Clumsy Fiva" will accept tire Senior basket ball suuad's chaftenge. Sagamon Saga Socli ety Lursit % dueîday acwuiag tiré fagam,)n Sage focietY conducted an "Oid Fa,,irîrn- ed raukagmving Eutecieinment.,, Tira prograrn WB@ npetied wltir s selet- [Iou b> tire orchetra, whici WamWeill rendered. Ahima Churcill tiren dallîgited tire audience wirh two re"asdns." Cotuthn John,' eud '"Katydid." tire latter wirb piano and violin accompanîmeat. . W . C A R ] A pianlo selection iry Beatice Wagner called forth lond applause snd Insistent WedeThrayngsat6 demande for an encare.Ned h" nitstM -The IbIgh os:u: essr:s 1 1 .. MPthodiut-Epe,a 1, Suuday ii-irooiatIo ni. n, Moruîug wormsirltIaîl. sermoa 1heure ".Tire [ynami ut Vision. Epwortii i.eague devotlonai meeting1 at 6:301 P.. orStI)jt,(.tè," &ar Leaguesa Waiünreu aid &eséenger.'" Leader. D. A YOaUg. Eveniie wirslriçu7:30, Sermumitireur.: "How a-muid Jass mSottie tira ra '3trike?' Excellent amuplc. A cordIal Cîriotian F. Klelirsutr, Paotar, Prasbyterian. Sanda>' sciruol 10 a.m. Preaciiag Il a. mn,, topie of sermon, 'Cirristiaarty snd tira Preent Social Crîsî." Christian Endeavor6:45 p. m. Leaders, DorIs Kaiser and diella Sie. Praaching 7:30 p. mn. 1). M. Brown of the Presiryteriau Borna will dalivar lire sermon. Prayar meting, Wadneoday evaning at tir a Mn@@. Tepic, "Evangellem.'l Tire Boys Scouts and Camp Fîre Girls wil irapostponad on accouns ar tire co&i situationi. Choir practîce et tire borname. Worthlee, Wittout moral 8'ese. Men muât learn o ta rlscrlminate, and that Imiles a moral r.ense and an an- lightened and discilllntd will. Wlthout them failure i the business of lîfe l9 moral sense, or. If they hava If, dl.- clredient ta It, are alwnys weak na- tures. HistOrY glves the record of many sucb. Tbey are profitable for "Instrue- tion in rigbtecusness,' There is no more important part ýW 'your building than the dimension stuff u$e in construction. At present we have sorne particu.larly good dimuçp- sion timbers, thoroughly, seasoned and properly selecteà If you are figuning on building of any sort, we wo>um like to show you and discuss this stock. ITELEPHONE- AUTOMOULK LONG DISTANCE 5e-J iIEADQUARTU *HARTMANN'HO USE HENRY HARTMANN, Prop- WHEELING, ILLINOIS On Milwaujgee Aven.. 22 Mles (rom Chic *SOas:z:p-aa- SÎ000"0008- .O.... Independent Classilied Adi Pau. Ask an!. useroi l - r e. .'.e Sweaters $ 6.75" 7,985 10.00 11.00 ROLL & SONS COMjPAI ». Saturdy al»ts at M9: 00; &* stir Migt Im moug. tir.. suî'-.' of weihreb uay li.ýijMWl auýcredited lit~Ir. lalr"s efrrts. A ilhort n titleu '*Thre Meanerjour Tiy viirgvu< lei lorwild Tih! W ERA E YOUR w s ~ plaY Wae a sîîl.urdi -xample of wirat tihe W E E A j stiffl'entimftir,' i.T W Sr. are rapablie ad.'lreI ar1IK.ni. îtair.]Jean Sch atirck' VA LUABLE PAPER s? as tihe' parents 01ohtie srrldirii-er, rro- .rn k grsmgray vr i ed tou. ii. .j [ rri uio g i re 'ri"rre t Waukegan, P kicI liwe a uF. ,i rer rel inttertli ldli W. W. ('arcî,li rîrt taeîthre ir.iircifiul lréacîr We have just installed in our 'te. Depoi 1Srrjth bave a Jls:ýIiraCrit,r,rorf .ursi' "ilrrrr36 NEWV "avy-Type consitructi trip, tirt 'in- kilîra a ir ,rr iIi. i lluitrwilfor irmA E D P S T B X S a île, but ecir i' ril in de,,, ii> u [OW."AEDEOI BXS Inatnt-dwithHtýjiîpt% Klehir sranrdiIî,riA Kaier am rcoatnoii itb ri ,t crs 110Y arrd'Ik]tit,he urnaid, alh inugir inbu nurs, i n ' % riîrr.iii-r çart' r.i.d nir-h tr tira Would you , flot be wIse to secir- the use spmit r'k- htrr an atorabl' ,1itor5arldone of these Boxes in which 10 keep ya Nlr. and Mrs. Milin cas. In tir.' Iacîrelor , . îtverîe,!" notes, deeds, insurance policies, ,!,stracts And ail tire Prettr,-tîgirls forr iis nId an] daugbt.er sweetlreartit. Helett Larmîrîraüted tire other valuables? Cai and see tir tru. spent. Sunday part ot thir, rarrtrfiii bIrrîl n t. 'lire la,. t nuinuber a a ii , i r 1 inrg- tn hicrago andmi trrc.ed liv !rîr. Waîiiki!. i-r j ent- For Your LIBERTY BONDS our-S.,"FE KEEJ sgùt i t. tthe itiol t iis nin 1i,r t).h iti u,et. . .,1,.- -E. Churchill. VIwfthtt[.. ced it tor rtreilie i.ems or .111 D PARTMENT service is best.* TH e c k , a h b h a v e t h I s , t e r i a i r n i i t i S id u t- t o ' ir u n ,s v c e 1 f r e itr, Nrs. Paul h mo t, I '-vining for S girir aesiie5,ai.] . Ii.a ieaur t i. tinirrtv advir-.Tu im~îs Saàirgii.'nr< rrlcourrse, a-id t.. lir iuîrr . -.i an 1 iti,. -redît fî. .rl l , 1î ri i iîî -~ - T ,d q ail.-rrdrng cul- UI- ~-***.i drsp. nt the e'! lre sii t.kIrn i t Thanrs N Mi bi c, lr ii-yiae of Libertyville, Illinois h rt NIrpjc. RESOURCES 0F MORE 'IHAN HALF AMI O\)LA IM- 1. A, hi-Ico nd nGirls Basket Bail 'ane gIr, asr-, r" tt. us rt- .1.... bld utirt- dgir, strl, u tirIl six, , 0 tif 1

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