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Libertyville Independent, 4 Dec 1919, p. 8

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LIIBERTYVTLLE INDEPENDENT, TBIJRSDAY. DECEMBER 4,11919. LADSONTH OVE IANH RI ~ouminuete Avanc-lt u \irê ethe Wiriz asud daughter @peut No- lic latter part ut the week with relative Make MOOCy, B-uy Nw tili Roger@ Park. ue wty, WUinos, Farms Mr. and Mfr. George Itratiterd, oft IbI Waet and eSt nvestflieft >plâce, and Mi@s Harriet Brainerd. of NauipcItio f the Market Waertown, Illi nois, were entertafned at Greateat Deoiaud for Fam 1the Harding home, fi, Area, Thatike- îêMthe Wordd Ever Witness- giinr Mfr. and Mire. J. J. Rouee bave been apending a few daày.fln Rockford wft.h "genrahy ben cncced hat their daugbter. Mfr@. Dr. Smth and oapproach of wînter, there would îamiîy. ~Rioff in te demnard for farns. Uon't torget te.- aznar and cicýen k otte case.- On te contrary, pie eupper su bo aivit at thfe churcb zan increaslîtg demand for pro- Friday afternoon and eveuiog. Supper eoand. wili be oerved frais tiree O',luck utti Wý, snce te pioneer dayspf the ailU are served. The làdfeo have a very bigland staes, was the per capita great abundance of tancy and useful q 80 1 lw in. America as ai the articles wbieîc wilI be appreclated for fime. Neyer, since the lali of Chrimt,.. i presents aud hope to dispose &eas t he per capita Of food so lOwoi l hemn, A prograi wili h.- given I entire worid as at tiis vcrymon-ii h ,DugEveryouteweicomue. ý.tn these assertions, due conisidera- I M,. .d Mr@. Browder, ut Area, Nfr . given to the increasd era d .b our advanced civilizatio!t has onT- Lakedlrf., aond Mitella, n.n elr, >f I ttflnfl the people. 1 Lake Bluff,-.1. - ft. àth.eiýl Coe id rt ort MR Federal auihoriiel lhane u ILucg.wrucî aSiet.. sin deterntining the cause rI it el brdy )st of living, but tese inveltigators Clark Duun has scîuned a positionu ut sec the empty levItors tough- I hs eneelope factory lit Northt Chlicago. i'orth and West. Titry tid ritou M. anti1117e, J L. C'hamberlaint autd 10O te empby warritoîscs iniial 1, E. Rttla asti faitily epentl 'hank- t the country. Thîey titi nai ake ginie rwith irm. iFlurence Fcrneînorth, )nsfderatian te geal uumbcr ofof riainmg itark. les in Europe and Asîs mitere pro- NIrce W. Sark eitertaiüet i ier etrisi actualty straviitg. Titese M'dmis Frida Schaie, ofiviinsiîttou. rcceil.- rsc howevec, bave brougitl people ly i face iit the sadt actbIaIt te The Ladites <Euietery wlll lîîuid au ail es not exisî day nmeeting s! thebol ieu liMre.fB. C. le tiis is an adversrmntl, pai , Ps> te, Tburstiay, lie. iltit. Tii-re i te regultir rates, îu»' pIcsis nol worxtUaI nîst lie Ilitiiiied afre Uhihtt r buyers of landthabti1ihave foc mas ut for a grealer prodtibuuof footi lins Mike %Wirtz. Je , uase been eleittut) cs. The culivalîan of te soif is ber parenteli Indiauath te past week. dy metod by %itici te foodi 0p- mise Emma itatke ctectaineti rla- ln e iiqcrased. Mancy daetiai tivem rois Chicago Fridav. rhunger, if il won't boy foaod. Mise-liacalby EHardintg, Seita l attend. ýy won'l boy foodi if foati doe ual t g cîtîtege at Hilîstinie, Mitigani, spcn More people in te Unitedi States te Tbankegiving vacatiai tliter hais la-n atention, imntetiabety, to teIli A resà. wtion of food, or iis country wili RHi. C. Payne aud daugbler, Mrc. 1)l S Stfite o an underfeti naion. 1ilph spent Saturtiay i thicago. B Caing attention 10 a lew specia11Mr@.. George Radieé wbo bas been f11 hudiies for bhe production of foodifor suo time le repocteti to lie muci identali, the securing of a taris btter. sud the enjaynient of lacisfilte, te misluby Kuebker returnedtu tahe lppy, profitable and independent city Priday ater @pecuding the Thanki- il eaiu te enîayed. The price of glvlng holiday at home ant i wth lir@. m. culs no figure. Under preseuil D S. Dolph, of Ares. bon, the price of taris producte - - -- wthie paymenl of any reasona- GUE ho. l l fie oportnil ofsC- Missesn Alla Hall, Cora Joue., Beîbh and a brhm aisleitost iisportantt1 mma Cook, ate thef r Thaitksglvin bé gWfoi1 furnisit detailed informa- dinuter ai home. focerning any of the bargains of- The We feven Club wfsh ta thank Ml. la Iis coirunu. Dnledow for hie kindnese for %itenuelu F. M. HARIlNG the roulais and hie kiitd aelan3ce. alie w 184-J Area, Illinois 1Mr. Wehre tor hie kindaesa in providîng Illumination; the choal district for the N'o. 1 no. of the piano and ai othene wbo par. acres of te test quality blackliai- ticpeaed fn mailing, the evenlng\ the pH. 2 miles from town, % mile ta, grand socceis. tiat il was. oî1 thou-ougily tiled and cultivated; 1 he whf r o Bd J one@si teed grilu laa Sale et of new dairy buildings, fur- weicome inand f. the cars of tb. coin ,hM sth ulmbouae; good neigibor- mnity. Nighbors need nt go fanr t 1; M per ocre; cash $500M. balance have such wark done@iîow. as ho le resdj el porciaser; possession any inte; ta do tite wormr for tem. kfeed and implemeuts il desired. Mies@fut CQwk spet thte week-end tr Chicago wit ber aiter Emma. No. 2 acres, 2y, miles tirois tawn wiîl t PhIIE V 9car connections t0 Chicago; 38 I FAR, I W to Chicago; bet of black land; 85 cul Wited; complete seb of builti- Mr..Startger anti family ie Thaiko ff> ptc acre; g!000wîît andle givlugdfnner witi 8 E. Knedler uai Jea -m s ually good terns on the aititsLtcu1Us eiio-dl nS; 1çf;cssion Marcit t. 1920. Gtnta rnt DeLoto ai tes ne o i No. 3 111e0 Caikliti epelt thei.- aci kcui i eacres; 2 miles fron toiwn; 1-0 code thte Luekitead hutte, hool; firsl clas s and; '2' acres culti- Mr ani Mcers m.EJ-,aide and]%I !& balance pasiore; coniplete sel +anti res aA. hiaii uiiF. Toue ut inge; $M0; itati cash. baance la aîii fauuily acre eînîîîte ti uittii, t purcitaser; sock ant iumpleutîeliutif lls-îî tt)nu ltîkgit red. Sàr. autI hicsF. lira,(iiiitiîu eunisii,, No. 4 a tutiier ift î,-rln dut ne- uhiîir i D acres; 2 miles frin iowu; 35 mles Mîr. and îles M ilî-elletesflc Chicago; no better land in flitc laIe; wiedliig iî,iv terescyý ed and cultiateti eucepi 6 acres uf hc.i)Hthtg t'lahatt a ier pasture, sn exceptuonsily gooti, visitetia fewtaye ut tUe I.(l Hqiteiimi plete set pf daiiy buildings; $200 per boulîme îeiirse nartîtîg ta lier hiittt ; $Mo will itandie ibitt-etiai; very Kaseac ralete lens on balance; possession Mr. sud Mn@. Pederseu t oItîlinpt ph t, 1920;, stock, fred anti impie-. aith t heir parente Tuauksgiiitg. si Ifdesired. . lc9ctiMn& Atetin 'up ,Lyle Trip No. 6 auttifautili>. &r. andti lnhAGd. uctî acres; -mile -ant i ait Ufrais own ant iHelemi ltsetu ece Suaday h streè car srct. e: scho ' cil viellbrs at L. i.. Iutchîcigw Sbtack level land;tit 1:_c i-t Jcuti-, NM %VK rediêanr s u sit nsil-ti a i &1roant bouse, ' i 1'uil; et1 ti ti i rintily Titantieli iuig ý12W0: c W-l-,!ti t' a on ' e:K~îi i. g'e sad a girl frîccua nlî. iol . '! 1,,; , ý(' 1, ' i , v 1 ....t.iei ier Suitday. r. i 1:.zt i .l er epent, Tîtaukglti tNi. 6 . , ýe: i ltorais acres; 21 m uti îi î i'ri , t -i uIfatciiy, Frank Stei alsi, i brand as lht c d a.i .iiIgrandmra Sialil ai aen cid atat bi.n biilidiilzs; a 4,st e t.it .iut t l li0 iif0' o a eoqejsaa î.i îPer al.cre; vsy Ah4iDc. tltîe Ctoii ..iig a.he. uttît \i e .SIl,' . ettertai No. 7 ili t t.. lu-i. ii .- eThauk, î m-es; mile anti a i:uil ttc-i l l'wa gl0luî Atreet car sericet, 2lrods lu eclooi. ýTili M ldii t'tr.I.IehI tertaiu 0*k road; bebt ut black lanid;,ailited l iii. -i iti î Mr i Sre.J. eslIivted; gooti 8 roai i huwe suc-r. i t' J. hlîî it iit.îilty an iffl by beatilul shade; ir: il n ud VF T-ý,. t.r trîi r r outbuitiiuge; $450M, very easy M r,.ill u. i a- i'..cl at 1:. ,-j a-1paymcént; posscssSiî,n Mmclî- pThauiit.k No. 8 gînlmtîcdituer t lit l ie et t liîon eacres; 4 miles ftro ba' t; on goond u fii lji . Op fois ta scitoal; soîl genie Ttc L.udeu c.i vse Tt1 t i hMr filçnârd 01 a cay loant characler; 14() Citas .Sînni Tuj.. Iî t àultled; fait 8 roat houýz, goatideeîi n hbonarse anti dsiry barn, deep ,a*t1CTj c irtI provrisenis, IN NEMORIAN pçr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i acf a hsir -"vil lirresWiehrenberg, wL pascelatt,iC l. utt1.11)17. fr. M. HARD NG Hoiet.- at uo sweetiy' leeping - iwR .4A, - laGdat tender care. G M Il a d mi Who ee her fg Do pafn or WeelS)c«, wh.n three Neare of ate andI witblier Engfish service S p. m. ~ TIIr~L nwc supply of coaI lent sunmer-tbat Il, None on earth coin baru lm there;' parels a eated Ot a fart, crosrLake (Choir rehepareal Frîirà..vccinàr WAIJAE6AIIHou s they have a sufflefent supply toilaut Always go patient tender &nid kfnd. Zurich. Hers silo ew t t.. S. S l8 8 eacher's meeting, Thuittty even. through the severest weather at blet. What a heautf lui soyh etIIUA1llfei1~>f At the Relas coaf docks the supply mooYh otmarrfed and lifved t tbe vlefnlty of Lake'log.lA EIU IL f coal ia conaîderahi e and probably belifad. WffeandDaughter t À EIN TF L Zurich and Wanconda ail ber Ilite. .Site Sititý etefltliic, D" 7, the Evtngpfical wilIl be sufftlent ta taire cure of the leavs tumolun ler lgo to sot-,Leagte meec!..'l' Prt)iram bahueen bavCM Hêres t o rrar oe n o nte. aprea ed tewhIm.MI.arî:.: clt'esenneedg. But conservatfon of lIghf -_.ènr oî. h eldsiiM.-st, rprd .fctnlar o -d e aAL 3IftAJ ndthet on thp part of home-fsr Chitus i. omg. Do your shop- and Lewis Bruncecur. wtto reoldes it bers and tion utembero. 1wtt! givea more Vlentîful supply to the ping Marly and avoid the raidhtand lait. aur vi IéIi e Thrée dauglters. 1frs.. aturday evu, N2, t e Ladie ,ffac~ tre. Wfl avegaheestt hee hour disa;îpoutment Sennie of Minnesota; 1frs 101.-y Billof Aid gave a hazaar tend supp.-r. About l fILn ite f tIS ract Waufegan factorisfind It nec.-soary te shfft flarry Basé.ley returrwd tu Uniou Sun- Kenosbe; and Mr@. Jus lCote. o $193 wi taken lie'The LaeI, w e' eople Ai Urged to Con- down. sa le pending a lew day Witte is Waukegan. and 21 grandciiildren expiress thoir thavikselCciail tho@e douait. serve Supply. daretsI atr vlae Funeral wag beldi fron tbe home on ilrg ta the etilper and iancy work._____ The Coconu" pare nt fnourrayofl hiego<@pntWedneoday alternaiont t1:30 e'clock, The -S R.seclars are sterting on the PAT R TL UNN Over efghty distinct luethode ire la seNtf f re tChcge etî . Palmer offlefatitig alter whfch in. Christmas progrant. PAT R TL UN vogue for lte utilizatton 'of thte coce- ber Tltanksgiving vacation at the home tornut. vversmadear abouterf.it0,000,0_0 ai er acer n ur ulige temetl a.mad beid be fte u~GUNRN~R While Waukegan thus far has escap- nuts are cultivated; of this quantity, baud in the Wanconda eentery. e.--.-.. ~ ----. d au»' serfous9 effects of te coal 50 per cent are cnumed iD the Hait Mro lsHarlbo4rysayolaen her broter, Ml-sHelen MeCurentrtaiîedanumn- shortage whlch bas cri ppled yo*m n ud eisewhere as food, 20 per cent are ofMe.fnd tuM n r?. . .iake iere gureteber of relatives at diniter mest 'ihurmsday. otherchiotes, there fe no assurgoa.nt. rîîfre nt iadoi bu the situationfr..lH. E. Maimmu serto. Vtaîi was received raturday orthIe 1fr. Roy Studer @peut thýt Iirt oi the lt itain iI ntb ce sros trii(oietud Int ir waduy aoutema- MoDdo..deaîh aiof ro Dr. Hall aift(oai Cit.y, 111. wek wfth bei brothpr. W. fH. Stuier .lmiere i c te eftue. ofila ing k 0et et terwytetemi H. T1. tCook. who underweut au opera--mote riesecnuysblgkt. fio ut the. MeAlister itospitai at Watke 1Mr. a il Mr@. Cari titbe aifiLake ant i ,miy, tof Libertyvîlle. where theetirgê nt itevc'rv rlent of te city. gale la4ilweek le gttng aloauiicely antd loic,91i vere the suiday guests M 1r. bivua-lct eyii1nestii edn tl adltuucs Mailng lit a Famliy Affîl,. wil rlura om n-% ee. Frt*h.Tii.-coad part3 ifur thiti, bonrtis ben am trict as those In effort ittring te mnnnr wes imucit fterested In h» wtl eur om nawx k ad Mre. Ezra Irtct îtatrî aNît(lth gic it Idwar when "igitilI-sniglîts". ,and 'heat- Mother'. approachiig marrfege. A; Tii.- frst deflite action au sewer sud Mis. J. A. Stryker ettertaintd litehoexIîrejeeci ut the iilcacti. ttsett~ if,,b oI ilsi he loge liprathbeomesweddinghtiefmotiierewiC5 111 lt to. 1 iater nes takeon by thei' village board Utniontary seJtity o the United Et'anugrandisîîl.ym and Uone'muan sîtf liil hr' itr facioicwi rat-IModienngwnJ.L ck-s(f chr nTeritýâtroo h Er tdbrie litîs. Jtee&e-was ln diqtress and go. Kîmkake.-, wae hireti as te eillcte) tiilu! hapter ofths.b tudy booîk "Our ,Uupt eTup o3.ferlieCI folie ,tethl.the eadt*îppier Md fr te rot fr th (iiiià;tr suplvh-rry up and get VWell for lit won't de p.erepieîpeciticatioii.and estimatti etl' oifaiLabir" was hiisied. Ais.)iield Wil'tîî.rc.01t ut (c..î, vIsit-d IlteiThe ifrua eit flevecI !i (01 A.Nl'U or t b alee e w IL oeotl. 1Mr t'iek*es was preselît ut ti itpetlti liofofficers: MsA1ie. ad ahrau mmeti-ttpI)ét) il unaît enit apartof tiei r wlutp.r's RichardY' board meeting and stated ho wouid tie premidetît; lire Arthur Uierner. vite week.__________________________________________ ready to tart work witiutse week. 1Incident; M r.. Fu3d St, figer, eecretar%; . .~cl iut licfc tl u La Mt V dlà ay-.oeîhr26, ut 10 MsMci lion FraDîz, irîtieurer. imeitanle metîoto offCUe t lithii, cry o'rioek a. 1i. at'lIraneiIu ration Cat Il ie Thi. .E society oi thte1U. E.churcitdai I3 tci, x ei ,lî,ee d tî .tr Elizabeth Bautor oft iI âauoda, and Peter and social Friday oceiiigat W, F. Crtile i OUg.iî i. l t lei rWeber of Sprt.-g tro' t, Il v. l'athcr t'lagges. - ______ - IIUTpb3! Iîfflrlaing ls ido. iallaiglier lire . George Oelermlwsi. otlivu(ti, I1 L i of Rouid Lake, asiedas bridoemald undid ,vîsiliutg 1ro..E. H. iVillinan S E lYttR W O EJ Bller, brother oi the brîie, acted i F Ef. Meyer, wlîafi rle rie li#ti:i,wor ET Hving decided to dissolve partnership, Johnson Bros. hemtmu. Tii. bride id i. ~ ~ rcad'otieî i i. >3ii IFî daughtrofeJorge Baerý wh rehIes o'tlLtraeordopatiiieit oftR.'aB.TSwIRfTO wil& R.el1Swiatwipublice aucpuiicn, onon the th remîsese taugmile@er tiOr iller. bo eis iDon d lfg Co,!fQuiw-Y, 111siett iteIII E as "Rodney Farm" one rmile west ol U " "ile of the.-pullulai youtg ldes cf i le CIii eekeY. M. C.e flkA.mon L.ake street, sale commencing at 1 o'clock p. ru. on gntunity. Tho groom tete soit ofiIlhat lire Sariah Adenisanul grandl dauizittîr. W U E NY.M C.A Weher of Spclng (ritîe, and ite a ite Loiii, speuit Thankegliiîg and ov, r tilt i?'IV~'A ~IfIRIl? 11 llf iudustuîoui and upright youtg itait week.-nd with MIre. F. 1'. Kiiutîac ofa1 Cigaret tossed into Pile of wood VYLiJ1ESDAY, DEiJLCî.EMBûIDL 10, 1717 Aller a short weddng trip tbey %%tfli iavpnîiwood. ieue i. By Sailor Who Slept in1 edo Lv tccossigo 1resîde onua a trmnielr Sprîig Grties and lr avswsBasement. T et-i edo ihGaeHben-tnf.s wiii lie at home ta their manteIiitende ..r,Nlirs.Johnsont f Mairtair, T ean __Hado_______e oatin enfrs alter February 1 t. We exteuîd ouî t .u-~ :ir Atd~ rdn h BREAKS OUT AT FIVE A. M. with calves by theii ides; five to fre-hen soon after sale. gratulations ta tih.-happy cauple. Ms ere pe speuia h Fourteen of these have high official records. Four pr A quiet imurriage took place tut aur wek wllb ber brother, rîîîîîîs Saci Fi witicii hioke out li tbe furnare.R.. vilag Thnkgîingmouia a 1oa Chicago. tonnetof the- Waukegmn Y. M. C. A. breds with A..0 records, fifteen Holstein calvea three vilaekhenkoies gmabel aley ud i 0 alcde IChcg. a iteaIfive o'clork Titueaday marning of them pure-bred; two pure-bred .-bulls, bine I14 years. the S ler . Meyer were uited it marriage guest ot 1fr. Frank Peteccion aon Sunday caîîsed considerabie damage and filliei other 6 montha old. botî rom A. R. 0. record dams. Albert Misses Mary, Frustes and Aill Cutier the' building wilh dense sumulte, awak- le t the Parlaih Bouse of Trabuthgurationiwe-n ttprftW ing several of te sixty mes wiîo were Ten 2-year-old Jersey heifera, pure bred eCatholic chuitit, tev. i"ather Murphy @Peuete, eken ttiertthers aeep aI lthe lime. Tite lire slarted tylng the nuptial knol, te oni atteil- home. Dr. Cutter lu a pile ut kiitdling and i. beilevedl 8doute bplng Miss Marie Daiey, sister of 1Mr. antd Mrs. E. Satî'ere and tamily of ho have becns tarted by a sallor Who Ilogs--Pure-bred'Berkshirec Three bred sows, two the bride. and August Meyer, Jr., Chicago, spent Thankegivîng with lirs. evidently bad sougbt a iightta todglng yarin bears,on pigbaadthryhe flpgs 1. M. Raie. In te basement. ya n pigba n hrytrefî ia ibrother of the groom. Miss D)aley loe Man lite okebc n Simultaneousgly witit the disrovery Poland Chin.aa The entire herd of Poland Chinas of eletdaugbter ai Edward atour village, 1r u ie .IRcetabat of thte tire a sailor wbo could give no eldet amfly wer. the gufesof!hlfr. and lire..asafactory explanation of bigi pres- the most noted blood and excellent breedinz. Among isud bai heen employed eit the local James Schnetzinger tIi Lake Zurich, ence was fournl wauiderisg about the those on sale are 18 bred sows having the- most noter! tg teiepbone ischange ai ciiet operator Sunday. building.lIlte excillcuuenl wih and ber geni&l manner won ber many Iie Eleanor and Jeanette Putuam followed te sller stîppeil awayan lo-ieoftebed ndheprbe or,"bry r. friends who will mises ber frotebler0 could sot bc lorated aller te lire Chief." ot aecuetomed place. 1Mr. Meyer, son uaiv 1Arlnèton Heigt, Who have en Waa extingulsheci. ae Augnsl Meyer, le a young 'manl o fltog-,atths F. FI. Meyer'@ home 'I tfooke 10lie as If Ibis &alor had Sixteen fat hogs. averaging 250 paunde each.- a ofrourturned ta thsir home, on Batnrday. sugitt a nigitte lodging in thte warm ig sterling qualitiee and a1fseru r. and lira. Ed Blngham of Irvfng turnace roenm auidrarelessiy thcough lefnr . àhe oe ot iteg irome ae r w Park, wer. the gueit of Idie E. Pyle a llgitted rigarel mbt the pile of ttind- One pure-bred Percheron Mare Colt Ir u te oe r hegro'@fa wothe tait of %he weeî. lung,' Secrrtary E. R. Gobcecitt eald.________ eo meilles two uli eut§& 01n town and wae Whiltl lirfie bttrned quile flercrely -- --____ MrsLowil fJcferonwa-. he ugo Inthebaiemnt he iredeprtmnt Ail purse-bred stock seil be jlsoi fhtheïr pedigrees and are ail etijoyed by a large uumber of relatives01fMr. sud ei POcfr-u Pet Uet@ gts ui lieeme u cnigit t e fiiparteuln oie aian ritené Anculterwii aksor ed tisriomeweek. of tit huildlig. Wben the lire depart- in-th yun cupe wllma toi h m iss Hempstead of Chcagolvilfg ment arelv te amoke waiî pouring 1,000 bushels of corn. 200 shacks of corn, 50 tons of fine ta an the Meyer farmnesaut of town. We 1l o tra iewndw nlteIi lo i e y eendou cograultloe Btdhee Mr. and lMre. Frantk Hempetead. frountehe lf indw ntheltire fli clverhay, 10 tons af alfalfa, patataca, power DeLaval wiste tr hapyan lritpeou Mr. sud lir@. Jacob@ ai Youngotowu, that part of te building. TUe Win-1 cream separatar, skims l1.000 gallons per hour; X-Ray wiabs fr ahapy an prspeousOhio. spot Tbaiksglviitg auditare silil dows weee opened qulckly and titis 1 240-eg nuao n 0 hces su weddedIlite. i svisitibg their daughter,ý) 1fr.. T. El. treet te institution nf smoke fin that.i egicbtrad20cces An Interetng raltroad meeting a.McDoweli mny of ahlie sleeping occupants were jb eld att h Communlîy Bouse ou Tue- Dr. W P Cule lot undyevenîng n01 even awakcned. knowing nolhing SALE WILL BE HELD INSIDE 0F BARNS Ilday alternoon bel ng au adjourned iteet- turna îwo weekis trip hrougi t he West. about te lire util tey awakened. ln i oft a the Notebtddene i'ommtltsc o! the B ilnetSaîe otadimd Seceetary Gohrecbt saidti iere was prsvious.-week. Thé.-audîlltît commit tee iîe CaîoitaieSblî ht lt'tr so mc- Ternis of Sale: 8uins 01 $10 and under. ceuh; an .7 sev e s al Cliornulcýiry urigiu but lie disliketi tu tfîink suma aver $10, a Érodit of six id appuintei et the p)reviiu8 mîeeting Mc. C. A. Seiig. wbo bas been on the Ibis. preehirritie ta bîlIieve te stacling m nh îlb iaprhsreeuîgapae 01iur the sy Iîîî)dguue aveite ad auutssie itdcsaelm svr uh ua iifnWî tiuirlot.bankable nota bearing g6% interest tram date befare Ir oth tehcdicauit.adttuipronei, ase le Frantk Pelersan, Whou le rmvn rpry teui correct. Matiai(er Les wae Ilicitaille tic Uc uibttthCie bous..P NCE S E Nrm vn rpr te vitd ipl t gvelàreot f he MuC. Il.iit i Stgibeltinavenue lot ely P AIC TDIIIIVONJOHNSON BROS. & R. B. SWVIFT iperutiori ai the rtî'iri d, etidtsk iur o og AS pigfedavne lt r l gpi utuc ,liau t. iurelatiti rama (&orge [O.k,.%hitalias@ CARfAS IROLLEYI FRED C.RABBE, Atictioneer JOHN ROUSE. Clenk , t île3 ciioe and uic t uc esttte reponiai, i us uuoed Iis fa:iiiin fi) LakelBlff jIC C'Al O F Ail stock wilI be fed and cared for until removed free of elharge t ui. ýar ni -Noveinboloari atouiiiig ti,, nc~itîdutlier tatheres, JiItIt U'3IES - A O au the ai tý't rlkm e 1îc,1Ca -it.Ca Ii 1504.1, iivi itg uat t profit oai uem!rly 8 le. Ieo exiietiKy , wae te'Drooping Wire Caught by a OfcalPbiain s.000 wtt ih vos- nec irnatif % ing e.t ii i Re<orfciaiPuiaton o rîtl.stiraUiriirtiutiit îîîu ist of flis i.r, Mr-. L.. t. H0ile on Washington St. Jerks Rpn flt oîjina crtilnýiui a teerleetii ayandutti R.i MIlValtnei a lWaiikegartnlitic Down Trolley Poles. $xtate Banlk of Cake Zurich tieierciitlilteui cil li uuad tafuet Tutîtay IDRAGGED ALONG BY CAR 1 Located at Lake Zurichltar, f Illinois, t the ltouse of business an te asd etillter proit. lariagec Les etaie et lJelteId s iiigwIî~sel r-preseuttcd -at i, 7tit day of November 1919,asmnmade ta the Auditir i t Pulic Accoutteoft he- te libusinesseuiatîl ieotiaety doubled lui lie SItocik a ulieitigoin sittA Of omiState of Ilitnois, tiorsuant taultîw. i-r sut1,er. Cair il n.- Ifielbotter .-quiîîîtu t tod weatlîcr.A ltil oxai n o Wasiio n t RESitIAtltE ansut.aassure uuiitecupied seviiio. Awabt i Winters. alto itravsilng fur a treeltNontt Shoreifine -troel car 1 Loasand Discionts........ ............. ........ .....$ 120,601 26 I ilîte leeeiafinie,îuiîune filelaeeklite utrfils kitd ne crzW . remot ftturiiiu;Niii ,î 1i 2 Overdeafte............ .................. ................ ......... ........... 793 82 puircht5ittî) otf te uîcn guiar altich leu@ .te's iet ttr.a urootîtar wire st- truck b3y Ihi 4 Inve4tisents .... ......... ........... .... ................... ..... 24751 65 îcyiaecar and , o alswhiieh ire snattped 5 Baking bouse..._................. ... ...... ..... ... ..... .... .... 7, 754 90 e t on tr ai for the tst t t as MisLit',spen' severai dytfins lepktt fwoe irIgî îidelîitîg ti-.ts illnrt Furniture asdd Oxtures ....................................... . 1,406 10 Ilid lî ccet, u itiivcry aii iui, ek ut lier mesters ut Sycaioce, Ili. befanct Titicenr coui hicirouilut tii a 6 ash and Due fe<um Banks................... ..-.................. 43,M5 27 no g t orI oiy17 te resiiurces................. ........... ......... . . .... .......... 4,26 65 tiP Mrîtrli a ngi i rS a 3 1r. and Mcc J. A. Stcyker and familystp _ isiige i. titi i i id siotieor gacid woe heSu I. guele a! Mr.anti Are. Wh t r;iitnlt a pi îeeru,, Total Resources ................. .......... ......... ..... 2t,849 65 einzne.Tiiit,)itt,,rwiLl otaigktI mo i ipl;ir ýnily, was Iliat the liglits LIABILITIES il- igli t LIs ka li ')% t lt tigteaigl t 1 .og ui.i iiuo n ti r n<llotou îicaîd i Capital Stock -Pai in.la.............. ... .................... ...$ 25,00>0 00 of f i, îî tî ii u i, dîil- - ~ ' tilie h tkea iiiuiis butating filong l 2 Surplus Fond ......... ............ .... . .. ............... ........... . 3 ,500 00 ugat itako Zurichli il i 1f-utrt.uii îîîi.tlîîîl LAXE JR Ql,,, ron t of t1ii car was desqtineil io grie- 3 Undividet Profits (net).................. .................................. 3,1)0631 ftîi i )0land aiailu i Cu[ icreI. .conlîut(,1C terror. 4 Depctits Individual)............ .......... ......................1..... 10 ,~2 51 aLi.tiiacwre ctîî jhlinetittiate e. let. ad Mr-. A. Hooft returu.-d a Ifuse Lîîupnedt Iiîlt.tecrwas ý Reerved-Çr Taxes and teret ....... ................. ......... 671 49 oePuolee a01,0 > 0vIaýsutIscrWitd utnd -liIttikmcivtig lsy trotu Wisconsint. fi i 511 lifii fiiti ieO. 9 Otiter Liatilities........................................... .........934 ab I urtter suitcriptit' i erta 1;,- ,ilivited Enitiet liribodutte epeut lti- seetý-eài i~id Illie frtgtteniicd n o'.îf xntitii Total Liabilitie. \ ............... ..... $0,4 l asitissbîîui13u.lesr3li ris'tiistî Uc ouLIr ilan' snas a uai-niot.s mno nf t i A. JCaforCasitier u tte Statp Bank ut Lake Zurich, do suiemnl lu t- nuc--m arN I a m t i e i h ) l " w ar t h(,e lii .- ut nm na nti udck i ne ar sw ea lthaIt the abave state rnent ià truc b lte t ebe t ot m y know ledge and bellef. fui pittgllit th ronîulsai ýr tasteta I'ilegetgand ihmE. Fsiltpeu ote. Ille b oittormaîîn siand enut Pai hý UM Bond w"r g'vL' ou to t theFran hom. qwiiig uile oiwnA.d J.teCiA A.J. DWF Ca, hier.r aIl promeut snd atiotiter mîeeting wass et itie. ciiii lIre. E Iizen aeenettait.li t xplain Ioafilie paisiengera titat STTE0FIc N is,15 foc uex, Thuiiueda,e-euiber Iltîî, utineur relatine iront Iowa. th-rne'wag nalbiin7t c a f aid oft. COUNTY 0F LAKE, 1 ie vlaehl Uttu t d c J I li ia ltcg airMoui.- Punîcu' asresîoreî i tnmlly -antistpeo Subscribeti anti sworn t betare rme titis 251h day of Nuvember, 1919. guîde ut uing h iiieaacnoi 11.tifim l Ie damaresutar rd nWALTER A. LAUN, Nutary Publie., ti Me att Aime i î~. Dean iti liii dae wa rparei nt cn n eel se ,er'iliy le tuiiteti te) Mr.utdt IbisChoe eancBilnt uh h cidn ccrcuI IJwiten onle of r_________________________________________ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 --1.ititii ,.~ iii iî til -f the.ut-- ' tI i.wl is iie e I-iebewe ..i Min 1401 mu ej, Mbe tut

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