PÂU~ TWO to WIn P, 14. i 4ALLENGE LOCAL MEN ta Idieff b>' the. Damube loy bue lest tiioir flot f«u a Ad #li o6ght forth bar ai Im e.fo Le o m.Cut>' svuddlng ciotii..anti laid iz 1, i 4h. lê,oeUt 104jw clvât raom fort tem la the. Imm.,Andi ptte bUs Etis** uiipb«de sabtdlng tu tfil. L p~ti.rneoi~ 0f~ ~ ighât. Ani, 10. the. angel oftthe l thm las Voslu p thf l Ld *bone araunti *bout1 Ai the augelaMid tetonii.,Ir 4 ~trial hors. Thie goodi Uing of vieut JO>', viloSI tlave beaues t for isu la bore Ibisday lanthe cdl>' a 6, a»4 viii bc trieticou- th. Lord. Andtis hal ltibu-sai enue" mde b juge vmppeti ln svaddlung ciotiie. RF Eu;~n.tia vus iti the p"gel amut Wa.kogauveuirefsn i s, a cf e have aegun ~167-10 W. Washington Wiollo.Mr. Vance iàs4 sen.- ti bas-buen lan aimeat con- H R TI A W"bulsg tabou up. Tii. 'wpIMU'adtati. atauir- Admnits Things Aren't as they theni frofiitthe tiretIwuvas i- ExpWoed Thom ta b. as *M. diei.thepriviiege et RegardsEnummrtors. g'la Uic local court. *IuM u fSr àchange of th ai itwt wa BUT UNÇLE SAMS THE BosS t,1110 peoule of LaboContr'CcrDcuio 2 ~isai e that It te Imposible CcrDcme 2 tA fait triai. Failovlng Bam Edtor Waukegas SUn: lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I chYe ai ulcaf. i our Decembor 19 Issue >'ou go ble an-mtaftlie arikeru vms kinuiof bard ut mo, camigtbat 1 oo.piruoy boe. u, officlais a l 1thenusiorutars ver. 10 recel,. a stfuJ ~ ~ ~ e lniece itrat. etf$6 Per da>'. 1Iever sait! Inluncéfo e. rgt sncb a tiiig. lla t iraIiWS eI s». Dit or be igh ofnot DrecLOr Staftel, butcmmon1 ni- ownhal sadaiphi>' e Supervianr Bloffel of the.Znt Iillinois OitOUIhal ba ben tesitiDistrict. 1 bave iiotliing vhalever teq do vltb sttlng tie compensation us1 MYbervre iiaced under excesu- liaI vas doue b>' the U. S, Congresa.1 ked aer w*000, ien lie>'1stated to a reprebentative ofnme "e« andearresitheprsepaper lin thepraseuce 0ft>ilr. Grati>,j e teiea teau pui PO otmastor that the compensation ntiud iat violence vouiti vouitilho 84 te a 5a ti>or 2c ta 4c a on donseont December 14 if thesnaane, andth le «M~e lime statedt ta bed aîtenptiti to gain poo- undetiohle Present ircumatancos il l ftorhall aflar teliebai ouitinot ho enougii., «M i peciai policemen. j At the. timo I vas lu Waukogan na M) or more-men vere calieti superviserr mev viat the compensa- Melai dopullea. 1 tien roali>' voulti bc. Oui>' tire. MivéÉrds listenedtethie ai- veeks ugo vo recelveti tram Washing-1 -W thc attorneys lt. Monda>' tan a circular letter statiug that thej g andtheu heldt lat ît vouiti compensation lu Waukegin vouid i. de to gela jury of Labo coun- 2%c a »-me. lu som, parts atm>' lie vouldti ne oprejudîce& i tit l lie ca uname. 1 feit dia- _____________ InYed santidisoourageti, anti latifeti WashnucsaR-Monce tiat lw vaLb- WlOesibia10 got eumerators for smci JAIS ~ETE mien>' <OMuip ulln.MY 'lettir 0f AT r.iigation vas wrttu vien i re. ~N D E 1> Celvati a telegranu ralaiug the. cou- ï ïAT pousution to se a-Mnme. Another let- ~ ter sent ta Washngton anti asklugr for h. maximum limit Cugrees ai- ruT loee, viilcb finail> wuvas liovet.i. Thifs 1 4c a »aMe. £~~~~~~~ 9rmwmnuuhuis nM l te opinioncs laI an onu.- 4ýCru, omai-Ï*viiarOOerstorvihaverage apeatiant i eirt- Mige sandnstillspai -ailseuDaisiihouit hoable tae oumirate Ir agut ri te give lie vouuidlDames la 8 heure. Wb" ivouit make et 3brt Sherian a Christ- it j6 atia>' vii long, remembur. Nov, Mr. Etitor, f 1 lad my va>' lobration vii bous iChirist- about, t, tho>' vouit Set tOca anie, vitbRt gfestival i elu iigeus 004 kuovuil lu ual tee t.uh, in i p.A ggantic Chritmin s ee trylng fUes andI sggi coo of I uIgamiti d.corations ant. ivn.f M illcored lghtla, ill This la th. mmentealanti bardent ~b giIer.pouition 1 ever holdinlumy Ille gi 1 of lie hall viiho vii nj'vii ratut i",ulieh cciolauniaisis deay It casiesta &n'endi, whieiipréba bircgi iiplptovsby i>'iiibu la about moauths. lu i of vrestha %JChrlt- t, uoantluo W$ must try tg niale -he Ucceamarer. At theboute.t IfLt.Andthle cüitisnof vilii hoa ma=tb iflit.. Wanuea, as ilu tt, inevery hba. eyi dau vilciiSant& lot of the. Unitedi States, as canWu h. -bustlng viti ihl@0eu: ans tic s uai alover, Mare eadn «se»m ilanti I aatemeus ta bu tubenlau heir ova -'Ootaunlg a lttiO oit>', antiIt la u» WMlieunuAmerican' ano >rones. - upon OlUseusl st as muck ai passintle, distributeti, 011even ut a ilîle sacrice10gli mu'luchi viOcbet reauita. ýct e h ~iduil PtEI Mr u*gsain >our aricle cf Decem-,9 mgfesal enter buari» lsufalr te me, but Çhrtaus stithoîr uerv- lu to, nuf " t e ngr>' at aybody>, re litralrtherefre, alierry ChitmaIDs ho 7jeu - i frResueclfolly, lh bayaad-C3RLE BTOWDL, zftbt!aSupervisor 2»d, 111. witi i Wntr la hers. Monda>' mornins *Mq5o- il uvs autum%. but flue veahher ma su>'. WauiogsaJwup.t- trow ane »awn. ulnte , 'thé@licr preoislsetaÉ li Ï:7 . >' myfi b hugCht vhhber ce liai arrivei gyVcral *M - 40 *IàI* coit i veatt b ut St vas a8#0> 1.0 grIing ta the *baque. X= 1111 - wv* .ài LLBERTY VILLE 0 STORY trit boson. an sd vrupped bla lUt lis a manger; because tiers vas no litere ver. lua1the àméo oucti> î.egdug valci Ovor the& lacSb>' Lard came uponls ielas, asdti l gi tblem :&ant i> e>'. e tafist. Mar net: f«r. beotl. 1 I ingYom shallt bu ato a&U paple. ter ne of David a lavieur, vblsb.luCulis gn auto you: Te shMan ld ha b rig tu a nger. ,As"i itdeul>' Itde of lhé heuven>' boni prapang la the hlgiasl.aptioearth peue. NAfUIE IIR YEE HfarrY Baker andi Eleanor Bak- er,-Manied inAprlî1917, Are Found Ouily WOMAN ?S TWICE WEGEDý Bakr sate o ir ie imprlsonnuèt fer the murder af lie henmit. Dvlgbt ChaPMun, laut Ju-, viiisuendtihti frat 48 heurs istgteu prison lu ali- ta'> confluimmt. Tiie Pr«tY. Young voenan called ,Baby DfoU" anti wbo vent b>' the nambO OrBlessai Baker anti vho Lot One >'oar for ber part lu tie murder t014 a reporter aile met Baker lu1 littie hatel at Waupun, Wls., viiero lie>' Were bath empia'eti, Ihe IL, a clerk, she a. a valtreus. Prom Wisconslite>' vent ta 'Wau- kegan, Ili, viiere tue>' wejqt Ibrougi a Marniage cerempn>' Aprit 9, 1917. 1 il vas lu Waukegan, ÜLi, thr.e yoars betore liat "Baby Doll, marrieti a man nasuetiRobert Rein tram wbau aie nevr Obtainoti a divorce. Baker anti "Bau>'y Doll,,ta gel bel- ter wagea, came iEast anti vonket lu haspitula anti Inslltution, unt,,llt JItne vien lie>' vont la Weatboro viere On June 9 Baker kilieti Chap- mua vli a ainmer Baker for a long tînue donieti bit gulit uit on the tireI day of bis, tria coufess t o murtier l inte aelUd degree antivu givon lite Imprison- "Baby DflU"declarea mie viii get lierdivorce fro. lthe Waukegan, In_, mus anti mair>Baker in prison. Ibe sOl vrk for an oei>'Pardon for hlm. 0oti are Young aticiesu cutliook- lug. Tie couple came ta Weatboro, Mm..a, anti reuteti a roam ot Chapum who tiveu a iermilta litp onthoeted of the tovu.. g Baker climoti the hennit repeateti. Iy luhulletiis vite ant inlua moment Ot rage he kiii.ti hlm. The iiermît!s sale vas nîfleti andtheli Pair lefI tovu, bolug chaset for =May womis lirough ueveral atates buta 'nail >belug caugit ln Portiasti, main. Farmar Marntsd Couple t InQuIr>' ai lbe couint>'cierk',s office1 nWuukegan shows thuart>' mBaker cit. York, Penn., age 24, anti Ilemiior tise of Merrill, Win., ugo 24, vor Masieti ou Slh-f April, »Ill, lu Wau-à tusa ot lu 1917, as theteiag a from WoVrcoster indicatos. Tiec Cre- aesy' *-asPerfrmetib>' Justice Loi Pa=no but a fnrhir investigation of the reor an talho show hbat lara. telS.S halmarrieti Reine ln Wubgan bre.b Mira Provionsl> us the tel. gram sigte&. Tii. IMMu Jualiceof course tioeou't acail theparticulsr ouplo viiom. ha I Marrted la 1918 but'lie seWs ithe i tEut carnle ccaitiermbie lterest eore boom-..of thi.tac t latthi. couple vu matrled an utntome Ume ln Waukegan.-- FIQ«f LY-SUN FOUR PAGES 81.60 IER YIIAJ i - ilere 113 the M ogt Eecent pic- .tureof John Simons, for 'whose jIeath Charles Bo- liêh bas been found guilty of xanslanghter. LVEO AT oeui Man Rece n'y Saved fromSGai NosDd ot )iaiI from lji> A ie Chleaog parer r nbýtâr h bean scntenced 1ta hani at t# a murder CommitteiIo hrustu saveti tram the gailoWa b>'su, xc the. cndemneti Man wboic e te"i 10 ,tI I the gèvornor commuteti tu lm l - The Tribune alse stutoti that I*tit< Strkers at Joliet Name Com- 'formrlylveti la Libertyville, but tl urtffee to Confer WIth the t>ble5la t teese Thre Spelntedens. Springfild or lia urou Couaty t UNION MEN ARE BACK HERE w alr. nbe t o= Engumia" ni son>'-la thUsont That the staukers bave lent their four >O50aril 0R'f who hb.haq fight againat the. Aucrican Steel andti'nDt Ut Dffuê Wlre Co. ivaus Cluhlve>' provet iet. Whiein te eoriWot offleoualt lii In the. afleOrnnvien a message t*W.O 11*4 lust been iJBved frin thl came ta Wsukegun tem Jouiet atat- gal=vald. tbat le COfr01 Ca hta mmitte of trikers bad M b.e yiiè,Lake Cou% >pOaMtrièW lau.-zd ta conter vltb the. thuee te auaescats the. Max, ah UIa bMI jteitendient@ or the. Wlre Miliiiat r.uldet bebut o Ma Lberty. 0oUt "t0 eoe on what tormg thesu. ville couiti reinmmC .hlm. Tht perintendenta vould take theo strikerg traclng down of bho ft, tiiereforq back te o rik.»The. Amorican Steel show,%s that b. actimlfr nover live. & Wlre Co. ban two factoriea ln Joliet ini Lake Couat>'. and the Ilinoai" b.~ as on. TIm. sltuation utJ ouet has been far wora. as regards the. striho than at Wukegan' tiiat i. the>' bave beeau tieti up more complotdi> than ln NWau- jpertotndentz bave defnltely innounc- - ed .4 at the ont>' vu>'the, atrikers aaum htm goback te vorktu he i.factoriesa ti Bkad " bawr.q ieI Jollet, Waukegan or eiaewbere laM t by hlIh n. ttotut that lie>' go bsck nti oghthe regu- Mrlte on c dagain j ui.rtleber lar emviO>'ment office, n e red u a j g onc v. ,teYueiescer i. tlb.theva>'thions that have! 'leth -ltbel ig e h been taken back la Wuuk.gan anti B w inti-driven, unav. Jolie1totedate bave beeu re-employeti. bng eatne aleufd In nu case uniesthe. compan>' no de o rv. lepie0 ue' sires, bave the mon been Put back ut Nt b ihte re f ue' their aid Jobs but ^lna&Il cases lie>' A ad im mnc, radid1 n bave gone back thraugii the.routine un od, Ahme.ns rad n Plan Of being Unployed.tb titugh't at e", Ab! me.famiiti eimploY'mt office juil an thougii Dieau ier Tmca«hti4 tii> -had never worked i lutii.miii be- A i fsineite.bqgitt fore. A e aad u.e tc rpgtt Becau. Joliet vus tieti Up an com-1 Nt ph oost.ihhi u ot i>ietliPt tus mave ln4icateu lthe van- e ubflwt aforwrl Iug uituation as regards the struks, in Wth tmig g> atigtt i1 the. steel milia. 115htimns & adgn i The situation ln Wuukegan Wo chultiren tiiougiit aurel>' reached InguIr>' ut the. Waukegan plant An aid fashioneti dinner viioge friendi show& that the. local illlaluoperatng gathereti round, morle goneral>' tian people have Anti feantedtilut e ucarcoe ouid make realîseti. It alan, reveais the taict tiisî a uound; the. mon are comlng back for vork lu Andti s id H. C. ut L. a spectre large iiumbern. On Monda>' mornlnjr grimt exact>' 25 men vere re.p<luod lun Wiat tiiought gavo vo ta hlm? the miii. Most uft tieze mon ver. And ut nlgbt, viien the Ire. vaS tiios, ciassed as strikers and la galng auigiit, iiuck te the mmli andi accepting nowvWiat la>' ilbrougiit to ail luaugiibt. Positions through the enpojrment ef- Tien girls vere ubare i vtb Man anti ticsee o,>f course surrentioreti their maiti rlghte ais members'aithe local uteel ithiut tbougiilof th. hard von vorkors' unldn bocaus. the compun>' dollars we Palti. lu net taklng back an>' men vho fcan- 1But nov. wlaî's tis - evoïer? tinue te beioug te the. union. Anti thé. NO cOal. no vork, thus Yuletide your; union oi course la not, maintaining as Our mince a paroiIn ithe oid tnme members an>' men via reltirnlate t. pie; miii vile the. strîke lis on. SleeP little Turk, yaur prîce ls too Inquir>' shows that the. Wire Mdil -l igii. nov nuuniig tire, rad mills days, Aii présent, y'en, tva, rive doliars. vhlch hlail thei. nlhus. lv, 0f t"he pieuse; Mile -are *P.rathIugat ntgbt. Tiii# ln>'Mr daint> PalminIl rest. vltb MM»nsthat oion n au et of . al thefsans tvoauhuftla uIdie. A44d- ugar, sugar. storeti SUiarout,, Akoti as te vhut thé e n are @a7- or yaur Christmas ae » ngrain o"a lng viien tii,>'came tuacutuektng - bliéfauud. . lobs, an otficiai at the. mii ualti the>' 80, on tbis Chrujtnmas ove.' deir . bave expiuot latI ltiioy fait tho>'Nlck; matie a miatake b>' going ou a Pieuse f111 aur uocka vlth a gacti uiseti 9.1k.'kick -qý ' It la this seen that 85 par ont of Thm. brlng back the Yuletide of aid, thc roti miii departmentlaluopers*Jng Tiie spirit 0 ortndviii Uurchaed anti inquir>' showthut 50 Der omit 0« vith goiti the othelr departmenta in tii. Waobc. Where people lte la pleu>anti u ian Mli are nov running. ý __- .pesce, 1i1 Up to the. Présent no comltte. af Anti nota, utrlkpu, anti saolgages ail the utrikeru has beei namodte ta 00W- ceuse- m'it fer vitii the.local muperntendmt tA.. It lis untierstooti that viien that hume CamISes .monviii moeai>. bu toid, the «a eas li,> ey g oinjl ta b. $oit ut Joliet that I"tii.>'VIII bave tg go IC V thousix the rogulur ompioymcest 0f. I4I, fice anti ho hired mas novmon.?' Tii. tact that the. utrikeru at Joliet, nOer. lie>' hatithlnga tietiup n.o ei. pltîctl >as aoeuparod ta W&qksgasý ire bleuklugava>' ta thce «tet or aPPOltlng Ka commlttee- onter vith Harery>'Couisngon Sundg a> va.~ he uupertnteud.nts, shows ts tba le lveti b>' eigbors te hé deati. gc situation as rega"ds the. itOO atriketienleis thé. rmer. H. VUg "ties4 to la fast adjustina lisait. 'the.vorItI" viien h. took ubs outa. mar>' Suntaayn»p but tbat-@aus ft ai Itveut '~ OIliPait oi "tt. ngle4 Mores vbat g iii * Adrotleeent "Pt i.-ju..~George Larsen i- aouti bosal nurvoment, Si ~ gthe viinu>' 0f ers »Me; lHe roug v ater lfa ihous..,. carriet I >Yard ti t . in is b" L~8p~u~gln~(P. 8.-George qiu4 to be--sa**der- taker boeo»ad 1ayfll uUr .O>"u uelgbtbncé 1 nol kn#v ho Mcm Word. tO léeil iretiret rous ibat 1u~ vi. Uflenat. or thU Zaou*gm George Larms. . wartok a- attul*tute taérlale mail 77 lug fer CousWiuo. cvq mut bho tirleof et200 nov vt1isWA" à c he. dt, NI-erlcan bu Maltu thePi« Téléphones bognasriugla# -Coul-1 p.uklug voomii r toui>M' « fl. us Meowu .1c4 antilIotpr - *W& ra. ~Ilrr OM#lti.deh~~cr4i5W *keýb»m . * U»i" zpoo*&.WIpqwlf i .1y lu«el 'ru bU e Uo ouinse t VU a - "' lu t 1revolver. Ho took refu4 la tu. e, pa»-osion ]DcièoRie.tom- ment anti exisutet i lssapplu' « WU'* obw i "a to utw4" 1 anuuillou beooe t .i*usdftacap *. ,w vota ua a l. uti lhn. -Thon lie>' strung ii.u» suahot i hlm-on thc pglutfth1 B b>' the tinbe. 1e sa>'s, andoticried Mlé. WelcI ua"ado ungm ceues ai bourbos tram bat thle base- i1aifor Jutie--la tact-lt h I B ment andthle ttIle, M if the prsee tr "Ou' U After the ton hati left, Kous>anti tronter PiOS. lau eluiugl hi vite brokr, f rom lie cioset andti l t ta justice s"d uOtkbfag i cul, dovu lie butter aizmost unem. - li eI. og aaked, u' the pau -selous trou agour. Telepbone wir, OCthle 17-ymer-old _'boy vbc à hait been eut. kilet. ce15t or" la tiqur. Bet >'0of Ame. 7XMOrdiug - - ta1. amrants, tie t>'y after iuAtinla * Ioatietithoîr Chiarles-Boilt anas oin et" truck5s UÉis,, t-xè*lkiui nothi-bath verse enpuyol ait ,-ne Ing but borbo&.- ,- Jouet a terai résle>'ro'w1 The total theftaà are êatimatet i a1 ln Waukegau. Osnle thé e b e l ve mn 0 1 0 0 0 0 a n ti s o2 . 0 .S n d a > , c de r 1 9, l m c a g Th ii. hailprevIOUS viijkey ba- i> the Mousd ions 0te e wb tilts fOrCedetietrance 1 thie -Lake For- vstm o rurt for &it>'.Hos * WoIt st bomleof James KuppelUebner, bout clohling. BIlb van.W Itli Chicige ct4iiltg amuutaurer' lier., and peccou'taln hole a anti -ucpet viti ilquoru vuluet i uW~iisDW hp anti vipetils dtpq soverai tiousanti dollare pta iius ue Io 1 1 - lS lomp lus buidaoff - b» Theic alter 4a lnialilig a pablctate è& béuaties ou - Iciepbiose boothh uie hvîcinit>'of< àlIt.té bavereaqe d. vbuttt&ttvas hab.nàoout a a "Iwi' o .519 meatgf le it. cI'otune o f, North 904a ok at 1.014,iuem C i c a go M o n d a > ' c e l g . . î u t. u v a a s t E beur r utheicounili warc net t« faVér .'Who VIii?" Bolici tlmêste&i of instaUbis Uboth la liat -settgi- 1 vW» tue b. Wl. borbhoo4 t i as tlietfc h la I t I l d - olon d i m b>' mua eauts la a W s e »o oDemm ,te aid tO shorterjoti or tUme. landad.tas- iijav. Tic MM, Aldemo* 4 4 edth* a Imon agroagyanti, ho AliruigOp uuett t~aabout wcsaa ujo a pulclu lhevtibla tukhim*j hait lca ieu 'a~l ~ - lioluti*mta th le floatucasio PoqPtc t +Ut 051114movoe 'te ils h" ialit- bave th" 1 > ~ .td but v.riea sbp of ~ hé, y s' . «fftire. W00 in r S l t T h e - s h s - >. o U ic li m N ice d a t I b aiderman ort le fîrga t m4 ta it- cmoees lait ubgpu SIMte anti rePort bocketuthlic uat h" r«u fon aIlol »d regulr moetnt tiià siaD l w ciord. There ave - be e tau t rues lu t ie ll ' vas r re h tio. viciat>' Of i"oiiteud t Ùect dur- SItuluoha bl bela 0a le lat fewv*nb ua, Vlu tng. a ï ..os n. ae a l us of to lsand i of do lars . D u. h ur ii ele no u r 10 thc scil>' of teoiphoa lli btaI unt uhe ob the district the tires la, boti Instanes duranti ban, vsw-n a»r.athbrousboutthie entire baud.vi.?vc e 41$86 ao tus before tie tire departnuent *bahng i a~e i-. caied. ltte -Qttécié ' Tie men*erru 0f lie coucoulII aied .4as Ï& requit et *9 ugree tiat Il la neassar>'far tirs OOaV, ,rtua Protection ta Instali a belopiSo.ta 0h0,e>'-mas the Frouýteenîh Street district. &Wtl. Atbse COUNTY CLENK MOT WORRIED Conut>' Cterk Ley Mendes ile Palli hot ede ». rorrYtug bar>'about tliechareacn-u nupWoag Su MaIeti la a Chicago paper a day or, se the tr- tvg..aeu hhe affect Ibat lie IllIogi -- elerIt s' ' m arri ago t utute la h.n g - vi c o W . B m s 1 l - ever>'lm a Wisconsnul«Mhle W lau oued âte, ilauseucasmii. )lev sat«e liaI a eeupie pa>' not 'bal kt, limi* du ÉM b e U N. ' ra bar toti trgm - 7 S g m s' 41 seIlm lu lieufaovta - Mob a Qutunu0" 0", SYNe ~l a.IX I-NO. 52. PER Yffl Verdilot Carriet With àt-a Siï-ý et tenof aOn. Year ta t- Lufe in Pilso. PdLY TWO BALLOTS TAKIM It took a Jury la tiooJr ft bm»el>'oua boni ho returs a vm at - - -suhltyttp he me of chi e Ia tuv he 1 ¾iesth et 'Jo" or WeIIntvon tuket. 014raI1 Ld W HIl8 EY BA NIDIM TT SIE lefdaà^ t omeu cu uly . A butter, chauffeur andth le latter'*s be . Verdict vWas a lattOr d s~ vit, put up a futile batle oonday meut ta hlM, -oatrouit WUi~-~ ij igil anti agmin enil>'Tu&My ladapavisStA enlOf ou againsltetn vhlskey banita wdi0 îJ-t. te mlssm ODD t ladte 'fvaded tie 'Lake îmorgtt'-bom ai Cj ' ulltiUai?. for ut lsas«M H-. Ackert, Chicago biokor. lu r.. exbootidt is b acqaltted. la taliallon for lie f uigh 11te builer Cave *Looke miati ct i icifor th,1 banits bago i hm It> a celuar >'Ou tink." h be ekate miter b>' the hhumbe, according ta Juat aSter lie due :iad uu rybis aloi?. The etmpoyen are negraes luuiý Tbe Ackert home la atijuceit tu Attorney r'- V. On-lu, oouma j ee1 hbto J. Ogtienàjue and invib Uioi., la. bis plinta I, b«ëM aut tb. juriatioloetà ofJerwet uut te msk- b. Ia id police. The, Acorta are itarlUg 01ul.ath vsab .i Chicago, leavilug the -suaurma. la-atiollvo##i 's h o m e 'I n li e - s r vm a ta ' - c h a rg e . '1 ,W qe-o w o o MansSimoMn Ceeu lain ru0sas. Pê tR. HolIe a 5treIg chauffeur, lie touesg, ail mekei, cilÉp a.- suare -. 0o lick M oda>' ig t. A te r t as a dr m - tq .bl oft in evraltim trogh Yearno> 0t blalpo tho Uï idu rà Id ,d DECEMBER 25, igig. - POUR PAGES