Tho re ArsM 1 Wreally .vonderfl 6'Mt va ,ie quoted betoWý uet@l.trepeund*us liAn r rilM t mach ofthe vsrw pramt tmmson4wamelu, aà kra -Serge e* rse-Vlvt bpWrUUly fo gt ubslg 0or, oipeiloflal U O~~~~~~~m hud0 *sj t h uuavored materlt, utils a li folOvEf pelafly reduced plriÇer: a 2.49 s lu iuucy appreelat- lii. Ms 1 a mcl4W.u4mm atalfor It egain purebasers maifflguo ma" . emay'suilts for trljnmed. FrGifia to A sw' 1.50, Ilvr (eeof Ibm.. prices af- fords a uavlug of Importance.- Aialae eather. vlribta or .11ka. Som beaded or uedallon trilu mmd. Wang# te thé tboupvit i -» MUd luIorUuW. 7.50 il.5 and ~aoludIa~M5la our an- hatof bosSr, .voleur:*ad Htter's = si .blaeh. uavy, taupe Md 'MbWu mu4ahrgecollectIon of -th. Md M.J~A.a uew iti 0'1, M j Noyelties and odds a&ud li -Wool volouis kersYl. ci of sera lbij>lher prieed Igue lots sud Pluches )u new 6W]y la 9004 styles and cor. good colore, some fur trim 'CoatsUp ta $40'at 27.$0 Coats Up to. $60 at 39.75 )eY* 'J,'. are coats of exceptlolIbeauty a"dQuiillty; styllshbly iashlonod f ror sllyertoues. broadeloto. wooi velo*mUis. uon pluabe5sud Pom Pomu and trlmnied with faabloiablq furs. Co-ats to $80 1 9N2 in Seyet lSae - -up $Z.8 -3.98,,- 4.98 -5e98 'spdt>sedeupattaus:féOdiu to pirdé. Meus hsaudorCblSfo f« 'gifla at 100 end 200 cbuldre's hmuergiu. lu boges aI 1lic u*ad Me.. Wûmeu's bsudkerebfl 5atý 826c. o. 76c. 9.00,561M0 sud 88.00ln fitney boxes. WomeWos pIî*1ine h aud embroldered bandXecmfl 50 ta il sah. Ini WaukegWo SLargest Blouse Shop' Prtty ne v4I mbeiheàd with .emnbroid- ery' laes and tatfjng. $5 Silk*aiàsts at 2.98 $W' Do uw styles. e~~ eM tilt embmldoÉY W45,afld sS. liictsiulà U aolmreand ýlDaIney blo W111<8. viti M~ ~I24Q~ ~ ~~UU1U Iuk~ lu Coats to $125 77. Womoeus Rand Caved sMd sta1 trimmed tascy hundleduMbrosil. - very spectl s t $1.50, 1.8,8.8sud Kid Boay'. Large sise, ft jolnted kid body dola wlth real bai pret- lily mi"e. Other Dolis 39C, 49ç; 59C. 69c, 79c, $ls 19 DOI Do~ every descrpton frm copie a-4 ch5rsCtq doua to the Teaseme dogs or statu' ettes in varlous "Cte" pnses. i xSets or Séparate Pieces arranged at #M fOlMWtv1g sale PrJIc": Bcyond ail d&R Utthe ct' agest singie display, Ivory Toilet artieWb ::ch*ro ad incls: -"» .borne ...powds m bxes wbf1ah hoidmS -Omé-01l5.4sr reemes -picwt rfromW. - boaboks -mwm caes .re.m Jar@ - I5fn iles...mwos-cutie.k.nue -oem .Ivm--mue@ bo . ChsIde glvsla bluuk sud leOWOs. Sp. ut lal 149 und 31.9L. Sale WIUI9=We lAc 811k Bcd lm Wou.u'e 3ilFiber 811k Beo otbw MSOlocfewor Worseu- Wàme,'s Xmas Collr and V&stees 'l' plasuedor georgette sud ruI1OClvm- cuf lieus aud a w~ enid offher ~ Ri .it Gi>dS Wo.bele ansd Ils5eB8" swatU# lu slp orel or botton styles. vabous to $10.M I 5 niber moeutrs, for Wum- O . » ClIllél!5U5sweaters,. 89t 88.98 KitW iCaM MSce. 6ç_S$1 Itiuota' ICit Smets 83 $à#s ChrLstmaar At Sale Prioes par Womien and.CÀW&1éu Wome's blimket bath ,'ko* spedal et si.9S. $6.98. 87*8. OIf duroy robes 2t85.98, 87.98 £&8f*1 Olaidreis bath robes atI$LUS -facie powder For Cbriatmss G"fte't Woaiea B. Burubam tollet peal au weu aà othet meritof waters sad pema eof qWolky espeffly metableu gMtU. fiue udrwear. chemsefu3r 2.~ 48-audail ies. , ltes for M*19n"r mu" kanid SIlk q V dérvýear at 81.00. Wouàm itiedmmemuslinpél. -s J at k. at )f *hlch 7450 Coath to I i For Glits in Chr~stsflas Boxes ari :'w [Rit - - côàts to