IWDOI7 S ther ami t4~. b*4m~ A Imm bumt IWkà WOm wbo ttbew lbe m t~qeOe. emI~S~Tb 1 imr vot' thee ,,, -e fime, i- ed kath'er, A arge d»Mbly- .oLur JWge, drawern, top 1800 fmi laiFrge i "plii*làmirrr, a lu souiey Ui6e*d ortffle -and extretnely s*eclI at7 I -fflard 1aofiH d onfrt; krtercd oale, band icarvcd, tcrt bo4temed i-an "ovIeerlO - e Sïw cW la "f le OfO1 Bornk; ex( dteà, meti" , i "àib plai iRlf! eUtmmlqetro U&U .154 upintq> 14.wit roDrs of cç c, COU u mpott,,wo mg#*o,",Otton tp, a 19.00 raiue a.. .. .. struced Ilrge and roomy with a 0 wood bottoeu, bow bc, low pid Thh ekr2.45 A muIve ML*Ion roke bult fdr emifort end irte, ba a lbpanIuh or MoIW(oe ler4her se.t,yoslively wertli *5.041, offwedaia 4 a ilb e et.. 45 'Allé %your or aooauIii. j I ilimar h. hein ~ i Mn. Devilo. t' ilium o oodwork Rg? Japalae in die ag to uue. ItJin a iad stala coinbined s v i*llsùtpriest.d aimed wood eeeçtiL 3.00 ;ik poflMbed fUn coer,, lua1ua C~d~«ER - Large siZe, nicoly, Idiaed a.nd vamïeliod, sale price, WALL PAPER CLEANET- The "Zleetric" Wall paper c1eaqer E 4B YtRC 1OARPET (JLEAN, ER-Produes wonslerful ceu.nlrng imu1tx, c an .... w SPA GÇiRKWith, &tà* Dbp~adls. . y cage ~dsz~speelal tbIe csrsow, wilth aeary Iu; titis low priee lis e~ 'Unosul for aucli l Wear,23 WABfl BOILER -.-eavy - tin w'O.b boliers iIth 'Opper IIttOIJR and rim, #pelal priée....... ....... FLOOR WAX-Makew an CLOT098 SLIMEs -5b_ strong I i~âi-...-<~h*~aflt~ * rýeoa d sMad 1 ofw ire, will toat8.lie ofbSad at o-ce,. GARDEN RAKE - With 12 teeta of malirobie iran, lont hicekory handie, sperial at.........:... 17c GARDEN HO,,4E-5O fret lengtb, %uampwd 5 ply rubbvý- a re- oamaeled siis ihpal quart ie pia at................... z WOOL DUSTERS -MadeQ of lamita wool, for dustan* OOmun ou*.Mat ohr Am e, mr 40" tbe lut Ptp at bMb bt- - thr thk *.1 Uo I »e àtri t fui Ini1