14 NY VIL .. I ~P~ND~N'J~, TRUR~4>A Y. DEd 25,1919. 1 'i N~3/ ~ni-'.~yr ITH "*the prayeraround the. wokld" t.he New Year 'am l liir4l basntoit wilb. po n4athigit »Wàfi and dis. tant places; l ItiAniie ~ uet world no leu tIbm- tùd*àt 4 on .& In iiiUs t MU b. heard byti ieHng4,na- New York pew, by the. haro-foot Igorot il.ad-kupte, by Chinese con- *verts îýüItbbwe4bey1fnawoinen 115" reversntly wÎtJi b * wfôddcrâmbe , e ntler *bresat, by e lP,«8I1MeByian km, ziee by ail the peoples of le workl Froi NewY~fr.Ungpointthe. prayer ha& been sent aroucl* i@'Oe.tiihp*«4Wr)'World MovuenÔfC~W~~ aag et to bring abot Proetn ,ooý.ýh.~~erai it has been sent to the, great 'denmnion of t1s country; by cable -it 'à oeté-eyfrIiiéiû.Tu it has been III >.yutm etrevery-, where, sud tm 4w.ý -,tmêon tonter It U Wieo agamin the tih inià e i.onr oevery Protes- tant mwsion t~M~Yr ' prat shi ta o t be s*m~<und thu viorld, tiie*antt ý,4etq»ugl*into a thousand :inguagcsa àn4; iig ýl cutue laces. -With-ono voiees, tioughii any tongue., 1 SIls for"t<rékti ? ~ ;hO4 Iappea "sIiwere f men." Star - A W at4rfY.O t,-F t rai r t~MIh o y D ar of aIl uikna ioftec Ihwaited love, iie join thi. pýayrff 1 T#iy chuldi" around the, world for pace, é levation cf justice and of brotheïhood.- T'hou, Croator, Pomor of aultinu WVho: didst inake the. earth for the race of leDýaad didât set bounds for their habitation, ivus-qr greed as .w. repent-oLour éiu, n 4toW,1ëain hearta therecd*à~tion cf he -aseWdnt.rgm of iiun i ie to liv. n eye ,eeecT .t6 ôf l0bor, ti». aaredineus of'hunia 5aithtei prilegeS of, produotion, that nallon and man _ uay join M ijouty, hi onest work to' réelénlah a d ~earth. du ck e iiUMpauiiy et hewbt. maI d~rports and sights of sufering, icom- pr e ,and neediesa. 4u. agin t"w, mnay bowr before ~thet .peace of the, sono of the. Most ý ý.teu y Tiiy gacloù,s providenc* aid by, 0e *conomrated efforts of T7hy chudn theq,*ming ÔlIby wof- "de kdugdom wleW juM .r'ý màd love sh l 'w». bême. lit na. Lord, elean hurtl, a" nre ahpfite for-the.comiui Yeau. a .ws k ashitii. splr-# m Christ, our4~y ilope p *~ i iii * iii nn~I * pw17 O Mexlco City and Montevideo, the.,prayer was caSbl.d for Southi and Central' Amimaa To Shiiaghal It wus also cabled,- sud fý-hn th 19 wu relayed ho J&paMthe phjulbplne8, Malafflnç Oceanla. From Lahore, India,,1h waa diutbut tbftiugout India, snd thei uur.onding eount.es; to Ret, Peruia; and to Beirut., Syrla,- for tii Levant; 'to (Cairo for the. no r stret" l fArca oBlb fomr the * darkest plaes of thi..Congo; ho Du*adii fr South Africa for the, ±ulu and the Boor. To Uppa- sala, Sw.den;, and Zurich Switserlimd, lor ail-the, cotuntries of Europe. From each of tii... mison cen- hers it wam relayed t6 tii. oiittations everywiiere, anid the, mmionarles will recive 1hlu* the' languageof*h, plof their districts, andinu.em7 Protsaous-b gion statiOn,ý greator sma¶, 1h will be spoken ah pe cialN1ehtWat&servies <n New Year's ev.. And when merrymakerd are thronglng tirougi th,. BOuevard de Italiens Puris, or strearnng alon Lii. Itad, or pressing aloug th. Ighted sildewalks of Broadway, or trudglng hhrouhei Bund in Shianghiai, waltiuq for the. rlnglng in aitii. New yeu a lu hue anid "In chaj%.s, aone of -them ma. de of marblee mmd some of tii.m made 0f mud, Christan people c i tii white race, sud 7tii eleoW Mracensd the. b"mck z., wm lU h erlng thie prayer that went aroun4tiie warld, the prver for guidance to replenish adevamaw ea ti àd ty tii. um rutOf perplex ed people& "