T1hu rsday H.r-. i 4 I r -sth bolre4 li - t âmï e~J~ ~ a i - - .- ~ .A. quai a~lst1 -'yul.-, 4- Fxquiswe ww 4Teussin Ad- m*de e of just ri4"dýNe 4;ndtm h Î s aes yon 1Vse in 'iregt o" d.Arernark- &ble ofping ist efore diita. The prices range from 1ý35 to$7 A 4i4UK~~e d*~ ~#t iPdelgt any wo- isaNMw.re. hiWM gan ex, wdar amo-. unt Eeypne .18m-a bu*Itf new'style. They will sur- 4grqgt army of-dainty Bath Rp" in a range of dColore IL twill mk!&Ç ea3-o (TMe GeSobe 8dlFlow) a er Floor Ivory 1Pm.-Vm rop u to$ el, stylý s. ~Poei~Lage vanet c*, hoffl to Toilet~V~sIoeti 2.u - an& two-button$3o deibe oosatI3'o-O Hea yseatoers or otdbatvte~ $baker lw 1l arn.- shawl. oi, bijiation Coloransu izes 0t Good ap ~~.Shirts fr"~~ 1 U .u around and pleiite4 4 in - t-187yîiaT ur oent Vya Y all Sd-]Every boy lft4ftDf *-Cowe i» xbç matuoe at.. By Y' or vibte enamU 1 to çb«oirnfor childre, wlte e-at--.- __ ICI l3ui8PJ&Do-Jut the 5 to 9*giffor ]VttI9 gwls ~1SIls -Mechamecal trains on track to7 PoUl Çsrts in a veriety of colore * ?~8~5ê to 59 Tool OxiatýMade of hard'w*ood and are reat Z9 to$4 TOI Truaka wll St . fQlu - DoUA of everý'4eâ rip i uued are Baby DoU s "d kid bodyvDdlls.AUI are dres ed.&at Prices rang frozu Dhueweba42piee ét, -ara.' M, gToldf$ ?> Floor Lucips - Beautimul [ap~Io*tB~ lanket Warni wool nap blan & Sa@le 1 q'-ut theM ket.Pl size with border at, ~.. fjfd~ 't Ba-T~ling Ba&i are 2 td4 [~.8I3iPhao 8~WI~ CADIET-Martha Wash ing n Swin OBbinets in àeahogauy. ole m. - -o "0 9 q.u . ýçi0t 7I~ot~ BÂTE ROBES 1. l Illr t4~ to$'t w styles to m .ý eale Cad,]olders,51e1&,a 0 and Nvelty package Te 3 A-WOMen's Ivory Toilet t -A won&rful a 111t Booksu for, Glft4-l4poks for\2et childrn h~,~u-~p k.-- Te àmid f e.e, w~~zi a pite'L. wiLi ,,,-~ v from' 4e> zo ý ý q',